Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 87: Guardian and Curse

Volume 8 Chapter 87 Guardian and Curse

Although the plan looks perfect on the surface, there is a hidden problem, which is the cost burden. The daily profit of a city is quite considerable. If I use my method to end the battle, Samarinda must be delayed for more than a week before it can be used.

However, our agreement at the beginning of the war did not include this part of the issue of compensation, so the guild that bought the city is likely to oppose it. If he disagrees with us and announces that the agreement has not been completed, the system will impose penalties on all parties to the agreement, and that loss will be even worse.

In order to solve this problem, we exhausted the strongest diplomatic strength of the guild. Rose, Sumei, Xiaoyao, the three negotiators and the guild president talked for more than four hours before finally solving the problem. The price is that each guild still has to bear the cost of 1 million crystal coins. Fortunately, we have a lot of people, and we don't need much to distribute to the guilds.

After the agreement is reached, we will inform the various guilds of our plan, and then officially enter the reconstruction phase. The urban area has no value for reconstruction, all we need is the city walls. Compared with the city, the battleship is the main maintenance target this time. After all, the main force is the long-range strike provided by the battleships behind the city.

One day of construction was quickly completed, and the next day the enemy began its last attack. Wei Na estimates that the total number of enemies should be close to nine million, but in the end the enemies we saw were actually not eight million. As for why there is such a big gap, we don't know!

There are a large number of Warcraft enemies in this battle, and the number of regular troops does not seem to change much.

Different from last time, this time the enemy has a lot of commanders, and the tactics are obviously normal.

After the enemies stopped outside the city, they started to form an array. After their assembly was completed, the team suddenly started to move towards the city. However, when our artillery fire blocked the fire, a yellow protective layer appeared. All the shells produced a big explosion on this enchantment, and as a result, none of our shells landed.

"Why does the enemy have a shield?" I asked Ashoford next to me.

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

Eagle said: "No matter how they got it, the current problem is how to make it invalid. If they continue like this, they will all rush in. Eight million people will not be able to defend after entering the city!"

"Of course I know that the problem is that our shells can't wear protective covers!"

"Maybe I can try." A loud voice appeared above our heads, and before I answered, I saw Hong Yan flying over us.

Although Hong Yan is an undead dragon, at least they used to be a heroic dragon. The protective cover should not be a big problem for him. A bang suddenly hit the protective cover. What surprised us was that even the dragon blocked it. Hongyan tried several times and was unable to break through the defensive wall.

"Let your tank try!" Ashford said.

Of course, I immediately let the tank experiment with his magic crystal land, but the result was still ineffective, and that class shield ignored all blows.

Ashford experimented with their new weapon after we failed. But the result is still the same, and that satellite-satellite weapon can't have any effect on this thing at all.

"Isn't it so exaggerated? Ignore any attacks at all? Such things are too perverted, right?" I looked at this thing and felt helpless.

"I don't know how to pass from underground?" Hongyue suddenly gave me an idea.

"Underground? This can be tried."

Let the pioneering test a bit. As a result, he really got into it. But it doesn't make sense to drill in, we can't find the life of this protective cover. Such a large-scale level protective cover is certainly not released by an individual mage. It must have been generated by a wizard group or a level magic device. During the last battle, the enemy's mage army was attacked in a concentrated way. The 2 million people who ran away had almost no mage. This 8 million people did not seem to have many mages, and it seemed that they were very busy. This shield was absolutely Not what they support. However, except for the mage, there is nothing in the army that looks like a living thing. These Indonesian troops do not carry any magic equipment at all. All of them are biological creatures, and there is no source of that thing.

"This is not the way to do it! The enemy is near the city." Eagle reminded me.

The players in the next few guilds started to stir up. Some guild leaders who participated in the defense began to ask what to do, and the military heart began to shake. Although we didn't plan to keep the city in the first place, the situation is still a little unexpected. If we proceed in this way, the enemy is likely to enter the city directly, that is to say, we may only use this city in exchange for the loss of 2 million enemies, and the remaining enemies will still attack other cities.

As long as this shield is not damaged, the enemy can beat down from city to city, we cannot help them at all.

I said angrily: "You guys think of a way here first. I want to find the living thing inside the enemy's shield from the ground. It is impossible to emerge such a thing out of thin air. There must be a device or some people are maintaining this thing. . "

"You are too dangerous."

I shook my head. "Actually my idea is to use the last method in case I can't find the living thing and I can't stand it."

"The last resort?" Ashford looked at me in confusion.

Hongyue explained: "Absolute order, Zi Ri's last trick, use level 100 at a time."

"Surely such serious side effects must be powerful?"

Hongyue continued: "Everything in a radius of two kilometers is completely ruined. The affected players immediately drop 10 levels and cannot be blocked at all."

"So amazing?"

I shook my head: "It's written on the property. I don't know the specific situation. I haven't used it until now."

"If you use such a perverted ability several times, you will be a novice village! How many 100 levels are enough for you!"

"This is the only way to defend this time. Anyway, everyone is doing their best. There is no way. It is much easier to drop the level 100 than to be taken back by the enemy one by one."

"We can only pray for you!"

"Pray no more, you should be ready to retreat! In case I really blow myself up.

This wall must be packed into the ground. "


After the explanation, I jumped out of the city wall and opened a hole in the ground waiting for me. I fell directly into the hole. The rose vine caught me, and led me behind the pioneer's rear-facing enemy's shield and drilled past it.

Keikan quickly passed the enemy's protective cover and suddenly surpassed the ground, and Rose Vine immediately threw me out. I launched the Space Gate and Fenglong Space in the air. In the end, it was the final battle. If absolute order was needed, the magic pet would also be downgraded. It would be more valuable to fight with me. Actually calling everyone out has a purpose. That is to attract attention. After the enemy messes up, I'd better find the location of that vital place.

The sudden appearance of my place and my summoned creatures really startled the enemy. The number of Yalong cavalry coupled with good coordination is not an easy place for anyone to fight. In addition, the bosses of the top class can definitely make those enemies Busy for a while.

The enemies and my pet pets huddled together, but I took the opportunity to fly up and scanned the army with my eyes for the **** living thing. Amenis added a magic eye to the truth. With this thing you can see through any camouflage, and the result is like we guessed. There is indeed a living device. A bit to the left of the army center was a group of soldiers that was actually a large transport vehicle. On this flatbed trailer pulled by a large number of soldiers stood more than thirty mages, who were surrounded by a large machine facing the center.

None of these mages are the same. At first glance, it is not that the military will have such messy clothing. It ’s easy to understand if these are players. Those in backward countries will not use advanced equipment. Of course, if these guys are players, they may get advanced equipment.

This device made me curious. Its base is a regular octagonal platform with a length of ten meters. The platform from the bottom to a vertical height of one and a half meters suddenly began to gather towards the center to form a flat top. I think this thing looks like an octagonal metal bun. On the small platform on the top of this base stood a glass tube, which said that the glass tube was actually more like a pillar. This cylindrical glass column has a diameter of about 1.5 meters and a height of more than 3 meters. The column seems to be some green liquid, and some bubbles pop up from the bottom of the column from time to time. There are a lot of red tubes on the base of this instrument. Some enemies obviously have a lot of crystals. It looks really dreamy. Unfortunately, I do n’t have time to admire the Seal of the Throne.

"Get that thing away." Almost as I shouted, Plague and Luck had swooped on that target from a low altitude.

"Stop him!" The opposing commander was not a fool.

The luck and the plague were so fast that the commander of the other side called out and it was ready. Two dragons passed over the huge launcher at the same time. The plague hugged the shooter and fluttered its wings. Fortunately, it stood in the car facing a circle of dragon inflammation.

Seeing that the soldier could not stop the dragon, the other commander rushed up, but he stepped on the ground as soon as he rushed halfway. After the guy threw me out, he turned around and jumped up, ignored me and he continued to rush towards the plague.

A purple beam of light suddenly crossed in front of him, the tank's magic crystal cannon successfully blocked his route, and when he began to want to bypass, the plague had reached the space door. After sending the thing deep into the space gate, the plague turned around and flew out again, and the commander stopped after the space gate.

"You despicable guy, return our stuff."

The enemy's march has stopped because the protective cover suddenly disappeared, but the artillery fire on our side didn't start firing. Because it was now invalid, we let the fleet not to waste cannonballs. Now the protective cover suddenly disappears and they have not received another fire The command.

I ran to the space gate and stood with my own summoned creature, and the teams on both sides gradually separated and faced each other. "Haha, you have the ability to get in." I made a pleased gesture towards the space door.

This space gate connection is actually the realm of the goddess of the earth. Players must get my permission to enter. Of course, after getting permission, you can only enter. If you don't want to be retaliated after entering, you need the consent of Mother Earth. I can go in and out of this space door without my consent. As long as the door is open, they can go in, but generally they wo n’t go in. After all, the breath of Mother Earth is too strong, and I do n’t know the earth in general. Mother goddess, but the breath of the earth goddess shows that the temple majesty is enough to deter them. Even if the land exists between the higher **** and the lower **** like Wei Na, it is afraid to enter the space door without the permission of the earth goddess.

"You don't think I really dare to go in." The commander bluffed.

Next to it may be an Indonesian player's representative ran out. "Isn't it just a space door? Anyone dare not enter the ground?" Then he ran like a gate. Players don't feel the power.

I didn't expect him to be so brave. This phrase of ignorance is really not bad at all. It's no wonder that he is looking for death himself. I came into contact with the player's blockade of the space gate, and the guy entered the space gate without hindrance. After running for a few meters, the guy looked around and looked at it. It seemed that he was fascinated by the beautiful scenery inside. The back garden of Mother Earth is very beautiful. The guy instructed outside: "Come in and help move this thing out. I can't take it alone. What are you afraid of? Look at me, this isn't ..."

The guy flew out with a blast of air before he finished speaking. Both went up to catch him and were brought down together. The earth goddess almost appeared at the door of the space door. "Who dares to enter my garden without authorization?"

"Who are you?" The guy who was thrown out just got up and asked such a stupid question.

"Audacious humans, can you ask God?"

"Don't be too arrogant!"

That guy is still so blind. But this is exactly what I would like to see most. Now that this guy has stepped off the cliff with one foot, I will just help push it again!

It's my favorite thing to do it.

"Master Mother, this guy is very arrogant. He just said that you have nothing in this space. He doesn't care. He wants to call these people to go in together."

The Mother Earth Mother was already very angry. I pushed it like this again, and she exploded immediately. My army's admission to this area was recognized by her, and I negotiated with him to complete this agreement, so she did not object to my people entering. Strictly speaking, the source ancestors like her are very forgiving, they never care about anything. Even if I borrowed her garden and messed up there, she was completely angry, and sometimes she would not refuse to make some requests as long as she didn't overdo it. Basically, you can think of a **** like them as a good gentleman and accept everything with a smile, but a good gentleman does not mean that he has no temper. The Mother Earth doesn't mind where others use her, but she can't stand others neglecting her to take her seriously.

"You bold human, since you are not so civilized, your **** no longer has to show mercy!" I saw that the Mother Earth did nothing, but suddenly there was a strange magic mark on that guy's head.

The collar suddenly said: "God's Seal?"

Ling smiled and said, "Stupid, look more clearly. Is that a cover? The cover is used for protection and blessing. He offends the mother **** so much, and the mother **** also gives him a seal. That's not a problem in his mind. ?"

The reason Ling said was well understood. The commander took a closer look at the guy's head, and suddenly he exclaimed: "Oh my God! The curse of God!"

Generally speaking, God does not curse anybody, but not ancestral curse does not mean that he cannot curse. Being cursed by a **** is very troublesome. Wena was only cursed by a group of lower gods and was dug up in the underground cage of the overlord for ten thousand years before I was dug out. This guy has a curse of a higher god. I can imagine How bad will it be?

Mother Earth is theoretically a **** of justice. Xiaochun is very enthusiastic about her. She leaned over and asked: "Master Mother, I have never seen this advanced mantra. What effect does it have?"

Mother Earth Shinto: "I just turned a part of him into a negative number."

"Negative numbers?" We all don't know what effect this becomes a negative number.

The guy started to scream again. "Don't be alarmist there. I don't feel anything and the attributes haven't changed. Just drawing a broken circle on my head and trying to scare me?

You ... "He was about to go forward, but was slumped in the mud by a stone with a big heel.

Ling aside, "It looks like the negative luck value worked!"

"What a bad luck!" The guy spit out the mud in his mouth, stood up and started again, "I just accidentally fell a heel, which is not ... ah!"

He was talking and suddenly a large piece of bird feces flew into his mouth accurately, and he immediately started vomiting there.

I said to Ling on the side: "I thought lucky auspicious infinity is very powerful, and it seems that luck is infinitely scary!"

The guy vomited while still saying, "I tell you ... I don't even ... just ... just ... ah!"

The guy said that he suddenly jumped and screamed in half. The reason was that he had more arrows in it. The latter player immediately ran over and apologized, "Boss, I'm sorry. My crossbow didn't know what was going on. I was really sorry, are you okay?"

The guy scolded and scolded, "You try to insert an arrow in it! Wow!"

The officer behind said suddenly, "You can't do this, you need to get a quick treatment. Witch doctor, give him a treatment."

A strangely dressed guy ran out immediately behind. The guy looked at it and said, "No, this arrow is poisonous. Pull it out first."

"Ah?" That guy's face turned green when he heard it. "No, I would rather kill myself than do it!"

"No, now is the time when combat power is needed, just let the witch doctor help you treat it." The commander immediately decided to pull the arrow.

The witch doctor called a few to come and help, and then came a few holding the guy's arm, while the others held one, the front one was holding the tail of the arrow, and the two sides pulled hard together. The doctor shouted hard, holding a strange hairy cane in the middle, as if directing a tug of war.

We don't think there is any problem, that guy is miserable. The head of the crossbow is barbed, and it will naturally get stuck in the guy's **** when you pull it out, and then there are tugs of war on both sides, you can imagine the guy who bears the force in the middle. What is it feeling. We only heard that guy ’s voice is no longer like human voice, it is probably not so painful!

Suddenly both sides fell out because of excessive force. At the moment when the arrow was detached, the guy's cry almost broke the human screaming record, and the sound was almost a piercing sound. Seeing his appearance, the people around him moved their waists as if they were starting to hurt. Players from all over the world who saw this rampant on the back wall almost laughed off their breath. Since then, a video titled "The Most Momentful Moment" has been sacrificed on the Internet. The moment when the guy was pulled out of the arrow became a laugh for netizens around the world. Later, when people on the Internet joked, they would play this video to the other party, and then said to the other party, "Noisy to you like this." Then the people on both sides laughed.

Immediately after the arrow was pulled out, the funny witch doctor took a gauze ball the size of an adult's fist, shoved it into that guy, and it turned out to be a pig-like scream. Almost all smiled back.

The witch doctor nodded and said, "Okay, you can go on fighting."

The player who accidentally shot a flying arrow helped the guy and asked, "Boss, are you okay?"

The guy looked at the player with an extremely painful expression: "You stand first, I'm going to go down first." Then he disappeared.

The bad luck was gone, and the savage eyes of Mother Earth suddenly swept towards the bsp; the commander took a few steps back in shock: "This ...?"

"Don't do this and that." Mother Earth said very simply, "Today you dare to violate the might of God, and supposedly I should make you all disappear, but thinking that you didn't mean it, I don't care so much."

Hearing the commander here wiped his sweat, "Thank Mother Earth for tolerance."

The Mother Earth said immediately: "Although I can spare you without souls and souls. But I have not said that I will not hold you accountable. Since you are trying to enter my garden, then come to protect my land."

"Ah?" The guard didn't expect it to be this request.

Mother Earth turned and beckoned to me, and I immediately walked over. "what's up?"

"Squat down." Although the Mother Earth is a superior god, she looks like a 10-year-old girl. It would be too high for her if I didn't squat.

After I squatted, she asked me to remove the helmet again. After I took it off, she patted my head and knocked me over. "You murder?"

Ling Xun handed me a mirror. When I looked at it, there was even a little golden magic seal on his forehead. Mother Earth Shinto: "This is an effective seal. In 10 hours, your level will be doubled to the level. When the time of the Seal of Throne is over, it will automatically disappear. You will be killed by these guys in this battle. The individual will be summoned by me as the guard of my garden in the form of a soul. OK, I won't disturb you to fight, goodbye. "

The Mother Earth suddenly disappeared, and even the space door closed. "I rely! Don't close the door!"

The space door suddenly opened again. The Mother Earth Mother stood at the door: "I'm sorry, I'm used to it. This time it won't be credited to your limit of three times today. Okay. Goodbye." This time she disappeared without closing the door together.

After the Mother Earth disappeared, I and the other guards reacted at the same time. "Kill them." The commander shouted.

"Fleet fired." I called and ran away with the summoned creature.

A 1000-level guy even hugged me. I saw the displayed level and thought I was finished. How could it be possible for a 100-level SS to be so close? But the misfortune I imagined never happened. The guy just finished hugging me.

A cute creature flashing purple electro-optically appeared next to me. From my own status display, I can judge that this is my magic dart, but how did it become like this? By the way, did Mother Earth just say that I can double my rank to the same level? It is said that the 1000 level should be the player level, and the doubling is the 2000 level! The evolutionary ability of passive attributes during the last time of Essinger Warfare also seemed to make me temporarily surpass 1000 levels. Could it be said that this doubling strengthened me and all of my summons to the effect of doubling the level. ? That is to say that the dart has gone beyond its own grade and turned into a 1400-level monster? If that's the case, it's no surprise that the darts seconded this 1,000-level guy. It's really simple to have a second-level guy less than 400.

I was playing around again when I was in the Demon Realm, and this time it was even more terrible. In the Demon Realm, our reinforcement was not the entire staff. Xiaochun and their angels were not strengthened. This time, even my little bugs were strengthened together. And the strength of the Demon Realm was obviously not as strong as this time. My dragons have completely turned into real dragons, which are exactly four mountains. The little dragon girl is now curling her body in the sky, with a length of about ten kilometers, and its diameter is thicker than the eight-lane tunnel through the mountain. It really became a dragon god!

I quickly opened the properties to see, oh my god! All my subordinates have reached two levels of their own grade, but all levels have brackets that read: "There are 598 minutes left after the end of the protection effect. The displayed time of the throne of the Seal of God is continuously counting down. It seems that it will disappear as soon as it reaches the point.

At present, all the B0ss of these 1000 dragon girls have temporarily changed to 2000, so they all burst out.

After eating Tianzhao's clone, the tank has reached the level of 1000. Now the effect of the protection has been strengthened to become a monster of level 2000. Not only does it look like a mobile fortress, the shooter on its back has turned into a three-tube. The red thorn on the other side turned into three tails, each with an arc flashing.

Everyone was scared by their own changes, and I quickly shouted to them: "Hurry up and take advantage of the cover to kill these guys. This thing has time to limit the seal of the throne!"

My magic pets immediately responded. "Kill!"

The pets resumed fighting, and I hurriedly notified Ashurford in the city on the War Channel. "Now you listen to me, don't talk, wait for me to finish. Just now those people provoked the Mother Earth, and the Mother Earth helped me to imprint them as a punishment. Because now this thing and my magic pets have changed It's twice the rank. "

"What ...?" Ashford cried, but was immediately covered.

"I'm waiting to show 2000 levels ~ ~ but there is a countdown in the back. Although we can't deal with 8 million enemies even if we strengthen to this level, we can hold them back.

I will try to kill before the effect ends. You are optimistic about the city, as long as you eliminate what I missed. I don't think we need to give up Samarinda, I should be able to hold it now. "

"I see, try to kill as much as possible! We missed it."

Ying Xun ended the communication and instructed everyone to take precautions, while I officially took my men and the enemy together. Now even my Yalong cavalry has become a 1000-level ss, and since I have become a 2,000-level, the number of Yalong cavalry has become 20,000. A corps of 20,000 1000 cavalry, plus those perverted pets, 8 million enemies will at least be reduced by half through us. I hope that after all the eagles on my side, they can deal with the remaining 4 million.

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