Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 21: Ghost Army's Secret

The black steel ram has begun to burn because of high friction with the air, dragging a long red tail flame. The 100,000 tons of self-weight coordination of the ram has produced nearly 10 million tons of impact force. All those who dare to stop it from returning to the earth Under this irresistible force, things were easily crushed.

Just like a trailer driven into the crowd with the largest throttle, the steel pillars went down without any pause after coming into contact with the rising ghost army, forcing a large number of emerging ghost army to the ground again. From our side, we can see that the steel hammer hit the ground immediately, and then a shock wave centered on the impact point immediately spread out in all directions. Despite being prepared for impact, our people were still shocked. All the buildings in the city that survived the recent attack still failed to escape the catastrophe. The wall where the shock wave passed collapsed and there was nothing to avoid.

Seeing the rolling earth waves rushing out of the city and spread out, our array on our side has been swept by shock waves, and the giant mosquito post shook for a while, and almost lifted me off my head. The middle city where Matsumoto Masako lived was not spared, and the shock wave rushed all the way to the wall on their side. Although the distance is too far, the shock wave has begun to lose its original power, but the city wall still shakes violently, and many soldiers standing by the city wall fall down. Matsumoto was also shaking at his feet and almost fell.

Immediately after the shock wave, the loudspeaker on the Spider Fortress rang a loud voice: "Hurry up, rush."

The soldiers frantically got up and rushed towards the impact point. The Spider Fortress and the Army Ant Fortress were quickly posted, but they did not see any enemies except for the individual wounded soldiers. The hammer created a huge impact crater with a radius of 100 meters and a depth of 400 to 500 meters near the point of impact. There is a large hole at the bottom of the pit. Straight down like a well. This big pit was caused by the air pressure around the hammer, and the well in the middle was caused by the hammer itself. The high-rotating sledgehammer drove that ghost army manufacturing machine deep underground like a pile driver.

Everyone looked around the ground, and suddenly the ground began to shake. The spider fortress stood on the top of this large well and looked down with their long legs. As a result, they only saw a red mass under the dark deep well. We also saw this picture at the giant mosquito outpost here, and a player was still stupidly asking, "What is this?"

Su Mei suddenly jumped up and shouted at the crystal communication machine: "Quick flash! It's lava!"

The loudspeaker of the Spider Fortress sounded a warning that had changed tone, and all the soldiers hurried and ran towards the front. Everyone had just arrived outside the city, and there was a loud noise in that big hole in the middle of the city. A fountain-like red lava flew more than 300 meters high, almost knocking down the giant butterfly city that was descending.

Eagle stared at the lava in surprise and said, "Well, how do I hit the magma? Isn't the crust so thin?"

I naturally explained: "South Korea also rubs the Pacific Rim volcanic seismic zone. There are several volcanoes here, and a shallow lava river is normal. The big guy hit at least one kilometer deep, and it must have penetrated into the lava layer. . "

"So why spray now?" Eagle still didn't understand.

"Because the ram hammer blocked the exit." Su Mei explained: "The ram hammer was melted in the recent period, so it has not started to spray until now. Look at the volcano and the spray. We The next step is to save everything. "

The hammer attack method is too powerful. Although it successfully destroyed the manufacturing machine, the hammer also indirectly destroyed the city. The rolling lava sprayed for half an hour before it ended, and a piece of semi-condensing volcanic rock with a pungent sulfur smell replaced the city. Mrs. Matsumoto and Mr. Tanaka were speechless looking at this big volcano, and we were almost the same, totally did not expect such a result.

"I feel like we are losing money this time!" Rose looked at me.


"The material and transportation cost of that ram is not cheap. Look at it this way, there is no possibility of recycling. Hey! 100,000 tons of raw steel! What a pity!"

"It's gone, it's gone, anyway, we have a lot of steel. It takes almost so much money to return it, and recycling may not save it."

"But there is still there!" Rose pointed to the lower side.

I slap on my head: "Oh my God! How can I forget them!"

The city that the South Korean guild was responsible for attacking has had no success so far. The Japanese ghost army and the South Korean guild troops have launched a tug-of-war on the city wall. After a while, you grab it. I won it. Consumption of personnel. According to the manufacturing level of the Japanese ghost army. The only result of this attrition war is the complete collapse of Korean players.

Eagle asked the operator to turn the display lens to the battlefield over there, and it was so distressing for us to watch the fierce battle on the screen. Hongyue couldn't help but ask: "How many soldiers are there for the three billion crystal coins bought by Koreans this time?"

Rose looked roughly at the battlefield and said: "But one third. They do not have our war fortress to suppress enemy firepower, and they are not willing to destroy the city walls. This kind of strangulation battle is the most costly! Damn Japanese ghost army, why so? How much? "

"Speaking of the ghost army, do we need to figure out what is going on with the Japanese thing?" Eagle said from Lingyuan Blowing from Japan: "According to the analysis, this machine also seems to consume certain things Only the ghost army can be made. That is to say, this is not a free make. Why did the Japanese make such a large army? Do they use our own money to fight our money? It doesn't look like it! "

I thought about it and suddenly had a way. "Wait a while, I'll ask an acquaintance to look it up." Pulling the rose: "Go offline with me."

Eagle asked curiously, "What acquaintance do you ask? How can I check?"

"You'll know when we get back. Don't worry, it'll be almost an hour. You first let the team gather to calculate the damage."

Xun off the assembly line and took off the helmet, I ran directly to the general management room with roses. Rose asked me curiously, "What the **** are you doing?"

"Account." I said as I put my hand on the ID terminal.

The electronic voice rang quickly: "The highest-level access permission is passed. What needs to be done for you?"

"Querying the financial flow of Longyuan in the last 10 hours shows the remittances of all Asian regions."

The data on the big screen shows a mess, because it is too fast to see. I immediately narrowed down again and said: "Check the flow of funds in the online game" Zero ". Retrieve the remittance."

"A total of 374.4 billion operation records were found. Do you want to display them all?"

"Retrieve parts from the Bank of Japan."

"1.2 billion records remaining." The electronic voice answered my question quickly.

"It's still too much!" I shook my head with sorrow.

Rose already understood what I meant, and she went to the screen and said for me: "Retrieve, identify according to the transaction method, and screen the five transaction units with the most frequent transaction records."

"Warning, voiceprint capture is not permitted. Please verify when using the service." The resource computer does not have the intelligence of the central host, and it is relatively rigid.

I pulled Rose's hand over and pressed it on the identification screen while pressing one of my hands: "High-end authorization."

"Passed. Welcome to high-end resource computer systems."

I compared to the rose to continue, the rose immediately repeated the words just now. The computer immediately responded: "The highest frequency trading account retrieved 700 million records, of which the operating records originated from the same transaction item."

"What is the name of this project?"

"Ghost soldiers make fees."

Rose and I laughed face to face. I'm afraid no second person can do cheating at such a high level as me. We all found out.

Rose looked at the screen again: "Some random entries are displayed on the screen. Fill the screen to fill it. Don't scroll the screen."

Hundreds of records immediately appeared on the screen, line by line. Rose pulled me and pointed at the screen and said, "Look here. The trading records of the ghost army, the number of units is formation. The ghost army is not produced by the number. It is produced in formation, no wonder so fast."

"Well, the unit price of a formation is only one crystal coin. It is no wonder that Little Japan is so willing to pick up soldiers and pile it with us. It turned out to be such cheap arms."

Rose frowned as well: "According to this calculation, we are hitting them with shells. One shell is not as expensive as a shell, it is really a big loss."

I clicked one of them and said, "To show this one separately, you need the most detailed record."

The screen suddenly turned this display into a full screen, and related information was written on a full screen. Rose pointed at the data on the screen in surprise: "Look. A formation has a base of twenty and a soldier is worth five silver coins!"

I once again said: "Change operations, showing ten consecutive operations of the trading time of the Seal of God."

The screen changed again, and the ten records that came out were continuous, and all were the purchase records.

The rose counted down the throne of time along the seal of God: "The first one is twenty-seven minutes fifteen seconds thirty-six, the next one is three-seven. The next one is three-eighths. Each transaction is only spaced by 0.001. Second, in other words, this machine can make 20,000 ghost soldiers per second. No wonder it is like a fountain. It can wipe out more than a million troops in one minute. "

"Wait a minute, look here." I pointed to the following record: "The transaction numbers of the two articles are different, this is not a machine. The Japanese have two ghost army making machines. So the time **** seal is the interval On. It should be able to create 10,000 ghost troops per second instead of 20,000. "

"There are a lot of 10,000. Really, how can there be such abnormal things? What will we do in a while? The Koreans themselves must not be sure of that city, and if we ca n’t reach the army, the losses will be too great. If we rebuild With a heavy hammer, is it too expensive? "

I looked at the screen and said, "The Japanese can get such a powerful thing. We can't let it exist, we have to deal with it. Fortunately, this time the Japanese just use it to defend. If they let the soldiers out and run across the mountains, Our army cannot stop it. "

Rose suddenly looked at me and said, "No! Since the Japanese have such a powerful army-making machine, they have no reason not to send out troops to mop up? The fighting power of these ghost troops is very weak. Instead of fighting defensive battles with us, let them out. Isn't it cheaper to play sports? The Japanese must have done this, unless ... "

"They can't come out at all." Rose and I said at the same time.

Rose was very sure: "Everything in the game should be balanced. Since there is such a powerful machine. There must be disadvantages. The soldiers made by this machine must not be too far away from the machine, otherwise there are other restrictions. . "

I nodded: "Have you noticed that the number of ghost troops was not large before our team did not enter the city. It is said that the Japanese have already been with us since they are fighting in large groups. But why did they not make some ghosts in advance? Army defense, do we have to wait for us to attack before we start making? "

"I don't think they don't want to make it, but they can't make it." Rose inferred: "This machine may only be activated under the premise of the city being attacked. It may be similar to the sergeant formation of our guild. Only at critical moments is activation allowed. "

I suddenly thought of another problem. "Did you remember what Park Yin said about their first counterattack?"

"You mean the first counterattack?"

"According to Park Yin. When they first attacked, there was no ghost army participating in the war. That is to say, the ghost army cannot be made in advance. Later, they broke into the city before they met the ghost army, and more and more, this shows that the ghost army and The enemy ’s offensive situation has a direct relationship. Think about the situation when we later entered the city? When we first entered the city, the refresh rate was simply unpleasant. In the end, we were not forced to near the refresh point by a little? But what happened later? Later, that degree was out of control at all, and it was abnormal to send troops out like a blowout. "

Rose said: "We'd better go back and discuss, Su Mei may be able to analyze the nodding. This girl's brain is very smart."

"OK." I turned around and closed the terminal to go back online.

After Rose and I appeared inside the giant mosquito post, I told you the results of our intelligence and analysis, and everyone immediately agreed with us. After waiting for Su Mei to listen, I asked her, "Can you analyze anything?"

Su Mei thought for a moment: "First of all, you can be sure that this machine definitely changes with the changes in attack. The harder we attack, the faster it works. If I guess correctly, it may be using the will to work. The more we fight, The more powerful it is. In addition, you can draw a result from what you said. "

"What happened?"

"This machine has a maximum number of people."

"The upper limit? Do the produced soldiers still need energy to support them?"

Su Mei shook her head: "I don't know what the reason is, there is a limit to the production of soldiers by this thing. Although its manufacturing degree will change due to our fighting will, it cannot exceed the maximum number. When the number of soldiers reaches a balance After that, for every soldier killed, this machine can make another soldier. Without the death of the ghost army, it cannot continue to produce soldiers. "

Rose immediately said: "That is to say, if we have a way to keep all the ghost army out of the machine and not kill them, can we swing in and destroy the machine?"

"Theoretically this is the case. But in practice it is almost impossible. It is easy to keep the enemy out of the way and keep them away from the machine. But it is another thing to not harm them in the process. Once you kill A ghost army soldier, the internal machine will create another soldier, so the siege plan will be wasted. "Su Mei looked at us and continued:" In addition, the inference that the enemy you analyzed cannot leave the city is also wrong. South Korea There have been several ghost army counterattack kills, so they can go out of town. The reason why you do n’t use the strategy of offensive mountains and mountains you said is because this machine has a support ceiling. The number of soldiers that appear at the same time is limited Dead, if there is no advantage in the number of ghost forces, if they do not have an advantage, they will be killed if they go out. Instead, according to the defending city, they can beat the time and the throne of the Seal of God, just to gain a local advantage. "

"Sure enough, it is our Chitastar. This is all analyzed."

Su Mei shook her head and said, "Unfortunately, it is useless to analyze it. You cannot damage the machine by blocking the enemy from the machine. However, blocking these people will inevitably lead to casualties. Once there are casualties, it is equivalent to not blocking."

Everyone immediately lost their thoughts, and only I laughed. Everyone was confused by me. Rose looked at me: "What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh because I have a way."

"Come on." Eagle couldn't wait to hear the answer.

"It's actually very simple. Isn't the ghost army very weak?"

"Of course we know that." Hongyue said impatiently: "One night they died and one billion soldiers killed our tens of thousands of soldiers. It is not a level at all."

"That's pretty clear," I explained. "Let the Heavenly Soldiers bring the ropes, and then the enemy will tie them back."

"Do you mean to capture captives?"

"Yes. The captured captives are still members of the ghost army and still have to take up the population limit of that machine. As long as we catch it slowly, we can always get the population limit back. At that time, that machine will be a soldier. You can't do it, you can smash it whenever you want. "

"Yeah! Why didn't you think of such a simple method early?" Eagle complained.

Su Mei said with a smile: "Without the information brought by Brother Ziri, we can't analyze the principle of the machine at all, and naturally we can't think of a way. So it seems that this machine is actually garbage, and this ghost army's combat power is so bad. It ’s easy to capture the captives, and it wo n’t take long for the Seal of God to be captured, and then the machine will be equivalent to scrap iron. Only we have been wrong about the tactics, so it is so troublesome. The stuff in the game is basically It ’s all balanced, and there is no such abnormal thing. Like our war fortress, it looks amazing, but the cost is even more amazing, and it ca n’t be mass-produced. "

Eagle said: "Let's do that in the remaining city."

"Don't worry, at least wait for the Koreans to be addicted." I smiled and pointed to the headquarters of the Koreans: "Don't forget that we still have a gamble to keep them from understanding, this time we Assisting them will not be appreciated. "

After determining the combat strategy, we began to wait for the Koreans to finish. The city in which Matsumoto is seated is temporarily not interested in touching it ~ ~ Our troops also need to rest. The Koreans' bones were hard enough, and the crickets hit from dusk on the first day to dawn on the next day. Our army stood by, but they refused to give in. We've negotiated anyway, as long as they don't ask for help, we won't reach out. The Koreans slew dozens of times in and out of the city wall, and they were beaten back and forth, but they just didn't ask for help.

We simply let the team rest on the spot, and the army was fatigued. It used to be undead. Heavenly soldiers were living creatures. If the throne of the Seal of God did not sleep for a long time, it would affect the combat effectiveness. Until the rest of the morning until 10 o'clock in the morning, the South Korean troops were finally inadequate. The player ’s fatigue continued to be forced to kick out the game after the 6th, and the army was also tossed by them. You can't buy as many soldiers, and one tenth of the tossing down tonight is not over.

It was almost time for dinner. The Korean troops finally withdrew 66 after the throne of the Seal of the Holy Seal. The presidents who were very bullish all quietly gathered together to go to a meeting. Rose and I stood outside their barracks and looked at them. If you have the ability, you continue to fight, but you are not asking me for help?

It may be a little embarrassing. Those who have grown up for more than an hour finally came to my camp side by step. Rose smiled and turned back, "Call the troops to eat something, and it's our turn to perform."

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