Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 84: Urban battle

After the huge siege hammer stopped, the surrounding soldiers immediately circled. They took out huge steel nails from the siege vehicle, and then fixed the vehicle body to the ground. Some wedges were tucked under the wheels to help stabilize the body.

People inside the car started turning the huge winch, and the all-steel ram hitching the beam was pulled back.

"They're going to hit the city, think of a way!" Some players began to panic, but we don't know what way to deal with this kind of thing.

The **** siege vehicle was as solid as a tank, and our stones, bombs, and flames didn't work. There are only two ways to deal with this kind of thing. The first method is to focus the attack with heavy artillery at a long distance, but it is obviously impossible to do so now. The second option is to send someone into the car to destroy after approaching, but this thing is guarded by a large number of seniors, and we cannot rush in anyway. Even if it really rushed in, it was estimated that the loss was definitely worse than being attacked by the siege hammer to break the wall.

When we were at a loss, the enemy had already pulled the connecting bolt of the winch and the hammer hitch.

A heavy hammer weighing more than one hundred tons hit the city wall with the sound of howling wind, and only heard the loud noise of a man's teeth fighting, the city wall seemed to shake. Although the enemy's siege hammer is very large, our city walls are bound by steel plates and rocks, and there are steel bars in the middle. Such a city wall's resistance to attack is not comparable to that of wooden city gates. Although this siege hammer can break through ordinary city walls, it is not so simple to want to open our city walls.

The first impact on our walls caused a half-foot deep pit, and the steel plate was beaten and deformed. The enemy began to roll the winch, the hammer was pulled back to the attack position, and then hit the city wall again. It sounded like a knock on a bronze bell standing on the ground, and the sound was dull.

"Fight harder. Come again!" The voice of the opposing commander came from the collision car.

The ram was pulled for the third time, and then slammed into the wall again with the howling wind. Bang.

The sound was a little different this time. The first armor plate was completely deformed. The enemy dragged the steel plate that could not be tightly connected to the city wall due to severe deformation, and the ram hammer hit the city wall without deck again. With a bang, the effect was obvious this time. All-steel's ram was inserted into the city wall more than a foot deep, and when it retreated again, a large amount of yellow sand-like stone powder was taken out. The rock wall is completely without the defensive power of steel plates. Can't withstand such an attack at all.

"It won't work, you two will go down and destroy the car!" The American president who bought the city finally lost his breath. With his order, four thousand-thousand-level bsp; a thousand-level guard is indeed a high-level guard, but the enemy now is not the player or those hundreds of small monsters. These are area guards, not simple enemies. The four started to kill as soon as they landed. The offensive enemies are not their opponents, but the four of them can only slowly approach the siege hammer. Although I don't agree with letting the guards destroy the siege hammer in the past. But now that people have gone, they can only pray that they succeed.

I said to those other players who were still talking: "Don't stand, cover the guards."

Everyone immediately began to cover the four guards with powerful firepower. The four of them were also very angry, and they rushed all the way close to the siege hammer. We weren't happy for how long suddenly we didn't know where an arrow came from. Yu Ji passed through the left eye of the guard accurately, and the guard fell down without response.

"Where's the arrow?" I almost roared.

"That way." A player's eyes showed the enemy of archery. "Behind the shield formation over there is the guy in a black robe."

"Where is the sniper?"

"Here!" A player greeted by holding a large musket.

"Can you hit it?"

"I can't penetrate those shields at this distance!"

"It's terrible!" I turned to the players behind me and said, "Send the sniper gun over there."

Those players looked at me and quickly got the gun up. The sniper gun was pushed to the edge of the city wall, and he quickly fired after finding the target. The enemy's shield must not be able to stop the shells, but we only found one shot. A large number of mages and trebuchets took us together as a target, but they had to transport the artillery again, and the enemy's attack was too fierce.

Although the **** archer was killed, the four guards who went down were also completely finished. The chairman also wanted to send someone down, and I quickly pulled him. "Don't do stupid things, you are wasting combat power!"

"Then what do we do?" The guy looked at me suddenly with excitement: "Yes, yours? Didn't you have a lot of guards at first? I think those guys seemed to be very powerful, but they didn't see each other after the explosion Anymore? "

"Those are the city guards. Just now Windmill City is in the sky. There is nothing they can do near Windmill City, but now Windmill City is no longer there. My guards cannot move in your city, and of course they are gone. I can draw so many totems to help you is the limit! "

The eagle suddenly asked, "By the way, Ashford. What the **** are you doing? I haven't seen you firing yet. Shouldn't it be a bomb used for self-detonation?"

"How is it possible!" Ashford said with confidence: "That thing is not available right now, we have just rushed it out, and haven't officially tested it yet!"

"Isn't it really a bomb?"

"I said no, don't ask, you will know what it is as soon as you start it."

"So mysterious?"

"I didn't explain it to you and I couldn't explain it. You'll know when you see it."

People don't want to say that we can't help it. The problem now is the siege hammer below, that thing is really a thorn in our eyes, but there is no way to take it! Assault, explosives, and falling rocks of high-level arms have tried everything, but the effect is almost zero.

boom! It was another collision. After the first armor plate was removed, the walls became fragile. Several successive collisions have completely scattered the rocks behind the first armor. After the enemies digged out of the rocks for a moment, they thought that they could go all the way through the first layer of armor. But our design has caused them a lot of trouble. The rock behind the first layer of steel plate is still exposed after being crushed. The outer wall of the city wall is connected by a layer of rock and a layer of steel plates, and the second layer of steel plates and the first layer are actually staggered, meaning that they saw only two holes along the first layer of steel. Half a steel plate, so they can't pry it down and knock it out like they did with the first layer of steel, because each of the two half steel plates is half buried in the side wall force, and it can't be pried at all.

The enemy howled angrily. The ram hit the steel plate again. Although this time the steel plate is still constantly deformed. But they were never able to win it, and they had to smash it down one after another.

The Throne of Time Seal of God is a good thing, it has unparalleled power. Because the clever design of the second steel plate dragged down the enemy's footsteps, we got enough time to think about the solution to the Throne of the Seal of God. The first thing we thought of was the crystal beetle. These little things eat everything, including siege hammers of course.

But during this time, the Throne of the Seal of God is not the only one we are thinking of. The enemy is also trying to find a way.

When we prepared the beetle, the enemy had three more siege hammers. The four siege hammers came close together and kept colliding. In this way, all the steel plates over a distance can be obtained. Our crystal beetles swarmed down the city walls. The enemy immediately began to exterminate the insects. Unfortunately, the number of insects was too large.

After paying serious injuries, the crystal beetle finally entered the siege hammer, and then began to scream continuously. With a bang, the wheel on the far left of the siege hammer suddenly fell off, followed closely by the sound of metal distortion. Probably the crystal beetle broke the steel beam, the siege hammer's ceiling suddenly collapsed, and the 100-ton impactor banged on the ground and shuddered.

The president of the United States, who owns the city, said happily, "Why didn't you expect to use these little bugs! It was great!"

After the collapse of the first siege hammer, the enemies started to chaos. They used a large area of ​​fire magic to deal with our crystal beetles, but the effect was not good. With a bang, the impactor of the siege hammer in the middle also fell down, and then the four walls of the siege hammer fell down to the same side as planned. The four steel pillars supported the ceiling, but the siege hammer without walls was tantamount to defensive value. We dropped the bomb and got the guy.

The third siege saw and the fourth siege hammer did not persist for a long time. The little bugs entered the siege hammer, and the chaos was completely scattered. When the beetle that was expelled came back with less than half left, the combat efficiency of these little guys was really nothing to say.

Originally thought that the battlefield form began to tilt towards us, but people are not as good as heaven. At the same time as the enemy ’s siege hammer was over, our artillery also began to overheat. A lot of the artillery was just a little bit too fierce. Although a large number of enemies were eliminated, the artillery was somewhat untenable.

We had to allow the artillery units to take turns firing to get enough time for the Seal of the Seal of God to dissipate heat, but then the enemies under the city wall suddenly increased. Fortunately, the siege hammer is no longer there. Those enemies are blocked below the city and cannot enter the city. We took the opportunity to start the massacre.

The number of enemies is like an ant. After 30 minutes of slaughter, the enemies just piled up the walls with corpses. I've only seen this description in books before, and I can really see it today.

The 30-meter-high city wall was originally filled with more than 20 meters because of those plants. As a result, the dead bodies that succeeded and succeeded made the **** even higher, and finally a **** formed entirely by the corpses was finally piled up. Near the top of the city wall. Now that the **** is close to the city wall, the top of the wall is only over a meter away, and the enemy's war horse can already jump up.

Seeing the death **** has formed, we can no longer rely on American musketeers.

I took out eternity. "The muskets retreat and the melee units are moving forward. Don't let the enemy climb the wall."

The rifle team's stolen weapons began to move backwards, and those of us who were good at hand-to-hand combat came to the forefront. I took the Yalong Cavalry to guard this section of the city wall, this is the area where the enemy is attacking the strongest. Without our strength, we can't stand it.

The last wall was finally filled, and the first enemy jumped in from me.

Ping. There was a gunshot behind my back, and the guy was blasted back again. Those American players did not leave the wall, they just retreated behind us, and they could still support us from close range when we were fighting hand to hand.

The first guy to jump in was bombed back, but this did not affect the enemy's advancement *.

They were able to fill up the walls with corpses, and this loss didn't matter at all. The second guy jumped in, and I swept out of a baseball-like posture. The guy held his sword and collided with my eternity. I cut his sword and neck together. By the time he fell into the temple, he had become two parts.

Followed by that guy, someone came in again. Before I started, Ye Ying suddenly knocked down the guy and the people behind him with a chain of lightning. But a flash of lightning was not enough to kill them, and these people got up and rushed into the city again. A guy suddenly jumped in on the battle, and Ye Ying rushed forward. When I threw eternity, the eternity of the whip sword instantly became very long. The blade cut the guy's horse's head and cut him off again.

Although I have succeeded in attacking many times, the enemy is increasing. And the speed of the forward rush is getting faster and faster, I have begun to mess around. The magic pets are similar to me. The number of enemy lands is a headache for us, and all the unfavorable conditions are filled by the endless amount of the enemy!

Just when we were almost unable to support it, the device at Ashurford suddenly started.

The spherical object on that base actually unfolded, and the sphere expanded into something like a satellite antenna. This inverted umbrella-like device descended out of the city. When the pole in the center aimed at the enemies outside, the enemies outside suddenly began to fall down in pieces. Not only the enemy, but we are stupid. This thing is the same as not starting, no sound, no fire.

All of our weapons are deafening, this weapon is surprisingly quiet.

After sweeping down a large number of enemies, the thing turned in the other direction, and the enemies fell one after another. Perhaps it was realized that it was too dangerous, and senior figures among several enemies jumped over in an attempt to damage the device.

This thing is so powerful, how can I let the enemy destroy it! He flew up and dragged an enemy that was approaching there, and then lumped with the guy. I was too excited just now, and rushed forward without thinking about anything else. After the attack, I learned from the star pupil's display that this guy is a 1000-level ss!

I have strengthened a lot since returning from the devil world, but now I am only 785 after all, and there is still a huge gap between 1000 ss and me. The guy didn't notice it so I fell over. Now I immediately waved and pushed me out.

I didn't want to hang around him at all. I just used the principle of Taijiquan to jump out by his strength. Immediately upon landing, I immediately stabilized my body, lowered my body, and passed through the gap of the enemy. After I was thrown out, the guy turned around and planned to continue attacking Ashoford's weapon. I didn't expect me to rush back again.

"Shenlong strikes!" The accurate punch hit the guy's vest, a sudden explosion in the chest in front of him, and a large piece of blood-red stuff flew out. The guy fell down with unbelievable eyes.

Shenlong Assault is actually a technique to control the bursting point of power. I usually concentrate my strength on the enemy ’s body to achieve a powerful destructive power. However, since I learned Taiji, I now actually can do Send the power out a distance and then explode. This time just happened to use this guy as a food test, I directly hit the position of the heart behind him, and then sent the power a distance to let the impact force explode at his heart position.

No matter what master you are, even if you have hard qigong like a bell jar, it's just practised on the flesh, and the heart is always fragile. The attack just sent power directly into his body, and his heart was completely blasted. No matter what kind of creature in Zero, no matter how many levels you have, the key attack is the key attack, no matter what kind of creature you are, it is as complete as a heart.

But today I made a coincidence. Normally, a higher level of biological defense ability is higher. 1000-level ss will die if they are hit on the heart, brain, neck and other parts, but under normal circumstances you will not be able to touch them.

After this guy fell, I quickly rushed to the instrument, and several broken things along the way were put down by me. Although I tried my best to sprint, there was an enemy who rushed near the instrument first. Judging from this guy's armor, he is the same as the 1,000-level guy just now. Those players in Germany couldn't stop this guy at all, he rushed to the side of the instrument, jumped up, and then chopped down the satellite antenna with a sword.

I thought this instrument was going to be scrapped. How could I know that guy's weapon suddenly couldn't be cut as soon as it hit the antenna. A powerful force tied the weapon in the air. No matter how hard I try, I can't cut it.

I quickly rushed behind the guy and leaped over. Attacked his vest position again with a Dragon Dragon's stagger. This guy was smarter than the previous guy, and immediately gave up his weapon and jumped to the side after my intention. He suddenly left the original position but I couldn't stop, if he flew in front of that thing, it would be as complete as the enemy outside. The eye-broken hand quickly grasped the guy's hilt, and with this sword successfully reduced it without rushing in.

I suddenly felt the heat after holding the sword. This sword is hot! If it weren't for the Dragon Set, I would have jumped hot, but the Dragon Set could block most of the heat and let the hands feel the temperature without getting burned.

Now I know how that guy just flashed my attack so accurately. He didn't see me at all, it was just the heat that forced him to throw away his weapon. I just happened to attack before he let go.

The guy was also surprised when he landed, and he looked at the red sword. Then, I rushed over. But he rushed only halfway, and suddenly a dark shadow collided with him, and the guy immediately flew out and hit a section of the wall.

"All are over, protect the shooter." Hongyue's voice appeared in the rear, and a large number of steel giants came up.

It turned out that Hongyue had transferred the puppet troops over. These guys formed a line of defense under the shooter, and the enemy could not get through. The puppet's body is not sensitive to damage, so their attack on the enemy is basically unstoppable, but the sword is cut with a sword. The puppet is not afraid of chopping, but the other party can't stand it. As a result, he loses momentum. A group of demon steel walls stood in front of the shooter, and the enemy couldn't get through no matter how they rushed. Some enemies came to ride the war and wanted to knock the puppets down, but they were thrown back by the puppets.

This unknown weapon is extremely powerful. If there are one or two hundred units on the city wall, there is no need to guard it to defend the city. The enemy's followers tried to destroy, but could not approach. An enemy archer suddenly shot an explosive arrow at the shooter, but the dart jumped up and caught the arrow and threw it back to the local crowd. Darts are faster than bullets, and any flying weapon can be caught as long as its mass is not too large.

Although the puppet's defense was impervious, the enemy began to play the old tactics of piled up corpses.

A large number of enemy corpses gradually piled up, and the puppet had to retreat without retreating, otherwise it would be buried by the corpses.

I saw the situation was not right, and quickly hurried to Ashford: "Hurry up, the enemy is about to start a full charge, and hurry back with your weapon."

"No! My people are hung up, I can't transport it now!"

"Cut! Is there anyone we can't move? Ziyue, come here to help me."

Ziyue originally commanded the artillery position in the rear. When I heard her calling her in a private chat, she hurried over. I pointed at the shooter and said, "That thing is very important. You can't let the enemy destroy it. Hurry to help move it to the rear."

"Small!" Ziyue summoned her two Titan giants at once, and these two guys lifted the huge shooter like a sculpture and ran away.

Seeing that the launcher had been removed, I quickly rushed into the war channel and said, "All external front-line troops are now backing to the second line of defense in the city. The front-line troops are regrouping and preparing to retreat. The walls are on the front line. "

The American Musketeers and those mages who were still supporting us started to leave the city wall and move to the city behind. The city has been completely fortified. Each building is a blockhouse, and every street is a fire network. We know that it is impossible to keep the enemy out of the city, so we have rebuilt the city. The first time the enemy swindled did not appear when we attacked the city. We used that time to reorganize the city with the Seal of Throne of God. This is to make full use of the enemy's strategy and count. If they don't come, we are in a hurry to repair.

The musketeers and mages retreated to the barricades and buildings under the city walls, and the artillery in the rear began to gradually approach the city. The shells exploded on the corpses near the city walls, causing flesh and blood to fly. An artillery shell even fell on the wall and almost lifted me out.

After seeing that the non-melee forces had all withdrawn, I quickly ordered: "Dragons invite the field! The first-line troops retreated to the second line of defense."

Our totem dragon suddenly fell from the sky. A piece of dragon inflammation instantly turned the city wall into a sea of ​​fire. The puppets were skilled in picking up the wounded around them and started running backwards. We also followed. The enemy wants to chase us, but Long Yan is too powerful, they can't rush anyway.

Long Yan hasn't finished the sudden burst of lances coming back, these are the guardian lances of our guild players. The ground pistols carried a large number of bombs this time, these were shotgun-type bombs customized for pistols. There are thousands of small bombs in each bomb, designed to deal with dense crowds.

The spears' firing positions were strange. They flew from Gao Ping behind the city and suddenly pulled up when they reached the top of the dragons. The spears threw the bombs when their bodies reached a vertical angle. These bombs began to reduce movement to the sky at a vertical angle by virtue of inertia, and the spears directly completed the big roll in the air and broke away from the open space on the wall with a belly-up posture. After flying a certain distance, they rolled a half circle in a unified motion to return to the normal flight attitude and flew backward.

After the strange bombing of the spear ended, the dragons suddenly ended and ran away, and those enemies were confused. But they soon understood what had happened. The long-barreled bombardment method climbs and drops the bomb, which means that the bomb is flying upwards. But bombs have no power. After their kinetic energy is exhausted, they start to fall to the ground in accordance with the law of gravity.

The purpose of this high-profile action is not to accurately drop the bomb. The only motive for doing this is to fight for the seal of time. After the bombing ends, it will take some time for the bomb to fly upwards, and the dragon will use this time to turn around and run away. When the enemy dragon retreated, the chase began immediately, but at this time the bomb also came down.

Boom boom boom boom ...! The shrapnel exploded constantly on the city wall, and the enemy was injured in heavy casualties. The delay dragons have disappeared, and we soldiers have reached the second line of defense.

This beautiful hand-wearing defense action has not been trained, and it is worth celebrating to complete it so successfully. I originally thought that someone would miss the command and left the team. I did not expect it to be completed successfully.

Because there were no more people on the wall, the artillery fire immediately began to cover the wall. The enemy rushed down the wall with artillery fire and immediately encountered a rifle attack. The archers were unwilling to attack the enemy with arrow rain. A large number of enemies fell under the city walls, and that feeling reminded me of the scene of the death penalty in the movie. Rows of people stood under the wall and were knocked to the ground.

The enemy lost the coach and vanguard at the beginning of this battle, so there is almost no tactics at all, they are constantly charging and then charging. Although the casualties were so serious, the opponent did not feel like he continued to rush forward. Several 1000-level SSs were shot as hedgehogs and they insisted on rushing to the barricades we piled up before falling down. The troops behind him who covered them with their bodies rushed to the barricades and started to cross the barricades, but they came from the windows on both sides The cross-fire fire hit them again.

Our side was playing well, but the city wall suddenly fell. The shelling was too intensive, and the walls with thousands of windows and holes could not withstand such a toss. It finally collapsed after a while of shaking. Without the attack of the wall enemies, it is much more convenient. They can directly pass through the section of the wall that has already formed a hillside and rush to our second line of defense.

Suddenly a strange roar sounded from behind the enemy, and the enemy took the initiative to separate a passage. Using this channel, I can clearly see a group of rhino-like monsters behind the enemy rushing crazy. Good guys, these guys are going to knock the barricades away!

Those big guys were extremely fast, and the ground was shaking when they ran. Seeing that they were approaching us, I ordered the puppet troops to jump over the barricades and stand outside in a row, and then asked them to do what I did.

The posture I pose is actually a bit like the action in the olive ball game. This posture is actually used to withstand impact forces. After the puppets pose, I made a scratching motion in the void to let them do the same after being hit by those Warcraft.

Although the intelligence of the puppet is not high, the imitation is very accurate. The rhino-like monsters rushed to us in an astonishing manner, and the monster that ran in front of them slammed into a puppet locally. Due to the pre-made posture to resist the impact, the puppet was not knocked over, but the powerful impact Still let the two-and-a-half tons of body of the puppet back a large section.

After the puppet was hit, he started to do what I said. They separated their hands, one reached under the monster's chin, and the other grabbed the monster's head, then lifted their hands backwards.

Highly moving objects can easily curl up when they hit something. For example, when a high-speed car hits a wall, the tail tends to tilt up. Some can even turn around. These Warcraft are just like those tall cars, they rush forward with their heads lowered, and they naturally bump up after hitting the rear of Dodo. The puppet does what I do, actually using the power of this upturn to lift those monsters, because the inertia has not completely disappeared. These guys were turned back immediately after being lifted, but by this time they were already on their feet.

These monsters have carapace on their bodies. But the belly was tender and unprotected. Now their corners are naturally the best time to attack the throne of the Seal of God, and our people knew what I meant almost immediately. They jumped forward in excitement, and the monsters were all killed. Before the enemies outside got in, we quickly jumped back behind the barricade, and the enemy's collision plan completely failed.

Although these monsters were destroyed, they delayed the Seal of Throne for a lot of time. When we returned to the barricades, the enemy forces had already reached the barricades, and our firepower could not restrain these people.

I hurried for help on the war channel. "Air support is required, the second line of defense needs a fire bomb!"

The spears were fast, and I arrived just a few minutes after they shouted. A row of bombs flew into the middle of the enemy, then the bombs burst out, and a lot of black liquid was scattered everywhere. An American player fired a shot at the black liquid edge, and the liquid immediately burned. The fire spread quickly, and a wall of fire was soon formed. A large number of enemies were on fire and sizzled there, but we ignored it, and one incendiary bomb was dropped by six.

The enemy's army has a large number of magic archers. Although our air force has a good bombing effect, the losses are not small. Those archer's blasting arrows are very powerful, and the lance team lost one fifth of it only three times I was scared to stop them from bombing. The spear will be used in the future. Now we just need to fight for the Seal of the Seal of God and let us rectify it.

While the flames were still burning ~ ~ we abandoned the barricades and started moving into the building. These enemies don't know what street fighting is, we will let them see it today.

After the flames extinguished, the enemy is now gone. Although this situation is suspicious, these Indonesian regional guards have no sense of crisis at all, and they rushed forward across the barricades like they saw nothing. The streets in the city are no longer broad avenues, and they have been separated into small alleys by steel plates and buildings. These aisles can be wide by three people side by side, and narrow by only one person. The crisscross street network is designed like a labyrinth, and there will be underground passages starting from the middle of the city. This three-dimensional network will definitely make most people turn, but we just need something like this to stop the enemy's attack. Indonesian troops without hot weapons must use the corpses to pile up if they want to pass here. Unfortunately, they lost too much on the road ahead. Now the remaining troops may not be able to pile up this maze array.

The final battle will end here, the strongest maze strangling.

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