Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 35: In addition to demon or Buddha?

Volume 10 Chapter 35 Demon or Buddha?

"There is too much demand, and we may not be able to get that much!" Rose thought and looked at me again. "But heaven and the demon may have a way, what do you say?"

"Don't worry, we don't have so many people for now. You should bear with me first."

Black Kirin shook his head: "I want to do it myself."

"Do it yourself?"

"Yes. I will collect the soul by myself, you help me take care of Bi Ling's bones, and I will come back regularly to see him. In addition, when you want to go to a place called Japan, remember to inform me that I am going to The eight-headed freak snake is gone. "

"Calm down." Rose quickly stopped: "The Yagi snake is a Japanese beast, and he is not alone, that guy has a companion."

"What about your companions, how many kills you have. Maybe the fellow's companions have also participated in an ambush against Bi Ling, and I won't let them go. I came here just to save it!" Black Kirin stood up and took a look The sky then threw a piece of black jade. "This thing can communicate with me at any time, and I'll tell it if there is something. There will be a period later."

"Hey, wait ...!" Black Kirin was so scary that he quickly disappeared.

"This guy!" I put away the black jade. "Wife, let's go."

The black unicorn's brain is abnormal, and his strength is so strong, we can't help it. Ordinary people can be threatened by force, and those with strong strength can be tempted to seduce, and run into a master of neurosis. Do not eat hard and hard, there is really no way.

After returning to Isinger, I was separated from Rose. Rose was going to the guild and the finances could not keep running with me. I had to continue my foreign affairs. The first priority is to arrange the problem of the demon land first. This is directly related to the reward issue of our guild. Riding the night shadow to Du Ling City, a few guarded little demon came to salute immediately. "Master Ziri! Are you here to find some protectors?"

"Well. Are they there?"

"Only the water protection method is here."

"He's fine." I put away Yeying and said, "You don't have to lead the way, I can just go in by myself."

The little monsters all know who I am, and they don't stop at all, they just opened the channel for me to enter. I was dumbfounded when I entered the city along the passage. This place was very prosperous when we came last time, and the monsters built it like a real city. But this time, the city returned to its original desolation. Wherever I looked, there wasn't a single good item, and the monster was almost invisible in the city. I said to make them ready to retreat, but I didn't expect it would be moved in less than a week. Degree is really fast enough.

Enter the main hall to find Shui Xu, the old monster is arranging work. Seeing me in, he quickly dismissed the monsters around him. "Zi Ri! What's up this time?"

"I mainly come to see your progress. It seems to be doing well now. As soon as I leave you, I will go directly to heaven to report. Shall we carry out the transfer operation as planned?"

"Of course you can." Shui Xu beckoned a little monster to come over and said to him: "Go notify the leaders, plan to start."

"It must be ordered." The little demon turned and ran out.

I nodded and looked around. "It's so thorough to move the ground, you guys are really stingy!"

"Hey," Shui chuckled. "We can move and move. If you can't move, just smash it. Anyway, there is nothing left in heaven."

"In addition to starting the plan this time, I have confidential information to tell you."

"Oh? What's worth your special trip?"

I looked around and said indifferently, "Hei Qilin is back."

thump. There was a noise behind me, and I looked back to see that Shui Xu was sitting on the ground. "Well? Why are you sitting on the ground?"

"What did you just say? Black unicorn? Am I right?"

"Why are you responding so much? Heiqilin is not under Heaven now. He can only help you out, and it won't cause you any trouble. Of course, as long as you don't provoke him."

Suddenly the water jumped up from the ground. "My demon god! Thank God for not bullying us, I have a few heads to dare to provoke him! By the way. How did Hei Qilin come out? Hear that he is not stuck in the eighteenth floor of hell? How did you say it came out? We were caught by surprise! "

"I let him out."

"You put it?" Shui Xu looked at me up and down like he didn't know me. "Has he reached a non-aggression agreement with you?"

"The bones of his only friend, Bi Ling, are with me, so I can be regarded as his friend's guardian. Even if there is no nerve, he will not provoke me. Oh yes. He is not in a good state of nerves now. Nervous, it's abnormal anyway. "

Shui Xu a doomsday expression. "Oh my God! It was a scourge in the past, and now it has become a psychopathic monster. I will have some fun in the future!"

"What are you afraid of? You said you wouldn't mess with you, you won't mess with you. Now that you're ready to relocate, I'll go to heaven immediately. It is estimated that a large-scale attack will start tomorrow morning. Maybe Jade Emperor killed someone as soon as his mind was hot. "

"Well, I'll put people together first, it doesn't matter when they arrive."

"Then I'll go."

Shui Xu arranged to seduce the troops. I left Duling City quickly, but instead of going to heaven, I returned to Isinger first. Furiously rushed into the conference room to find the eagle, the boy actually hugged a kiss with Lark. "Fuck, are you two more reserved?"

"Go, what's your wife's wife's hold? By the way, what's your matter?"

"Tianting will immediately send troops to encircle the demon's nest. They will be driven all the way to the Wanxian Mountains, and they will pass through the vast mountains occupied by Buddhism in the middle."

Before I said the eagle, I took it and said, "Okay, focus the team on the robbery, right? We're not doing it for the first time, I understand this."

"Understanding and understanding. This time is a little different. The first is that the Buddhism in the vast mountains is not good, so we cannot directly conflict with them. It is OK to take a few orders and grab a few treasures. The extra work is not necessary. Now, we do n’t have that much power. By the way, all the requirements for this dispatch are all our newly purchased Heavenly Soldiers, so no one knows that we are mixed in the team in Heaven. In the event that the Buddhism finds us in trouble, we will not. All right."

Lark could not help but said: "You are really dark! Rest assured, we will be careful. Really ..." Click. "What sound?" Lark looked around.

I also looked around, but nothing appeared and I didn't pay much attention. "Probably the sound of natural porcelain bulging. Leave it out. Anyway, the two of you will help me arrange these, and I will come back with the team in heaven. Then we will go out to prepare for the autumn wind. Otherwise, you first The team brought them to the perimeter of the Governor's Spirit. Anyway, it won't be tomorrow morning and will start playing tomorrow morning. It won't take long for the Seal of the Throne. Remember to arrange some players in the team to lead the team.

"Relax! We're no strangers."

I arranged the work in the proper guild and hurried to the closet. The painting of Jade Emperor was still hanging there. When you got into the painting, you reached the scenic gazebo cliff. A fairy is sitting over there. He stood up immediately after seeing me in. "Zi Ri? Is there anything to find the Jade Emperor?"

I quickly took off the helmet, put it in the bracelet, and installed it anxiously: "Hundreds of thousands are in a hurry. Hurry to inform the emperor that there is news from the demon. They have a large-scale operation."

The fairy knew it was urgent at the ear, and quickly said, "You are waiting." He turned away and disappeared.

In less than a minute, Jade Emperor rushed into the picture world with a large group of people. Before anyone stood still, he asked, "What the **** happened?" "I've seen the Jade Emperor." I salute first.

The Jade Emperor interrupted me quickly: "Exempt, let's talk about what happened. Also, didn't you fall into the eighteenth floor of hell? How did you come back? Yan Luodian notified me that the black unicorn also appeared, you know Is this happening? "

Tianting really knows that the black unicorn has come out. It is indeed an old force! "I know about the black unicorn. Actually it isn't him that I can't go out. The black unicorn seems to be stimulated in the eighteenth layer of hell, his mind is not normal, and his behavior is weird. Just ten hours ago He just broke through the aisle and returned to the world. I ran out as soon as he passed the aisle before the aisle closed. "

"You really can master the throne of the seal of time!" The Jade Emperor apparently didn't quite believe it, but he had no evidence, and there was no way he could not believe it.

"I'm just lucky. But compared to Black Kirin, our guild found another thing, but it's really incredible."


"Our agent has just appeared at Demon Headquarters."

"What? Did you find it?" Jade Emperor just sat down on the stone bench and stood up again.

"Returning to the Jade Emperor, I did find it. It turned out that the demon had been hiding in a city called Du Ling."

"Du Ling?" The Jade Emperor thought for a moment and then suddenly called out, "How do I say so familiar! Is it one of the three dark cities of that dark temple? Remember it is an underground city under the human city No wonder, it turned out to rely on the popularity of the city to hide the demon. It is really a cunning demon. "

"Jade Emperor, our spies have sneaked in after the demon appeared, and as a result, more terrible things have appeared."


"The demons are planning to move."

"You mean they want to run?"

"Yes. The number of demons seems to have exceeded the upper limit. Of course, the governor spirit is a good hiding place, but this place lacks aura, and the place is too small, so there is no way to show a lot of new demons. It looks like the demons are planning to Migrate to the aura of vigorous forests. "

The Jade Emperor immediately said, "Did you not offer the last time to talk about the demons and drive them out of the old hi and then drive them to attack the Buddhism by the way? This time happens, since they will move, they will not stand still. We They just drove them to the site of the Buddhism. "As he said, the Jade Emperor turned to Li Tianwang, who was holding the pagoda in the back:" Li Jing, immediately gather the heavenly soldiers, and tomorrow the chickens will cry. The battlefield coordination will be in charge of Ziri. "

"Let's order."

"Jade Emperor." I clenched my fists. "We are willing to send troops to respond."

"That's right."

"Then we should arrange it now?"

"Yes, this can't be delayed. Go now."

"Get orders." We all withdrew from the scroll world and started our own preparations.

Now whether we are going to hit the heavenly courts or the demons to be beaten, including preparing to touch the fish, we are not nervous at all, because we all know that this battle is beneficial and harmless. Those who really need to worry are not worried at all, because the worst Buddhist sect that has been counted does not even know that we have such a big action.

Army build-up can be a real hassle, especially when there are many troops. The demons who sent the least troops in this operation were actually demons. As long as they pretended to be defeated, they didn't need to send many soldiers at all, and we and Tianting were different. The goal of the heavenly court is Buddhism. We are counting on the muddy water to touch the fish, and fewer people touch the ground. How can we not send more people for such a good thing?

Before the next day, the troops on our two sides were assembled. Tianting dispatched a million heavenly soldiers and one hundred thousand **** beasts. The authentic gods also dispatched thousands of people. Our guild pressed all the soldiers on our hands, and the players also dispatched more than 80,000 people. It was not easy to gather so many people, but the announcement of Rose's intention completely solved the problem. The announcement affirms that this time it is free hunting, and the output value is linked to the salary. Each player can bring a pair of sky soldiers. For anything that the team gets, the team player can get a 10% commission. At the beginning, I didn't understand the truth of cauldron rice. This time I fully understood. For their own royalties, these players put their hands on each other to use the power of milking. I have never seen them so excited before in battle, as if the Buddhism is not a very powerful enemy but a table of delicious dishes. .

With the wave of the Jade Emperor's large hand, the leader's token reached the hand of the **** general, and the million-strong army immediately pulled out. Heavenly soldiers yelled neatly during the battle flag dance: "Wait!" People on our side shouted neatly: "Robbery!" Rose and my forehead immediately saw a fine sweat.

Erlang Shen stood next to me and said, "What are you going to do to bring all the Buddhism back?"

"Nothing!" Rose hurriedly said, "We're just picking up a little bargain from behind you."

Erlang Shen said doubtfully: "Anyway, what you mean is fine, don't go too far."

I immediately vowed a pledge of assurance: "Rest assured, we promise not to stay in the grass. Er, no, it's just enough." Agitated to say the psychological words!

Erlang shook his head and stopped talking. Probably acquiesced in our actions. Anyway, they are provoking with the Buddhism, and what we do has little to do with them.

Su Mei came over and dragged the two of us far away, and Xiaoyao took a note and said, "This is what we learned from players who study the Buddhist profession. The Buddha's treasure seems to be a lot. Especially It is the relic, which seems to have a large Buddhist collection. According to our research, the relics are similar to the magic core of Warcraft, but the purity is higher. If this time they can roll back their relics. "

Rose said: "Anyway, you give specific information to the players who lead the team, let them swing freely, when the time comes, they can take everything, and even if we do not use it, we can resell it to others."

"Hey, I just don't know if I will touch those things."

I immediately said, "If you have the conditions, you must grab them. If you don't have the conditions to create them, you must also grab them. Such great opportunities are not available every day. You must learn to seize them."

"I know, you are the greedy."

The news that the army had dialed the demon was almost known at the same time as our guild. When the heavenly army arrived in Turin, "coincidentally" met the demon in the move, so they started playing normally. The number of demon gates is relatively small, and the large troops obviously left. The rest were soldiers, not heavenly opponents at all. After the "death" thousands of demons, the remaining demons started to flee, so the guild team immediately began to form a line to contain the fleeing demons.

Instead of taking an active offensive interception, we set up a strong wall formation to prevent the demons from conflicting with them. These "timid" demons dare not come into direct confrontation with our stronghold. Of course, immediately turn around and escape. The whole area around the Governor's City was filled with such battles, the purpose of which was to gather the demon's team to facilitate the concentration.

Because the target was not a demon, the team in Tianting did not come down at all, all of them were floating in the air, the containment work was all done by the guild team. The Tiantingdi team pretended that it was too late to adjust. This was of course played to the Buddha, and they thought it was that Tianting suddenly got the news of the demon and pulled out the troops without time to rectify it. Only such a chaotic scene can fool the Buddha's eyeliner.

This is near the city, and there are many players. The monsters scrambling around naturally startled the players, thinking that the monsters are siege the city. A large number of players temporarily assembled into a small team to defend the demon. As a result, those who were still killed turned back. The demons mostly rely on their flesh to survive. By the way, during the performance, they killed several passing players and free bsp; a group of players appeared by the demons just less than one kilometer from the city gate. The defensive line they formed quickly was finished in less than five minutes. Just when they thought they were about to die, a team of golden armored soldiers rushed over the forest on a horse.

The good-looking archer among the players immediately called out: "Look, air cavalry of the Frost Rose Alliance!"

These soldiers were bought by us, and their flags were all the flags of our guild. But the flags will be collected uniformly when you come to the Buddhist territory. Have you ever seen several flags robbed? Unless you are a hegemon, you are not afraid of revenge.

The cavalry rushed, and the demons were ready to escape, but the forest in front of them was shaking. A neat row of heavy infantry came out of the forest with heavy shields up to three meters high. These level shields are temporary guest appearances of the demon puppets of our bank. These shields weigh three tons on one side, and most people can't take them at all.

The heavy shields lined up into a dense shield wall, and then a neat roar fell into a small wall at the same time. Then the small holes in the shield were all pulled apart, Jin Liang's spear was stretched out, and the shield wall suddenly became a thorn wall. As soon as the Tianbing in the back set up a hand ladder, the Rune Archer stepped on the hand ladder and climbed up to the shoulder of the demon in front, just bare shoulders were exposed for shooting.

The players on the team over there couldn't help but said, "Fuck! The regular army is the regular army. Look at the equipment, the formation."

A knowing way: "It's called a strong wall array. It's specifically used for field defense. Once the line of defense is formed to move forward, it is the famous strong wall clearing tactics. Wherever you go, there is no village leather, standard battlefield meat grinders. Thousands of people do n’t even want to break through the shield wall. And there is a grid killing team with a short blade behind the shield wall. Even if you break into the shield wall and crash into it, it is dead. Do n’t expect to charge unless the shield wall is leveled by someone. Go in. Of course, if you have a siege hammer, you can. "

An archer player frowned and said, "What kind of arrow does the archer on it take? How does it look strange?"

I was saying that I saw an arrow rain suddenly and neatly shot by the archer. Those arrows were not far away, but after landing, all the little mushroom clouds erupted. The players who were scared were bad but sat on the ground. "Fuck, is this a bow or arrow or a shell?"

A Taoist professional player immediately shouted, "Oh my God! That's a rune archer, a powerful arm of heaven. When did Frost get this kind of thing?"

"What did you say? Rune Archer? No wonder it's so powerful!"

During the talk, the strong wall suddenly separated from the middle to the sides, and a pair of cavalry rushed out from behind. The heavy cavalry jumped across the road and chased after the demons. The back wall suddenly changed into a marching line and quickly followed. Those players had run out before they reacted. The degrees on both sides are very scary. The demon knows that this is an act and naturally it will not really play, and it runs fast. Our team also knows that it is acting, and in normal battles, we need to pay attention to slowly advancing to prevent the enemy from setting traps.

The demon scattered in all directions were quickly pressed back by our team. After the demon gathered again, they started to kill the past in the direction of our "hole". This direction is the responsibility of the true heavenly forces. Because "emergency" was dispatched, it was "busy" and could not be resisted, and it was quickly "battered". The demons broke through the line of defense and escaped into the distance.

Celestial court and our team immediately divided the five paths and set up a month-long blade-shaped array to pursue all the way. Like the ducks, the demons were driven towards the intended target. Players on this way were all frightened. First, they saw the overwhelming monsters running through Lin Yueshu and ran forward. After the monsters passed, the monsters did not attack them. These people were fortunate. Suddenly hundreds of thousands of troops lined up in a neat battle array to advance forward in a group style. The huge battle formation scared them. But they soon became worried that the monsters and the army's targets were not theirs.

When there were dozens of kilometers away from the vast mountains, our guild team uniformly collected all the identification flags. Now we want to make guest appearances on the mountain thieves, how can we play the flag again? Because of the need to change clothes, our degree slowed down significantly. The team in Tianting originally had a "cluttered military appearance". Now it has chased this far and even the running system is gone, so it has to stop and rectify. This adjustment was delayed for more than an hour. The monsters ran away.

The monsters who reached the vast mountain range did not dare to enter the Buddhist ancestors, and detoured from the side to the past toward Wanxian Mountain. When the troops of Tianting rushed to the vast mountains, the demons were already across the mountain. The detour was obviously impossible, so we "last resorted" to go through the vast mountains to chase the demon through the Buddhist site.

The army was blocked by the Buddhism on the outskirts of the vast mountains, and then the Buddhism bosses appeared. Although Rulai and Guanyin were not present, several other Buddhas arrived. The Buddhist people want to negotiate with us, the leading generals, but we are here to provoke, and it will not be good for us to come forward. The heavenly battle is powerful, but this kind of thing is a bud. Still want us to come forward.

Fortunately, our team is all bought sky soldiers, and there is no problem in clothing. A few smart players arranged by me put on the borrowed Celestial God and went to the front to negotiate with them. In fact, negotiation is about finding fault. The players on our side are all veterans. This kind of thing is familiar, and a few words quarrel. No matter how good the Buddhism is, it is necessary to distinguish a few words. As a result, it becomes scolding, and finally escalates into violent conflict. Once the fight is started, it will be easy to handle. Our army is ready, but now we have the opportunity. After being instructed by several guilds in the guild, they went up and touched down a few Buddhist sects to guard Lohan, and then the Buddhist sect killed a heavenly soldier unwillingly. Violent conflict then evolved into war.

The Celestial Army suddenly started and rushed directly into the vast mountain range. Celestial court was better than Buddha, and there were more people this time. Coupled with deliberate calculation, the Buddhism was blinded by a sap, and it was completely unclear what was going on.

Once the team entered the mountains, the formation could not be guaranteed, and I quietly left the command camp and took my own team into the mountains. This place is full of scattered temples and caves, and the lack of connection one by one is a good target for robbery. But these are not my interests, what I want to do is big.

There is a big temple on Baiyun Mountain, the main peak of the vast mountain range. This is the headquarters of the Buddhism forces in the vast mountain range, which is my goal. The guild team mixed in the heavenly court team gathered quickly and began to approach here. The Buddha knew that someone had invaded, but the team was running everywhere and there was no way to form a defense line. The Buddhism has always been outstanding in personal strength, without a regular army. In this situation where the large corps is fighting, they are not opponents even if they are more powerful. They cannot resist our invasion at all.

I rushed to this Buddhist headquarters-Baiyun Temple with my magic pet and the more capable backbone forces in the guild, plus tens of thousands of purchased heaven soldiers. The army has reached the periphery of Baiyun Temple, and the people in the temple have not realized that this is a regular attack, not a clash in imagination.

"What are you doing?" A few guarded Luo Han appeared at the front of the guild. This is the temple where the Buddhist headquarters is not open for business. The guards will not ask the donor politely. What's more, it doesn't seem that so many of us are holding weapons to burn incense and worship the Buddha. "Come on, don't say any more ...!"

The Luo Han hit a piercing arrow on his throat before he finished speaking, and died instantly. Lohan, a nearby companion, was about to be shouted immediately after being killed. But in the shadow behind him, he suddenly stretched out a hand to cover his mouth, and on the other side a cold, shining blade slid across his neck. The Luo Han fell silently, and the gold coins came out of the shadow and gave us an ok gesture.

I beckoned to the team behind, and the team rushed out of the forest to squat in a row beside the temple wall. These soldiers quickly set up a hand ladder. The heaven soldiers behind stepped directly on the hand ladder to the courtyard wall, but before they jumped down, a golden light curtain lit up on the courtyard wall.

"Sure enough, there is a defensive agency." I beckoned back again, and four heavy steel spears with steel cords suddenly flew out of the dense forest. A booming four steel spears penetrated the masonry wall and were stuck in the door frame at the same time. The spears penetrated the inner wall by more than one meter. With a click, four spearheads popped up two pairs of barbs at the same time. Fortunately, the four dragons dragged the steel cable and pulled back hard. The steel cable at the end of the spear was straightened, the steel spear was pulled back, and the barb popped up. On the door frame. The power of the four-headed dragon is not that the courtyard wall can block the ground at all. A booming door was pulled down with the door frame and a large wall, and a gap of ten meters wide appeared on the front of the door.

Celestial soldiers on both sides rushed in through the gate. This time I did not encounter the defensive light curtain again. It might take a bit of trouble to hit this place in heaven, but it's nothing for our guild. The lance was just designed to deal with the city walls. Why can't the temple walls be compared with the walls?

A large number of Luo Han suddenly rushed out of the temple to fight with our heavenly soldiers. The fighting powers on both sides were almost the same, but there were several leaders in Luo Han who were particularly powerful. We did not have the corresponding master suppression and were a little bit disadvantaged. Fortunately, we have many people. "Xiaofeng, set the fire on fire."

The prodigal son and Xiaofeng are now a phoenix, with very different strengths than before. Immediately after receiving my direct order, I started to use large magic. The first shot was actually a meteor fire and rain, and it was a large-scale blow. The entire temple was covered. But the Buddhism is not a fake. The yellow light curtain reappeared when the huge fire meteor reached over thirty meters above the temple. Fire meteor hit the light curtain and immediately turned into numerous splashing Mars. The scene was very spectacular. The light curtain stood firmly against the fire meteor. There were no signs of breaking.

Xiaofeng looked at me in surprise. I beckoned to Xiaolongnü: "Dongfeng again, Xiaolongnou followed by a lightning strike. You can't break it if you don't believe it."

Xiaofeng summoned again immediately, and the dragon girl's spell followed. Meteor fire rain combined with thunderfire purgatory, two large-scale killing magic landed at the same time, the light curtain was smashed for a while, but still resisted the attack. The little dragon girl was about to ask me if I should continue, but I stopped it with my hand. "There is no need to waste magic power, just go in and use single-player magic to solve the weapons of mass destruction. Tanks, use the weapons to try, maybe that thing has no effect on energy weapons."

The tank immediately ejected the shooter on its back to prepare itself, and Amenis cleverly followed the actual mirror image to copy himself into a tank and then shot with it. The beams of light from both tanks shot into the temple at the same time, and the light curtain rose again, but this time it was useless. The two beams of light hit the same spot, the power was too concentrated, and the light curtain could not stop this attack. After only holding for a second, the beam of light penetrated the light curtain and shot inside the temple. The buildings in a straight line passing by the beam of light were swept to both sides as if they were hit by a storm, and nearby buildings were quickly burning.

"Haha, I knew it couldn't stop it. Don't stop, keep attacking. Jingjing and Lingling, come with me to find the baby."


"I'll go too." Ye Yue and Chili jumped out together.

"Pepper you leave to protect Ling He Xiaochun and Ariana, Yeyue will follow along."

Seeing that I was killed inside, other players from the Bank who followed me also followed. True Red has been the vanguard officer of our guild since she received the pounding arm. Her attacking force is terrible. She looks like a humanoid tank and has nothing to stop her along the way. Everyone was flying with a punch, a hole was punched in the wall, and the pillar was broken at the touch.

The surface of the Chinese weapon looks bad, in fact, the power is not worse than my artifact armor. Not only really red ground Zhenwu suit. The heavenly suit of gold coins is also sharp and scary. The Tianzun sword was nothing before. It became a sonic sword after the whole set of equipment was assembled. When it was waved, the dragon groaned, and the sword hurt. Every time they fight, they are indestructible. It depends on her killing the building group by herself. There is basically no change in the past, but if you touch it, you will know what is wrong.

A heavenly soldier accidentally touched a pillar, and then the pillar suddenly crooked to one side and collapsed suddenly. The stone pillar that could not be held by one person broke from a position more than one meter above the ground, and the fracture was smooth like a mirror, which was obviously cut by a sharp weapon. Except for Tianzun Sword, even my eternity cannot do this cutting method. Eternal is also thick, unlike Tianzun Sword, which hurts people with sword qi. It will be fine if you don't touch it after cutting.

"Amitabha!" A rolled Buddha suddenly appeared on the top of the building next to him.

"Ah, you big head." The gold coins suddenly jumped up and swept away. A white air blade visible to the naked eye flew over. The Buddha immediately threw the bead in his hand, and both sides collided in the air. A loud bead was blown into powder. After the gold coins landed, they screamed really red and rushed up.

Zhenhong flew a Luohan from the side and rushed under the building where the Buddha stood. "Dawei Tianlong Fist." With a loud bang, a golden dragon flew out along the real red fist, the walls of the entire building were swept down, and the house immediately fell to this side. The Buddha flew up quickly, who knew the gold coins suddenly appeared from above. "Go on." The dozens of swords of air instantly covered the Buddha from front to back.

The Buddha squeezed the fingerprint in front of one hand, and a golden light ball appeared to cover his body. The sword Qi hit the light ball and was bounced around, flying around, scaring the nearby people to jump and dodge. The Buddha smiled scornfully. But his smile didn't last long, a purple beam of light flew from the side directly hit the ball of light and rolled him in. When the beam of light disappeared, the Buddha was already gray.

The gold coin smiled and said, "Hey, you are unlucky, but you were hit by the magic light with twice the power."

I shouted at the gold coins floating in the air below: "Did you see the stupa?"

The gold coins quickly looked around as soon as they heard. "There." She exclaimed excitedly and rushed forward.

Stupa is actually not a tower, but a Tallinn. Thousands of towers are spread across a large area of ​​land, a bit like a stone forest. Real red excitedly rushed up and punched a stupa with a punch. The broken tower had a blue light ball inside it, and a black ground ball inside the translucent light ball. That should be the relic.

The gold coin rushed up with a sword in excitement: "Let me split it up." It said that the light ball should have a very strong defensive ability, but Tianzun sword was too sharp after all. The small beads inside are the size of glass marbles. And it's red. I saw black just because a blue light ball was set on the outside. The red beads can only reflect red light, while the blue light ball only allows blue light to penetrate, so it looks black. Everyone is very excited to see the red ball now, but the voice of Amitabha appears again, but it is not the Buddha just now.

"Heaven and I have always made good Buddhism, why are you waiting to kill my Buddha at my temple?"

"You colluded with monsters and stopped us from acting for the sky.

"Hugh is going to wrong me Buddhism, do you really deceive me Buddhism? Nobody can do it? I am the ancient Buddha of Arakupa, and today I will destroy your original gods to listen to."

"That would be better than us." The gold coin waved a sword qi, the Buddha stretched out with one hand, and a golden ball suddenly appeared to block the qi.

With a wave of his hand, the three human pets around him rushed away separately.

Yeyue put a stupa on his body, protecting his eyes, and the buddha's movement quickly flashed to the side, and his crotch sleeve was petrified to a corner. The Buddha looked at Yeyue in surprise. "The son-in-law?"

"It's good to know." Yeyue said, changing out her six arms and pulling out her snake sword, her tail flew out.

As soon as the Buddha reached out, a tin rod flew from the side and fell into his hand. Yeyue had reached him in a blink of an eye, and the two swords split, and the Buddha had to lift his stick to resist, but just blocked the two swords. The other four snake swords were inserted from the side. He hurried back quickly, and Yeyuedi had too many weapons, and the average person was obviously disadvantaged in fighting with her. No matter how good your skills are, there are many people. You just don't know how to defend.

"Holy Sword-Thunder Slash." The Buddha was focusing on Yeyue, but when Yeyue suddenly flashed, Lingling emerged from behind her, and the sword style had entered the final stage.

This Buddha also used the same defensive ball as the last Buddha, as if they would all use this trick. After the light curtain appeared, Lingling slashed it on the light curtain, but unfortunately he bounced back. The Buddha took the opportunity to remove the protection of a golden light shot and wanted to take advantage. How could I know that Jingjing suddenly appeared to catch Lingling and turned around to block the golden light with a shield. Aegis defense was invincible and did not respond at all. At the same time, Yeyue posted it again and waved the six-handed snake sword like a drum. The fighting Buddha backed up again and again.

Yeyue's eyes flickered suddenly, and the scared Buddha hurriedly attacked with a tin stick on the ground. But the tin rod turned into stone. After completing this trick, Ye Yue continued to bang, and the Buddha held the stone tin rod that became very heavy and stood upright. I suddenly saw a sword straight down from above, and the Buddha flew away quickly, but was forced back by Lingling's chaotic sword that rushed afterwards.

Seeing that he was going to face me, the Buddha had to use a tin can to stop it. I rushed forward with a weapon without hacking him, but flashed to the side. My purpose is not to cut people, but to cover them. Real red flashed out from behind me. Jumping from the top and the next punch hit the middle of the tin rod.

when. With a bang, the real red was flying a few meters, the tin rod in the old monk's hand was broken into three pieces, and the middle one fell off and hit him on the chest and flew him out. The gold coin rushed from behind to a sword and drew a big sigh behind him.

Even this old guy has some strength, he just quit the encirclement. The arm holding the two severing rods shivered unconsciously, apparently the power that had just hit the ground against Zhenhong just shook his arms. No one dare to hit her in the guild since Zhen Hong got the pounding arm. If she hits the front, she and the siege hammer are a level one. Isn't that looking for death? Compared to the injury of the arm, the sword of gold coins did not seem to cause much damage. The Buddha must have blocked the sword with force, otherwise it would not be as simple as leaving some blood.

Alas, the broken stick of both hands of the Buddha fell to the ground. Two golden rays extended down his shoulders from his shoulders. His arms no longer trembled after Jinguang passed. The Buddha's treatment is really good next year.

"You forced me." The Buddha suddenly folded his hands. "Buddha curse." When he pushed his hand, a golden 4D character flew out.

Yeyue immediately warned: "Can't stop."

Seeing that Jingjing had lifted her shield, it was too late to flash. I stood directly next to Jingjing. "Absolute barrier."

Wanzi hit the absolute barrier, and a beam of light burst into the sky in a loud noise. I felt like myself and Jingjing were pushed backward for more than ten meters before they stopped, but the absolute barrier is the absolute barrier, completely invincible. The Buddha looked at us in surprise, his mouth widened. He may think that this attack is very powerful, but he did not expect it to be ineffective.

The absolute barrier on my body flickered a few times and disappeared, and the surrounding ground was still smoking. It seems that the attack power is concentrated, it should be a single-mandatory spell. "Separated." Two ginsengs suddenly appeared beside me.

"In itself, will you finally let us out?" The soldier patted a hooligan on my shoulder.

"Kill the guy in front of me first ~ ~ The Master looked at the Buddha in person and said," Is the strength very strong! It looks like a fierce battle. "

The fighter clone immediately took out the small red bottle and threw it to me: "Come on."

I first beastified and then pinched the bottle with the soldier and filled the red liquid down. "Wild fury." The figure flashed, and the fighter and I had arrived at the Buddha. Before he could react, he was blown out by the two of us with one claw, and Zhenhong immediately rushed up and punched the Buddha who was flying towards her.

"King Kong protects the body." The Buddha was still quite smart, and quickly pulled out his golden cover. As a result, he was punched on the cover by a real red punch and still spit out his blood.

The mage doubled his staff in front of him. "Forbidden Magic Domain."

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