Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 115: Poor priests

First things first. Because the protagonist arrives in Egypt, there will definitely be some myths about Egypt afterwards. For this reason, I chose two days to check a lot of information. Viewing Egyptian myths is the only incomplete myth system in the existing myth system. The relationship between the gods in Egyptian mythology is very complicated, and many characters are mixed together, and there are different priesthoods in different deified versions (this should be the fault of the incomplete mythological system). So I will reset the relationship for them in later articles. If anyone sees different settings from other books or movies, don't be surprised.

There are no monsters and no organs at the open door, but it is more troublesome than those things. There is actually a lobby behind the gate, and what's worse is that many people are gathering here at this time, as if they are performing some kind of sacrifice. The author was also surprised by our sudden appearance, all of them looked at me and Bailang stupidly. I carefully walked out of the stone door that had been punctured, and then looked back, and immediately knew that it was going to pour mold!

The place we penetrated is a wall from this side, and there are a lot of murals and text on the wall. The most striking thing is the huge sun symbol made of gold directly above the mural.

"Boss! This is the Temple of the Sun God!" Bai Lang jumped when he saw the sign.

While Bai Lang said it, I also felt a piece of Joan behind, slowly turning my head and seeing thousands of angry eyes clear. A bald man wearing a yellow pendant screamed at me suddenly, "Guard, catch this intruder."

A group of fully-armed soldiers quickly rushed out of the hall to see if they were going to divide us into corpses and then slowly widen why we suddenly appeared here.

"Wait a minute! This is a misunderstanding." Although I knew this might not be useful, I tried it.

The guards on the opposite side did not respond at all, and the people and cars in the hall quickly separated, and some retreated, and another took the staff. There are obviously several high priests here, but the priests of the Sun God can attack magic!

"Run back." I reminded Bai Lang as I turned and ran.

Just after exiting the passage less than ten meters, thousands of troops were rushed back into the passage. Today we are really unlucky.

I ran and asked, "Bai Lang. Are you sure where the smell of Mamos left?"

"I don't know. The smell at the exit is very messy, but I don't think there is a fork there, shouldn't it be wrong?"

"But those people outside are obviously holding sacrifices. If Mamos ran out there first, it wouldn't make sense for the world to hold sacrifices in peace?"

"Is there a secret fork nearby?" Bai Lang is indeed a Warcraft dedicated to the grave guards, and he has a high sense of things like tunnels.

"I don't know. Anyway, I have to go back and check it out. But the ringers have to get rid of the guys behind me first."

"But those people outside are obviously holding sacrifices. If Mamos ran out there first, it wouldn't make sense for the world to hold sacrifices in peace?"

"Is there a secret fork nearby?" Bai Lang is indeed a Warcraft dedicated to the grave guards, and he has a high sense of things like tunnels.

"I don't know. Anyway, I have to go back and check it out. But the ringers have to get rid of the guys behind me first."

"How about there?" Bai Lang pointed his nose forward. At the corner over there. Since the passage was installed by the light stone floor, we left a small shadow, and we only need that small shadow.

I rolled over to ride on Bailang's back, and Bailang leapt forward. Jumped into the shadow. The guards behind us thought that we would hit the wall if we didn't want to, but who knew we suddenly disappeared after we rushed over. The guards froze for a while, and after a while Ning Wei shouted, "There must be a portal there, look for it in the past."

The large group of guards rushed to the place where we disappeared, but they could find nothing, because there was nothing there. The type of white wave is the shadow beast. The special skill includes a shadow movement. As long as it is within the visible range or has just arrived, you can use it as a teleportation point if there is a shadow white wave.

At the entrance of the passage. Several priests were standing at the entrance of the passage to discuss the passage, apparently they did not know that there was a secret passage here. Although the backlit magic stones are in the channel, they are still too dark compared to the sun, so the people standing at the entrance of the channel still left a clear shadow in the channel. Bai Lang and I suddenly emerged from these people's shadows, startling the priests.

The sun priest's priests are no longer a melee occupation. At such a short distance, they have no time to chant, and Bai Lang and I lay down these priests. Bai Langxun stuck his ear to the side wall and tapped the wall with his paw. I did the same on the other side.

"Here it is." Bai Lang's side really had a problem.

I hurriedly clapped my hands and knocked on both sides, and the sound was indeed quite different. There must be a fork here. "Hurry up, I'll smash it open."

"Not needed. Notice the illuminated magic stone above us? Press it."

I jumped up and pressed it, and the front wall suddenly receded inward silently, then started sinking down into the ground. A narrow passage that could only pass by one person appeared in front of us. This **** authentic designer is really cunning. A ten-meter-long passageway is closed by a gate. Anyone will think that the passageway continues to extend forward, and no one would think that the actual passageway actually turned to the left hand direction.

After we entered the passage, the rock gate automatically closed the entire passage, and the narrow passage became dark. Bailang and I can see things without light, so it is so dark that we have no effect. Fast forward along the passage, and after a short walk, I suddenly encountered a corner, followed by a downward spiral ladder.

I walked down the spiral ladder without knowing how many turns. I felt dizzy before finally going crazy. Out of the spiral ladder well is actually a dungeon, but also very huge. Looking at this size, the labor camp does not have it. The dungeon is divided into several floors, the upper two floors are prison cells, and the lower floor is the interrogation office. Most people must find this place and don't want to continue, but Bai Lang's nose can't be deceived by anyone. On the ground floor of the interrogation room, there were three lock beds that were placed in a normal position. This thing is a very cruel torture, and the death penalty can even be executed directly on it. Ben Cai is nothing special, but Bai Zhi's nose tells us that Mamos has been to it.

Bai Lang said to me very surely: "That guy must have been here, if I didn't guess wrong. There must be a mechanism for choosing a lock bed."

I looked at the locker and said, "I believe you're right, but it's hard to find."

Bai Lang pulled the winch at the head of the bed, and that thing controlled the lock on the lock bed. Turning the winch could stretch the person locked on the bed in five directions, or tear it directly. "This should be the organ. The smell on this thing is the heaviest here. He must have touched this thing. I found the organ like this at the entrance of the passage."

I grasped the winch and turned around for a long time, except that the iron chains on the lock bed followed the winch and did not react at all. "It doesn't look so easy to open the ground. But this is just a bed. Summon. King Kong." King Kong, reduced to the size of a normal gorilla, was summoned again. You don't need to be a fool to have a ready-made crane. "Help get this thing off."

King Kong rushed to the bed and hugged the head of the iron bed. Then I yelled and heard only a squeaking sound of metal, the iron lock bed made of full metal was lifted halfway. This bed is not only made of metal. And it was riveted to the ground. But King Kong's strength was too great, he just lifted the end he caught, but the other end was still fixed on the ground, so he actually twisted this half. Bright light was immediately emitted from the opened half of the bed, which proved that our guess was correct.

King Kong supported the ground with one hand, holding the curved half of the bed with one hand and pushing it to both sides, and the crack was lifted in the sound of a metal twist. King Kong went around and grabbed the part that had been opened and pulled back continuously. The whole bed was finally pulled down completely. After packing up King Kong, I jumped down with Bailang.

Below this is a closed room, not a new secret passage. The light in the room is very bright, obviously it is not a place to shut people. The whole room is less than twenty square meters in total. You can see it at a glance. There was only one cupboard standing beside the wall in the room, except for some mess. There was no other passage at all. At this time, the tattered cabinet was still shaking there. The fool also knew that someone was hiding inside, and the man was shaking in shock, even shaking the cabinet together.

Instead of rushing to open the cabinet, I first summoned Jingjing and Lingling to let them both guard the exit, and then released Yeyue, Xiaochun, and Ling together to prevent him from resisting. After everything was set up, I walked to the cabinet and suddenly opened the cabinet door.

"Ah! ... Don't kill me ... I don't know ... please let me go ... I know it's wrong ... I'll give it to you ... I'll give you everything ...!" In the corner of the cabinet, the arm position is constantly changing, hoping to block possible attacks.

"I'm not here to kill you. Come out quickly."

"No, you said the same last time."

"I really don't!"

"I won't believe it." Mammoth still refused to come out.

It seems useless to persuade this guy positively. "Well then, even if I came here to kill you. It doesn't help you to hide in the cabinet?"

Mammoth froze for a moment, then really crawled out of the closet, but this time he tried desperately to hold him by my legs. No matter how I explain, he always thinks I'm here to kill him. It's totally different. This guy must have a delusion of being victimized, always fantasizing that someone is going to kill him.

"Okay, we're here to kill you, we admit it." Ling suddenly interrupted my explanation and directly admitted that we were here to kill him.

Strange things happened. After knowing that we were here to kill him, Mamos was quiet. He sat idly on the floor and said to himself, "Are you still willing to let me go for so many years? Hey! Forget it. It doesn't make sense to ask my companion to be alive. If you want to kill, Kill it. But can I make a request before I die. "

As soon as I wanted to explain, Ling said, "As long as it's not too much."

Mamos asked me cursed: "I just want to know how you left that passage."

"Which paragraph do you mean?"

"That's the part where you were closed. I said there that you couldn't catch my passage."

"Oh, you said that! It's nothing. There is a particularly powerful one in my control spirit. We just pushed the wall away with brute force."

"It's impossible!" Mammoth asked doubtfully. "Don't you feel any discomfort in it?"

"It's impossible!" Mammoth asked doubtfully. "Don't you feel any discomfort in it?"

"Uncomfortable? Why should we be uncomfortable?"

Mamos started talking to himself again: "It doesn't make sense! I obviously put the divine gem in the center of that passage, your divine power should be completely suppressed!

"What did you just say?" Ringer lifted Mamos off the ground.

"You said the divine gem is in the passage where we were just trapped?"

"Yes." Mamos nodded in horror. "That's why I wonder why you can still be out of your power."

After listening to Mamos, I stretched out my hand and threw him out, then turned and ran out. Ma Mosi was slammed, and now I and my pet are out. He crawled out of the basement and shouted at us, who had run far away, "Don't you kill me?"

In this paranoid madness, the old lady remembered that someone was going to kill him. I do n’t have the time to seal the throne. Divine Power Gem, a gem that can suppress divine power, I did not expect that I actually passed under him without showing up. But want to come to Mamos to use that thing as a trap to deal with the gods who chase him down, so that thing must be disguised.

Retreat along the original road, running to the narrow passageway. The organs going back from this side are more obvious. It is a ring directly, and it will be done as soon as it is pulled. I jumped out quickly after the channel opened slowly. As a result, Ling and Xiaochun took the initiative to turn into the aisle and said that they were not convenient to move high in the aisle. Let me take them back and let them out when needed. I only left Yeyue and Bailang to help, everyone else took it back. I directly recovered to human form and ran forward on the white waves. Bai Lang is very accustomed to this kind of underground passage. He does not touch the ground, but relies on the reaction of pedaling the wall to bounce forward in the passage, as fast as a whirlwind. This kind of movement can advance all the way in the channel. Even if other creatures have a straighter line than Bailang, they will definitely not be his opponent in this channel. Although Yeyue won't rebound Xing Zhong, her big tail is really convenient. Mobility is only a little slower than Bailang.

We quickly rushed back to the passage where we had just been trapped, and the palm print left by King Kong on the wall was still clearly visible. Mamos said that the stone of divine power was on the top of the passage here, but I forgot to ask where it is!

Although Yeyue usually only kept her head at a height of about one meter and seven meters, after all, she had a large tail that was more than ten meters long. . The top of the aisle is only over two meters, and Yeyue can straighten up to reach the top. She first started the battle form to imitate her arms into three pairs, and then started digging for the lighting gem. Six hands are convenient. Two hands holding a sword as a sheath stick, the other two hands to get the crack of the gemstone, and two hands can be followed by the gemstone defense

I was squatting on the ground one by one to check whether there was a divine stone in the gravel. Suddenly I felt that Yeyuedi's words were halfway gone. "what happened to you?"

"I seem to find it," Yeyue said in a soft voice.

"Find it? What did you find?" I didn't respond for a while, but after two seconds I realized that Yeyue was talking about the divine gem.

"What? Did you find it? Where?"

Yeyue carefully lifted off the obstructing stones, and then used the sword to open the surrounding rock formations. Afterwards we saw a brightly-colored angular corner shining with the beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket.

"Slow down slowly." I was afraid that Yeyue's moves would break the gem.

Yeyue arrived and answered indifferently: "The sword used a lot of strength just now. It must be easy to be broken. If it is not broken, it must be very strong." Ye Ye put away his snake sword and told I stretched out a hand: "Give me forever."

I quickly handed out eternity, Ye Yue turned him into a dagger, and then used it to gently cut out the surrounding rocks. Although Egypt seems to be a desert, yellow sand is not all there is to it. Below the yellow sand there is a small amount of dirt and hard rock layers. Our current position is where they change boundaries, so stripping is very cumbersome.

Yeyue carefully cleared out the surrounding rocks, and then grasped the corners of the gem with his hands and shook it a few times. After trying it loose, I opened the reverse side a little bit and tried again. The result was very good this time, and the gem fell off just by gently pulling it, but the gem fell to the ground with the mud, and the parasite cracked in succession, and several large pieces of mud fell to the ground. But soon I was wrong. The dirt falling from it was getting thinner, and the frequency was accelerating, and finally the yellow muddy water was flowing down.

Yeyue looked at me with a bitter smile: "Should we be a river above us?"

There is indeed no river above our heads, but it is not much. Above us is a lake, and it's a very large type. It was actually a reminder that entering the forest zone after drilling through the mouth loan at the beginning. Where sandy deserts can have forests, they can only be oasis, and oasis generally has a relatively large deep water paste. We are now clearly just below the lake and seem to have leaked the channel.

"They are here." A few dejected soldiers suddenly appeared in the depths of the passage, apparently the guards who were just chasing us just now. They must have been searching after the disappearance of Bailang and me. Now they should be helpless because they are not present In return, I did not expect to run into us halfway.

"Run." I pulled Yeyue and ran towards the **** ship of the sun god. It's not that I'm afraid of the World Guards, it's just that this one is closer to the exit, and the top of the passage doesn't seem to last long.

I could n’t watch the magical gem too much, and Yeyue put it directly into his own storage ring. Bai Langxun ran over and carried me on his back, then took the lead and ran towards the exit. Yeyue used her big tail to flexibly follow the priests at the exit of the passage for a second time, and she just rubbed her neck to adjust to the surrounding environment and saw the front passage. I rode on the white waves Came ~ ~ One of the people who seemed to be the main sacrifice said fiercely: "Haha, you dare to come back, this time I want you to ... look." His last word was almost small No, because the loud sound in the passage has made him feel a sense of crisis.

After Bailang and I turned that corner, Yeyue followed closely, and then a wave of white water splashed into the wall and turned into numerous fragments, but more water turned to this side, along the way Rushing over to the exit.

As soon as those priests came and turned around, they were caught up by the flood. A huge blast of water led us to jet out from the entrance with the priest of the world and the guard of the world, and jumped directly over the half-wide hall to the outside of the temple.

Some were preparing to sacrifice words outside the **** ship, but they did not expect that their great priests were flying out of the hall in a water column with several people of unknown origin. The people on the square outside the temple were instantly swept down by a flood, and various sacrificial instruments were sprinkled to the ground. Fortunately, the water column stopped after the spray. The water level of that lake is not higher than that of the temple, so the water of the lake will not be sprayed all over this side. Just because the passage just collapsed, and the water sprayed out due to the impact, only one water column stopped.

Yeyue sprang up from the ground while spitting water. "Master, are you okay?"

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