Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 24: At the expense of cover

After the female knight was thrown down, she raised her elbow and hit my waist rib without hesitation, but I moved faster than her, kicking her out when she turned over me. When the female knight flew up, she rolled over in the air and stabbed me at the bottom. When I heard it, the blade of the sword was cut off forever by me, and the top of the sword without the blade had no effect on my armor. Eternal Automation rolled out the red eternal ball and freed my hands. My hands supported the ground backwards and upwards, and I pressed hard. The waist and abdomen caused the head and feet to stand upside down, and my arms were forced again. When he got up, he walked out towards the female knight who had begun to fall. The female knight originally wanted to block by hand, but unfortunately her arm was too short, far from my leg to attack a wide range, or I was kicked to the sky.

"Protect my elder sister." A knight jumped off the mount and swept across the whining wind.

"It's up to you?" I immediately came up with a winged body in the air, blocked the gun with one leg forward, and my body fell forward, holding his shoulders with both hands, and then turned over in the air to double As soon as my feet fell to the ground, I immediately used the inertia to move forward and fell the guy off my back. While the guy was flying over my head and in front of me, I jumped and kicked him to the sky. A knight is a 6-armed army. I won't let you land, depending on how you fight.

"Boss, I snatched his wow ... A knight's excited shouting stopped because of a string of currents, and when I looked back, I only saw a guy who looked like an African and holding my hand Eternal, opened his mouth, his helmet was gone, his head exploded, and his body was still smoking. "Woo ... ah ...! "Well. The guy fell straight, eternally rolled out of his hand.

Seeing that the female knight was about to fall, I rushed up again and kicked her into the sky with a high flying leg, followed by the backhand to catch another fallen knight and sent him to the sky again. "Just play more on it! Asuka, lucky, don't let them down."

Under my command, Lucky and Asuka took turns harassing them in the air, seized the opportunity and seized them to take them up high. Leave them as soon as they want to attack, in short don't let them land. Practice has proved that the knights flying in the air cannot even spit out one-tenth of their usual combat effectiveness.

The remaining knights on the ground also rounded up, one of the first knights was riding a mount. When the war horse rushed to my side suddenly stood up, the knight almost stood up from the mount, and the riding gun pierced me by the power of the horse's forefoot to fall again.

"A bunch of stupid people." I pointed to the sky, and the knights looked up in surprise, only to see a huge dragon tail sweeping across. With a bang, all the knights were beaten out.

The horsewoman in the sky was lucky to be dropped. Plague and Crystal flew into the sky and played table tennis. Asuka serves as the referee. what? You asked where did you get some knights? Aren't those who flew between the plague and the crystal?

The female knight has been fainted by luck and flying birds back and forth, but the woman's balance is not bad. I motioned fortunately to throw her down, but when she was about to land, she suddenly rolled over and landed steadily, and immediately jumped on the mount just beside her. I saw her holding up the cavalry gun on the side of the saddle into the sky. "A senseless shock."

To be honest, there aren't many immediate skills in "Zero". I saw the complete knight skills for the first time. Horsewoman's mount suddenly added. And this is obviously out of the normality of the war horse. I saw only one bright line, and then felt like I was flying.

Damn, this skill is too fast! I was thrown in a straight line for more than ten meters before I fell heavily on the ground. Fortunately, the grassland was not too hard. But I just turned around and wanted to stand up. I actually saw the white light flashing again, only feeling that my chin was hit by something, and the whole person flew out again. day. Actually it is a continuous counterattack!

After landing again, I learned my lesson and no longer rushed to get up, but rolled out to the side. Let's start off the attack line first. But this time, it was even more miserable. The horsewoman and her mount were almost invisible, but passed away in a flash, and my back seemed to be smashed by something suddenly, and the whole person was face down. Stuck in the mud. You can't hit me and step on me, this female knight is really creative!

"Breaker dance." Half-moon suddenly left my back and flew up, then the knife wheel was divided into three, and then divided into two pairs of symmetrical half-moons. A six-handed crescent blade opened a knife net around me. The enclave spun up, and I stood up from the ground.

I don't know if it was the skill of the female knight that could not be stopped once she moved, or she didn't see it, she rushed over anyway. First there was a local sound, followed by the sound of crickets. The female knight tried to disperse my half-moon with a weapon before touching the whirlwind of the blade. Unfortunately, it was not the half-moon that was dispelled but her cavalry gun. The steel gun flew without any trace while she smashed into the knife wheel area herself. Her mount was the first to win. Those snoring sounds were the sound of the blade stabbing into the body of the horse and flying out. Because the inertia is relatively large, the knife wheel is not flying high, and only the war horse is injured. The female knight flew past the knife wheel, and I was hit again, but this time the power was not strong, I just turned over with a big heel .

The horsewoman's warhorse fell down as soon as she left the knife-wheel area. The horsewoman just fell on my side. When she was about to get up, I stepped over and rode on her. She immediately wanted to struggle. I pulled back two and a half months from above and stuck it on her ankle. Unless she didn't want her legs, she couldn't move her legs. However, she immediately started thinking about hitting me again. I dragged the other four scattered crescent blades in the same way and stuck them on her two wrists, neck and waist.

"See you move again?" I glanced proudly at the female knight with a look of anger.

She seemed to be irritated by me, and suddenly yelled, "Indecent!"

"Oops!" As soon as I had this idea in my heart, it was very unfortunate. A huge force threw me into the sky, and even my half-moon and eternal things were left, all of them flew out with me. Why forget about feminism? Really dizzy!

The new female protection system uses a catapult method to forcibly separate men and women. Although this system is called a female protection system, it actually not only protects women. Male players can also use it when they encounter female satyrs. But today, this situation is obviously my posture is more aggressive. ,result……. When a horse stumbles!

Before the "fly" left, I only came and reminded the few magic pets on the scene to help optimistic about the goal. I was powerless. The ejection of the female protection system does not take into account the attributes, and you can't resist any skills.

The **** city outside Yin Mimiao's army has just killed all the cavalry who came to reinforce it. Yanyu asked Feng Yinmiao: "Where did you see Ziri go?"

"There." Feng Yin Piao Miao pointed in one direction. "The magic pet is related to the owner. Most of Ziri's magic pets are here. Just find out and ask."

Yan Yu just saw Xiaochun, and quickly shouted, "Are you Xiaochun? Where do Ziri know?"

Xiaochun nodded: "The host seems to be coming to us, and he is still very fast."

"Huh?" The two glanced at each other, then suddenly a small black spot in the sky approached.

"Ah ...!" A cry from far and near gradually widened, only to see me fall from the sky. He slammed on the ground. He ran out of the ground dozens of meters before stopping.

Feng Yin Piao Miao and Yan Yu hurried over, and they were all surprised when they saw my embarrassing posture. I didn't know what to say. Feng Yin Piao Miao finally calmed down and asked, "How are you doing this?"

"I met a master!"

"Master?" Yan Yu was even more surprised. "What master is so powerful? Can he fly you from a distance?"

I shook my head with a wry smile: "I am not a master of combat, but a master of systems. I can really see the effect of the female protection area so thoroughly!"

"Isn't it?" Feng Yin Piao Miao looked strange. "You were thrown back by feminist protection?"

"Do you think anyone can throw me this far?"

"Did you do that to a woman?" Feng Yin Piao Miao asked me carefully.

"What do you think of me? That woman is too cunning and shameless! It's clear that she is under control, but she was forced to bounce me off by that mean trick!"

Smoke and rain are much smarter than Feng Yin Piao Miao, listen to me. Immediately said: "Zi Ri will not do that kind of thing. There is no doubt about this. Besides, even if he has the idea, he will not do that kind of thing at such a critical moment. Then the only thing that may be a woman in the other party uses System vulnerabilities enable women's protection. Generally speaking, this kind of thing does not happen in Zero, because the system has active conscious judgments and rarely makes mistakes, with one exception. "

"What's the situation?" Feng Yin Piao Miao has several women in the game. I don't need to harass women at all, so I don't know anything about it.

Yan Yu said a bit awkwardly: "When the third type of contact occurs, the system's active judgment will be abandoned because the consciousness reading system's response cannot keep up. The premise of protection is that the response is fast enough. After the consciousness analysis is completed, the violation is completed Therefore, this conscious reading is only applicable to the first or second type of contact. When the third type of contact is generated, the system uses preconceived judgment. "

Feng Yin Piao Miao still shook her head: "I do not understand what the first or second type of contact is, and what preconceived is that, does not it mean that the thief shouts and catches the thief?"

"Correct. That is, thieves can be called to catch thieves. The goal of the system is to prevent any form of sexual harassment incident. Regardless of whether it is a prisoner or an assaulted person, as long as one of the parties applies for protection, the incident itself will not occur, even if the wrong person is bombed, at least it will not give Players cause psychological effects. You also know that the legal costs of mental loss and land disputes are sky-high, and the system will not let this happen. Besides, if you are a gangster, will you take the initiative to report the case when you are about to succeed? So there is no problem in doing so under normal circumstances. As for the three types of contacts, they are classified. The first type of contact is language tricks. As long as the other party applies, your language tricks may also cause the female protection system to start. The second type Contact is only physical proximity anywhere except the sexual organs, including hands and head. However, there is a systematic subjective thinking judgment for the first and second types of contact. As long as you are not approaching with the purpose of sexual harassment, the system will not activate female protection. . But the third type of contact is more troublesome. This refers to the close danger of sexual organs. In this case, the system Dynamic thinking judgments will not start, as long as the facts are true. Whether you intentionally or not, it is also possible to start. And the situations mentioned in the second type of contact and the third type of contact are close, not encountered. The second type The ground is better, only if the distance is less than one centimeter, and the third type can be generated as long as it is within ten centimeters. It does not have to be encountered, as long as it is close enough. "

Feng Yin misty looked at me in surprise: "Did you touch her?"

"Fuck, you think I'm a madman? In order to prevent her from resisting. I rode on him and pressed her to the ground. Of course, I would get into the near range. She took the initiative to stand up and shortened the distance to Within ten centimeters, I was thrown out as a result of the successful application for protection. Not many people knew about this type of protection, and girls were generally shy. Who would have thought that a woman would use her sexual organs to approach the enemy with her own sexual organs. Achieved the purpose of the fight? Damn. It's really planted today. I actually encountered such a woman, and I don't remember anything about shame! "

Yan Yu reached out and pulled me off the ground. "Don't be angry, just jump into a fairy!"

"The fairy dance is good, and I have my own subjective factors in it, but I don't have any ideas! It's worse than Dou E!"

Feng Yin Piao Miao smiled and patted me: "Isn't it just thrown out! There's nothing to be angry about. Where did the woman go. We'll catch up and kill her."

"No hurry, my dragon pets are all over there. Female protection does not include magic pets."

"Not included?" Feng Yin Piao Miao asked in surprise: "What if ...?"

Yan Yu smirked at the wind and said, "You can just try it yourself!"

A **** league player is close. After hearing Yan Yu's words, he hurried to Feng Yin Piao Miao: "Boss, don't try to order the magic pet to talk to other players or sexually harass in the experiment. The magic pet will come over to you, even worse than being bombed. "

Feng Yin Piao Miao heard the whole body for a moment. "Yanyu you asshole, want me to grow old?"

"Haha, who do you think is unhealthy? You have so many purple pets. Have you ever seen him?"

"Nonsense, his magic pets are all women, isn't that finding a disadvantage by himself?"

I immediately pointed to NII, who was solving the last enemy, not far away: "There is a man now, but I won't let him get closer to your land. My magic pet doesn't like to break down the mountain."

"You two don't have to join forces to bully me? Don't you pay me no benefit this time?"

"Fuck, you still know?" Yanyu and I finally made this miser understand what we mean. It's not easy!

To clean up these cover-up enemies outside the city, we started chasing those guys who were fleeing in front of the city. In order to ensure that these several parts of the national weapon that were already in hand were not taken away by the other party, I asked a bell knight to help me send this Back to Isinger, Rose will then transfer it to the United States.

Although the horsewoman bounced me out in a shameless way, she still couldn't run far. After I was bombed, they brought in another cohort of people, but unfortunately they still couldn't get things off under the urgent staring of the three dragons, and they also killed a dozen people.

Although a single dragon is not as good as a dragon, it is a dragon after all. Anyone with a dragon character is very powerful, not to mention that the dragon itself is a more special type of dragon. For the average player, the appearance of the dragon represents the death of the film. The opponent can only lose a dozen people, which shows that the strength is pretty good. However, although the three dragons were staring closely enough, the opponent still rolled up and reached the next city. As a result, things became more complicated.

Only lucky, plague, crystal, and flying bird were present. Among them, lucky had the highest intelligence level, but he lacked an important thing-common sense. Fortunately, it is an artificial life form, and his knowledge is taught by us. The scientists at the Longyuan base grabbed each other, but they lacked sociology talents. To put it bluntly, there is no communication talent. After all, the base is a research unit, not a commercial unit. The direct result is that the knowledge that is fortunately accepted is all kinds of scientific knowledge, and there is no knowledge of dealing with people at all. The female knight ran into the city with the others, but the city belongs to a third party. Fortunately, as long as you lift us out, the guilds in China now basically sell our guild points. face. Even if we don't help us catch this female knight, at least it won't stop. But fortunately, he didn't understand these, so he took the other two dragons and Asuka directly into the city and continued to fight.

People in this city just knew that three dragons and an unknown creature appeared over the city. Everyone thought it was a monster attacking the city. As a result, they started to attack the lucky ones. Fortunately, he was attacked and immediately counterattacked, pushing the entire city into the enemy camp for nothing. When we arrived, the scene was already in chaos. Which one in that small city lived with three dragons and tossed, and even the city walls fell a long way. It looks like this is a small town just upgraded to the urban stage. Not even the turret. Otherwise, they can stop for a while. Fortunately, they have not forgotten the task, otherwise the city will let them even out.

Seeing the flags of the three major guilds outside the city appear at the same time, the players in the city immediately became nervous. They may start out thinking that they are wildlife, but as soon as they are lucky, they will know immediately that they are the owner's pet, and then they will know that they are my pet. Of course, many people in such a large city know who I am. They thought I was going to attack this city. So seeing the three major guild flags became even more tense.

The owner of this small city almost cried. He stood on the city hall that had been ruined and shouted to the guards around him: "For the city. We fight."

"Fight!" The guards reunited in unison.

These people were just getting ready to desperately, a loud voice suddenly appeared over the city. "Residents in the city, please note that I am the President of the Frost Rose Alliance Ziri. The situation just now was just an accident. Please stop fighting immediately and the Bank will be responsible for all losses."

All the people in the city looked at each other, and finally focused their eyes on the owner of the city. The city owner almost paralyzed with tears. Apparently he believed what we said. I rode in the shadow of the night and landed next to the owner of the city. Feng Yin Piao Miao and Yan Yu followed closely.

The other city's owner has been stimulated too much. Standing there, on the contrary, the player next to him rushed angrily and asked us: "Why are you attacking our city?"

"I'm sorry, today things are familiar and misunderstood, you and we each have half responsibility."

The man immediately said angrily when he heard: "You have a responsibility to attack our city?"

"Your responsibility lies in the first half of your sentence."

"what's wrong?"

"The situation is not that we are attacking your city at all." I beckoned to the sky, fortunately they all landed, and the player took two steps back in fear. I said to him: "They are all my magic pets. Something happened today. I asked them to help me chase a few people. But those people ran into your city, and then they chased and attacked those people. But you Actually attacking them actively, of course, my magic pet will be counterattacked, do you say you are responsible? "

"I ... we thought they were coming to attack the city!"

In fact, no one can blame this. Those few people are mixed in the crowd, and no one will pay attention to them, but when the dragon attacks the player, other players will think that they are attacking the city, and the counterattack is normal. This kind of thing is purely caused by lack of communication.

The other party also wanted to explain. I quickly calmed them and said, "I didn't want to hold the responsibility, after all, there are some places we can't do well." I said this is purely kind. One player chases and kills another player. Common, as long as it is not a red name, in theory, city guards should not intervene. What ’s different today is that I did n’t do it directly. Instead, I sent a magic pet, and my magic pet was a bit bigger. In the final analysis, this is actually a battle between players. Instead, it is the city ’s army ’s active attack. My magic pet is a violation of player interference.

Feng Yin Piao Miao also said: "Let ’s recognize the loss, and then we will help you all to restore it to the previous situation. Now you do us a favor and immediately check us the teleportation records. We need to know the whereabouts of the knights who just left . "

The owner of the player's city has the right to search the teleportation record. The female knight ran away through the teleportation team in chaos just now, and we must find out where she went.

The owner of this city is full of cooperation. After all, they were not reasonable at all. Besides, we promised compensation. What else did he say? It's not a good thing to offend our three major guilds. Even if we don't take the initiative to harm him, people know that they will have resentment against our three major guilds and will definitely avoid them. Even thinking that attacking them can get the favor of our three guilds, this may not be.

The administrator of the teleportation team was checking the list, and we looked at the portrait of the crystal record in the teleportation team. The portrait scrolled fast, and suddenly I saw the familiar faces. "Stop. Go back."

The record quickly settled and backed away a few times. The battlefield knight and other people I didn't know appeared in the battle. These people are obviously a group, probably those who came later to reinforce. Feng Yin Piao Miao asked the administrator of the teleportation array. "Check his destination."

"Okay." The guy put his hand on the crystal, closed his eyes and started searching. A teleportation team name popped up in the air.

"Issinger's Transnational Transit Array assists Transit Array 38?"

Everyone's eyes came together to me. Feng Yin Miu Miao said in surprise: "Zi Ri, isn't that your city?"

Yan Yu immediately said: "No. Essinger's transnational transmission array can pass abroad. These people probably want to go abroad. Didn't see that the target point was Essinger's transnational transmission array?"

"Hurry to Isinger." As I said, I took the lead in activating the teleportation ring and passed directly. Feng Yin Piao Miao and Yan Yu quickly followed them, after all, the teleportation array was beside them.

When I was out of the teleportation array, I wanted to check the records of the transnational teleportation array if I didn't want to, because it is my own thing, I have the highest permission. Our guild places are relatively high grade. Queries are much faster. I soon saw the woman and the people around her, but it was unexpected that I saw the ambassador to the United States and I love China. They are all here. Query transmission destination, the location is Fulcrum City.

"These guys went to Japan?" Feng Yin Piaomiao cried.

"They can't run." I took out the leaves of the city tree directly. "Tree of the city, start Babel tower communication equipment. Temporarily take over the operation of Fulcrum City."

"Understood." The voice of the city tree was uploaded from the leaves. "Takeover is complete. Wait for the order."

"Close all the entrances of the Fulcrum City and the teleportation array. Check these people for me. The appearance is on the display page of the teleportation array. You see."

"Received, the target has been found. They are in the Fulcrum City Teleport Hall, and I will teleport the image right away."

The operating crystal of the Transnational Array was temporarily used as a display, and the image appeared in the crystal. I saw the Ambassador to the United States and I loved them, and a large group of women knights were walking towards a small teleportation array. This teleportation array is an ordinary teleportation array, which means that it can be transmitted in Japan, but people with Japanese nationality cannot use it. These people obviously have non-Japanese nationality in the game. This is easy to do. As long as you don't build a number in Japan, Japanese nationality will not appear.

The Ambassador to the United States was still talking to Xuan Xin as they walked. They stopped at the small teleportation array, apparently waiting for the teleportation, but a sudden click made the teleportation array under their feet extinguished.

"What's going on?" The Ambassador to the United States asked nervously.

I love China to be very calm. "Probably no energy for teleporting crystals. I have encountered this before."

I love China. That's right. It's true that the crystal has no energy, but this is different from the lack of energy in ordinary cities. If I love China and have seen our urban design drawing of the Frost Rose League, he will now scream what is being spotted and hurriedly ask everyone to run. The urban energy system of the Bank is similar to the mode of power stations + power grids + electrical appliances in modern cities, but the energy of ordinary cities is the model of battery + power point. That is to say, other cities are used to transmit the dressed-up magic crystals as energy, and they need to be replaced when they run out. However, the cities of our bank send the magic crystals to the central energy extraction wife, and then provide them to each device. If there is something here that has stopped because of lack of motivation, it can only be said that it was artificially turned off, or that the entire city has stopped.

The teleportation array is down, they only need to switch to another teleportation array. In their impression, the lack of energy is only a problem of a single teleportation array, and it is rare that two transmission arrays have no energy at the same time. But today they saw one, and after these guys switched to another teleportation array, the teleportation array also disappeared.

"Fuck, isn't it so bad?" Sparrow Li San couldn't help cursing.

At this time they changed to a third teleportation array. A city the size of Fulcrum City has a small number of auxiliary teleporters in the range of one to two hundred, and they thought it was caused by the poor management of our players. As a result, the third teleportation team had the same situation. In the end, they simply split into several waves and went to a dozen teleportation teams. All of them failed. What's even more strange is that there were other players in and out of the place at the time. They used the teleportation array normally. Even if the ambassador to the United States had experimented with a failed teleportation array, other players would return to normal as soon as they stood up.

Xuan Xin thought he had a problem. She ran aside specially. Joined up with a few Korean players who just came in and tried to see if they could be used. As a result, even the few Koreans now failed to teleport. The few Koreans came down and changed for a while, but Xuanxin didn't keep up, and the people successfully teleported away.

If the problem cannot be reproduced at this time, it is a fool. Xuan Xinxun loved China Road to me: "They made hands and feet, and the teleportation array could not be used."

"Did they arrive first?" Asked the Ambassador to the United States in surprise.

"I don't know, something went wrong with the teleportation anyway." Xuan Xindao said.

"But didn't they catch up behind us? How could they rush in front of us?" The ambassador to the United States still didn't believe it.

"It's remote control," said the female knight who flew me. "The Frost Rose League has a city tree. It's equivalent to a central control system. They can remotely operate urban facilities, and they should have noticed us."

"Then we hurried out through the gate, that thing cannot be remotely controlled. Even if there is a guard, there is still a glimmer of hope."

"Hopefully there will be, but not for you." My voice appeared at the gate of the teleportation hall. The ambassador to the United States panicked and wanted to run forward. I laughed. "Don't try, this is my city, I won't let you go. Do you think you ran away? You are so bold, you ran back to my hometown. Matsumoto was originally in Japan when he was in Japan I did n’t have the courage to invade my city when I was the boss. Some of your little mice dare to use my things to run. "

"Well, even if we die here, as long as we can go to the national weapon, we will win."

"The problem is you can't take it out."

"That's not necessarily true." Xuan Xin rushed over. "Explodes."

I was dizzy. Little Japan's spirit of sacrifice was really nothing to say. However, I have to admit that this is the only skill that poses a great threat to me. A loud noise blasted the door of the temple to the ground, and Feng Yin Piao Miao and I were blown out by the strong wind. I saw a few people running out of the smoke. I swooped over and pressed one. I turned over and saw that I was not the ambassador to the United States. "Fuck, who are you?" This guy wasn't a member of those people at all.

"I'm a little bird. I just came from the country. I saw a lot of smoke as soon as I was out. I thought I was on fire and ran out. How would I know ...?"

"Fuck!" I set the people here to refuse to teleport, but there is no other function of closing the teleportation position. If someone thinks about it elsewhere, you can still use a transnational teleportation array.

I'm talking about someone running outside in the smoke, and this is too much, I don't know who is right to whom. I went up and grabbed one, and then I turned over and caught the wrong person. "Fuck. Who knows magic?"

When we brought the people around, I heard what I meant, and a few dragon scrolls took the smoke and dust into the sky. At first sight, I saw that the ambassador to the United States had gone far away. "There, stop them."

The Fulcrum City is our forward base in Japan, an absolute fortress city, and the number of garrisons is not ordinary. The formation of heavy armored infantry lined up on the road, sealing the entire street. The horsewoman called out at a glance at the buildings around her. "Go to the house."

Those people acted really fast, and they all went up. The guards on our side did not respond too slowly, but unfortunately it was too fast. The roof is not used to walk. How can hundreds of people not fall down when hula goes up? With a bang, all the people who had just stepped up fell into the room again.

"What do you guys follow in my day? What about air cavalry? Go up and block them."

These guys are as slippery as soap. The streets in the city are narrow and crowded and useless. And I encountered the same problem as Feng Yin Piao Miao. Not willing to touch his own city. Seeing that they were approaching the gate of the city, a female player with a red tight armor suddenly caught up behind us and jumped up to the next roof. I saw her lightly on the roof, and people flew seven or eight meters high as if without weight. She leaned quickly on the bow and arrow in mid-air, with a flick of her finger, a buzz, and a ringing arrow pierced the ambassador's heart.

puff. Sparrow Li Sanfei blocked the arrow for the ambassador to the United States, but the arrow suddenly exploded. The whole person of Sparrow Li San turned into a mist of blood. I couldn't help but glance at the female player. Although I don't know who it is, it is our helper.

The female archer fell from her body, and again on the roof, flew up into the air again. This time she took four arrows to the string in one breath, and then let it go without any pause. The Daqin arrow **** leaped from the side and released a row of arrows in the air. The target points directly at this female player. Looks like she can't flash. I shook Eternity away, and Eternity rolled her waist. I pulled her back. She was not struggling, and she was still staring at the former Ambassador to the United States momentarily when she was pulled back. "Give me a hand," she said to me without a pause.

I knew what she meant, took her aside, turned around to get rid of inertia, and then shoved forward to send her out. With my strength she flew far away. As soon as she landed, she went up to the roof again, and then ran a lightning bow while shooting two arrows. Da Qin's arrow **** did not respond at all with an arrow, and the ambassador to the United States was pushed by a player next to him. As a result, the arrow missed, but the hot-blooded man running in front of the ambassador to the United States was shot down.

Seeing this female archer probably couldn't catch up. Suddenly, I was not too far away from the city wall, and I raised my hand and shot out the dragon tendon. The cable wall was fixed, and then I closed the line and opened my wings to glide while dragging myself past. It was a lot faster. I passed the female archer by the side and pulled her up. This female archer is obviously a high-level master, without any interference from beginning to end, and I can also open her bow and arrow by holding her belt and holding her. I didn't let me down this time. I ran into the thigh of the Ambassador to the United States in one fell swoop. The Ambassador to the United States was straddling a roof at the time, but fell into the closed alley between the two houses without crossing.

Before the ambassador to the United States dropped in, he threw up a small parcel. "I love Chinese catch."

I love Zhonghua, reaching out to catch the package and continue to run forward. The female archer let go of the arrow without saying a word, an arrow from the back of my love of China entered the mouth, and the package flew out, but was caught by the ancient martial arts expert. These guys are really tough.

Unlike my love for China and the ambassador to the United States, the ancient martial arts expert is a hand-to-hand professional, who is much faster than a mage. He jumps out all the way, and then goes under the city wall. As soon as the guard was about to get up, he reached out and reached the top of the wall with a force, but he was beaten before he stood up. A purple figure stood majesticly on the wall. "I always said only to let go. No one can break through. Today I'm going to see who you are going to."

As soon as Shura Ziyi's words were finished, it was unlucky. The alarm sound in the city arrived with a shell, and Shura Ziyi was directly bombarded. Outside the city, Little Japan siege. I didn't expect the Japanese to launch a large-scale siege battle to cover their escape. The attack should be arranged on an ad hoc basis. The Japanese did not have any formation at all, and there was no previous information about their siege.

The shelling produced confusion, and the ancient martial arts experts took the opportunity to run out of the city wall and ran away. The Japanese gave way to the ancient martial arts expert, bypassing him and attacking the city directly, so there is no way to chase after this. My magic pet and summoned creatures are still in the country, and now it is almost a commander of bare pole ~ ~ This is really troublesome. In desperation, I had to summon the night shadow to continue chasing, anyway, the mount was still around. It must be difficult on the ground, but the air can still pass. The air unit of Little Japan has always been worse than our guild. I am not worried about this.

The battle in the city was Shura Purple Dress and Feng Yin Miu Miao. I was not worried that the Japanese did not intend to bring the city down. The siege was just to cover the departure of US national weapons.

Most of the **** team was killed by us along the way. In the end, the ancient martial arts expert who was really able to run with the weapon was left. After the boy passed through the Japanese camp, he was looking for a forest drill, so my air advantage was not Already. After playing with him in the forest for more than half an hour, he managed to drive him out of the forest, but it turned out to be a Japanese village in front of him. Depending on the scale, villages and towns at this level should have a teleportation array. As soon as he enters, I will completely lose my goal. The Japanese will not help me check the transmission records, and will also help the ancient martial arts experts to deal with me.

Anxious but unable to do anything, after the village entrance, the ancient martial arts expert immediately said something to some people, who immediately put on a posture and intended to intercept me. I watched the ancient martial arts expert ran towards the door of a small building, which was a teleportation hall in the village. However, just as he was about to reach the door of the small house, I suddenly heard the wind in my ears and something flew by. With a loud bang, the small house in front was completely gone, and the ancient martial arts expert was stuck in place. After I turned my head, I was taken aback.

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