Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 127: I'm robbed again!

Everybody heard Cohopra scattered immediately after the announcement. Such a large number of personnel are eliminated, and everyone is required to complete at least six snipers, so everyone around them is not safe. In the previous completeness, some people will form teams to fight because they know each other, but now it is impossible. Most of the people in each team are eliminated, and the rest are almost unknown, so no one can believe it.

I also hid and wanted to see the situation first. Everyone in the venue obviously didn't plan to shoot first. The first action in this battle means that it is likely that others will take advantage of the fish, so no one wants to start this. But it doesn't seem to be the way to wait. I do n’t have to move, so I have to move first. It ’s not that I ’m more noble than those people, but I ’m confident that even if someone wants to take advantage while I ’m fighting, I ’m not in danger.

Considering that there is no danger now, instead of summoning the pet, I rushed directly to the nearest player. When the other person saw me, the first reaction was to run first, but he turned back and rushed back without two steps. I know what he means. This guy must be the one who saw me open the crystal cover before that, so I think my strength is very strong and I plan to run when I see it, but soon he realizes that I am an animal trainer, except the magic pet. Should not be strong, so this guy rushed back again immediately.

Seeing that there was a battle on our side, it turned out that some people gathered around and planned to pick up the cheap, and the center of the entire battlefield quickly moved closer to us. I still miscalculated. I originally thought that it would not be possible for some people to come together even if someone picked a bargain. I didn't expect that others would actually surround them without infringement.

Since there are so many people, I cannot afford to delay the Seal of the Throne. My arm trembled, and Eternity broke away from the whip blade. The guy in front didn't see the scene of my fight. So it is not clear what the eternal power is. Actually want to block the sword. After a bang, he hit his sword body forever and wounded around his sword because of inertia. When I was in the area, the ping-pong cymbals rang, and his sword was reduced to more than a dozen fragments along the eternal winding line.

He was still staring at the remaining hilt in his hand. Two red crescent blades were suddenly killed from behind him, and his two arms were cut to the left and right, followed by a long satellite-like crystal block and stopped on top of this guy's head. . A sudden red light shot from the crystal came in from above this guy's head, and then he saw a red light coming out of his crotch into the ground. Obviously the red light shot him through.

The guy fell to the ground in surprise with the players around him, less than five seconds before and after. The people around were originally going to come and pick up the cheap ones, but as a result, I hadn't finished the call yet.

Suddenly a guy in the crowd shouted, "Kill him first, this guy is too strong." Although there were few caterers, some people still moved with him.

A warrior jumped up vertically and a heavy split was going to chop me down, but the crystal just flew faster and stopped on top of my head. Then two red crescent blades flew from both sides and the crystal A click made a dock-like thing. The voice of a little girl in the dwarf tribe appeared. "Discipline-the clock of time."

After the modification of the forging god, the combination form of the half month is now the ring of commandments. However, it is only a ring of small precepts. It does not have the ability to choose precepts by itself. Each time it is started, a rule is randomly selected. This time, obviously, the rule of the Seal of the Throne is drawn.

The player in the front hasn't cut it down, and the degree in mid-air suddenly turns into a slow motion, and even the falling degree becomes slow. Everyone around was dumbfounded. A more knowledgeable player shouted, "It's magic in time and space. Don't touch him if you distance yourself. This guy is very dangerous."

"Guangling shines." A mage lifted her staff unbelievably. "The degree of light depends on how you hide."

The ring of commandments shone again. "Discipline-the rule of motion."

Although light cannot escape quickly. But that mage also took time to read the throne of the seal, and his commandments were completed when his magic was completed. I saw a beam of light from the tip of his staff, but the beam did not move along a straight line, but drew a circle in front of him in an arc and returned to the staff. With a bang, the mage's staff was smashed by his magic.


"Discipline-the law of matter."

The mage, who was about to chant, was silent just halfway, and his head suddenly turned into a large square. This square is black and gray, and is a bit larger than a human head, which fits that guy's head.

The player's surprised look suddenly became fierce, and he drew an arrow from his back. "That being the case, do you look at this one that you block?"

"I rely, calm down! A test need not be so stiff, isn't it my arrow, but wouldn't it be worth it to waste such a good thing here?"

I can't stand these people, I don't know how there can be such crazy people. This guy is holding an extermination arrow in his hand. The dark arrow body and the energy black holes shining around it all indicate its identity. Such things as God of Death arrows are not made by players, but are specially sold. The most important thing is that their output is unlimited. As long as you are willing to spend money, use him as an ordinary arrow to shoot casually, no one cares about you. As opposed to the colorful explosive spirit arrows breaking through the armor piercing me. The characteristic of the **** of destruction arrow is its power of destruction. If the colorful explosive spirit arrows are luxurious weapons for display. Then the arrow of extermination is the arrow of revenge.

To say that the colorful explosive spirit arrows are weapons for display is not because they are not powerful enough, on the contrary. It is because of its power that it is worth showing off. But he said that he was showing off weapons, but mainly because the number was too small. An expendable weapon that cannot be stably supplied is not a real weapon, but the characteristic of extermination is exactly stability. As long as you have money. How much you want. Although the supply is unlimited, the God of Death is defined as the arrow of vengeance because the attribute of God of Death is too vicious.

The Destroyer Arrow has no attack power, and the attack power written on the attribute is 1-1, which means that even the first-level newcomers need several arrows to shoot to death. In addition to this attack power, the arrow body cannot be broken, no attribute damage, and no auxiliary attack power. But God of Destruction has a very dangerous attribute, and this is its only attribute. That is-permanently lowering the random value of a random attribute.

The explanation of this attribute is that when it hits you, it will immediately extract one attribute from all your phased attributes, and then randomize a value out, and then reduce your attribute by so many values. For example, if someone is shot, the random attribute is strength, and the random value is 30, then the player's strength will be permanently reduced by 30 points. It doesn't matter if he upgrades or gets a reward, anyway, his attributes are thirty points lower than normal. Once this attribute explodes, it will usually lead to the basic retirement of this game account, and the character must be deleted and re-established to get rid of this punishment.

Permanently lowering attributes is terrifying and annoying than lowering levels. If you drop the level, you can practice it again. If you lower the attribute directly, you will always be weaker than others at the same level. That will definitely make people crazy. And that random number is also very dangerous, in case the random number is very large, it will be a bad luck. And the main attributes of various occupations are also very afraid of such weakening. An animal trainer like me is afraid that the attributes will draw the number of magic pets, the soldier is afraid of the strength, the mage is afraid of the magic, in short, the key attribute is definitely over.

In contrast to the weakening of uncertainty, another feature of Destroyer that is not an attribute is also a headache, that is, it can function without directly in the human body. The only way to deal with this kind of arrow is to dodge, blocking is useless. Although it can be blocked because of the low power of this arrow, even if you hit your shield, it will also affect you. Even if you use rocks or walls as obstacles, remember to avoid direct contact with the obstacles, otherwise it is the same as a direct hit.

Although the arrow's deterrent is so great and it can open up sales, not many players object. The reason is the price of this arrow. A single arrow of extermination sells for 500,000 crystals

And want to use this kind of arrow needs to spend an extra one million crystal coins to buy a set of extermination arrow use skills, otherwise it is impossible to use this kind of arrow. The price is so exaggerated and the power is unstable. Although the supply is stable, few people will buy it. This is why most players don't justify this.

But do n’t think that no one will buy it so expensive. Of course, a single player will not go, but what if it is a certain guild? The elite personnel used to weaken the Turkish Guild are extremely cost-effective, and with the upcoming national war, the sales of such arrows will be better.

Do not understand? it's actually really easy. Each country will have two sets of national weapons in the national warfare. Its role and power are absolutely strategic. So if you use the immortal to attack the owner of the other national weapon? After a set of national weapons is set, the owner cannot be changed. At this time, as long as the strength of the opponent's national weapon wearers is reduced, the attributes of the national weapons will also decrease, and the basic attributes of the opponent can be lower than the national weapons through multiple snipers. Basic requirements, even though the player was wearing a national weapon, he could not play at all, and the player could not give the national weapon to others because of the limited attributes of the national weapon

Wearing, this is tantamount to blocking the country's weapon in disguise. Do you think such an arrow is very expensive? I think it's too cheap.

In addition, as the arrow of vengeance, the original use of God of Destruction is exactly the same as its name. It is used to destroy God. After the national war begins, some deities of the other country will be allowed to fight, and it is inevitable that the main **** of the defending side will participate in the battle for territory. The usefulness of the extermination of God is revealed at this time. Its attribute weakening power applies equally to God and is permanent. Even if only the avatar is shot, it can weaken the main body of the Lord. In addition to obtaining the stone of divine power like me, this **** of destruction arrow is one of the few weapons that players can use against higher gods.

That being said. But this guy was holding such an arrow at me and it really made me sweat. Defensive attributes in front of this arrow have no meaning at all. Even if you do n’t wear it, you ca n’t shoot people, it just consumes your attributes. If you are lucky, you may get irrelevant attributes. Or the value of the weakened is not high, bad luck draws some key attributes, and then hit a large value, you can kill you with a single arrow. I originally planned to equip Auspicious Ruyi with some of these arrows after the start of the national war. With their infinite lucky attributes, the arrows shot will be 100% hit, and the strongest attributes will be drawn 100%. In the end, they will definitely draw a large value to disable the enemy. It's just that I haven't figured out how to make Jixiang Ruyi learn archery. Their fat claws don't seem to be suitable for such things. No matter how lucky you are, you must be able to shoot out to hit!

The archer in front of me looked at me viciously. "This time ... it will make you enjoyable." After speaking, he let go, and the arrow of extinction flew straight, and the speed was extremely fast.

puff. The arrow is centered on the chest. After moving forward, the ground directly behind it stopped. It was astonishingly fast, there was no possibility of evasion. The man had a smile on his face and looked at me in the field with a surprised look on the spot. "I didn't expect it? Although the arrow of extermination does not increase its attributes except for weakening, my bow is an artifact, and any nucleus wants to be faster than my arrow.

After speaking, the man suddenly frowned, because he had something unusual. The physical attack power of the God of Destruction should be considered very weak. It is normal for me to shoot, but it is wrong that the ground is so deep after shooting through me. My armor just blocked the colorful explosive spirit arrows just now. It doesn't make sense to be shot through by a powerless exterminator? He suddenly began to look around alertly.

"Is it finally here?" My voice suddenly appeared behind that guy.

The archer's eyes suddenly rolled round, and then he wanted to turn, but as soon as he turned around, he suddenly left the ground. Players around saw the archer's feet kicking in mid-air, his hands still desperately grasping the void in front of his belly as if holding something hard.

I! "The archer's voice was abnormal.

"Did you say anything? I can't hear you." With that voice, a sharp claw suddenly appeared on the archer's stomach and was holding him tightly. With the appearance of the claws, the arms connected to the claws gradually began to emerge. At this time, the people around knew that the archer was not suspended in the air, and his hands were not grasping the void. He was lifted by this claw, and his hands were holding his wrists behind the claws, hoping to get himself out.

Following the wrist is the entire arm, then the shoulder, then the body, the head and the feet. When the previous creatures were fully displayed, everyone was now a tall werewolf, and everyone knew that it was me, because when I passed the level, I was in the form of a werewolf when I finally instructed the pet to lift the crystal cover. These passers were by the hood at the time, so they all knew that my werewolf was like this.

Although it was determined that this was me, those players quickly realized that it was wrong. I just stood there and got an arrow. Why did it suddenly appear here? Everyone looked back over there, and saw that I stood there blinking a few times, and then suddenly disappeared.

"Illusion?" A player told the truth.

I pinched the archer and shook back and forth: "How does it feel to dominate everything? Do you feel very excited when you just controlled me? Now? What about your proud smile? Do you know me? Can't shoot people, but it will bring more severe punishment than death, but here, even if you shoot me as a hedgehog, it will not let me be eliminated, then you are not trying to eliminate me. You are intentionally hurting me Really? Say, why do you do this? Is it because you are Japanese? "

The archer's eyes, pinched by me, turned to me suddenly.

"Oh, it seems I guessed it right." I smiled and said, "You should have known me during the previous Japanese wars? Did you happen to meet me here this time and want to kill me for Japan? "

The archer stared at me and said nothing, but he couldn't say anything. I was pinching my neck like this and it was hard to talk. I reached out and yanked the arrow pot behind him.

"Be honest!" I tossed the arrow pot away. The eyes of everyone moved with the arrow pot. As a result, he saw a white hand catching the arrow pot.

"Humanoid pet?" Some players couldn't help screaming. Because they have rarely seen magical pets before.

Emmys turned over with a sword pot. "Is this kid full of money? Three extermination gods, one colorful explosive spirit arrow, ten enchanting burst arrows. The others are arrows, oh wait. Wow, I didn't expect there was this thing." Amenis actually from A luxuriously shaped gold arrow was drawn from the quiver. "Is this a craft or an advanced artifact?" Amenis shook us with an arrow.

The archer didn't answer, I walked over and used the appraisal skills to take a look. Fortunately, I also have an appraisal profession in my supporting profession. Identification is not troublesome. "Well, it's good now.

The arrow of divine grace, the attribute is a temporary seal. The time for the Seal of the Seal of God is one hour. Automatic recovery after shooting, but you must wait until the next day before you can use it again.

The attributes of this divine arrow and the extinct arrow are similar. They cannot be blocked, regardless of whether they penetrate the shield or not, as long as they hit. But he was much more gentle than the **** of destruction. The effect is only one hour of sealing each other. Neither degrading nor causing permanent damage.

Amy Nice suddenly appeared the beautiful long bow m long bow held by the archer's hand. This bow is based on white. The material seems to be some kind of wood with a lot of decorative patterns on the surface. There was nothing at the bowstring. I saw the other side use this bow from the beginning. At that time, it seemed that a golden light string was used, which probably belonged to the energy bowstring. Amenis snatched the bow and handed it to me: "Look at this."

"Artifact. Haierfa Longbow. Good guy, the attack power is so high!"

"What about the attributes?" Amenis asked.

"There are not many attributes, but they are very practical. One is with directional magic. It excludes all external interference. That is to say, it doesn't care about the airflow, which one can be hit. Another attribute is the lightning arrow, which is used to add the arrow to the light and A protective layer is added to the outside of the arrow to prevent the arrow body from being burned in the air due to air friction. The last attribute is to strike the arrow strongly, allowing the arrow body to maintain its inertia for ten seconds when it hits an object to counteract some transient magic barriers. .Although it has only three attributes, it is definitely an artifact. "

As a bow, its role is nothing more than accurate and vigorous delivery of arrows to the target location. The first attribute of this bow determines the accuracy, the second attribute determines that the enemy cannot fire arrows that fast, and the third attribute greatly improves both penetration and range. With such a triple function, almost all other functions can be abandoned.

I shook my bow before the young man. "Did you hear that?"

The young man didn't know what I wanted him to listen to and looked at me in doubt.

"Have you heard its cry? This bow is crying, have you heard it?"

"You ... the nerve ... the arrowman just squinted as soon as I finished talking.

I held my bow in my hand and said, "Such a perfect weapon, you cannot understand his true meaning. It is his misfortune to follow you."

As soon as I said it, the other archers around nodded in appreciation. When they heard my report, they all thought that this young archer was not worthy of using such a good weapon, because he couldn't even understand the value of the bow. Although I am not an archer, I still know that a bow like this deliberately emphasising the lethality of an arrow is actually an insult to it. The real use of this bow should be with a heavy steel arrow without attributes, and then lead the attribute of the bow. At most, it is to use arrows with broken magic attributes, instead of pursuing the power and attributes of the arrows themselves. In other words, this is actually a sniper bow used by Zhang Assassination, but this guy has been using it as a slingshot.

Just as the surrounding archers cheered my words, I added another sentence. "Given your poor abilities, I don't think you deserve this bow, so I have confiscated this bow for the time being, and I will help you find an archer on the ground."

The archers around listened. All of them almost fainted. After doing this for a long time, I was so stately in order to embezzle this bow. They just cheered for me, and now they are one after the other eating dead flies.

mine……! "

The archer wanted to grab his bow, but I threw him into the sky. Before he falls. I drew an arrow out of the arrow pot held by Aimeness, held the bow with one hand, and held the arrow with the other hand, and a golden bow appeared immediately. Pulled the bow into full force. The guy aiming at it suddenly let go. The arrow disappeared without any sound, and after a while the archer's body fell from the sky and fell heavily to the ground, an arrow stuck in his wrist.

I embarrassed my head: "Haha, I really wasn't expected to be an archer! Amy Nice, the bow will help me to collect it, and I will remember to find an archer to give him as a gift."

The Japanese archer who was killed was very wise. After he was resurrected, he simply abstained. Weapons are gone and it is useless to return. Anubis' voice appeared over the venue: "Remind you. Although we don't have time to restrict the Seal of the Throne, do you not want to spend the night in the venue?"

As soon as Anubis said, everyone realized that staying old is not the way. The scene suddenly became chaotic. Everyone was looking for opponents to fight together, and the scene became lively.

However, I always seem to be out of touch with the group. I didn't fight each other just now, but stood against me together. It turned out that none of them had been willing to approach me.

"Not so, right?"

Aiminess smiled and said, "The host has just overplayed, and you are robbing others. Who is stupid to play with you, aren't you ready to be robbed?"

"Cut. I'm too lazy to grab it if the kid is holding an artifact. Then again, this bow is really handsome! Unfortunately, I am not an archer."

Emmys smiled and said, "Don't look at me, there really isn't one master of archery who is good at archery."

I thought about it as if it was indeed the case. I have so many magic pets, as long as they are humanoid, they will all shoot arrows, but none are good at archery. The difference between meeting and adept is too big. Ask them to shoot a horse. It's okay to hit ten arrows and nine, but if you put on a rabbit, it's normal to miss ten arrows and nine. Speaking of Scot, their bell ring knights and evil spirit knights seem to be good at archery, but unfortunately they are only good, and they are far from good at it.

Count the results so far. The fighter who attacked me first was slowed down by the rule of the Seal of Throne of Time, and then I was interrupted by the mage who shot the beam, so he only slowed down his time. There was no time for the Seal of the Throne to operate, but this guy has changed The corpse was lying on one side, obviously being taken advantage of. The troubled beam mage was attacked by the Ring of Discipline, but was only wounded and not hung up. Now looking for only seeing the corpse, it must be another **** who picked up the ready-made bargain. This seems to be the only person who left the initiative to attack, plus the guy who was strangled by the laws of matter, and the one who encouraged everyone to attack me, and the last was the Japanese archer. Halo, only four results, the minimum requirement is six!

I looked up and looked around, and the rest of the people were actually in the half, and the half was completely empty. These people know that I'm not easy to mess with, and moving me is asking for trouble, so I simply stay away from the ground together.

"Emmies, help me be invisible. I'll fill the remaining two places."

The group of people all gathered in a small area of ​​melee, and it really looked like the magic version of the little melee. I aimed with my eyes, and immediately selected two targets. The first target was the mage closest to me. The mage has a low defense and is so close to me that it is easier to get started. The second goal is the opponent of the mage, a trainer of the same profession as me. He was chosen because this guy ’s magic pet had just died. Now he has no magic pet and is more vulnerable than the mage. Besides, I will be close to him after attacking the mage.

Anyway, no one saw me in stealth, carefully touched it, I suddenly showed up behind the mage. Hook his neck around from the back with his left hand, and purine on his right hand, and the blade claws pop out. Press hard against the mage's back spine and snorted. The mage couldn't believe his head and looked at the three blades that came out of his stomach. The **** moved again, and another purine sounded, and the blade claws bounced out again. The mage's eyes widened suddenly. Then it closed again.

Shake your hand to the right, and throw out the mage's body with blood and water. The **** moved again rhythmically, dozing. Claw back to sheath. The animal trainer on the opposite side turned around and wanted to run. I swiped with my right hand and pointed at the back of his neck with the ring finger. The soul-chasing arrow flew straight out. Although I'm not good at using long bows, I use the straight-ahead weapon such as the crossbow very smoothly. But maybe that guy shouldn't die today, a poor little mm next to him was hit by a fighter and just crossed the crossbow arrow's trajectory. With a short click, the crossbow passed through her left ear and penetrated through her right ear, instantly killing her.

"Fuck, you can miss it!" I looked at the little girl. "You're out of luck, don't blame me." After that, I went into stealth and went back to the halftime side where nobody was. Then I found a higher stalagmite and stood on top of it to watch someone hit it. Anyway, the number of six places is full. There are no killings and no rewards here, otherwise people will hate you. It's OK to be arrogant, but never offend people who don't need to offend. This is not a question of guts, but an IQ problem. Those who are arrogant and arrogant for arrogance belong to idiots, and those who are not arrogant when they are arrogant belong to cowards, neither of which I want to be.

"That one……!"


There was a sudden sound in my ear. Unprepared, it turned me off from the stalagmite. Amenis giggled constantly. "Why don't you tell me someone is approaching, Emmys?"

"They didn't plan to attack you. What did I tell you? Besides, if I really attacked, I wouldn't notify you and just kill her."

"Well, I'm not going to fight." A small mm, long and clean, appeared beside the stalagmite. The girl is European, but she is very small and of a rare type. Seeing her dressed up, she didn't seem to be fighting, she was like a little princess going out to play. But thanks to her clothes, I immediately recognized that she was the unlucky little mm who had just been killed by my ears.

I sat on the ground with my thumb and pointed at Emilys behind me. "Don't you listen to her? She would have killed you if you wanted to do it. What are you doing here?"

"I want to talk about a deal." Xiao mm said more and more, it was very shy.

"Trading?" The mask of my armor popped open. "Listen. I never refuse a profitable deal."

Xiao mm said timidly: "That ... you just killed me ..."

"That was an accident, and this is an arena. You have no real loss. Besides this situation, even if I deliberately take it for granted, don't use this to blackmail me."

"No, no, I didn't mean that." Xiao mm explained anxiously: "I mean to look at the face you just killed me by mistake once, can you protect me to the end of the screening? I have been dead twice, and then there are It will be eliminated once. And I have enough of the share of six people. I do n’t need to participate in the war, as long as you protect me from others actively attacking me. ”

"I said, hurting you here doesn't mean you owe you. In fact, it's reasonable to kill you again now if I want to. So don't use this to make me do anything."

"You don't have to do anything, just sit in the place you just showed and let me sit next to you. You don't even have to take a shot."

Little girl is not stupid. I sit next to her, who dare to come over those players? Even if I wouldn't protect her, others would think she was sitting beside me because she was protected by me.

"It can be considered to add some benefits, or that sentence, I don't take responsibility for the things just now. If it wasn't for your cuteness, others should have been killed when they came over."

"Tell me how did you know I was sitting here? Remember I was invisible? Can you fight the invisibility effect created by the illusion goddess?"

Xiao mm immediately asked with a smile: "Can you protect me if I answer?"

"Of course. Although I am greedy, you can rest assured of my integrity."

Xiaomm nodded and said, "Well, let me tell you. Actually, I didn't see you just now."

"Then how do you know where I'm sitting?"

"Because I saw her leaning against that stalagmite, so ...!"

Needless to say, I already know what's going on! Emmys helped me to be invisible. She was not invisible. I thought the little girl had advanced anti-stealth capabilities. Really, it wasted a good chance of blackmail. But when you say it, you have to do it, since you have promised others. That's no help. "Okay, needless to say, I know the situation. You follow me. But protect the throne of the Seal of Time only after the screening is over, do you understand?"

"Well." The little girl nodded desperately, then stood beside me.

By convention, I can't be invisible. But no one dared to mess with me. Seeing the little girl sitting next to me, those people only dared to look twice and didn't dare to make any ideas.

"You're called Ziri, right?" Xiao mm sat next to me and asked me.

"What are you doing?"

"My name is Princess."

"Oh, I see." I answered weakly.

"Because I have so many pets."

"But only four magic pets are allowed to be called in battle, and you only called one?" Xiao mm asked.

"That's because I have many professions."

"Then why do you have so many occupations? By the way, how many occupations do you have?"

"Good luck."

"Why then ...!"

"Why do you have so many questions?"

"Can't you ask?" Xiao mm flickered at me with a pair of big shiny eyes, but this was useless. I am basically immune to women. On the appearance alone, I am pretty enough. Than Jiao Yan's beauty.

Who is the beauty snake of Yeyue's opponent? Compared with mature charm, Wei Na is the best in the world. Compared to sports beauties, Jingjing and Lingling are the most typical representatives. Nothing is more pure than innocence.

Compared with the iceberg temperament, Xiaochun is a 10,000-year-old iceberg. Compared to the temperament of a demon girl, Ling is definitely a model of a femme fatale. Compared to high school, Xiaolong Nu is definitely one of the best. Compared to the league, Su Mei is simply a human being. Than gentle. Rose is the home choice.

The women I know have basically included all the qualities needed by the best women. If I do n’t have the ability to resist, it will be strange. So the small mm's flashing eyes offensive did not work at all.

"Do you really have to ask?"


I stretched out a hand: "Well, there are charges. Each question is one hundred crystal coins, and only direct questions can be asked. Abstract questions must be broken down into actual questions, otherwise they will not be answered, and the fees will be paid."

"Ah! I thought you were a very bold person!"

"I'm very bold, but I don't work for nothing."

"Aren't you Chinese speaking very noble and civilized?"

"But none of the noble civilizations says that it is not possible to charge consulting fees? Otherwise, are n’t Chinese lawyers going to drink the northwest wind?" You want to use the method of temptation to be tender.


"Don't you, me! ~ ~ Let's see you again." I jumped as I said.

"Don't you promise to protect me to the end? Don't you want to repent?"

"I mean, but the game is over."

As soon as I finished speaking, Anubis' voice appeared. "I didn't expect you to be very fast. Now that you have completed the level test, the remaining 26 people in the field are qualified and will be promoted to the next test session, which is the final test. Now please come to the center of the venue, I Take everyone to the next test site. "

Everyone focused on the center of the venue, and Anubis immediately transmitted us all. As soon as the picture was dark, we were already in a gray hall when it lit up again. Everyone was looking around, but Cohopra spoke on the podium in front. "Everyone, please come here."

Twenty-six of us quickly surrounded the past. Tetu came to the stage with a book, and Cohopra started to introduce at the same time. "This third level test does not actually require you to fight. This is just a screening of your attributes. Please hold your hands on the cover of the book held by Tetu in turn, and then enter the magic. If the book is gilded If the text is light, the third pass is passed, otherwise it is a failure. "

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