Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 51: Storm Invasion

A German MM climbed out from under the console. "It should be okay now." As she pressed the start button down, the warship's power cabin issued a long humming beep, and the huge central turbine began to spin slowly and faster. The beacon light on the battleship suddenly turned on, the various crystal instruments on the battleship resumed display, and the top magic light gun room also activated automatic fire extinguishing equipment. The fire was extinguished and the battleship recovered its power.

In the tyrant's chamber, the captain shouted, "Hurry up, load the shells."

The Japanese warship that rushed up had no shells, and originally intended to rush up to attack with a torpedo. How did the Tyrant suddenly recover its power, but the warship saw a huge gun barrel that slowly turned around.

The acting captain inside the tyrant's bridge commanded aloud: "Fast fire!"

At this time, the shells in the gun chamber were just pushed into the barrel. The gunner used a crystal communicator to know aloud: "No. 4 turret is volleyed, and everyone's ears are blocked!"

The 520-mm 5-barreled artillery fired at the same time, with a loud noise, the Tyrant vibrated, and the pursuit of the Japanese warship was bombed by unpredictable artillery. The Japanese battleship that had lost the entire island bridge smoked and drove past the Tyrant, and the secondary gun on the Tyrant immediately gave the incomplete hull a fatal blow. Later warships found that the situation was not right and wanted to make a U-turn, but this distance was too late. As the Tyrant turned, he mobilized artillery around him to give the Japanese battleship a thorough baptism. The battleship instantly became a pile of debris.

Although the tyrant was huge, it had more power, and the tyrant had a bow thruster. The last Japanese warship chased after it wanted to run, but the tyrant turned around first. The captain of the Japanese battleship hysterically called: "Quickly ... fire your gun to stop it!"

"Captain, we have no shells, torpedoes cannot be used at this angle!"

The acting captain on the Howl Tyrant was also shouting: "Fire, fire fast, send it to the sea!"

But the turret reported: "Captain, we are too close, the main gun has no firing angle!"

呢 "Where is the secondary gun?"

"That is a large battleship, the secondary gun is useless!"

代理 The acting German MM said angrily to the helmsman: "Go forward at full speed, crash it!"

明白 "Understand, my ship is moving at full speed."

Suddenly a huge wave broke behind the Tyrant Tyrant, and the battleship rushed forward at full speed. The Japanese warship had just turned around and the Tyrant suddenly crashed from the side. All battleships in this guild are angled, and the Tyrant is no exception. The huge bow cut into the hull of the Japanese battleship like a tomahawk. The entire battleship was severely distorted, and then a loud noise was heard. A flame rose from the Japanese battleship, and all openings of the battleship were smoking. Look Something inside came exploding.

Immediately after the impact of the tyrant Tyrannosaurus began to reverse, the bow was withdrawn from the enemy ship. As soon as the tyrant's bow was absent, the huge hole was immediately filled with a large amount of seawater, and the warship began to tilt slowly. The stern first sank, and then the entire ship began to sink underwater.

Suddenly the King of Crash turned on the Tyrant: "Did you fix it?"

"Just repaired it."

"Hurry up and help!"

"We are already playing!"

Immediately after regaining its power, the tyrant Tyrannosaurus began to show its power. In the melee just now, both sides blasted the shells 7878, and most of the ships were colored, and the sea was chaotic. But the Tyrant was different. He had been in the rear just now, and had not rushed directly. The shells were still sufficient, and the hull was intact. At this time, it was an invincible turret. The Japanese warship was scattered and dodged. Those warships that had been seriously injured were sunk quickly, and the strength ratio of the two sides was severely tilted. It seemed that the overall situation was set.

Let's return to the forward base again, this side is still in a relatively calm state. The Japanese are waiting for reinforcements. They will definitely not take the initiative to attack. We are busy preparing combat materials and formulating an invasion plan.

I quickly ran back with a few NPCs and pushed a trolley. These large trolleys were originally parts transporters on the Great White Shark, but now our equipment is a bit heavy and we have to use trolleys.

"What is this?" Eagle looked at what we brought in and wondered what it was doing.

I ordered the dragon to take down the main part, and then let the NPC begin to set up the peripheral parts, and when the thing was supported, the eagle had understood. In fact, the structure of this thing is very simple. Four steel gallows form a derrick, there is a pulley on the top, and a very thick rope is worn on the pulley. This is actually a dozen ropes twisted, so it is particularly strong. One end of the rope is tied to a pillar of a building, and the other end is hanging an object through a pulley. This is my secret weapon.

秘密 This secret weapon is actually an impact hammer. Its shape is somewhat like an inverted obelisk, but it is relatively short and thick. The diameter of the weight is made according to the size of the vent. The four sides are just about the same size as the vent, and there are 4 embedded steel **** on each side to ensure that it is in good contact with the wall without generating a large friction effect. . The entire hammer is almost the size of a refrigerator and is made entirely of high-pressure steel from the White Shark family. This steel has no advantages, but it has a feature that it is dense. Such a refrigerator generally weighs seven and a half tons of solid compressed steel, and it can't be used as an impact hammer.

We found a total of 16 vents, prepared each vent with an impact hammer, and then started distributing the puppets. Our guild had a total of 241 demon puppets, and Chuang Wang took 3 to leave, leaving 238 remaining here. Roughly divide, each hole is divided into fourteen or five puppets. In addition to the puppets, we also have bombs. In order to prevent collapse of the channel that is difficult to open, we have prepared flash bombs.

Everything is ready, we all stand by the mouth of the cave, and then I open the guild channel. "Are you ready?"

"Well, you can count."

"Okay, get ready. Three, two, one, start."

I shouted at the beginning. The 16 choppers arranged in advance started to work at the same time. The ropes that fell on the 16 impact hammers were also cut off. The solid steel ingot weighing seven and a half tons dropped vertically from a height of three meters. Because of the guidance of the derrick slide, the steel ingot accurately enters the ventilation duct.

旁边 Beside the vent below, several Japanese people are still talking, one of them asked, "Why can't the Chinese stay down for so long?"

Another humane: "Maybe they knew they couldn't get in and retreated."

The third person suddenly said: "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you guys heard anything?"

"Yes! It seems to be getting bigger."

"It came from above, they are going down, pull the net up!"

The super heavy hammer fell vertically from above the ventilation duct with a thunderous potential, and quickly reached the central low-speed fan. Although this fan has a slow speed but great power, things will definitely be cut off from here unless it is like my crystal beetle Small things. But what we dropped was not a soft persimmon, but a solid steel ingot. The ventilating fan was easily rotten like paper. The huge gravity and inertia of the steel ingot was not blocked by a small fan. The speed of the fan after it crashed All the way down, it quickly passed through the vent and reached the bottom passage.

Little Japan has opened a good net to wait for us to drill, but how did you know that it was a seven-ton multi-steel ingot. A bang was blown through the vent pipe opening, and the impact force of the steel ingot was extremely powerful. It broke through the vent pipe opening of the first floor and violently hit the Japanese steel wire mesh after entering the corridor. However, four people lived for seven and a half tons. Ah! The steel ingot quickly pulled the wire mesh to the ground, and then the steel ingot hit the ground in the net. A violent shaking of the steel ingot also penetrated the floor of the corridor and fell directly into the lower layer.

Although the steel ingot went down, the net on it was not broken, and the solidity of the wire mesh was also very high, but the net was fine. The steel wire mesh was pulled into the next layer, and the four corners of the net immediately merged into the middle. The Japanese who had pulled the four feet of the net suddenly were pulled by the giant force and slammed into the middle, and then they were smashed together. The net fell into the next level with the steel ingot.

The steel ingot penetrated the floor of the first floor and entered the second floor, but the floor of the second floor did not block it. This guy broke through the twelve floors and fell to the bottom floor. He fell to death.

"The Meteor Project was successful, and the passage has been penetrated." All the ventilation nozzles answered the same.

立刻 I immediately ordered: "Throw the flash bomb!"

With a bang, every hole in the crackle was thrown down by a bunch of flash bombs, and then everyone quickly turned their heads. The mouth of the cave lighted a few times, and then there was a pig-screaming noise, which was uncomfortable when it flashed to the eyes.

"In the second stage, the brilliant starlight has been successful." The return of each hole has achieved its effect.

I loudly ordered: "The third stage, the advent of death!"

"I understand."

的 The commanders of the caves who received the orders turned back and compared with the demons, and they swung forward with one hand, and the demons immediately began to jump into the channel in the order arranged in advance. After the puppets all went down, those of us in charge jumped immediately, and then the members came down.

I fell on a trampoline as soon as I passed the vent. The puppets brought a folding trampoline when they came down. They were originally used to help land, but I didn't expect a hole in the floor. They simply folded the trampoline legs outward. Bend, turning the trampoline into an open spider web-like thing, just covering the hole.

I found that there weren't many people in the channel. The puppet's work efficiency was super fast. He walked along the channel to both sides. Our players immediately followed after they got down. I reached down and looked down the hole, it was so deep! I did not expect that this steel ingot was so powerful that it went all the way to the bottom. I knew it would be lighter.

作战 The lowering operations of several other openings are different. Some steel ingots do not penetrate the ground, and some only wear a few layers. Like ours, there is only one in the end.

In general, our invasion was very successful. The steel ingot penetrated the protective layer. The flash bombs solved most of the enemies. The strength of the puppet gave us an overwhelming advantage in the narrow tunnel. The Japanese have not understood how to return Thing, we have already occupied a whole layer in this passage. Masamoto Matsumoto quickly mobilized manpower to resist our invasion, but the soldiers were defeated, and once they began to retreat, they could not stop.

Matsumoto knew that the upper floors could not be kept, and he simply retreated to the fourth basement level ~ ~ our people searched the first three floors, and all the Japanese left behind were killed. The fourth floor Breakthroughs have become a new problem. There are two entrances on the fourth basement level, but they are all sealed. Besides, our steel ingots also made a few holes, but the Japanese have directly closed those rooms with holes, and there is no entrance at all.

Wu Ying asked, "Can you climb the ventilation pipe again?"

I shook my head: "Impossible. The upper pipe is a vertical bleed pipe that can be broken with steel ingots, but the lower ones are all elbows, let alone steel ingots, people can't get through!"

"What shall we do?"

Su Sumei suddenly said, "Would you like to try explosives?"

Wu Hongyue objected: "Better to blow up the island, we are all finished."

也 I also objected: "We still need this island. If it can be bombed, I will not send anyone up. I will bury the explosives directly on the bottom of the ocean to blow up the island!"

"This can't work, that can't work, what should I do?"

Rose suddenly said: "In fact, things are not as complicated as you think, we can go in through the door!"

"They are all steel, and they are quite thick. How can we get in?"

"Use a siege hammer."

"Siege hammer?" Everyone stunned. "But we don't have a siege hammer! Besides, even if we have such a place, we can't enter it!"

Rose smiled at the puppet: "Did I say I used those wooden siege hammers? Isn't this readily available?"

"Yeah! Why didn't we think of it!"

Everyone quickly found a metal pillar. Although this thing is thinner, it is definitely strong enough. The six puppets were holding metal pillars on both sides. If it wasn't too narrow, I would let 10 puppets run together.

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