Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 43: man of Steel

We are also using this super weapon for the first time. I didn't know how powerful this thing was before, but this time, its power is obviously surprising. All of us have miscalculated the radius of destruction of superweapons. Although I knew from the beginning that this thing could not be less powerful, there was still a huge gap between actual and speculation.

The halo sings all the way, there is nothing to resist its progress. Based on the point at which the light ball emitted by the super weapon explodes, the halo always spreads horizontally along the surface of the ground. Everything above this height has been flattened! The forest disappeared in an instant, and even the mountain peaks could not block its progress. The ground beneath Isinger seemed to have been leveled and looked like an empty airport.

The huge circle of destruction continued to spread for 1 minute and 30 seconds before it suddenly stopped, leaving a burning wall of flame where it stopped. The destroyed area was almost four times the size of Isinger, which can be clearly seen from Isinger in the air. Centered directly below the super weapon, the circular area with a radius of 33,000 meters was completely flattened, leaving nothing but the charred ground. Players' bodies, forests, beasts, hills, in short, all surface objects above the explosion reference point are gone. That aura is almost 4 meters high, and there are low hills around Isinger, so there is no one left. If the taller mountains should be preserved.

A member of ours didn't sigh until this time: "I heard people say that they are scratching the ground, this time it is a sight! This scraping is called clean!"

会员 The words of this member made everyone react. Rose quickly ordered: "Super weapon storage, close the muzzle gate, lower the height of the city. Send out the patrol pairs to see if there are any live mouths."

The huge super weapon slowly contracted into the city, and the super gate slowly closed the passage.

"Super weapon rollback is over."

"The urban armor layer is closed."

"The waterproof layer is closed."

"Super weapons locked up."

"Weapon power is cut off, and the power interface is separated."

"The forced cooling program is started."

"Coolant injection is complete."

"All functions are normal, super weapon storage is completed, and the underlying power is completely cut."

Although our members are using this big guy for the first time, it is quite normal to operate one board at a time. After the storage of the super weapon is filled with a lot of water into the weapon room, the properties say that the super weapon will heat up after launch and need to be cooled quickly, so we choose to fill it with water, because the cooling water is cheaper than the refrigerant.

Wucheng City has not yet landed, and a large number of ghost soldiers immediately jumped down from the city. These heavy attack beetles spread very quickly, and the surrounding land was immediately covered by black beetles. They searched every place to confirm the destructive power of the super weapon.

There is a science called probability. According to the theory of probability, everything can happen, it is just a matter of probability. This now appears to be a very correct point of view. Essinger's super weapon was very successful in destroying the enemy's legion, but it did not kill everyone. The ghost soldier found the survivor.

开始 At first, everyone thought that this person was protected by special circumstances, but soon more people were discovered. A total of more than 300 players were found fainted in various places, and everyone except them did not have any residue.

Our technicians sum up where these people were found and quickly understand why these people have not been eliminated like everyone else, and we also know an important feature of super weapons. After continuing to collect a large number of field conditions, the responsible researchers roughly determined the workings of the super weapon.

The super weapon fired a dazzling light ball, but because it was very fast, everyone saw a beam of light. This light sphere will explode after a specified distance from the muzzle, and then create a halo that diffuses around the horizontal plane. The halo has a ring cross-section diameter of 4 meters and is very stable. The aura will expand all the way and destroy everything it encounters, but this aura will not hurt anything it cannot touch. The survivors just found were basically lying in pits, anyway, it was lower than the ground, and the halo passed above them without touching them. However, the temperature of this halo is very high, and the natural shock wave generated by the high temperature stuns nearby players, but they are not lucky because they are not lying on the ground but are not hit by the halo in the pit.

Judging by the power of the explosion, this aura should be indestructible, because there is nothing left along the way. Judging by the scope and duration of the damage, the aura's expansion speed exceeds the speed of sound, and it will not slow down when it hits something. The halo seen from Isinger is always very standard. If you change the speed because you encounter different substances, it should not be a ring.

In short, the first weapon experiment was quite successful. Not only was the coverage area large, but the power was beyond imagination. The only shortcoming is probably funding. This **** thing used a magic stone worth 200,000 crystal coins for one launch. It is better not to use it in the future, it is a waste of money! This time it is still half-power transmission, if full power costs more money.

At this time, I was still waiting outside the city of Yaori. Like me, everyone was waiting outside their respective targets. According to the prior plan, Rose waited for those guys to start the siege before notifying us to attack, so that even if the enemy wanted to help, they would have to go back and forth within the fire range of Isinger. . But the launch of the superweapon was a little unexpected. We had never expected that the enemy would be wiped out. It has been estimated that the super weapon is powerful, but we have not expected it to wipe out the enemy.

In fact, this time was completely caused by the enemy's uninformed, the aura of 4 meters high is not insurmountable, as long as there is a suitable magic pet, skipping this height is no problem, if it can fly, there is no problem. Unlike in reality, many players here can jump three or four meters high and should be able to avoid the halo. Even if you ca n’t jump over, you can dig into the concealment, as long as it is not touched, there is no problem. The super weapon must be cooled every time it is fired, and the interval is as long as 8 hours. It is only suitable for use once in a war. It will not be useful when the enemy really attacks the city wall. In our opinion, this super weapon should be a weapon for the city, because the building will not dodge, and as long as the ground floor is cut off 4 meters, it will be finished even if it is tall. If Isinger could move in the future, it would be nice to stop by the enemy's head.

Rose reported on our war channel. This war channel is the public channel of the alliance side in war mode. Those helpers we invited can also be heard. "The enemy is gone."

"What?" Feng Yin Piao Miao called first.

Rose had to repeat it again: "We used divine punishment, this is the first launch, the effect is terrible. Two million players, only three hundred lives."


修 Ashford exclaimed: "Eliminate 2 million people at once? What is this?"

I explained to him on the channel: "Divine punishment is a super weapon rewarded by the system. It cannot be copied or imitated. This is the first test shot."

Rose said: "Anyway, those people are gone now. It will take 12 hours for death to land again during the siege war. You move quickly and destroy those cities within 12 hours."

立刻 I immediately cried, "Yes, yes, work quickly, remember that you are in front of a bunch of crystal coins, if you can get it, it depends on you."

"For the crystal coins, rush!" The gang of ‘merchants’ were really frank, shouting slogans and started to charge.

Withdrawing from the channel, I also started directing operations. The first thing to do is to destroy the city's defense facilities with the light of destruction. This light of destruction seems to have been used only once so far. This is the second use.

A black light descended from the sky and directly shined on the huge city. The Sun City immediately appeared abnormal, and small and large battery turrets appeared at the same time, even some cracks appeared in the city walls.

I pointed forward with eternity: "Fire suppression!"

Boom! It was the enemy who fired the gun first, but our gun was only one second slower. As soon as the two sides came up, they started a heavy artillery confrontation.

Suddenly a whistle-like whistle broke into the air, and I knew it was a shell. No matter how fast I can react, it is absolutely impossible to avoid shells. The phantom opened up the mercury shield to protect me, the night shadow, and the auspicious ride in front of me, but we all know that the mercury shield can't stop this large-caliber cannonball. I did block the kind of solid lead that was fired with old-fashioned artillery in the past in naval battles, but that type of artillery is far from what it is now! And that kind of gun doesn't have such a large caliber.

我们 As we expected, the shell hit our mercury shield, and a bang fell at the foot of Ye Ying, smashing the ground into a small pit. The shells were smoking on the ground, but nothing happened.

The phantom removed the protective shield, and we quickly moved away from that projectile to prevent it from being delayed. But after a long time, the guy still didn't move. A player standing next to me said, "It seems to be dumb!"

I look at the auspiciousness in front of me. It is estimated that his lucky attributes have recurred. I have rarely heard of dumb bombs anyway.

We achieved a considerable victory in the artillery battle, mainly because I made a bold attempt. I brought all the cannons together and let Jixiang stand in the middle, for which I was blackened by 5 magic crystals. We didn't hide it either, we concentrated the cannons on the plain and fired at them. The opponent's gunner immediately saw that such a big target was excited, and the shell greeted us. It is said that our artillery is so concentrated that the other party can kill all of our artillery as long as they hit two or three rounds, but that must be done first.

Since the auspicious standing in the center of the artillery group to eat the magic spar, the wind has started to wind around. The wind was blowing in the northeast and southwest, and exclaimed. The opponent's shells were crooked everywhere by the wind, either far or close, or they could not hit the target anyway. Rarely hit several rounds, all of them are stink bullets, slamming our cannon protective shield, that is, it does not explode, and the commander of the opponent wants to commit suicide.

Our gunners first worried that something would happen, and then they started firing boldly when they found out the situation of the other party. However, I told them that the shooting targets were limited to the city walls and defensive facilities, and the city still had to sell money.

After a period of artillery battle, there were not a few artillery guns left on the other side, but those guns were hidden behind the building. We shot at the wrong angle and we could n’t hit it, but it hit us. There is no way but to be auspicious. In exchange for the price of a cannon and a magic crystal, let Jixiang help adjust the angle. Fortunately, I went up and moved two times and let me give the magic crystal.

The gunner looked at the numbers on the ballistic sight: "Oh my God? The coordinates are out of the city. Can this be hit?"

Xi Jixiang heard the anger and rushed back to the gun position and waved his claws to load the shell. I nodded and the member loaded the shell immediately. Jixiang jumped to the side of the launching handle, jumped up and pulled, and a bombardment flew out. The flight direction of the shell was indeed ridiculous, but when the shell went out, a gust of wind blew the shell back. A cloud of black smoke rose in the city, and the cannon we couldn't hit turned into a pile of scrap iron.

Wu Jixiang waved his fat and claws back to me, and I gave him a magic crystal helplessly.

I saw that the last threat was also killed, and I immediately commanded the troops to attack. "Begin air cut."

Our spear immediately took off, and the dragon followed. Without the city's defense facilities, our air force does not have to worry about the attack of ground weapons, and the air power of the other party can be almost ignored. Only a few dozen flying creatures were shot down by spears as soon as they reached the air, which is not a level at all.

No enemy dragon formation reached the city. Although there are only 20 totem dragons and my 4 magic pet dragons, but the dragons are dragons, the number is not equal to no lethality. My magic pet level is relatively low, but it's better to say that those totems are complete bodies of level 1000, the combat effectiveness is extremely horrible, and their task is to clear the NPC guards.

I only have 500 players, most of them are technical soldiers, and the rest only rely on Yalong cavalry and puppets. It is no problem to deal with players. It is not enough to deal with those guards.

打 The city is hot, and it is not restful outside. The opponent even gave up the street fight and released the patrol from the city. A whole team of NPC cavalry rushed directly towards our team.


"You 10, get rid of them." The fighting power of the puppets found in the Mother Earth Temple in Switzerland is very strong. I want to know how well our imitated puppets perform, but I only sent 10 out to ensure safety.

10 monster puppets turn around and face the enemy. All the puppets wore heavy armor formed by stamping a whole block of black steel at one time, carrying a heavy shield with a strange shape of up to 10 centimeters thick on the back, and a shield with a length of more than two meters and a weight of 230 kilograms. Houndstooth Greatsword. The total combat weight of each puppet is two and a half tons, almost reaching the weight of the minivan. They are made so heavy that they are strong enough, the puppet power is large and slow, and what they pay attention to is absolute attack and absolute defense. If you can't touch it, the enemy will be over.

The puppet went out of the queue to meet the knight over there. The NPC patrol knights in Sun City are 850 class Holy Knights. They belong to a kind of slower knights, but their attack and defense are very powerful heavy knights. Both sides are heavy troops, depending on who is stronger.

The 200 Holy Knights began to accelerate at a distance of 800 meters from the puppets. Their armor was too heavy, and the unicorns under them could not sprint at full speed for too long. In order to save power, they must start the charge within 800, otherwise they have not reached the enemy. In front of him, the mount was tired.

The puppets did not speed up, but still slowly approached the enemy. The opposing knights quickly approached a distance of 400 meters. They formed a 10-row and 20-row square matrix to further accelerate. As the distance was further approached, the three-meter-long knight gun was also erected by them. The tip of the gun is in front, ready to penetrate the enemy's body.

We are very nervous looking at the back, we do not know the fighting power of the puppet, after all, this is the first experiment.

The puppets didn't know what fear was, they walked straight ahead without even taking a shield.

"Why don't they use weapons?" The members around me couldn't help it.

I shook my head: "I don't know. These things are originally experimental products, and they are still not completely imitation products. I don't know exactly how they work!"

Looking at the distance close to 50 meters, the puppets suddenly pulled out the great swords behind them and took off the shields, and then began to charge forward uniformly. When the puppet charged, instead of facing forward, they turned their body slightly to the right, pushing their left shoulders to the front, and this position was exactly where they set up their shields. The puppet's right hand held a huge sword behind him, and his body slightly bent forward.

The knights on the opposite side also entered the final stage. Their speed has reached the fastest, and the heavy forces on both sides crossed the distance of 50 meters in an instant.

Dangdang, this is the first sound. The front row of knight guns hit the puppet's shield exactly, followed by a neat squeak. The rifles in the first row were bent by huge forces at the same time, and the metal body was broken into two pieces. Then there was a dull row of "Dang ... Bang". The puppet and the unicorn in heavy armor slammed together.

A unicorn weighs about 350 kilograms, a knight is about 75 kilograms, a full set of heavy-duty knight equipment is 200 kilograms, and a mount equipment is 150 kilograms. That is to say, a knight of the Holy Knight weighs 775 kilograms, and a demon is two One and a half tons, or 2,500 kg. According to this ratio, the speed of the knight must be at least three times that of the puppet to hope to knock it over. Unfortunately, the speed of the knight is not even twice that of the puppet.

After the bang, the unicorn's hissing and the sound of metal deformation. The first row of unicorns was bumped back by the puppets, and the puppets just stood still. But the knights on the unicorn were unlucky, and they all flew out of the sky and fell on their feet. On the surface, the puppet has won, but war is not a sports competition, and the one-to-one principle of fairness does not apply to the battlefield. Although the knights could not hit the puppets, they were crowded. Although the first row of knights were knocked over, they stopped the puppet's pace.

骑士 The second row of knights came through the gap in the first row and slammed into the puppet. In the same way, their knight guns were also broken, and they all fell into a big heel, but the puppet was knocked down. The third row, the fourth row, and the subsequent 20th row team so ruthlessly rushed up and stepped on the puppets, of course, including the two rows of companions they fell down.

We were all terribly nervous when standing outside watching, especially me. A puppet who has spent so much money is not garbage?

After the remaining 18 rows rushed past, only the four remaining Holy Knights in the first two rows were alive. The rest were trampled by their companions, and the unicorns No one is alive, all of them are trampled.

Just as the knights rushed over and started to turn around, the ground moved a bit. The black armor suddenly sat up, and then they began to look for their shields and weapons. After getting the weapons and shields, the puppet sat up again. The ten puppets were not damaged at all except for the horseshoe marks and the blood on the soil.

他们 After they got up again, the knights looked at each other, and then directed the mount to trot near the puppet. It seems that they also understand that the charge alone cannot defeat the puppet. This time they switched to melee.

I'm very happy to look at one side. If I don't look at it, the defense of the puppet is at least qualified. The heavy cavalry's assault combat power should be quite horrible. If this is all right, it means that the defense is over. In fact, today's main task is to test the puppets instead of capturing the city. No matter how high the defense strength of the empty city is, no one will guard it and let me in and out at will?

Seeing the appearance can not determine the actual situation of the puppet, I opened the guild function interface, you can see the details of the puppet in the defense facilities column. After a brief check, the attack just caused damage to the puppet's body, but the problem was not serious. The above shows that the durability of the internal structure is reduced by 1 point, only the breastplate of the external armor is slightly damaged, and the shield is also reduced by 10 points. Each part of the puppet has a durability of up to 100,000, and 10 points of damage can be ignored.

The knights rushed back, and this time they replaced their epee, probably because they realized that the spear was too easy to break. The puppets also changed their tactics this time. They carried their shields back, leaving only giant swords. The knights who had changed their equipment also rushed to the front. The knights used some strategies this time. They divided and surrounded these puppets and scattered them around. I shook my head and looked sideways. The puppet's defense was good, but unfortunately, his intelligence level was close to that of the mentally retarded. Such an obvious trap was a hit!


A puppet was surrounded by 18 knights, and they circled around the puppet. The puppet rushed left and burst inside, but the knights always didn't bump into him. Every time he chased anyone, the knight behind him took the opportunity to attack. Those weapons can't cut such a thick defense, and can only hit some Mars on the puppet each time, but the durability will continue to decline and it will be destroyed sooner or later.

The knights were playing with the puppet, but the puppet suddenly turned around. The knight behind him who wanted to attack did not respond for a moment, and the puppet grabbed the armor of the mount. Unicorns are also divine beasts, and their IQ is very high. Seeing this situation, they immediately reversed their bodies and turned their backs on the puppets. The hind legs tried to bounce up and poke the puppets on their heels. But the puppet threw away his great sword decisively, reached out and held the unicorn's **** quickly, and the unicorn did not jump up.

The puppet pulled the unicorn's armor fixing band in his left hand, and pulled the unicorn backwards. The knight slashed the puppet with his sword, but the puppet ignored him completely. After pulling the unicorn to his side with his left hand, the puppet suddenly turned around and squatted, his right hand reached under the unicorn's belly, and then wrapped the unicorn's belly. His body straightened violently, and his right shoulder went out of his way to elevate the Holy Knight with his horse. That's 775 kg! It's almost a ton!

With the power of the drag, the right puppet continued to push upwards, and then the waist cooperated with the right hand to quickly force the left, turning the mount and the knight over the ground together. The knight rushed down and hit the ground, his neck snapped. Then the weight of the unicorn hit him all over and even his waist broke. The unicorn fell on the ground and smoked twice, and the knight below didn't react at all.

Whether it was the defense personnel in the city or the players in our guild outside, or watching the lively play from a distance, everyone was dumbfounded. No one expected to defeat the Cavaliers in this way, because no one could lift such a heavy thing. Not to mention how heavy a heavy knight is, even his mount is not lifted by anyone.

Don't say us, even the NPCs in the field are dumbfounded. While they were stunned, the puppet rushed to the nearest knight, who wanted to run but was slower. The puppet pushed the unicorn, and the knight fell and rolled a few heels before stopping. A pinched dead unicorn doll stood up and rushed towards the knight. Normal human refit knights have no way to wear this armor and remain free to move. Their speed is provided by the mounts. Once the horses are dropped, they cannot stand on their own power at all. This holy emblem knight is of the angel family and has greater strength than humans, but even angels cannot wear this armor and can guarantee freedom of movement. Their maximum limit is that they can move normally. The puppet rushed forward and jumped up, smashing a punch. The knight just sat up, and the puppet hit him in the mask. The knight was punched back to the ground, the helmet had turned into a discus, and some red and white liquid flowed out of the gap in the helmet.

A knight behind him suddenly shouted, "Take his sword away."

Another knight urged the mount to rush over, leaning down on the mount, he wanted to use a superb equestrian technique to get the sword directly on the mount. But they forgot an important issue. The giant sword of the puppet is not for human use at all, and the sword of more than 200 kilograms is not used by creatures. The knight's riding was really good. He reached the hilt, but the sword only moved a bit. The mount rushed past the sword, but the knight was pulled down. This huge sword is too heavy, instead of pulling the sword, the knight pulled himself down.

Seeing the opportunity, the puppet ran back immediately, and the knight hurriedly wanted to climb up the mount. The puppet leaped forward, and the unicorn had begun to flee. As a result, he grabbed one of the hind legs of the unicorn. With a hard hand, the unicorn fell to the ground with a wailing cry, and the knight was thrown all over the ground to find his teeth. The puppet quickly got up and rushed towards the knight. The knight hurriedly stabbed the sword. The puppet grasped the blade and twisted the knight's sword into a twisted rope with a pinch. The knight crawled backwards in a panic, and the puppet quickly followed. The latter knight commanded the unicorn to rush up, and the unicorn man stood on his back and slammed on the back of the puppet. The unprepared puppet was stepped on, but he immediately turned around and grabbed the unicorn's ankle and twisted, and immediately laid down a knight.

The rescued knight suddenly rushed back to pull a helmet holding the puppet and pulled it hard. The helmet was dragged smoothly to reveal his head inside. Another knight jumped from the mount by himself and inserted the sword with the force of falling. Golem's head.

A harsh metal friction sounded, the sword tip was inserted from a little bit below the puppet's eyes, and the long sword entered the second half of the first half and began to twist, but the first third had pierced the puppet's head wore.

All the knights quickly got up and flew away. The puppet lay silently on the ground. The knights waited for more than ten seconds to dare to approach, but suddenly the red flames lit up in the eyes of the puppet's already extinguished. He sat up slowly and looked around. Everyone clearly saw that the thing that penetrated his entire head was exposed in front and back. If ordinary creatures were made like this by a sword, even a skeleton warrior would It's time to fall. But the puppet doesn't care. The head of the puppet is just an observation system. What really matters is the skull's head in the core. As long as the head is not bad, there is no problem if the outer head is cut off.

The puppet stretched out a hand and touched his face. Obviously, he found the handle of the sword, and then he grabbed the blade with both hands and pulled it outward. There was a harsh sound of friction, and the sword came out. Also accompanied by blue sparks. Releasing the hand and grabbing the root again, the blade pulled out of the puppet's head immediately. You can see the situation inside the head of the puppet, and the vague machine is sparking. It seems that there is still some damage.

The puppet lost the knight sword that had been completely deformed, looked around, and then his gaze rested on the surviving knight. The knight looked around and found out why the puppet always stared at him, and the puppet's helmet was still in his hand. The puppet grabbed his own great sword on the ground. The knights around knew that there was trouble again, and quickly moved. It doesn't know that the puppet didn't cut people at all, but threw the great sword as a flying axe.


Maybe it was because the puppet wasn't good at using the flying weapon, the handle sword spun up in the air, and the handle was in the middle of the knight holding his helmet. Under normal circumstances, it should be fine for a heavy knight to be smashed by the hilt, but if the sword weighs 230 kilograms, it is another matter! The knight seemed to be hit by a car, and the whole man flew out, taking off his helmet.

The puppet ran over, took his helmet and put it on again, then took up his weapon and rushed towards the knight who was still lying on the ground. Seeing the huge sword fall, the knight hurriedly pulled out the spare knight short sword hung on the side of his thigh, holding his hands in front of him and trying to block it. However, the giant sword is too heavy, and this sword is almost the same as an axe. Even if it does not have a sharp edge, it can still kill people with its weight.

With a bang, the short sword broke like a toothpick, and the giant sword cut the half of the knight's body in half. The knight behind suddenly rushed up in madness and held the knight's gun to insert into the puppet, but the tip of the gun hit only a mars on the puppet's back, which could not be inserted at all. To make a knife cut into an object, it is impossible to rely on the sharpness of the knife, and the person using the knife must have enough power. The puppet itself is made of dark steel, and its hardness is very high. The tip of the knight gun is embedded with diamonds. The hardness is enough, but the knight does not have enough strength to insert it into the body of the puppet.

The puppet felt the power behind it, suddenly turned his right hand and waved, and the knight squeaked into an S shape. The knight hurled his gun away, pulled his two-handed epee from behind and waved towards the puppet. But the puppet's great sword also split down.

The advantage of the giant sword is obvious. It is much longer than ordinary swords. The knight arrived before the sword of the puppet came close. The knight suddenly turned sideways to avoid the attack of the great sword, but did not expect that the puppet smashed it with a shield. The knight raised his sword in his hands and crossed in front of him to try to block it, but this dark steel shield was 10 cm thick and weighed 500 kg. Its impact was no less than that of a heavily armed warhorse. The sword in the knight's hand broke immediately, as did his two arms. When the shield hit his body and smashed, he spurted blood on his back and fell down. The shield was still pressed on him, but the knight had no strength to lift it.

The puppet went to the knight and suddenly stood on his shield. The knight under the shield immediately exhaled blood and breathed out. The demon has no feelings and high-level thinking. After receiving a direct order, his only thought is how to complete the task quickly. Another constraint is to save energy as much as possible under the premise of ensuring the completion of the task. Seeing the knight fell to the ground and losing his combat power, the puppet wastes his power by wielding his sword. It is better to step on the dead to save energy. So this question is not about cruelty. The puppet doesn't have that much thinking.

The other knights have given up on the siege of the puppet and turned around to start running towards the city, while the other puppets also quickly gathered together. The order they received was to kill the knights. When they saw the enemy running, they immediately chased after them. I quickly shouted, "Stop, cancel the order just now."

The puppets quickly stopped and automatically returned to me. The discharged 10 puppets all had some injuries, but they were all skin injuries, which did not cause normal functions at all. It seems that our design idea is still wrong, and absolute defense is indeed quite useful. These puppets are humanoid tanks. Invincible defense coupled with powerful destructive power absolutely meets the standards of tanks.

The NPCs in the city played hide-and-seek with our dragons. The dragons received my notification that they could not harm the buildings, but those NPCs kept running back and forth within the buildings. The dragon's attack area was too large. Once attacked, It must be a finished building and there is no way to shoot.

打开 I opened the space door and gave a command to Skort: "Attack this city, pay attention to protect the building, and don't captive."

明白 "Understand!" Skott turned and summoned his troops to quickly exit the space gate and approach the city.

指挥 I command the demon: "Go too, destroy all the enemies in the city, and try not to harm the building when you complete the task."

"Yes, the master." The puppet turned around and rushed towards the city quickly. Although these guys are not light, they are equally powerful, so the running speed is not slow.

Scarlett rushed under the city with the Yalong cavalry, but the gate had not yet been opened. Originally, Scarlett wanted to go up and chop. As a result, the puppets rushed over, and there was a rumbling noise, and the puppets entered the city. There is only one piece of wood left. Skott shook his head funnyly, waving his armies to follow.

The Wu Yalong cavalry has followed me many times to wash the city. This time, it is also a light road. As soon as it enters the city gate, it disperses immediately. The little hunting dragon completely didn't look at the road, went to the roof of the roof, drilled the hole of the ground, and those defensive players did not know how to defend.

When I rushed into the city, the city was completely out of order, and the other party did not organize effective defense at all (people want to organize, they need talented people). It was all a guerrilla warfare. At first glance, they were waiting for the resurrection time. Limit the past and those people come back to help.

Since I found out, it is impossible for them to do what they want, and let the pets spread out to kill the enemy. I ran to the conference hall in the city center with the three puppets. No matter how you engage in guerrilla warfare, the city center will not move. As long as you get the key to the city, the battle is basically over.

Because the spy information was very detailed, I directly found the Guild Headquarters of the Bright Alliance. The boy of the shadow dancer will enjoy it, the house is full of style. Suddenly a group of NPC guards rushed over and I immediately ganged with them. At this time, three more people ran from the inside, and it was obvious at a glance that the player in the middle was an NPC guard on both sides.

The player holds a huge golden key and at a glance knows that it is the key to the city. Two guards escorted the player and quickly left the gate and ran towards the other end of the street. I wanted to chase them but were blocked by these guards. They had already planned and wanted to run with the key to delay time. The key to the city cannot leave the city, but it does not have to be fixed somewhere in the city, these guys just use this to hide and seek with me.

"You two dragged the guard, you and I chase." One sword forced back a guard, quickly assigned two demon dolls to block those guards, and I took the other demon to chase the three nasty guys.

Yalong cavalry is chasing and killing players everywhere in the city. The three of them are not good enough to go. They can only hide from Tibet. I and the puppet don't need to evade, they ran all the way and soon caught up with them. The player immediately ran away with the guard after seeing us, and we naturally only chased after it.

"Don't let them run away." My team's puppet shouted, and he was already on the roof.

I stepped on the roof and quickly jumped over the three guys. The three of them are now in an alley. I can definitely stop them if I fall. But I hadn't arrived yet, and the wall next to it suddenly burst, and just followed my puppet out of the wall. This guy couldn't get on the roof too much. I asked him to hurry up and he had to cut through the wall and walk out.

三个 The three people were blocked by the puppet as soon as they turned, and they ran, but I fell in front of them in a timely manner. The two guards immediately separated one side to protect the player in the middle, and the player tightly reported the key.

魔 The puppet and I suddenly moved at the same time, and the other party was ready to resist immediately. I collided with the guards, and both sides were evenly matched and no one took advantage. These two are the NPCs that protect the city. They are 900-level guards. It is very good that I can compete with him even more than 700 levels.

的 The situation over there was a little unexpected. The guard and the puppet collided together, and the results were conceivable. None of the heavy cavalry hit the puppet. How could a guard be his opponent? With a bang, the guard flew out and crashed through the wall, and the puppet quickly drilled into the hole ~ ~ but he suddenly flew out again, still smoking. The guard actually had a bomb, but the puppet didn't seem to be injured.

The puppet, trapped in the opposite wall, shook it a few times, and even the wall collapsed before crawling out. At this time, the guard also came out of the hole in the wall.

"Are you all right?" The guard who fought with me had time to turn back and ask his companions.

I took the opportunity to raise an elbow and hit his chest, the long arm blade penetrated the guy's chest. "Where do you look during the fight?" I kicked him out, staring at his unwilling eyes. The 900-level guard experience value is so high, I even upgraded.

The guy who climbed out of the steel saw his companion fall to the ground and immediately yelled angrily, but he rushed down halfway and suddenly fell down. The puppet stood behind him with a **** sword in his hand. . The puppet has no high-level thinking, and face and honor are meaningless to him, so sneak attacks behind it are normal.

I look at the player in the middle, and he looks at me. I pushed up the mask and smiled as calmly as possible. "Can you give me the thing you are holding now?"

家伙 That guy looks like a child and shakes his head when he hears me. I and the puppet approached the center a little bit from both sides, and he was already retreat.


I would like to inform you that my QQ was stolen during the storm. I do n’t know exactly when it was lost, because I have n’t been on QQ for three or four months. Here I would like to remind everyone who has my QQ number, don't be fooled by someone who steals the number.

Recommend a friend's book: "Virtual Warrior" ISBN 1116784, the content is not bad, if you are interested, you can take a look.

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