Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 48: Reverse cooperation

"Also?" I looked at the man.

He was very confident: "We can choose to refuse your help."

"Ha ha ha ha." I laughed suddenly, but half of the time I stopped suddenly, at the same time said in a rather cold voice: "This joke is not funny."

"It depends on what we use to exchange it." The man said confidently: "The quality of the staff of the guild is not high. Even if there are experts, there are of course no conditions for negotiation. However, we have secrets."

"Secret? Are you talking about intelligence?" I confirmed very carefully.

"Yes, intelligence." The man nodded and said, "If you want the information in our hands, don't show us the style of a big guild. We don't eat this."

I took a deep breath, made a gentle breath, and then turned quietly to True Red Road: "Let's go."

The man was surprised by what I said and quickly caught up with me. "You haven't heard our secret yet."

I didn't speak, just stared straight at him. Zhenhong turned fiercely and replied: "Our Frost Rose League only wants to do or not do, and we don't have to do it. Remember my words, you will understand what I mean when you die."


"Release." I opened his hand with a slap and turned towards the door. It slammed open the door, and the door bounced open, hitting the walls on both sides and making a loud noise, startled the guards outside. But they don't know what happened inside, and they can't say anything.

"Stop them," the man said.

The guards gathered around immediately, Zhenhong followed me, and suddenly turned back and punched the front guard gate. The guy immediately flew backwards and bumped into three other people who flew into the room and smashed the table. She turned really smartly, and the red cloak shouted behind her, leaving everyone in the room calmed down.

"Huh!" Zhen Hong dropped a dismissive hum and followed me towards the exit.

Until we came down to the talents on the ground floor to react, ak punched the man a little bit angrily. "Are you ill? What is your strength against? He is the eldest brother of China ’s First Guild. What prestige is the vice president of the Second Popular Society and others? What ’s the matter now? Light fight them? "

A player who had not said a word just now said, "Is there no assistance first, what if they help Century Light?"

"Catch up and apologize, idiot!" The player on the other side jumped up and pulled the president and the man and rushed downstairs.

When the supervisors in the room rushed downstairs, I and Zhenhong had already stepped on the mount. The two mounts sizzled and ran out into the distance. Ak rushed downstairs and immediately called his mount. After catching up, but ran farther and farther, it was completely invisible before leaving the city area, and she ran back and scolded the man.

Sitting on Yeying's back, I was too angry at this moment. Asking for help is so arrogant, at least it can be seen that the other party does not know the heights and heights of the sky, such a guild is rotten mud. Can never help it. The prerequisite for the Bank's expansion is that the quality of its personnel cannot be reduced, and it is better to have fewer people than to recruit garbage personnel. The garbage person I am talking about here is quality garbage. It's not a question of hierarchy. You can change your career if you have a bad career.

Zhenhong asked me, "What shall we do now?"

"Go back to those who were hit by you."

"Ah? Am I right?"

"You heard me right." I looked to Zhenhongdao: "It's actually very simple. The man who just wanted to threaten us is nothing more than profit. They must be in possession of something very valuable. we."

Zhenhong laughed: "Aren't you the goose and the hair? Why give up so directly today?"

"First, these people are not worthy of help. Second. Their ignorance encourages their unreasonable arrogance. In the end, it is certainly unacceptable for us to make an offer, so instead of wasting time with the Seal of the Seal of God and negotiating with them, we should give them up. I am indeed a geese, but they have forgotten an important thing, that is, money can be robbed in addition to making money. No matter what they are holding, they can just grab it if they cannot get the transaction. Although they will lose some reputation , But we can get a higher profit. Anyway, if we want to show in Russia, we must pull a beat and a beat. These people ca n’t pull it and they have to fight. ”

"Black, it's really black."

"Of course, the two parties choose each other. If you are not satisfied, you can talk again. I can't stand being threatened."

"Then why go to those who were hit by me?"

"It should be clear to me before seeing them fighting. These two guilds are obviously enemies, and the enemies of the enemies are friends, at least we can use them. If I guess correctly, the other party will be very willing after your punch With us. "

"What if they don't want to?"

"Then find another partner."

Zhenhong asked in wonder: "Why don't we just do it?"

"It's very simple. The Russian guilds with Chinese support can show their strength in Russia, but the Chinese directly show the guilds to Russia, only to unite them across the country and collectively resist us. Do you understand?"

"I still don't quite understand, but it seems to make some sense. I don't understand your twists and turns, just follow you. I'll do whatever you say."

"Then start by contacting our lovely allies."

Both mounts were amazing, and we soon returned to the previous city. But here is busy repairing the city walls. The really red punch is too powerful, the damaged houses in the city and the completely missing city gate are trivial, on the contrary, the human losses are relatively heavy. That punch swept directly across the city's main road, and everyone who was on this line at that time was basically involved. Not many people were killed, but affected by

It hurts a lot.

Our sudden appearance immediately caused panic. People in the city, Lima, came together to defend against any attack we might make. I've always thought that smart enemies are more adorable than stupid allies, at least you can bite him without enduring his stupidity. These guys didn't let me down, although they were prepared for defense considering that we might attack. He did not attack immediately, and the commander in it made me very satisfied.

She was the red catwoman who had come out of the hotel before. This woman really made me curious. When she saw her before, she came out of the hotel, but now she seems to be the commander here, but it does n’t make sense that any guild leader will fix the office in the hotel?

The woman pushed the person in front of the way out of the crowd and it seemed that she was not nervous at all. "Hi! How come the two are back again? Are they ill-treated? Or have you reached an agreement?"

This woman is difficult to deal with, this is my first instinct. "It seems that you really know each other." I didn't answer her, but I started another topic to disrupt her rhythm. It is dangerous to let the other party grasp the rhythm in the conversation. "Ak tells me they have a secret. I just want to suddenly wonder how much do you know about this secret?"

"Oh? That's interesting news." She held a crystal goblet in her hand, shaking the red liquid in it leisurely. "Let me think about it." She intentionally put her finger on her chin. Shows innocent shape. However, there is only one message that a hot **** girl can do in this kind of action-teasing. "Maybe I understand the situation."

"I like smart people. So let's talk straight?"

The woman laughed, and then came over and embraced my arms with all manners. "Come inside and talk."

The alarm was lifted instantly, and I was taken into the hotel to discuss in detail. I have to say that this woman is amazing. By contrast, Mr. Tauren was much more rude. On the way, he and True Red are bigger than anyone. Obviously, True Red suffers in this respect, but True Red always hints at her opponent's arrogant blow after she thinks she has an advantage, and the effect is excellence.

After entering the hotel, we found a private room and started negotiations. This woman almost crawled over me as if she had no bones, but this did not affect my mind. "Please. I'm wearing heavy body armor, can you not rub your ground armor with your Devil's Twin Peaks? Nothing!"

thump. The woman was hit too hard and fell straight down my leg. Really red could not help laughing. Even the tauren who followed her smiled red.

The woman pretended to be standing up from the ground as if nothing had happened, but she sat down to the opposite. "That being the case, then, in order to express our sincerity, how about sharing each other's intelligence first?"

"No problem. I have relatively little information, so let me go first. The thing I know is that ak has an interest worth fighting for, but I don't know what it is, or it may be simply Not a thing. But I can be sure that this thing has enough temptation, because the people of ak have tried to use it to offset the value of the entire guild. In other words, this benefit is more valuable than their guild. In addition, I know you It seems to be preparing for them. And I can probably guess that you do n’t know anything about this thing. I know so much. Besides, how about if you do n’t bother? You should know who I am. Then tell me who you are? "

The woman nodded. "My name is Little Wild Cat. He is a big cow. We are members of Century Light. I am the president and he is my bodyguard."

I almost burst out laughing. big cow? Good personality name. However, I know that this is the translation result of the translation system. The other party should use Russian, which means Daniel, which is definitely not the case.

The little wild cat is not laughing now, we are still sneer, still saying: "Our intelligence is more detailed than you. Let me understand what you are about to work on. That is actually a drawing, recorded on it Here is the design of a teleportation array. "

"Every city has a magical teleportation. Is there anything special about this teleportation design that is more valuable than a guild?"

The little wild cat smiled and said, "This is the key. This teleportation array is not a connection array between cities, but only a special space-specific transmission array."

"Specific space? You mean a dedicated space for items?" I asked.

"It's not a dedicated space. It's a brand new game area, or a new map. There are no players in this area. It is a separate space with monsters, resources, and land. But there is no player. You can Building a city to collect resources in it can also let people go in and level up. "

"Just a special map isn't worth that much money?" I asked, puzzled: "Why can't you practice leveling? If you build a city, we have a place to build. At most, it is safer to build a city on that land. Is there any other advantage? "

"Of course, it ’s not just such a good point, otherwise we wo n’t take it seriously. The biggest advantage of this place is not that there are no other players, but that all the monsters here are three times the experience. All the monsters in this space You can find them in this normal map. The monsters on both sides have the same attributes. The only difference is that the monsters in the special area have three times the experience value and the refresh rate is fast. It is the best level of guild leveling. A good place. In the normal map, you need to grab the leveling area better with others. You control the leveling area by force, others will say you are overbearing, but you do n’t have to worry about it here. The entire area is yours, what do you want? How to practice. There are resources there, each of the outside resources are there, although you still need to look for minerals carefully inside, but the area itself is not large. So think

It is very easy to find, and it is said that these mines are all rich grades with high output. Can make a big profit on top. "

"Wait, wait." I hurriedly stopped. "Do you mean that each such teleportation array can open up such a space, or do you mean that the teleportation array on this drawing can only be connected to this space?"

"Of course there is only this one space. Otherwise, do you not need to have a lot of leveling areas for the infinite copy of the teleportation matrix? That's okay? But if you create more of these teleportation arrays, you can have a few more entrances, but in the end they all enter This area. "

"Three times the experience zone is concentrated in extra-grade rich areas. I think I can understand why people at ak think this thing is worth our shot. Obviously, it is definitely worth the price. So what I want to know now is if we cooperate, How do you want to divide? "

The small wild cat said: "First we can build a teleportation array to let our own people enter this space, and then start their own leveling. There is no need to divide this point. With the number of our two guilds, even if we turn four or five Times are definitely enough. No need to blame. "

I nodded: "What about minerals and land?"

"There is nothing to grab land in this area. There is no one there anyway. Building a city is only used as a supply point for players and a place to store some special items. Like our guild, we would like to put all our guilds over there because there It ’s relatively safe to say that as long as you do n’t attack us, that city will not be attacked by players, because other guild players ca n’t go to that space at all. Therefore, we only need to build a city and grab it. Land doesn't seem to make much sense, does it? "

"That's it too. But first, we will have a lot of special buildings occupying a lot of space. Maybe we will build some special buildings over there, which may take a lot of area."

"It doesn't matter. Just leave us three to six times the size of the city."

"OK. So the last question. How are the resources divided?"

The little wild cat thought for a moment: "Our guild is relatively small. We do n’t have the ability to mine and smelt minerals ourselves, so we do n’t want to participate in the mining. In this way, all the minerals are mined by you, and we will send a number of supervisors to each mining area. They will calculate and check the daily mineral extraction volume, and then calculate the value of these minerals based on the average transaction price of the type of minerals on that day. Take out forty percent of its value and give it to us in cash. Then the minerals are all yours. I don't care how you use them. "

I thought for a moment: "Up to 15 percent. No more."

The tauren suddenly jumped up and growled, "You can't bully people like this?"

Zhenhong raised Yang Xiao's fist and immediately calmed him down. Apparently, the fist had caused him a serious psychological yin. The little wild cat apparently supported the Tauren's opinion, so she didn't stop the Daniel.

I said, "Obviously, your guild has never been exposed to such low-level products as minerals, so you may not have the corresponding knowledge. The first thing to explain is that our two parties are in a cooperative relationship, which means that you can only own up to 100 of these minerals. 50 percent, can you understand this? "

Both Daniel and Little Wild Cat nodded to show that they could understand. After all, the investment of a strong guild in the cooperation between a strong guild and a small guild must be very fierce. Of course, only half is already very good.

I went on to explain: "Minerals are not there, we need to find them and dig them. Mining is manual, right? Labor has to give money? After ore is mined, there must be no one who can be found there for beneficiation and separation. Pick it? We have to invest in something like a beneficiation machine? And raw ore is generally not tradable, at least to do primary processing? This series of processes requires investment of capital and manpower, but you throw all the tasks to us Under this premise, it is obviously unreasonable for you to take another 50%, right? "

Daniel and Little Wild Cat nodded again.

"The cost of general ore selection and initial processing accounts for about 10% of the value of the ore after the initial processing. A family accounts for 5%, which means that you have already obtained 45% of the bid. After all, we invested Strength, however, is equal to sharing money with you in the same proportion. Do you say this is fair? "

They shook their heads.

"So, we always have to have a cost return. In China, the return on investment in mineral resources is over 10,000 percent. Of course, that has to do with the national conditions of our country. The normal international ratio should be 300 percent. We invest The total amount is 10%. After three times the rate of return, it is 30%. If we remove 5% of our own land, you should remove 25%. That is to say, you have 10%. Twenty-five is already equivalent to a half profit with us. Do you all understand here? "

The two nodded silly with their mouths open.

"So, can't we pile there after the production of ore? The ore piled next to the mine must not be beneficial. So we need to transport it to the finishing point or directly to the place where the primary material is needed. Then we have to bear the transportation cost? The transportation cost of primary ore is generally 10%. Everyone is half-pointed. Your achievement must be reduced by 5%, and only 20% can be taken. In addition, processing 10,000 land Items still cannot be directly converted into profits. Do we have to sell them directly or reprocess the finished products and sell them? The sales channel between them must cost money? Do you know how much capital investment is required to support a national-level consumption network? Although we There will be a ready-made channel. But there must be cost sharing? In addition, due to this series of operations, we must have a backlog of funds. The entire process must be at least 10%, which means that you deduct 100% Five of them are already taking advantage of you. Our big guild cooperated with you to share less than 50% of the benefits. What else do you have? Opinion? "

I finished speaking in one breath, two people across

Already completely stupid. After a long time, the little wildcat suddenly said, "No, right?" "Why not?"

She immediately held her finger and counted there, and after a long while, rubbed her head into an explosive head very rudely. "I can't figure out what's wrong, there is a problem anyway. Fifteen percent is definitely a problem. You must have set a trap for us to jump, but I can't figure it out. I admit that you are better than us and negotiate us It ’s not your opponent, but since it ’s a cooperation, you ca n’t be too bad, right? Give us some sweetness, and we will close the deal at 20%. "

"Happy cooperation." I shook hands with her cheerfully. "Congratulations on joining the Frost Rose Alliance chariot fleet."

The little wild cat smiled bitterly: "Is this what it means to be tied to your chariot?"

"Almost! Haha, but you will not lose out following us. The best we are currently mixing with is the German Crusaders. We can support them to the rank of German guild leader and help you become Russia. The strongest guild, of course, is that you are willing to cooperate with us. "

The small wild cat said, "In my opinion, working with you is like sucking white powder. But this temptation ... forget it, let's say it later!"

I said earlier that the little wild cat is a very powerful character. The words after her mouth actually revealed the nature of our guild, but she reluctantly did not go on, because she knew that her guild was in a very In an awkward position, you have to accept it helplessly if you want to show.

After the agreement is reached, it will be much easier ~ ~ What we need now is to establish a guild city in Russia first, and then place a transnational transport array here. Once the city is completed, a large number of troops can be transported over, and then together with Century Light, the guild of ak is completely flattened and the drawing is grabbed.

This city that needs to be built will serve as a stronghold for us in Russia, so it will definitely become a fortified city. Of course, at present we do not want to engage in national warfare with the Russians, so this city is temporarily set up as a management city. In other words, the city still belongs to Russia, and China's heaven can't control anything here, except that the city is managed by our bank. This is similar to the starting city on the American side and will not be countered by the other country's system. If it is repaired like a fulcrum city, Russia ’s national spirit organization will inevitably fight back against us, and it will mobilize orders from players across the country, which will be troublesome.

The materials for the new city were all purchased in Russia, and the money was paid by us. Of course, the construction staff will do it right. After all, their city is built by people. In case of leaving a back door in the city wall, it will be over. The team from Isinger was on the next day. A spider fortress hung under the dragonfly castle of this guild first went to Russia. They are the fastest and should be able to arrive soon. They are mainly responsible for sending the transnational transport team first, and then the Giant Butterfly City will arrive later, bringing a large number of workers together. The Transnational Transit Front will then receive domestic technicians and advanced materials. We only buy stones and basic metals in Russia, and high-quality materials are prepared by ourselves. It doesn't take much weight anyway, and transportation is very convenient.

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