Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 33: collision

"Misunderstanding and misunderstanding. If I don't have these men today, do you really treat me as an assassin?"

The ghost king glanced at me and said, "How is this possible!"

"Your men are planning to straighten me out without even reporting it. If you all ran out without such a big battle, would you know what happened?" After letting the ghost king think for a while, I continued: If you do n’t come out, they must have killed me directly according to the original plan. You said you were killed because you went the wrong way. Am I right? ”

"This one……!"

"It's not a question of this, that's the question of sincerity. I've been so miserable by you, how much do you want to show sincerity?"

"Sincerity, of course we do, but ...!"

"But you said it was a misunderstanding. A misunderstanding pushed all the blame clean. You don't seem to intend to show my loss."

"Loss?" Brother Wang looked at me: "Aren't we still here?"

"Just because it didn't start, it was called a loss. Did you see this? Yaqian cavalry! Did I take them out just now?"


"That's fine."

"What is it?"

"Don't understand yet?" I pretended to be surprised: "You are also a leader, even if our troops don't need to consume anything, it will cost you to bring them over? Will you teleport?"

"know a little."

"That's not going to end. I've passed an army here from elsewhere, aren't you responsible for this consumption?"

The Ghost King finally understood me. "The army was called by you. Why should I be responsible?"

"Your people can't threaten me, don't I have a good brain to get the team to pick up the summer camp?"

The ghost king suddenly stretched out a hand to signal me not to speak, and he said, "I tell you clearly, my ghost king is never threatened by anyone. If you do n’t want to go big, you can talk to us." You, our troops will not die, no matter what they are beaten, as long as the soul is not destroyed, we can re-burn the pottery figurines to obtain a new body. We will not lose anything if we fight against you. It ’s just a matter of burning something out of the terracotta warriors. ”

It seems that the ghost king said that although I intend to come hard, but I am not easy to mess with.

"That's great. My army is immortal, and we don't even need to burn pottery. Naturally, it recovered after a while."

"Haha! So we are all undead!"

"Exactly the Legion of Death. Because they are all undead, they have been dead for a long time."

"Then decide the sex!"


I was going to leave the baby, but I didn't expect to run into an undisguised situation, but I didn't lose anyway. Fight, fight, whoever is who!

The ghost king and I each returned to their own camp. The troops on both sides also restored tension. I beckoned and the dart jumped into my arms. Then I called out Fenglong again, and the Blazers came up with a head from the ground. "Pioneer, you immediately dig a tunnel from the ground to the other building group, and then Fenglong you and the dart will search from the tunnel to see if there are any valuable things loaded back to me."

The trailblazer understood what I meant, quickly retracted to the ground, and then a large amount of dirt spewed out of the burrow. The ground motion gradually diminished and went away. The dart and the wind dragon have fallen into the hole and followed the trailblazers and ran to the distance. After the moving troops were sent out, Rose Vine quickly sealed the entrance with dirt. There were so many people blocking it. The enemy in front didn't even know that someone on our side had entered behind them.

As soon as we sent Fenglong out here, the opposing forces were ready to go to war.

The strength of the brigade is different. The speed of preparation for war is so fast.

I rode on the back of the night shadow and pointed forward to arrange the combat strategy: "After a while, the Ice Queen's army first used a large-scale freeze attack, and then Ling and Xiaochun took turns bombing with magic. Once the magic attack ended, the tank immediately used large-scale Anti-personnel weapons do extensive damage to the place, but note that the goal is not to kill the enemy's vitality, but to divide the enemy formation. In short, it is to disrupt the formation of the enemy. "

Lucky asked: "What about us?"

"Don't worry! After the attack of the tank is over, you will immediately use the large-scale imprisonment array to seal all the free souls. They need souls if they want to be resurrected. We will hold the souls in place to see how they resurrect. You will be lucky when the array is completed. The opponent is a stone statue, and our cavalry is a bit disadvantageous. You are responsible for opening the front and rushing through the formation. It is best to crush me all the shields. As long as there is no shield, Ya The dragon cavalry should still be able to do anything. You can take cavalry to follow them after a short while, and it is estimated that the dragon will not encounter much resistance when the dragon starts. "

"Then what do we do?" Lingling asked.

"You and Jingjing and Chili are all mixed in the army to deal with each other's generals. You can go wherever you need them. Asuka, you will be responsible for guiding our formation in the air with a guardian spear. If the formation is out of order, notify them immediately. Change back. As long as we can guarantee the cavalry's formation, they will flatten them regardless of what they are. "

"What if I can't keep the formation upset after rushing in?" Skott asked.

"Isn't there still Red Thorn and Xiaofeng and the prodigal son? The three of you as a reserve team. Xiaofeng and the prodigal son's task is to block the area with a fire wall in case the formation is unstable, to ensure that our people always occupy the local area. Strength advantage. If the formation remains intact, you can clean up the surrounding enemies as you like. Red stab your mission is the focus, the area penetration, your poison may not work on the stone man, but you have large armor It's also hard. It's good to crash into the car. Okay, do you understand the respective tasks? "

Ling asked, "What about those steel silver bees and blood butterflies?"

"I almost forgot!" I shook off the colored feathers and silver feathers on my wings, and they quickly became steel silver bees and blood butterflies. "For a while, the task of the Iron and Silver Bee was to destroy the command system of the opponent. As long as I saw the flag-bearer or the commander, I would be nailed to the death. Although the stone man's ability to fight is very strong, but it should still be too many holes. They can kill them. The task of the blood butterfly is to help our troops guide, and by the way, put arrows to harass some enemy attacks. By the way, and the crystal beetle, I will let the crystal beetle chop off the opponent's key position in a moment. Terracotta warriors, trying to completely mess up the opponent's defense formation. "

Emmys said, "Will I cooperate with you to use illusions to interfere with each other?"

"Smart. Alright. Let's start now."

"The whole team!" Skott ran to the front of the team, holding up his rider. Our troops quickly formed an attack sequence. Although the other party is a strong force, we are not straw bags.

The little dragon girl suddenly appeared and flew up, and the whole cave floor suddenly flashed a huge golden circle after a dragon. The Ghost King looked at the bottom of his foot in surprise: "Juling magic array? Not good, the other party should use the copper banning magic array!" He had not finished talking. At the foot of the mountain, there was another red ground law circle. The combination of the two sides immediately formed a layer of light circle with a slight white light. This is the phalanx, the power is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

While the opponent soldier was bewildered by the French array under his feet at the same time. Eighty-one beautiful women suddenly emerged from our team. They were all in white uniforms. At this time they were surrounded by white frost and mist, which was a manifestation of low temperature. The Ice Queens chanted a spell at the same time, and the soldiers at the other side suddenly noticed that there was ice under their feet. The freezing cold began to spread forward along the ground. Although the soldiers of the statues knew that they would suffer, they could not retreat. The retreat of the front army on the battlefield could easily cause the rear army to collapse.

The frost area gradually increased, and the intensity gradually increased. Many stone soldiers found it difficult to move. Although they are not afraid of cold, the low temperature makes the stone very fragile, which is the effect we want.

The ghost king's troops were basically infantry, so they adopted a defensive posture at first, but the long-range attacks that continued to appear on our side made them a little daunted. Under the command of the ghost king, the crossbowmen in the army went behind the shields in front of them and began to prepare for shooting.

Asuka has found the movement of the other party from a high place and notified us soon. Skott didn't turn his head back on the steel claw, but just stretched a finger upward, and then pulled the back of his finger and pulled his hand forward compared to the shape of a shield. The Yalong cavalry in the back all supported the shield, and the snow queens also returned to the rear.

Almost as soon as we completed the tactical official, the arrow rain of the other side came down. The Yalong Cavalry's shield was snoring with stones and arrows. If it had not been done in advance, the consequences would have been unthinkable.

The first arrows did not work. We thought the other party would change their tactics. Who knew that suddenly the second wave arrived again. The arrows this time seemed a little different. The arrows seemed to have a slight white light. Although something was wrong, it was too late to react.

Immediately after the first arrow fell, the Yalong cavalry holding up the shield fought a tragic leaf. The arrow shot through the shield and penetrated his arm to take away a large piece of meat. The body of the Yalong cavalry is the condensed body of the soul. It is as flesh and blood as the human body, but relatively stronger.

The back post is just like the first one with the magic effect. The shield of the Yalong cavalry does not play much role at all, and many of the Yalong cavalry planted mounts. Death Hao shouted hard in front of him: "Don't mess, keep the formation."

I said to Ling: "Immediate magic suppression!"

"Understand." Ling and Xiaochun started casting at the same time, but the types were different.

Xiaochun prepared a large-scale attack magic. After a mess of mantras, a large ball of light appeared in the air, and then it quickly decomposed into countless small **** of light and flew towards the opponent's position. Each of these little **** of light has the size of a basketball and is almost as powerful as a cannonball. Xiaochun alone is equivalent to a rocket artillery battalion. The opponent's position constantly explodes, and one by one the fireballs rise into the air.

A shield player saw the flying light ball and planned to use the shield to block it, but as soon as the light ball touched the shield, a big explosion immediately occurred. The shield was smashed into numerous fragments on the spot, and the shield hand flew out far away. Several nearby terracotta warriors were also affected.

The light ball ground attack effect is very good, at least the enemy's arrow rain was stopped. The enemy camp just reacted from the light-ball bombardment, and Ling's magic arrived again. A small black dot suddenly flew over, but the little thing did not explode outwards, but shrank inward. This is a small black hole. Needless to say, the power is sucked in immediately. The enemies had to avoid the moving black hole back and forth. Do not look at this black tone to destroy the enemy is not as good as Xiaochundi light ball. But this is actually much better than Xiaochun's magic effect. In order to avoid this thing, the enemy's formation was pulled, this is what I want.

The black hole disappeared for only one minute, and the tank walked forward. The opponent may know that the tank will use long-range attacks. They wanted to stop the tank, so a large pile of stones flew over. These guys even brought a trebuchet!

Asuka and my guardian spear struggled to deflect the stones in the air using sound pressure attacks. Individual leaking nets were taken over by the rose tentacles. The tank had opened the elytra on its back, and the special tissue with a short thick launch tube extended out and began to brighten.

The opponent's camp suddenly split to the sides. A group of stone figurines pushed out the examination machine. But they moved a bit slower, the launcher on the tank's back pressed down slightly, and then the nozzle flashed, and a purple light ball hit the front of the test machine preparing to launch straight.

boom! After a huge explosion, the crossbow machine turned into numerous fragments and scattered with the stones and earth on the ground, and the stone figurines within a kilometer nearby became fragments. Immediately after the launch of the tank, the launch direction was adjusted to be a light bullet. This time the power was significantly greater. The last time was to launch in advance for self-protection and lack of energy. This time, it was 100% powerful. With a bang, a large pit appeared in the enemy array, and the terracotta warriors in the center area were not even gray, and the surrounding ones were taken off.

The firing speed of the tank is getting faster and faster, but the other party doesn't know where to get a magic cannon and shoot at us. First, the tank wants to blow up the magic land, and the opponent's magic cannon also wants to kill the tank, but both sides have protection. In front of the opponent's magic cannon, several warlocks used a special weapon to support a defensive shield. Each time the cannonball of the tank hit it, it would be bombarded. On one occasion, it almost flew back and bombed its own. And our side is almost the same. There is Jingjing in front of the tank, and all the shells that flew over flew away. As a result, the two sides thought that attacking the other artillery was ineffective, so we began to attack the other soldiers at the same time. This caused us to be depressed. The troops were bombed in a fragmented manner and suffered heavy casualties.

Ling said: "Shenlin, this is not the way to bomb!"

I also nodded: "Rose Vine, dig a passage from below to see if you can let the crystal beetle give the gun to the mouth."

The rose vine quickly sank into the ground, and a large group of crystal beetles followed. The shelling on both sides is becoming more frequent, and there is a tendency to drive the deterioration. Crystal is a fairy dragon, and her magical skills are pretty good. She used Ling and Xiaochun to use a large magic to compete with each other's magic cannons. Who exploded quickly, the tanks were too lazy to use the cannonballs, and directly gave the magic light to the other Shots were fired from the position. Originally, the air in the crypts was not circulating, and the smoke and dust were rolling in.

Suddenly, a green tentacle emerged from the opponent's cannon, and the opponent retracted under the ground before responding, and then a black fountain appeared, and numerous insects rushed out of the ground and quickly filled the magic ground.

There was a loud bang, and it was unknown whether the other party had exploded or the crystal beetle had bitten something that should not have been bitten, anyway, the door exploded magically. Countless crystal beetles were thrown into the sky, and the rose vine was blown off by three tentacles.

"Good job." I told the tank happily: "Ready for the next big one, and then hand it over to the assault forces."

The tank stretched out, and the special tissue on its back suddenly deformed. A pair of crystal fans like wings extended from both sides of the launcher. The launcher aimed at the center of the enemy array, and suddenly flashed, and a golden light ball fell in the enemy array.

"Lying down!" I called earlier, at this time the shells had not yet exploded, and everyone responded relatively quickly. The Yalong cavalry's little hunting dragons all squatted on the ground, and the Yalong cavalry also lay their heads tightly and hugged the little hunting dragon's neck. Fortunately, they fixed their ground with their paws to prevent them from being blown away.

As soon as the golden light ball in front of the ground fell on the whole cave, everything was invisible, everyone was golden in front of them. Everyone who blinks has pain in the eyes. A few seconds after the golden light, the shock wave arrived with a huge explosion. The impact of the storm blows away the flying sand in the cave, and a lot of unknown fragments hit my armor jingle endlessly.

After all, the shock wave passed, and I quickly jumped up and shouted at the lucky ones, "Rush!"

Fortunately they immediately got up, shook off the dust from their bodies, and rushed forward with a flying enclave. Skott also got up from the ground: "Move the group."

The Yalong cavalry got up and jumped on the mount in baptism. Just now the casualties caused by the bombardment between the two sides were not small. Now our troops have less than 6,000, and we have reduced our staff by more than a quarter. The remaining Yalong cavalry formed a queue while charging forward. This is the strength of the Ace Army. You can also change the queue while moving, so it is much faster in preparation time than others.

The two sides are not far away from instinct, and fortunately they soon reached the front. The other party was overturned by the explosion just now, and most of them had not yet got up. But the defense line has been bravely formed, but it is obviously thin due to the number of people.

Fortunately, he rushed to the front of a small shield. A swipe of the claw passed all the shields and flew out, but a long lancer next to him took a stab at the lucky hind leg and pulled it down. The spear is not ordinary. It actually penetrated the dragon scales easily, and the black blood flowed out.

Lucky throat called back with a tail and flew the guy hundreds of meters away, but the stone statue on the other side rushed up again. This is Ye Jinlu, so brave under such unfavorable conditions.

The plague is about the same as luck. The enemy is too tenacious. Crystal Fly didn't want to land in the sky, but was dragged down by a bunch of rope sleeves. Fortunately, the dragon was born with strength and was not so bad. Xiao San is probably the strongest now. He has more heads and is cheaper than others.

After the dragons entered the camp, the red thorns also entered. His task is to disrupt the formation. Now the opponent has no complete formation. His main task is to organize the opponent to reorganize the formation.

Following the beasts, the Yalong cavalry also rushed into the opponent's position under the leadership of the Bell Tone Knight. Most of the stonemen were hit by the cavalry as soon as they got up. The cavalry behind them easily with them Cracks in the body cut them completely into broken alkynes.

The ghost king suddenly crawled out of a pile of debris. "Fight!"

The stone people below all called out, "Fight it!"

A clip of a Yalong cavalry was rushing to kill, and the stone figurine next to him jumped up and threw him from the little dragon hunter. The stone figurine stuck the neck of the Yalong cavalry, and the cavalry was desperately resisting with their hands. The cavalry's little dragon hunter found that the rider was missing, and quickly turned back and held the stone figurine to the ground. The Yalong cavalry took the opportunity to get up and pushed the stone figurine down and stabbed it with a dagger, but another stone figurine pounced on him and rolled into a ball and rolled to the side.

A large number of stone figurines used this nearly rogue to send down the Yalong cavalry to start a hand-to-hand combat. The charge quickly evolved into a group fight, all the formation tactics became nonsense, and all the troops were patterned together. Can see the quality of the soldiers.

Yalong cavalry ranks and numbers are not dominant, but the small dragon hunter can help his rider, these guys are not easy to mess with. But the enemies are also crazy, because the stone figurines rely on themselves to be stronger than the other, they do not block the attack at all, it is exactly a sword for sword.

The situation is somewhat beyond the expectations of both parties. The Ghost King thought that they were crowded and had higher ranks, and they could definitely win easily. My thinking is that our long-range strike forces and multi-arms cooperation are good and should be cheaper. I don't know if the result is different from what we thought. The Ghost King did not expect that our earlier long-range strikes had such high intensity that his troops were killed more than half before they entered the battle. I didn't expect these stone figurines to be so strong in their individual strength. When they were defeated, they could also dissolve our formation. What's worse, the troops mixed together and used for long-range strikes would not be necessary.

The soldiers on both sides hugged and rolled all over the ground. When the weapons fell off, they fought with fists and feet. The Yalong cavalry was strong and protected by magic. The stone figurine itself was a stone, and the two sides were between Pak Chung. Neither Ling nor Xiaochun's attack magic can be inserted, but can only be changed to auxiliary magic. Ling kept cursing each other, and Xiaochun kept adding status to her. Large magic pets had to clean up the enemy a little bit on the periphery, which was slow and enough money.

I pointed at the ghost king and said, "Capture the thief first and kill the king first."

Lingling rushed over without answering, and Jingjing followed. Pepper nodded to me to understand and then followed up. I did not enter the battlefield myself, and now it is the military confrontation. As the party who has the initiative, my coach should not participate in the charge. A brave man can only be a vanguard officer at most. If he wants to be a general, he must learn how to command others to fight. The general does not have to be the best person in the army, but he must be the one who knows the art of command best.

The ghost king took the green sword to Dabian and killed him all the way. The Yalong cavalry was as vulnerable as a chicken in front of him. He almost killed him one by one ~ ~ Several senior staff were entangled and couldn't get over for a while.

Suddenly Lingling fell from the sky and split the sword, so that Wang didn't want to flash away, but two green vines suddenly emerged from the ground to entangle his killing legs. As soon as he struggled, he had no time to run, so he had to pick up Lingling's sword.

Lingling is a holy sword angel. Her weapon is a holy sword known as indestructible. I thought that the sword must have been split with the sword and the ghost king, but the situation was unexpected. Accompanying the sound of Jin Tie's fighting, Lingling was bombarded a few feet away. She rolled over in the air and borrowed a force from a stone figurine to stabilize her body. The stone figurine she stepped on was suddenly stepped into the soil.

"Little Dragon Girl, what weapon is that?"

"I don't know." Although the Dragon Girl maintained the formation, although she could not participate in the battle, she could still speak. "But it feels like it should be good."

"Nonsense, I know it's a good thing. The holy sword is definitely not an ordinary product." I used my heart to touch the siege of the siege king: "I think of a way to get his sword down."

"Let's do our best! This guy is hard to deal with!" Pepper replied to me as he approached the ghost king.

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