Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 78: hell

"What now?" Xiaochun asked.

The little dragon girl suddenly said, "Does the owner bring explosives?"

"Yes, what?"

"It's better to sacrifice than letting everyone finish together." The little dragon girl looked at me, and after I nodded, she continued: "As long as the explosives detonate inside the space door, the space door should be closed in advance, but we must have someone go Detonate. "

"I'm coming!" Jingjing volunteered. "It's me who defends against the fierce force here, and I can still survive if I go."

Ling shook her head: "You can't go."


"The black hole is connected to the dark world. You are an angel. It's over when you go in."

I took out the dynamite: "Let me do it myself. Players will resurrect when they die. In case you can't get in or out, I'm missing a magic pet? Besides, with the guard collar to help me, I'm the strongest defense."

"How can the master take risks on his own?" Ling wanted to object.

"Fenglong, send them back." All the surrounding pets were suddenly taken back from Fenglong space.

I don't plan to blow up the space door for the time being, as long as this blue protective cover hasn't disappeared, I will have a chance to open it for a while to **** in more enemies. In fact, if it was not for the protection of our totem dragons and the lance forces in the guild, I would not blow it up.

The blue protective encirclement around me started to shake, and I took out the only magic crystal I planned to hold for a while. After the first magic crystal was consumed, I quickly replaced it with the second magic crystal, and the enchantment was restored, but I knew this would not last long.

The volume of the new magic spar was too small, and soon began to crack. At this point, the outside of the enchantment had become a hellish scene, and large rocks and countless soldiers flew together and flew to the black hole like losing gravity.

Suddenly the magic crystal in front of him suddenly turned into a pile of gray powder floating in the wind, and the closed space of the blue space suddenly burst. The lance and totem dragon of our guild quickly turned around and began to escape desperately. But gravity is too strong and nothing can fight the gravitational field of a black hole. Not to mention that we are here, even Sanmarinda, a hundred kilometers away, is now a doomsday scene.

The dragons flapping their wings can only slow down the speed of being sucked in. The long guns are better. Their strong thrust can ensure that they hover in place and not be sucked into the black hole, but the space door has been approaching the black hole, gravity. With the constant increase, the resistance of the spears is only futile. Before that space gate was destroyed by powerful gravity. This gravity will continue to increase.

I did not fight gravity but flew towards it. The strong gravity made me feel like I was going to be detonated. Strong gravitation coupled with my own flight, I rushed towards the space door at unimaginable speed. I took tons of explosives out of my bracelet. They were originally used for the final self-detonation of Samarinda of. If you can't keep the city. We will eventually destroy the entire city, along with all the enemies. but now. I will use them in advance.

I threw all the explosives out when I felt that I couldn't bear the powerful gravity of the black hole, because I was speeding forward. Immediately after the explosives left my bracelet, they fell behind me, and I rushed towards the black hole faster than explosives.

"Absolute barrier!" I don't know if this thing can fight black holes. According to common sense, the gravity of a black hole is the strongest spear that can destroy all the fines, but the absolute barrier in this game is the strongest shield known to ignore all attacks. Now, with the strongest shield against the strongest spear, let me test once a contradiction theory who is stronger!

The white luminous rays form instantly, and the absolute barrier isolates all forces, including gravity.

I felt the loss of gravity almost immediately, and my body seemed much more comfortable. I quickly crossed the space door and looked back at the door. The pile of explosives entered the door less than a second after I crossed the space door. As soon as the door was reached, a flash of light burst out, and the space door was torn apart like glass fragments.

After I crossed the gate of space, it seemed that I had entered space, and the surroundings were all dark, but in the perfect dark vision, I could see a large amount of material converge into a long river and rush towards the black hole. Among them were soil, rocks, and enemy soldiers. Of course I'm in the middle too.

The moment when the space gate was blown up, the abnormal gravity outside suddenly disappeared, and many things flying in the sky slammed down like rain, and many people got up and didn't understand what was going on. But in the space, I saw a strange imagination. The explosives and the space door opened like fireworks, and then they suddenly turned and flew towards the black hole.

Gravity is too powerful. Explosive flames, shards of objects, flying creatures, and even the light, nothing can get rid of the strong gravitational force.

The absolute barrier can last for 20 seconds. After crossing the space door, I flew to the black hole at an unimaginable speed. None of the teleportation rings teleported me to leave. Just fifteen seconds later, I rushed into the center of the black hole, and the surrounding creatures and rocks and other things had completely broken down into invisible power before that. Gravity tears the molecule apart, and everything returns to its pure energy form, but the absolute barrier is not affected in any way, and it is completely not afraid of reaching gravity.

After hitting the black hole, I thought I would die, but that didn't happen. The absolute barrier shattered like glass, and the invincible barrier failed to withstand the strongest attack. However, as the barrier shattered, my eyes suddenly lighted up, and I felt like I was walking through.

The sudden light made me feel a little uncomfortable. After hitting something similar to the ground at high speed, I rolled out of it for a long time and stopped. When I got up, I noticed that there were many more people around. While they were still confused, I quickly observed the situation around me.

The situation here looks like the legendary hell, the black sky is gray and gray, and it feels like the dark clouds will come down at any time. There is light here, but the light does not come from the sky. Instead, the sky will actually be illuminated by the ground. A wide magma river flows from a tall volcano.

Extend to the invisible place. The light here comes from these magmas, and their flames illuminate the world.

Each nearby mountain is an active volcano, with large and small craters dotted.

A closer look reveals that the ground in the sky is not actually a cloud but a volcano. The volcanic eruptions from the volcano cover the sky from the sun, and the dark clouds in the sky are the volcanic clouds formed by these smoke and dust. In the impression, **** looks like this. Does it mean that **** is connected to the back of the black hole?

Suddenly when I was confused, a group of people came over, and their mouths were still talking incomprehensibly. I tried launching the translation system, and this feature is still working. As soon as the axe turning machine was started, they could understand them.

"Get out of here. What happened?" The two stronger players pushed away the crowd and appeared in front of me.

"Chinese?" That guy saw my guild very straight. The battleships in this guild all have huge ice rose logos. This badge on my chest immediately made the other party recognize my identity, and at the same time I also confirmed the identity of the other party. These are Indonesian players!

"Kill him!" The guy rushed out as soon as the guy called out two Indonesians.

I flew open my wings and flew up. The two guys below collided by themselves and fell backward at the same time. I landed again. Another guy rushed up and waved his axe at me.

I grabbed the axe with one hand and then moved aside. The guy was thrown out like a stone and knocked down a large piece by the way. I looked at my hands, it was strange. How come the power suddenly increased so much?

"He's a Demon Race, all flicker away." A Demon Player with long horns rushed up, and the two of us slammed into each other quickly. This guy is obviously much stronger than the one just now, but he is still not my opponent, grabbing his hands and raising his feet against his stomach is all at once.

The latter player suddenly waved the sword and cut it down. I turned around sharply, and slammed the long knife behind the elbow, just hitting his long sword. Dinging two weapons opened as soon as they touched. It seemed to me that there was a shock. The long sword on his side suddenly broke into two pieces. The guy looked at his sword in surprise, then threw the hilt in his hand, pulled out the dagger, and rushed to the upper arm.

I pinched the wrist of his dagger with one hand, and kicked him with my legs raised. The demon player in the back rushed back again, I stomped my foot hard, and threw it under my foot, and the back blade behind my calf stuck out. The guy just rushed in. I bent over and kicked my right leg. The guy's body flashed past, but a long mouth had already appeared on his chest.

I do n’t know what happened. I feel different here when I am here. My physical strength and speed have improved significantly. Even the weapons seem to have become a lot better. The three monsters with scary looks suddenly rushed up. I took a small step back to let go of the monster's assault, turned around and stepped on the ground with the monster, turned over and rode on it, and moved my wrist to remove the sheath. With the knife claws gently against the monster's neck, the monster immediately sprayed a lot of blood and started to twitch there and stopped sighing.

"How did it happen?" A Crystal Warrior stepped out, and by looking at his equipment, he knew that this must be because he and the enemies' equipment that was being refreshed outside Samalinda were a material, but it seemed This guy is a conductor, his armor is obviously more gorgeous, and he is riding a monster that looks like a bear.

"There are intruders."

"Intruder? This is a place of exile. Where's the invader?"

"But this ...?"

The guy glanced at me: "Strange, there is an intruder. Hold him up. I want to question."

The guy pointed at me, and the four guards around him immediately approached me, and they seemed to be more advanced than those troops refreshed outside. Of course I wouldn't wait for them to grab, and my wings turned and flew up. The commander at the back suddenly threw a lasso and the **** guy was pretty good and even hung on my feet. As soon as the rope was tightened, I was caught, and then the players came forward to help pull down and try to drag me down.

"Summon! Lucky, help!"

Fenglong Space still works normally here, but the luck summoned is not normal. The luck that climbed out of Fenglong space looks very different from before. If he could still keep in touch with me, I would think it was a trick to call out something else.

Fortunately, it was almost twice as big as before. The dragon, which was more than 300 meters long, was really scary. Except for the huge body. Fortunately, there were a lot of bone spurs on his head, and it looked more scary than before.

Fortunately, there was a dragon yin that was no less than a tsunami. The ground was shaking with huge sounds, and everyone around them had to cover their ears. Fortunately, he bit the rope behind me and pulled it. Players on the ground were pulled up like a ant in a string. I turned around and cut the rope on the ground with my claws. Fortunately, I started to show strength. A dragon flame was many times bigger than before, and the flame swept a large area along the ground. All the enemies covered were almost all dead. I never knew that luck was so powerful. This is obviously an abnormal situation.

"Leave here first," I said to Lucky.

Lucky seemed to be fascinated by his strength, and after taking another spit of Dragon Flame, he turned and flew away with me.

After a few laps here, I found that it is completely hell. There are magma and black rocks that are eye-catching. There are no plants at all. Although there are no plants here, there are many animals. We saw a large number of terrestrial creatures moving around. The animals here are different from the ground. They are not only ugly but also fierce. These creatures not only attack each other but also the same kind, their offense is indistinguishable from the enemy. Except for themselves, they will attack all nearby creatures. Just a short flight in the sky saw dozens of players attacked by various strange creatures. All killed players, like those of the dead, are torn into pieces of minced meat and then robbed.

terror! This place is really terrifying! But what reassures me that luck seems to have absolute deterrent power here. After all the monsters find us, they will run without any trace at the most decent speed without any hesitation. Fortunately, the powerful breath lets them know that this is an absolute mess Amazing creature.

After flying for a while, I confirmed the general situation and started to find a place to land. I found a large number of troops behind a large volcano, and the three space gates stood on the open space beside the mountain. These troops are exactly the same as those that I saw outside Samarinda, and at this time they are constantly entering the space gate with a neat team of 10,000 people. It seems that these three space gates are the three we see outside the city, and this army is the one that will attack.

After a closer inspection, the number of enemies was between 800 and 10 million, and the surrounding magma ground was full of people. These are not just the infantry. I saw cavalry among them, followed by mage and siege equipment. The enemy is not a single unit. There were about 2 million enemies before I entered outside the teleportation array. In this way, the total number of enemies is about 12 million. It seems that the scale is smaller than expected.

Behind those neatly there are still a lot of messy troops. At a glance, it is known that they are Indonesian players, and it seems that there are a lot of people. Players also retaliated during the counterattack in Japan. The technique of robbery while fire is not only understood by the Japanese, Indonesian players also seem to plan to cooperate with the attack.

I experimented with passing the ring. That thing was completely invalid here, and I couldn't contact anyone in private chat. My communication and mobile basically failed here. It seems that the only way to get back to the city is through the three huge space gates, but I don't think it is possible to defeat the 10 million enemy forces below, so now I need to think of other ways to go out.

"Master." Lucky suddenly turned into a humanoid standing next to me. "If you want to go out, I suggest killing him first."

I looked in the direction of the lucky finger, which was behind the enemy. A dragon is standing there, and this guy's body is also quite huge. If he was lucky not to have suddenly doubled inexplicably here, it is estimated that this guy is not as big.

"You want me to kill that dragon?"

"Not a dragon, but the one standing on top of the dragon."

Fortunately, the dragon has almost the same vision as a telescope. I can't see anything that far.

I started Xingtong to zoom in on the distant image directly in front of me, now I can see clearly. There is a teenager standing over the dragon there, a teenager who looks only eighteen or nineteen and smiling. So he stood between the two dragon horns. Smiling as the army in front was opening the door to the space. If my estimate is good, this is not the enemy's chief commander but also capable of doing something.

"Why kill him?"

"Still standing at such an important moment must be a high-level person. If he is killed, it will cause chaos. Even if he cannot run away in chaos, at least he can contribute to the city guard.

"But why do we fight him? There are nearly ten million enemies there!"

"I can bring them over."

I looked at Lucky and laughed. Lucky also smirked with me.

"let's start!"

Fortunately, he suddenly became a dragon again, and then suddenly started to inhale. "Demon Dragon Flame!"

This is probably the most terrifying Longyan jet ever, and it's not only the body and the scale that it gets here. Long Yan has strengthened many times. A blue flame actually traveled a few kilometers and landed in the middle of the ground. Then Xing Tong's help I can see clearly.

In just one moment, thousands turned into fly ash in the flames. Lucky Dragon is really powerful, but this time the power is really scary!

Fortunately, the spray was not just this one. A non-stop spray started immediately after the end of a dragon inflammation. The enemies below are blind and should find us. Long Yan is a signpost here, all the enemies below are looking at us.

I saw some start running towards me. But the dragon and the man above him did not move. Fortunately again: "Let the tank come back hard, otherwise he won't hook."

"Tank. Magic crystal shelling!"

Almost at the same time when the tank appeared, I found that the situation seemed a bit abnormal. The size of the tank was about the same as that of Lucky. At this point, Lucky increased nearly double its body length by more than three hundred Zhu, and the tank increased by one. Many times, now it has become a super beast with a length of more than 400 meters.

I froze when I saw the tank, and he froze when I saw it. The voice of the tank came from the mind contact: "Master? How did you get smaller?"

"I didn't get smaller, but you got bigger! Don't worry about this first, do you see the magic dragon below? Bombard with the magic crystal and kill them."


The tank quickly adjusted its body in that direction, then the limbs stretched out and stuck in the ground to fix itself. A huge dark carapace unfolded, and a platform of red muscle tissue and purple crystal-like semi-transparent material protruded.

"Well? What is this?"

When the tank used the magic crystal bombardment before, it was a tube-like thing, and there was no such muscle mass! This red muscle mass is staggered and looks quite strong. Those purple crystal structures are wrapped and only a small part can be seen. In front of this tendon, there is a short, thick black tissue. This part seems to be a barrel formed by bones, but it looks much thicker than the previous barrel.

Suddenly, those exposed purple crystals began to glow, and the purple light was getting stronger and stronger. I could hear a buzzing sound around, and the sound was constantly increasing the pitch, and gradually began to be a bit harsh.

A bright purple spot appeared at the front of the swarthy cannon sticking out of that muscle tissue, and this bright spot was constantly brightening and getting bigger.

Suddenly I heard a very clear voice from the tank's body: "Magic breaks through the threshold, the magic crystal pulse cannon fires!"

A sharp, harsh noise suddenly sounded. Unlike before, this time instead of firing a purple cannonball, a purple beam of light shot straight out. From the beginning we started spraying Long Yan. The teenager was smiling and looking at the bottom as if these were nothing to do with him, but his face suddenly changed when the tank broke through the threshold. He looked at us in surprise, and there was a clear look of worry.

The boy and the dragon disappeared in the same place at the same time, and the purple beam hit the position they had just stood by a few tenths of a second. The earth shook violently, and a semi-circular light sphere began to spread around with the hit point as the center. The teenager and the dragon flashed away in an instant, but those around him and the players were not so lucky. The light sphere quickly spreads around, and the encased thing instantly vaporizes. The purple beam of light of the tank has not stopped, the light ball is still expanding, and at least 10,000 people I saw have been put in by the cold. There is definitely something in this enemy that has caused me and my pet's pet volume to change. This is definitely not the power that a tank should have.

The tank in the attack did not seem to stop, he even pulled his leg off the ground, and then dragged his heavy body and turned in a direction. The huge beam of light moves on the ground as the tank's body rotates. The place where the beam of light sweeps is a sea of ​​fire, and nothing can survive the illumination of this beam of light.

Some flying monsters in the air have rushed near us. The thing on the back of the tank suddenly aimed up at the sky, and then the beam of light continued to shoot back and forth in the sky. All the flying creatures on the edge were burned instantly, even the **** Nothing left.

"Tank, stop firing!" I was scared by the tremendous power. It felt that this was not our own power and should not be used in a random way.

Hearing my order, the tank responded immediately: "Yes master, the shelling stopped!"

The beam of light began to narrow rapidly until it finally turned into a bright line and disappeared in the air, and some light spots like star fragments scattered in the air. The light stopped, and the crystal part of the muscle tissue of the tank gradually lost its luster, and then the huge muscle tissue slowly retracted the body of the tank, and the black carapace on the back closed again to wrap the horrible weapon.

I looked at the enemies below, and there was a huge deep trench more than ten kilometers long and one kilometer wide on the flat ground ~ ~ that was left on the ground when the rays of the tank just moved. The following legions lost almost 40,000 to 50,000 people in this light cannon attack, not counting flying creatures falling from the sky. The tank's magic crystal shelling has never set such a record, this is not our strength.

"Tank, if you are tired, go back to Fenglong Space to rest first!" Every time the tank shells, it is necessary to rest.

But this time is different, everything seems strange. "Master, I feel good, I don't feel weak at all. I know I have to rest after the shelling before, but today I don't feel that way, and I think I can have more shelling like that."

Oh my god! What the **** happened? Is this my tank? Man Yue's tank should not have such destructive power! Suddenly thought that since the summoned luck and the tank were mutated, what else was done? I plan to summon other creatures to see.

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