Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 7: Turbulent situation

After I went online, I first released all the newly acquired magic pets. I know they all have a bunch of questions waiting for me to answer them. For the sake of explanation, I have released the first batch of magic pets Ling and Skt made, and let them communicate with each other.

Take everyone to the demon clan while explaining the details of the matter. It's not easy to change a person's mind, even if there are pioneers like Ling and Xiaochun, it is still not a simple matter, but it can always be understood after a little explanation.

I deliberately led everyone to walk slowly, and by the time the monster clan's territory had been explained, the situation was roughly explained. Now Ye Yuewei's second batch of substantiated magic pets has roughly understood that the real world and the game world are two different worlds, but it is still not clear which side is the main subject. After all, it is not a simple matter to present a world they have never touched in the throne of God Seal in a short time. The game world is based on magic, and the real world is based on technology. Whether it is a world view or a value trend, it is no wonder that they will not be able to adapt for a while.

I sent them all into the space door, let the magic pets communicate with each other for the time being, and told them that they must not tell the real world things to those pets that have no body yet, and then I plan to enter the monsters to buy Bing, as a result, he didn't step out and suddenly turned black.

"What's wrong?" As soon as I opened my eyes, I was still lying in the lab with everyone, and a group of researchers stood around us. A row of red warning lights flashing alternately on the surrounding wall, the atmosphere was tense.

Rose looked at us with a dim look. "What happened? Why were we suddenly kicked out after we were online for only two hours?"

The three-dimensional projection of the son-in-law appeared around us. "Don't talk, don't think about the problem. Keep your mind stable and relax as much as possible. Now start closing your eyes and don't think about anything. Count the mountains in your head as fast as you can, don't stop .Don't ask me why, start it now. "

Each of us was inexplicable. But I believe in the son-in-law, she is much more reliable than humans. My magic pets obeyed me unconditionally. The newly created ones didn't know who the son-in-law was, and looked at me together, waiting for my order. I nodded. "Observe the order and immediately close your eyes to count the mountains."

Although there are still doubts, everyone is very obedient and lie down and start counting mountains, even fortunately they are inhuman. Because the deep consciousness is constantly counting mountains, the brain does not think about anything else. This is tantamount to self-hypnosis. I was woken up when I counted more than 20,000 mandarin ducks, because the son-in-law said that we need to use the fastest degree, so our brain is actually working in harmony. It took only ten seconds for tens of thousands of mandrills.

A son-in-law's projection appeared beside me, and there were two researchers next to him holding some strange electronic instruments sweeping around Rose. Dad is standing beside me, probably after I closed my eyes just now. When the whole heart counts the mountains, the data processing capacity of the brain is fully occupied, so at this time, unless there is a strong stimulus within the throne of the seal, there will be no response.

The two researchers squatted beside Rose for half a minute before they got up and shook their heads towards Dina. I turned to ask my son-in-law. "What the **** happened?"

Rose heard this question and turned her head to wait for the answer.

Son-in-law calmly said, "Just an hour after you entered the game. The electromagnetic barrier in the room suddenly fluctuated."

"Electromagnetic barrier?"

"It was the barrier you used when you caught the ghost last time. The things we have now are the characteristic signals left by humans after death. We can also say that they are so-called ghosts. Because these things will affect the body's magnetic field balance, and then cause the body It ’s uncomfortable. That ’s why we put a lot of electromagnetic barriers here to eliminate these characteristic signals. But this barrier also has a side effect, which is to isolate all electromagnetic signals from spreading. Because the barrier is in the wall, the electromagnetic signals cannot leave. The room will be erased as soon as it touches the wall. I just captured the readable coded signal in the removed signal, which means that there is something in the room that shoots out communication signals. "

"How is this possible?" I asked in surprise: "Isn't it strictly forbidden to use wireless devices in the base?"

"That's why I think this is a wireless eavesdropping device at work."

"Then we ...?" Rose asked.

Son-in-law didn't wait for her to say, "The room has been checked. The signal comes from someone among you."

"What? Us?"

"Yes," son-in-law said, "I guess it is that some experimental body has been secretly implanted with a nerve interception device, and a wireless radio device is connected to this device. If it is not found, the person carrying the device It will become the spy of the other party, and without knowing it. What this person sees, hears, and thinks will be passed on to the receiver. Become the other party's free intelligence collector. "

"How could this be?" The questioner was Vina, and her inspection was over.

Dad said with a sad face: "It seems that my interception was unsuccessful. There are still spies in the base. You don't have to worry about this for the time being, I will deal with it."

I nodded and waited silently for the results.

Researchers were examining each of these magic pets, and they suddenly screamed when one of the detectors swept past Arona. The son-in-law urged not to wake up Ariana, and then continued to investigate, but also reacted to the plague.

There were four signals after we all finished the inspection. Ariana, Plague, Bailang, and Xiaolong, all of them have characteristic reactions. A large molecular scanner was moved into the experimental area, and four of them went up for detailed inspection. An hour later the person in charge of the scanner came over with a report. "Ana has two suspicious nerve implants on her body, one at the root of the optic nerve in the left eye and one at the terminal region of the brain."

Ariana still doesn't know what a wiretaper is, and she doesn't understand any electronics or nerves. All I could hear was that something bad was showing up on her, and she was very nervous. I comforted her and asked the researcher. "What about the rest?"

"There are three in the plague's brain and one in the auditory nerve. There is one in Bailang's spinal nerve. Seven in the main nervous system of the little dragon girl. Three in each of the optic nerves in both eyes."

Damn, there are obviously a lot of signal devices on the little dragon girl. Probably the other party knew that the dragon girl was a dragon, so she thought she would come into contact with some core secrets, so she added so many things.

Nu Wa Xun said: "You immediately conduct a comprehensive inspection of all living beings in the training area. If these subjects are implanted with eavesdroppers, it is difficult to guarantee that nothing else. In addition, I think I already know what People are spies. "

"You know what?" I looked at the son-in-law in surprise.

Nuwa smiled. "Don't underestimate me, everything in this base is under my surveillance. Some people's anomalous behavior may seem to be working, but now that I have found an eavesdropper, if I can't deduce who the spy is, . Then it is not worthy to be called a son-in-law. You can rest assured that I will let them catch them immediately. Also, your subordinates do not have to worry about it. It is not a hassle to remove the wiretapping device. can be completed."

The son-in-law's statement is very confident, and even the biological computer is based on absolute logic. More reliable than humans. As many as ten spies were arrested, belonging to different departments within the base. It was through their use of their respective positions to cover each other that they had concealed the installation of so many eavesdroppers. If it were a single person, it would have been revealed.

The spy was brought directly here for questioning, and the son-in-law used what was known as the worst tragic nightmare machine to extract useful information. The nightmare machine is the same thing as Zero Game System, but the world created by this thing is not for people to play, but for the purpose of torturing people. Those who are sent to the nightmare machine will be erased from the process of bringing it on, so that they do not know that they are in the dream machine and think that they are in the real world. At this time, the nightmare opportunity constantly creates what he fears the most to gradually destroy his will and obtain useful information. However, nine out of ten people who fell from this thing will become mentally ill, and the remaining one died from direct heart failure.

All ten people caught in a heartbreaking scream slipped off the machine. Bioelectrical examination results are brain death. It seems that the son-in-law was also angry this time, and actually adjusted the nightmare level to the death penalty level, directly tossing them to death. But people died, and information came out.

What surprised me and Rose was that in addition to eight of the ten people were foreign spies, two were from their own country. What made Rose even more surprised was that one of her colleagues was still her colleague. Although she didn't know each other, she came from a department.

It's hard to say anything about this. I can only look at my dad with a pleading look, hoping he can explain the situation. Dad may also know that we must understand things, he sighed helplessly. "Ah ...! Well! It doesn't matter if I tell you a few." Then Dad kicked all the researchers out. After only us in the lab, he continued: "Do you know the status of the National Technology Exhibition Department?"

I nodded first, then shook my head again.

Dad said: "Every country is actually the same, this is not the only way for our country. Like the original nuclear weapons, some eras of technology are not easy for the government to understand and master, especially in democratic countries. You think, nuclear weapons Research is definitely confidential, but governments in democratic countries have a large number of people, and unlike a dictator, only one person can decide many things. To let such a government know the specific content of a research project, all these government personnel must be informed Content, and usually democratic countries cannot guarantee that their government does not have a spy among the tens of thousands of people, and even if these people are reliable, there may be spies among their relatives and friends. News. Therefore, in the national political system, it is usually only for the government to know the general direction of the research project, but the specific content is never disclosed. "

"This is very reasonable!" Rose said, "Isn't this always done before? The whole world does it. No problem!"

"It was okay, but now there are problems." Dad said: "Because it is going to be a war, the government needs to know what level of domestic technology is in the end, so they can decide how to control the scale and form of war. It was originally a reasonable request. Our research-related departments also actively cooperated, but the details went wrong as soon as we went up. "

"What could go wrong?" Weiner asked. She is the first group of biochemicals, and she has received more knowledge, and she can already understand the political system in reality.

Dad said it before he answered the rose. "They are scared!"

Dad nodded to confirm Rose's guess. "Some people at the top of the government are afraid. They are afraid that the power they have in their hands cannot be controlled."

Wina shook her head. "I do not understand."

I explained to her: "Imagine if you have no strength and become an ordinary person. I give you a dog, and you can of course take it boldly to bite someone. But if I throw a dragon on How about the other end of the rope? "

Wina nodded hard for only a few seconds. "I think I understand!"

Dad continued: "The leadership team of the government has divided, and some of the radicals are happy for our success. They hope that this can help the Chinese nation take off. It is from this part of the forces who support us now. I think our research is a bit reckless, but in general the direction is right. They are only playing a mediate role. The rest are conservative. This part of people think that we are challenging the destiny of human beings with this kind of biotechnology. They think our behavior will bring all humanity to **** sooner or later, so they strongly want us to stop research and destroy all research results. "Dad paused here. "My son! Even if I fight my life, I will protect you.

Just created. Ye Yue, who doesn't know much about the real world, asks, "What is it about eliminating results?"

Ling told her: "We are the result, and eliminating the result is eliminating us."

"So what? I don't want to die!"

Xiaochun looked at the ceiling and said, "I don't want to die, neither do the master. So we won't die."

Conservatives want to eliminate results. I am the pinnacle of human biotechnology research, which means that once their idea is realized, I will be killed first. It turned out that this was what Dad was worried about. No wonder he was so anxious!

The son-in-law added: "The problem is more than that now. Similar problems have occurred in all countries in the country, and all countries have similar technologies. The entire genetic project was jointly developed by the technical forces of the world, but our country has done the most. That ’s it. Like the semi-mechanical transformers who fought with you before. That ’s actually something similar. So now all countries have the meaning of anti-biotechnology, which is likely to develop into a worldwide turmoil. The worst case is to develop into The confrontation between you artificial creatures and humans in general. "

Yeyue asked again: "Aren't humans generally as vulnerable as paper dolls? How do they fight us back?"

Son-in-law said: "At present, there are nearly seven billion people in the world. You biological creatures together do not have 10,000 people. Do you think that you alone can defeat 700,000 humans equipped with weapons? Although you are from the magic world, Just came out, but you should have seen the power of large weapons in there, and in reality, those weapons will only be more and stronger. "

"That would be dangerous!"

Dad said: "You don't have to worry too much right now. What's against you is only conservatives. We still have a radical who supports us. The neutrals haven't said to deal with us yet, so there won't be anything formal yet Action. Conservatives can also send someone to do reconnaissance or something. I dare not come to you for real. "

I nodded. Dad is right, the national strategy is not the conservative. The shortcomings of inconsistent political views in a democratic government are just one of his strengths.

After chatting with my dad for a while, my dad was persuaded to go to bed. It's late at night, we don't need to sleep, he still has to sleep. The son-in-law took a few minutes to perform operations on the throne of the Seal of Insignia to remove the eavesdroppers. In fact, it's okay not to take it. The electromagnetic barrier in the base can block the radio. As long as they don't leave the base, these eavesdroppers are a waste. But still feel comfortable.

After removing the wiretapping device, we are not in a hurry to go online. We just have a dinner party and try everyone's new abilities. Of course, before this, we must start the education machine to instill some knowledge into these magic pets who do not understand modern knowledge.

After changing the electronic brain. The educational level of the educational machine has been significantly accelerated, and the waiting time for the logistics department to deliver food will solve their knowledge problems. Each of these magic pets who have learned a lot of human knowledge is a little confused, obviously it is not fully adapted to this knowledge. After all, the knowledge here is too different from what they knew before, just like dreaming.

The Siem Throne is the most exciting time for the ringing knights at dinner time, but the newly created magic pets are not so excited. Although in theory they are in reality for the first time, in the game they have eaten things and do not care much about the food, not to mention the food outside is not as delicious as in the game. But it ’s not good, it ’s not good, these guys have a huge appetite. The plague guy ate three tons of food and said he was not full, and the tank was even more terrible. Five tons of food went down without any response. Even Yeyue ate 50 people in one breath and was ashamed of seeing Skeg this rice bucket!

After eating, I started to train the magic pets with the data from the son-in-law. I was an animal trainer in the game. I didn't expect it to be the same! These magic pets have some special abilities and need specific training, otherwise they can't use their power normally.

The plagues were better for several dragons, and they were all left to Lucky. As the first sound dragon to come to the world, luck is now their teacher of the plague. Teach them how to use their abilities. I have to take care of the rest.

I held the information and turned it over and said, "Okay, let me explain now. Your bodies are basically the same as in the game, but the power will be much greater. You'd better try various sports first to see how it feels . "

We have now come to the battle experimental area on the lower level of the base. This area is large enough for everyone to toss, and there are various terrains and obstacles for us to practice. Yeyue first ran to the experimental area. Her big tail was better than human legs, and her stability and athletic ability were very good. After a while they all returned to me.

"It feels good, but it feels like my body is getting lighter!" Ariana climbed up from the water channel simulating the rapids and said, and the others nodded to express the same feeling.

"This is your illusion. Now it is not that you have become lighter, but that your muscles have strengthened. Your body is very strong. The body in the game is just that magic is more powerful, in fact, the power is not very strong. There is no magic, So it's all about strength to supplement. "Then I gave Arona a metal stick. "Try to break it."

Ariana almost broke it with a slight touch.

I explained: "This thing is much harder than the steel in the game, but in the game, no one can break such a thick steel so easily, except for the tank. This is the performance of your strength improvement."

Everyone nodded and understood.

I followed the warning: "Attention, if you encounter humans in the future, you must treat them as fragile, and it is best not to have physical contact. Because your strength is too great, in case of poor control, it is likely to "Kneading others into meat sauces like kneading mud, just like the plates and pinches you accidentally bitten when you were eating just now."

Yeyue replied: "We understand this. The picks and plates were just metal. They accidentally rotted. If someone touches me like this, it will be troublesome. Rest assured, we try our best to control the power. Don't touch ordinary people. "

"That's right." I patted her shoulders with a smile. "Strength is used for fighting. It wouldn't be good if the people around us were injured too."

Yeyue said a little frustrated, "In fact, I still prefer magic."

Suddenly she reached out her hand, and a white ball of light appeared an inch above her palm. "Take a look, what is this?"

Yeyue looked at Wei Na in surprise. "Isn't there no magic in this world? How did you do that?" Several other newly-born pets were also excited.

I said to Yeyue: "This is what you will learn next-electric field control. Not only you, you all have to learn. Although there is no magic in reality, there are many things that can achieve similar effects, such as electromagnetic fields. Your body is equipped with a bio-electromagnetic mechanism that controls the electromagnetic field. As long as you control it properly, you can use electrical energy like Wei Na. "I said to Chili:" Show them. "

A row of steel plates erected on the ground in front of them, and Chili stood in front of the steel plates, and then his hands were soft in front of him. "Electromagnetic lightning ball." A white light cluster suddenly appeared between her hands, and quickly expanded. Then she suddenly pushed forward. The lightning ball flew straight out of her palm. Immediately after the electric ball touched the steel plate, a loud noise like a bomb exploded. The one-meter-thick steel target was blown up, leaving only a small section of ground on the ground.

After the performance of the pepper, I said to them again: "See? You can also do this, but only need to practice. Well, now I start to feel the martial King of Heaven and God make the sacred king will kill the **** of the seal of God in the night and seek the demon proud nine world The strongest abandoning the Shao Zhou Emperor will kill the God of the Seal of the Night and ask the demon to be proud of the world nine strongest days. The throne of the night-killing god, the seal of the gods, begged the demon to be proud of the world, and the nineth heaven was the strongest to abandon the young Da Zhou royal family to gather. "

The so-called biochemical human is a human being that is based on human beings by removing bad genes and strengthening the dominant genes. Human beings are good at learning, and they can do the night and moon, and the degree is several thousand times that of normal people. In less than an hour, I fully learned the control of induced electric field and general electric field. It just can't be easily retracted. This requires more exercise, not something that the Seal of the Sea of ​​God can accomplish in a while.

I said to them: "You have already learned how to use the electric field. In the future, you want to use radio communications like us or use electric **** to attack like peppers. It depends on your level of practice. Now I start to teach you how to use Your senses. Unlike ordinary humans, your eyes have the ability to receive full-band spectrum, which means that you see more than just visible light, such as this. "I snapped my fingers, and the room became dark instantly. "Now you should see nothing. But you try to adjust the spectral band of your eyes."

Ariana's eyes suddenly turned purple. I hurriedly shouted, "Ah, it was wrong. Alona, ​​you've tuned to the UV band, try it in the opposite direction!"

A few red light bulbs suddenly appeared in the dark experimental area. "Haha, I saw it. I can see everything." Yeyue cried in excitement.

"This is the infrared band. Normal humans can't see these, but you can. If you continue to adjust the frequency to the γ-ray band, you can also see what is behind the wall. Try it?"

"See you really!" Xiaolong called first. "So clear!"

"Okay, turn on the lights. Your eyes should be like this. As for the observation ability at a distance, you shouldn't need to train?"

"No, I can see things far away now." Yeyue said.

"Good. Now everyone tries their ears, can you hear anything?"

After a while, the dragon girl asked, "Is there any sound? Why can't you hear it at all? I only hear your heartbeat and the friction of blood flowing through the blood vessels."

I nodded. "This only means that my hearing has improved, and the sound of blood flowing is actually very weak. You can hear it is already exaggerated. But I don't want you to hear this. Now you imagine raising your ears up, Of course your ears don't actually move, just think about it. "

With my words, Yeyue suddenly cried. "What sound is this? Is it music?"

"This is a sound wave. You can use it to identify obstacles around you when it's in the air. It's very convenient. Arona, you have to learn it, because the sonar in water is the same principle, you have to master it."

"Well, I can already feel it, very clear." Ariana nodded and confirmed.

"Good. Now turn it around and think of lowering your ears."

"Wow, what's that sound?" This time Xiaolong girl called out.

"Now you hear infrasound waves ~ ~ Its frequency is very low, but the sound field energy is very strong, which can be used as a beam energy weapon. Arna, you and Yeyue are equipped with this weapon It's on your forehead. "

"On our foreheads?" Yeyue touched his forehead. "Nothing?"

"It's not used that way." I explained: "You need to use infrasound to transfer energy to the opposite steel wall, and then use the sound to excite those infrasounds so that they overlap irregularly. Try."

Ariana took a deep breath and aimed at the steel wall as a target. She suddenly made a single sound like singing, which sounded like an "ah", but the frequency was very complicated. Suddenly, Aona's tone could be punished, and then the steel wall in front of it cracked like a piece of glass. Ariana herself was startled.

I patted her with a smile. "Yes, that's it. This is just the extreme use of sonic weapons. Of course, it is best not to use it, because it is also a great burden on yourself. In the future, I will teach you how to sing songs, and then use the singing voice to a large area. People are hypnotized. "

As long as the two of them learn the lullaby, it will be much more convenient to go out and perform tasks later, without worrying about exposure.

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