Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 56: Playing logistics

The God of War's battle plan was so strong that the army of the Temple of Light was cut into two parts, one behind the other. The total strength of the vanguard troops stuck on the mountain side is about 7.5 million, and the number is quite a lot. The problem is that there are no siege equipment and supplies, let alone fight, it will probably even eat after a day or two. It's a problem. The total number of troops on the other side was about 15.5 million, and the remaining troops were buried in the mountains. There is probably no possibility of survival.

The top commanders of the Light Corps began to discuss the countermeasures together, but in the end they were so noisy that they couldn't find a good way. Digging a mountain is definitely impossible. Even if the entire army digs together, it will be fast in three months. Don't think about turning it over. This is not a naturally formed mountain, and it has not been eroded by rain and other factors. Therefore, the mess of the earth and rock piles is simply a natural trap. If the more than 10 million people walk behind it, it will at least reduce the number of people by 200. Million. Besides, what happened to man and angel when people and angels have gone? Although the city walls of Tianyu City are not as good as Isinger, anyway, there are still more than thirty meters! Without siege equipment, is it necessary to use teeth to bite? Besides, even without siege equipment, wouldn't food and medicine be needed?

It cannot be turned or dug, so the troops on both sides of the mountain can only consider going around. But when they researched the strategic map, this bombed place didn't seem to be a random choice. These two mountains happen to belong to two different mountain systems. The big rift valley in the middle is the only channel nearby. Now, after the mountain collapses, the two mountains are connected into one. The Legion of Light Temple would have to go north to bypass a large mountain system, and then to cross two rivers, and then cross a large forest to return to the original path.

There is still a problem in between, that is, when the back team goes round. What about the former team? It took about three days for the rear team to bypass such a large area of ​​the Seal of the Seal of the Throne. The food provided by the former team was only two days. The middle day was too hungry to die. But what if the back team is intercepted? The bosses of the Temple of Light think that since we can design a roadblock once, it means that there is a lack of security and a second and third time, in case there is a delay on this road, the journey takes five to seven days in three days, and the 7.5 million people in front I will be hungry for three days. Three days should be hungry and immortal. The paladin can support five days without food. Angels are probably fine for more than ten days, but the mage and priest can be at most two days. Moreover, even if everyone persists, it is difficult to imagine what combat effectiveness a hungry army can wield. What if we do n’t meet for seven days?

After weighing for a long time, the army of the Light Temple finally made a temporary plan. First use the angels and griffins in the temple legion to urgently air transport some food to the past, at least one more day. second. The army on both sides must start moving at the same time, and the rear team should move closer to the front while the front team moves closer. In this way, the two sides will face each other and the time will be saved by half.

The commanders of the Temple of Light felt that the plan they made was good and guaranteed to be foolproof. So he began to command the army cheerfully. But they underestimated the God of War's horrific battlefield control.

We, the Air Force, have never left here after the first attack, and I am in this team. The order given by the **** of war was to block all personnel attempting to leap over the ridge, with the only exception being messaging units of less than ten people. In other words, do not prevent the other party from communicating. But do not let the other side deploy resources or personnel on both sides of the mountain.

At the beginning of receiving this order, I didn't know what the army **** wanted, but now I understand it. After the transportation of the bright temple ground began, the army **** ordered us to press the soldiers first, and then waited for the other angel to fly two rounds, and then we received the offensive command during the third transportation.

The tens of thousands of spears in the guild rushed up with the flying combat golems flying from the Wasp fortress. In addition, the three thousand teams in the field for a thousand days will also be drawn here to participate in the disruption work. In addition to these, the guild's guardian dragons were also dispatched. Hongyan took so many dragons, with the cooperation of a long gun, completely blocked the air traffic. None of these flying units in the Light Temple Legion are coolies. Basically, I was tired after two shipments of food, and now I was suddenly hit by the thunder of superior air power, and the results are conceivable.

The angels threw away the food in their hands in panic, and then started scrambling to find their weapons. As a result, more than half of the angels found that their weapons were not on their bodies. In fact, this is completely understandable. Of course, the angels who have been working very **** the first and second trips certainly want to reduce the load. There were no enemies nearby, but most of the angels wore heavy plate armor and hung more than 30 kilograms of heavy two-handed epee. They usually fought for defense, and now they are engaged in transportation. They carry so many weights. Is it? To save some effort, the angels began to lighten their weight and throw their armor and weapons into the camp. This time is good, more than 100,000 angels fly naked in the air, completely without defensive equipment and offensive weapons, watching the soldiers on our side can only flee. My brain turned fast and I knew that I threw food and ran away. Some people who forgot to throw away the food took a few hundred kilograms of food and could not fly at all. They were quickly swept by dragons and spears. From the bottom, you can only see that a large group of black spots are constantly touching and separating in the sky, and then the blood and water are scattered and the corpse falls to the ground.

In terms of combat effectiveness, an ordinary dragon can fight ten ordinary angels, and our guild dragons are strengthened to varying degrees, and a pair of twenty is not a problem. Spears, such flying warcrafts, are not angelic opponents at all, but as long as they are in the air, the spears and the angels can guarantee that one-to-one casualties should not be a problem. But now the angels were tired and panicked, and without weapons and armor, they were shot down like pieces of flies. The following mages looked anxious, they were all human and they didn't know how to attack to avoid accidental injury.

The difference between the strategic thinking of the military **** and human beings is too great. Our side is slaughtering angels who have no ability to resist. It feels very comfortable, but at the coolest time of the cut, we suddenly received the command of the military **** and asked us to immediately Disengage. The God of War apparently has no human feelings. He believes that our combat raid has been successful. Continued hunting can cause greater casualties to the enemy, but we will also begin to lose money on our side. And what we lack most is people, so the loss is intolerable.

Despite feeling sorry for the order, we withdrew. There was scattered grain and corpses everywhere on the newly formed mountain, and the Air Force of the Temple of Light was almost killed by a third. We have almost no losses. The dragons are inherently powerful, and the spears are known as Air Overlords. Zero casualties under this lineup are also completely normal.

Just as we were retreating backward, suddenly a large group of divine beasts flew over us, approaching the place where we had just fought. At first I thought it was the enemy, and when I approached, it was all the beasts of our guild. These are the beasts that Heaven Court rewards to our guild. Although they are not the top beasts, they are also very powerful. I quickly contacted the **** of war. "You pulled us down, why did you transfer the beast up again?"

The voice of the army **** was cold without any emotion. "You are a soldier in a state of war, just stop ordering. Do not mention the question after the battle." Communication was cut off after speaking. I was ashamed of it, and even scolded me, this army **** didn't say anything at all.

Although a little angry. But being angry with the computer is asking for trouble, so I have to put up with it. But I soon realized that in fact, the army **** did nothing wrong. The gods and beasts did not participate in the battle. They flew directly to the clouds and began to rain clouds. My little dragon girl suddenly played a leading role in the team, which was all harmed by the army god. Before he fights, the players in this guild will release all the creatures that can be summoned for unified scheduling. I do n’t have any magic pets or summoned creatures besides the night shadows.

The little dragon girl is now the captain of the beast, clothed with a large group of beasts. Fairy and magic have their own characteristics. When it comes to rain, the magic is relatively much more powerful. Not only is the mana consumption very low, but also the rainfall is large and the coverage area is wide. It's raining around the entire collapsed mountain with so many gods, and it's the kind of heavy rain that can't see anything beyond five meters.

The mountains here are piled with freshly fallen earth and stones. Not only are there no plants to fix the water, but the rocks and soil themselves are not completely combined, and there are gaps in many places. It was okay to say that the soil layer was not completely filled with water at first. This soil was soaked with water, and as a result, an artificial debris flow was induced. The dirt and tons of rocks on the mountain rushed down the sides of the hillside. The temple army had just been fussed by the gap, and now it encountered mudslides and immediately began to mess again.

The generals at the temple were very pleased that the training of the army was not enough. Although the mud and rocks flowed down quickly, many landslides still appeared in many places, but fortunately, everyone ran faster, and the flooded people and not much. But after the rain stopped, the generals began to frown as soon as the communications on both sides resumed.

The goal of the debris flow is not the army at all. To deal with people with low physical fitness in the real world, mudslides are naturally terrible, but the physical fitness of the army in the game is better than humans in reality, so mudslides do not actually pose a danger. The key problem is not humans, but food. Just for the convenience of air transportation, the grains shipped to the other side of the mountain are piled up and placed near the foot of the mountain, and the commanders on the other side of the mountain can save the food for several days. Collected together and intend to distribute it uniformly in the next few days. At the time, these grains were piled at the foot of the mountain and put together with the grain transported across the mountain. The mud and rocks flowed down, people came and ran, but the grain was too late to be transported, and they were drowned by mud and rocks. Even if the soldiers don't care about eating food with soil, it will take them at least two days to dig out the throne of the Seal of God. It is better to get on the road early and hope to be bigger. If hunting and gathering are carried out on the road, and then some are appropriately purchased, they should also be able to support the army on both sides to join together.

The Temple Legion has already experienced a comprehensive food crisis and has to join forces. Considering our air strike capability, the Temple Legion did not dare to provide any more air supplies. At 4 pm that day, the two armies of the Temple Legion started their march, and the Time Seal of the Seal of God was too precious for them. If the two armies could not meet within three days, the 7.5 million troops in the front might starve to death without fighting.

At this time, Rose suddenly offered some suggestions to the **** of war for the reason of military obedience to politics. What was unexpected was that the **** of war actually accepted it. It seems that this computer includes such functions in the design, otherwise he would not sell it to others!

Roseland plans always need money, and this time it is the same. After an overnight march of the Light Corps. The army finally rushed to the edge of the big forest the next morning. Several light riding reconnaissance units of the Temple Legion were sent out to hunt in order to get more food back. But unfortunately, no rabbit could be seen at the edge of the forest. Last night Hongyan took dozens of fire dragons to go round and round over the woods, which would be in addition to advanced Warcraft. Animals that can be used as food have long gone. The remaining advanced Warcraft strengths are very exaggerated. First, it is not easy to grasp, and second, the quantity is too small, and it is not useful at all.

The army, hungry with its chest on its back, was no longer able to march, and several army leaders rushed around. The soldiers have not eaten for 28 hours from noon on the 18th to the present. During this time, the throne of the Seal of God has been on its way. The commanders themselves were embarrassed to force the soldiers forward. The temple of light is not the temple of darkness. It ’s not easy to kill the mount, there is really no way. Just as they were at a loss, a caravan suddenly passed by them. If you stand by the soldiers in the Temple of Light now. Will definitely be surprised to stare at the leader of the team. Because this collar is exactly the same as the rose.

People who look the same are not without, but there are certainly not many. In the game, this situation is actually normal, because there is a thing called-trumpet. The small and large roses are not the same. This number is a life occupation. Although the level is not high, the advantage of life occupation is that it will not be actively attacked by creatures other than Warcraft. Highly intelligent lands like the Temple of Light will not actively provoke players who are not combat professionals. Of course, if this player's guild is fighting against the opponent, then it is another matter. Of course, there is not so much worry now, because Rose's trumpet has not joined our guild, she is now a free player.

The size of the caravan is relatively large, and all the ordinary goods are transported. The Bright Alliance has no malice towards such a team, and in order to show its own light and justice, it actually took the initiative to give way. have to say. Although the Temple of Light is secretly darker than the Temple of Darkness, it usually performs better than the Temple of Darkness.

Most of the small caravans led by Rose are locally hired in Germany. The remaining players are also the trumpet players of the smoother players in the guild. None of them have joined the guild and they are all living occupations. Will cause others to actively attack. As for those bsp; when the carriage team walked along the road next to the Bright Army Corps, a sack on the carriage suddenly turned over from the roof to the cart. Although it did not land, the mouth of the bag spread. Large peas spilled out of their pockets. Although they were pierced back in time, they still leaked half a bag.

A player sitting on a carriage was about to come down to pick up these beans, and Rose sipped immediately. "It's just half a bag of beans. When will you pick up the pieces?"

The soldier next to him seemed to be flashing, and immediately ran forward to ask Rose: "You don't want these sprinkles, do you?"

Rose looked at the knight with a surprised look, then nodded: "Well, it all fell to the ground, of course, no more."

When the soldiers got the answer, they immediately started collecting beans on the ground, and the other soldiers who saw it understood that they came to pick up the beans. The senior army commander in front saw a large group of people lying on the ground here, thinking that something had happened, and quickly came to see the situation. The commander saw a blood surge immediately when he saw the situation below. What is it called! How glorious and noble the great army of light is, now it has fallen to picking up beans on the ground to eat, isn't this a beggar? Normally, this angel general must have "purified" these soldiers, but now he can't, because this is not to blame the soldiers, because he is incompetent, unable to prepare food and hurt everyone.

Rose looked at the commander with a stiff expression on his face and his fist squeezed tightly, and waited for a while before he realized the expression. "Master, are you short of forage?"

The commander's face was flushed and replied: "Hey ... there is something wrong with the grain, it is ..."

Rose suddenly laughed. "That being the case, does the General have money?"

"Ah?" The angel commander didn't respond for a moment, but soon wanted to understand, and quickly said, "Yes, yes, we have."

Rose smiled and said, "So then. We are also carrying things to sell in the city, who is not for sale? But the goods are ordered by some people. It ’s not easy to be the owner. If you have money, I can even out. The car is for you. I do n’t want to pit you either, just use the market price. ”

The general was happy first, and then said helplessly: "You see so many of us, this car, everyone can't get a bite!"

Rose laughed. "That's easy! We can go to the city to buy it for you, and then ship it here to sell it to you. I'll take a little transportation and intermediate transfer fees.

As soon as the general heard it, he agreed happily, bought a car for a small fee, and then Rose left.

"Zero this game can exchange currency with reality, so there is almost no money explosion in the game, especially after several upgrades later, only humanoid creatures occasionally explode several rotten copper plates. An army such as the Army of Light will actually come out with a lot of money. If you do business with them, it will allow them to pay a lot of money, but if you destroy them all, the money will not add up. Hundred crystal coins. This is why Rose has to spend so much effort to make money, instead of waiting for the army **** to play them to death and come to collect money from the body.

That cart of peas was ordered by the general to add a lot of water to boil the bean soup to the soldiers, but you want more carts of beans? How much water should 7.5 million people drink? That soup is soup, which is a little bit muddy than boiling water. Anyone who can get a boiled bean with only the shell left is happy to die. I estimate that these soldiers will start to bark in about a day.

The soldiers who drank the soup not only did not feel full, but were hungry. In fact, sometimes I do n’t care if I ’m too hungry. On the contrary, it ’s the hungry that I eat a little bit. Fortunately, the roses are fast enough. The team returned before dark at night, and it was full of food.

The Guangming Army saw that the food almost did not explode, and the roar of excitement scared the animals that were going to return after scaring away last night. Rose was satisfied with a cart of crystal coins ~ ~ General Angel was satisfied with a lot of food. These foods are actually not enough. If you really want to divide, you can probably make each soldier here eat half a meal under normal circumstances, but this is good, anyway, it is much stronger than nothing. Besides, Rose also promised to ship some more, so the general did not care too much.

Although the food was precious, the generals did not lose their vigilance, and they asked the priests in the army to inspect the incoming food. Divine magic has special spells to distinguish items such as poison, and the poison test is easy. The generals started to distribute food only after confirming that there was no problem.

The roses were transported several times that night, and finally they were determined to be urgent. On the morning of the 20th, the army returned to the road. At this time, they were finally full, but they had no food at all, but the generals were not worried. The roses promised to be sent again.

The lunch was also delivered soon. The soldiers were very happy. The caravan was regarded as a god-like worship, but Rose was planning another thing.

"Hey, it seems they have relaxed their vigilance." Rose said: "They have not inspected the grain at noon at all. Then all the grain tonight is stirred with a strong laxative. I ’m going to take a look at the stomach one night. Tomorrow this How much combat power can be left by the army. "Players around Langzhong seem to see Rose's head giving birth to demonic horns. (Uploaded by Taro)

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