Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 42: Strongest robber

After waiting for less than three hours on the German side of the border crossing, a rather special team appeared in my sight. I was sitting in a hotel near the city gate with Ling, and I could monitor the entrance and exit of the city gate from the window. The reason why it ’s called Ling is because it ’s so attractive to sit alone in a hotel for three hours, but if you sit on the opposite side of a beauty, you ’ll sit for six hours and no one will doubt you.

Ling held a crystal ball and compared the features of each person in the following team, and then said: "All of them have made certain camouflage, but a few key personnel still recognize it, they should be right."

I took a closer look at the entire team. There are a total of 53 players in the opponent, except for men with two Cavaliers in each position. In addition, there are a lot of confusion in the team. If I do n’t have Xingtong, it ’s really hard to confirm which players are mostly males. There are actually two rock trolls mixed in instead of horse-drawn carriages. That ’s enough. strong.

The player professions in the team are quite comprehensive. In addition to the 17 music players I intend to recruit, the remaining 36 people obviously include all the major professional items. The professions, it seems, are all classes like light cavalry. . The bandit regiment wants degree. The heavy cavalry is not as fast as the light cavalry and is not suitable for being a robber.

In addition to the personnel, there are actually goods in the team. Two seemingly ordinary chariots walked in front and were towed by the two rock trolls, followed by six heavy-duty carriages with extended and reinforced hulls. Each car is towed by eight load horses, and the degree should not be slow.

I was watching and Ling suddenly laughed. I asked her why she laughed curiously, but she asked me to zoom in on the third heavy carriage to see the cargo on the ground. When I zoomed in, I noticed that the side of the box on this car was inlaid with a shiny iron cross badge. "I rely. The Iron Crusaders were robbed of the supplies. This group of people really dare to do it! If you don't dig down the sign, you dare to carry it openly.

Ling smiled and said, "Their characters are really lively. Looking at the girls, they seem to be leaving the team."

It turns out that as Ling said, the seventeen girls I set as targets left the team, and the rest escorted the team and moved on. The seventeen girls who are engaged in music seem to be senior members of the guild, or they have a better relationship. Seventeen girls left the team and moved closer to the city's trade hub. The team continued to move forward, and I pulled Ling out of the seat. "go."

All the way to the trading hub, there is a huge storage point here. A large amount of material was transported from a gate to the square inside. On the other side, there is a gate. Some empty carriages will constantly enter the interior to take away some materials and enter the German trading system. The distribution center is actually a cargo storage yard. The real transaction was completed in the city's trading hall long before the goods arrived. This is just a transit of goods. The French merchants transported the materials here, got the material certificates after inspection, and then went to the exchange to trade these certificates with others, and then the other party could hold the certificates to collect the goods.

These girls seem to be shopping along the way, but actually exchange some small pieces of paper with some mysterious people. Then I pretended to be shopping again and gathered together to exchange and circulate everyone's paper. After reading the paper, they reached a building near the distribution center, and then did not come out. I waited outside for more than ten minutes and felt that the situation was wrong. Quickly summoned the rose vine to the ground for reconnaissance. As a result, there is a tunnel under the building, and the other exit is actually inside the distribution center.

The other party ’s intentions are already obvious, and they did not bring any cargo. What else can they do when they enter the distribution center?

"Rose Vine, use your eyes to help me signal, let me see what they are doing." I notified Rose Vine with my heart.

The interior of the wide distribution center is full of cargo like a modern container terminal. Rose vines are drilled out from under a pile of cargo, and a vine with green crystal eyes protrudes from between the cargo containers. Then turn left and right to find the target. Soon I saw the seventeen mm traces. They were scattered around the distribution center and walked around. Soon a girl showed a pile of ordinary goods, and then she moved her mouth immediately, but I did n’t Hear the sound. Rose vine is capable of sound perception, did not hear that the voice is very low or she just moved her mouth without making a sound. On the other side, the rest of the girls gathered towards this place as if they had received any instructions. They quickly reached this position and then did not speak. The pair of twins quickly jumped onto the nearby cargo pile to lie down. Down, monitoring the situation in the vicinity, is clearly looking at the wind. The girl who called her companion and the other girls began to untie the rope. Soon the ropes that tied the cargo were untied, and several girls worked together to move the cargo stack away, turning a box that seemed indistinguishable from under the cargo stack.

I wonder why they didn't take it directly, but turned out the most central box. But soon I guessed what information they might have got. There must be special goods in this box, at least not the same as those in the boxes outside.

After the box was turned out, the magic singer Carrie Obi, who is also the leader of this place, went to the box, quickly turned the large iron lock on the side of the box, and carved a small balance on the back of the padlock. After seeing the balance, she put the lock down, then stepped back and nodded to the other mm. This mm Xun squatted to the side of the box, took a small tool, inserted it into the keyhole, closed his eyes and started to do it. Unexpectedly, this mm is actually a part-time thief and will unlock the skills! The lock was quickly opened. The box was actually a full box of magic spar, but they didn't rush to take it. The next few mm quickly rolled out a carpet-like thing, and then poured the whole box

Turned all the magic crystals inside down on the blanket.

After the box was emptied, the thief mm got into the box again and again, and after a while he handed out another piece of wood and then she smiled proudly. I saw her carrying a rather large red veined gemstone out of the box. Judging from the fineness and volume, this red-lined magic crystal is worth at least 70,000 to 80,000 crystal coins. A few mm next caught this piece of red spar, and then the rogue mm held out a piece that was almost the same size. After taking out three pieces in succession, the thief mm took over the wooden board that was just handed out and put it back in the box. Then she came out of the box and wiped it with a cloth to remove traces such as footprints. The four mm next to each other pushed the four corners of the blanket together to force the white magic spar back. Then reclose the box and lock it back in place.

The cargo pile was quickly restored to the original state, as if no one had ever moved it. The group of mm cloth wrapped the red spar, and ran quickly to a cabin. This wooden house is a utility room for loading and unloading tools. A few mm carefully clean the traces, and then enter the room and close the door. I judged that there was a tunnel underneath that room. Sure enough, after a few minutes, they came out of the house that they had just entered, and the red streaks were gone.

I've seen more of this little trick. The items were not taken away after the first theft, but were stored in a hidden place first. After a while, the other side of the Seal of the Seal of God gave up searching and then took it away. However, it is not entirely certain, maybe they have items such as space bracelets, and it is also possible to put the red spar.

Recall the rose vine. We followed them again. This time they moved quickly and quickly returned to the main road. After crossing the large tunnel, they merged with their team, but they did not seem to intend to leave. Reaching the checkpoint on the French side, their team turned to the distribution center. They paid the management fee to the distribution and management personnel here very steadily, and then the management took them to open the materials and check them. Only then did I see the contents of those goods, which turned out to be very garbage ore. Not worth it at all. The boxes did come from the Iron Crusaders, but the cargo was not the original items, because the Iron Crusaders did not use such a carriage to transport ore at all.

These materials were transported to the distribution center after the inventory was completed. Then, under the guidance of the management staff, proceed to the designated placement position. According to regulations, the guards must stay outside the distribution center and cannot enter the interior, so the players of the angel bandit group just pressed the goods into the distribution center by themselves. When the administrator leads the way, those guys are observing which way is suitable for escape. There was another girl in the line who was very strange. She kept staring at the boxes passing by. There is nothing special about these boxes. She looked so carefully and clearly wrong. I think she probably has the ability to see through the box and see the contents of the box. She should be looking for a target.

Soon they arrived. The lead administrator turned around and said, "Okay, just leave things here."

"Okay." Carrie Obi, the head of the Angel Thieves, immediately jumped out of the carriage and directed everyone to unload, but just as everyone jumped out of the car, the male player standing behind the administrator suddenly waved a short He hit the back of the administrator. The power of the short stick is not great, but the administrator is unprepared. Besides, the back of the head is also one of the most vulnerable, and he was stunned. The administrator also brought two guards. When the administrator was attacked, he immediately prepared to resist, but the knight professional male player had already prepared the plan long ago, and after the administrator was down, he did not hesitate to strike back. , In the middle of that guy's legs, immediately let that guy fall down while covering his body. But the other attacker missed, the guard rolled out, and two meters back, he suddenly took a paper tube out of his arms and threw it into the air. The people in the thief group saw that it was too late to intercept the thing, and immediately after releasing the toy, a flame burst into the sky and popped into a bright firework.

The guard outside the distribution center heard the sound at the same time, and suddenly looked back at the fire group in the sky flashing red. After seeing the fireworks, the guards suddenly realized that it was not good, but before they turned their heads, they were met by only a hundred people who remained outside. They were far from the thousands of opponents on the distribution side, but they attacked In a short time, the area of ​​the doorway was controlled by the throne of the Seal of God, so that the guards behind could not run at all.

Confusion outside. Inside the distribution center, the angel bandits quickly kicked the box on the chariot pulled by the two rock trolls in front. Both carriages only had one box, which was strange at first, but now it turns out that the box is a space item. Like storage bracelets, you can load items in large quantities, and carry a considerable amount. The two rock trolls are like cranes, lifting up the designated boxes and throwing them at the two space treasure chests. After the lid of the treasure chest is opened, the upper space is an absorption vortex. As soon as the chest is thrown through this area, it will be sucked in immediately. Obviously, the two trolls often do this kind of thing. Throwing boxes is as accurate as shooting. A large number of boxes were thrown into the storage treasure chest.

After moving for a while, the guard who rushed through the other door was almost at their side, and Carrie Obi stood on the carriage and shouted, "It's time to flash."

The robbers who were moving just now threw things and summoned their mounts to jump up. The two trolls put the last chest into the space chest, then picked up the lasso and pulled the chaise to start running, and Carrie Obi kicked the lid of the chest. Riding directly on the box directs everyone to run.

The last knights quickly loosened the lasso of the six heavy carriages, and then took the horses and started running. At last, the female player pulled a thread from under the heavy carriage, and then pulled the thread hard, turned around, jumped on the mount, and ran out after the big army.

After the chaser rushed over, there was no time for the Seal of God to control the carriages. straight

Then he went around from the side of the carriage and rushed forward, but when there were a hundred people, there was a loud noise, and all six carriages exploded. Hundreds of people walking between the carriages were engulfed in flames, the ground was full of wounded and broken limbs, and the scene was chaotic.

When the bandit players rushed to the exit, their guards were still guarding that exit. Although more than half of the manpower has been lost, the channel is still in their hands. The robber group Di Yu saw the team inside and immediately gave way. The carriage rushed past, and the speed was amazing.

I stood on the spire of a church on the side of the road, watching the scuffle below. "Ling. Did you notice?"

Ling nodded. "Those rock trolls have problems. I have never seen a rock monster that can run this fast, and this troll seems to be a bit slimmer than a normal troll."

When we said two words, everyone in the Angel Bandit had crossed the blockade and ran towards the city gate, and those helped them to block the chase behind. Although "Zero" is just a game, all of them have the attribute of loyalty. If you have enough favorability, the loss will be great. Where did they go to find so many bsp who were willing to sacrifice for them; while I was thinking about this problem, all those sudden noises broke up, and each soldier became a pile of yellow sand. I rely, it turned out to be Huang Shayu, no wonder you can give up at will. These magical creatures have summoned the throne of time seal, even if it is not hacked, the throne of time seal will become yellow sand as soon as it arrives.

Although those turned into yellow sand, they had already secured enough time for the Angel Bandit to escape the Seal of the Seal of Throne. Seeing that the team had reached the gate of the city, the alarm sounded in the city, and the guards at the gate of the city were closing the gates.

When the Angel Bandit was a few hundred meters away from the city gate, the gates were closed. The player in charge of the city guards laughed and looked at the people in the Angel Bandit, but his proud smile did not last long. On the face of it, it seems that the gate is not able to run away, but the angel bandit's degree has not dropped at all. Just before they were less than a hundred meters from the gate, the two trolls running in front exploded. No, it's not, it's not an explosion, it's a crack. A layer of rock outside the Rock Troll suddenly burst open, and two fierce winged creatures appeared under the rock.

"The Gargoyle King!" I finally recognized these two things. "I said how so slim, it turned out not a troll but a gargoyle."

In fact, the gargoyle's fighting power is not as good as the trolls. Even the gargoyle king can barely draw a tie with the trolls, but there is a characteristic that the trolls are definitely not as good as the gargoyles, that is, the trolls can't fly. The disguised gargoyle suddenly opened its wings and flew up, and the chariot behind it suddenly bounced open under the control of Cariobi. Carried by the Gargoyle King and flew up. The mounts behind the players of the Angel Bandit suddenly dropped their armor. It turned out that these were not war horses but pegasus. As soon as the armor threw down, the wings immediately stretched out, and the whole team flew up. The goalkeeper flew straight over the wall from the top of their heads with a smile on their faces.

"Is this the secret that I have never been caught?" I said to myself: "Camouflage plus the whole flying mount, a very good idea." I jumped straight into the air as soon as I ran. "Flying birds."

The bird suddenly appeared under me, and Ling and I landed directly on the bird's back. The blue flame behind the bird spit out more than ten meters long, and the whole body soared like an arrow.

Although the Angel Bandit's carriage is lightweight, after all, it still has weight. Gargoyles can't fly this thing as fast. They leave the city wall and fall to the ground again after a while, then two players in the team summon Out of two mad cows. Such creatures were rarely caught before because they were not smooth enough to act as mounts. And the endurance is not very good. However, Mad Cow has two advantages. One is that it has great strength and the other is that it has a fast sprint. Two mad cows pulled up in a carriage and started running wild. The gargoyle had no burden flying by itself, and others followed the ox cart for a while.

Although the mad cows have poor endurance, they are extremely fast, and the guards in the city must raise the gates before they can chase them. This delay is invisible to the shadows. When the mad cow runs slowly. The player actually summoned two mad cows and put away the original mad cows. For a long time, these mad cows are not magic pets but magical summoned creatures, and they are a kind of thing with those of Huang Shayu. This mm is probably the maker of those puppets. It seems that this angel bandit has some real skills. At the very least their ability to match is perfect. Originally, they planned to let them be members of the music troupe. Seeing that their musical talents have not been shown at all, they are undoubtedly showing their talents!

Just as I was staring at them and thinking about how to recruit them, one of them suddenly turned around and threw a small thing out of his arms, and the thing suddenly became large as soon as it was thrown out, turning into a handheld harp . Mm catches the harp directly, I thought she was going to play, but who knows she squatted and pulled an arrow rack from the back to the string, pulling it loose. The arrows shot like lightning at me in the sky. Fuck, you ca n’t play the harp well, you actually use the strings as bow strings. Although the handheld harp is really like a bow, you ca n’t use it like that!

The bird turned a blind eye to the flying arrow and let it pass by, but all the mm below noticed us in the sky. Carrie Obi came to the archery ground mm. "Who is that?"

"I don't know. He was staring at us in the city and followed here."

"I haven't been able to get rid of him like this?" Carrie Obi asked in surprise.

"Look at that mount and you should know. There is only one type of jet-flight Warcraft, and it must be the Frost Rose Alliance who can ride that thing."

"We haven't offended Frost?" Another mm asked.

Probably came in revenge for the Iron Crusaders. They are the Alliance Guild. I heard that their president, Zi Ri, had an ambiguous relationship with that Asford. "

"Yes, yes, that's the kind of man and man, whoa disgusting!"

This group of girls started to spread my improper relationship with Ashford below. Thanks to my flying high, I didn't hear it, otherwise I would definitely be angry. Carrie Obi suddenly said to everyone, "What's going on in his forest when he goes into the forest? Can he fly fast in the woods?"

Under the leadership of Cariobi, the team suddenly turned down the road and rushed into the forest on the side of the road. After jumping down, Ling and I took off the birds, and sent Ling back by the way. The forest is not suitable for a mage-type character like Ling. I called Bailang directly into the forest. Although Bailang is a special Warcraft, it is long like a wolf and has good flexibility. He is also fast in the forest. The most important thing is that he has a good nose and can be easily tracked.

We ran through the forest all the way, and suddenly there was a huge open field in front of them. The angel bandit was standing far away from me and waving to me. They were shining with the magic light representing the beginning of the teleportation. Status now. It turned out that when they entered the forest, they wanted to distance themselves and return to their base camp using the teleportation scroll. And now I'm still far away from them, and I can see that they can't stop transmission before. That's why they smirked and waved goodbye to me.

Fenglong Space suddenly appeared on my side, and I pointed forward: "Dart. Rush!"

A white light flashed out. The light on the opposite side of the teleportation suddenly began to extinguish, and at the same time, a mm exclaimed. "Oops ..." The dart grabbed a paw in this mm's hand. As long as there is a substantial attack, the opponent is pulled into a combat state and cannot be teleported at this time. The angel bandit who just played the gate guard immediately tasted the mood of the guard who was just playing. Their proud smile was still stiff, but the scroll of the teleportation had burned to ashes. .

"Is Ashford so small?" Carrie Obi suddenly recovered and said to me: "No matter how much you spend a little money, don't you care about a big business like this? ? "

I couldn't help laughing. "Haha, is Miss Carrie Obi really good at Chinese!" Carrie Obi said Chinese just now. And even the idioms are standard.

Carrie Obi answered naturally: "My grandfather is Chinese, and I have a quarter of Chinese ancestry. According to the Chinese, we should be considered compatriots, right?"

"It's not wrong to say it's a compatriot."

"So how about letting us go for the sake of our fellow citizens? I will return Ashurford's stuff to him later. I'll give you an explanation. What about my proposal?"

"Haha, your proposal is very good, but it has nothing to do with me, because I am not Ashoford to ask for debt collection. By the way. The cute little sister behind you should stop doing small moves, my demon Pet paws are sharp. "The darts deliberately lightened my sharp little paws on my shoulders to match my words. "It would be bad if such delicate skin left a few blood marks?"

The little girl who was preparing to do something bad immediately stood up and flashed to the side.

The little mm beside Carrie Obi who shot me with an arrow suddenly said to me: "Since you said you were not debt collector, why follow us? Shouldn't you like my sister?"

"You're right. I really fancy her. But there's more than one of her. I'm all 17 of you."

"Seventeen? Have you counted me in?" The next girl asked, pointing to herself.

I nodded. "The angel's twelve scales, although I don't know how your playing level is, but after watching today's performance, I intend to accept you even if you will not perform. There are four identical twins and Carrie Miss Ou Bi, seventeen of you are all in my heart. "

"Originally wanted to solicit us." Carrie Obi said to me: "Then you can go back. We like life now and don't want to work for others for the time being."

I laughed. "You think of things too simple?"

"What? Do you still plan to use strong?"

I shook my head. "Actually, I don't like to be aggressive. It's because I have a hard-nosed mouth. I often like to see where his hometown is, and then I'm very careful to say it. If it's ordinary people, it doesn't matter. In case I accidentally stated your address, and in case Ashoford happened to hear, how sorry I am? "

"Dare you threaten us?"

"Did I threaten you? I seem to be criticizing myself all the time!"

"Well, do you think you can threaten us so easily?" Carrie Obi said: "Even if you want to threaten us, you must first know where our headquarters is? Even if you have a big mouth and leak wind everywhere, you need to know Can something leak out? "

"Follow you and you know everything, you know you can't get rid of me."

"Who said?" Carrie Obi suddenly stretched her arms to both sides and spread her fingers. "Flash." A loud red smoke filled the air, and the crowd behind the smoke disappeared with the sound of smoke.

"Ahhhhhh ... how are these **** the same as ninjas?" I called out Ling. "Clean the smoke."

"Gust of wind." A tornado wiped out the smoke in a flash. Ling stood beside me and looked around. "All run out?"

I'm still coughing around. "What did these **** put in the smoke bombs? Hurry up to catch the mustard tear gas bombs! A sneeze ... Ling, help me direct and chase them apart!"

Ling nodded and opened the Fenglong space and the space door to command on my behalf. "Everything comes out, and now to catch people. The characteristics of the target are passed on to each other through contact with the mind. Okay, scattered."


After a while, my magic pets also ran out separately, not much slower than the guys in the angel bandit group. Lin Zi suddenly jumped. Many innocent World of Warcraft have been ravaged and ran by a large number of troops. I drank some water to clear my respiratory tract, and flew over the night shadow to the treetops. There is a Pegasus flying in the sky ahead, and it seems that someone is going to run from the sky with some luck. Ye Ying didn't ask me to just catch up.

Pegasus is fast, night shadows are more exaggerated, and four hoofs rush through the air with fire. The man in front was caught up before he ran far, and this man was actually Carrie Obi. Seeing me catch up, Carrie Obi was startled, and quickly let Pegasus dive into the forest.

"Night shadow, stop her."

Night Shadow dived directly into the woods, and Carrie Obi's Pegasus folded his wings and jumped between the trees. But after all, it is not as fast as the night shadow of the feet, and it is soon caught up. Night Shadow jumped around and ran across the two trees, and Carrie Obi rushed forward on a pegasus. There were trees on both sides and me in the middle, and she had no time to turn. Yeying and Pegasus collided. Pegasus is very tall, but it is slightly shorter than Night Shadow, and Pegasus belongs to that taller figure. The night shadow was tall and thin, full of power, and the collision immediately showed a difference. Ye Ying was snorted and panned two steps. Pegasus was bounced back all the way, and he couldn't get up for a long time.

I took advantage of the impact of the mount, but the awful thing was that Carlyobi didn't sit still, and she bumped up from the mount and hit me directly. I only heard a gurgling sound, and a huge force on my forehead knocked me off from Yeying's back.

"I'm dizzy, have you been cultivated by Al Qaeda? Even if I block you, you can't commit suicide?" I rubbed my head and sat up from a pile of rotten leaves. Although I brought a helmet, I did not put on a mask. This hit was not light, and the bridge of the nose was almost not broken.

Carrie Obi got up from the ground on one side, and shook her head and scolded, "Why is your head so hard? It hurts when it hits the ground! Doesn't the Chinese say that a good dog doesn't block it? What do you mean? "

"You misunderstood. That sentence means that the dogs blocking the road are all bad dogs, but that sentence is an evaluation standard for dogs. I am a human and do not apply this standard. I call a good person to block bad humanity. , You are a bad person, and you are a terrorist, pity my nose! Yeying helps me see if there is a nosebleed? "

Ye Ying turned his head and looked: "I didn't say anything for you to block the ground, what else do you complain about?"

Carrie Obi looked at Ye Ying in surprise. "Your horse can talk?"

"Miss, which eye do you see that I am a horse? Is there a horse like me?" Ye Ying snorted intentionally after speaking, a group of flames spewed out of his nose, and a few leaves were burned? Instantly withered and shrunk into a ball. Night Shadow is a pure nightmare, with the flames of **** spurting from its nose, which can directly burn life and soul.

Carrie Obi was startled by the fire spitting out by the night shadow, seeing the fire-breathing dragon more, the fire-breathing horse liked things. But she soon remembered that I was still there, and I should think of a way to run first, but she gave up when she noticed her mount. Ye Ying still cares about her and talked about her in a cold and windy way. She can see that the situation is very good, but Carly Obi's Pegasus is lying on the ground and blowing bubbles.

I saw what she meant, and asked her proudly, "Do you still want to run?"

"Don't be too proud, even if I can't run away, you won't get any benefit. Big deal, you will be killed once, I will not let you know where our base camp is."

Seeing her stubborn look, I suddenly felt funny. "Actually, I don't think you will lose anything by joining us. Why should you refuse?"

"Who said I wouldn't lose anything?" Carrie Obi said seriously: "I lost my freedom, the most important freedom, do you understand?"

"Our guild doesn't want you to be a long army. It's just a call when necessary. What do you still want to do?"

"Wrong." Carrie Obi exclaimed: "Your guild is too famous. If I join you, I will rob the land afterwards. Others will know that it was done by Frost Rose League, and they will come to you for compensation, What's the point of my robbery in this case? Even a small place would be afraid of you and see the sign of frost and would not resist directly, then I would lose my sense of accomplishment even if the robbery was successful. "

I looked at Carrie Obi with a surprised expression. "Don't tell me you're robbing just for a sense of accomplishment?"

"How do you know?"

"I depend, did you have nothing to do in your youth? Use robberies for entertainment?"

"Does anyone have a rule against robberies for entertainment?"

"The laws of every country make robbery illegal."

"But there is no law in the game."

Completely defeated. At first I thought Carrie Obi was robbing for money, but I didn't expect to do it just for fun. Although it is said that the difference between people is great, I still think that Carrie Obi's interest is completely incomprehensible. But ... I seem to think of a way to recruit her.

"Ask a question."


"If I could help you find something more interesting, would you join us?"

"Then let me hear if it's interesting enough before I say it."

"Anyway, you like robberies. In fact, our guilds also work in robberies, but it's not like a kid playing like a kid. We generally rob, not rob, and clean a city thoroughly All property. "

Carrie Obie's interest was clearly mentioned. "interesting."

"Not only looting the city. We will fight against the enemies in the city, and of course we will not run around like you ducking like a duck. We will resist, and many people will go together and thoroughly defend each other's guard Strength, pack the treasure house and the house away. "

Carrie Obi became more energetic.

"How many people will there be?"

"It depends on what is needed. Usually, a small city is ransacked, and three or five hundred elites can be used. If it hits the big complex. Like last time we joined the Iron Crusade to deal with Indonesia. We have united a lot. This country completely ransacked their country. What do you think of this nationwide looting? When the city was broken, all the property in it was yours, and you could take the city as your own. I still return Occupy several foreign cities. "

"Haha, that must be very interesting. I know that battle. The Iron Crusaders flaunted for a long time after participating in that battle. I also went to Indonesia to see the city they occupied. The city was ruined and it was really fun. . "

I am now absolutely certain that Carly Obey is prone to destruction and violence. In addition, she has abnormal psychology and extreme rebellion, but I need her talents. As long as her psychological problems do not affect her work, it does not matter.

Carleopy pulled me and said, "Can you really arrange such a robbery for me?"

"If you like it, I can even make you experience something more exciting."

"More exciting? Is there anything more exciting than that?"

I nodded mysteriously. "I'll tell you if you want to join."

"I ...!" Carrie Obi began to think, but soon she said, "I can't decide by myself. Let me go back and discuss it with everyone." She stood up to help her mount.

I hold her. "No need to bother, it's the same here." I clapped my hands. The surrounding woods shook for a while, and a large group of evil spirit knights came out of the woods, still holding in their hands beautiful women like bales. As for the four male players, they are probably back to life now. I only want seventeen female players in the music department, others don't matter.

Carrie Obey was taken aback. "How is this possible? I didn't order you to run separately?"

One of the quads said, "We ran apart, but they were also separated. I was followed by a hundred or two cavalry chasing me, and a bunch of giant bees messed up!"

"Hurricane? Where's the hurricane?"

I reached out my left hand, and with a buzzing sound like a bomber. A steel beetle landed on the back of my hand. I stroked the furry belly of the Iron Wasp and said, "She said this. I beckoned creatures. Although they are not very big, they are really fierce. If you were intercepted just now, I would send them on. But then you may have to suffer a bit. "

Carrie Obey looked at the steel-like hornet bee that was as big as a cat and said, "Fortunately, I was hit."

I smiled and lifted up the Steel Wasp and flew back to my back to become a feather and connected to my wings. "Callio, you can talk to them now."

Carly Obi said there was no excuse for discussion. She just wanted to run back, but now that she saw so many people arrested, she reluctantly gave up. "Okay, okay! I know you're great! Really! I'll join you? But you better let me rob every day, otherwise I will betray you. I will leak out my information every day and annoy you."

"Deal." Trafficking intelligence? Think easy. Carly Obi's personal strength is really good, but she is not a leader and does not know the characteristics of the guild. A member of an action group, no matter how powerful, is only an elite fighter. If you want to sell information, you must know the information. May I tell such a front-line person all the important information in the guild? But having said that, Carrie Obi should be just talking about fun. Girls like her have one thing in common-frankness. Their emotions are more superficial. No conspiracy is designed to harm people. Only people like me and Rose are bad.

Carly Obey agreed to join, and her guild members looked at her face, and after the merger, she did have a great benefit. So most of them agreed, and only three people withdrew from the guild. Carrie Obi was very interesting, and tossed the three people to the three bases of the guild, which was a kind of compensation for them.

With Carrie Obey, they went to the Iron Crusader headquarters first, and Ashford almost jumped into the sky when he saw Carrie Obey. Carlyobi continued to hide from Ashford, scared. Two people chased each other as if no one else existed. I was surprised to ask Asaford's vice chairman, McFarron. "What the **** did Carrie Obi steal from you? The reaction from Ashford?"

McFarren whispered to my ear: "The last batch of space crystals."

"Oh ...!" I nodded plainly. I know that last time Ashford brought his girlfriend to his guild and then deliberately engaged in romance. I want to teleport to an island with my family for the weekend, but the space crystal was robbed. The island's teleportation array was only half repaired ~ ~ When Ashoford started the teleportation, the frontal array was not completed, The teleportation failed, and Ashford was teleported to an uninhabited island full of wild boars and the boars spent a mud-filled weekend. Her girlfriend was sent to an island full of insects, but she was fainted by a big bug, and was hung back by being bitten by the bug. As a result, Ashford was scolded by her girlfriend. This incident later became the laughingstock of Ashford, and Ashford would enter into a runaway state when he mentioned it.

After all, Carly Obey studied dance. Flexibility was good, and Ashford failed to catch her in the end. I finally came forward to do peacemaking, Carrie Obi is now ours after all, so the previous grievances will be cancelled. All things Carrie Obi robbed were returned to the Iron Crusaders, and the two were equal. Although Ashford was still a little angry, he couldn't really take care of Carrie O'Brien, after all, I had already come forward to do peacemaking, and after he pursued it, it was a shame on my face.

After returning to Isinger, the seventeen beauties who were engaged in music were introduced to the six beauties in the guild. How they behave afterwards depends on their cooperation. Anyway, I found people almost, plus the last four Chinese magic sound masters in the information

, Our Isinger's band was officially completed. But before that, you have to try to see if the auxiliary effect of group playing on the battlefield really exists, and the best way to check it is actual combat. As for the goal ... It depends on who has been unlucky recently.

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