Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 12: Super weapon

Volume 9 Chapter 12 Weapons

The Jade Emperor saw that the huge scroll head was too big. When the leader of Hong Jun explained that he wanted to compensate, he was ready to bleed, but now he saw this huge scroll and he was a bit over-frightened.

Seeing Jade Emperor staying there, I called out, "Jade Emperor?"

"Eh? Oh!" Jade Emperor responded. "There are too many of these things, and I'm troublesome to see them all. Let's do this! It's still up to Erlang Zhenjun. If there are problems that he can't solve, you can find Taibai, and most of Tiantian's collection is with him. . "

Hehe, it's best to give it to Erlangshen, and you can definitely search for it with the help of this big man. "Since I don't disturb the Jade Emperor, this is where I go."

The Jade Emperor nodded and let me leave first and then left Erlang Shen, and he started talking to Erlang Shen after I walked away, but they didn't notice that Hua Zhongzheng was lying on a beautiful Taobao Ladies Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Crystal beetle for women's winter coat m.

"You have to be stricter, you can save the province, and the compensation is to use the four sacred beasts as much as possible. Our heavenly courts have recently been financially tighter!" Jade Emperor is really a stingy guy.

"This little **** understands." Of course Erlang Shen still gave a formulaic answer.

Jade Emperor suddenly thought of another thing. "By the way, I heard that the new Suzaku brought something from the settlement of the four gods and beasts, do you see what it is?"

"I saw it." Erlang Shen nodded. "It's Caiyun Stone. The new Suzaku wants to rearrange the place of residence. She didn't like the design style of Suzaku when she took office."

"Oh! I see. Go and get busy. Be careful with the kid named Ziridi. His eyes don't look good!"

"Jade Emperor rest assured, the little **** resigned."

Erlangshen turned and left, and I quickly controlled the crystal beetle to crawl back. Hey, these little bugs except fight. The most suitable is to use it as an unmanned reconnaissance device. The connection between soldiers and mother insects can make me feel the martial arts. The sacred king made the sacred king to kill the night. The God of the Seal of the Immortal Seeking Demon Pride in the World Nine Heavens Strongest Abandoned the Shao Zhou Emperor's Martial Forces to Kill the Night God Deity Seal The Nine Emperor ’s Strongest Abandoned the Young Da Zhou Emperor Goes to the Soldier and the Worms to Feel the Martial Art The Holy King Creates the Holy King to Kill the God of the Seal of the Night The strongest abandoning the Emperor Shaozhou Zhou martial arts will kill the God of the Seal of the Seal of the Night and ask the demon to be proud of the world. Any external stimulus to the Zhou royal family to the ground, and magical cover cannot prevent this instinctual connection.

Erlang Shen left Mihuayuan and saw that I was still waiting outside, and immediately came over. "Let's go, I'll take you to Taibai to count the compensation items. There are many treasures at him."

"Okay, please lead the way."

Erlang Shen turned to lead the way, and while he wasn't paying attention, the crystal beetle just released crawled up my leg along my leg. I kept pace with Erlang Shen and pushed the little guy back into my wrist armor. Because there is not enough space, I usually only carry 50 small bugs on my body for emergency use. If I want to summon a lot, I need to open the space door. Although it is more troublesome, there is no good way!

After walking in the heavenly court with Erlang Shen for a long time, he finally reached the Dou Palace, and this is the place where Taibai lives.

As soon as we pushed in the door, we saw that Taibai in vain was standing in front of the gossip furnace and directing Datong to burn the fire. Erlang Shen gave a gift first: "Taibai Xianjun."

Taibai turned a little surprised when he saw us. "Why did Erlang Zhenjun come to my place?"

Erlang Shen immediately said: "This is the purple sun that was persecuted by the Suzaku throne some time ago. The emperor asked me to bring him here to discuss compensation with you."

"Since it is Jade Emperor, come with me."

Taibai Venus may not be among the best in heaven, but the area of ​​the palace is second only to the emperor's own main palace group and Chang'e's Guanghan Palace. Giving him such a large area is not because he is very popular, but because his experiments are often accidental, so the place is safer. Another reason is that most of the treasures in the heavenly courts are centralized and kept here, except for some common items held in the hands of the gods themselves.

Erlang Shen and I followed Taibai all the way through a large group of buildings before entering a separate area behind. This place is weird. When I first walked outside, there didn't seem to be such an area available. But now it has entered such an area, which means that it is actually in another space, not a part of heaven.

This special space has a door connected to the heavenly court. After entering, it enters a large courtyard. This yard is a bit outrageous and almost the same as the home of the Mother Earth. There are mountains, water, forests and animals in the wide space, but it feels a little bit wrong. As for what is wrong, it is not clear.

There are only two artificial buildings in the entire courtyard, one is the courtyard wall outside, and the other is the high tower on the lake island in the center of the space. This tall tower is the octagonal tower of the classical Chinese style. There are eight floors in the past. The height is average and the size is not exaggerated. But there were bells hanging on the hanging corners of that floor.

Too Venus didn't speak along the way, so I had to follow. When we walked to the lake, Taibai Venus shook it with the dust in his hand, and then a bamboo bridge rose in the lake. After following him to the island, the bridge itself sank into the water again. Although I was curious, I didn't want to delay time for this thing.

When we walked outside the tower door, the two Zhu Qi doors opened automatically. I thought that the place where the baby was kept must be guarded like a bank vault. At least it had to be locked with seven or eight locks, and then a few monsters would be guarded. I didn't expect that not only was there nothing, not even the door locks.

There is a plaque above the gate of this tower, with a few words written on it. "Tabao Kun doing?"

When Erlang Shen heard this, I immediately said, "Reverse!"

"Reverse?" I suddenly realized that ancient Chinese characters were read from left to right. "Qian Kun Pagoda!" What a shame! Even the name was reversed. Fortunately, Erlang Shen and Taibai Jinxing both had more cultivation and did not laugh, otherwise I would really find a place to dig into it.

After entering the tower, I finally knew why it was called Qiankun Pagoda. I couldn't help but sigh, "Qiankun Pagoda really has Qiankun inside!" The exterior of this tower looks no different from the ordinary tower, but the interior looks special. huge. The whole pagoda looks like there are thousands of green rice. There was a circle of weapon racks around the wall, everything was messy.

After we entered the tower door closed automatically and Taibai Venus sat down on the stone table in the middle of the tower. "Sit down, please."

When I sat down with Erlang Shen, Taibai started to say, "Now tell me what are the items that need compensation, and then we will discuss the specific compensation items."

I put that huge scroll on the table. "This is the record."

"So much?" Too platinum star was startled.

I nodded: "Suzaku has demolished my city. Can you say less?"

Nodded too white: "That's it! Then I'll see what's missing."

Taibai said that of course I ca n’t stop it, but I asked: "Can I look around?"

Taibai immediately said: "It's okay, but some things are dangerous. You'd better ask Zhenjun to stay with you, at least he knows what can't move."

Erlang Shen immediately accepted. "OK, I will remind him."

When I started the tour, it was too white. It was pure nonsense. Everything here is wrapped in an invisible force, no matter what it can take. After watching it for a while, Taibai had finished reading my scrolls, and we returned to the table and started negotiations.

Taibai Venus prefaced: "I just read the content on this scroll. It seems that the catalogue is the most books. The books mentioned above are basically Western things. Of course, there is no heaven. You can see if you can change it. Into something else? "

My purpose is of course to change things. Those books are backed up, and it doesn't make sense for me to take two sets. The key issue is changing things. "In fact, I also know that you don't have these books, but knowledge is knowledge, and using it to exchange other things is a bit humiliating."

Taibai Venus nodded. "Reasonable, so what do you want to change?"

"I still want books. For example, what kind of books like Taoism and Immortals, I believe there should be a lot of such books in heaven?"

Taibai Venus thought about it: "It's okay to give you some Taoist immortal books, but some of them are not very convenient for secret transmission. Can you not restrict the content too much?"

"Then you find me the same number of books according to the number of books I lost. Let me see which ones I can accept and which ones I cannot accept. You replace what I can't accept until the number I can accept reaches my place. Loss. Do you think it's okay? "

"This is a good way, but you lost millions of books. Did you get it alone?"

I summoned the space gate and set it aside. "I'm not alone. And I don't have to move far, just put it in." Although the number of Yalong cavalry dropped because the level was killed too low, this did not affect my carrying.

"That being the case, let me help you find it." Tai Ping Xing Xun began to move various books next to me. The books in this tower do not need to be carried at all. They would fly downstairs and pile up beside me. Because these things are lonely, it is impossible for me to take them directly. As long as I choose a good one, Venus will summon a writing brush. Then the brush will copy a copy of my selected book on a blank book, and it will be extremely fast.

Of course, I can't read all of the millions of books. Besides, I can't understand them. I pick only the names of the books. If the names don't understand, read the introduction. Considering that a person's strength is limited, I simply summoned all the humanoid pets to help turn around, and there is also a kind of most important little dragon girl who can't let go. Little Dragon Girl is an expert in fairy art, and she looks simple with these books. Those humanoid pets did not understand Chinese fairy arts at first, but because they received fast education in reality and now have basic common sense, their names are not a problem. Of course, the 21 bell knights cannot be ignored.

Speaking of millions of books, in fact many books are divided into many books, so as long as you look at the first book, all of them need to be down, so we can turn over quickly. Until the night I finally got those books done, it was more than ten o'clock in the throne of time. But heaven does not seem to be divided between night and day.

After finishing the book, there is much less left. The reimbursement list after counting the special buildings and special items is very clear. The first thing to compensate is our class weapons. In the war between the Dark Temple and the Light Temple last time, we won the victory, the dragons were given double breeding rights, and our guild received a class of weapons. That class of weapon was mounted under Isinger. Because the volume is too large, the city did not remove it when evacuating. Now I most hope that the court will compensate for this item.

Too Platinum Venus looked at me and asked in confusion: "This thing is too complicated, I don't understand its characteristics. Can you tell me its purpose and effect? ​​I will try to find something similar for you."

"The purpose is to attack. This weapon can generate light waves and explosions when fired, and it is very powerful. We used it to deal with millions of enemies at once."

"Isn't that about as powerful as the Haotian Method?"

"I don't know what you said, but my class weapon is a system reward. Now your people have lost it. You must give me a satisfactory answer."

Taibai thought for a long time and still had no idea, but Erlang Shen had something close to his ears. Taibai immediately smiled and said with an eyebrow: "Oh. Do you say that earlier! I'm so troublesome." Then he waved back. Four booklets flew into his hands. "This is the property list of the four gods and beasts. There should be something similar." He flipped for a moment and said suddenly, "I have."

"What is it?" I was so excited, I didn't know what it was.

Taibai Jinxingdao said: "Qinglong has an ancient artifact called the Seven Spirit Dust Bell. This bell is very large. As long as it rings, it can produce the voice of the pure world. In the covered area, everything except the bell that you want to protect is protected. Life and matter will be reduced to dust. Unless it is an artifact or something, there is nothing to resist this destructive force. According to data records, this clock is dangerous and every time it is used, it will hurt innocent people. So it is generally not allowed to use the place And this clock is powered by heaven and earth aura. It needs to re-gather heaven and earth aura after each use, so you must wait for three days before using it again. If you agree, we can use this thing to supplement your loss."

"How far can the bell sound of this bell?"

"About 160 miles, or 80 kilometers, as you said."

Seven Dust Bells? Judging from Taibai's introduction, the power of this thing is much larger than that of our class weapons, and it must be greater in terms of damage radius and power. However, this interval is slightly longer. However, this thing is attacking from top to bottom and left to right. The effect of three-dimensional coverage should be better than shooting weapons in one direction. The overall value should be more of our ground-level weapons, which is not less than business.

"I agree."

"Okay." Tai Bai wrote it down in the notebook beside him. "This is Su Long's item. There is no way to get it for you now. Let's write it down and wait for the last time."

I nodded and asked worriedly, "Qinglong will not give it?"

Erlang Shen smiled and said, "This time it was the fault of their four gods and beasts. Suzaku has already been punished. Let them three take something to blame. They are too late to be happy."

I nodded: "That's what I said. So how do you compensate me if you look at this thing?"

Venus looked at what I was pointing at him. "Excuse me, what is this tower doing?"

I explained: "This is called Barbel Tower. It can peek into the sky from anywhere in the world, as long as it is unobstructed."

"Oh! It is Haotianjing!" Taibai Venus said indifferently.

"Not only it can be seen, but it can also attack. This thing can attack the place where it is seen. The power of each time is about the same as the power of Longyan. If you concentrate energy, you can blow up half a city."

"That's it!" Too Platinum Venus considered for a long time, "If it still has offensive capabilities, it's really a bit tricky, let me look at my records again!" This time it seems that the time of the seal of God of God is particularly long, but Too Platinum Found something that he thought was more suitable. "One of the treasures in Suzaku's collection is God Arrow, and I'll show it to you."

"Ah? Why is Suzaku's stuff here?"

Taibai said using yellow paper while tearing something: "After Suzaku was punished, her collections were confiscated. So it's all here."

"Isn't the new Suzaku nothing?"

"Suzaku is a post, but the collection is collected by each Suzaku himself. If the previous generation Suzaku had a last word before reincarnation, it will be treated as a last word, and if there is no last word, it will be left to the next Suzaku, but this office is punished. So all are confiscated It's just after the explanation of Taibai Jinxing that everything in his hand has been torn, and he just throws a dozen paper people to the ground. The paper men ran upstairs to move things as soon as they landed.

After a while, the thing named Shenjian was moved over, because it is said that this thing is very large, so we had to go outside the tower to put it out. The paper people put a small box on the ground, and then too white Venus took out the small things inside and placed it on the ground. The thing still had a seal on it, and just after the seal was torn off, it began to grow. The shape of the magic arrow is very simple, it is a square pillar, and it is not touched by the arrow. The average thing of this pillar is almost 50 meters high, and the bottom is a square with a side length of 20 meters. I really don't know where it looks like an arrow. However, the upper and lower sides of this thing are divided into 6 squares, and each square is also numbered. From one row to sixteen.

The surface of the Shenjian looks like rosewood, but it does not seem to be wood to the touch. This material is very hard, which is more like metal, but it is warm to the touch, which is not in line with the characteristics of metal. There are a large number of strange symbols on the surface of the magic arrow. These symbols are spelled out of green material. The surface of those symbols feels different from other places, but I can't figure out the seams, and I don't know how to insert them. In short this thing is strange.

"This is the arrow of God?" I asked, looking at Venus.

Taibai Venus is not very firm: "Actually, I do n’t know what it is. The catalog says that it is called" God Arrow ". Its function is to strike enemies in any position. However, it takes time for you to start to hit the enemy. The Seal of the Throne, the length of the Seal of the Gods of God at this time depends on the distance. The description mentions that this thing is more common, but it can attack 16 times in rapid succession, after which it needs to be restored once every day. "

"I rely on it, only 16 times. My eight-belt tower can attack 40 times in a row!" Anyway, too much platinum has never seen Babel tower, and I don't know if I report it indiscriminately.

Taibai Venus immediately said: "There is not only one God Arrow. There are 4 God Arrows in Suzaku. So you can attack 64 times in a row and use it 4 times the next day. Although not as powerful as your tower, it varies with distance. It will affect the attack time of the Seal of the Throne. But there are many attacks and the recovery is faster. It should be able to compensate your tower. "

"I need to look at the experiment. What you said makes me incomprehensible."

"Well then, let's find an uninhabited area outside the court to experiment."

I was going to go out, but too white Venus directly opened a portal for us, which is much more convenient from here. The arrow was shrunk to the size of the palm immediately after being sealed, and then brought out together.

This thing is too white and Venus hasn't seen it. I heard that Suzaku got it from some mage overseas, so the experiment can only be done according to the instructions. Taibai read the explanation: "Before and after the separation, there is a mark like this in the front position." Taibai Jinxing showed us.

We quickly found the mark on the arrow of God to understand the front and back. For a long time, the white planet Venus has been placed upside down. The front side stands on the underground side, and the facing side is actually the tail.

"Choose a target and hold the control crystal." Taibai read and suddenly read something wrong. "Strange, how can there be a control crystal! Wait a minute, I'll go back and look for it." After a while it was too white and ran back again, this time he also got a pale green crystal ball. "It turned out that the ball was a part of the magic arrow, I thought it was a separate item!"

Because I want to use it, I do the experiment. I held the crystal and thought about the target. In order to see the effect, I found a hillside that I could see as the target.

Taibai continued to read: "Make the front of the arrow up to the sky, or tilt it at a certain angle, and reach the horizontal position at most. You cannot make the front lower than the height of the tail. It is recommended to keep the angle of 50 to 100 degrees with the horizontal plane. There are no obstacles within the range of the meter fear, so that the front of the arrow is aligned with the general direction of the target. If the conditions of use do not allow it, it does not matter if it is not aligned. "

We put this thing down as required and supported it with something, keeping it at an angle of about 40 degrees, with the direction slightly tilted towards the hillside.

Erlang God and I are still reorienting. Taibai Jinxing again said: "If you use a non-dedicated support frame, please try to ensure stable support. The weapon will generate a large vibration when used." I and Erlang God quickly re-reinforced, now It certainly won't be supported with a few boulder! "

After we managed to do a good job, we looked at Venus, and he immediately started reading the following. "Use the control crystal to hold the attack, if you want to attack it once, you will continue to attack as long as it is still an opportunity of attack. After the end of the attack, no maintenance is required. God Arrow will automatically restore the opportunity of attack, and you can restore the opportunity once a day."

Strange, it means that no maintenance is required after the attack, which means that this thing should still be here after the attack. Doesn't this thing shoot itself out to attack the target? Don't understand at all, let's use it again! You should understand the effect.

The three of us stood behind the side of Shenjian, looking at the hillside ahead, and then I thought about attacking that hillside. As soon as my thoughts moved, the square number one in the upper left corner of the arrow of God suddenly popped open. This 5-meter-long square grid is divided into four triangles that open to all sides to expose the square hole in the middle. I suddenly realized that it was not good, because the change of this thing was too much like a very scary weapon ~ ~ I wanted to remind everyone, but it was a little late. Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the tail of the god's arrow was quickly covered by smoke and flames, and the three of us happened to be in the coverage area. With the loud noise and the continuously blasting flames, a red cylinder with a hemispherical head emerged from the zero square. The guy rushed out of the lattice with a roaring noise and billowing smoke. Although this grid has a side length of 5, the walls of the grid inside seem to be thick and take up some space. So the actual diameter of this cylinder is only about 4 meters, and its length is only about 40 meters.

The cylinder had a red flame at the tail, and a long black smoke trailed behind it towards the target I set. That thing didn't go fast anymore, it hit the target point I designed very accurately, with a bang, the cylinder exploded, and a large fireball was raised at the target. It seemed that the power was good, but the three of us did not. See this scene.

"Cough cough cough! ..." The three of us came out of the smoke in a blackened cough.

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