Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 53: Dirty purity

Although we know that we are safe after crossing the border, the guys in the Temple of Light also know this, so they are not slow. As soon as we left the teleportation array, a large number of angel guards chased out in the bright temple in this city. The temple has its own teleportation system. It is not necessary to borrow civilian teleportation points, but it is faster than us. When we arrived at the border tunnel, there were already the leading troops of the Angel Corps guarding here, and it was even more depressing that the guild here seemed to have a good relationship with the Temple of Light, and actually took the initiative to help block the intersection.

"Can't make it through!" Carrie Obi said at the blocked junction.

"Go by." I quickly opened the space door. "Scott, do you see the passage in front? Rush open it, anyway."

"Understand." Scott turned and shouted into the space door. "Finally."

The greatest advantage of the soldiers of the Dark Legion is their high efficiency and discipline, which completed the cavalry formation in an instant. Scarlett drew his sword forward: "Charge!"

"Tie the enemy line!" The evil knight shouted at the same time, everyone with a loud voice had to cover his ears. "charge!"

The ground suddenly began to shake violently, and more than 9,000 evil spirit knights followed the bell ring knight straight toward the blockade ahead. After all, the teleportation array of the Temple of Light is also limited in capacity. The vanguard only passed on thirty or forty people. In addition to this guild, it was enough to intercept our small group of people. However, I ran alone just to facilitate the movement. When more people are needed, I still have more than 9,000 evil spirit knights to call. Although these thirty or forty angels are all masters of one hundred miles, the masters in the army-level charge are not as effective as heavy infantry. The cavalry rushed across the blockade like a flood, and the blockade line that was not prepared to refuse horses and other roadblocks could not stop the cavalry from charging. It was washed away in an instant.

A dozen angels in the opposing team reacted quickly and realized that they could fly immediately when they couldn't stop it, but unfortunately the evil knights all wore lasso. This good tradition has existed since they were skeleton cavalry, and it has been preserved to this day. The dozen flying angels were instantly sturdy by a pile of lasso. Then he was pulled down to be trampled by subsequent cavalry, and finally, like the angel in front, he turned to the meat dregs on the road and the blood in the drainage ditch.

This place was an important crossing between the two countries, and the number of people was very large. Suddenly being blocked was a lot of people stranded. Because of their own power, how dare they not dare. Players do not hesitate to set you up and see that the angels who have delayed their time for the Seal of the Seal of God are trampled by the cavalry and they applaud, and many people rush behind The cavalry whistled.

"So handsome!" One player shouted, "Even the people in the temple of light dare to step on."

I do n’t have time for the people around the Seal of the Throne to land on those fast and follow them. "After that, I whistle to Skott. Skott turned his attention immediately. He didn't follow the charge just before the charge. I made a fist to him, and then moved tightly.

Scarlett immediately understood what I meant. I shouted a group of evil spirit knights around, then pointed at me, and drew a few hands. The evil knight immediately came over and wrapped the mmmm in the middle and rushed towards the front gate.

I don't know if it is my intention to do it right with us. This guildman refuses to let us go. The tunnel gate in front started to close slowly in the sound of friction. The blockade line is not far from the gate, but the vanguard part of the evil spirit knight may pass, but we are too late.

Skort blew out something like a horn. The team immediately and neatly made an emergency stop without any collision with each other. The players who knew the place around were immediately applauded again. This performance is definitely achieved by riding at or above the master level, but a whole team of cavalry is all master level, which is rare.

"Tank, open the door." I ordered the tank as soon as I summoned it.

When the tank heard the order, it hurriedly launched the shooter on its back, but suddenly I remembered that there was something more to deal with. "Tank, over there, completely destroyed."

The shooter on the tank's back turned immediately. The original beam catapult was converted into a blast catapult. A purple light bullet hit the distant temple of light in the exclamation of everyone, a small group of flames rose, and the temple collapsed in an instant. I said to Marilyn with a doubt on her face: "There will be no chasing."

Marilyn nodded suddenly.

The tank's launcher turned back quickly and aimed at the gate. Just now we delayed this meeting. Many people in this guild blocked the gate again, but after seeing the end of the temple, they realized that they should not come. Originally, they were worried that the cavalry rushed to the door, so they came to block it. We didn't expect that we were too lazy to hit the door, but directly bombarded. This can't be related to the other party's decision-making mistakes. Who can think of my magic crystal cannon with me when I go out?

A smaller magic crystal shell flew directly to the gate than the one just now. The shells started to flee before the soldiers arrived, but it was a little late. With a loud noise, the fragments of the gate flew up with the guards. Scarlett sounded the horn again, but with a different tone.

In the cavalry formation, there was a loud throat sound: "Charging!" The cavalry began to charge again in the rumble of vibration. Without the gates and guards, the tunnel was completely unguarded.

Withdraw the tank and I rushed into the tunnel with the army. Later, the light shrine from the civilian teleportation array in the city chased the soldiers crazy and wanted to blow up the tunnel to block our evacuation, but the guild that also helped the light shrine at the beginning suddenly turned around and started working with the light shrine. . This passage is a money-maker who has worked hard to build it. It was okay to help them in order to show respect for the temple. Now the temple wants to blast the channel and they will not resist and die.

This delay time, the throne of the Seal of God, we have crossed the middle line, the anxious chaser behind him jumped and scolded his mother there, but there was nothing we could do. On the German side, the Dark Temple dominates, and the Light Temple does not dare to chase it here.

Without the chase, we easily returned to Tianyu City. No one can move us at our own site. It was not until this time that Carrie Obi had time for the Seal of the Seal to ask me why I would be chased. I only explained to them that it was the impact of the task content. In fact, I was not a lie. This was definitely the result of the altar's wishing task. . Of course, I am actually very happy with this result, because it can not only help the four angels get equipment, but also help us to gain a huge benefit by the way.

Explain that everyone is doing their own activities here first, but you must not run too far. You need to be on call. Then I took Marilyn back to Isinger. Marilyn screamed as soon as she teleported. She always thought that the temple building was the most spectacular and magnificent, but she was completely dizzy after seeing Isinger's building. Let ’s just say that the general gathering tower of the Tongtian tower is tall and dizzy, even if some ordinary buildings are tall, especially when you look up to the sky completely, you can see Isinger upside down on Isinger on the ground. Sky City. The two cities are facing each other like mirror images. Its magnificent design simply compares the building of the bright temple to the henhouse and duck shed.

I smiled and took her to the Temple of Chaos and Order in Isinger, called Wina and summoned Ling and Xiaochun to receive her. Marilyn, as the goddess of light, still holds considerable respect for Wei Na's level existence. As for Ling and Xiaochun, because of my relationship, she also behaved fairly politely, after all, they are in theory equal to her. Although the Temple of Chaos and Order is still an independent religion of our guild and cannot be compared to the Temple of Light, Wei Na's personal strength is clearly above her. Moreover, she is now chased out by the people in the temple, the identity of this goddess has become a problem. To be honest, she didn't know exactly what had happened until now.

After she asked me for advice in person, I started to continue the conversation in the Temple of Light: "In fact, the situation is very obvious now. I think that what is born on you is almost a general formula. Several various interest groups may be born. The situation. You goddess has only been rampant from the beginning, and the Presbyterian Church is the real master. "

Marilyn nodded: "I also know that the Presbyterian Church has the most power. I just wonder why we talked about half of you and you suddenly pulled me away. When I saw the chase, I knew you were trying to avoid them. But how did you know that they would come and catch us? When you took me to start running, it was obvious that they hadn't moved yet? "

"This is to observe the environment around you. Because you said before that you can't mobilize manpower, and this time the merit of grabbing the commandments has been compulsorily given to Flindir, all this shows that the Presbytery is preparing to replace the goddess. . "

"Just take me away with this?"

"Of course not. It's not enough to draw conclusions. The thing you didn't know was that in the last interim meeting in Egypt, Flindil called himself the goddess of light. I know that you are currently the main **** of light in the temple, and Flindil is just an alternate, But she called herself that way in public. The situation was wrong. She dared to expose her ambitions in such a arrogant way, which only showed that she was in control and that there was nothing to worry about. The ring of commandment in Egypt After that, it ’s not too long before the Seal of the Immortal Seal, which is almost the time when the other party is preparing to act. The Seal of the Immortal Throne is what you can tell me today, but the angels I have today are two right angels. , And also the head of the right angel. Xiaochun was also the main **** of the Asian temple of light before. How much do I know about the internal arrangement of the angels? Is it impossible for your angel guard to have angels of this level?

Marilyn immediately shook her head and said, "No, there are so few right angels. How could it be possible to form a separate army?"

"So these two power angels are not at all the Guardian."

"Can the surveillance mission be for relatives?" Marilyn asked in confusion.

"Did you give the order personally to the commander of the regiment?"

"No." Marilyn shook her head. "I asked Piana Lana ... oh my God! She is theirs?"

"You haven't gotten stupid at last." I took the sweet fruit that Wei Na helped me to cut and whispered, "Since even the Presbyterian Church and even the most important army forces in the temple can be controlled, a few Isn't human-like primary angel trivial? Your servant is likely to have been a long-time gardener before seeing you, and everything is under their control. The tasks you have given are not conveyed to the guards at all. Group, but was passed to the Presbyterian House by the servant you thought to be faithful. And the Presbyterian House now only needs an excuse to replace you with a fair name. The night angel is the most suitable for surveillance tasks, and your guard group and Most of the troops in the temple have night angel reconnaissance squads. There is no need to ask the angels to do this surveillance task. Their goal is actually to expose the angels of power to us. Let us know that the temple of light is monitoring us, and The characteristics of power angels are relatively obvious, and they will not be mistaken for fallen angels like night angels. In addition, the most important point is that power angels are capable of attracting us The temple will not be killed halfway. Once we are attracted to it, then things will definitely get into trouble. After that, you will start to take responsibility and they can justly replace you. We met today When the two right angels landed, they were taken aback, not because they were present. They were because they didn't expect to appear as soon as they came out. According to normal arrangements, the two angels should still perform. After that, everything was disrupted by us. That's why the Presbyterian Church messed up so much. "

Marilyn said with a lingering fear: "Thanks for your arrival, maybe I will lie in that cold dungeon tonight. You are amazing, did you infer this inference at that time?"

I shook my head: "These are the things that I want to make clear. When I took you away, you said that they wanted to change your place, and I used my own behavior as a reference. If I was going to deal with a guy, There is no reason not to send someone to monitor him. At the time, when the two of us were in the room, but no one was nearby, it only showed that the other party had entered the network closing stage. There was no need for surveillance personnel. I guess your maid was a spy For this reason, anyway, you and me, a typical evil member, have not even acted to discourage her, don't you think it is being submissive? "

"So you judged it was probably they were going to fight me, so they took me out of there?"


"May I ask why you want to help me?" Marilyn looked at me and asked, "I know that you are driven by your interests. What benefits can I get? Is it ...?" She glanced The big bed that Na usually rested on, and then Se pulled back to tighten her collar and backed away, the meaning was obvious.

Ling Shi couldn't help but walked up to me and said, "Don't you be affectionate, okay? Even Ziri wants to start. We have three in this room that are much better than yours, and can't wait for it? Which round? To you? "

As soon as Xiaochun heard this, she yelled at Ling angrily, "It's your thing to post, so don't count me in."

Ling covered her mouth and smiled like a little fox who just ate a chicken. "Xiaochun, don't quibble, here are all your own people, no one will go out. Of course, Miss Marilyn is not her own for the time being. As for whether it will be in the future, it depends on Zi Ri's thoughts. Yes Is it my master? "

The demon Ling is really a devil, and he is trying to seduce me anytime, anywhere.

When Marilyn heard Ling's words, she asked in panic, "Do you want me to be a magic pet?"

I shook my head and denied: "Of course not. I do n’t lack magic pets. Besides, your abilities and Xiaochun's abilities overlap, and you're not as good as Xiaochun. It's not worthwhile to take you as a magic pet. . "

"Then what do you want from me?"

"I don't want to benefit from you."

"Don't say such false things. Although I'm not smart enough, I'm not a fool. You wouldn't do anything without benefits."

I smiled and said, "I didn't lie, I really don't want to get anything from you, because there is nothing in your body that is worth me to get. But you're right, I won't work for nothing , But my goal is not on you, at least for now you have no such value. My goal is the Temple of Light. "

"What do you mean?"

"I don't understand yet?" I winked at Xiaochun. "Explain to her."

Xiaochun immediately said: "The meaning is very simple. Our Frost Rose Alliance is your strong backing from now on. Anyway, you are still the goddess of light in the main hall of the European Temple of Light. This title represents interest. Because we are interrupting The plan of the Presbyterian Church failed. You are still guilty. Instead, the Presbyterian Church today has shown disobedience in order to hunt us down. If you now go back and fight back, you will immediately let this Presbyterian Church His prestige has been hit hard. He can even manipulate the military system to resist the decisions of the elders ’courts, or even impeach these elders directly to regain control. In exchange, when we lifted you to the position of the goddess of light, the European temple of light It is our condition to give the green light to all the actions of the Frost Rose Alliance and to give you the greatest help when we need it. "

Wei Na also said: "That's the goddess? It's not your doll at your disposal now, but the real goddess who can point to the mountains and rivers. The million angels' army dispatches with you, and the ten thousand paladins are loyal to you. Can you give up your rights? "

Seeing Marilyn seemed loose. I continued to seduce: "We do n’t ask too much for our place. After we put you in position, we are not above you. I have no plans to become the second Presbyterian Temple of the Light Temple. We will be your place. Partner, speaking, you have to provide us with help and support, but at the same time we will not look at the Temple of Light. I can also help you. You are not suffering. "

Marilyn was more confused now. The last line of defense in my heart has become like a tense rubber band under the double pressure of huge temptation and survival crisis.

Ling stretched out **** and said, "Choose it? First, refuse us, and we are sent back to the Temple of Light to become the slaves of the elders. They wore their necks like dogs and ride under them. Second, cooperate with us. .Become the true master of the Temple of Light and set foot on the peak of divine power. "

I added: "I only give you an hour for the Seal of the Seal of God, and you think about it slowly. Vena, let's go out and let her think slowly. Marilyn, remember, this is where you decide your life Decide. "

My last word suddenly broke the tense rubber band in Marilyn's heart. Just as I stood up and was about to leave, Marilyn suddenly stood up and said very firmly, "Don't think about it, I choose two. Let's cooperate. Let me be the goddess. I want to kneel those who have bullied me My feet repent, ha ha ha ha ...! "Marilyn laughed wildly.

All of our four heads shed a huge drop of sweat! Dude, this woman is completely crazy. An evil and pure goddess who knows nothing about the world is finally made us an evil vengeance queen. The gang of old men in the Presbyterian Temple of the Bright Temple may change their mouths this time to become mm!

On our side, we immediately decided to arrange Marilyn's righting problem. The first thing to do was to create confusion in the classics. Our guild and Russia are about to go to war. Now there is no time for the Seal of Throne to control the Temple of Light, but Marilyn's status is very unstable. In case people cook the raw rice into cooked rice in advance, then We're in trouble. At that time, Marilyn pinched in his hand will become a hot potato, can not be thrown.

We have also resolved the equipment of the four dancing angels, and the transmission of the Ruyi altar was not random. According to our description, Marilyn said that the four needed armors are exactly the four sets of corresponding armors in the treasury of the temple. They were originally the equipment of four angel heroes, and the four were just four brothers. As long as these four sets of armor are obtained and then modified into a female style, they can be directly used by the four dancing angels. The attributes are even better than expected. The only difficulty is that you must wait until Marilyn is upright to get it.

I decided to implement the action plan as soon as I determined it. The first step was to spread the contradictions within the temple as soon as possible. This job can be done by hiring idle players. The next step is more troublesome. Marilyn needs to work with us to bring together the troops that are still loyal to her.

This convening work is cumbersome. It must be kept secret first, and it cannot be made troublesome for the Presbyterian Church to know about it. Secondly, it is necessary to consider who is more appropriate to convene. Some teams are not all loyal to the goddess. If such a team summons trouble after all. Due to a sudden incident, our intelligence work did not start at all. We could not know these detailed internal information. There was no way to distinguish which troops were loyal to the goddess. Also, Marilyn was also an overhead goddess. I asked three unknowns. Many sirs have never seen her before. It really can't provide any useful information. I can't help but get angry with her. There is no way.

By that evening, the plan had not begun, and Rose first told me to save people. She was summoned to that desert in the morning. Then she said that she was trying to come back, but she walked out of the desert at night, but met with a group of people to make fun of it with Noreen. Rose soared at that time, with Noreen present, those people were not enough to look at. The problem was that it caused a large group of people to come to trouble afterwards. I was so busy that I was so anxious that there were still people who messed up with me. After knowing that the place was actually in China, I took the team and pushed the city. After returning to Isinger with the rose, there was an additional helper, and the rose arranged work better than mine.

The next morning the news distribution plan was on track, and soon the temple forces knew that the goddess had been controlled. At noon on the day of the King of the Seal of God in Beijing time, we went to France at noon and contacted several armies of the Angel of the Earth. As a result, most people refused to assist Marilyn against the Presbyterian Church. The people who believe in God are all civilians. No one in the temple really believes in God, because they are people who pretend to be gods. So the actual commanders of these angelic legions were simply unwilling to help Marilyn. Marilyn said that white is the image spokesperson of the Temple of Light. How can a presbyterian courtyard with real power be attractive? It is understandable that those angels don't help Marilyn.

Of course, there is no shortage of alternative personnel. Not only are there people who are willing to help Marilyn, they are just few. First, the last unit in the hands of Marilyn, the Angel Guard, quickly chose to be loyal to Marilyn. And quietly withdrew directly from the temple and followed us back to Tianyu City to prepare for the timing of a comeback. In addition to this team, we found some scattered small groups in the Temple Expeditionary Force willing to support Marilyn, and finally, under the lobbying of Rose and I, pulled these people to Tianyu City and incorporated them into Marilyn's new land. military. But this is still not enough. Ken and Marilyn's people together were only fifty thousand, which is almost nine cows and a hair compared with the remaining troops of the Temple of Light.

The goddess Marilyn is an idiot compared to Alni, Michelle, and Ditans, who I have seen before, and I don't know if I should be happy or lost for this. I am pleased that once she is righted, with her idiot spirit, my control over her will be comprehensive and thorough, but it is also her idiot that makes me lose. I'm worried about whether she can help right up with her mind. Rose and I stood up to help her in the back, but she had no way to recruit manpower. Half of the 50,000 people who managed to talk about it were me and Rose who half bought and deceived them. In this centripetal force still expect to be a goddess? Really helpless!

It took three days to prepare for the throne of the Seal of God. In the early morning of the fourth day, a special guest came from Tianyu City. I was dragged by Rose from Isinger all the way to Tianyu City, and then I saw a man wearing a huge cape in the reception room over here. This guy was covered by a cloak all over, and the hood of his hood blocked his face, and he could see nothing. Just when I was so confused, this guy suddenly took off his hat.

"Di Tans u. Walker?" It was a miracle that the Lord God of Darkness came to my city in person.

"That's how you entertain your old friends?" Di Tans asked me half-jokingly.

I hurriedly asked the guards to get some food and drinks, and then sat down with Rose. "Why does Lord Lord suddenly think of running away to our ghost place?"

"You know that you are a ghost place here. I am the Lord of Darkness, and I will not come where there are no ghosts." He smiled, took the cup, drank tea, and then suddenly turned around and sprayed it out. "Wow! What is this? It's bitter and astringent?"

"It's Chinese tea."

Dietan put down his cup and stuck his tongue. "Everyone said that the tea was very fragrant. I don't think I can stand it!"

The guard came back with the hospitality items. I smiled, took the drink, poured a glass for Di Tans, and handed it to him. "The blood of the Snow Mountain Dragon, frosty, taste it?"

Di Tans picked up the glass of blue blood, took a small mouthful, and slowly sipped it in his mouth for a long time before swallowing it. "Cool, good taste. Anyone who knows why I have offended me for so many years no longer exists, and only you can survive?"

I smiled and filled the quilt again for Di Tans: "Of course I know."

Di Tans laughed: "Okay ~ ~ It's a pleasure to talk to you. Then I won't play a maze with you. The purpose of my visit this time is to talk to you about business, what kind of business , I think you should know. "

I nodded again. "After the troops of the Temple of Light pass through the border, you will help me to kill that mountain pass, even if it is a fly that believes in the God of Light, do n’t let it return to France. I want them all to stay in Germany. Your job is So, and nailed me at least seven days at the pass. Your reward is that there will never be a temple of light after Germany, and the whole of Germany will be your world. "

Dietans drank the blood in the glass. "Okay, after all the troops of the Temple of Light have passed, I will help you crucify that mountain pass and never let any fly that believes in the God of Light fly through."

This short negotiation ended quickly, less than five minutes before and after, Di Tans took a large jar of dragon blood from me. This guy was copied by me last time, and now I've fallen into a psychological barrier. I don't have something to take and I'm mentally unbalanced.

Now that the overall situation is set, the rest depends on whether we will be able to block the attack from the Temple of Light. Now that all parties know the situation, they are waiting for us to fight. The winner is king. Everyone only admits a temple of light. Whoever wins is the **** of light.

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