Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 139: Anubis is a liar

Chapter 139 Anubis is a Liar

I waited for Anubis to explain to me, but Anubis suddenly asked me back: "Do you know anything about the higher Protoss? I remember you have a door to the earth?"

"Good." I nodded. "Know a little, what's wrong?"

Anubis said: "That's easy. In fact, in addition to our so-called Protoss, there are two other Protoss, one is the Protoss, and the other is the Protoss. The Mother Earth God you know belongs to the upper class. Protoss, and our water gods belong to the higher protoss. "

"You mean that the status of the **** of water and the mother of the earth are equal?"

"Almost." Anubis replied: "The higher protoss are actually very small. The goddess of earth rules the soil, Amorad rules the flames, the water **** controls the water, Mana rules the wind, Nuwa controls life, Pangu. In charge of creation, Baka Arma in charge of knowledge, Aisha in charge of seals, Mosana in charge of the throne of time, and Raymonds in charge of space. There are only ten such gods in total. "

"Wait. Why are there only ten superior Protoss? And this composition seems very messy!"

"Is it messy? I don't think so!"

"Of course it ’s messy, and it ’s all messy, no matter it ’s strength or region. Look at it. Nüwa and Pangu are our gods in China, which means that we have two gods in the world. Is it true for other countries? Too unfair? "

"Hahahaha!" Anubis couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I was a little angry.

Anubis chuckled and said, "When it comes to implementation, I always thought that our lower gods were arrogant, but now it seems that humans are the most arrogant race."

"What do you mean?"

Anubis explained: "I said you do n’t get angry. The world is not for you, you people and us gods are only part of the world, but you think you are the master, everything else must be surrounded You turn. Even the ten gods are not arrogant to such a degree, they really convinced you! The geographical division you said is completely your habit. The world itself has no country, and you have created the national division yourself. But the world is also asked to accommodate you to spread your power evenly. To know that your country is often changed, I remember that you were still dozens of small countries in China six thousand years ago, and later formed a large country. Do you want to Are these higher gods always following your country change and move from day to night? You say that the son-in-law and Pangu are both Chinese gods, which is a problem in itself. What makes them gods in China? God is not a country worker. How can I say that it belongs to a certain country? It should be said that your Chinese live on the land guarded by son-in-law and Pangu. This is almost the same. "

I thought about it carefully. Seems like that. In reality, gods imagined themselves by price, so they have regional characteristics. The gods in the game are generated according to the world model, and have nothing to do with human beings. Therefore, it is a bit wrong to speculate the situation inside the game according to the rules outside the game!

"Okay! Even if there is no problem in geographical division, what is the function?" I continued to ask, "Pangu is in charge of creation, so who is the **** of destruction? What is the son-in-law in charge of life, what about death?

"So I say you are arrogant! Life and death are forcibly separated according to your own understanding, and not divided by nature. In fact, life and death are only in your language and those of us. The concept of death. "


"Nothing good, this is normal. The gods know more than we do. They need to describe things or connections that we can't think of or see, so they must have more vocabulary to communicate, and It seems to us that things that are considered to be in many different situations may seem to be the same thing, so some words are not used at all. So it ’s easy to understand that the higher **** is different from our language. I myself can be regarded as the **** in charge of life and death. One. So I have a little understanding about this. You can imagine life as a magic power, and inject a life thing with this magic power called life, and this thing will be born. It should be Life magic is injected into the critical state of life magic consumption, and your so-called life should only describe a state where life magic power has not been consumed. As for death, it is a state where life magic power is consumed cleanly. Say, those things that did n’t have death and your death should be a concept. So you forcibly divide life and death Upper **** but God only the God of life is not death. "

"Aren't you the **** of death?"

"But I'm just a lower god. We middle and lower gods are just powerful life creatures born from the beliefs of your creatures. To the upper **** we are still just ordinary lives. But middle, because we are life born from your faith, Therefore, our habits are the same as yours, so we will have the expression of death. Or to put it another way, our lower gods are similar to your national leadership concept. We do not have power ourselves, but the power we show is amazing. In fact, our strength comes from your beliefs, just as you support your national leaders. Your beliefs support our lower protoss. "

Not to mention, Anubis really said something. The leaders of the country are actually just ordinary humans like us, but they can destroy a small country in one sentence. This power seems to be powerful, but it is actually given by the people. The people's support for leaders is to hope that the leaders use their wisdom to reasonably arrange the strength of the people so as to better serve the common interests of everyone. God's status is similar. We provide support for our faith, and at the same time ask God to bless us. This is almost an exchange relationship. Of course, according to market principles, things are rare and precious. Leaders and God belong to a minority party in this transaction. Naturally, they are more valuable than the majority of believers and people. This is also a natural law. After thinking about it, I asked Anubis again: "Why are you telling me these things about the gods?"

Anubis said: "I told you this to explain why the things on your body are fakes."

"Ah? Why?"

"Because we, the lower gods, cannot make artifacts."

"Then this on me ...?"

"Yes, these are made by us. They are designed by imitating the artifacts made by the higher gods, and the effect is one level worse, but still very different from what you make. This life suit on you is our own life Made by the goddess, has nothing to do with the son-in-law in the upper god. We imitated its appearance and part of the energy. And changed the name. In fact, you can see this one now, although it looks exactly like the one on your body, but Names and attributes are different. "

"Is this awesome?" I pointed to the mage armor suspended in midair.

"The real artifact doesn't have to be asked to be powerful, but as long as it is a real artifact, there is no such thing."

"Well, what about this magic dragon suit on me? Can you tell if it is a real artifact or a fake product?"

Anubis corrected: "The artifacts we make are all of very good quality. Even artifacts are not bad, so there is no fake product. The set of evil dragons on your body is very protective. It may be the best set of median artifacts, and it has been strengthened many times later. The attributes are very close to the inferior products of the upper artifacts. Although the strength of the dragons is not as good as those of us, they create the level of magic equipment. There is really nothing to say. "

"That's to say the quality of this dragon suit is good?"

"Of course. This is a rare superb median artifact, much better than your life suit."

"But I feel the attributes of the life suit are good too!"

"The attributes of the life suit are relatively concentrated, so you feel okay. The truth is that the dragon suit on your body is better, and it is better than all round. Do you not see it, as long as your enemies have not passed you too much in some way, Can you usually use an overwhelming advantage to solve each other? "

"It's a bit."

Anubis pointed to the authentic artifact. "This set is the same as your magic dragon suit. It is a comprehensive equipment. Artifacts are generally all attributes, and the attributes are very powerful. However, although your magic dragon is the best, it is a median artifact, but this set It's a real super artifact. It definitely makes you feel at home. "

I looked at Anubis with suspicion. "How do I feel like you are a witch in the candy house?"

"What? How can I look like this? I have recommended such a good outfit for you."

"You don't have to be diligent to do that, right?" I always felt that Anubis behaved abnormally.

Anubis thundered wildly: "It's a good intention to be thundered. You who want to introduce you shouldn't want to. Well, I don't care, you can choose whatever you want."

"What are you doing like that? I believe you are. But even if this set is really good, I must first look at it?"

"Then look at it." Anubis turned to make aside.

I walked over to the equipment and looked at it, the shape is indeed exactly the same as my body. To be precise, this costume is more suitable for performances, because it is a bit too gorgeous! My Yinyue dip itself is extremely feminine because of its reversal with the large size, but this set of equipment is still with a skirt underneath. Although the mage robe hem is indeed similar to the skirt, after all, there are upper robes on the upper body to look at. I feel that I can distinguish between male and female styles. I believe that the upper body of this set is covered by armor, and the waist of this set of equipment is received too much. In addition, the hem of the robe is still colorful silk suede. equipment. If a person with a more sturdy look wears it, he can also distinguish between men and women. If he looks like my small silver moon and adds such a set of equipment, I can guess that it is a man who must be blind.

However, although the style of the equipment is a bit awkward, looking at the things on it is definitely drooling. A lot of gems are not just gorgeous. If you really fight, you will understand that a master with a gem is impossible to defeat.

"This, Anubis, why do you only see half of the attributes? How can the other half be question marks?"

"Because the equipment is still sealed, you can't see the other half of the attributes before putting it on."

"What are the other half attributes? Can you explain?"

Anubis shook his head: "I don't know, so I can't help you!"

"Then I can try it on?" Since I have to wear it to see all the attributes, it should be okay to try it. Anyway, Anubis should not be afraid of me looting. Once I ca n’t beat him, the second place Not that I can just go in and out. Besides, people said they were going to give it away. I had a bad brain to grab it!

Anubis did not object. But it was strange that he nodded to me in excitement. "Okay, you can try it on."

Although it seemed that Anubis was not in the right mood, I decided to give it a try. Put away your gear first, and then prepare to put on this new set of artifacts. Anyway, I just want to see the general attributes, so I first put on the headgear of the suit. After checking the properties, it still doesn't work. After asking Anubis, I knew that I needed a complete set of equipment to see it. I had to put everything on.

Compared with the previous set of fakes, this set seems to be a little different. The subject is the same though. But there are more parts. The whole set of equipment is called "Basic Oath", and the name sounds strange.

The headpiece was called the oath headgear. Its shape was similar to that of Yeyue ’s goggles, but it was more generous. The headdress is distributed in a ring shape and is fixed on the entire head. The back of the head is very thin and the bottom is relatively wide. The front of the headdress is a long arched forehead, with a milky gem in the middle. Below this forehead is connected a whole piece of red crystal eye protection, which can cover half of the face just now, all above the nose are blocked behind the crystal. However, this protection can be pushed up inside that protection. This is also very similar to Yeyue's headdress. The ears of the tiara also have the same flying cloud shape as Yeyue's tiara, which feels like two small wings.

Because the system cancels the digital display, this headdress has no numeric attributes, but only text descriptions. The oath headdress has only two attributes: compassion and self-regeneration. The attribute of compassion is not to increase the lethality, but to reduce the killing effect. But this attribute is simply superb to me. When I push the goggles up, my attacks will be protected by compassion. In this state, there is usually no response, but if the enemy is almost out of blood, I can't kill the enemy no matter how I attack, and I will always leave the last drop of blood to the opponent. In other words, when the eyepiece was opened, I couldn't kill anyone at all. No matter how I attacked, there was only the last drop of blood left, but it didn't die. When you need to kill the target, you just need to pull down the eyepiece to block the eyes, which is really convenient. This attribute is basically useless to others, but very different to me. I'm an animal trainer, and catching magic pets is one of my abilities. The magic pets are so popular now, not because everyone can't beat Warcraft, but because they can't control the damage. The catching skills clearly indicate that severely wounded and dying World of Warcraft is suitable for catching. In this case, only the last drop of blood is left, the catching success rate is as high as 80%. In general, it is difficult for others to control the final remaining blood volume. The system does not prompt the attack to damage blood now, and there is no digital display. How much blood the monster has left can only be guessed by experience. Most people cannot accurately estimate this value. Too much blood to catch the skills always fail, or accidentally killed Warcraft, can not become a magic pet. But do n’t worry if you have this skill. Despite letting go of the chop, anyway, the last drop of blood ca n’t be chopped off, so you still do n’t want to catch it.

In addition, the self-regenerating skill is actually equivalent to being used under the protection of healing. The wound healing rate is six times higher, the blood returning rate is three times higher, and the magic returning degree is doubled.

The force recovery rate has doubled ~ ~ With this ability, I can pretend to be a cockroach. Anyway, as long as I do n’t get killed, with this recovery degree, I will be able to return to the heyday.

The necklace on the neck is called the oath shackle, which is relatively large in size and feels more like a long-life lock than a necklace. The consistent gold body, staggered like a fishnet, is inlaid with bright rubies, which feels too thick and not very good-looking. However, the properties of this thing are very good, it is actually a source of magic. The first time I saw such a cattle attribute, Jin was a mage's fantasy equipment. This source of magic power can increase the magician's magical degree by ten times. Basically, as long as it is not connected with magnification, there is no problem of exhaustion, which is almost equal to infinite magic power.

The attribute of the breastplate is to transform part of the damage to magic. Considering the magic degree of the first two pieces of equipment, it is estimated that few people can hack me.

The wristbands increase the attack, the cuffs actually transform the magic attacks into physical attacks, the bracelets purely increase the magical attack power, the waistband is increased sensitivity, the skirt is automatically reflecting part of the damage, the robe strengthens the magic damage, and the leggings increase movement. Degree, war boots increase mobility and increase water walking ability. These attributes are very common, but they are very targeted, and it seems that the increase ratio is very high, so the effect is obvious.

The last two things are special. A crystal ball and six pairs of wings, the first few pieces of equipment are only better attributes, but these two pieces can be said to be a good exaggeration.

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