Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 90: Get rid of tour groups

I really did not expect that the castles of various ethnic groups turned out to be mobile war cities. At first, I thought it was just an ordinary castle. "Hello, I said Ant Totem. Can you build more castles?"


"Can I build ten or eight ant tribe castles?"

"Ah?" The totems were confused by my contrast. The Ant Totem asks strangely: "You said just now that building a city is expensive. You are too expensive to build a castle of each tribe. What are you doing so much?"

"I didn't know that your castle was so powerful and certainly expensive, but since your castle can move, it means that it is no longer a city in the general sense. How can such a castle be too expensive! There is too much trash. , But no one thinks too many gems? "

"You are really greedy! But there is nothing you can do. Our mobile castle is based on our thirteen totems. The castle without us is also decorated."

"Can you copy it?"

"The beauty you want, the totem is a spiritual aggregate created by gathering the beliefs of your own family. Do you think it will grow when you plant grass and sprinkle seeds?"

"Zi Ri." Cocoa suddenly ran over from behind, but Jingjing and Lingling alertly blocked him and didn't let him come over. He shouted to me across Jingjing Lingling: "The tourists are going over there, are you finished here?"

This quickly put the Ants totem behind and turned to Cocoa, "We're almost ready, you go back to the whole team first, we will go back immediately."

"Then I'll go back first." Cocoa looked a few more times, but saw nothing but the totem tree that fell to the ground and had to leave.

As soon as the cocoa beans left, I hurried to the magic pet around me: "Come on, dig out these guys for me, but don't rush to smash the gems first. They are so many big guys might as well be carried in the gems. The Snow Queen First go back to the space door. Let them all come out, then bring 200 Yalong cavalry, and then you close the space door. Xiaochun, you take Yeyue back to Fenglong space for treatment, it looks like she is still in a coma Long seal of the throne.

The magic pet has more advantages than the player. The most important thing is that they absolutely obey. And never be lazy. As long as the task is assigned, any magic pet will try to complete the task as soon as possible. Under my command, the surroundings immediately moved, and everyone dealt with their own affairs.

The Ant Totem suddenly said: "Don't worry, except us, you must bring the seeds of our tribe."


"It's the mother's egg. What's the use of leaving without poisonous insects?"

"What about the female eggs?"

"You turn now." I turned around. "Take a step forward. OK, here, dig down, the female eggs of all races are below."

I immediately summoned the rose vine: "Here, open me all up."

The soil layer was quickly peeled off, and thirteen meat **** more than one meter in diameter were exposed underground. "Eh! Why is it so disgusting?" The red ground meat **** were covered with green ground pipes, and they were still being pumped there. The mucus on the surface has an indescribable smell.

The ant family totem said angrily: "This is a female egg that has not been formed, and of course it does not look good. When the human embryo was just formed, it was not a red meat ball?"

"At least most creatures don't have your green blood."

"You are racist, and I think your red blood is disgusting! Our green blood is good, and the fresh smell of plants, your disgusting red liquid is still smelly, that's disgusting."

"Okay, well. I'm wrong."

"What do you mean by being wrong? You were wrong originally. The question of principle should be clarified."

"Okay, am I wrong? Isn't it OK!" Really, all the fairy monsters were turned around by me, but when they encountered several bugs, they were turned around by them.

"Master, the totem has been dug up." Pepper handed a crystal to me.

"Very good." I wanted to put it in the bracelet, but I couldn't get in. The system prompts that the city core cannot be placed in the storage space. I quickly opened the Fenglong space and couldn't put it in. Feng Long said that this is a compressed magic item, and his space could not hold such a thing. I quickly shouted to the space door: "Hey! Don't close the door yet."

Skott ran out of the forest head-on: "Master? What happened?"

"What about the space gate?"

"It's closed."

"Halo! One step late." I handed all the crystals to Skott. "Help me first."


Although the female eggs under the ground are large, they can be put into the bracelet. We dug out 13 female eggs of 13 families and put them into the bracelet. After taking away the other magic pets, I returned to the camp with Ling and Skott and the Yalong Knights.

The first reaction Cocoa beans saw when I came over was alert. Cocoa beans looked at me in surprise: "Zi Ri, you are ..."

The child of the night just came out of the tent behind, and he pressed down the guard's sword. "It's okay, it's the Purple Sun Guard."

"Guard?" The guard looked at him puzzled.

Ye Zi explained: "Zi Ri's humanoids are more beckoning creatures. So we are accustomed to be called Zi Ri's personal guard, don't you think it is very visual?

The next guard nodded stupidly: "It's very visual, but it's too much, right?"

Ye Zi smiled and did not answer him. I came over from the opposite side, a few of the female players standing in the front row of tourists immediately pinched their noses and backed away. I looked at them and said to them: "If you fight with millions of bugs all night, you should know that I am a decent person!"

A young lady held her nose and said, "But we just slept in the tent all night, so we can't understand your decentness, and it's a good idea to wash it if you don't mind."

"If the ladies don't mind being together, I think it's a good proposal."

"Then let's all together?" This female player is European and not as embarrassed as a Chinese girl. I'm not going to step down because she said so.

Forget it, isn't it just cleaning it! No one said that they had to be stripped to wash! "please."

This female player was about to walk with me. A female player called out, "Is there a place nearby to take a bath?"

"Of course." I saw a small waterfall nearby last night. There are many places like this in the forest.

"I'm going too." The female player cried. "I wanted to take a shower last night. The air in the forest always felt whine."

"Then who else wants to be together?" Cocoa asked this directly, this time, he only cares about tourists' interest anyway, after all, is the customer God?

It was stirred by cocoa beans and turned into a whole out, but fortunately the lake below the waterfall was not too small. Everyone actually just went down and rushed. There is no need to wash as seriously as in reality. After all, the game does not have a design that will accumulate dust on the player. "Zero" is only because of sweat in battle or sports, and some blood or mud will be attached to the body during battle. These things wash up quickly.

I waited for everyone to go ashore before launching, otherwise everyone would dare not launch again, after all, I am not a green slime who can accept it.

I just walked to the water after washing and suddenly slipped under my feet. thump. After a splash of water rose, everything changed silently. Skoth pushed them away from the crowd and rushed into the water. I saw the water rolling for a while, and after a while I came out of the water. A leech came out of the water.

"I rely on it. So many people attack me. It's really bad to go out!"

The son of the night stood on the shore and said, "Because your body is full of blood, doesn't it attack you and attack us?"

At first the European female player said, "Actually, I think it may be because Mr. Ziri's meat is relatively tender, right?"

"what do you mean?"

"You know." The female player smiled and walked away without telling me more. I shook my head inexplicably and followed everyone back on the road.

Not to mention, there are really many monsters in the forest, but more importantly, the useful materials are also extremely rich. The monsters that attacked us were almost piled up with money. Those beast teeth or fur are almost all very valuable materials. From time to time, some special minerals can be found on the surrounding ground, while others are very rare plants. Tourists are very happy to play anyway.

At about 12 noon, everyone gathered for a game. The master chef burned it differently than what he did. The other person practiced was a life job. The skill attribute was equivalent to MSG. He made the same materials and made it with you. It's different. After lunch, tourists said goodbye and opened the scroll to return to the city. The reason why it ended so quickly was because it would take two more hours to shut down and upgrade. Another reason is that the main tourists this time, the storage space of the chefs and prospecting staff are full, they can no longer carry samples, so they had to return in advance. The second defensive circle of the forest is less than a kilometer in front. It is much more dangerous than this country. Most of the tourists only want to feel the martial king. Force the abandonment of the young Da Zhou Emperor to kill the God of the Seal of the Night and ask the demon to be proud of the world nine strongest days. The throne of the night killing god, the seal of the god, begged the demon to be proud of the world. Life and occupational death must also be dropped.

After the dissolution of the team, Cocoa returned with everyone, but there were still tourists left.

"Why don't you leave?" Three female players and two male players remained, and they looked like a gang. One of these five people was the European woman who deliberately stimulated me from the beginning.

The female player looks like a collar, she came to me and took out a handle ... I don't know what to say, it looks like a sword, but I'm sure it's not a sword. Its handle is very long, about a foot or so, and the front of the guard is like a key. The only difference is that it is much larger than a normal key. The front end of that thing is like the four-way cross key used in the current security door, but it is not four directions but six, and it feels like the back of the six-handed sword is connected to the back of the knife. These six faces have undulating teeth, which are no different from keys, and there are several irregularly shaped holes on some faces. Such advanced anti-counterfeiting technology is really rare.

"No one else now, let's talk straight." The woman took the things back again. "The five of us are a guild, and we have the task of going deep into the forest and using this key to open a temple. What we need is a collection in the temple, and we can divide the bitter treasure into half. How? Interested? "

"Why are you looking for me?" The woman was shrewd. It also shows that she is dangerous.

"This is a temporary decision." The woman stared directly into my eyes, and although I couldn't see my eyes with the mask on, she stared at me. "Your identity makes me think you are more reliable than the average person, and you happen to have such strength."

"Do you know where we are?" Night Son asked in front of me.

The woman looked at the son of the night. Fingers point at my chest. "I know her identity."

I look at this woman. "Why do you think my identity is more reliable?"

Women are very sure: "Because most strong women are more stable. The best of men are mixed."

"I said, Miss, you seem to be mistaken. I am not a woman." I used to be softer, even if I was mistaken for a woman. Now my height has increased significantly, and she hasn't even seen what I look like so far, and she says that I'm a woman. Since I saw them, my helmet has been wearing a mask. She shouldn't be wrong about sex!

The woman laughed: "You don't have to pretend to be a lady again. You are definitely a woman."

The son of the night looked at me and suddenly asked, "Boss, when are you going to undergo a transsexual operation?"

I directly closed the translation system and yelled at the son of the night: "Go to yours, and I'll take you as the last **** in China." I turned back to face this woman and opened the translation system again: "If you just want to see my There's nothing wrong with your face. You don't need to stimulate me by my sex. Where on earth do you look at me like a woman? "

The look of this woman that I saw through it: "You are really good in camouflage, but unfortunately you have flaws. Although you look like a man, you never walk directly in front of us. Only Some shots still use two maneuvering blades. You are afraid that the attack posture is too feminine to be revealed. In addition, the stinking smell you intentionally made is actually to cover the body fragrance of the woman on your body. "

Ye Zizi wrote over and said, "Boss, do you still have a woman's fragrance? Let me smell it. I'm afraid that a woman hasn't smelled it!"

I turned my head and slammed my fingers, and Skott extended his head, and I said to him, "Drag the guy next to me into the woods."

Scarlett beckoned. The two bell-tone knights dragged out the night son, and the night son screamed there, "Fuck, what is this? Do you understand this kind of thing?"

The woman looked at me with satisfaction: "The last big flaw. You never take off your helmet. In fact, you don't want to let people know that you are actually a woman. At night you don't sleep in the camp because you are afraid that others will see in the tent."

"It's an interesting inference, but why would I dress as a man?"

"Because women are usually protected, if you let people know that you are a woman. Guarding work may not be easy. On the one hand, tourists will harass you. On the other hand, you are not good at using feminine protection because of work. The boss may give you very little wages because you are a woman. In the country behind you, women have less status. So you do not want to let people know that you are a woman. "

"I have to admit that you are a smart woman, but your imagination is too rich, first of all, I am not Chilean, although I am a guard, but that is a temporary guest. Second, I am afraid of you if you do not fight in front of you Nausea, I ’m more used to shredding the enemy a little bit, a lady like you may not be able to stand screaming. Third, I do n’t go back to camp at night because I have a friend who is inconvenient for you to see, and I am chatting with her. Fourth "I took off my helmet and said," The reason why I don't take down the helmet is that the forest is very dangerous. Protecting the most important head is the basic knowledge of a seasoned player. "

After seeing my face, the woman was surprised and then relieved, "Also said that you are not a woman, is your appearance a man?"

"Miss, the lines of our Asian men are more delicate, please don't judge us in European style. In addition, I admit that I am really more feminine, but I am definitely a real male."

"Do not believe."

"If you don't believe me, there is nothing you can do, so I can't let you do an on-site inspection, right?"

A man from the back came out and said, "Whether you are male or female, can this task be answered?"

"I'm interested in the mission, but ...!"

"But what?" The five asked together.

"But I don't have time to seal the throne."

"Why don't you have time for the Seal of the Seal of God?" The leading woman asked.

"It's not just you who have the task. Do you think someone like me might be a little person with no background?"

As I said, the five of them looked together at the side of my breastplate, and the rose-shaped badge was very eye-catching. "You are the president of the guild?" Although they knew the guild badge and the collar badge brought back by the president, they were not Chinese and did not know the meaning of the badge.

"Yes, I'm not only the president, but my business is not small. We also have our own tasks. This time there are special reasons to be guards, and they just happen to be on the way."

"Our mission is also in the forest, and you should be able to do it by the way, and our mission is not in a hurry. We can complete your mission with you first and then complete our mission. Your mission involves Do we not touch the mission benefits? "

I thought about asking the woman, "Which country are you from?"

"We are French."

"It's really a country of ideal ideas!" I sighed softly, but I didn't expect to be heard by that woman.

"what did you say?"

"No ... nothing." I quickly interrupted. "Let's do this. There are one or two server restarts. If you don't mind, we'll talk about it after we're online after booting?"

"Then let's do it first." The woman didn't seem to be really anxious either. They agreed to my opinion and went to the underground.

After I said goodbye to the night son, I also opened the space and explained the general situation to the goddess of contract. In order to avoid that the goddess of contract was not safe here alone after I went offline, I opened the space door here and hit the goddess of the earth. Hello, she can go in and out at any time when I am away, so no matter what the problem is, no one dares to enter the territory of the Mother Goddess anyway ~ ~ After telling the goddess of contract, I put the demon without real body again The pets are all put into the space door. They can't go offline like Scotia, preventing them from being bored and letting them out to let them move. Although they may feel unconscious like sleeping during the upgrade process, I do n’t know when I will be online again. It ’s always good to prepare first.

After all the arrangements were in place, I realized that Scot and they went offline together. The first thing to take off the helmet was to call the members of the Longyuan resettlement worker, and relay it to Isinger through her human property. During this time, the throne of the Seal of God must be prepared. All enter the first-level alert state. After the player is offline, they are the only security guarantee. I don't want to lose anything because of this upgrade. The guild is like its own child. It is hard to watch him grow up a little bit, it is hurting and laborious, but he can't bear him, he must continue to work harder to make him stronger! The minister's ambitions do not know if they have something in common with my mentality.

By the time I made the call, they had already arrived at the restaurant. The first thing this kid did was to report to the restaurant. Since having real bodies, the place these guys are familiar with in Dragon Foundation is the restaurant. This group of guys have now surpassed the B1 troops. Those fierce men have become the first rice buckets recognized by the cafeteria chefs, and Skott is now the top rice bucket king in the rice bucket list. According to the elder Wu of the cooking class, the amount of food that Skott had for a meal was equal to the total number of meals a day for the eight operators in the foreign telephone department.

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