Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 11: 1 group of foxes

This is exactly the arena. I did some experimental tests by the way, and the results were very good.

The basic attributes of the two numbers are still independent. Although superficially superimposed, they do not affect each other's basic attributes. Their respective attributes are the same as before. If one body is hit, the other is bad and then injured.

In terms of passive skills, the two numbers interfered slightly. The most significant change is that the auto defense attributes can actually appear on top of each other. Ziri has a large body with a lot of defensive attributes, such as vengeful magic of strong strike aura. If someone attacks the large size of Ziri, once the attack is determined to be successful, it will start a retaliatory strike. However, the trumpet of Yinyue did not have the resistance attribute of the halo, but during the test, the true red that practiced with Yinyue was shocked by a strong halo after a successful attack.

Yinyue does not have a strong aura, and with a 107-level character, it is absolutely impossible to shake back a master of this level, even if the strong aura is fired. The only possibility is that Zi Ri's powerful aura will automatically take effect, and this skill is fired according to Zi Ri's combat power. Only the powerful aura shot by Ziri, a 800-level body, has such great power.

In the subsequent tests, we now not only counterattack magic on Ziri, but also the black demon halo under Ziri's feet. This black demon halo under Ziri's feet will automatically attack all nearby enemies. Eliminated, unless the purple sun is invisible, this aura is always on. Switching to the Silver Moon trumpet is the halo, although invisible, it still works. And the strike force is completely at the level of Ziri.

In fact, not only the trumpet of Yinyue accepted the counterattack attribute from Ziri, a large land, but Ziri also accepted the counterattack attribute of Yinyue. The staff of the sun in Yinyue's hand is equipped with the shield protection of Vulcan Aegis. Changing to the name Ziri is that Vulcan Aegis can still work. As long as the opponent's weapon is close to Ziri, the Vulcan Aegis will automatically jump out to counterattack.

When I was training with Zhenhong Rose, they also helped me calculate the effects of various auxiliary magics, and the result was good and bad. A Wei added a weakness spell to me in the Silver Moon state, which is a kind of cursive magic, but when I switched to Ziri, the effect was weak. Later, Yingquan also helped test the toxin. The result was the same. The toxin can only affect the body that was directly attacked. But blessing magic is completely different. Rose added a power boost to the Purple Sun. As a result, Yinyue also strengthened.

During the battle, I stood still and let Zhenhong fight the Ziri and Yinyue into half blood, and then I fought in the form of Ziri. After a period of time, the wound of Yinyue began to heal after the seal of the throne. Obviously no matter which number I use, the other number does not disappear. It is out of sleep. Although everyone has an automatic blood return attribute, blood return in the offline state is invalid. For example, if a player goes offline after being injured, it will not return to normal because of automatic blood return. From this, I judge that my two numbers are online at the same time, because even the unused numbers are returning blood, indicating that he has not left the string.

Taking advantage of this automatic blood-returning property rose also has a benefit. When she gave me a recovery operation. The two bodies actually recovered together. And the effect is not diminished. Regardless of the pity, only one body is responsible for taking medicine to return blood. The other one doesn't work.

The test of active skills does not interfere with each other, the active skills of the two numbers are still used separately.

The test of the pet and the summoned creature was a bit confusing. The other number of the newly summoned creature felt very confused. They can feel it is me. But it's strange to my appearance, but after explaining it, it's basically normal. The test result is still that the two bodies summon their own pets, but if you first summon the required creature with one flesh and then change to another number, you can still command the creature called. In other words, apart from calling separately, it is totally equivalent to sharing magic pets. This level of abnormal properties makes Awei feel depressed for a while. The magic pets of other people have reached the top. My Ziri's huge magic pet carrying capacity is very scary. The summoning amount of Silver Moon is more terrifying than Ziri. As a result, the carrying capacity of our magic pet has reached the level of a small zoo. Ziri has 19 direct magic pet carry, which is not even the two positions that come with humanoid pets. Yinyue has the charm of evil spirits, the initial point is as high as 25 points, plus 1 additional charm of the right angel family, the basic charm of Yinyue is 26 points. The carrying capacity of the magic pet is half of the basic charm. Although Silver Moon does not have a large number of magic pets like Ziri, but with this half of the charm of the evil spirit, its direct carrying capacity has already reached 13 magic pets. My two pets' direct magic pets carry one plus 32 pieces. Awei only carried three, and it was strange not to be depressed.

After these simple items were tested, we took a risk to test what would happen to a physical death. Originally, we were not like testing this. Everyone was afraid that if one number died, the two numbers would be separated. It is a pity that it is so strong. Attributes. But the curiosity still let us test it. People are just like this sometimes. When they do n’t know, they are especially curious. The more they do n’t know, the more curious they feel. Fortunately, the test results are very satisfying. The death of one number cannot separate the two numbers at all. No matter which number is hung up, it will not return to the Temple of Resurrection. You must hang up together to restore the Temple of Resurrection. If only one number hangs, the other can carry this soul body to the Temple of Resurrection, and then change back to the number of the soul body for resurrection. Although troublesome, it does not affect the use. Moreover, with my current strength, it is not so easy to hang up. Unless I kill myself, the only thing that can kill me is the level monsters and the elders of the great divine powers.

After the talent test in the arena, I took the field test again, this time to see how the experience value is calculated. After killing a few monsters, the result comes out. The experience value is completely increased in synchronization, but there is a problem of proportion. For example, if a monster has 100 experience points, the number that killed it directly can get 100 points. The other number that does not appear can get a 50% commission, which is 50 points. This is more enjoyable than team formation. The team status has only increased by 30 yuan for additional experience points. I actually have 50% more. In addition, I still use Silver Moon to take the final blow to take advantage.

Silver Moon is only 107, and Ziri is 500. A level 500 monster has a standard experience value of about 300,000 points. If Zi Ri kills this monster, because the player's level is too high than the monster, the experience value obtained at random is cut by most of it, and the remaining is only about 10,000 to 20,000 points. Only one-tenth of the normal value is less than. However, if Yinyue takes the last strike to kill this monster, according to the reward of killing monsters, Yinyue can get nearly 1 million experience points at one time, and Ziri can get an additional 500,000 points. . This pros and cons is cheap. In the future, all the enemies will be made crippled and then piled into a circle, and then the silver moon will be used to stand in the center and use a halo of the sun to massacre them all at once. Not only is there a reward for killing monsters, but if you kill multiple monsters in one move, there is a bonus, and the more you kill at once, the greater the percentage. If I can make a circle with hundreds of seven hundred and eighty-level monsters, Silver Moon will have another massacre, and it will not be a problem to raise tens of billions of experience values ​​to three or fifty levels at a time.

After hearing this idea, Rose strongly suggested that she simply find the players in the guild and upgrade together. There are extra bonuses anyway. Such a fierce brushing experience must not be wasted. When the silver moon level is low, the brush effect is good. If the silver moon level is increased, the brush effect is not obvious.

The people in our guild were all acute, so when we heard this method, we were all ready to go. Because advanced monsters are not easy to find, you must hoard some in advance to facilitate our experience. The eagle informed the leaders in the guild. Send the team out to catch advanced monsters, don't kill them. After serious injuries, they will be concentrated in one place, and I will take the whole guild to brush up the experience once I have time. You can go to the island to experience a large-scale war experience by killing hundreds of monsters. Such good things are not often encountered. The level of Yinyue is low. Once you start to experience the experience like this, the level will definitely rise arrogantly. After Yinyue has passed the 600 level, there will be no effect. That is, now the level difference is relatively large to engage in cheap accounting.

The actual methods of guild standing players' escalation all over the place madly swept all nearby areas with high-level monsters. The other guilds thought that our guilds collectively spring. But collecting monsters is a member's business. I was already in heaven when they were busy.

The news reported by Erlang Shen shocked Tianting, and I was summoned to heaven to interrogate.

These **** in heaven are really snobbish. I used to have one or two heavenly soldiers to pick them up, and I had to go by myself. This time, I actually sent two Shenlongs and Erlangshen to pick me up, and also assigned me a tiger frame with two wings with long wings, and the treatment was obviously different.

After entering Nantianmen, you can see that all the soldiers who saw and saw me nodded to me. Obviously, the behavior of treating the wounded was widely recognized in the court of heaven. Most of the soldiers were favored by our guild, which is naturally different to us. .

When we arrived outside the Lingxiao Baodian, we changed to enter on foot. Although the soldiers in the guards were unable to speak, they were expressing their thanks with expressions and expressions. It seemed that this popular project was very successful.

After entering the Lingxiao Palace, there are quite a few immortals who are present today. The last time I came to the heavenly court was just one line on both sides. Today, there are three rows on one side, and the team is very long, thanks to the Lingxiao Palace. Big, no matter how many gods stand.

Although there are a lot of immortals below, I haven't seen the three-level big cards of Hongjun God, Lao Tzu and Yuanshi Tianzun. Instead, Rulai and Guanyin have all arrived. Eighteen Lohan actually stood beside Rulai, presumably preparing to fight.

"I've seen Jade Emperor, Rulai, Guanyin, and all the immortals." I said hello to everyone first, as the saying goes, isn't it strange that there are many people? Salute will not lose a little piece of meat, you can also get favorability, more cost-effective!

The gods, Rulai on stage, and Jade Emperor all paid back a gift together, and then Jade Emperor said, "Your name is Yinyue, right?"


"So what is your relationship with Ziri?"

There are too many masters in heaven. I myself is not a secret, there is no need to hide it. "Back to Jade Emperor. Ziri and Yinyue are two souls."

"Although your situation is very rare, it is not without precedent." The Jade Emperor is obviously not shocked. On the contrary, Erlang Shen had some regrets, but soon he was relieved. It was not an important thing anyway.

The Jade Emperor asked again: "First of all, thank you for your rescue of the Erlang Shentian Xiaotian Dog. In addition, your timely treatment of the Tianbing after the Heiliang Mountain exploded is also a great achievement, and the court will remember your credit. . "

I quickly and sincerely answered, "Heiliangshan World War I, my intelligence is not accurate enough to cause such a heavy loss in the heavenly court is already ashamed, Jade Emperor is not mentioned!"

The last time I came to Tianting, I saw that the group of Jade Emperors is the master of death. The battle of Heiliang Mountain this time was entirely because the heavenly courts neglected the enemy. Ignore what I later emphasized may be trapped intelligence. Of course, Jade Emperor was embarrassed about this shameful thing. I suddenly turned the cause of the battlefield failure into inaccurate information. It was tantamount to stand up and help Jade Emperor himself. I gave Jade Emperor a big face and let him down the stairs. In fact, everyone knows how this is going. Even if I stand up, no one will really blame me. On the contrary, Jade Emperor will remember a big benefit for me, and I will take it seriously.

Not to mention. Jade Emperor really is a landlord who knows how to report. Lima came. After listening to my words, the emperor first faced her face, and then said in a slightly angry voice: "Yes. I have forgotten if you didn't say that. The vague information of your guild caused such a loss to the heavenly court, which is really a major crime. "Jade Emperor first gave him a hard word to fight for his own face, and then added:" Of course, your later remedies can be considered a crime. However, it is difficult to balance the laws and regulations without punishing you. Now decide to allocate A guild will take care of your guild. Use your labor to compensate for your negligence. "

Listen, listen. Is this called punishment? It was an excuse to raise Tianma to me. Actually, it was a free gift to our group of Tianma as a reward. After punishment, we would not call our Tianma at all. It was totally given to our guild. Tianma is good! In addition to being less stamina than the Undead Warhorse, it is not only more than one level higher than the current Undead Warhorse. In addition, the fighting power is increasing. A more important feature is that Tianma can fly, and the power of the air cavalry is a bit clear to people who know it. The spear flying speed is fast enough, but unfortunately it is a guardian beast, except for one per player, there are only 1,000 in each city as a combat readiness force. It is still a dream to want to form an air riding army. The army can participate in offensive battles in the future. With Tianma, it is different. Tianma still belongs to the scope of combat readiness resources. It does not count on guarding Warcraft. How much you want to raise depends on whether you have this manpower and financial resources. When I got angry, I used pure Pegasus air riding regiments to play jumping attacks. I hit this city at noon in the morning, and I could change another one in the afternoon. No one could catch up with this air cavalry anyway. I can take the air cavalry to tease the enemy infantry. They spit on the foam and started to pick up the bargains. I must definitely play so often. As for teleportation, that's nonsense. In the past, it was possible to consider that it is now necessary to transmit the long battle price to this level, and to send an army of several million people to bankrupt the guild. Even if the enemy is willing to teleport, we can fly to the next city, you follow me to teleport, sooner or later empty the money bag.

Because this idea was too hot, I couldn't help but start smirking in Lingxiao Baodian. The gods around me looked at this jade emperor and smirked as I scolded me. In fact, everyone knows why I laughed, but everyone didn't point it out, and didn't let it go.

When the Jade Emperor "rebuked" was almost over, Taibai Venus stood up and said, "You can't blame Frost's information too much. The Jade Emperor is still angry."

The Jade Emperor was enough to face him, of course, immediately ended the "reprimand". "Yinyue. I heard that the interior of the demon palace has been ransacked this time, and Xiao Tian Dog was also caught at that time?"

I replied, "The monsters have already left when I arrived. I went in and searched it. Now the monsters have attacked this place, so I went out to chase those monsters trying to show their nests, but I was spotted halfway. Xiaotian Dog. So he rescued him first. After all, the old nest can be found again, and the senior soldiers lost one less. I also weighed it for a long time before I decided to rescue Xiaotian Dog. "

"Your idea is good, and you should really protect the life of the magic soldier first." Of course, the emperor must be kind in this matter. After all, God Erlang is also his nephew, and it depends on the owner to hit the dog. "Is there a connection between the place you followed after and the demon's nest?"

I replied very carefully: "Actually, I sent someone to investigate after returning Xiaotian Dog, but the monsters were no longer there. We only showed a small amount of residual monsters." The fairies in the hall listened I was disappointed when I arrived here, but I quickly said, "But according to the last movements of the monsters, I have shown some clues, as long as the Jade Emperor is willing to give me some time. The seal of the throne is believed. Throne question. "

"Oh?" Jade Emperor said excitedly: "You really have a clue?"

"Although the clues are intermittent, they are still barely recognizable. Please believe in our intelligence-gathering capabilities. This can still be a worry for Heaven."

Dile laughed: "As long as you can find the monster's nest. It must be rewarded."

"I must do my best." I answered Dangdang, but my mind was open. Shouldn't it be time for the Seal of the Seal of God to let the monsters move? After the monsters move away, I will report the Superintendent's Spirit to the heavenly court. As long as a little demon is left to act as a scene, it can be disguised as the heavenly court to kill the monster's nest in one fell swoop. The Jade Emperor has face, and I can also make small fortunes. The monsters are nothing more than moving to another house. It will be great to help them later. Anyway, the Superintendent's Spirit is no longer enough, otherwise the monsters will not open up the sub-base of Heiliang Mountain.

Jade Emperor smiled and nodded. But then the words turned around: "Yinyue. Your organization is dominated by Western knowledge ...!"

I quickly interrupted: "Although it is dominated by Western genres. But I haven't pulled down things in China. I was still discussing with the Polaris Jun about my Chinese Taoism!"

The Jade Emperor shook his head and said, "Don't be nervous, I'm not to blame you for learning things from the West and not for me from China. I want to say that your genre seems to be closer to the class of the Yanwangdian!"

"Ah?" Saying my strength is close to the palace of the King of the Kings? If you think about it, it really seems like that. More than 75% of Isinger's are undead. "I don't know what Jade Emperor means ...?"

"I want to give you some reward." Yudi said cheerfully: "You have already been punished for your inaccurate information. I must make clear the rewards and punishments in this court. This time you rescued so many of our heavenly soldiers and immortals. Home, but also helped us do so many things, it should give you some reward. "

"It should be done. But Jade Emperor is so loved, so afraid of sweeping the sky, I am disrespectful!" Hehe! Humility is necessary, but prizes are also essential. "I don't know what Jade Emperor intends to reward me for?"

"It's not a reward, it's a politician."

"Excuse me dumb, what is this dignitary organization?"

Jade Emperor was amused by my words, he winked at Taibai Venus, and Taibai Venus stood up immediately. "Actually, this is the case. The court of heaven has a specialized agency for dying, do you know this?"

"I know this. Is that the palace of the King of the Kings. The dead will report."

"You know, it's easy to do." Taibai Venus continued: "In recent years, fighting has continued, and there have been countless deaths and injuries of various creatures in all walks of life. I originally had ten palaces, Yan Luo, that is, ten palaces of Yan Wang. Too much, resulting in the processing capacity of the palace of the king of the king of the king reaching the limit.

I quickly looked at the Emperor Jade. "Isn't Jade Emperor trying to let my guild act as the eleventh palace?"

"I have this intention, I don't know if you want to."

"What obligations and rights do I need to assume to become the eleventh palace of the King of Kings? Also, does my political independence still exist?" These are the key issues, especially that political independence. Once this cannot be guaranteed, Good conditions cannot be promised.

Taibai Venus explained instead of the Jade Emperor: "Yan Wang Dian was originally a subordinate of the court of heaven, of which there is a affiliation, of course, there is no complete independence. However, you are not a regular Yan Wang Dian, just agents, we are equivalent to a cooperative relationship, fully guarantee your Independence, the palace's duty is to screen the dead souls and send them to various reincarnations. As for the right, it seems that there is no special right except to manage the ghost. "

"I don't quite understand. Is it too clear that Venus can explain it clearly. Simply explain the benefits and hardships."

"The hard work is mainly due to the large number of ghosts and the need for a large screening and judging agency. To this end, a judge training course has been set up. In the past, there was only four judges in a palace of the King of the Kings. There are four hundred to one thousand judges. I think you have to prepare at least * 100 spares. And it takes a lot of space to open the Yan Luo Temple, otherwise there is no place for the ghosts. But you do n’t have to worry about this. The space of the Yan Luo Temple is from the heaven. Responsible for helping you to build without worrying about you. As for the benefit, Xianyan Luodian can have a 20,000-unit temple guard group, which can be dispatched at will, even if you pull to do private work. We don't care. The Temple Guard's funds are paid by Tianting. You don't have to worry about it. If you want to expand the Temple Guard, of course, it's no problem. However, all the extra teams must be paid by your own. In addition, Tianting will be responsible for sending out the teaching team and your temple guard. The training team is responsible for the training, which also includes the amount of parts. However, we only help you train two of the highest level impermanence ghosts. It doesn't matter. As long as you can afford it, we don't care if we have a thousand or eight thousand. Oh, by the way, Yan Luo in the eleventh palace can also get some weapons, but only enough to equip the twenty thousand temple guards approved by the court, more The temple guard who comes out, think of it yourself. "

If you think about it, the benefits don't seem to be too much, a little bit, but not obvious. As for the disadvantages, it seems that there is no harm. Jade Emperor said that the reward seems to make some sense. "Since Yan Luo Dian is understaffed, I am willing to accept this working group to establish the 11th Yan Wang Dian."

"Well, when you go back, the court will give you what you need. By the way, you need to arrange a place first. It takes about 10,000 square meters of space. It is best to repair it indoors, and the ceiling should be higher. Underground Architecture is the best. "

"Why clean up such a large area? Don't you say that I don't worry about the open space?"

"Because the heaven court needs to help you build a spirit formation first."

"what is this?"

"It's a teleportation array. But this one is not used for teleportation on the ground. This is a cross-border teleportation array that directly connects the world and the ghost world. The construction site of the eleventh king palace is in the ghost world, and it will be in the ghost world after construction The eleventh king ’s palace and the capital city of the wind are established between the spiritual city road. This spiritual road is also a teleportation array, but only through the spiritual body, the wind city is the transfer center of all souls, the dead people first go to the wind city , And then the capital city will choose which Yan Luo Temple to send the newly arrived ghosts according to the busy situation of each Yan Temple. "

"I see, is that the distribution center!"

"You can say that too."

"I have a very suitable place in my city to build such things, just under Isinger. Anyway, there is an underground city in Isinger, which can be regarded as an underground building complex, and the space is large enough."

The Jade Emperor said again: "Probably these things, if there is no other problem, you can go back first."

"I have one more thing to report."

"whats the matter?"

"That's it. I have recently taken in a demon clan, and want to be domesticated as a guild guard. I hope heaven will not be surprised."

The Jade Emperor was obviously a little surprised. "Do you want to domesticate the monster?"

I nodded. "Dayu once said that the best way to manage water is to divert water. It is the right way to draw floods into the sea. It is not practical to build dams to block floods. I think the demons are similar to the floods. For many years, the demon clan has never disappeared in history, but it is sometimes more or less. Instead of destroying the demon clan and destroying the wealth, is it better to guide them to the right way to me?

"That being said, the evildoer is always the evildoer." For so long, the Seal of the Seal of Throne came to speak for the first time.

The Jade Emperor looked at Rulai and said, "Does the Buddha feel that it is inappropriate to domesticate the evildoers?"

"It is not impossible to guide them to the good, but the Yinyue Guild is of a yin nature, originally the place where the undead gathered. Even if it is necessary to domesticate the demon, it may not be appropriate in such a fierce place?"

You're a big fat guy, we in China, you have to be a foreigner to get involved. What a nuisance! The meaning of this statement is obviously to deprive my guardian beast. He thinks that I am not suitable for raising monsters. In the end, it is to give the monsters to others, or simply kill them. In short, I have no advantage. It was really bad luck. I knew that I should find a chance to talk to the emperor jade alone. This is all right. With his so much confusion, the emperor is probably not good enough.

Jade Emperor really hesitated, then began to play the ball. He looked at the following gods and said: "What do you think of fairy houses?"

Erlang Shen wore a pair of pants with me, and immediately stood up and said, "I think it's not bad to put the evil devil in Yinyue. Although the evil devil is Yin, it is not easy to domesticate the absorption of Yin. But these are the demons who return to Yinyue. Naturally, they already have a heart for goodness. At this time, letting them go, it is easy to stimulate their mentality. Moreover, the yin is not necessarily bad, at least the demons will feel more suitable for the environment, and they will naturally become more peaceful. Moreover, In Xianmen, I pay attention to the image of Tai Chi. Yin and Yang are all natural, like heaven and earth. There is nothing to exclude. "

Taibai Venus also immediately said: "Zhenjun speaks reasonably. Heaven and earth are all natural, and yin and yang are also complementary places. I also have a land palace in heaven, and it can be seen that there is no necessary connection between yin and evil. I see that these demons are left behind The domestication of the Yinyue friends, if it can be returned to the right path, it may be a groundbreaking initiative. The application of this method should solve the situation that I have waited for many years to kill without evil.

"I also agree with Taibai and Erlang Zhenjun." A large row of gods will take the lead to help me out. The heavenly soldiers treated last time were under the command of these gods. It is inevitable that some vice-presidents have also been treated. This is looking for opportunities to repay me.

Seeing so many gods would agree, Polaris Jun also pulled a few gods who had a better relationship with him and stood up. "I'll wait for it."

The remaining immortals saw that most people agreed, so they simply stood up and agreed. Jade Emperor smiled and said, "Since the Celestials all agreed to this move, let everyone agree." The old slipper of Jade Emperor, I saw from the beginning that he actually agreed.

However, Rulai is also considered a big name, after all, to give some face. It's hard to object in person, but now it's different, Jade Emperor laughed. He meant this to everyone, not his own decision. There was no way to get him.

Guanyin suddenly came out and said, "I ca n’t do this. In order to prevent the evil spirits from doing it again and hurting the members of Yinyue ’s guild and the clouds, it ’s better to add a seal of magic to all of them, so you should n’t Will you object? "

The immortals were dumb, and I had to stand up and defend myself: "The Lord Guanyin made a mistake. Since it is to guide him to goodness, he must be touched with sincerity. This magic seal is a spiritual shackle, and it shows distrust. Shackles How can the demons who have come up be good again, they will only think that we are enslaving them. "

"The evildoers have no wicked heart, this shackle is no shackles. If they have a wicked heart, it is impossible to do good, and it is useless without this shackle."

"Of course, the scholars deny the cause of the hypotheses with the results of hypotheses, and the children's words and jokes can also prove these heavenly secrets. Doesn't the scholars feel a little superficial? Is Buddhism so opposed?

My slap was loud enough. Guanyin was scolded by me and it was not easy to talk back, and now she is getting darker and darker. In the end, the one who had to press for something else had to keep sinking. As long as she really asked for something when she spoke, it was tantamount to confessing that she was here to disrupt the situation. It ’s really like that, even if the court gives them face, they themselves have no face.

I saw that Guanyin didn't speak for a long time, and hurried a salute to the emperor. "Since the Jade Emperor has given permission, I should decide on this matter on my own. I will not bother the Jade Emperor. If there is any success, the heavenly court will know. If there is something to do in the Nether, I will resign."

"Farewell." The Jade Emperor winked at God.

After I saluted, I was escorted back to Isinger by a bunch of gods and flying tiger carriages, and there was no gap in the middle. I originally planned to use this space to steal the magic of the demon king, but now it looks completely nonsense. Such a tight surveillance, if I can still start, is not human.

Actually I know what Jade Emperor means. He is afraid of Guanyin and Rulai. Today, I almost scolded Rulai and Guanyin in person to a dog blood sprinkler. The two guys in the right position may not really be able to swallow this breath. If they sent someone to kill them halfway, I wouldn't be able to resist such a master.

The status of Buddhism has always been awkward in Asia. Although the original source was India, the Indians did not take him seriously. China and Japan, as well as some small Asian countries, have elevated Buddhism to a higher level, but each of these countries has its own indigenous sect. In particular, China ’s indigenous denominations are huge, and Buddhism in China has always been mixed with Taoism. Many Buddhist records have included Taoist characters in it, which can create affinity and make the locals think that the two denominations are indistinguishable, so there is no sense of exclusion. But heaven is not actually a departmental land with the Buddhism. There are also a few conflicts of interest. The Jade Emperor did not want to go to war with Rulai, but he wanted to see Buddhism so sticking to Taoism. For my performance today, Rulai and Guanyin are definitely vomiting blood. Jade Emperor didn't say on the surface that the psychology must have blossomed.

After arriving at Essinger, Erlang Shen immediately pulled me to find a secret room, so I took him to the guild meeting room. Erlang Shen immediately took out a painting and unfolded it and hung it on the wall. Before I asked what was going on, Erlang Shen pulled him and ran into the painting.

I thought it must have been a bump, but I didn't encounter anything. I was brought directly into the painting by God Erlang. This ink landscape painting is actually a foldable space door. The place we arrived after entering from this painting is a beautiful place. We are standing on a rock protruding from the cliff. Here is a chic gazebo. There are stone benches and stone benches in the pavilion. There is a large waterfall on the **** side of the cliff, and the jet stream goes straight down. A rainbow flying over the cliff ends at the rising water mist. Like Wonderland. There is a mountain not far from the cliff. The sea of ​​clouds sloping down from the top of the mountain, corresponding to the great waterfall, really stunned me.

"Zhenjun, what is this place? Why take me here?"

Erlang Shinto: "This is the wonderland in the painting."

I thought, this picture is exactly the same as the landscape painting just now. But here is true, everything is moving, especially beautiful Taobao Women Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m.

Erlang Shen hadn't come to say what took me here, the air next to it suddenly fluctuated, and the Jade Emperor came out of the fluctuating air with a group of gods and gods.

"Jade Emperor?"

The Emperor Jade Emperor smiled and went to the gazebo to sit down and then waved his hands. The surrounding gods and gods would sit on the floor immediately, and I would immediately sit down with them. The Jade Emperor looked at me and said, "You must be wondering why I asked you to return. Get you here again?"

I nodded. "I'm really confused."

"Actually, I want to talk to you about the Buddhism."

"I'm roughly prepared."

"You are really smart." Jade Emperor smiled and said, "Today you have come out against it. Although it may seem unwise on the surface, but if you think about it, you are not a child who does not understand the rules at all. You have no fear."

"After all, I'm a mortal. I ca n’t compare to Guanyin. I don't have a hard time with them. But today it's a matter of immediate interest to me. If you don't fight, you will lose. There is still a chance. It must be my strongest backing. "

Jade Emperor deliberately said, "I will not turn my face for you and the Buddhism."

"I know this. In fact, I did not expect Tianting to openly fight with the Buddhism. However, it is not only Tiantian and Buddhism that are in the Huaxia land."

"You mean ...?"

"The two temples of darkness and light are not furnishings. Although they are not opponents of heaven in terms of strength, if the three parties have a little friction with the Buddha ..."

Jade Emperor laughed while listening. "You are really not that simple on the surface."

I smiled and said, "In fact, there is another important force that has been ignored by heaven."

"What power?"

"Demon Tribe."

"Demon tribe?" Jade Emperor looked at me puzzled.

I explained: "I said at the beginning ~ ~ The demon is like a flood. If you flood the enemy's fortresses by the way during the flood, by the way, will it not hurt you?"

"Hahahaha!" Jade Emperor smiled exaggeratedly. "Have you alone against my million soldiers!"

"Jade Emperor has won!"

"But not." The Jade Emperor arrived happily: "I have millions of soldiers, many immortals gather, and gods and beasts are over 10,000, but I still dare not really do anything with the Buddha. Now you have a word to go to my two heart problems, saying you top One million heavenly soldiers can't be overstated. However, this matter is easy to say, and it is not really smooth sailing. It is certain that the Buddhism and the evildoers are not the same, but the evildoers may not focus their attention on the Buddhist slamming? "

I immediately said: "The flood has no will, and it flows wherever it is low. The demon is almost the same, and it bites whoever it is."

"what do you mean……?"

"Relax the control of the demons appropriately, and use bluffs as the mainstay. Do n’t really try to drive the demons to the site of the Buddhism. Once they are crowded together, then things will be easy to handle. Often walking by the river, which Do you have wet shoes? "

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