Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 70: Joy is sad

Volume 80 Chapter 70

Because the previous offensive plan was too successful, Tanjung Garland's offense became extremely smooth. Under our overwhelming advantage, the entire city was only supported for 5 minutes and was over. After the occupation of the city, the system asked whether the new city was named, but I asked that the city be abandoned. After the system accepts the request, the city is transformed into a city ruin. At this time, the ruin is only nominal. In fact, there is no damage to the building, but it will automatically become a ruin when the city does not belong. It is as if Essinger was ruined by my current appearance. status.

Apply to rebuild the city on this ruin, complete the setting work quickly, the city will automatically be transformed into a new city, and it can be used as long as it is repaired. However, for the time being, it cannot be connected to the Chinese mainland, and the territorial status of the city will not be confirmed until the monsters attack the city. The Fulcrum City would have been a Chinese city if it had withstood the attacks of the Japanese army and Tianzhao at that time.

The name Tanjung Garan is okay, so we don't plan to use the new name, but we changed it to distinguish the old city. The new city was called Garland, and two words were removed. After completing the urban defense work, a large number of Chinese players arrived in Garland through the transnational teleportation team. We originally planned to attack the northwestern Bingtuhan while the other party did not slow down, but our scout turned out to say that from Bingtuhan A large group of Indonesians rushed towards Garland.

I really don't know what to say, do these guys have any brains? In this situation, the general commander will choose to guard the key cities and delay the time of the Seal of the Seal of God in order to obtain the time of the Seal of the Seal of God. Readjust the tactics. If the smarter commander can understand the gap between the two sides, it is likely to be like I thought at the beginning That concentrated people in a fortress city to fight it out. However, instead of gathering troops to defend the fortress, this command directly attacked the cities we occupied. Since they are so brave, I really do n’t know how to refuse, so I have to order everyone to set up a cannon on the wall to prepare them for a bow and arrow to welcome them.

Miao and Bingbing planted a city tree in the city. After ten minutes it controlled the entire city. We directly asked the city tree if there was a problem, and then asked the workers to repair it as soon as possible. Because our main offensive was airborne, the damage to the city's defense facilities was not serious, and the city walls were basically intact. The totem dragons teleported the armor plate to the city wall, and the crystal beetle connected the steel plates with an adhesive. Because the enemy is almost here, we ca n’t add steel and rock layers, so let the mage apply a layer of magic silver to make up.

There are not many turrets in the original cities of Indonesians, and there are many places in the land that we carry. Had to transform the tall buildings in Garland into temporary turrets. Windmill City quickly lifted off and moved a little outside the city wall. This can effectively attack enemies in the siege.

Feng Yin Piao Miao brought a large number of Chinese players to the wall, and the teleportation team is still constantly adding personnel. There are too many people participating in the battle in China. A teleportation team is a bit busy.

The Indonesians arrived when we were ready for everything. All artillery pieces were loaded and waiting for them to approach. Indonesian players outside the city appear outside the city in a messy way, among which there are still many flying creatures.

"Long guns." I ordered. A large number of spears took off in the city.

Indonesian flying troops are very chaotic, with everything. Our spear stuns with them. There was a sudden splash of blood in the sky, but it was all their blood that splashed. The spear never lost in the air, that is, the air force of the Seal of the Seal of Throne was completely wiped out during the time when it rushed from the distance to the wall.

"Began shelling!" I calmly issued instructions. The city suddenly burst into fire, and the Indonesian position instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, but those people were still rushing forward. .

I opened the War Channel and ordered: "Cloud Explosive Preparation."

Several snow eagles took off from the city and reached over the Indonesians. This time they all came to a specially crafted bomb. The Snow Eagle dropped the bomb at high altitude and immediately returned to the flight. There was a parachute behind the bomb and it fell down. The bombs exploded when there were still more than 20 meters above the ground, but there was no flame or shrapnel. The bombs after the explosion just threw out a large tan liquid. The liquid thrown from each fryer began to spread rapidly, and soon covered a large area and turned into a mass of yellow clouders. When the clouds and mist approached the ground, several spears flew towards these groups of yellow mist. When they were about to enter the yellow mist, the spears entered the state of sound. They passed through the cloud and then suddenly pulled up.

Almost at the same time as the spear was detached, the entire cloud passenger suddenly turned into a large fireball. The deafening explosion sound swept across the battlefield with a strong shock wave, and the spear in the sky almost fell down. We all hung our heads on the ground and lay on the ground. The shock wave blew through the wall, and the sand and stones that were brought up hit the steel plate outside the city wall and jingled.

Feng Yin Piao Miao lay beside me and said, "The things in your guild are really fierce. What is inside the bomb? How did you make it?"

I smiled and said, "Do you want to learn through?"

"Don't be so stingy?" Feng Yin Piao Miao begged me to tell him with a smile.

"Tell you you can't do it."

"Then what else are you hiding? Tell me!"

"Okay!" I had no choice but to help. "That bomb was nothing new. It was actually two layers of alloy shells. The inner layer was filled with compressed air and the outer layer was filled with dragon extinguishers.

When the bomb is dropped, the small wind blade at the tail of the bomb begins to rotate. The wind blade is connected with a spring lock. When the rotation is in the designed position, the lock automatically opens, and then the compressed air is released. The inner shell is pressure-resistant. Normally pressure does not leak out, but the air pressure acts on the outer shell after the lock is opened. This shell is very thin, and one layer is broken. Then the dragon inside is blown by compressed air and turned into a cloud of gas in all directions. "

"Wait. What is Long Xi?"

"Isn't the dragon breathing fire?"

"Of course I know."

"The dragon goes out is the fuel of the flame. The dragon spray is actually a solution, and then when it leaves the mouth, it forms a small fireball to ignite this liquid. This is what you usually see when the dragon flame is sprayed. But if we do n’t Ignite, then you can get this kind of flammable liquid. Most of our guild totem dragons can produce this thing. Collect them and put them in the bomb and you will become the thing you see. The dragon is flammable Explosive and easy to swing. So people in our guild suggested that it be converted into a cloud explosive bomb, how about it? The power is good, right? "

"Yes, it's almost time to catch the atomic bomb!"

"Of course." I proudly said, "This dragon on the ping pian is enough to extinguish a dragon and add zilongyan, so the power of this cloud explosion is equivalent to the effect of jiazilongyan. Everything is over for you. Unfortunately, the output is too small! "

"Do n’t bully us, it ’s good that there are no guilds in other guilds. You actually use dragons to make bombs. If you complain again, do we people like to live?"

A player next to him suddenly said, "The enemy retreated."

I quickly picked it up and looked out, and it really retreated. These guys were scared by the power of the cloud explosion. Just a total of three were thrown out, which killed hundreds of thousands of people. The rest of the Indonesian players run faster than the rabbit one by one.

Before I ordered Feng Yin Piao Miao already shouted on the war channel: "All chase."

I immediately added: "The Air Force is following up and Windmill City is covering it."

As soon as the gate of Garland City opened, the players of the Chinese guild rushed out. Any profession in Zero can ride horses. The store sells war horses that are specially used as vehicles, and do not occupy the position of the magic pet. But there is no attribute, and it has no other role than to help players move long distances. Even if you are a knight, you can't use the horse skills on this horse. Although this kind of horse is not very useful, anyone can buy it if they have money. Now standing on the wall at this time, we can see the economic differences between the two countries. All the players in our country are riding various types of mounts. The most are horses. Do n’t think about and know that many of these horses are bought by shops . But the Indonesians who just attacked were less than one-tenth of the horses they walked on, so poor!

Because the opponent does not have a horse, the degree is obviously not comparable to Chinese players. The fleeing Indonesian players were caught up before they ran far, but our side never dared to step forward. Although I didn't give an order, those Chinese players consciously slowed down. Everyone is worried about the same problem-is this a trap? It can be said that after the failure, they can use the reel to go back, but these people have to walk back.

Even if they can't afford the horses, they should always buy the scrolls back to the city, right? The players on our side are suspicious of each other's fraud, so they are afraid to rush forward. Sometimes being too smart is not a good thing. Smart people are homesick. If the Indonesians will rush forward without a doubt when they encounter this situation, they will not think of such a complicated problem, but Chinese players will worry about security issues!

The president of an alliance guild said to me and Feng Yin Piao Miao: "It's not possible for us to follow this way!"

The other chairman said, "Otherwise, let's send some people to test it?"

This proposal was adopted by everyone at once, but it is still a bit of trouble for the specific one. Multiple lines will work in coordination to this point. No one wants to rush ahead!

Feng Yin Piao Miao said: "Let's go to my guild. My guild cavalry is relatively fast. If there is any problem, it will run fast."

Hongyue said to me, "It's not appropriate to take people to take risks? Or let Hongyan go? It can't die anyway!"

"But Hong Yan is only one after all. He can't do much damage to the enemy!" Rose opposed the proposal.

"Then let the Air Force bomb again?"

I simply said, "It's all been argued, let me go! My Yalong Cavalry Regiment can be resurrected in just a few hours, and we have a lot of people."

Feng Yin Piao Miao immediately said: "Yeah! How to forget your peace army! Come on, we are waiting for your good news."

"Cut! I have to take the initiative when it matters!"

Expand the space door for Taiping to gather. This time, I don't plan to let the troops return to the space door, so I will close the space door as soon as they come out. There is another chance to open the door today, but I do n’t need it.

The battle line formed by the Chinese guild began to move towards the wings and slowly formed a pinch. As soon as it was confirmed that it was not a trap, it immediately ate the enemy. After the army separated, a passage was vacated in the middle of the battle line. I led the Bell Tone Knight and the Yalong Cavalry Regiment to start chasing the Indonesian players who escaped. My magic pets are also on my side, ready to cope with sudden situations.

The Indonesians in the front run with their own legs, of course, than our mounts, and the cavalry quickly caught up with the enemy. I pulled out eternity and pointed forward: "rush in, kill them all!"

"Kill!" There was a roar behind, and the cavalry suddenly rushed into the enemy line.

The Indonesians who were overtaken saw that the cavalry quickly turned back to resist, and a Yalong cavalry threw the halberd on its sideways to catch it, and then threw it out like a demolition inspection. As soon as the Indonesian player in front of him turned around, he saw halberds flying towards him. With a short whistle, the halberd penetrated him directly to the ground, and the Yalong cavalry quickly ran past him. He took out the halberd and rushed to the next person.

Some Indonesians look back while running. But he could only watch the distance shorten quickly. The Yalong cavalry waved the rope cover and threw it out like a horse. The rope cover was tightened as soon as it was hung on some people. Some people were caught in their elbows. Others were caught in their arms. set. Some people stepped in and caught their ankles. The Yalong cavalry rushed past them and ran to the front of them, and the rope pulled tightly to bring these people to the ground. The rope tied to the dragon saddle dragged these people forward on the ground. Those quilted to the ground and dragged forward, their hands desperately grabbing on the ground were useless. Immediately afterwards, the Yalong cavalry rushed to the side of the robbed guys and ran away with a spear and ran forward.

Our Yalong Cavalry Department is transformed by undead. They can kill souls much faster than the average army. All the troops that were overtaken fell down almost one by one, the small hunting dragon often stepped down the enemy in a jumping way, and then clenched his head and twisted it gently. This offensive method is extremely efficient. When the small dragon hunter attacks the player, the Yalong cavalry can also use the spear to attack nearby enemies.

After initially determining that there was no danger, we began to rush forward boldly. Several of my giants opened the road with Long Yan and sprayed a large area. The two phoenixes flew across the battlefield, and as long as they were closer, they would immediately roll over with fire. I now know how powerful my summoned creatures are, and my experience is tumbling up, and I ca n’t see the numbers anymore.

Since there is such a good opportunity, Yu will not give up easily, letting out the steel silver bee and blood butterfly behind, and the ice queen and the crystal beetle also enter the battle together. From time to time on the battlefield people can be seen running and suddenly struggling to the ground. The crystal beetle level is not high and the harm is not small. Anyone who is crawled is immediately put down. It would be troublesome for these little guys to get into their clothes.

Every time the rose vine emerges from the ground, a large group of people are entangled with vines and pulled to the ground, and then the land will turn dark red. Pioneering is more straightforward, he is like a dolphin swimming. It's just that the dolphin swims in the water. He swims in the soil. Every time he gets out of the soil, a group of people are gone. When it gets back into the soil, it takes a large area.

This wonderful banquet made me feel very excited, but unfortunately our concerns were realized.

The Indonesians did not know that the Yalong Cavalry was my summoned creature. They thought it was a group of advanced players, so the trap was activated after we fully entered the opponent's formation.

I saw an Indonesian take out a gem from his clothes, and then several others took out the gem. I don't know who controlled it. These gems suddenly started to light together. The little dragon girl Xun in the sky reported that the arrangement of these gems just formed a six-pointed star. I now ask Chu. Indonesians are not trying to retreat but to seduce the enemy.

I didn't even have time to shout to retreat, the trap was done. The six-pointed star suddenly lighted up, and a yellow six-pointed star space formed instantly. I and my summoned creatures are all surrounded in this space. The cavalry on the edge immediately attacked the light curtain, but the thing was completely unmoved. What depresses us even more is that those Indonesians can cross the barrier, but we are surrounded. I invalidate the Phantom teleport result, and I ca n’t turn the teleport ring.

The enemies in the light curtain were quickly killed by us, and some ran out. This time the Indonesians no longer ran away, but used the scroll directly to return to the city. That light curtain remained there. The gems you just saw are suspended around the corners of the light. I tried to attack these gems, but now they are as unbreakable as Guangya. Feng Yin misty they caught up from behind.

"Zi Ri, are you all right?" Feng Yin Piao Miao asked.

"It's okay, I just can't get out. You try to attack from the outside."

Feng Yin Piao Miao immediately attacked the light curtain, but still had no effect. He shook his head: "No, it's useless!"

Another chairman of the guild asked, "Is there a bottom in the ground? If there is no bottom, maybe you can dig out."

I shook my head: "I tried it a long time ago, and it's closed up and down!"

"What about teleport?"

"Will not work!"

"Otherwise you try offline?"

I am now a dead horse as a live horse doctor. I went offline and went back to 6 again. The result remains.

"It seems this is not so simple."

Rose touched the light curtain and said, "I don't think it should be permanent. This thing is invincible. Maybe there is time to restrict the seal of the throne."

"Isn't I able to come out until the Seal of Throne is over?"

Feng Yin Piao Miao said: "Then we will go to the siege first, wait carefully here?"

"You can only do this first. You go quickly, don't delay the fighter for me."

"Then we leave first."

What a bad luck. The war has heated up, but I am here in a cell! I turned back to the summoned creatures and said, "Let's break up and see if there is any place to go out."

When I said this, the cavalrymen immediately started knocking here and hitting their mouths. But knocking for a long time was useless.

All the trips around China have gone far. I want to talk to Hongyue about something. As a result, this thing even closed the chat channel. No one can contact me unless someone stands outside the light curtain and speaks directly to me! Really depressed, there is such a closed trap!

After looking for the throne of the Seal of God for a long time, even the Yalong Cavalry and the Ringing Knight were on fire. They smashed the light curtain several times, but the thing remained unresponsive.

He suddenly said, "Yes, Fenglong, how about letting him use space to open a passage through this light curtain?"

"Yeah! How to forget Fenglong!" I quickly summoned Fenglong and told him the situation. As a result, Fenglong tried many times. He could only open the space channel in this closed space and couldn't get out! As for the Mother Earth's space door, it is even worse. That thing moves with me. If I go in, it can only be opened where it is closed, and it cannot be moved out.

After being held for about an hour, the dragons began to bear it. Fortunately, there were several Longyan jets facing the light curtain, but it was still ineffective. This thing is as invincible as my absolute barrier!

Just as I was about to give up, Chili suddenly said to me with heart contact: "Master, the energy of those gems seems to be declining."

I looked at the peppers in surprise and then looked at those gems. "You speak?"

Chili never spoke before, and today it was a blockbuster.


Ling listened to Chili's words and said, "This light curtain cannot be maintained for no reason. Those gems must be the energy source of the light curtain."

Xiaochun also said: "As long as we continue to attack the light curtain, energy will be quickly consumed, as long as its energy is exhausted, we can go out."

"That's what to wait!" The little dragon girl couldn't hold her breath and immediately started the attack.

It feels really bad to be incarcerated, especially at such a tense time, when people are doing nothing while fighting, this feeling is even more uncomfortable! Now that we know the method, it's easy to handle. We all began to attack the light curtain in various ways. Chili told us that she felt the energy of the gem was declining rapidly.

"No, it's too slow." I asked everyone to stop and opened the space door. This is my last chance today. "You all go in and let the tank have a magic crystal bombardment. I think it can consume a lot of energy."

Everyone entered the space door, and then let the tank stand at the door and use the magic crystal bombardment. As soon as the shells hit the tank, they hid in the door and flashed aside. Immediately after the magic crystal shell hit the light curtain, there was a big explosion. After the earth-shattering sound, the violent flames were spraying around. I still stretched my head by the door to see the situation. Now I quickly retracted my head to hide from the door. A flame burst out from the gate and burned the grass in the Mother Earth Garden.

The magical bombardment power of the tank is like a small atomic bomb. This power was exaggerated. Now it is in a closed space, and the power of the explosion is even greater. The light flickered as if it would crack at any time, but in the end it did not disappear.

After everything calmed down, we returned to the outside. Everything here was scorched and the ground was gone. The place where we were turned into a large star-shaped pit. The enclosed space became empty. .

I quickly made the pepper feel a bit, and it turned out very well. Gem has only one fifth of its original energy.

"Big guy! Continue to smash, you can go out soon!"

Everyone is motivated this time, all powerful tricks have come out, the light curtain smashed constantly, and the gems are getting darker and darker, it seems that the energy is running out. Seeing the gems darken little by little, our hopes increased little by little. But when the gem was about to go out completely, a group of people appeared outside.

"Oh my God! How come this color is so fast?" An Indonesian outside screamed in surprise, because the translation system is always on, so I can understand him ~ ~ Another Indonesian Humane: "Fortunately, in a timely manner, quickly drop the gemstone column without energy, don't let him run out."

I'm dizzy, this magic seal array can also replace energy gems. The magic pets don't need translation, they have the ability to communicate in all languages, and of course they understand each other's meaning.

Fortunately, he was the first to react. He crashed into the light curtain frantically, and everyone outside had to close his ears with a huge roar. But after the lucky roar, the Indonesian immediately laughed and said, "Hahahaha! You can just call it, anyway, you can't get out anyway. This time I will change a new gem to shut you down forever. Hahahaha! Click ...!"

The guy smiled and suddenly suddenly struggled with pain in his elbow, and then this man let his feet float off the ground, but it seemed that he was lifted by what force.

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