Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 4: Scam Expert

Rose said to Red Moon: "The truth is obvious. Ziri's efforts have always been to make us middlemen. This status determines that the negotiations between the four forces directly affect our interests. If the power of heaven and the demon world are compared like the United States and Iraq Similarly, the behavior of the court that day must be eliminated directly instead of negotiating. Now that we are not negotiating, what do we middlemen do? Conversely, if the strength of the negotiating parties is very close, and no one is willing to give in, then our value will be reflected. Come out. The harder their conversation is, the bigger the difference we make, and the more they talk, the more we benefit. It's that simple. "

"Then what about Essinger now?" Hongyue asked.

I do n’t care: “Keep up the puppets first. You will naturally pick up the fairies after they have been dealt with by the court. Are you afraid they wo n’t give us three points of face? The fairies also have their own social circle. These people go back to drive around. From the viewpoint of acquaintances, we have saved three or four times the actual number of these soldiers. In the end, this will cause the court to tilt our overall policy. This is called the mass effect. "

"How do you think of it?" Eagle sighed. "You can think of such a slippery policy."

I shook my head and said, "I don't know."

"Who is that?" Hongyue asked curiously.

"I don't know who it is, but our country has been using this policy. Didn't you see it? Our country's assistance to African countries is directed directly at civilians, and we don't pass local governments in the middle and directly release supplies to ordinary people to help them. Building roads and building houses. Those countries in Africa are chaotic and change government in three days and two days, but we support civilians, so no matter which government comes to power. It will always be kind to our country. I just borrowed this method. It ’s not often changed, but we do n’t have access to those high-level members, so I set my goals on those low-level members. If all members of a group reach some kind of consensus, even individual high-level opposition is meaningless. ”

"You're just a bad guy, everyone else is dead to you." Eagle smiled.

"I usually seldom count people. I'm troublesome! Haven't heard that people with a lot of hearts are old before they die? Oh, yes." I took out a piece of jade and handed it to the eagle. "You will use this to find Erlang God. Tell him about the situation here, and let him arrange the return of the heavenly soldiers to heaven. Also, when there are more tears, we must say that we are the heroes who have made huge sacrifices. .Eagle if you are not good at this, you can make roses. "

Rose came over and took the jade piece: "Let's do it. It's strange that the eagle can shed tears. But why don't you go in person?"

"I still have to go to the demons, and they must be celebrating the party. It ’s true that everyone is in the mood for extortion. I'm not really trying to help the monsters to subvert the power of the heavens. I want to take the agency. Fee. "

The gold coin shouted next to him: "Then you go, don't give me face, start harder."

"Go. Do you want to make money in the future? Killing the chickens to get the eggs is only one time. Only raising chickens can eat eggs for a long time! Extortion also depends on the scale!"

Rose asked, "Do we need to go with you?"

"No. You can't talk to me over there, it's better if I go alone."

This time I left Essinger, I learned well, and brought a large number of teleporting scrolls in front of me. By the way, I got an undead warhorse and borrowed a black robe with a hood from Vinda. Steel Claw belongs to Warcraft. It is not suitable for long-distance use as a mount. Silver Moon's excessively weak body is too difficult to walk. It is the first choice to get a horse, as for the robe. That thing is mainly used to cover my face.

When I ran to the cemetery this time, the monster that kept the gate took the initiative to help me lead the horse over, and I was taken directly into the Governor's City. The entire Duling City is now a demon mountain and a monster sea. My identity is relatively secret. Most of the monsters here are new, and most of them don't know me. The monsters are curious about a creature like me walking on the street. But the big monsters who guided me were full of deterrence. No monster dared to approach.

Enter the main hall of the Lord's Mansion. The four major protection methods have stood in a row waiting at the gate, and behind them are a large number of raw faces, which also seem to be the backbone of the new exhibition. Six brass doors closed behind me, and all the windows were closed. I threw the cloak down with one arm very smartly, and two little foxes accurately caught the cloak and stood by the door.

"How do you feel?" I raised my eyebrows at the four guardians.

Shui Xu said with a smile on his face, "Cool. How many years! I've figured out the bad breath."

A flaming silver rumor looked at me with eyes full of spring: "It's hard to imagine that you, a creature with little power, could fulfill our wish of the demons for years and years. It seems that it was really a sight. Your current body makes me even more curious. Shui Xu said that you and Ziri share a soul, is it true? "

"Not me and Ziri. I am me. This body is called Yinyue, and that body is called Ziri. Both are me, and it is impossible to move at the same time, because I have only one soul."

Yin Ruo nodded: "I heard that you also helped to treat a large number of injured heaven soldiers, why not just let them die?"

"Please, on the surface, I still have a cooperative relationship with Tianting. How can I see death? I don't want to miss the opportunity, but I can't afford to be small and cheap. This time, I have exchanged a spiritual pulse for hundreds of thousands of heaven soldiers. It ’s big. It ’s a small loss to leave Tianting for the wounded soldiers. Besides, the more Tiantian trusts me, are n’t you more secure? ”

Qiong Lin, who was wrapped in a black cloak, asked, "Why are you so inclined to us?"

"Because it is more beneficial to work with you."

"Can't Heaven give you any good?"

"That is not the case. On the scale of wealth, you are no better than heaven. People are kings, and you are little landlords, that is not a level at all."

Yin Ruo asked: "Then you say that we have great interests?"

"Yes. You are indeed incomparable with Heaven, but because Heaven is too powerful and too rich, there is not much benefit to be with them. Although you are not rich. But at least you know to cooperate fairly with me. Give If you help, you will thank me with equal remuneration. But heaven ca n’t do this. Heaven is too powerful, they always think we are their people. They always think we should do things for them, although they also give I'm ordering benefits, but that's the exploitation of the naked. They eat meat and soup and only let me lick the plate, do you help me or help them? "

"That's really a loss for you!" Yin Yao nodded.

I smiled and said, "So don't study heaven. Don't leave me some soup if you eat meat."

"Why don't you eat meat yourself?"

"If you want to eat meat, you have to hunt for meaty things. I don't have your fangs and claws. I'll just follow the soup and calm down."

Yin Yao laughed wildly: "Ha ha ha ha, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard. It seems like you are weak."

"Ah! You do n’t know my suffering! Even my own life is not guaranteed. A lot of people look at me in this position, and everyone wants to overthrow everything I have worked hard to build and stand by myself In the position, who knows my hard work!

Bi Tuo said: "I'm a rough man, I can't understand what you say, but silver ... silver ... what is your name silver? After all, I'll call you Ziri! I can't understand what you say, But here we only talk about strength and grudges. We monsters do n’t like to talk about messy things, as long as they have gracious grounds, they will fight against them. This time you have helped us a lot. The four of us have already discussed. We intend to Let me do you a favor again, and by the way, I will repay you. "

"Wait, wait. What do you mean? I don't understand. You said you would let me help me in return?"

Shui Xu pushed Bi Tuo aside and walked out, "This guy is stupid, you come with us. We will tell you slowly."

Yinyao immediately came to hold me: "Yes, come in with me, let's sit down and talk. By the way, tell my sister, how do you maintain your skin? It's smooth like Hanyu."

"Please. Don't take advantage of the opportunity to get oily!" I tried to push away Yinyao's satyr claws, but Yinyue's power was too small and she didn't respond at all.

"Sister I'm a girl, I don't care anymore, what are you afraid of a big man?"

"Are you a girl? Come on, you're all old, don't you?"

Yin Yao laughed wildly: "Haha, let me tell you a secret. The life span of our black spotted python can be comparable to that of the dragon. I should only be 24 years old in terms of conversion age. Although it is not a ignorant girl, I still have a lot with old women Gap, right? "

Bi Tuo laughed beside him: "Yin Yao, you really haven't changed your heart. You can also look at the objects when you pick up the yang and make up the yin! This is our benefactor."

Talking about having reached the inner hall, the monsters outside did not dare to follow in, except for the four major protection methods, they stood outside the door and took the door.

Shui Xu sat down and said, "The little busy that Bi Tuo said to you just now is actually dangerous, but it is quite cost-effective compared to the benefits. You should have done this busy easily, but now you ...!" Shui Xu reached out and motioned to my body. "and so……!"

"It's okay," I said. "I'm not alone, there are people in my guild."

"This, I'm afraid you can't take your own guild."


"Because we hope that your help is to go to the abandoned Demon King's Hall to help us get back the demon king's branded ring. That place is now closely monitored by the heavenly court. If your people are found, I am afraid they will not excellent."

"Then it would be the same if I were spotted?"

"You don't have to worry." Shui Xu said: "Your soul is surrounded by a large number of resentment spirits. The guards there have specially set up a manifestation array to prevent us demons from entering. Once you enter that area, all invisible spells and the like Will lose effect, camouflage will not work at all, and what you can see in that large array is not you but your soul. There are many ways for heaven to track the soul. If the people in your guild go with you, you will definitely Was traced. But your soul is surrounded by a large group of grudges, and no one can directly see your soul. So no one can track you through the soul-locking technique. If you have the body of this Silver Moon and that of Ziri, It is the same soul, there should be no possibility of being revealed, the wrong soul is your disguise. "

"Then I can't beat the guard alone!"

Qiong Lin found a crystal ball from his clothes. "This is a memory bead. There is a secret road map of the demon king palace. You can sneak in by means of the secret road. Try not to be guarded. If it is not possible, you can use the organs of the demon king palace to deal with the guards. You are not trying to destroy anyway Guard, as long as you get the branded ring. "

"You said it was in return for me. What good would it do for me to help you get this branded ring?"

"There are a lot of treasures in the demon temple. We weren't taken away at all by the siege that year, and the gods in heaven can't find our things. As long as you get them, they are all yours."

I smiled intently: "Yes. Another question. Why don't you go by yourself?"

Qiong Lin said angrily: "Don't you think we haven't tried it? Heaven just doesn't want to let us demons enter, and all the intersections have demon traps. As long as the demons are close, they will all be finished. You are not demons. Although If there is an injustice, it will not touch the vigilante team. There is nothing we can do except you. "

"Well, yes. If I find a few people from outside the guild to help you think it's feasible?"

"This is all right." Shui Xu said, "As long as you don't involve your guild, you can find some casual adventures to help. Now they are just scattered people who definitely think we have hired these people. Tianting also You do n’t want to deal with these retail investors, so you do n’t have to worry about them revealing your news because they hate you for being involved with them. But you must find someone who has not been contacted before, so as not to be troubled by the court. ”

"I'm good at this."

After receiving the record bead, I carefully backed down all the information of the demon king palace. This bead is the real thing. It is possible to act as evidence, so it is safest to memorize it. After learning all the points, he returned the beads to Qiong Lin and quickly returned to Isinger. When I arrived in the meeting room, I bumped into Erlang Shen, but fortunately I didn't bring the beads.

"Yinyue?" Erlang Shen immediately lifted me up after recognizing me, but suddenly his face suddenly asked severely, "Why are you so enchanted?"

bad! Just came out of the monster's den, and it was strange to have no anger. However, I am not an ordinary person. The more afraid this kind of thing is, the easier it will be to expose the stuffing. "Hi. Don't mention it!" I used my actions to set the tone for Erlang Shen and made him feel that I was wronged.

"What the **** is wrong?" God Erlang really struck, the blame turned into a question.

"I didn't tell you that there might be a trap after heaven asked me to look into the news?"

Lang Shen nodded: "Jade Emperor was still regretful before I came here. He didn't listen to your suggestion and investigated it before he rushed into the army. I didn't expect to encounter such a large loss. This time it was a big loss!"

I pretended to be distressed: "Anyway, the message was sent by me. Although I reminded you at the time that it might be a trap, but I was sad because we failed to find out what caused you so much loss!"

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault." Erlang Shen can't remember the purpose of asking me just now.

The interruption is over, and now I need to quickly get things back on track. The interruption can only be concealed for a while, and Erlang Shen will be more skeptical when I go back, but I have brought back the topic of deviation by myself, which shows that there is nothing in my heart that can be concealed. The classic tactic of trying to escape is also appropriate to deceive people. I went on and said, "Isn't the **** just asking me why I'm mad?"

"Yeah!" God Erlang suddenly remembered that there was a serious evil spirit in me, but at this time he was safe and not thinking about the bad side.

I explained, "I saw that you were so badly damaged, so I planned to track down what happened, but guess what happened to me?"

"What did you run into?"

"I ran into the battalions of monsters. When you attacked Heiliang Mountain, they were always nearby, but we didn't show up because Heiliangshan's demon was too strong to cover everyone's feelings, so we just happened to be there just now. When I came across, I planned to follow them all the way to see where their old nests would be back to report to the heaven court to compensate me for my mistakes, but I didn't expect to be found halfway. Thanks to my wit, I hid in place and let out false targets. It's dangerous to drive the demons, but I'm blessed by misfortune even though I am present. "

"Oh? What's going on?"

"These monsters actually had four demon guardians, and they were talking not far away from me at that time. If I had buried myself underground, and there was a city nearby, the popularity had covered my breath. Their abilities are sure to show me. But because of these coincidences, I have not been shown. They just talked about how successful these plans were, and then I heard a secret. "

"What secret?"

"They're discussing what to go to the demon temple to get something, it's a little far away, and I didn't hear it too clearly."

Erlang God immediately stared at the boss. "Did they mean the demon king's palace?"

"Yes, yes, that's the place."

"I didn't expect them to die." Erlang Shinto; "But it doesn't matter, there is a Xiaotian dog guarding the door, no matter what monsters he wants to slip in."

gosh! No wonder the monsters couldn't get in, and for a long time, the dog **** squatted at the gate and guarded it! I quickly took the opportunity to inquire about the information: "How many guards does the Lord have arranged? Since the demons want to go in that place, it must not be a good thing, we should guard against it."

"Don't worry." Erlang Shen said with confidence: "In addition to Xiao Tian Dog, there will be a spirit **** and ten thousand soldiers guarding there, plus those big arrays, it will not be a problem for three or five days. Xiao Tian dog is still hanging on my neck If they ca n’t stop it, they will use the flying symbol to notify the heavenly court reinforcement. Counting the time when Fu Fu returned, the Seal of the Seal of God will take us at most three or five hours. ”Erlang God suddenly and mysteriously "Tell you a secret, there is actually a Kirin in that place hiding under the demon king throne in the hall of the monster, and the monsters will kill it as soon as they move the throne. The top-ranking skyfire unicorn can level the demon ~ www ~ Fortunately, I asked a few questions first. If I rushed past and died, I would have to peel off the skin. It would be even more miserable if I caught an existing criminal. Turning back to let Shui Xu send a few small ones The demon attacked, and then I found a few temporary workers to follow me and touch it from the back. As for the unicorn, there is no way for the time being. Below the throne is the entrance to the secret room. The imprint is in the secret room. If the unicorn is also inside, I can Why take ah!

Anyway, the boat naturally straight to the bridge, you can think about it when the time comes. Gossip with Erlangshen first, and then send him away. As soon as Erlang Shen left, I quickly turned around and returned to the demon headquarters, and talked to Shui Xu about the general situation. Shui Xu clapped his head and said, "It's strange that every time the little monster sent to him is found even if he crawls in from the secret path, it turns out that Xiaotian Dog is guarding in the hall of the monster. Originally, the fairy was sensitive to our demon, this It's still a dog god, and there is a ghost when you can go in! "

I nodded and said, "Anyway, you send a team to attack tonight. The team should be bigger, not necessarily a suicide attack, but you can pretend to be defeated."

"Okay, I'll arrange this." Shui Xu nodded.

I also nodded: "The other things will be left to me. You wait for my news."

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