Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 34: New magician

Almost immediately after being pulled into the teleportation array by Bingbing, the target location was not in any city.

"What the **** is this place?" I looked around. This is a forest, and the botanical characteristics should be European. Behind us is a cliff, so high that it can't be any higher, but the flash of red matter above it immediately caught my attention. "Wow, ruby."

"Well ... Brother Ziri, don't be so greedy! I didn't pull you to mine."

"Why didn't you come here to mine? Are you in a hurry? If not, I'll dig these down before we go." I started knocking on the mountain jewels as I said. "Fuck, it's pretty strong."

"Oh, don't make a mess. I was calling you to help!" Bingbing was almost crying.

I now Bingbing seems to be serious, no longer joking with her. "what happened?"

"There is no time for the Seal of the Seal of God to explain, we run quickly, otherwise we will be too late." Bingbing said anxiously.

I summoned the birds, picked up Bingbing and jumped up, standing on the back of the birds like a skateboard. "Show me the way."

"Can't fly, can you change horses?" Bingbing Road.

"That's it!" I quickly jumped down and changed to Night Shadow to take off birds. "Say it."

"That way." Bingbing pointed forward. Yeying needn't say that I have already bowed my head and rushed out.

The trees in this forest are not very dense, but there are many vines, which are more difficult to walk than ordinary forests. Thanks to the nightmare is a nightmare, he passed through the forest without touching the ground at all. Under the direction of Bingbing, we quickly rushed across a large woodland, and then a lake appeared in front of it, and there was an island with lush vegetation in the center of the lake. Bingbing suddenly shouted, "It's on that island."

Vaguely, I seemed to hear some music, but did not hear any fighting sounds. Bingbing said to let me help, how could I hear music?

"On the island, Brother Ziri, come on! Bingling will not be able to stand anymore."

"Ice is on the island?" I said, how can there be music! The bank will have two playing instruments. One Bingbing and one Bingling, there will definitely be music in the presence of Bingling. How can the magician attack without music? "Sit tight." As soon as I pulled the reins, Ye Ying rushed up onto the lake and rushed towards Bibo.

Just halfway through, I suddenly made a trail not far from us. A fierce clip of Yeying's belly, Yeying's mind suddenly felt suddenly. The surface of the water suddenly raised, and a huge mouth protruded from the water and closed suddenly at the position we just took off. If we hadn't jumped up we would have been swallowed.

There is no time for the God Seal to control what this guy is. I directly let Night Shadow run over a few meters above the water surface, and even if there were any monsters, I had no time to flash away when he reached such a high place. Run to the island. Leaping through the dense forest outside, the outside fell directly onto the inner clearing.

"Stop it." I yelled first regardless of thirty-seven.

The sound of music in the woodland disappeared instantly, and my sudden appearance stopped everyone. I put Bibo down from Yeying's back, and Bibo hurried towards the ice standing behind us. At this point Bing Ling was already full of wounds, and her harp even broke several strings. Being able to make Bing Ling like this can prove that the opponent is very strong. Unlike the auxiliary Bingbing, Bingling's aggressive magic sound is very powerful, and it will not be ordinary people who can hurt her.

However, to my surprise, there were only two people standing opposite us. These are two beautiful women from Taobao Women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall. Or girls, because they look like they are only about sixteen. The **** the left has a standard European beauty, blonde, fair-skinned, and her face round and round, like a doll. The girl next to him looked a little older, about seventeen or eighteen. This girl has obvious Latin descent, with prominent brow bones and obvious lines on her face. She belongs to that kind of female with great taste.

The beautiful Latin woman is wearing a hot red short armor, and looks like an archer. But the things in her hands were not bows and arrows. It was a pair of weapons that resembled bows. They are similar to my half-moon. They are crescent-shaped, but the half-moon looks thicker and has a larger arc. This pair of weapons is relatively thin and has a small arc. The middle section of the weapon is the grip, which is covered with a layer of golden flannel to prevent slipping. The inner circle of the crescent weapon has a lot of holes, about ten centimeters apart. Each hole is only a few millimeters in diameter, and a gold ring is worn on each hole. On the other side of the ring was a small golden ball. These **** are only the size of a ping-pong ball. The sphere is made of some golden lines. It looks like a rattan ball. Inside the ball, you can see the red things rolling. Can't fall out.

A voice suddenly appeared in my head. "Be careful, boy, the thing that girl took is called Yinblade, which is very strong."

"Bannon Orchid, do you know this thing?" I asked Bannon Orchid in my heart. "I was hurt by this thing in the past. It is really a very powerful thing. And the attack method is weird and not very easy to deal with. It is recommended that you keep your distance and do not use the melee method, otherwise you will die very hard."

"Thank you." Long life is good. There is a knowledgeable dragon and a decent dragon, and I rarely get conspired by other people's special weapons.

The princess skirt next to that Latin beauty looks really cute. But her equipment was a bit scary. In addition to a bunch of ornaments on her body, there were belts, armbands, anklets, etc. The Founder did not have a large area of ​​armor, and the princess skirt did not look like a defensive force. The terrible thing I said was something standing next to her. To be honest, I don't know what it is, but it looks like her equipment. This thing, like a rockery, is quite large. Its main body is made of red crystal, and the connection is made of gold metal brackets. In some places, there are decorative and fixed metal bars, which are also gold. The whole looks gorgeous, and I intuitively judge what kind of instrument it is. Its main part is basically a tube made of red crystals, large and small. The largest can be more than five meters tall and the thickness of an adult thigh. The smallest is only the length of a pen, almost the same as a toothpick. These tubes are densely held together by golden metal to form a fan-like shape of a peacock. But these tubes all surround a console-like thing. The little princess was sitting on the table. It's because of this that I think it's a musical instrument, and there's a good chance it's going to be an organ.

"Oh, helper?" The Latin beauty laughed, but I felt her smile seemed to be mocking.

"I didn't call a helper," Bing Ling argued.

Bingbing immediately said: "How about my name. You two fight one, and it won't be too much if you win."

The little princess said with a very sweet voice: "If you want us to join, you must have the strength we recognize. For the sake of everyone being a magician, I will discuss with you. If you want to use strong, then We have to take back our kindness. "

After listening to these few words, I probably understand what is happening now. I heard before that Bingbing and Bingling came out to find a band. These two people are probably the band members that Bingbing found. And they are only willing to join the strong team, so they are testing the strength of Bingbing and Bingling. Instructed me not to know why Bingbing brought me here, did she want me to play a musical instrument? I can listen to music, but not music.

Bingbing said to the two beauties: "You say that you can do it if you have the strength. This is our president. I and Bing Ling do not participate in the battle. You two to one. Fair, right?"

The two beauties glanced at each other. "The promise remains the same, two to one is unfair. You can find another helper." The Latin beauty said to me.

I laughed. "Lovely lady, I think you'd better add some restrictions. I'm an animal trainer. It's not as simple as one-on-two. It is likely to become two thousand pairs. Do you think this is also considered?" I would certainly not remind them kindly, but now I want to invite people to join the club, of course, I want to show a gentleman. Leave favor to others.

The two looked at each other again to exchange meanings, and then the little princess said, "No, we also have magic pets."

"You didn't hear all my flowers. I said two thousand to two." I can accentuate on two thousand.

"Where do you have so many pets?" The two of them finally understood me.

"It's not all magic pets. In short, there are a lot of them. Your magic pets are certainly not enough."

"So," said the Latin beauty. "You summon a pet, and then you fight with your own pet. The two of us don't summon a pet. If we win, we can consider adding things. But first Well, we just promised to think about it. Not necessarily joining. "

"No problem." I jumped out of the night shadow and put him away, then the phantom also temporarily stood away from the body. The two little beauties did not expect that a magic pet was still on my body. After seeing the phantom leaving my body, they were invisible immediately, and then they knew that it was a spiritual body. Except for the moment when he fits and detached from me, the phantom is invisible, and most people cannot see him. However, this can just improve my honesty score in the two of them. After all, I don't get rid of Mirage and they don't know.

After separating the phantom, I summoned Amenis. I do n’t know the fighting methods of the two beauties for the time being. I ca n’t make targeted choices. I can clone the ability of Amenis to become the most suitable choice, and she has another ability I plan to use it. Maybe it will be easy to win.

"I'm ready."

"Then apply for the learning mode." Latin beauty said: "Because you asked us to join this confrontation, so you pay."

I nodded in agreement. Study mode is the standard method of field confrontation. It has the same effect as the arena in the city. However, if a monster enters the battle area during a battle, the study mode does not protect the monster ’s attack. It is still a real death once killed by the monster. Will not be protected by the system. Only the damage between players who enter the learning mode will be recorded first, and will be restored after the failure of one party, which will not cause the loss of the equipment.

I paid the fee to apply for the learning mode, and also saw the names of the two girls. The Latino beauty is called Crystal Flame, and the little princess's name is actually Crystal Princess, which is really enough image!

After the learning mode started, Crystal Flame called out immediately: "Begin." Then he rushed over first, and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity I hadn't prepared to succeed, but I was faster than her. "Ah!" A bunch of disgusting flesh-worms suddenly appeared on the princess's organ keys, and a few crawled on her clothes. The scream was when she came out. The princess bounced out of her seat almost by electric shock. She fell on the ground and slapped her clothes desperately to get rid of those things.

The crystal flame was disturbed by the princess's cry. Although I resisted and didn't look back, I acted like a trip and settled. Fighting with people of my level, even if you try hard, you may not be able to take advantage, let alone settle. By the time the crystal flames reacted, three sharp blades had been resting on her chin. The crystal flame was afraid to move in place, because the blade claws moved three more holes in her neck.

I stepped back with a smile, and Turin slipped back into its sheath. Crystal flame look at me. Suddenly I remembered what quickly turned around and ran back to the princess. The princess' scared face was wrong. As soon as the crystal flames passed, she hugged the crystal flames and wept loudly, making me feel as if she was guilty.

Caterpillar frightening girls is one of the fun things about naughty boys in middle school, and it actually works for girls. It was just that nobody had thought of it before. I believe that the princess's fighting ability is not weak, but girls are afraid of insects by nature, which is nothing they can do. At first, the undead in Essinger also scared a lot of girls. Later, after the throne of the Seal of Time, they adapted, but few girls who could adapt to the worm appeared. And it seems that oversized bugs like tanks and miniature bugs like mosquitoes are not terrible. Girls are really afraid of bugs that are larger than flies and smaller than horses. I have seen some female players bravely fight a few meters high of prairie tarantulas, but they were scared by a small slap spider and jumped seven or eight meters away.

The princess was obviously very frightened, the illusion had long since lifted off, but she was still crying, and there was a tendency to grow louder. I hurried over to apologize. "I'm sorry. I didn't expect Miss Suijing to be so afraid of bugs."

The crystal flame glared at me. "My sister has been afraid of bugs since she was a child. A spider can scare her to sleep for a few nights. What bugs did you put in to scare her?" By then the illusion had lifted, so she didn't see it.

When she heard her asking, Emmys immediately raised her hand and pinched a large fleshy worm covered with teeth. "That's it."

"Ah ...!" The princess cried even more fiercely when she saw the worm, and the voice was so weird.

"Don't be afraid, the bugs are gone."

I was so depressed at the side that I didn't expect this little girl to be so afraid of bugs. I knew it would be more trouble-free than bugs. It may not be easy at this time. People who are particularly taboo about something. If someone else imposes such a thing, they will usually express extreme anger. Previously, a researcher at the Longyuan base had claustrophobia. When he was in a tightly closed environment, he would show extreme panic. A colleague who had a good relationship with him once joked and locked him in the bathroom. Later, the person never said a word to the colleague after he came out. How nervous. The two beautiful women and I only knew each other and offended people in this way, and there was no hope of soliciting them.

The crystal flame coaxed the princess for a long time before she stopped crying, but she still pumped the ground and looked very sad. The girl had good sympathy, and even the very embarrassed Bingling had gone to comfort her. Crystal Flame handed the princess to Bingbing and Bingling, then stood up and said to me, "Come with me."

I'm still guilty. Hearing her words immediately followed.

We walked behind the woodland, and after turning over a large stone, she suddenly turned back and punched. Because of guilt, I kept my head down and stared at the ground, but when my fist approached, my hand suddenly rose up and caught the fist of the crystal flame accurately. Of course, her small fist was not as big as mine, and I was held in the palm of my hand. It is not surprising to grasp this response. Son-in-law has said that this is one of the auxiliary functions of the electronic brain. Because it is the electronic brain's control signal to the body, it will not be intercepted by the game helmet and effective in the game.

Although not surprised, the crystal flame was surprised. She really wanted to hit me with revenge, but I didn't expect that I could catch it. Seeing that she looked bad, I quickly let go. "Ah sorry! Otherwise, you'll hit another punch, I promise it will never stop this time. It was a conditioned reflex just now, and you can't blame me."

Crystal Flame couldn't help but chuckled and laughed. "Are you Chinese all so funny?"

"Probably only me!"

"Haha! I thought the Chinese were all weird people with strange braids and long braids."

In fact, what Crystal Flame said was not strange. Only a few Asian countries in the world, such as China and Japan, implement comprehensive education. The education in Europe and the United States only cultivates specialized personnel and does not cultivate talents. Therefore, the scientific theories of many European and American countries are not as good as those of China. After all, people's energy is limited. They only learn one thing, which is definitely easier than our country's knowledge of astronomy and geography. On the other hand, in addition to those things that are professional, the knowledge of Europeans and Americans is much narrower.

In recent years, 40% of nationals surveyed in Europe consider China to be a country roughly the size of Germany. They were surprised when others told them that China was almost as big as the real Europe. In fact, the Chinese are really surprised. It is difficult for Chinese who have received comprehensive education to understand why Europeans think China is as big as Germany. Many people still ask if Europeans have not taken geography classes? The answer is that they took a geography class, but unless you study geology and geology. Otherwise, the geography courses you learned in Europe and the United States will only tell you that China is in Asia. You do n’t need to know anything else, because it has nothing to do with your future work, and learning is also a waste. The European opinion is: If I am going to be a computer programmer, why do I have to know chemistry? Facts have also proved that, except for a few cutting-edge scientists who need to understand some related subjects, most people only need to master their professional knowledge and basic knowledge such as basic mathematics to complete their work well.

"Miss Crystal Flame. I apologize again for the behavior just now. I didn't mean it on purpose. I didn't expect Princess Suijing to be so afraid of bugs." Worm phobia. It's not just these bugs. Even flies can scare her. "

"Black Widow? Isn't that something unique in America?"

Crystal Flame immediately asked in surprise: "Are you a biologist? You even know this?"

gosh! In China, this is nothing, but in Europe and the United States, unless you have been bitten by this thing, most people will never know what a black widow is. I was embarrassed and said, "I just heard about it by chance. I am not a biologist." Although I have participated in biological experiments, I think that I look a lot like experimental mice, but it seems that mice are not researchers. ? So I'm not a biologist.

Crystal Flame recalled sadly: "Actually, the princess and I were orphans. We grew up in a welfare institution sponsored by a private foundation in the United States. The princess and I happened to live in a dormitory."

The living conditions of Americans are good. The orphanage dormitories are all double rooms. Our national university dormitory still has one for six! of course. If you have money to live in an apartment, then say something else.

I nodded: "So you live on each other, don't you?"

"Yes." Crystal Flame nodded, and then suddenly laughed. "But seeing you today, I know my hard days are over."

"Ah? What do you mean?"

"I know who you are." Crystal Flame smiled proudly. "Don't deny, I can confirm your identity."

No one like me can fool anyone. "Even if you know I'm Frost's president? Many people know."

"You know I'm not talking about this identity."

It seems she does know something. "Okay. Even if you know. So what? Are you going to threaten me with this? I'm not invisible."

"Of course I don't mean that," she said with a smile. "I just hope you can help us."

"How do you want me to help you?"

"I want to be a star. I heard that you are very profitable in China. Both the princess and I can perform, we can play a lot of instruments, and singing and dancing is not a problem. Rest assured, it won't be difficult for you. It ’s just that there is no money, so no one packs us. "

"In the art world in China. It's true that you make good profits, but only if someone supports it. As for your level, you have to look at it to determine it. But ..."

The crystal flame stopped now, and anxiously and nervously said, "I know your rules, I ... I can ..."

"Hey, hey! Who are you when I am? I wo n’t be kind to you in terms of benefits, but you do n’t have to sell it to me. I really want women to be 100 times better than you at any time. You know My identity, then it should be clear. But I have a better proposal. I don't know if you would like to accept ~ ~?

"How about performing in the game? Groups of bands perform in the game. Tickets for concerts that are protected by the system can be cheaper, but there are more people in the game, and in fact, the income will not be less. And the tour that the system supports You might even get unexpected results. "

"Performing in the game?" Crystal Flame looked at me in surprise, then began to think again. "Are you sure it works?"

"Feasibility is definitely feasible. Why do you think Bingbing is looking for you? We have done a feasibility investigation before and it is absolutely feasible. But there is another problem that must be solved, that is the personnel. The four of you alone are definitely not working, we still More magicians are needed. "

Crystal Flame reminded: "I'm a magic dancer, and I'm a professional of the magician."

"That's better. We need to bring together the people who play the band and have a lead singer. Since the system has given the direction of the professional career of the magic sound engineer, it will definitely not give an incomplete band, you players should be able to become together Large-scale performances. With some trained people, it's not a problem to have a performance group. "

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