Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 121: Hidden inside

The rules are indeed very simple. Cohopra said that it is the same as the first level, that is, you can wear yourself as armor, you cannot use summoned creatures, in short, everything depends on knowing. But this time it is a little different, this round is not impossible to wear armor Instead of using his own armor, Cohopra said that he would provide us with game-specific armor, but we have not seen it so far.

The twenty people present looked at each other, and then one guy suddenly started to take off his armor, and the others also understood that they began to take off their own armor. A large group of people suddenly appeared on the sand dunes near us. The average player is estimated to be the part of the audience who turns to the audience after failing the test.

In addition to those spectators, my summoned creatures are also nearby, after all, this is my home field, and I did not recycle them after the last level. Between the auditorium and my summoned creature is the group fight area of ​​our twenty, It is unclear whether it is possible to leave this area.

The first person to take off his armor did not immediately start an attack, but ran towards a female player, and then guarded him.The two must have known each other before.

Seventeen other people quickly opened their distances after taking off their armor, and I also chose to temporarily distance them as they did. Based on my personal attributes, even without equipment and summoned creatures, I should be much stronger than them. But without equipment, I think that everyone's strength is being drawn down. If these people attack me in partnership, then it's over. Without calling creatures and equipment, I think I can deal with a maximum of five to seven people, and there will be more. Problem.

Twenty people including me are now in nineteen groups, that one man and one woman will definitely advance together, and they are obviously cheaper than others, so they are also the most energetic. The man with a quick mouth speaks loudly; since Everyone is fighting each other, how can we report each other fairly? Anyway, looking at each other like this is not the way.

Seeing that everyone didn't seem to have any objection, the man himself said first: then from me, I am now 799, and my profession is hate warrior.

The female player behind him followed: Sacrificial offering to the gods, level 799.

After the two of them spoke, the third player had not spoken yet. Anubis's voice appeared first. I do n’t care what agreement you establish in the game, but under my supervision it is not allowed to lie. Miss, please introduce again.

The female player reopened in awkward ways: the worship of the **** of the gods, level 803.

I didn't expect this woman to be so high. The current level seems to be a few. Basically, those who are over 780 belong to more powerful players, and those who are over 800 are generally top-level tasks.

With this girl's precedent, other people did not dare to report indiscriminately, and they said the actual grade and occupation of the words. In the end, it was only me. Everyone naturally focused on me.

I am a tri-professional, the first occupation is the adjudicator in the chaos knight category, the second occupation is the mentor in the order mage category, and the third occupation is the spiritual master in the special occupation category. It is currently 889. Eighteen levels.

After I finished speaking, these people were confused and then surprised. They were confused because they had never heard of the three professions, and they did not understand what the characteristics were in my three professions. As for the surprise, it was because of my rank. It's a little scary.

The girl who worshipped at the gods' sacrifice profession suddenly asked: We haven't heard of these three occupations, have you said the same thing as you did not? Should you explain the characteristics to us?

I reject.


No, I don't want to say anything.

It's not fair, we all said it, but you fooled us with a profession we didn't know.

I don't know if it's your business, not my business.

The girl immediately angrily shouted to heaven: Your lord, this guy has not fulfilled the agreement, can you punish him?

Anubis's voice sounded again; the agreement is an agreement between you. I am not a notary, and I have no obligation to help you maintain the agreement. Besides, according to your oral agreement, as long as you say the occupation name and level, he does not have Lie, why should I sanction him?

The girl was blocked and said nothing, she could only look at me angrily.

Now 20 people have their professions and ranks. Only I and the other four players and the girl six passed the 800 level. Most of them stayed between 780 and 799. We These people can pass the first three levels so quickly, indicating that their strength is not bad, so six out of twenty appeared over eight hundred.

The girl suddenly said; it seems that the problem is very simple. Let's look at her together. But she smiled and said: I heard that there are still several players fighting in the future, and the elimination rate will be very high. And if The enemy is too strong, and we suffer. Even six of me here have passed 800 levels, but I only have 803, and the other five are higher than me, which is very powerful. The five of you are also common to all of us in the future. Threat, if you don't eliminate five of you in this game, the following game will definitely be passed by five of you, eliminating 15 of us.

What do you mean? Another player over eight hundred screamed immediately.

It's not interesting. When the crowds are eliminated in advance, the simplest tactics of the game at this time. Everyone is for the competition, the ground is the comprehensive strength, and you have nothing to hate. So, let's start?

The other four players who passed the 800 level immediately retreated to me, apparently wanting to fight with my enemies. The fifteen people on the other side set five of us as the target of destruction, and the five of us would naturally help each other, otherwise it would be true All of them will be eliminated.

A 837-level warrior player; the five of us have the highest level, even if they are not equipped, they should be better than them. As long as everyone kills one, we will be safe.

Another 821-level beauty mage said indignantly: I want to kill that **** woman first. Anyway, it is supposed to compete with each other and lose in a big fight. This arrangement is too immoral.

I walked between the female mage and the warrior. She still gave it to me. After all, she has passed the 800 level. You and her may have a long time with the Seal of God. The gap between me and her may be relatively large. What's going on.

The female mage laughed and said, then please take care of you. Hit her fiercely, it is best to beat her into a pig.

I'm not a boxer. I said a sudden squat, and a magic bomb flew over my head. If I didn't respond quickly, it would hit my chest. The woman was really shameless and attacked me.

Seeing me looking at her angrily, she screamed arrogantly; haha, you see me useless. Fifteen to five, you will not be much stronger than us without the equipment, obediently waiting to be eliminated .

The average person does not have the combat effectiveness without equipment, but I am not an average person. After that, I take a step forward. Beastification.

The biggest reason why players ca n’t reflect their combat effectiveness without equipment is that they have no weapons, no attribute points, no people with weapons, and the low in attack is unimaginable, but werewolves do not use weapons, and their claws are weapons. The use of equipment is not allowed in the game. But the werewolf's claws are not considered equipment, and the claws do have the effect of weapons, which can turn the power in the attributes into attack power.

The faces of the fifteen people on the opposite side have all become unsightly. Everyone knows the game rules that the werewolf form actually evades. Without weapons and equipment, the werewolves have almost no effect, and those defenseless people will only become more confronted with me. Danger.

I'm humane over there; don't bother you, I'll kill that woman and the soldiers around her first, and the remaining three places, you thirteen of them, find a way to divide them. But don't mess with us five.

The thirteen people looked at each other and then retreated obediently. They all knew that without weapons, they could not fight with players in the form of werewolves.

The woman kept backing in panic. Hey, don't be angry, this is just a game, we also want to win!

I also want to win, so the two of you are going to be my stepping stones to victory. As I talked, I walked towards them, and the thirteen people all stepped aside, for fear that I would attack them suddenly.

The woman suddenly reached out her hand; light thunder.

A white ball of light flew over, but that thing was too slow. It fluttered. The werewolf form paid more attention to strengthening than the attack power. If you are hit by such a thing, I don't have to mix it. A flash step After shaking the thunder ball, he appeared in front of the man. He looked at me stubbornly. First he swallowed, then screamed and punched him up, and my right hand was raised. The guy screamed and was blown out. .

The woman looked at me and looked at the man, and then turned and ran, but unfortunately I fell a big heel after a few steps. I jumped in front of her, drew my right fingers together, and slammed into the woman. In the confusion, I actually touched something in the sand, and I turned it out and blocked it in front of me. Just listening to the sound of a metal tear, my hand penetrated the metal object and stopped at One centimeter from the woman's chest.

I straightened up and looked at the thing that was put on my arm. Shield?

This thing has been penetrated by me. It looks like it should be a shield before, and it is of a very low level. This is probably the game equipment mentioned by Cohopra. I just wondered why I did n’t see this equipment. I did n’t expect it to be buried under the sand. These things were originally equipped to adapt to the game, so the levels were very low. My attack did not actually drop much after the werewolf, so such a shield was relatively normal to my attack. The force is similar to a piece of paper, and the breakdown is normal.

The woman dug like a savior and dug up under the sand, and as a result, dug out a helmet. She didn't want to throw away the helmet to continue digging, and suddenly pulled out a staff, she turned and stood up with a wild laugh. Dispel your soul in the name of the **** of death, and die.

A black ball of light suddenly flew from the tip of the staff, and I was too close to flash away. After the black ball hit me, a few black arcs flashed on my body, and then it was inexplicably hours, but In addition, my newly-collected Magic Pet II cried out excitedly.

It seems that this light ball belongs to dark energy. According to the ability of II, the dark energy that hits me will be transmitted to him to ensure my light properties, so this attack is completely invalid.

The woman looked at me in surprise and looked at her staff. Impossible!

Everything is possible. I stepped forward and grabbed her head. If the body of the werewolf was huge, pinching her head was like grabbing a small ball. A **** man behind me was approaching quickly, and I I don't want to hold the woman's head and fling her as a weapon and swipe the person behind, and the sound of a collision slammed, the man behind me was hit again, and I hungry to catch up, using this woman as a whip He lifted his head high and smashed him down with his back. The man slammed a large mouthful of blood, and the woman was also cut in two from his neck.

It's yours. I throw away the deformed head. I look up at the thirteen people.

Thirteen people looked at each other and suddenly had a melee. Soon three of the weaker ones hung up first. Anubis' voice was right above us in a timely manner .: Very good, five knockouts are enough Then you can enter the next level.

The environment flashed around, but all the people around us were still there. Only the bodies of the five people who had just been killed were gone. Five of them were actually resurrected in the auditorium. I saw the woman facing me. What is still shouting than the middle finger, but I can't hear anything, they are separated from us, they seem to be together, but they don't actually belong to a space. I feel strange that the auditorium seems to change It's very wide, and we don't see many people in this game. This will suddenly increase by dozens of times, and it will be full of people.

Anubis and Cohopra suddenly appeared in front of us, and then a flash of light not far from us on our left, and the map of the **** of wisdom and his wife, the goddess of truth, Maart, appeared there. Si wants to say hello there. How's it going?

Maart shook her head: it was all waste, and there were only a few qualified. After she said that, seven players suddenly appeared in front of her, and all of them looked around and looked at the environment here.

After listening to Anubis, he turned his head to the other side. We noticed that there were two other gods and another group of players. Later, such flashes continued to appear near us, and a team of players appeared nearby. Each team is led by two gods.

Anubis said to us after hundreds of teams gathered around us: Okay, from here we need to wait for other people to arrive, so we will start the following test after noon tomorrow, as of now. You can Choose to stay or leave. Those who want to leave have teleporters there. Those who do n’t want to leave are free to play. This is called the Styx River. When you want to return, you can use any teleportation station, but only you pass People can come back, others can't teleport. Also, it is best not to be late if you don't want to be eliminated. You must arrive before noon tomorrow. I don't have the habit of waiting for people to dissolve now.

The leaders of the surrounding teams issued similar notices, except that they spoke more politely than Anubis.

After the team broke up, I first opened the space door and took back the evil spirit knight and the bell knight, and then stuffed the magic pet door back to Fenglong space. I originally planned to find a place to practice at the level, but Hopla stopped me suddenly.

Is your name Ziri? Coho Prabia is more kind than Anubis, but I always find it weird looking at this humanoid beetle.

Is there anything else? Cohopra is anyhow a grandfather, and you have to be polite.

Cohopra's gentle way: According to the regulations, the best performer in each of the four levels of the test in each team can ask for a reward for each of the two gods who want to lead here, and you obviously have a lot of others in our team, so you It's time to ask.

Wow haha, it is good to respect the old and to love the young. Cohopra actually comes to give away rewards. But what is it good for? I ask tentatively first; can any requirements be ok?

Anubis said very fiercely: Of course not. What do you think of us? Simple, don't go too far. You can tell me first.

I thought for a moment: I just summoned the space gates of those cavalry guys and you also saw that that thing can only be opened three times a day, so it is very stimulating, if possible. Can you help me modify it to an unlimited number of times? It is more realistic to think about it .Evil Spirit Knight and Bell Tone Knight are both very strong fighting forces, but because the gate of the earth can only be opened three times a day, so I often dare not summon them. If it can be summoned countless times, it will be cool, many tasks It's very simple.

Anubis said impatiently after listening to me: Your request I refused, so you can think of the Scarab Lord to make a request.

According to regulations, each leader must listen to a wish, but there is no stipulation that it must be fulfilled. I heard your wish, and then I will not help you complete it. It's that simple.

Halo! Anubis is really demon.

Cohopra was very forgiving: Is this the wish? I can help you achieve it.

Yes, that's the wish.

Cohopra nodded, and asked: How did you open the passage there?

I quickly summoned the dragon, and then took out the teleportation ring. Depending on the gems on it, as long as the ring belongs to me, I can open this space door at any time, whether I bring it with me or not, but only three times a day.

Cohopra took a look at it. This is very simple. The frequency limit is only due to energy issues. I'll get it for you. Cohopra took out some black powder and kneaded the ring like a dough. A few times, and then handed it back to me. This is no problem. Although it is not infinitely summoned, it can be turned on 10,000 times a day. I don't think you will be bored until you open it four or five hundred times every hour, right?

Thank you, thank you. Thank you so much. Solving this problem helped me a lot.

Cohopra: Then you can leave now, remember to be on time tomorrow.

After leaving this so-called Styx River, I can only go to leveling. It is still early in the morning, and the so-called tomorrow at noon is actually more than thirty hours later, grasping this time, the Seal of the Throne of God may level up again At level one, the experience is almost full anyway.

Not to mention, I really upgraded to a level after leveling for more than a day. Although the level is higher now, it is more difficult to upgrade, but I took nearly 9,000 evil spirit knights to sweep the streets to clean up the monster area, and the efficiency is still very high. Not bad.

When we returned to the river next to the river, everyone was almost there. There were a lot of people. The test of God's Election Day did not necessarily have to take place at the beginning of the test. What we waited for this day was actually waiting for later people to participate in the test. The position test has now been closed. Newcomers can no longer participate, which means that all people who have passed the four levels are here.

I looked around. There were almost a thousand players who participated in the test, more than I expected, and it seems that everyone's quality is good.

Cohopra flew into the air to humane all the participants: Now we start the fifth test, if we can pass this level, then we can take the last two tests. Cohopra's voice caused a It was a real commotion, and he waited in silence until everyone was quiet before continuing: I know that some of you have participated in the test before, and I know that the test meets quite a lot, but this time the situation is special, so we merged some projects, The difficulty of the single test has been increased to look forward to \\ choosing the most suitable person. Now I can tell you that the first four tests you have passed are actually sea elections, and the only purpose is to make those who are not suitable for the real test There are still three levels you need to pass from the exam, and these three levels are the real test.

The following is a real discussion. After everyone quieted down, Cohopra continued; I also don't want to hide you. Our gods are not idle and bored to conduct such a test. We did it after the right people in the county completed it. Mission, and I ca n’t tell you the content of the mission until you have passed. But I can guarantee that the reward of the mission is very generous. Now I will take everyone to start the real test, the audience can leave, the next Testing is not open to the public.

Cohopra's words immediately aroused a curse because the audience and the test participants were different. The contestants who participated in the test were free to move from yesterday morning until now, but the audience could not return once they were teleported away. So many people waited until now and got a sentence that they were not allowed to watch.

After Cohopra's words, the audience disappeared behind us, and the environment around us changed. Only until now, the so-called Styx River has been flowing in front of us like an ordinary river. It is the most common desert in Egypt. There are a few plants on both sides of the bank, that's all. But the environment suddenly changed after the audience hours, the bright sun suddenly disappeared, and we were in a huge hole. This place is quite dark, but not too Nothing can be seen. The top of our head is the top of a cave made of rocks, and behind it is a stone wall with an entrance. There is a black river in front of us with black liquid flowing. This is the first time I have seen this water. This is also the sea of ​​silence that pulled me into the eighteen floors last time.

Because the channel is very dark and the river is quite wide, we can't see anything on the other side. Anubis went to the river and hit a ring finger, and then we saw five small bright spots emerge from the darkness in the distance. Those highlights are gradually approaching us.

As those bright spots gradually approached, their bodies finally appeared. Those things are actually spacecraft?

The thing that came from a distance is a ship, and the shape is similar to the ancient Egyptian warship. The hull is straight in the middle, but the two ends are sharp. There are no paddles and no rudder on the ship, there are only two sails, and the shape is strange. The two sails are not above the boat, but on the side of the boat ~ ~ I want two pairs of wings to spread out. It looks like a huge folded wing is inserted into the two strings of a boat But the strangest thing is the way the ship sails.It didn't touch the water at all, but suspended at a height of three or four meters above the water.

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