Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 51: Disaster Transfer Plan

As soon as I stepped out of Isinger's teleportation array, I felt a little vibration under my feet. It seemed that the city had started to move. I knew from the guild conference center that the city was indeed moving, because the isolation gates in various areas were lowered. This is the standard procedure in moving.

"President?" Everyone was surprised to see me appear.

The big pot rice just came in from outside with Shura Ziyi, and immediately called when I saw it. "Zi Ri? Are you out?"

"What am I coming out of? It's like I just got out of prison!"

"Haha!" Shura Ziyi said with a smile: "The cauldron rice is all right, you don't know, but this time your decision is quite unexpected! Why should I let Essinger go into the water to hide? This is too exaggerated?"

"This, it may be a little exaggerated, but I think it is still the safety first."

"What the **** is so serious?" Da Guofan asked.

"This matter is more complicated. I ca n’t say clearly in two or three sentences, and I still have something to do now. You should do as I said. It ’s a big deal. It ’s better than just in case I did what I expected but did n’t prepare. Be better! "

"Flood. A catastrophic flood. And the problem may not only be water, but the climate will follow."

"Is it the end of the world?" Cauldron Fan started to be stupid!

"How do you say it!" I thought about how to organize the language before I said, "The situation is that the wrong gourd is being sent in the air, spraying water in the air."

"Water spray gourd?"

"There is a teleportation array in the gourd, and the exit of this array is the Pacific Ocean, so the water was all pressed into the gourd by the water pressure. When the gourd was full, the water sprayed out. Now the gourd scatters like a missile in the air."

Cauldron asked: "So what?"

"That would cause climate change in the world!" Hongyue suddenly walked in from the outside, apparently she heard what I said just now. "Do you know the exact location of the exit?"

"Unclear, but it must be the southern hemisphere, because all the vortices turn counterclockwise!" The earth is rotating, so there is a ground turning bias force on its surface. As long as things in the northern hemisphere move, they will be pushed to the right by this force, and the southern hemisphere just happens to be inverted.

Hongyue thought for a moment and then said, "That's worse! The water temperature in the southern hemisphere is higher than ours. The vortex will certainly **** all the warm water from the sea surface into the gourd, which means that the water emitted by the gourd contains a lot of heat energy. As the air falls, it will disperse into small droplets to increase the surface area. As a result, the water will be easier to steam. As long as the gourd does not stop, the temperature of the earth will continue to increase, and water vapor can reflect sunlight. If the heat absorption is insufficient, the earth is very It may enter the glacial period. Worse is that there will be a global warming before the cold, accompanied by rising sea levels and large-scale catastrophic storms. Ocean currents will be very turbulent, and the result of uneven heat distribution will be convection in the air. Maybe a There will be a temperature difference of more than 30 degrees within a day. Typhoons in the southeast direction are still blowing in the morning, and they suddenly become typhoons in the northwest direction in the afternoon. The tsunami was frozen on the ground by six degrees as soon as it hit the shore.

"Isn't it so exaggerated?" The cauldron asked tremblingly.

The next player in the bank who was listening said, "If it is another game, I would say that Red Moon's speculation is alarmist, but I have read a lot of game magazines about" Zero ". The weather system of" Zero " It completely simulates reality. It is said that Longyuan uses a natural climate prediction model to complete the climate control in the game. This model is usually used for climate simulation in reality. The weather forecast you see every day is the model that receives satellites. The accuracy rate calculated from the data from the ground meteorological station is as high as 89%. This is because the number of satellites and ground stations is insufficient. The data in the game is controlled by the system itself, so the information is sufficient. The result of natural simulation is 100%. Accurate. If that gourd really sprays seawater everywhere, then the prediction of Vice President Hongyue is an inevitable result. "

I dropped another blockbuster next to it: "In fact, the gourd may explode at any time, and it has space inside. The volume is about the same as building a dam around Jiangsu and Anhui provinces, and then storing water in it. The water level reaches After 150 meters, the water storage capacity is almost the same as that of that gourd. "

Hongyue's brow twisted instantly. "It seems that strengthening the city's buildings is no longer possible, let everyone repair the city!"

"Xiuding?" Shura Ziyi asked curiously, "Is it so serious?"

Hongyue nodded: "According to the amount of water described by Ziri, once the gourd explodes, there will be nothing left within hundreds of kilometers around its area. After that, the flood will sweep all areas within a thousand kilometers around without any difference. , Unless it is a mountain with a drop of more than one thousand meters, it is impossible to survive. Further beyond, the flood gradually decreases and begins to become gentle. Some highlands may be able to be maintained. Do n’t count on low-lying land, close to rivers and lakes. It is estimated that none of them can run away. It is estimated that half of China's area will be finished before the seawater returns to the sea completely. "

"Then our country is not finished?" Cauldron asked in surprise.

"Not necessarily us." Hongyue said: "The gourd is flying by jet, and the degree is not expected to be too slow, and this thing is not a creature, it has no purpose, and it does not necessarily fly to where it is. The best case is that it is in Explosion at sea, so at most it caused a small tsunami. If it explodes on the 6th floor, people nearby will be unlucky. However, it is not necessarily us who are unlucky. The thing does not know when it will explode, maybe it will fly to the Americas or This is not true in Europe! "

Cauldron rice suddenly smiled and said, "You are wrong, in fact, the best explosion point is not at sea!"

"Not at sea?" Hongyue frowned. "Is there anything safer than the sea?

"It's not a security issue, it's a benefit issue." Oiguchi said: "Don't you think it would be interesting if that thing exploded over Japan?"

Shura Ziyi said next: "It's a good thing like the big pot rice thinks. It is estimated that it can wash away an area as large as the main island of Japan."

I interrupted their delusions on the side and said, "Do n’t have a dream there. There is no way to control the gourd, or else you say it? If it really explodes, the location is random, compared to the size of our country. It ’s so big, the chances of Zhongzhao are much higher than Japan! "

Hongyue suddenly said, "In fact, I don't think it's really impossible to control."

"what do you mean?"

Hongyue Road: "Remember the heavenly court compensates our **** arrows?"

"You said that magic missile launcher?"

"Yes. If you master the force and use its blasting force to change the direction of the hoist's flight, even if you can't control it accurately, it will not be impossible for it to fly over Japan."

"It's a good word, but it's too risky? I don't know if the gourd can withstand the power of the explosion! The babies in heaven are all specializing in one ability. The seal monster is not necessarily the same as the inside. Impenetrable! "

"That's the way." Hongyue said: "When the thing hits the sea, let's shoot it once. If it explodes, at most it will be a tsunami. If it doesn't explode ..."

"That's it." The cauldron jumped up. "Where is that thing now? Let's try it."

"This ...! I don't know where it is, but I think it's better to find it as long as it doesn't fly out of China, because the gods of heaven are all chasing after it. And the water column sprayed by that guy, as long as The weather is good and can be seen hundreds of kilometers away. "

"Alarm!" A voice suddenly appeared in the guild channel: "It is clear that the flying object is approaching in the west direction and there is a long white trail behind the target. It is too far away to see what it is."

Hongyue looked at me and said, "It seems that he came to his door ~ ~ Hulu came from the west, then it must have forgotten to fly after it flew over our heads, as long as it does not turn back, we will Get the best shot.

"Dismiss the alert, that's not the enemy." I stopped the defensive alert from the guard watchman. "Red Moon, shall we go to the top?"

"I'll go too!" Dagu also ran after us.

To be honest, I really do n’t know if you can hit a hoist with a missile. Magic missiles are much faster than a hoist in terms of degrees, but I ’m afraid it ’s very difficult to operate. The gourd flies up and down, but the missile wants to aim at it is not easy. Although the magic missile can control the free change of course after firing, it is only a magic missile used to attack large targets, not an air defense missile!

As soon as we reached the top of Isinger, we saw the gourds flying over our heads with a white water column, followed by a group of fairies. A few seconds after they all passed, we noticed that the water column that had spread had hit it from above.

"Hidden!" Boom, I shouted a little bit late, as if we suddenly got into the waterfall, smashing tons of seawater with a hood and smashing our faces.

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