Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 50: Noreen's brother

A huge magma column exploded like a volcanic explosion. After the lava was scattered, a huge red human body appeared above the lava lake.

"Ivorit, the King of the Fire Elves!" Carrie Obi exclaimed. "How come there are monsters of the Lord level here?"

Crystal Flames also exclaimed: "Run, no one can run away when he starts attacking!"

"Wait a minute. This doesn't seem to be Everett." It was so red that it was more knowledgeable.

I have the same opinion as her. The real Everett I've seen, it's really similar to the one in front of me, but this is definitely not Everett. The **** of forging encountered under Mount Everest once said that Everett was originally a mechanical life form he built. Later, he was attacked by the gods and forced to seal himself in absolute space. Everett Then replaced his power to become the new forging god, and also served as the king of flames. According to the description of the forging **** at the time, Everett should be a completely independent mechanical creature. Although the thing in front of him looks like a mechanical puppet at first glance, his forehead is inlaid with a piece for receiving external commands. The flame article, obviously this big guy is a controlled magic body that accepts command actions, not an autonomous life body, at least not a completely autonomous life body.

I was flying in midair looking at the big guy below, and he looked up at me. The structure of this guy is like a monster, the only difference is that it is relatively large and the outside is relatively slim. The red body is covered with complex and mysterious golden patterns. His eyes were a crystal of LV-shaped flames, and the red ground was shocking. The beautifully structured arms and long legs look slender, but the metal body should be stronger than ordinary creatures, especially those with angular edges. It's a complete weapon, and I can conclude that this guy has high altitude and perfect attack power.

The red crystal staring at the eyes of my big guy suddenly lighted up, and I hurriedly fell. A red ray flew past my wings, melting away a few of my metallic feathers. The rays hit the rocks behind directly. That place instantly became a large magma rolling down the lava lake.

"Sun is a heat ray." Carrie Obi yelled at me: "That's a flame-type monomer curse, don't block it, you can only hide."

"Of course I know. Damn, my wings have melted!"

The red machine showed a miss, and a pair of wings popped out suddenly with a click. This is a fire-red metal wing made of some metal. The beautiful winter jacket is very attractive, but I would rather not see it myself. A bright white flame burst out from behind the mechanical body, and a huge mechanical life body over seven meters actually rushed towards me directly.

"I'm dizzy, why does this guy have a jet engine?" I quickly let a pass and let it pass. The robot turned over in the air. Feet first hit the rock wall of the crater, and then squat under the pressure to offset the impact. When the legs were bent to the limit, his jet engine was again powerful. At the same time, his legs also straightened sharply, assisting the body with bounce. The powerful power produced a powerful degree, and I had no time to respond, because in my eyes he seemed to be a fireball on the wall and rushed up again.

"Longyan sprays." A yellow smoke suddenly passed across me, and the machine crashed into the smoke and lost its target. I was dragged out by Xiaofeng.

"Abominable little reptiles, don't you know that the flame elves are not afraid of fire?" The mechanical body showed its shape from the smoke. His voice was full of steel like his appearance, and his tremolo voice was quite clear and penetrating. It can be heard clearly in this severely echoing crater.

The plague appeared above the guy, saying proudly: "Of course I know you are not afraid of fire, but who told you that Long Yan is the fire?"

At this time, the mechanical body realized what it was. Looking down, it appeared that yellow bubbles were emerging from the body, and brown oxides appeared in many places. "Strong acid?" The machine looked up angrily at the plague. "Are you a royal family?" Among the dragons, only the royal family's dragon inflammation can choose a variety of forms, and general dragons have only one kind of flame.

"Stupid, this is called strong acid, just to give you some appetizers." This voice came from the tank, a huge body floating in the air. Although they are beetles. But the Beatles can also fly. A dark green solution fell from the sky. The robot hurriedly blocked it with his arm, and the green solution hit his left arm and then splattered all over him. There was a gurgling sound on the body of the robot immediately, and all the places where it was stuck to the solution began to smoke, especially his arm, which had collapsed obviously to the naked eye. Suddenly he creaked, his half-arm was broken, and he fell into the magma below.

The robot looked at its left arm, and then looked at the tank above. "I will make you pay."

I shouted at the tank: "Quick flash, here he takes advantage, we leave the crater first."

Everyone immediately withdrew when they heard me. I didn't know until then that this huge crater was in a large desert, surrounded by boundless sands. Obviously this mission does not need to go much, the mission goal should be directly related to this guy.

Although the temperature in the desert is not low, it is cool and pleasant compared to the crater! When the mechanical body chased out from the inside, there was no problem in the whole body, which surprised me. "How did he recover?"

Xiaofeng said: "The flame represents manufacturing and rebirth, so almost all flame-based creatures have the ability to demobilize, and top flame creatures like us can basically respawn.

"Fuck, what about the undead monster?" Carrie Obi asked.

"Simple." I beckoned. "Arona, freeze rays."

Mermaids are aquatic organisms. The ice system is an advanced version of the aquatic system.

If it is to strengthen the attack and reduce the healing ability. This freezing ray is an ice-based monomer forbidden spell. Corresponds to the thermal energy rays emitted by the previous mechanical body. As soon as Aina came out, she shot frozen rays, but a shield with a burning flame suddenly appeared in front of the machine. The rays froze the shield instantly, and then the shield exploded. Didn't do any harm to that guy.

The robot seemed to realize that the ray of Ariana was very dangerous to him, and turned sharply to face us, his eyes flickered again. "No, it's a heat ray again." I pushed Ariana out, but the ray hit my arm directly.

"Ah!" I fell out in pain, holding my scorched arm.

"Have you made a mistake? It's so powerful?" Carly Obi clapped her hands to the back. "Sisters, it's our time. Can't let the chairman do the task alone?"

Zhong mm cried immediately: "Of course."

A large group of mm all took out their weapons from the space wheel on the wrist. This wheel was assigned to them. After all, it is a high-level combat force in the guild. It should be better for the welfare. As soon as a large number of musical instruments came out, they immediately set themselves up, under the direction of Carly Obey. A "Charming Voice" sounded.

The machine looked at those mm. "Ha ha ha ha, I am a mechanical being, and my mind is fully immune. Your music is useless."

"What about this?" The four dancing angels bounced on the ground staggering and rushed to the front of the machine. The robot approached them completely ignoring them. Suddenly a lot of shutter-like things bounced off his body, a wave of air visible to the naked eye swept out, and the sand on the ground began to crystallize quickly.

"No. Come back quickly, you can't post it." Zhenhong cried.

Before the four angels approached, they felt the heat wave coming from their faces, and a sudden stop with neat movements. Jumped back and jumped back. The mechanical louvered exhaust vent closed again, but the ground beneath his feet had completely crystallized.

"Hahahaha, I said you can't move me." The machinery screamed proudly.

He was smug with satisfaction, but Zhenhong suddenly fell from the sky and fell directly to the top of his head. "The 80th style of Dawei Tianlongquan? The ground explodes." A divine dragon flew from the real red fist, and the dragon's head hit the top of the mechanical body directly. The crystal ground under his feet cracked instantly, and then turned over. As soon as he got up, the entire body of the robot began to sink. She was shot into the sand, and she couldn't even see the top of her head.

After the real red landed, the action quickly jumped on the spot, and quickly jumped away. The sand where the mechanical body was photographed suddenly bowed upward, and there was a muffled sound, then it collapsed and formed a large pit. A shock wave spread outward in the sand, and the sand wave swept across our feet like a tide, showing how strong the impact is.

True red fell into the crowd, and said weakly: "It was almost burnt, this guy has at least a thousand degrees around him. Fortunately, I have the protection of Tianhuo Zhenyuan, otherwise it must be over."

"Did you kill it?" I asked really red.

Zhenhong shook her head: "I didn't hear the prompt, maybe I didn't kill it!"

As soon as Zhenhong finished speaking, the ground suddenly lifted up, and a fiery red figure popped out from under the ground. "Your **** have irritated me completely and you have to pay for it."

"Hum, kill us if you have the ability, don't talk big if you don't have the ability." True red stood up, threw his fists fiercely, clicked, the two faucets on the arm of the pounder slide forward, and the mechanical padlock will instantly Positioning the dragon's head structure, both her fists were wrapped in the dragon head. "Dawei Tianlongquan's third type-cut off water." A golden fist wind blew through, and the flame on the body suddenly extinguished. "Quick, chance." Zhenhong fell after finishing talking, just now it seemed to be too severely affected by the high temperature, and there was a problem with the body circulation.

The flame of the body shield of the mechanical body is blown away, which is a good opportunity. "Tank," I shouted back.

The tank unfolded quickly, and the magic light launcher rose from its back. "The whole flickers away." A white light beam cut through the space, and even the sun in the sky became dim. The mechanical body was hit directly, and the entire body was bombarded for several kilometers, and it crashed into a volcano before stopping. The shooter on the tank's back was rotated at an angle, and the other barrel turned out. "Second." Boom, a purple shell flew out.

The robot noticed the shells coming in, and hurried out of a pit on the ground to make a tumbling shot to clear the bombardment site. However, he didn't run far enough, and the blast still lifted him out, and we noticed that there seemed to be a big hole in his body, probably caused by the magic light attack just now.

After the robot landed, it rolled over. Then he got up and touched his wound, and then he screamed angrily. But I don't have the habit of seeing people barking there. "Tank, hit his wound with a strong acid bomb."

Alas. A green slime ball flew out, and the mechanical body was beaten backwards, and the strong acid burned a huge gap on his waist. We could even see the dense crystal structure inside. This guy really is a magical creature, and his body is all mechanical.

After roaring again, the red flame suddenly burned on the body, and his wound healed to the naked eye quickly.

"Fuck, this guy can automatically repair it outside!" Gold Coin scolded.

"It doesn't seem that simple."

As soon as I finished speaking, the robot suddenly fell forward, and the arms supported the ground into a kneeling position. Then a red arc flashed on his body. In our sight, the machine parts of the guy actually started to move. He folded his hind legs and shortened a bit. Some parts turned out to strengthen the legs. The arm part was also transformed, especially his palm turned into a paw. His body didn't change much, but a tail like an iron whip appeared from behind, his head spread out to both sides, and a sharp mouth protruded from the front. Then the heads were merged and fixed again.


"Fuck, how is it deformed?"

The humanoid robot turned into a steel monster like a lion. After the transformation was completed, Yang Tian roared, and the sound had no clear feeling before. There was only a roar of roar.

Carrie Obi said: "What is this *? How did it become a Garou beast? Everyone hurry up to take the instrument and flash people, he moves quickly, there is no time for the Seal of the Throne to play for you."

Carrie Obey was so prescient that the guy suddenly jumped down as soon as he was transformed. The tank's launcher turned, but never fired. I couldn't help asking, "Why didn't you fire?"

"He's too fast, I can't follow."

"Collect your cannon first, this guy is not suitable for long-range weapon attacks." I opened the Fenglong space. "Yueyue, Ling, Xiaochun, come out to help. The dragons all came out to me, and the little dragon girl came on. The sickle, the stinger. Ready to assist the attack." Transformed into the form of silver moon, and then put the red lotus and steel teeth Come out. Reverted to purple sun form again. "Go around and kill him for me."

"Observe." The magic pets launched an attack gesture together.

The mechanical body has been transformed into a mechanical beast. The speed is more than ten times faster, and the running zigzag line rushes up. Xiaosan and Lucky rushed up first, the guy was too fast, and rushed between them. But luck was not disappointed, and a proud smile flashed in his eyes. "Zhongji is up."

The mechanical beast ran and suddenly lost its balance, and the whole body fell forward. It turned out that a lucky silk thread was pulled between Lucky and Xiaosan. This is the high-stretch spider silk contributed by the sickle, and it is not afraid of high temperature, otherwise it would not be able to pull this highly mobile guy. While he fell on a horse, the sickle immediately spewed a white silk ball. There is still a wire behind the silk ball. When the silk straightens, the silk ball suddenly expands into a large spider web. As soon as the mechanical beast rose from the ground, a spider web fell from the sky. He wanted to run, but it was too late, and he was **** by the spider web before he could run.

In fact, the tensile ability of the spider web cannot support the pulling of the mechanical beast at all, but the spider web has the advantage of good elasticity. Regardless of how the mechanical animal stretches in the net, he cannot pull the net to the limit length. As long as it does not exceed the limit length, the wire on the net will not be pulled off, which has nothing to do with strength. The mechanical beast trapped in the net desperately struggled, but couldn't get out.

The steel teeth swooped up from the side, biting the back of the mechanical beast, and then forced it hard. We all heard a bitter metal twist, the mouth of Steel Tooth closed and the head of the mechanical beast pulled down. Steel Tooth gripped the neck of the robotic beast that had almost broken, and turned sharply to throw him out. The mechanical beast entangled in the net crashed and fell to the ground.

Yeyuedi's eyepiece flashed. "Petrochemical." The mechanical beast's wound instantly turned into stone. The most troublesome problem for this guy is the ability to heal automatically. But the wound was petrified and could not heal. This is our strategy.

"Oh!" The roaring animal roared, then rolled to the other side. Yeyue's petrified wound actually began to melt into magma, and then healed again.

"I depend. Can't this be all right?"

"Ling, Xiaochun, it's up to you."

Ling made a ok gesture to me, then took a step forward. "Dimensional critical points." A large number of small black crescents suddenly appeared in the sky, and then with Ling's staff, those things immediately flew towards the mechanical beast like a heavy rain.

After a silent rainstorm, the mechanical beast rattled into a pile of parts and fell to the ground. He was actually cut into pieces by Ling. Ling fell weakly to the ground. "Huh, I haven't tried such advanced magic for a long time. I used it only once to deal with the higher gods. This time it is cheaper for you."

"Find the core." Carrie Obi suddenly called. "There must be a core to this kind of thing that can be automatically reorganized, and you can deal with it by holding it."

We listened and quickly found it. Sure enough, there was a red crystal ball burning in the pile of parts. "It's that thing."

As soon as I was about to rush over, all the parts of the robotic beasts flew up, and they were assembled again before us and turned into human figures. "You don't want to deal with me. Except the great Lord Jia Ha, no one can take the flame spar from my care."

"Slow, who do you say? Do you know Jia Hashi?"

"Well? Have you heard that? Father's name?"

"Father?" I froze. "Wouldn't you be a puppet made by Jia Ha like Noreen?"

"Norin? Do you know my sister?"

"Your sister?"

"Yeah." The robot nodded. "Father made me to guard the flames here after making me here. He also told me that I had a sister named Noreen, and I had seen her magical image. But my sister Do n’t you live in a studio in Mysterious Island? Why do you know your sister? ”

Good guy. For a long time, this guy is actually the creation of Jia Ha. And he was created after Noreen, so he became Noreen's younger brother. But this guy seems to have never left this place, his mission should be just a guard.

Since it is known, it is easy to handle. Compared to the level of fighting, my communication ability is actually stronger. "Since we are our own, then we seem to have misunderstood." I said, "Your sister Noreen is already the technical consultant of our guild. You should join us like her."

"I can't leave here, and my father asked me to guard it when he left."

"What about Jiaha?"

"Father left many years ago."

It seems that Jia Hadi's whereabouts remain a mystery. "Do you know where your father is?"

The robot shook its head. "I do not know."

It's really troublesome. "So what would you do if your sister asked you to leave here?"

"Of course my father is not listening to my sister."

"That's good." Hey, Noreen is much more intelligent than this machine, and

She has not received any direct orders, so her mind is no different from ordinary people. Since the throne of the Seal of God has been with us for such a long time, we have a great trust in us. It is absolutely no problem for her to bring this machine to our guild. "Your sister wants you to come to us. So you better follow us."

"But my sister is not here. What do you lie to me?"

gosh! Saying that his intelligence is too low does not know anything.

"Then if I bring your sister here, would you like to follow us?" I asked the robot.

"If you can bring your sister and she's willing to let me follow you, of course, no problem."

"Okay, I'll just ask someone to bring her here."

Now that this place has Jiaha's footprint, it should be somewhere on the normal map, not a special mission space. But I don't know where it is. I can't get Noreen to come here. Ruyi Altar's mission teleportation is all at once. If you want to send someone over again, unless the other party wishes to enter this space and then complete a task, it will be too slow. I thought about a simpler method, first let Rose put Norin into Fenglong space. Although Fenglong Space cannot hold living creatures other than the magic pet. But Noreen is a mechanical life form and is no longer included. After that, as long as I use the ring of love to summon roses to me, Noreen is naturally brought over. But before that, you have to ventilate the air. In case Noreen does not agree with this guy to follow us, it will be troublesome.

First contact Rose with the ring of love. After hearing the situation, Rose went to talk with Noreen immediately. Noreen did not oppose this brother to join our guild. Besides, she didn't know she had this brother. This machine was built after Jia Ha left Noreen. Noreen didn't even know that there was such a robot.

Rose and Noreen took her to my side after reaching an agreement. When Noreen saw the machine, she ran over excitedly. "I didn't expect it was really my father's work."

"Sister, I'm Everett. I'm so glad to see you. I haven't seen my loved ones since my father left." There must be a similar identification code between the two mechanical life forms, Noreen before He didn't know this brother at all, but immediately after the meeting, he confirmed the authenticity of the other party. Explain that they have their own judgment system.

The two mechanical beings are like two long-distance relatives. After the meeting, they chattered and forgot about us all. I had to personally pull them apart to end their conversation. But the content of their conversation is not worthless. I know at least that Jia Ha was alive thirty years ago. Because this mechanical life body named Everett is only thirty years old, which means that the time for the completion of the Seal of the Seal of God is not long.

This Everett is not the true Fire Elf King Everett, it's just named after the Fire Elves named Everett. Through Xilin, I roughly learned that the original intention of this Everett and Noreen design is completely different. They seem to represent two completely different evolutionary directions for mechanical life forms. Noreen's design goal is to be infinitely close to humans. Of course, this refers to intelligence and appearance, not to learn from the weak human body. Noreen's ability is mainly concentrated in two aspects of academic research and management ability, either as a research or engineering staff, or as a leader. Everett's abilities are completely different, and his design ideas seem to be directed towards the fighting machine. Everett's body targets high defense and low weight, has high agility and strong attack power, and also has some very special abilities. For example, deformation.

Everett's deformation ability is not only a form. We only found that he can switch between human form and a lion-like beast form, but in fact he also has a turret form, an aircraft form, and a flying fish. form. The human form is his main form. At this time, he can use weapons, and the various attributes are relatively average. When encountering too many enemies, this form can avoid ordinary switching forms. The beast form is a form that attaches importance to attack power, but the defense will be relatively reduced, and the weapon will not be used. The turret form and the beast form are completely opposite. At this time, he will completely lose his ability to move, but will gain four to five times the defense and recovery, and at the same time greatly increase the long-range attack power. Needless to say, the aircraft form and flying fish form are two mobile forms, which are specifically used for long distance movements in the air and underwater.

Everett's energy comes from ambient temperature, which makes me jealous. The guild's single fighting power of the monster is over the sum of ten players with average water level. It can also play a more important role than the player in various tasks. And the synergy of the puppet legion is very scary. The legion formed by the puppet can unite in a unified pace like a person and cooperate with each other. At the same time, the puppet is immune to the mind, the curse, most of the temperament, and some of the undead. It is more effective than players and mercenaries. But the puppets must be driven by the extremely rare red veined magic crystal, and a magic crystal is full of energy to drive them for only a few hours, it really makes me love and hate. Love them to fight like God of War, hate them for spending money like running water! But if Everett can rely on environmental heat to work, this attribute is too awesome, right? The number of high-level demon puppets in this guild is still only about one thousand, and the others are tadpoles modified by immortals. The combat effectiveness cannot be compared with that of puppets. The only advantage is that it can be manufactured in large quantities. But if we can get Everett's technology, then we can think of how to create a puppet, and we won't have to break our heads for a red-grained spar and other people.

In addition to deformation and energy systems, self-healing technology is also one of Everett's core technologies. This guy seems to be able to recover any physical damage as long as he consumes a certain amount of energy. Of course, the core must be intact, and there is no way to self-study. Everett ’s energy for self-cultivation comes from the energy absorption device in the body. This thing not only supplies the body with energy and releases the energy needed for energy attack after absorbing the environmental thermal energy.

It also bears the energy source of self-repair. It is not that the energy in the ambient temperature is zero when it is zero. Only absolute zero is true that there is no environmental energy at all. Even if it is a thermodynamic temperature scale, there is environmental energy. Of course, Everett's absorptive capacity is not so good that it can work as usual at this temperature, and his limit is below minus one Baidu. Below this temperature, he can only switch to backup energy until it runs out. But as long as it reaches minus forty degrees, he will lose continuous self-study ability. If he wants to do self-study, he must reduce exercise to save energy. But nevertheless. Self-study is still a very strong ability, especially when he is in a high temperature environment, that is almost invincible.

In addition to the above three main technologies, many small technologies from Everett are also worth learning from, so it is impossible for me to let him go. Fortunately, although Noreen confirmed that this was her brother, she did not feel that it would be bad to join us. They are any puppets anyway. The idea of ​​freedom does not make much sense to them. Instead, they like to be ordered and arranged by others, and they are not used to deciding how to live. In our guild. Everything they need can be met, and things they don't like will not happen. What can we do without joining?

However, to join, to join, Everett did not join the guild in the same way as Noreen. Noreen was only a guild adviser, but Everett was picked up by me. I was just trying to see if the system allows mechanical life forms to become magic pets. I did n’t expect that it was really okay, and what depresses everyone is that mechanical life forms are more suitable for magic pets than other life forms, especially ordinary ones. The magic pet of man. Because all mechanical life forms can be automatically reduced to the core form. Everett became a necklace after becoming a magic pet. The name is Mechanical Heart. If you need to throw it out when you need it, you will be able to resume the combat form. Unlike other magic pets, you also need space magic to ship. Mechanical magic pets are space items. Instead of shipping tools, you can provide them. A volume of more than ten cubic meters, a small space dedicated to storing commonly used items.

In the end, Everett also gave me a surprise. He was actually a humanoid and gave me two more seats.

After Everett became his own, Qun Rui's task was successfully resolved. These spar guarded by Everett are quest items, and it is appropriate to inlay these items on the drum and armor of the group core. Qunruidi's big drum dance itself is fierce and fiery dance. After adding the spar, it becomes a high-level fire attack dance, which can cause fire magic damage. And the red spar is just right with her gear and drum color.

After the mission was completed, everyone was teleported back to the altar, but I encountered a very embarrassing problem. Rose and Noreen were left there! At the beginning of the mission, there were no two of them, and the altar did not pull them back when they returned. As a result, I had to wait for the cooldown of the ring of love to pass the Seal of the Seal of Thrones before summoning them back. But Rose said that before that she would find out if there was a way out, if I could come back by myself, I wouldn't call her.

After returning, we didn't rest. In the order of the draw, the next turn was the equipment of the four dancing angels. After understanding the needs of the four dancing angels, then everyone chose each other's equipment to cope with the problem, and finally came up with a compromise. After I read the comments, I started to make a wish, the altar started again, and we have appeared in the next second ... eh? sky?

"Ah ...!" We just felt that our feet fell collectively down. How can this **** altar be sent to these dangerous places?

Our position was obviously quite high. It was already two seconds after we reacted, but even then we could only see the clouds below, and we did n’t even know where it was below. A few millimeters have been scared for a long time. The game is too realistic. The excitement of falling from the heights is not suitable for everyone. A group of mms called it a miserable one.

I summoned the little dragon girl directly to get it done once, but the little dragon girl's gravity formation was very slippery. In addition to increasing gravity to affect the enemy's agility, it is also possible to reduce the gravity of your own people. When the gravity we receive is reduced to three percent of the normal value, the degree of fall has become very slow, and landing at this degree will not hurt at all.

Because of the excitement, everyone was quiet. I rode on the night shadows and gathered the floating people one by one. True red and gold coins are completely ignored, they both have flying mounts. In fact, these mm are equipped with unicorn Pegasus, but suddenly appeared in the air and was frightened.

After everyone calmed down, I asked them to summon their guard spears. The guard spears of this guild will be available as long as they are full members, and such high-altitude spears are more useful than Pegasus. After everyone was ready, I replaced the night shadow with a flying bird and took back the dragon girl.

Start star pupil looked around. Nothing around. It's high in the sky, and the clouds are still far below us, without any obstructions at all. And because the air is thin, the visibility here is much better than below. With the ability of the star pupil, I have seen almost everything within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, except for air or air, nothing.

Zhenhong complained: "Is there anything wrong? Pass us to such a high place. Do you want us to see the scenery?"

Carrie Obi looked up and said, "Yeah! You can see the stars even higher!"

The gold coin said to me: "Did you not have a star pupil in Ziri? See if there is anything around you?"

"I still use you to say, I've seen it before. It's all around us except for us, and I asked Emmys to look over it. There wasn't even anything in disguise. There were definitely people around us here, what nothing."

"Then ... uh? What's that?" Gold coins suddenly yelled at me behind.

As soon as I looked back, I saw a bright red line going straight from below and shooting all the way to an invisible distance above us. Although this red

The colored beam of light is very thin, but the penetrating power is very strong. I visually checked that the distance between the beam of light and our nearest point was about 300 meters, which is not too far.

Zhenhong frowned. "How does this thing look so familiar?"

The gold coin also put on a thinking look and said, "I feel the same way when you say it. I've definitely seen this beam of light somewhere."

Bingbing suddenly patted his hands.

"Ah! I remember. This is Babel Tower's aiming beam."

"Babelta?" Carrie Obi looked at me in doubt. "What is that?"

Carrie Obi joined the guild, and many things in the guild had not yet come to tell her. I roughly explained what the chin Bell Tower was, and made them all excited. The Babel Tower was really destroyed the first time Suzaku destroyed Isinger, and now this is repaired with Babel Tower's core system. The shape is a lot worse, but the function is still complete. Now that we see the beam of light of Babel Tower, there are only two possibilities. The first possibility is that we are just above Isinger, the beam of light flies upwards and passes by us, and the other is that we are near the attacking target of Babel Tower. This is the re-emitted beam from outer space.

Try it, and then you'll know. I commanded a half and flew out to block the beam. The aiming beam was non-destructive. When the half moon passed through the beam, the upper half of the beam was missing, that is, the beam of light was hit from below, and we were right above Isinger.

We were even more puzzled when we knew exactly where we were. The four dancing angels chose four sets of matching battle armor, but why teleport us over Isinger's head?

Just as we weren't sure what the mission was about, a portal appeared suddenly around us, and then two angels stepped out of it. The two angels, one man, one woman, still talked and laughed when they came out, but when they stepped out, they suddenly saw us and were all stunned.

The other angel was obviously completely unaware of anyone outside. If they did not pass the place, then they should know that it is high in the sky, so no one around them should be, and it is because of seeing us that we will make them react so much.

In fact we have been fooled. A portal appeared suddenly around him. This can only be said to be a coincidence, but it is not fun to see this situation above Isinger's head. "The other party is investigating our situation." This was the first reaction in my heart, but I didn't shout out.

It wasn't any of us that broke the deadlock, but Isinger below. A khaki beam of light hit from below. The two angels were locked straight. "It's the evil eye, and we've been spotted." The male angel pulled the female angel around him and ran towards the space gate.

Now they are the eyes of **** on the top of the tower, which is the only artifact-level city defense weapon in the city. It can detect any **** or other enemies from a long distance, and it is very powerful. The two angels apparently forgot to close the space door because they were frightened by us. As a result, the gate was opened for too long and the Seal of Throne was too long and captured by the keen eye's reconnaissance ability.

Seeing them drilling back, I didn't follow them immediately, but summoned Xiaochun and pointed at the door. Even if I rush in, other people must have no time to go in, so I just chose to summon Xiaochun. The other party is an angel. This kind of transmission Xiaochun should also be able to. She saw Xun throw something in before the door closed, and then painted with both hands. "Tracking transmission."

A new space door opened in front of us, and inside the door were the two angels who just ran in. They were clearly scared by the newly opened space door. I have seen this magic before, it can track the opponent's teleportation target, and it can use the energy of the opponent's portal to make the caster only need to release a little mana to complete the same teleportation distance.

Without my command, everyone rushed into the space door. The angel inside did not scream in panic until this time. "Invaders! Come ... oh oh oh ..." The male angel fell to the ground without shouting, and the female angel turned and tried to run, and was caught by Real Red and fell to the ground.

"Lock soul song-the sound of sleep." Bingbing's flute sounded a strange music. It sounds like a lullaby, but it actually has a strong hypnotic effect. The two angels became softer and harder, and closed their eyes and fell asleep.

Bingbing lowered his flute and said, "I didn't expect it to really work."

"What really worked?"

"I learned the tune just now. I heard that the angels resist negative magic, so I tried to strengthen the analgesic therapy music. Because it is the music of auxiliary therapy, it is not an offensive magic. Angel Resistance doesn't work. I didn't expect to really hypnotize the angel. I thought it would fail! "

Carrie Obi interrupted Bingbing's excited introduction and pulled us over: "We seem to be teleported to an incredible place?"

I heard that I took a closer look at the surrounding environment ~ ~ This place is a rectangular grassland that looks like a small courtyard. Behind us is a stone arch with many gems in it. According to the arrangement, it can be judged that it is a portal, and it should be it that we are following. Around the grass where the space door is placed, there are some stone pillars, a card gallery built, and a lot of green plants climbing and tangling on the pillars in these card gallery, forming a natural green awning for the promenade, In particular, these plants are blooming with beautiful flowers. They look very beautiful.

Behind these galleries was what Carrie Obi was amazed at. There is a huge group of buildings outside, and our place seems to be a small flower circle among them, surrounded by tall buildings, and it is extremely gorgeous and spectacular. Combined with the scale of the building here, the two angels sleeping on the ground, and the style of sculptures on nearby buildings, we can roughly judge that this is a temple, but also a temple of light. No force other than the temple will build this

What a magnificent but totally defensive building, and the Dark Temple will not use angel sculptures. Besides, the Dark Temple will not make the building white, let alone spend so much. If we appeared in a cemetery full of skeletons, I might think it was a dark temple.

The question now is where are we in the temple of light. Looking at this spectacular building complex, aren't we at the headquarters of the European Temple of Light?

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