Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 7: Divine beasts become migrant workers

The **** would stretch out a hand with a smile, and suddenly a fireball appeared on his hand. He brought the fireball close to the stone, and the stone began to change color quickly, and the flame became redder as it approached it. "This kind of stone changes color according to temperature. This place is hotter and it becomes lemon yellow. If it is north, it should be close to blue."

gosh! This stone also has the function of a thermometer!

I looked at God and asked, "That is to say, this stone can change a total of 5 colors, so is it called a five-color stone?"

Erlang Zhenjun suddenly came from the back and said, "Yes. The cornerstones of heaven are all caused by this kind of stone. Because of its special attributes and its ability to attract spells and physical attacks, it is very precious. If not for the Four Saints The beast has made your city like this, so heaven will not come up with such a precious stone to build a city for you! "

"Is it Jiro Jun?" I saluted quickly. Although Suzaku didn't dump him at all in the beginning, but because of Suzaku's identity, I didn't dare to treat him like this. This guy couldn't beat Suzaku, and I was easy to destroy!

Erlang Zhenjun looked at the stones and said, "This time you are blessed by misfortune!"

"Jingjun joked, this kind of blessing is better!"

Erlang Shen smiled and ordered the heaven soldiers to continue to work, but he himself took me to the distance. "I don't want to go around the corner. I heard Suzaku is with you, right?"

"Yes, Suzaku is here with me. Does Zhenjun want it?" I was really afraid that he would ask, I'm not good at rejecting it!

Fortunately, Erlang Shen did not intend to do so. "What do I want her to do? I'll be found in heaven, I don't want to cause trouble."

"That Zhenjun means ...?"

Erlang Shen glanced from side to side, and murmured into my ears after making sure no one was around. I nodded and shook my head while listening.

"It turns out that Zhenjun has such a hobby?" I looked at Erlang Zhenjun in surprise after listening.

"Shh!" Erlang God quickly covered my mouth. "Speak quietly. Although I have enchanted, a fellow like the wind ear can still hear a little voice. Keep quiet."

"I see." I nodded and whispered: "Of course this is not a problem, but Zhenjun may need to bear a little time for the Seal of the Seal of God, at least until my city is finished, otherwise it ’s very bad Easy to handle! "

Erlang Shen immediately nodded: "Of course I know this, I don't want to be known more than you!"

"Understand!" I nodded quickly.

Erlang Shen whispered again: "Since you are willing to help. Ben Jun will not let you help in vain. I have been responsible for part of the building of the city this time, so I will try to allocate the best things for you as compensation."

"Then thank Zhenjun first."

"Helping each other! Hahahahaha!" I laughed with God Erlang. At this time, if anyone is on the side, we must think that the two of us are neurotic!

In fact, this colorful stone is already the special care of Erlangshen. Normally, this kind of thing should not be given to us. The quality of materials is not included in the reconstruction agreement. The requirement is only not lower than the original standard. As long as you get something harder than ordinary stones, you can use this colorful **** stone to care for me. Anyway, it's good not to be an idiot, I don't care who gives it, I want it for me.

White Tiger carefully created a large whirlwind below. The heavenly soldiers above moved the colorful stone from Nantianmen and threw it down. After the stones fell, they were collected by the whirlwind and concentrated in the center. Then the whirlwind controlled the accumulation of these stones into small piles. When building, just take it from above. The spells of these guys don't seem to be completely used for destruction, and the power used for combat can also be used for construction as long as it is properly used.

After the materials were ready, the soldiers started to build the city walls according to the design scales of our members. The colorful stone is high in hardness and light in weight, at least heavier than ordinary stones, but the heavenly soldiers are not ordinary labor, and it is easy to move a few stones.

In fact, the construction of the city wall depends on the number of personnel. Because of the large number of heavenly soldiers participating in the construction, the city wall is also built quickly. Seeing a circle of the city wall is completed. The building team of Tianting has a special method to connect the stones. They use a kind of amulet. As long as they are affixed to the **** stone, all the **** stones leaning together will merge with each other into a whole. There are no cracks in the wall. In the beginning, Tianbing patronized the **** stones and piled them together. I didn't even need the concrete. I thought they were going to cut corners. It took a long time to have such a convenient method.

After the wall was completed, the construction of the ground level. The city wall is inserted deeper than the foundation to ensure sufficient stability to resist external ground impact. The ground level construction method is to first lay corner piles to determine the positions of various marking lines, and then paved a layer with colorful stone. After the **** stone was turned into a whole piece by special rune paper, Erlang God delivered a large amount of lime powder according to my requirements. This thing is used for waterproofing. Although the God Stone has become a whole, the moisture can penetrate from the inside of the rock. So you must make a water barrier. Lime itself absorbs water, and once it encounters water, it will become a hard anti-square compartment. This is the most suitable for urban foundation waterproofing.

The lime powder was blown into the city by the white tiger. The precise control of the wind sprayed the powder evenly. This task, which originally took one day for the Seal of the Throne, took less than 10 minutes to complete. After confirming that the powder is evenly distributed on the ground, we added another layer of **** stone on top of it and coagulated into a whole piece. Two layers of **** stone sandwiching lime is the best waterproof foundation. On this top, the laying of the pipeline layer and the common trench is done like a pile of wood using **** stones. At the same time, the foundation support construction was completed with a large number of **** stones. In order to ensure the hardness, we also specially made Qinglong get a lot of steel from the ruins of Steel City to manufacture the support structure.

The players in our guild constructed the bottom support layer of the city according to the internal support technology bought from the Turtles, and then built a living layer full of pillars on it. This living floor is the normal underground part. Instead of constructing the building directly, we made the entire frame temporarily with support columns. After the roof is covered, the underground city is completed, at least the basic city is formed.

The buildings are all built in Chinese style, and the habit of the guild is that cities built in China are all European style. Established abroad using Chinese style as much as possible. The original city was built by Indonesians, and the structure was not very good. Later we took a break, but we were unable to achieve the goal due to the limitation of the original building function. This time the city is completely rebuilt, and we can enjoy it. Players engaged in urban planning and design in the guilds came up with the ideal design drawings. Then we continued to build the building with **** stones like piled wood. Finally, as long as the special rune paper turned the stones in the house into a whole and connected to the ground, it was completed.

Until late at night we finally completed the main reconstruction of the first city. This is the original Garang city, which is the original Indonesian Tanjung Garland, but now the city is completely different from before the destruction. Comparing the previous screenshot of the city with the current city, it will show how big the change is. This is like comparing the photos of Shanghai 100 years ago with the current Shanghai photos.

The new city is simply a work of art. Because Xiantai made the project a lot simpler, many things were designed according to idealization, and some design ideas that could not be completed under normal conditions were realized. The only flaw is that Heavenly Court does not make cannons. So this city looks perfect, but the defense system is completely zero. Fortunately, Tianting promised to be responsible for defending the city before we shipped the cannons. I believe those great gods are definitely more effective than cannons.

After the main body of the city is completed, the construction of various facilities will be handed over to the staff inside the guild, and the materials have just been completely contracted by the court. After leaving enough staff, the main force of the maintenance team arrived at Ling ruins in the city and began to repair it. Because one had been built, the big gods in charge of the building also understood the basic methods, and their movements became significantly faster. Before dawn, the main part of Ling City has been completed, and the team continues to move to the next target.

The building team in Tianting is really amazing. If they had helped build the city in the first place, we would n’t have had to work so hard. It would be amazing to complete three or four cities in just one day.

At noon the next day, we have repaired 3 of the seven cities in Indonesia, and the rest of the work can continue as usual without me. Hand over the task to the Eagles. I went offline.

After going offline, I went straight to the study room, and ended up emptying. Researchers said they were lucky, and I had to go to the lucky room again. When they saw Ling and Wei Na, they were all able to walk on their own. The artificial body recovered much faster than normal people, and now they can run and jump like healthy people. I first asked the research director for a situation report. Everyone's recovery is fast, and the rejection that I am most worried about has not reflected. The process of consciousness fusion is different from the transplantation of body tissues. Although the probability of rejection is less than that of organ transplantation, it does not mean that it will not produce. After studying day and night, they can still act normally to indicate that rejection is not alive, otherwise it should have been a problem.

In terms of biochemical standards, Wei Na they are still weak. But by the standards of ordinary people, it is already too healthy. They all seemed very excited after seeing me, and through learning, they didn't talk and behave like they did when they first came out.

Wina flew over and took my arm. "Zi Ri, would you take us out for a while?"

Ling also ran over and took my other arm. "Master, we have learned so much here that Jiangxi is even more curious about the outside world. Can you take us out to play?"

"What do you call me?"

"Ah ... Master!"

"Don't call me wrong outside, others will think I'm abnormal!"

Ling heard what I said, and exclaimed excitedly: "So you agree?"

"Well. But not now."


"Because the game is still very busy, things are so terrible now. It is impossible to take the Seal of the Throne offline for a long time. I just come down to see your situation. If you feel bored, go online and help me. Things Let's go out early if we finish early, how about it? "

"Agree!" Everyone shouted and accepted my suggestion.

Wina, they are different from their lucky wife and son. They already have a legal identity in the game, as long as they use a set of gaming equipment to access the game. I placed them in the safety cabin of the laboratory to access the game, and the research director told me that the equipment designed for the lucky wife and child was also completed.

Excited to the main channel: "What are they called in the game?"

"I don't remember." The supervisor said in a difficult state: "They have a long name in the game, I can't remember it! And I don't think you can see them for the time being."


"Because they access the game as an identity. We took the opportunity of replacing the computing unit to add the two of them to the system, but they were assigned to the gatekeeper by the main system."


"It seems like a level of a mission, they cannot be separated unless the mission is over."

"I see. Next time you ask about the task, shall I just do that task?"

"Okay, I'll ask them next time they wake up."

Since I haven't seen it for a while, I haven't asked in detail, and I went back to my room to go online. I almost didn't recognize it when it appeared in the game again. I was off the assembly line in Sentinel City. When I left, there was still a ruin. When I returned, the city was already in scale.

The surrounding seawater was separated by Qinglong with mana. A large number of heavenly soldiers were installing various functional parts on the underwater part of the port, and the city was basically completed. These guys are getting more and more skilled.

Opening the space door and Fenglong Space released my all-human magic pet and bell-tone knight. Now that they have their own intelligence and freedom of movement, they can help me as a person, and they don't have to follow me. Because Weina is a goddess, she can't run around. Her movements are restricted by the main system, so she can't help me with my work for the time being.

Separate everyone out and let them be in charge of a part of the construction guidance in the city. The knowledge about architecture has been instilled when they were studying outside. They should now be considered experts, and it is definitely not a problem to serve as a commander.

As soon as I assigned their tasks to Ling and Skott, Erlang Zhenjun came over with a little girl who seemed to be only fifteen or six years old.

"Zi Ri."

"Is there anything for Zhenjun?"

Erlang Shen pushed the little girl out. "Come and meet. This is the new Suzaku that succeeds Suzaku."

"New Suzaku?" I looked at the little girl. Her human appearance is obviously incapable of counting. Suzaku is not human at all, so this age is definitely not right. The little girl was not tall and she was short and flaming. Looks very energetic.

"You are the violent Ziru who was punished by the previous Suzaku?" Little Suzaku's question did not turn at all. I don't know if she wanted to trouble me or what it meant, but since it was the land of Erlang God, it should not be Looking for trouble.

"It's me." I nodded. Little Suzaku stood and handed me a flaming feather. I took the feather in confusion. "what does this mean?"

"Gift, this is a gift."

"Is your feather?" I asked her, looking at her.

Suzaku smiled and nodded. "Don't underestimate my feathers, they are very useful."

"What can feathers do?"

"As long as you put this feather under the sun, it can turn the essence of sunlight into pure mana flowing out of the feather's handle."

gosh! How does it sound like a solar panel? "What do you mean by flowing out? Is it flowing out?"

"It's not liquid but pure mana. As long as you put feathers on something, you can continuously input mana into this thing, which is definitely very good equipment."

"Thank you so much. But why give me something?"

"Because you let me out of the mountain!" Little Suzaku was excited. "There can only be one Suzaku. We little ones are called Fire Lark. Because of your reason, the last Suzaku was punished and removed from his post, so I became a Suzaku. If it weren't for you, I would have to wait tens of thousands of years This opportunity is not available, so thank you for giving you feathers. "

"This feather is so big. Isn't it very effective in absorbing sunlight?"

"Who said that?" Little Suzaku said, "My feathers can be resized at will. Don't look at them now being so big. They can grow as long as you want to make them bigger. But it absorbs the essence of sunlight. The degree does not depend on its size, so it does n’t make much sense to get bigger or smaller. This feather was pulled out after I got the Nanming Li Fireball and turned it into a Suzaku, so it has the attributes of Suzaku on it. General monsters practice for one year The absorbed sun and moon essence does not match the effect of this feather in the sun for several hours, so it is a treasure for monsters. You need to protect it, and it will be troublesome if you are robbed. "

"I see, I will definitely protect such valuable things carefully." Haha! Baby! Suzaku's feathers! Phoenix and Shenlong are both beasts, but they are one level worse than Suzaku. Phoenix hair is so rare, Suzaku hair must be even more rare.

Seeing that Suzaku had finished speaking, Erlang Shen said: "Zi Ri! The city's rest work in this country is almost finished, and it looks like it should be finished at noon tomorrow. Once this is over, we will go to repair the domestic land. It ’s a city, do you want to go with me to find the materials? "


Erlang Shen whispered: "The new Suzaku brought something this time, I believe you will like it."

Little Suzaku said: "Those things were left by the ancestors of the Kaiyuan ancestors in the past. Because the divine power is too strong to be attracted by monsters, they have always been placed in the gathering place of our four great beasts. This time I heard that Tianting was looking for building materials. After coming over, I didn't expect that the materials were needed because you need to build a city. "

Erlang Shen said in the past: "It is said that it is impossible for Tianting to take these things for you to build a city, but the two of us are just one responsible for delivery and one for receipt. If we are united, we can hide this matter. Now all these materials are We have n’t listed it in the records of Tianting. We will go directly to you to help you build the city. After that, there is no way for Tianting to check it ~ ~ They will not be able to demolish your city again. "

"Wait and wait! I'm confused for you." I interrupted both of them. "Where is the gathering place of the four great beasts? What kind of **** is the Kaiyuan ancestor? Is it better than Hong Jun?"

Little Suzaku explained: "The Four Gods Beasts have their own caves in the four sides, but that's just the Four Gods Beasts. Just now I told you that those of us who have not become Suzakus are called Fire Larks, and they are Hou Bu Suzakus. There are alternates, and all of us are living together. The place where we live is called the gathering place of the four great beasts. As for the Kaiyuan ancestral god, it refers to the Pangu **** who opened the world and the son-in-law who repaired the world later. , They are all Kaiyuan ancestors. As for strength? They have never played with whom we do n’t know, and since we have our little gods, they have never appeared again, so we do n’t know how strong they are. . But I guess it must be indescribable. The master Hong Jun is also a human body. It is also one of the creations of the son-in-law, and no matter how you cultivate, it is impossible to carry the son-in-law. "

I nodded: "So the things you brought are terrible?"

Little Suzaku said: "Although those were slags from the material used by the son-in-law to make up the sky, you must know that it was the dregs from the make-up materials."

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