Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 40: Little white rabbit in the wolf pack

I do n’t know what to say next time. But I wasn't angry, thinking about it, I can understand that Qun Rui's performance is actually normal. Many people are very self-centered now, putting themselves above everything and thinking that others are turning around themselves. As a result, they are blaming the society for being unfair to themselves. Being able to understand and understand others ’psychology is not just for the benefit of others. In fact, this is also a help to yourself. At least you can figure out what your goals are.

There is a saying in China: "Know yourselves and know yourselves, and you won't endure a hundred battles." The reason is simple, but few people can really understand this sentence. If Qun Rui is now classified as a woman who doesn't know how to deal with it, it would be a big mistake. If you want beautiful diamonds for women's winter coats, you must be patiently polished.

Qun Rui is a beautiful woman in a winter coat m. She is also a thoughtful and capable woman. Such a woman can be said to be very good, it would be strange if no one appeared. Because her advantages are too obvious, there will be many people digging corners or pursuing her. In this case, no matter how good the patience is, it will be worn away, so she refuses to get up without leaving the retreat completely, simply and completely. It is not possible to deal with such bunker storms, and you need to play with it a little.

Instead of entanglement, I adjust the strategy directly. First took a few music experts back to Isinger, and then found a group of masters to take them to leveling, be sure to give me all 800 levels within a short time of the Seal of God, so I can help them adjust some later Minor issues. In addition to these, I also specially arranged a task for the affiliated organization of the Bank "Eye of Hell", and let them help me to collect information on the task of the best musical instruments of the music mmmm in the Bank, and bring them when I have time. They go to get rid of special tasks and help them get a set of superb equipment.

After these small things were arranged, I made another phone call offline to find a few professional musicians from the Longyuan Propaganda Department. Their task is to get into the game right away and help me train them. Their musical talents are good, but unfortunately they have hardly been professionally called except for individual people. Even if they are, they are taught by some not so good music schools. The exhibition is not good. However, this plan cannot be realized for the time being. Because the ones I was looking for all had

After explaining these problems, I gave the ice-retrieving unit and the red moon to the reduction unit to continue to lead the guild construction. I plan to handle the next task alone. Anyway, now there are no more people. I really need manpower and I have a bunch of magic pets. Can use.

The first phase of the solicitation plan: intelligence gathering.

First I need to know why Qun Rui did not join other guilds. In this regard, I need to collect information about those who have previously recruited or pursued her. First let the intelligence department of this guild collect the information of these people. In this free time, I went to their village and took a look at the throne of the Seal of God. I also learned about Qun Rui's own place through legitimate and improper means such as chat and bribery Various characteristics, collect these people who know her to evaluate her. After I understood these things, the intelligence department's information about the rejected guilds and those suitors was collected. I came to talk to them one by one according to these information, to understand some useful information such as the reasons for the solicitation, the conditions for opening, the comparison of strength. By the afternoon of the next day, I had collected almost everything in the high collection area, and then began to summarize and analyze the most tested technology. No preliminary information can be believed. Otherwise it must be killed. People who provide information will provide forged or inadequate information for various reasons. These photos need to be screened slowly to remove the wrong and unreliable parts. The relevant information collected from the forum is especially so. There are eight fake and ten fake posts in the online forums, and each piece of information must be carefully screened.

After the false information and unreliable information, I started intelligence analysis. This step is mainly to find common ground. There are as many as three to four hundred guilds rejected by Qun Rui, some of which have been disbanded, but judging from what is known in those surviving guilds. Qun Ruidi's first feature is that he does not like the guild of male seekers. I'm not worried about this. The current ratio of men and women in the Bank's Association is basically maintained at 1: 1, and because of the existence of Rose, the finance chief and Hongyue's fierce senior leadership, the Bank will basically All women seek a guild. As for Eagle and me, although we are very men, I never object to Rose's opinion. Eagle is a "wife with strict control".

After the analysis, the second point I summarized is that Qun Rui has a good opinion of women with high strength. The only three guilds that have almost completed the merger are because there are one or two very good female players in the guild. So I made a special card and set it aside. Be regarded as one of the breakthrough points.

The third point analyzed is that Qun Rui likes music, which can be determined from the description of her profession and the people around her. The only way for me to do this is to use the guild's music players for a collective music performance. Of course, we must try to let Qun Rui “encounter” our performance, and we ca n’t hold her to watch, otherwise, the fake component will be too heavy. At this point I made another card.

After analyzing it all night, I got a small stack of cards in the early morning on the third day. Throw a large amount of information aside, and separate the more than thirty cards at hand by color. The black card indicates that Qun Rui's taboos must be resolutely banned, and the white card indicates that Qun Rui's favorite things will be used as special fishing lures for abduction schemes.

Dad used to say that the game "Zero" can be used as training equipment for officers. Now I know it. In order to draw a player into the club, I almost researched the tasks of intelligence gathering, form analysis, and work assignment, which is harder than fighting!

Solicitation plan stage two: extreme stimulation

Giving a leftover meal to a person who is going to starve to death is more moving than giving a person who has eaten a table with the mountain and sea food, so we must first let all aspects of the group's situation fall to the bottom. The dawn in the night

The dawn is generally dazzling. Of course, this process cannot be directly addressed by us, otherwise we are not the dawn in the night, but the devil in the night. Of course we are actually the devil. But in order for Qun Rui to join us, the devil must disguise.

In order for Qun Rui to feel the unfortunate pressure, she must be hit in many ways. The first thing to hit is her guild. Qun Rui has been reluctant to join others' guilds. One of the main reasons is that Qun Rui thinks she has the ability to manage a guild. So she has always kept her arrogance unwilling to join others' guilds. Now I let her lose confidence in managing a guild, and once the guild fails, her pride in her ability will be lost. Of course, sending troops directly to attack this small village is purely a fool's behavior. First, it will expose us. Second, defeating does not mean that you have no management ability. This does not help to combat Qun Rui's self-confidence. I have a better way.

After a simple plan, I quickly acted. I helped find a third-party guild through Asheford, Germany. This third-party guild was a small British guild. All the tasks they got were passed through the liaisons of Ashoford. So this British guild does not know that the source of the mission is actually our Frost Rose League. The task of the British guild is actually very simple. Their task is to contact an Indian guild, and then through this Indian guild to contact a second popular association in China. Through these levels of agency. After such a large circle, no one wants to know who the original person of this task was, so I washed myself.

The contacted Chinese guild started to work as planned after receiving a deposit. There was a problem with the economic pillar of the first group of guilds, and the market price of the only mineral in this village that could sell money plummeted. After a heavy blow to their economy, the Guild of Guilds was repeatedly digged. More than a dozen middle-level and senior personnel were dug out. For a small guild with more than 300 people, the result of losing more than a dozen masters is obvious.

When these conditions appeared to be against a certain kind of malicious behavior of their guild and they intended to resist, the guild began to publicly oppress the group guild in all aspects. to be frank. The quality of Qun Rui's guild is pretty good, but unless each of them is like me, it can't resist the oppression of medium-sized guilds. This indirect hired industry has more than 3,000 players, and ten times as many people are enough to generate an overwhelming deterrent.

The guild personnel were maliciously pk one after another, and then the leveling area was always occupied. Many players who were attached to this guild began to consider whether to change to a guild. Under my arrangement, the Blood Alliance suddenly recruited people in this area at this time. Although the current blood league is not as strong as our Frost Rose League and the Northern Alliance, it is one of the top three after all, and its attraction is much greater than a small guild of more than 300 people. The three major guilds usually do not accept casually. Suddenly a guild opened and the attraction was like a vortex. Under the intentional policy of Feng Yin Piao Miao to the guild members, more than 100 people were dug away within two days.

I think the situation is almost the same, so let Feng Yin Piao Miao stop recruiting people. Although only two days of recruiting activities, but the guild of the guild only has more than a hundred people, the strength of a half-folded more than just. The guild hired by me indirectly started to fall down in accordance with my instructions, and tentatively launched a small-scale commonsense attack. As a result, the guild of the guild lost more than 800 defense forces, leaving more than 100 people left. To make matters worse, more than 30 of the remaining more than 100 players simply resigned because they felt that the guild was hopeless. Qun Rui watched that the guild with only a few dozen people was about to collapse.

At that time, the guild hired by me indirectly began to aggressively attack the group's guild in accordance with the instructions, which caused a substantial pressure on the group's guild. There are too few players in the guild, and the guards are not enough. The only way to resist such an attack is to increase the number of personnel. There are only two ways to increase the number of people, either to recruit new members or buy mercenaries. According to the current situation of the guild, people who are willing to join the club either have a mental illness or have a special purpose, so it is impossible to recruit members, and buying, this requires money, but the only economic pillar of the guild ’s guild is already four. I was cut off a few days ago, and I spent a lot of money fighting these two days. I did n’t have enough money to buy bsp. Now, the key step is to begin. Under my intentional arrangement, Shura Ziyi and Qun Rui, who had been in charge of overseas affairs of the Bank, "coincided". Shura Ziyi is the main member of our bank and is mainly responsible for American affairs. In China, Qun Rui cannot know her deeds. Shura Ziyi brought the masking equipment I obtained using the Ruyi Altar as a task. Qun Rui couldn't see her guild badge, so she didn't know that Shura Ziyi was our guild.

According to the key cards made in the first phase of the mission. Qun Rui's susceptible crowd is an outstanding woman, and she and such people are particularly likely to become friends. Needless to say, Shura Ziyi's strength is good in combat skills and brains, otherwise I would not leave her all the affairs in the Rose area. At the same time, Shura Ziyi can be regarded as a national idea, and it is quite radical, and it is easy to resonate with the core of feminists. Coupled with the deliberate approach of Shura Ziyi, the two became good friends in the "random encounter".

After a simple exchange, Shura Ziyi “unintentionally” knew about Qun Rui ’s plight and immediately “generously” offered to help. Although Qun Rui wanted to refuse. However, once the other party behaved sincerely, the second one really needed help. So I agreed. Shura Ziyi supported Qun Rui a large group of guards. The number is up to 5,000, and all of them are special arms unique to the United States-junior musketeers. These soldiers supported Qun Rui and Qun with a private sponsorship. Rui promises to pay back once he gets through the difficulties.

The hired Chinese guild started attacking the village at this time in accordance with our orders. Of course, after the battle exploded, the rainstorm suddenly fell on the battlefield. Of course, the source would not be natural. The storm came from another Chinese guild that we indirectly hire. The mages in their guild released a group battlefield magic, which caused heavy rain. The rain came fast and fast, but the 5,000 junior musketeers on Shura Ziyi's loan site used pre-charged muskets. The rain was all turned into scrap iron. The guild only sent a small number of troops at our request, and soon killed the five thousand guards and also killed a lot of players.

In the end, Qun Rui was fortunate to win because the guild "underplayed the enemy", but the result was that more than 50 people retired. The entire guild left only thirty players and a dozen disabled guards, and A broken village half turned into ruins.

Since then, the cause of the business has been basically in place. Qun Rui began to have doubts about his ability, which is considered to have reached my goal. The next thing to do is psychological conquest. At this time, my baby wife will be mobilized.

Solicitation plan stage three: emotional offensive

Roses are out of the blue.

The thirty or so people who can still be around Qun Rui under such a terrible encounter are all good friends who care about Qun Rui. Of course, they will be very important in Qun Rui's heart while paying their true heart. Positions, and these positions are the satellite fire points of the bunker, Qunrui. If you let them go, the rest will be easy to handle.

Because of the previous troop-borrowing incident, Qun Rui owed a great favor to Shura Ziyi. The woman of Qunrui is proud, and the more proud one can't be owed, because their pride will make them feel as heavy as Tarzan. At this time Shura Ziyi began to contact these friends around Qun Rui, and "unintentionally" revealed that she was actually a member of the Frost Rose League. Because of the preconceived sentiment, Shura Ziyi's identity did not cause resentment, but made everyone admire her.

Under the introduction of Shura Ziyi, Rose officially entered the plan and began to work. Unlike Shura Ziyi, the sedition of roses is terrible. She summoned everyone around Qun Rui for the reason of having dinner. Of course Qun Rui didn't know the party. Rose took the opportunity of this meal to start a comprehensive brainwashing of these thirty people. Xian Rose said that Qun Rui is now facing a huge dilemma and needs everyone's help. This sentence immediately resonated with these good friends of Qun Rui, and they all said that they really should help Qun Rui. Rose then began to help them analyze the status quo. Under the inductive discussion that Rose was best at, these people's thoughts were taken away. The scary part of the temptation discussion is that it seems that everyone is discussing the problem. In fact, the topic has been guided by a person. People are only passively accepting the indoctrination. . It can be said that inductive discussion has the great ability to reverse black and white and distort facts. However, in the end, everyone was induced by Rose to think that they must find a strong dependency to help Qun Rui. The next thing is easy to do. Looking for dependence! Then analyze and analyze the number of top-ranking rows in the Mainland, and see which rows are more suitable. There are Shura purple clothes and roses present. Who needs to rely on for discussion?

After a meal, the people around Qun Rui became determined to support the guild to join the Frost Rose Alliance camp. Under the influence of these people, Qun Rui began to be unsteady. Plus she knew that Shura Ziyi was actually our frost. Her sentiment naturally turned to us. At this point, the emotional offensive basically ended, eliminating Qun Rui's emotional concerns.

Solicitation plan stage four: do what you like

What does Qun Rui like? Talking about a strong woman and wonderful music and dance.

After the purple dress of Shura, Rose began to formally contact Qun Rui, and quickly conquered the woman. After that, Red Moon, True Red, Gold Coins, Woma, Ice Scavenging. These well-known strong women in the guild all contacted Qun Rui separately, so that she had a fascinating feeling for this strong man in our guild.

After the strong woman, Bingbingwei's six music players also saw Qun Rui. There were too many common topics on both sides. As soon as they were discussed, they immediately forgot that they had just met each other. The music department has a small number of players, and it is often difficult to learn from or learn from each other. Rarely, there were six music experts accompanying Qun Rui to discuss, and she was unhappy. But when they were most happy to discuss, six of them were suddenly transferred in the name of urgent tasks. This is a warning to Qun Rui, let her suddenly appear at the peak of joy, the other party belongs to another guild. Not with her all the way. Qun Rui felt a sense of loss as soon as six people left, and this effect is what I want. "Do you want to discuss research with them? Join us!" This is the subtext that I conveyed to Qun Rui.

Solicitation plan stage five: show

After processing the previous part, it is time for us to show our strength. Before the second stage, Qun Rui's self-confidence was almost exhausted, and now let her understand the shocking power of the guild. Rose and Qun Ruixun became good friends and proposed to help kill the guild that bullied Qun Rui. Qun Rui symbolically rejected it and accepted it, and was invited to watch the game.

The guild of the other party has already collected money, and the battle will destroy their guild, but they can use this money to form another guild immediately, and with this money, they can run a better guild. So they are not embarrassed by the task of sacrificing the entire guild. Of course, we also need to show a strong strike ability, let the group Rui know what is the power of the guild. During the battle, I thoroughly implemented the principle of killing chickens with a sledgehammer, and completely destroyed the entire city with an overwhelming advantage. After seeing hundreds of dragons working with the Zerg Fortress and tens of thousands of combat forces to level the city alive. Qun Rui's last bit of self-confidence was also blown away. She now completely thinks that she is not suitable to be a guild leader, because the guild she formed is like the difference between a children's group and a mechanized army.

The last step of the plan is now ready for implementation. I call it a “naturally occurring” solicitation plan. In guild

With the trend of quick dispersal and the support of the people who have always been in favor of the people around me, Qun Rui agreed very clearly when I asked again. But she immediately understood the materials hanging in the conference room about the formation of the band.

The material seen by Qun Rui is, of course, the information of the musicians including herself and Qingxin and Ming Jing. As a woman who is actually very savvy, she immediately guessed the key to these things in the past week. Their guild suddenly suffered such a big blow, and our guild happened to help her at this time, plus the information that already exists in the room, all of this shows that the whole thing was planned by me. Otherwise how could it be so coincidental. I just wanted to solicit her, and her guild was made like this, forced to join?

In fact, these were all deliberately let her guess. It is not reliable to lie to a companion, and the consistent style of our Frost Rose Alliance is to be absent, I do n’t want a disloyal companion. Although Qun Rui guessed something about it, she has already joined our guild with her more than thirty friends. Now that the raw rice has been cooked, it is not easy for her to resign. In addition, she was even more shocked that she had caught such a big trap, and she didn't even know how I did it. This gap in strategic ability was my final blow to convince her thoroughly, and I showed her these materials, which was frankness with her and convinced her to lose.

Qun Rui looked at me with a smug smile and said, "Since you don't let me know, let me see these, then I will also be more generous. I will not quit your guild now, I will follow you Learn your planning skills. Until I can pass you one day, I will leave this guild's self-supporting portal. "She said stubbornly, but also very helpless.

I said indifferently: "You can do whatever you like, but if you can say such things, you are still immature."

"Why?" Qun Rui looked at me in surprise.

"It's useless for you to get out of our Frost Rose Alliance. From the outsider's point of view ~ ~ You have already branded Frost Rose Alliance. No matter what you do, you are our Frost Rose Alliance's person You are seen by everyone as part of us, and you will never be independent. Understand? "

Qun Rui sighed weakly: "I lost to you. It seems I can only work part-time! But I want to know how you set up this trap. I still don't understand what I did wrong. "

"You're right."

"Then why do I ...?"

"When a swimmer was washed away by the flood, his swimming posture was completely correct, but he was also washed away. You just had the same thing, that's all."

Qun Rui nodded. "I see." Xiao Mianyu facing the wolf group can only be a good meal for the wolf group no matter what he does. This is not a mistake made by Xiaoyu, but the overall strength is too wide, and his behavior can be ignored. No matter what, it's the same no matter what. Struggling is death, not struggling is death. Qun Rui is the one who has no mistakes, but her failure is doomed.

After Qun Rui's joining, there are still four remaining goals, but I don't need to find these four people for now, and why? ...

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