Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 39: Human secret

The answer is of course not. A dying man suddenly sees the hope of living and gives up? These monsters have been sealed for such a long time. How could they finally give up a chance for the seal to loosen? You have to rush out if you don't want to fix it.

The game has settled down, and we in the school have also reached the experimental things below the experimental building. The fishing nobles here greeted us as soon as they saw us.

"Executive CEO." The executive said very politely: "I received the appliance early in the morning and you came to get the stabilizer."

I nodded. "What about that thing?"

"Please follow me." The supervisor led us forward and we followed him in. Although I and the supervisor behind me have never met, the supervisor did not ask any questions. Since the security system has not intercepted these people, it means that their authority is sufficient. Besides, they will not be outsiders if they can come with me.

The experiments on the school's side are all peripheral research, and the place is not very large, and in a short time, I went to the storage room at the end of the experimental area. Behind a large multi-layered glass case is a completely sealed cryogenic storage chamber. High-grade anti-fog glass clearly printed a lot of experimental equipment in the back room, but there was no one inside.

"Just a moment, I'll take things out." After the supervisor said, he went to help us get a stable profile.

The sealed low-temperature greenhouse is not allowed to enter by humans. Behind these layers of glass is a very low temperature of minus 170 degrees, and the room contains only thin helium and no oxygen required by humans. The supervisor stood on a machine platform and put his hands into a pair of mechanical gloves. The wire-controlled robot in the room and the platform were interconnected. The people on the platform can use two feet to control the movement of this wheeled robot, and the hands of the robot are completely synchronized with the pair of mechanical gloves, so the accuracy is very high.

Under the control of the supervisor, the robot shut down a rotating washing machine, and then opened the lid electrically and took out small glass bottles from the horizontal drum. Twenty-eight glass tubes were placed piece by piece by a supervisor-operated robot into a glass tube with metal caps at both ends. The robot moved significantly faster after loading the tubes. The outer layer of the tube is a protective cover made of bulletproof glass. It is not easy to break after being put on, so don't worry about the action.

The robot took the pipes to the glass wall. There was a machine half inside the room and half outside the room. The test tube is placed in the part of the machine's opening in the room, and the robot closes the machine's opening.

After the supervisor had done this, he walked down from the platform. He came to the machine and pressed a few times on the side keyboard. The yellow light on the machine suddenly jumped into a red light, and then there was a little noise in the machine. Ten seconds later, the red light came to the green light, and the lid of our machine suddenly opened. The test tubes are all inside.

The supervisor took a silver armored suitcase with the dragon's release logo and handed it to me: "Help?"

Take the suitcase stick in your hand.

The supervisor dimmed the password cover next to the box. Only a small sound of electric motors was heard. Four corners of the box were actually lowered by a metal rod with a diameter of one centimeter, and a section emerged from the opposite side. After the metal stick went down, the lid of the suitcase lifted up a little and then swiped away. The interior of the suitcase is not a simple space, but a yellow solid filling. This kind of thing looks elastic. There are holes in the middle of the filling, a total of five rows of seven each. The depth and size of these holes are obviously for that purpose.

The supervisor took out a tube from the machine and pressed it into a hole on the top of the machine. The red light next to the hole lighted up immediately. The tube was filled with a pale green liquid. After the liquid was filled, the red light jumped into a green light. The supervisor picked up the tube and put it in a hole in the box in my hand. It just snapped in tightly, leaving only a bar outside for easy removal.

Wei Na looked at the machine and asked me strangely, "Why do you flush this green liquid in? Isn't the good seed solution mixed?"

The supervisor explained with a smile while continuing his work: "Is this green liquid a protective agent, is it a two-layer glass tube? These green liquids are between the two layers of glass and are not mixed with what you want When the bottle is dropped from a high altitude, although the outer layer of glass is OK, it can be shocked a few times, but the inertia still exists. The inner layer of glass is more fragile and easy to burst. These liquids are like a pilot ’s compression suit on the outside. Make sure that the pipe wall is intact and will not break. "

"Oh! I did this! It really is a good idea!"

After the tubes were all put in, the supervisor pressed next to the handle, and the lids on both sides of the box closed with a click and then slowly lowered. The four metal sticks below revolved and returned to the inside of the box to lock the lid completely. The red light shell under the handle of the suitcase rose up and heard some air-jetting sounds in the suitcase.

The supervisor picked up the box and handed it to me and said, "After the box is locked, the inside is automatically evacuated and filled with helium gas protection. You must enter the password now, but you must remember the password. Do n’t forget the password. If you enter it incorrectly three times in a row, the inside of the box will He blew himself up, although he could n’t see a little bit on the outside, there was n’t even ashes left on the inside. ”

"Relax. I've used this stuff." I took the suitcase and handed it to Scott. "Get it." Then I entered the password at the password and confirmed it. The red light immediately jumped to the green light to indicate that the lock was complete.

I turned to prepare to leave, and the supervisor suddenly brought three identical boxes. I looked at him in surprise. "What is this for?"

"This is the experimental medicine that Lao Xiao asked. He called in the morning. I think you're going to pick up the stabilizer anyway, and bring this together." He whispered, "This is a personal item."

"Oh! Understood." I quickly took over.

Long Feng's researchers often like to do some messy research. For example, the whole person expert who made the Japanese miserable at first was such a thing. This private experiment is not a research project required by Long Yuan. Researchers belong to the group to conduct private research by themselves. The group is aware of such things, but generally does not make too many restrictions, which is a semi-public secret. Consuming some drugs or borrowing equipment during the experiment is generally acquiescent. As long as you do n’t make a big mess, it wo n’t affect the normal production group. And sometimes the experimenters really come up with something and it still belongs to the group, so the group is actually not disadvantaged. The three cases of medicine to be taken this time belong to this kind of stuff.

"What's in it?" Although the group doesn't object to this kind of thing, always check what you want to bring into the base?

The supervisor put three boxes on the table and opened them one by one. These boxes are actually the same tubes as mine, but the things here are very messy and there is no protective liquid. The supervisor explained: "These are human hormones, not dangerous substances, so there are no protective measures."

Ling pulled a bottle of dark liquid from the box beside him. "what is this?"

The supervisor smiled and said, "This is the magic water of love."


"Haha! Just kidding." The main pipeline: "The main ingredients here are adrenaline-like, ionizing dissociation, and nerve activators. But this is really a love potion. If a pair of men and women are kept in a normal state in a room Li then who shoots this thing. No matter if they have a lover before. They will instantly fall in love with each other. "

"So amazing? Isn't it really like a magic potion?" Ling looked at the bottle in his hand in surprise.

I also laughed and said, "Science and magic are indistinguishable to human beings to a certain extent."

Xiaochun also looked at the bottle and said, "Why isn't the love potion pink?"

"Why is it pink?" The supervisor asked back.

"Love is beautiful, so it should be pink."

"That's just the appearance. That's not the essence." The director hugged his head and said, "Just you little girls like fantasy love or something. In fact, this black thing can be synthesized for itself. When a man and a woman enter puberty, The secretion of this substance will increase. At this time, if a suitable object is encountered, the mixture of memory protein and this substance will form a memory with special properties. This memory is that of your lover. Every time the brain searches for You will feel a heartbeat in this place. "

"Isn't it? Is love like this?" Xiaochun was a little surprised.

"That's it!"

"Then why can some people love many people and others are undivided?" Wei Na also reconciled. Girls seem to yearn for love, this is the same whether it is biochemical or not.

The supervisor replied: "Because these hormones come from different organs in the body. I am mixing them in proportion. The hormones in your body are not necessarily the normal ratio. These hormones flow along the blood in the body and do not bind to memory proteins. It's bound to stick to only one protein in the memory. So some people will fall in love with more than one person. "

Xiaochun immediately asked: "Why do some people fall in love first and then break up?"

"Because this love hormone is unstable." The main pipeline: "This thing will automatically break down, and the degree of decomposition is affected by many factors. Some people's love can last until his death, and some people break down in a day. But most of them The love hormones can last for three to five years, after all, organs in the body secrete a little to supplement them from time to time. Most of the love hormones reach the time after the marriage, and the Seal of God will gradually decompose. Many people in the society say that marriage is the grave of love. It is actually a coincidence, just because this hormone is completely broken down after marriage. "

"It's an exaggeration! It turned out to be this way!" Xiaochun nodded straightly.

Main pipeline: "Actually studying these hormones can explain many human behaviors, such as taboo topics-*."

"You mean the sexual relationship between relatives at home?" Xiaochun asked flushed.

The supervisor said, "Science is science. Don't be embarrassed. Why don't you be shy if you don't have bad thoughts? The more people who avoid these topics, the more impure their thoughts are. The reproduction of human beings is just a chemical reaction of organic compounds." , I really do n’t know what those people have to avoid. Just told you, the bottle of black love potion you took was a mixture of multiple hormones. Not a single hormone. And this bottle. ”The supervisor took out a bottle of coffee Liquid. "This is an affection potion. Two people who inject this hormone will have an affection together."

"Why are the colors almost the same?" Weina's two hormone mixtures look very similar now.

Main pipeline: "The color is almost the same because the ingredients are similar. The main components of the hormones that form affection and the hormones that constitute love are similar. Love hormones and affection hormones share more than 300 compounds, and they each have only a few special compounds. I just told you that the phenomenon * can actually be classified as a type of endocrine disorders. Once the secretion of affection hormones is easily turned into love hormones, people who do n’t understand think this is an outrage, but it is actually just a physical disease. ”

"That's too exaggerated, right?" Skott could not bear it anymore.

The main channel: "In terms of rationality, I myself find this research result unexpected, but there is no way. Scientific experiments have repeatedly proven this result. Scientific facts are not transferred by human will. But one thing is special, that is, affection. The part of the hormone that is different from the love hormone is extremely stable, and 99% of the people's affection can continue to the end of life. "

"I didn't expect there were so many weird substances in our bodies." Ling sighed with the black love hormone.

The supervisor quickly explained: "No, right. This is purified. The bottle in your hand can almost make 10,000 pairs of men love to die. And hormones are not classified like this. Just said. Many hormone ingredients It is crossover. These things are common in your body. They provide you with multiple physiological reactions at the same time. In fact, your excitement, sadness, tiredness, etc. are all related. There is your current behavior. "

"So complicated!"

"Of course. A person is a complicated chemical container. Your body is carrying out hundreds of millions of chemical reactions of various types every second." The director suddenly remembered something, like he took a bottle of milk from the box. Milky liquid. "Have you ever seen this thing?"

Ling shook his head: "I know it won't be milk anyway!"

"Hey. This is forgotten."

"Ah? What did you say?" Xiaochun was startled.

"Forget about love?" Ling repeated dumbly.

The supervisor smiled and said, "In fact, this is the catalyst. When you mix something with this thing, it will decompose into other substances, because this thing has a very strong catalytic ability. As soon as organs in your body synthesize emotional hormones, it will be decomposed by it. So, the person who injects this thing will not have any feelings, whether it is family, love, friendship. Forget about light. This bottle in my hand is temporary forgotten water, because it is also an organic compound. Over time, it loses its biological activity and is automatically excreted by the body's metabolism. "

"How long does this thing take care of the Seal of Throne?" Wei Na asked.

Main pipeline: "This bottle is for 10,000 people. Even a single injection into a human body is useless. It will be completely disintegrated for up to three months. But I heard that there is a long-lasting obsession in your base."

Suddenly Ling took the black love water and asked, "Is it useless to mix it in food?"

Before the supervisor answered, I looked at Ling in surprise: "What do you want to do?" I didn't know what Ling thought about me. Shouldn't she use this question for me now?

The supervisor smiled and said, "Of course it's useless. These things are macromolecular organics, which can't be absorbed through the thin intestine, and the digestive juice will break down the protein. These things can also be regarded as a denatured protein, which will be broken down. Unless Intravascular injection, otherwise it is absolutely useless. Oh yes, there is a way to use it, but the effect is very bad, only a little effect. "

"What's the way?" All women here asked at the same time.

"Don't say it." I hurriedly stopped. Those women in the Bell Tone Knight asked me I do n’t know what the reason is, anyway Ling and Wei Na must have rushed to me, let them know that my chastity is dangerous! For the first time, it turns out that men are not necessarily safe. Although there are few female satyrs, they are not absolutely absent. "Aren't you going to see my classroom? Come on!"

I smashed the bottle from Ling's hand into a box and closed it. Throw three suitcases to three male bell knights. "Catch it. Let's go."

I took the lead in pulling Wei Na and Ling out, but no one noticed that Xiao Chun slowly pulled to the end intentionally. Ling and Wei Na noticed Xiao Jiu Jiu Jiu and then started to cover her. While I wasn't paying attention, Xiaochun gathered up to the supervisor: "What's that way without injection?"

The supervisor pointed me at shaking my hand.

"Please!" Xiaochun began to use her coquettish ability. Although the director is also old, but there is no lack of love for beauty, Xiaochun and these biochemical people are the combat weapons carefully disguised by Long Yuan. The spoiling force is more than 100 times stronger than that of ordinary girls. The director just struggles to resist It took ten seconds to fall.

"Don't say it was me." The supervisor saw that I didn't notice him, and then quickly whispered in Xiaochun's ear: "This thing can directly affect the human body through the sense of smell, but the effect is relatively poor."

"Thank you! You are so great." Xiaochun said to the director that the old tree blossomed with a smirk. The image of the intellectuals just now is completely gone.

When we got out of the experimental building, Xiaochun immediately gathered a group of women. They mumbled together and suddenly returned to normal. I asked Ling curiously, "What are you talking about?"

"We? We're just discussing how to tie you up and inject you with a love potion." Ling's intelligence is strengthened, and they know that denying makes me doubt, so I'll just say a more radical answer and let me think so We were joking and relaxed.

I know that because of brainwave control, they simply cannot disobey my direct order, so it is impossible for them to kidnap me. Ling Di answered very cleverly. Thoroughly dispelled my doubts.

"It's naughty!" I turned to them with a smile. "Well, where do you want to look now?"

"There!" 28 people shouted at the same time. The problem is that the directions they pointed to combined just covered the only three roads around me.

"It seems that the opinions are not uniform!" I thought and said: "So, how about we go to the gym first? Didn't Skt say that he likes basketball very much yesterday? Today I will take you to a live basketball game."

"Is there a match today?" Skott asked excitedly.

"I don't know. But there should be at least some people in physical education. Besides, how many people should there be in the school team!"

"I really want to participate in the game together!" Skott imagined that he would participate in the game.

"You still forget it! See if you can, don't think about the game. You basically cheat when you play a basketball game with others. Basketball is about degree, reaction, and bounce. You are not within the normal range of these three items. of."

A bell voice called Bidalge said: "Boss, we have so many people anyway, just go back and play with the two teams."

I said aside: "Then I will tell the technical department to help you make a solid shot, so as not to hit the plane when you shoot!"

"We are not out of control!"

"You can't control it in a real game."

"Let's go first," Ling impatiently urged. "I want to see what kind of strength the average young man is about!"

I took them to the gym of the school and said, "There will be a lot of people over there, and you should pay attention to your ability to control yourself so as not to hurt others. The people here are not as strong as you. It ’s easy to control if you do n’t control your strength. It ’s terrifying, and even if you do n’t hang it down, it ’s not fun to be disabled. ”

"I see, you've said it eight hundred times!" Wei Na said, "Did we not play with those little punks when we came out last time?"

"But then you broke three people in the ballroom."

"That was Scott's job, not me," Weiner argued.

Scott said: "I just pushed the door out, who knows who is behind the door!"

"That ’s why I let you pay attention! You are like an iron ball mixed in a basket of eggs, and you just smashed the eggs around you. Maybe you did n’t intentionally hurt people, but you still have to avoid knowing You? You have to treat the people around you as glass, no. As paper people. I think these people are fragile and ca n’t work hard. ”

"I'll do my best!" Scotte nodded helplessly.

"It's not for you to do your best, but for you to do it. And not only people, you must pay attention to all the flowers and plants, and the door handles. You squeezed the handprints on the door handles of my bedroom last time. It must be light. "

"Okay, I see."

I can't blame me for being too careful. These people are too dangerous. Although they can control their power, people have feelings. When excited or in sudden events, the original power is often used without thinking.

Skott began to get excited outside the stadium. Because for the first time he saw so many people doing sports together. The people in the base are all scientists. Those people have white skin and yellow muscles like drug addicts. They even feel like they are delaying time to eat and sleep.

"Are you that guy?" Suddenly a voice appeared on our side.

"It's you?"

I didn't expect to meet the enemy when I came to school. The guy who talked just now is the Taoist priest we met in the gourd, and even more terribly, he actually recognized me. I recognize him for a simple reason. I think this guy looks and hates the same in and out of the game. But he recognized me, which was strange.

This guy is holding a girl now. Obviously it is the girl of the ghost family, her appearance in the game is the original appearance. No changes except clothing.

The girl didn't recognize me until now. "You are the ..." She suddenly noticed Ling them beside me. "Are you ... the pet?"

"She's a player. How could a pet come out?" I didn't answer.

"Well, yes, the magic pet is impossible to go outside the game." The girl is easily fooled by me. After all, this thing is too illogical. Most of them are based on common sense and believe that those who are not the magic pet are a little uncertain. , It will not really show up, after all, it is too offensive and common sense.

Ling smiled and said, "Actually, you didn't guess wrong. When we entered the game, we did a collective mission, and then put our players under his name as a magic pet, so we all have a building-level experience. The value is concentrated on him alone, which is very cheap. "

"Well. It's strange!" The girl's last suspicion was also dispelled, and Ling's lies were too level.

"Big dragon, who are these people? Don't you introduce us?" Not only his girlfriend followed him, but there were also a large group of people behind him, at least twenty, not less than us. However, they are basically men with only three women, including the ghost female player. These guys saw Ling and Wei Na and these women immediately began to behave as perverts, and Harako was almost out.

"Huh! I don't know them." Dalong, the Taoist in that game, said disdainfully.

"Don't do that." Ghost female player pushed him.

"Xunzi knows to help us introduce it?" The satyrs behind saw the beauty and of course they forgot about the dragon. At this time, what brothers do they care about, the beauty matters.

Dalong shouted, "I don't know, what do you mean? Seeing friends and forgetting friends? Brothers, like brothers and brothers, are you virtue?"

The leader said: "It's good to say that brothers are like hands, feet and wives like clothes. But there are more people who lack arms and legs on the street. Have you ever seen anyone without clothes?"

"! How old is your son?"

"Hello, my name is Shenlin." I offered to reach out to the guy who quarreled with Dalong. Hey, aren't you not dumping us? I'll pry all the people around you, let you be the commander of the bare pole, and anger you!

"Liang Kai." The man immediately reached out and shook me.

"This is Wina." I hurried the others behind me.

When Liang Kai saw Wei Na immediately petrified, I took a photo of him for a long time before finally releasing his petrified state. As soon as he recovered, he immediately stretched out his hand: "Miss Miss Taobao, a beautiful woman in winter clothes. My name is Liang Kai, and I am 22 years old today, from the Department of Biochemistry."

"Hello. My name is Wina."

Liang Kai held his hand still, and then asked, "Miss Wei's name is really nice!"

I patted him and pulled his hand away from Wei Na's hand. of course. The main reason was that she was afraid that Wei Na wouldn't let go of his hands and made his hands into noodles. "You are wrong.

Wei Na is a foreign immigrant. She is not surnamed Wei. "

"Why do I say it looks so special! What country is Miss Wei Na from?"

"Her father is Chinese and her mother is Swiss, but she is Chinese."

"Oh! It's a mulatto! They all say that the mulatto is very beautiful, and it seems true. What's the full name of the lady?"

Wei Na answered with a smile: "My full name is Wei Na-Osao! Just call me Wei Na."

"And us!" The next group of perverts rushed together and started to introduce them.

Wei Na, they have never had the experience of communicating with so many people, nor the average girl's means to deal with the flies around them, and they were blinded at once, thanks to their intelligence group, they could barely cope. I was thinking about whether to teach them communication science first. Lest you make a joke when bringing people to pick things up.

The satyrs over there split into pieces as soon as they came over. Circle our girls separately. It seems that the most popular is Wei Na, and the second is Xiao Chun. It seems that Chinese men are still more enthusiastic about home-style girls. Although Ling is very beautiful, she is savvy and powerful at first sight, so most men didn't consider her at the beginning.

There weren't many people around Ling anyway, she simply held my arm directly to show that she had a master. I'm too embarrassed to struggle because I'm used to being hugged. Actually struggling is useless. Unless Ling was willing to let go, I pulled my arm out to talk. The sleeves of the clothes must be finished.

Ghost female players said to us: "It's really a fate! I didn't expect to meet together in the game, even outside the game."

"Haha! That's right!" Ling also laughed in cooperation.

"Right. Don't you want to play?" The ghost girl shouted to the big boys.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Liang Kai cried like a dream, and the boys around him only remembered that they had a game at this time. But they are reluctant to let these beauties have to pull us in.

We originally came to the gym to play. Since they invited us, we naturally wanted to go in. It took me a long time to realize that most of these people are actually basketball teams. I said why one is higher than the other! It's sad that I stand among them like a hill in the mountains!

In the course of entering the gymnasium, I found out that the school was recently engaged in a sports meeting. Dalong is the representative of the sports team of the Department of Biochemistry. This morning was a basketball game between the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Electronics. Scarlett was thrilled to hear the news.

In addition to the team's players and alternate players, these people are friends of those athletes. They are basically basketball enthusiasts. Since Scotia likes basketball, he has also watched a few games in his free time. This will make sense with those people.

One of the team members said to Scott, "It's a pity that you are a little short, otherwise it would be good to be a candidate."

The next player who was not tall immediately retorted: "Who said that? Am I not only one meter seven or six? Who stipulates that people who play basketball must be more than 180? It is unhappy that we have a good jumping ability. Ah? Don't look at you being a big man with a length of 1.97 meters. You can say that you are fart behind me. You are a mixed race, Scott, and you should be better than a single race. Maybe you can really fight. Or else we'll try it later? "

Si Ge held a glance at me, and I shook his head. He was disappointed and said, "Sorry, I'm afraid I can't participate. I'm not a student at this school."

"Ah? You're not from our school?" The athlete who was very fond of Skort shouted in surprise.

As soon as the other boys heard that Scoot was not our school, they immediately asked Wei Na and Xiaochun: "Will Wei Na and Chun be also outside schools?"

Wina nodded. "Except for Shenlin, we are not here."

I don't know who shouted, "Which school are you from? I want to switch over!"

I hurriedly said: "They have just transferred to their nationalities and have not yet attended school. I will take them to see the school today. If they are satisfied for a while, the Seal of Throne will register here."

As soon as I heard the words, those satyrs immediately worked hard as salesmen in the school. Although we have strong teachers here, how can I listen to them like a school in heaven!

Because those people thought that our big group of people were tied together to choose a school, even the male bell knight became a target. The athlete just said to Scott: "You will test it for a while, as long as you go to school with us. I definitely recommend you to join the basketball team."

These guys really do everything they can! For the beauty even the ball came out.

After entering the stadium, we were arranged to watch the game in the player rest area. The location is better here. In fact, the cubs hope that the beautiful women can help us arrange this position after seeing their performance on the court. If these beautiful women are not there, the ghosts will know who you are!

Anyway, everyone was happier playing. The audience started to enter the stadium before the game began. The huge stadium was overcrowded, but it couldn't crowd us. After the start of the game, they started shouting and cheering. I didn't lose sight of seeing them excited. Although they are our products, they are our products. But they are special products. Don't really use them as products. Moreover, even home appliances must have working environment requirements. Scot's environmental requirement is that everyone can treat them as equal people. The biochemical people in science fiction rebellion, it is also because everyone suspects that they will rebel. If they don't get a sense of identity, they will really betray, if everyone regards them as a part of society. How could they betray their own society? But unfortunately, most people do things by their senses and never think about the nature of the problem. So my special artificial life must work hard to make this middle bridge.

"What are you doing here? Come and cheer up together!" Ling and Wei Na suddenly came over and kissed me out. They were so excited that it was a good thing, but I couldn't understand basketball! I knew it should be learned a little bit!

The game is in progress and everyone seems very happy, but just when a three-pointer entered the basket and everyone was cheering, 29 of us were cold at the same time and looked in one direction at the same time.

"Did you feel it too?" Winner asked, looking in that direction.

During this time, although the throne of the Seal of God was not trained, it improved my sensing ability. It can also be said that this is an intuition for danger and sudden events. "You all feel it?"

"Go and see." I said only three words and suddenly there were 29 people missing in the stadium.

"Is this here?" I stood at the entrance of the school's central garden and asked them.

"It should be here," Ling replied.

Central garden. This place is not actually in the center of the school, but on the side of the school. The center garden is almost the same size as a medium-sized park, with a large number of artificial hills in addition to various plants, but the highest is only 20 meters. Students generally like to call it a botanical garden instead of a garden. Every morning here is the best place to learn English, and at night it becomes a place for little lovers. It's almost noon, but it's the quietest time.

I quickly assigned the task. "In addition to this, there are three entrances to this place: Laurie, Teck, Lan, Imota, Merida, Ana. Six of you ran right along the fence and left after seeing the first entrance Three people guarded the door, the remaining three went to the next door. There are two suitcases here, and each of you and your team will take one. It is inconvenient for us to bring things in. Please note that your task is to prevent outside school and staff Do n’t use force, just say to the students that there is a leader to inspect, and if the teacher says there is something in the group, your ID card can prove your identity. "

"Understand." Six people immediately took two suitcases and ran away.

"Bosa, Crete, Celine, the three of you are to the left, there is a small door over there, be optimistic about it."

"Understand." The three disappeared as soon as they turned.

"Yatavia, Ossey Jones, Nina, Barrera ~ ~ The four of you are holding stabilizers to hold such a door. This is the main entrance most people estimate."

Barela asked, "But the forest, what if the people inside rush out?"

"There will be no one on the mountain at this time, maybe those guys just won't go through the door, right?"

"Well, I see."

"The rest are coming in with me. Be careful, the other person is not an ordinary person."

The feeling just now is actually a shock. We felt a clear shock. Although no seismological studies have been conducted, the level just now is definitely not an earthquake. If it is a large construction machine, it is impossible to drive into the school garden. Second, the vibration of the large machine is not continuous. Now that I've entered the botanical garden, I'm more sure this is a certain creature fighting, because I already smell blood.

Skort sniffed. "African people."

Vera next to him lay on a nearby rock and listened with his ears and said, "The number of targets is 8, bipedal creatures. They seem to be very heavy, about 500 kilograms."

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