Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 8: Weak and powerful

When we were ready, we walked towards the village, and after we approached, we finally confirmed that the shadows in the ground were humans, oh no, they should be ghosts. It is almost a ghost that sees human form in this place. These ghosts were indeed cultivating the land, but they ran into the village immediately after seeing us, as if they saw ghosts. Oh, that's wrong again! It should be like seeing people. They are ghosts, seeing ghosts is normal, and seeing talents will be more responsive.

"What are they doing so much?" Yeyue asked in confusion.

"Ghosts only know."

The little dragon girl nodded: "Yes, only those ghosts know."

Continue to move forward. After crossing the field area, we entered the periphery of the village. There is a large open area here, probably a threshing field. Although this is the underworld, it is not surprising that there are threshing fields since there are fields. We just entered the threshing field, and suddenly a large number of villagers rushed out in the village ahead. These guys formed a messy line of defense at the entrance to the village with this messy implement, but their expressions seemed quite scared, as if they were not blocking us, but we were blocking them.

Although these villagers are all ghosts, the ghosts in the underworld are not as illusory as they are in the world. Here is the underworld. The general ghosts have no potential here. These ghosts are wearing ancient Japanese costumes. The male villagers had a small bag on top of their heads. They had a large, middle-sized garment with very small trousers, and almost half of them were not wearing shoes, and the remaining half were wearing straw shoes. The clothing of the female villagers is not the usual tedious kimono, but a relatively simple one. And it looks pretty shabby. But women are at least wearing wooden clogs, which is happier than men.

This Boxer-like peasant armed forces made me a little dazed. For the first time, a monster that has been playing the Seal of the Seal of God for a long time encountered such a strange situation. There are not many human forms in the creatures used to fight players. Even if there are, they are formed by the armed forces like the temple and the heaven. Those human figures have a common feature, that is, strong, at least so far no player has the confidence to kill a complete group in the Olympics. But these villagers are like beggars in front of them. Is this an enemy? I could even hear the jingling collision of the farm implement in the hands due to the shaking.

Confront. Or after five minutes of standing silly. One of the villagers, who looked like he was in his forties, stepped forward. The villager held a scruffy sickle in his hand and yelled, "People, please let Miss Sha Yezi do it?"

"I think there is a misunderstanding, right?" I said to that person: "None of us know Sha Yezi!"

A voice suddenly appeared behind us. "I used your trick early and it's not new! Boy, where did you come from?"

We all turned around and saw another group of ghosts approaching this side. There are dozens of people on the other side, two or three times more than ours. The three leaders led horses. The people behind are uniformly wearing a black samurai armor. It looks a bit like a Japanese ninja. Ninja soldiers are peculiar to Japan. They are between ninjas and samurai, and belong to the light infantry type. And there is a flagpole in the back, very easy to recognize. Immediately two of those three men were also wearing a black samurai armor. However, it is more comprehensive than the ninja soldiers behind, and it is obviously a lot higher. The man in front is also a samurai armor, and he is also wearing a ghost mask, but his costume is red, more prominent than the back, and there are a lot of silver-white long hairs under his helmet, which looks like It is the head, which is actually attached to the armor.

The team approached us with a sway and swagger, and Scott thought that in this case the distance should be maintained, so the commanding team leaned to the side of the road and kept a minimum distance from the opponent. Those people did not dare to be too close to us, and walked directly on the other side of the road, but they were also stopped by the villagers.

This time the villager who took the lead in talking shuddered even more. Although there were hundreds of villagers behind him, everyone knew that their fighting power was almost zero. "Lord Hope, please miss Miss Sha Yezi!"

Halo, again this request. Is Sha Yezi a very powerful person, so everyone wants to come to solicit? No, if it is really powerful, then there is no such thing as Tingyi. Or the power of this young lady is not offensive. Does this young lady have a way to improve her ability? This is somewhat possible.

It was the Red Helmet Samurai who was called the Lord of Hope. This guy ignored the villager and looked at me. "Where did you come from? Why haven't I seen you?"

"Speak carefully." Scarlett was rude.

"A domestic slave is so arrogant, do you want to die?"

The guy had just finished speaking, and a black armored warrior behind him suddenly threw a blade from his horse. Skott responded quickly, and the backhanded sword was flying. The other side froze slightly, and immediately jumped up immediately, and put his hand on the handle of the waist, until a sudden white light flashed in front of him. This seems to be called sword-drawing or something. I heard that it is very popular in Japan. It can greatly increase the attack and attack power. It has a suddenness and is a very practical tactic. Unfortunately, my people are affected by me. More practical than the Japanese. The guy's knife edge stopped a few feet in front of Skott, and Skott was holding a gun against the guy's throat. This is the underworld, and there is no such thing as a physical attack. Besides, Skort was originally an undead creature. Even if the opponent did not have it, the shot would certainly let him lose his soul.

The other party obviously did not expect that our strength was so strong. The black armor warrior obviously wanted to show his strength. He did not expect that his sword was not cut, but his own voice made people stand up. The ringing knight's gun is not a general merchandise, the magic on the tip of the gun lets that guy know that he will be done immediately if he moves.

Scarlett also learned cold humor. "Remember to bring a longer knife next time." The ringing knight of the ringing knight said less than two meters, no longer a long knife! Scooter said this by sheer bullying.

"Well, isn't this Lord Belief?" A sarcastic voice came from the other side.

"Fuck, another one!"

The guy who came over this time is similar to the leader of this faith. The difference is that his team has white armor and even the flag is white. He was talking about the leading guy in the front. He didn't wear a mask, but he looked handsome, but didn't look very comfortable.

"Does the Lei Chuan family want to intervene?"

"As long as you believe in the family, can you let us have a bite in Lei Chuan? In the past few years, you have taken a lot of talents. 80% of them are not familiar with them. Forget it. "

The leading villager at the village entrance said again: "Two adults, please let Miss Sha Yezi! Miss, she just wants to live quietly here!"

"Since ancient times, Huangquan has no peace, should Miss Sha Yezi think she should rest completely?" The third party appeared again, but this time it was opposite the village. This small village is not large, so you can see the situation directly opposite.

Actually this time, more than one party came, depending on the situation, it is a large group of people, and they do not belong to a group with each other, but just go along the way. The villagers were surrounded by front and back, they could only retreat to the center of the village to form a circle, but it was not Miss Sha Yezi who protected them in the center, but a well. Could it be that Miss Sha Yezi is under the well? This lady really has a strange hobby!

"I didn't expect that our 36th House would also come together collectively?" One of the leaders in the group opposite said with a smile, but his laughter was full of irony.

Thirty-six houses obviously represent thirty-six forces, and I did not count in detail ~ ~ roughly judged that there are more than thirty forces. The situation on each side is almost the same. A leading warrior with two personal warriors followed by a team of soldiers. The only difference is the number and equipment of the soldiers. However, the side with the most troops here is no more than 200, and the least may be only forty people. Of course, I did not count myself. At present, I am the least, but I can become the most whenever I want.

A guy in a blue samurai armor said to the leading villager: "Kimura Sainosuke, obediently open the bone bone well, you know how much it is."

The villager was stingy. Although shaking like a sieve, he insisted: "I will never let you see Miss Sha Yezi."

"The stubborn spirit!" A leading person threw out a sword gas and chopped the loyal villager directly to the ground. I didn't expect that the undead here would still bleed, but the color was black. The leader said to other villagers: "I know that you will all open this well, and if you don't want to die, help me open the well."

The villagers looked at the leading villagers who fell to the ground, their bodies shook even harder, but they still gritted their teeth silently. It seemed that they intended to protect this Miss Sha Yezi. It doesn't matter to me this book, but their performance made me interested in this Sha Yezi.

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