Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 66: Deep into the tiger's hole

"I do not know?"

Eve re-explained: "I really don't know. Things have to start from the beginning. In fact, the illness you have contracted this time has just appeared on our side for a while, and many guild people have fallen. Later I do n’t know where the news came from. This game has a profession called a medical therapist, which belongs to the branch of pharmacist. This profession is completely different from the previous pastor. They do not have any magic and can only rely on drugs to treat others. And they do n’t have players who are not combat professionals. It is said that players who can work in this profession can treat this disease. Everyone heard that they started looking for players in this profession. ”

I continued: "After you found the player who is a medical professional, did he tell you that the formula needed the minerals here?"

Eve nodded: "That's right. The medical doctor did give the formula, and the formula is very common, but the only special thing is that a rare mineral here must be used for pharmaceuticals."

I asked, "Why don't you let the healers do it yourself? Aren't non-combat professions immortal? They don't have to worry about monsters at all!"

Eve yelled before even answering: "You do n’t know, Ziri, the rules have changed a long time ago. Non-combat professional players will now be killed just like us, but combat professional players will be punished much more severely than ordinary players. , So combat players are generally afraid to move non-combat players. "

"That's just that players can kill, isn't the monster not attacking non-combat players?"

"What!" Cats complained. "Now they can be attacked. Non-combat classes will also be attacked when encountering monsters, and it is easy to hang up."

"Why isn't that combat profession out of town?"

"If you are out of town, you can participate in a tour group. There are system bodyguards responsible for security. Depending on the price, security is not necessarily guaranteed. If you join a cheap guard, you may be killed. If you want to go out alone or experience the two-person world, you can buy it in the system store. Security card. This thing can only be used by non-combat professions. As long as the cover of the brand is opened, the monster will not attack the person with the brand for a certain period of time, but the effective time and expelling effect of the brand are different according to the price. Each brand is different. There are levels, only monsters below the brand level will be expelled, and monsters above the brand level will not be affected at all. Long Yuan really loses his eyes. Such a lack of morality to make money can be thought of. "Cats do not know me His identity is still complaining there.

A Wei saw that my face was not so good and quickly added: "Don't say that. Doesn't the system also allow combat players to form tour groups?"

"This is true. However, many people still believe that the system tour group, after all, is an official group, more reliable."

A Wei was afraid that the cat would say anything else, and I was going to start talking. "By the way, Eve, then how did you know that you would come here? And why are there so many people who are sick?"

Eve explained: "Because the therapist was not convenient to come, we had to come by ourselves. As for the mineral here, the therapist also told us that he had been here before and knew that it was there, but unfortunately he did not know This thing is useful, so I did n’t take it. As for the people here, you do n’t see all of us. There are three guilds here. And we are not infected with du, but we know that we wo n’t be able to run away sooner or later, Just take the time to get some people back before everyone can move. If you are sick, there will not be enough people to trouble. "

"You have a foresight," I sighed. "So what is this guarded guild?"

"They are from the Iron Riding Alliance. This city was originally their city. It was not very popular at first, but it has become a golden place since the outbreak of the plague."

A Wei said: "Should they not occupy the mining area to sell antidote, right? So many people are sick, how much do they earn!"

Eve lamented: "If they are willing to sell ore. Drugs need water soaked in ore. A little bit is enough for many people. If they sell ore, we buy it directly. But these guys are too unscrupulous Now, they sell water directly. "

"Fuck! It's so dark!" A Wei couldn't help yelling. It's still good to sell mine. Isn't it too expensive to sell water?

Eve continued: "In fact, if they supply a sufficient amount of water, it is OK, after all, it is not easy to fight here, it is not urgent, we do not use force to seize it. This **** disease du has two major characteristics. The first is that death does not disappear. Even if You are useless to commit suicide, and you are still infected after being resurrected. The second feature is repeated infections. Those **** only sell a potion of 1,000 people at auction every day, and the potion can be obtained at high prices. But the disease will be repeated. Infection, you can drink the medicine to know that it is good, but if you touch another patient, you will be infected again immediately. This way, it can't be cured and their business can be continued. "

Awei looked at me and said, "Boss, I finally know that there are still more unscrupulous people in the world than you."

"Go. Am I dark?"

Cat and Awei watched me nod violently, and even Gothic did the same. "Fuck! My name is budgeting, I do n’t know what to say. The task now is to deal with this black-hearted guild in front of you. Although their strength is weak in front of everyone, but those monsters are difficult to deal with. Yes, Eve you still Did n’t say why you do n’t know what the super monster is? ”

Eve replied: "The reason is that we only listen to the information obtained by the system information station saying that there is a super one thousand S and there are many men, but we have only seen these men so far but have never seen the boss. We guess that this Super S will either be invisible, or just be invisible to the team like his men, or he will never come out. "

Karaka said: "I would rather believe it has never been out."


"It's very simple!" Caraka said: "There are two reasons why the boss does not appear. The first is that the boss is trapped and cannot come out at all. Previously, our guild took on such a task. The S was a head. Rhodo War Monster, but the guy was trapped in a cave by his seal, and his men were free to go in and out, but he couldn't go out. We finally wiped out all of his brothers and entered the cave to find its existence. "

"What about the second reason?"

"It's better not to be the second reason. Because the second reason is that the enemy is too weak. The boss is too lazy to come out. If that shows that this monster is super powerful, he is not afraid of us at all. But I want to use the strength of President Ziri because of this. The probability that it doesn't come out is very low, and most likely it won't come out at all. "

The cat also said: "These little monsters would not leave the city too far, probably to guard the boss, so this big SS might really be trapped."

"But the problem now is that there are too many little monsters and we can't even get through the periphery!"

Cats suddenly said, "Aren't you going to make holes in Ziri?"

"You will make holes! I'm not a rat!"

"I mean your magic pet."

"Do you say rose vine?"

"Yes," Cat said, "Anyway, that ore is enough. We rushed in with thousands of horses in vain. In my opinion, a few of us made holes from the ground. Anyway, we took a few pieces and came back. Yes. The ore is not milk powder, and everyone can drink the antidote and drink it after the stone is soaked. "

"This is a good way." I looked at the environment behind the city and said, "Do you know where Eve is?"

"How can we know the specific situation when we haven't been in?"

"That's troublesome!" I thought for a moment. "Let's watch while walking. Rose vine, come out and help dig a hole."

The Blazers are ill. The burrowing work was all done with rose vines. In order to avoid being discovered, I only brought Awei, Cat, Caraca, Eve, and my bell knight. Even the puppets were left outside. Those guys are too heavy, walking like an earthquake, the monsters above will definitely find them. In order to create confusion for the enemy, I also specifically let the two phoenixes continue to harass the enemy in the sky.

The rose vine opened a tunnel with a diameter of 1.8 meters under the ground. After I changed the shape, I could walk upright. Cats and A Wei were fine, but Caraca and Eve would nod their heads slightly.

First, it advanced for more than a kilometer underground and then we stopped. The rose vine extended one of his main tentacles out of the ground, and the emerald-like spherical tentacles sticked out of the ground and looked around. This is our periscope. What it sees can be directly transmitted to this crystal on the trunk of the central rose vine.

The first time I confirmed my goal, I was surrounded by hooves. As if still in the city. Withdrawing the tentacles, we continued to dig a distance forward and raised the "periscope" again, but this time an accident occurred. As soon as the rose tentacles were out, a big eye was printed on our picture. Rose Vine actually reached out to the eyes of a rhinoceros. The rhino was startled, but immediately reacted and started screaming, but we flashed faster and we collected it in a moment. The other rhinos did not see anything and did not respond. The rhino called for a while and stopped.

After moving for a while, we looked at the bottom road again. This time I learned how to behave. Ask the rose vine to make a small hole with the auxiliary tentacles and then retract the tentacles. I opened the small lid on my wrist and put a crystal beetle out. The small thing climbed up the ground along the super small passage, and I could directly see what it saw.

Several rhinos noticed a bug emerging from the ground, but they quickly looked away, after all, such a small bug was not a threat to them enough. Not to mention that they are rhinos, even a person would not think that the bugs crawling out of the ground are a monitor.

I saw the rhinos, but they obviously didn't intend to control my bugs. Naturally, I didn't worry about being found. I manipulated the crystal beetle to climb to the next building and planned to go up to see the situation.

"Ah!" I suddenly screamed and fell down, Awei and they quickly helped me up.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" A Wei asked nervously.

"Fuck! My crystal beetle was trampled to death by a rhino. I was still in spiritual contact with it at the time, and it felt as if I had been trampled!"

"Haha!" They all laughed at me. "It's not worth stealing chicken!"

"Fortunately, there are enough of my beetles, and it is not a big deal to lose one or two." I took one from my wrist and put it in the hole. This time I also learned how to be good. As soon as the ground beetle came out of the ground, it quickly climbed over the wall, quickly attached it and then climbed up. This time it was finally safe to climb to the roof. From here you can see the valley behind. It looks like we are not far behind the city. Recalling the crystal beetle we dig forward again. Eve had a keen interest in the crystal beetle on my hand, and I was obsessed with taking it to see it. Although most girls don't like bugs, the crystal beetle is completely like a crystal handicraft. No one will find it alive without moving it, and naturally it will not cause resentment.

I was so entangled that I had no choice but to give her one to show her enough. Eve turned the crystal beetle over and over for a long time and asked, "Do you seem to be able to control them?"

"Of course, why else?"

"Then how do you control them?"

After I removed the helmet, I bowed my hair and let him look behind my neck. Eve looked at it in surprise and asked, "This is the mother?"

I brought it back to the helmet and said, "This is a queen worm. Their social structure is similar to a bee, but this race is a unisex breed. There are no mating worms such as drones, only females and fighting worms. After the females die, The stronger ones of the fighting worms will only evolve into mother worms divided into multiple groups, which are roughly the same as bee colonies. "

"It's a magical species." Eve handed me back the little worm. "Sell me a female worm?"



"Nothing to sell?"

"Don't you kill this female worm and they will automatically split into multiple ethnic groups? Then you take another female worm and parasitize it and sell it to me." The woman thought very well.

I explained helplessly: "First of all, don't think that anyone can be parasited by mothers, not all races are suitable for parasites. Second. The number of larvae after parasitizing comes at the cost of the host's ability to recover. I am a magic pet. It does n’t matter what the division is, a knight like you is not suitable for use at all, and the pain when this thing parasites will make people crazy. At that time, offline is not allowed. Forcibly offline will lead to parasitic failure, that is, you must stiffen the pain and wait for the parasite to end I was deceived. If I were given another chance, I would choose not to be parasitic. Third, that is the most important point. This guy is now one with me, even if I die, unless I delete the number, Otherwise it won't die. "

"Ah! What a pity. Such a beautiful bug cannot be used!"

"These guys aren't just pretty." I turned the crystal beetle over and let it open the cover outside his mouth. The big pair of pliers inside exposed immediately. "I saw that the mouth of this thing is wrapped in it. If you are bitten, you will need a small piece of meat. And once a large number of beetles focus on a target, you can stab the target with only bones in a few minutes, even No bones left. "

"Isn't that better than a piranha?"

"The piranha is nothing like this. The piranha can only move in the water. This guy is amphibious and can fly short distances. He has a good ability to bounce, and he will punch holes. By the way, they eat everything. You In armor, they can also walk along with the armor. "

"Too fierce, right?"

"This is my nirvana. How can I keep it safe?"

Cats reminded us: "It's almost time to come?"

I nodded and let the rose vine stop first, and then put a crystal beetle up. This time the crystal beetle saw a large coniferous forest after going out. From here, it seems that there is still deep behind.

"We are under a forest. How do we go ahead?"

Eve said: "According to the therapist's description, the ore should be in a cave deep in the forest, and we should continue to dig forward."

Caraka said: "Can't we go up? It's uncomfortable here."

Eve immediately said: "These are poisonous flies. Unless you want to be a toad, you can still walk here honestly."

"Toad? Will it pack if I'm bitten?"

Eve said: "These poisonous flies do not bite people. They just like to lay eggs on you. Then your body temperature and blood will help the poisonous fly larvae hatch. After that, they will grow in your body by themselves. The cocoon morphs into a poisonous fly and comes out of the skin. Think about what it looks like when you are in a blood cave filled with thick water. "

"So disgusting!" Cats couldn't stand it. "Let's not go up! I'd rather kill myself by being toaded!"

"Doesn't the armor seal work?" I asked Eve.

"Seal is okay. But most armor is unsealed. A lot of knight armor can breathe underwater to some extent, but the body part of the armor is usually unsealed."

Awei shouted, "Boss, are we still below? Your armor is sturdy enough, and our order suit is not sealed on the body. What should I do if I get stung?"

"Rest assured, I have no plans to go up! Even if you are not afraid to bite, I am afraid to fight against the grass!"

"I knew you were not so kind."

"Shh!" I stopped them from teasing suddenly. "There's movement on the ground. Don't say anything. I'll see what happens."

The small crystal beetle crawled along the vibration of the ground, and my gaze moved forward along the line of sight of the crystal beetle. Through some dead leaves and fallen tree forks, I saw someone.


"what's up?"

"Don't you say that poisonous flies will lay eggs on humans? How do I see a player wearing a cloth robe? Isn't this looking for death?"

"Does that guy have a saber sign on his chest?"

I let the crystal beetle crawl over and looked at it. "Yes, there is one."

"That's right. This guy is Hu Qi of the Iron Riding Alliance. They signed an agreement with the monster leader here to defend this area together. The monsters will not attack their guilds."

"How about we catch him down and torture the location of the mineral?" A Wei asked.

Cats patted him: "What's your joke? It's not a big deal for the player to hang once and only a fool will confess!"

Caracas said, "It's better to follow him, as long as he goes to the mineral area, we can know the specific location of the mineral."

Eve immediately urged me: "Follow him quickly, we will find the ore soon."

"But this guy is standing still. What do you want me to follow?"

"No motion? Is he waiting for someone?" Eve asked.

"how could I know."

Cat Cat said: "Maybe waiting for the monster boss."

"Wait, something is coming." I made them quiet.

From the perspective of the crystal beetle, you can see a large green fly coming up, probably this is the poisonous fly. The player saw the poison fly instead of running but greeted him. "What about today's ore?"

The fly flies off its claws, and a green stone the size of broad beans falls into the guy's palm. The other man dragged a small cloth bag the size of a cell phone with the other hand. The poisonous fly grabbed the cloth bag and turned and buzzed away. The player immediately turned and walked in the direction of the city. I originally wanted to track that poisonous fly, but the crystal beetle had a poor ability to fly and could not catch up with this specialized flying creature.

"Did you see something?"

I recalled the crystal beetle and said, "The man replaced a green stone with a small bag and a poisonous fly."

Eve cried immediately when she heard the green stone: "That stone is the antidote."

"So the people of the Iron Riding Alliance didn't really enter the valley!"

Cats said: "Anyway, they can get the antidote."

I nodded. "I remember the direction in which the fly was flying away. We should be able to find the monster's nest when we go down. Even if we ca n’t beat it, you can drag it for a while. I'll get one and we will run. Anyway, we come to get the ore. Not to kill monsters. "

"Then we dig there first!"

Dig all the way in the direction the fly flies away. I use the crystal beetle to monitor the situation synchronously on the ground. The closer to the forest depth, the more poisonous flies. If we really passed from the ground. It is estimated that everyone except me will become a toad.

We dug and dug into the rose vine and stopped suddenly. "Master," the Phantom preached, "there is a rock in front, and the rose vine cannot punch holes in the entire rock."

"This is troublesome, and the Blazers are sick. No one but the Blazers can make holes in complete rocks!" Cat Cat said worriedly.

"Do you really want us to pass from the ground?" Eve asked.

A Wei immediately shook his head: "It's finished when I go up, I won't go up."

The cat also shook his head: "It's disgusting to crawl all over the body. I won't go up!"

"Eve, do you have any way to repel insects?"

"There is no pesticide in the game, what can I do!"

A Wei joked: "Just order the mosquito coil."

"Yes, mosquito coils." I called.

"What? Do you really have mosquito coils?" Cats startled.

"I don't have mosquito coils, but the insects should all be afraid of smoke. If I light the forest on top, do you think there will be poisonous flies?"

"I depend! You are too big!" A Wei did not expect that I would set fire to the forest.

Cats hurriedly said, "Burning forests will add evil!"

A Wei patted my chest and said, "Is he still afraid to add evil value? The super big name who killed more than 100,000 people doesn't care about adding that evil value, right?"

"But there is a fine for burning the forest!" Cat continued to warn ~ ~ Eve immediately said: "You burn it! As long as you get the antidote, we will help you out for the fire compensation, this valley is not very big You ca n’t pay too much, and everyone will not have much to share. ”

"That's what you said." I confirmed to Eve.

"Well, you burn, we pay."

"That's all you need." I patted the rose vine. "Send me up, right." I turned to Awei and said, "You'd better leave the aisle first. After you light it up, it will become a fire. You don't want to be a cockroach or go out and wait."

"OK." Eve immediately said: "You just have to ignite, we will go out immediately, and we will return when the fire is almost over."


Awei and they turned away from the aisle. The rose vine also overturned the dirt and sent me to the ground. A large number of poisonous flies immediately found me and pounced on me. "The dark demon halo **** bee!"

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