Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 45: Ant eating elephant

The so-called secret weapon of Renjiu turned out to be a puppet and a giant puppet. Wutai, a giant demon with a height of six or seven floors, is trampled by our team members, and our people are completely helpless. There are three demon dolls lying on the ground beside the city tree in the back. It exploded, leaving only the fragments of the shell torn. The five still-moving giant puppets wielded a warhammer the size of a bus, and each time it fell, it was a big pit more than one meter deep. East and west crooked.

Behind the puppet, a large number of elf guards are attacking our players frantically. The Elven City does not have a wall. As a compensation, the Elven City can have three times more guards than a standard ordinary city. As a result, the other party has formed a balance of strength with us, and no one can take advantage. And the tree of life in the elven city itself is a huge arrow tower. Our people are fighting against each other's elven warriors below. There are a group of archers on the head who put cold arrows, and we are very passive.

When I saw us arriving, Lin Yue rushed over. "You guys are here at last. Help me, my sister can't stand it!"

I saw that Ziyue was fighting a demon doll. She used her flexible body to jump under the doll's feet, and she looked very dangerous. Ziyue's pet, Tianhuo, was fighting against the puppet, but Tianhuo didn't dare to touch the puppet's hammer, and could only keep it under fire with long-range firepower. However, the two Titan giants are very useful. The two of them combined to hold the other one, but these are only two. The other three are still killing our players.

忽 Suddenly I saw a pile of things smoking outside the city. "Ah! My magic light cannon! Who did this?" In order to ensure the firepower, I specially equipped Ziyue with a heavy magic light cannon, but now I only see a pile of smoking iron.

Zhe Linyue said anxiously: "Don't worry about the cannon, it's important to save people. This gun has brought down three demon puppets, otherwise it's eight!"

I nodded and opened the space door and shouted, "Hurry up and help."

A large number of troops joined to instantly reverse the battle. The Elven Gate was suppressed by our troops, and the front line kept moving closer to the city tree. However, the five giant puppets were very troublesome, and our weapons had no effect on them. In fact, the materials of these guys are not as strong as our puppets, but the armor of these guys is more than one meter thick, and my blade is fully inserted, and it just penetrates the armor, and it does not hurt the internal structure at all. Although these big guys have been beaten with holes, they can still fight, and we haven't hurt the inside.

I commanded 51 demon puppets to attack the city, using the highly mobile Yalong cavalry to contain the three raging demon puppets, and sent the totem dragon to contain the puppets that the Titan giant dealt with. Ziyue's battle against the biggest demon.

家伙 This guy is the largest of all 8 dolls, the three fallen are medium, and the remaining 4 are the smallest. But even those 4 units are 6 stories high, our biggest one is almost 8 stories high.

Chili appeared above me. During this time, she upgraded quickly. As a sea queen, her mental strength was terrible. Seeing her eyes flash red, the puppet's movement slowed down immediately.

I shouted to the other magic pets: "Pepper limited his motivation, you go up and remove him!"

The puppet tank rushed up first, and the huge sickle-like forelegs hit the puppet's breastplate at once, and there was a harsh sound of metal twisting, and the huge sickle was inserted into a depth of four or five meters. The puppet twisted his hands and rattled, the tank's sickle was broken spontaneously, and green liquid sprayed from the wound and splashed on the puppet. Only a whispering sound was heard, and a white smoke rose from the chest of the puppet and began to melt rapidly. The tank's blood is strong acid, and if it gets stuck, it will be unlucky.

The puppet used his left-handed pliers to pull off the amputated limb that was stuck on his chest. Just before throwing the sharp amputated limb as a dart, Lingling suddenly jumped off the side. "Holy Sword-King Kong Slash!"

A white light passed through the robotic arm in an instant, and a loud boom made the locomotive's huge mechanical pliers fell to the ground. The entire ground shook violently, and the bare wrists flashed with light. It seems that the holy sword is more fierce, so it is cut off!

Wu Lingling always has such a big move, which consumes a lot of money, and she can't move after landing. The puppet's sledgehammer suddenly fell, and Jingjing rushed to Lingling's side and raised her shield. "Absolute barrier!"

With a loud bang, the big hammer suddenly landed, and Lingling and Jingjing were gone. When the hammer was lifted, a large round pit appeared on the ground, and the two angels were safe in it. The absolute barrier will not break, but two people were smashed into the soil. As soon as the hammer left Jingjing, he flew out holding Lingling.

The puppet turned and waved his hammer to try to catch up, but he just buried a step and suddenly his body fell into a big pit. The rose vine and the trailblazer drilled out from the side and watched the big guy fall into a big pit ten meters deep in. There was a blast of dust, and the puppet fell for a long time without getting up.

He was still cheering around, but the puppet suddenly gave a boom and raised his arm to get up. "Popular flames!" Two phoenixes rushed to the puppet at the same time and swiveled left and right along the puppet. Everyone saw only two flames popping around the puppet, and the flame quickly surrounded the puppet. Although high temperature won't help much, at least it can slowly melt the metal and make it slower.

But unexpectedly, after the demon stood up, he even extinguished the flame automatically. This guy must be equipped with flint, otherwise it would not be possible to extinguish the phoenix fire.

"Go on the rope!" It seems that hard work will not work, I intend to deal with monsters by catching monsters.

Flying birds flew over and fired several sound pressure bombs to attract the puppet's attention. A group of Yalong cavalry took the rope and leaned forward. The next few cavalrymen held the two ends of the rope in pairs, and began to circle around the puppet, and soon got their feet entangled. After the puppet found it, he was very angry and wanted to break free, but the super-elastic rope produced by the crystal beetle was so easy to break, not to mention that we bundled dozens of them up and became tougher.

更多 As the puppet tried to struggle, more ropes were thrown up and the more and more tangled on the puppet, the puppet struggled, but it became more and more difficult to act. With a violent force from the mad monster, dozens of cavalrymen were pulled from the back of the mount, but Plague and Xiaosan immediately went up and dragged them down. More ropes were thrown up, and my magic pet joined the tug of war.

The power of the puppet demon is indeed extremely powerful, but the strength of thousands of cavalry and a few of my dragons, this strength is not everyone's grasp. I gave an order and everyone worked hard in one direction. The rose vine and the trailblazer dug a little hole at the feet of the puppet. The puppet's feet were crooked. Our people pulled again and only heard the bang. All of our doors shook. In a jump, the giant demon finally fell to the ground.

Lin Yue's eyes next to the cricket were all straight: "They all said that the ants bite more like elephants, this is considered to be an experience!" The giant puppet was just dragged down by us, many of them.

"It's not over yet, the guy is still moving." Ziyue reminded.


"He won't be able to move right away." I rushed up after I said it.

The Yalong cavalry used its spare spear as a stake to fix the rope to the ground. My dragons simply stood up and pressed the puppet to keep him from moving. The little dragon girl affixed a supergravity charm to the puppet. The puppet immediately became much more honest. Although he was still struggling, we suppressed this guy three or two times. The puppets around wanted to help, but they were entangled and couldn't approach.

I jumped on the body of the puppet, and there was only a little bit left where the blood was splashed by the tank. I cut it with a sword and jumped into the body of the puppet. There are many gears and transmissions here. The shaft was roaring constantly, and a person with a bad smell of motor oil was dizzy. A part of the puppet's body was protected by a steel plate, and it was an important place at first glance.

Passing quickly between the gears, it really takes some work to prevent yourself from being twisted into the gears. I managed to climb to the object and cut a gap with eternity. Immediately, the red light shone out. When I looked inside, my eyes were straight.

After choking and drooling, he calmed down and quickly dug the thing completely. What a big red veined magic spar! There is a refrigerator about the size of a double door. The excitement cuts off the connection between the magic crystal and the outside, and the red light in the eyes of the puppet extinguishes quickly, and the struggle stops. Hehe, there is no backup energy, and our devil is not like that.

But a part of the puppet just stopped moving, and several small lights flashed alternately. I don't know what this thing is, but I can guess it. We are afraid of technology leaks, and others must be afraid, so it is understandable to install a self-destruct device on the puppet, and this thing starts after the puppet stops running, then its only function must be-self-explosion!

接通 Quickly connect to the private chat of Crystal Chocolate, and start the video mode, aiming the camera at that machine. "No matter what you are doing, show me immediately how this thing stops, hurry up, don't ask why, just tell me how to turn it off."

怎么 说 Crystal Chocolate is also a blasting expert in our guild. At a glance, we know that this is a delayed initiation device. "Did you see that red line? Look backwards along it and move fast."

I quickly searched along the red line, and quickly found a square iron box, about the size of a mainframe of a home computer. Crystal Chocolate called quickly: "Stop, this is the thing. Open it carefully, don't use violence."

"This thing is not soldered. How can it be opened without violence?"

"Then open it as gently as possible."

I pulled out Eternity into a knife and cut the shell easily. "Well, what's next?"

"I illuminate the inside with a light source, I can't see it."

I quickly took out a night pearl and set it aside. "Did you see it now?"

注意 "Watch out for that gray line."

"Which? There are three here."

"Just the one on your left."

"this one?"

"Yes. Cut it off."

一 As soon as I pull with my hand, the line breaks.

Crystal Chocolate quickly said: "See the crystal ball like a glass marble next to it?"


"That is the detonation crystal, you gently lift it, there may be a gray line underneath." I carefully lifted the crystal ball, and a line was indeed stuck under that thing. Crystal Chocolate immediately excited: "These guys, they want to overcast us."

"what happened?"

"The gray line just now is the initiating energy output line. The one I asked you to pull off is the camouflage line. Most people will think that the bomb has been removed. In fact, the following is true."

"Is that pulling the gray line will not explode?"

Crystal Chocolate quickly shouted: "Don't move, there is something under that."

"How do you move?"

"Isn't there a green line pressed on the gray line?"


"Cut off the green first and then drag the gray line. Pay attention to cutting with a knife. The route has a sense of tension. If it is broken, it will explode. You must use a knife."

"No problem." I turned into a scalpel with eternity, carefully reached in and gently picked, the green line was immediately cut off. After cutting the green line, pull it hard, and the gray line breaks. Those flashing lights went out in no time. "It seems to be closed."

那就 "So it's all right for me, I'm closed?" Crystal Chocolate anxiously urged me.

"What are you anxious for?"

"I have a cannonball dropped in the conference hall. I haven't exploded it yet. I'm dismantling the bomb. Didn't it kill the city that bombed its dumb bomb?"

"Then you're busy. Isn't it going to explode on my side?"

只要 "As long as you don't use fire."

"I'm not stupid, are you okay to play with zha medicine? Okay, please do it for you!"

Since the demolition is over, the red spar is now mine. Enter three or two times to cut the armor on the magic crystal. Fortunately, the armor was lifted off, and then several Yalong cavalry helped to pry the magic crystal. The plague and luck together lifted the crystal.

The players outside looked at the magic spar for a moment, but everyone's reactions were different. Our player's first reaction was: "Wow! What a big piece!"

The first reaction of Tadpole Nine's Green Grass League was: "No, they got the magic crystal!"

The members of the Green Grass League immediately wanted to rush over, but the 10 bell knights formed a wall of people. Ziyue looked at the magic crystal that was lifted up and said, "Why is there such a large red-grained magic crystal? Isn't it that the red-grained magic crystal never gathers in a large area?"

"How do I know, I didn't dig it up anyway. Anyway, this time it is a fortune, such a large piece is worth at least 10 million crystal coins."

Zhe Linyue stood next to me and looked at the magic crystal stone and said, "Do you guess that the other 4 units are also so large?"

立刻 We immediately took a look at the other four puppets. "Yalong cavalry pay attention, prepare a lasso, and put me down."

We used the old method again and everyone swarmed. Good tigers can't stand a group of wolves, and no matter how powerful the puppets are, they can't stand our tactics. After thousands of ropes were too much on the puppet, everyone worked hard together, and the puppet fell to the ground. The other three wanted to help, but our large pets kept them out and couldn't approach.

He tied this guy into a mule three or two times, and then pried open his chest armor, and it turned out that he had an identical iron box. After I cut the box, I really found the magic spar. This one is slightly smaller than the previous one, but there is not much difference. This time I learned to be smart. I first found the detonator along the line, and quickly found the box. After disassembly, I found that the structure was exactly the same, and the bomb was easily removed according to the old method. When there is no danger, cut off the connection between the magic spar and the puppet. This time, the bombs did not even start, and the lines were cut by me, and they will not start at all.

After the big guy was raised again, everyone was boiling. I took pictures of these two things and sent them to the guild channel. Woma came to the news soon.

"President, is your photo real?"


"of course!"

"Great, this Noah's motivation is completely resolved!"

"I think Essinger's power source should also be replaced with this magic crystal."

Woma immediately said, "Don't you say there are a few more?"

I opened the video and showed her some puppets: "It's still inside, we're busy, and we'll dig it out in a while."

"That's great, I won't bother you, and strive to dig a few more."

There is nothing terrible about the remaining puppets. Everyone is more and more proficient in technology. One or two puppets will be laid down. I will be responsible for dismantling things. After opening the breastplate, removing the bomb and taking out the magic crystal, a puppet was completely quiet.

All the remaining three puppets in 30 minutes were all killed. We put the red rubble spar we removed into the space door, and we were completely relieved that no one could rush into my space door to destroy it.

After the puppet puppet is finished, the defense system of the elven city completely collapses. Although the Yalong cavalry will not go up the tree, they will cut the tree. Elven cities don't have walls, so many players don't like them. Even if they are occupied, they won't sell for a good price. It is easier to push them one or two or three times.

The tank's sickle had grown, and he wielded a scythe against the trunk of the tree of life, and the Yalong cavalry cut with an ax on the other side. The dragons directly lit the big tree with dragon flames, and the whole tree was burned. The elves were trapped in the trees and could not fight the fire, but we were constantly destroying the structure of the trees.

The rose vine and the trailblazer are constantly destroying the root system of the tree of life below, watching the whole tree of life is about to fall. Scarlett shouted suddenly, "Retreat, fall!"

Our people turned around and ran. After everyone reached the safe range, I read the incision for half a month, and then came a few more. With a cracking sound, the tree of life finally could no longer support the city above it and began to capsize. The entire tree crown fell to the side, and a loud noise shook the mountain, and huge smoke and dust instantly covered us.

The system prompts. "The Frost Rose Alliance attacked the Elven City and caused irreparable damage to the city foundation. The Elven City was destroyed. All attributes of the city were disqualified and the city was destroyed. The Green Grass League lost the main city of the guild. Please confirm the new main city within 3 days. , Punish all grass grass league members by level 10, grass grass league president by level 20. The results of the Frost Rose Alliance destroyed the grass grass alliance city, becoming the grass grass league conqueror, in the future battles Frost Rose League players against grass grass league players get 1% attack, Defense, speed bonuses, and can cause fear to grass grass players, 5% chance to cause grass grass players to interrupt their skills. "

He reminded everyone that they were dumbfounded. Our people did not expect that this feature is still available, and the people of Renjiu are super depressed, and their underdogs will have to bear negative attributes.

Since the city is over, the battle will naturally end. The changed Green Grass League personnel were automatically teleported away, leaving only a piece of ruin. It looks like there are other cities in Qingcao League, but unfortunately we don't know where. China is too large and there are many relative cities. It is not easy to find a city.

指挥 I command everyone to quickly clean up the trophies. In addition to the things in the city, there are three puppets that were first destroyed by the magic light cannon. Because the structure inside the puppet was not known at the time, the three puppets exploded after being destroyed. When we inspected the three magic puppets, they were blown up inside. I regret those parts. I just distressed the three magic crystals. Three large magic crystals were blown up and smashed, and we managed to collect those pieces, not even the powder. Red ruby ​​powder is also a valuable item and an essential component of many mechanical materials, so even the powder has been recycled.

After searching for a long time, we found more than 20 pieces of relatively large fragments among the fragments of the puppets. Although they cannot drive the city, it is not a problem to drive our puppets.

I'm connected to Rose's private chat. "It's done here. Is there anything else to reinforce?"

"No need for the time being, everyone's performance is very good, the current situation is very good. Come back with the troops immediately, we have to find a buyer quickly."

"Yes, this has to be fast. We don't have the manpower to defend so many cities. Selling them as soon as possible doesn't require us to control them. They have nothing to do with me."

"Well, let's withdraw quickly."

Packing things up, we quickly returned to Isinger. Those giant puppets are really huge, so we only took one of the best-preserved ones back to Isinger, and the others were destroyed. Giant puppets are not very useful, so it is more practical to make some smaller puppets. Unless used against puppets, giant puppets can only be used to attack the city.

Bring the parts of the red-striped magic spar and the super demon doll back to the Mojing Power Research Institute, and the corpse warrior shook his head after seeing it. I walked over and patted him: "Is there anything wrong?"

He looked at the parts of the puppet and said, "This thing looks like my brother's work."

"Your brother?"

The corpse warrior took me to look at one of the parts. This thing is a two-way connection of the wrist part of the puppet ~ ~ Because the shape is very special, I remember. The warlock pointed at this thing and said, "Did you see it?"


He quickly took out an exact part: "Did you see something?"

I took this part. This small thing the size of a bracelet is exactly the same as the big guy in front of this wheel, except that they have almost no difference except the size. "It's the same!"

The corpse warrior said excitedly: "You also saw that the two things are exactly the same except for the volume." He pointed to that thing: "This is a quick wrist lock, which is a connected device. With it, the puppet can be replaced at any time Your own arm type, such as a precision hand with fingers or large forceps that focus on strength, or you can simply install the weapon directly. In short, as long as this is available, the hand of the puppet can be replaced at any time. "

"What happened then?"

问题 "The problem is that this thing is the work of my mentor, because it is so subtle, so all of us, the teachers and brothers, directly adopted this design and did not change it."

I looked at the thing and said, "So the person who will make this thing must be your brother?"

"It's probably, but I'm not sure. Because it seems that I only like to make giant puppets in my class. These big guys appear to be from a maker who likes large puppets, but there is no such person in my class ! "

"Will it be an apprentice brought by your brother?"

"This possibility is not ruled out, but the probability is not high. Apprenticeships take time, and I do not believe that someone can learn the technology of imitation puppets in a short time."

"Think again if there is anyone in your class who likes large dolls?"

Suddenly the cadaver said: "I remember it. It must be Vanka."

"What does this man do?"

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