Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 22: The Legendary Sun

As soon as I knew the other party's mission, I immediately became more attentive. Joking, how could such a big task be missed? I first pretended to be near the restricted blue pill. Although this guy is farting, he is the task holder after all, and the task content has to be obtained from him.

"I said pills? How did you get that task?" I pretended to carelessly ask.

Spring water was also interested by my words, and came up and asked, "Yeah. How did you get such a big task?"

"Cut, this is not easy." The restricted blue pill is very proud. "I just went to the mercenary mission to ask them for the hardest task, and it turned out to be such a task."

"Are you mistaken? Is this OK?" Master Baiyun asked in surprise.

"It's not a matter of whether it works or not, it's a matter of good or bad luck. Sometimes luck is really unstoppable!" Yao Wanzi was finally aroused by us and began to brag about how good luck he was.

I listened quietly and waited coldly when he was proud, "So what's our mission reminder?"

Originally thought that this guy would definitely speak out, but he did not expect that his alertness was quite high, but he stopped abruptly. "What? Do you want to do it alone?"

Good guy, does this guy count mice? I quickly pleaded. "The benefits of this task are definitely great, and everyone knows this. But in this case, you still come to call a high-quality team like ours, and the task is very difficult. Even if I think Going it alone, you ca n’t do it alone, and it ’s too late to go back to convene the team. Are you right? ”

"It makes some sense. But what do you ask?"

"Of course, it is convenient to fight. You called us to do the task, but only told us what the ultimate goal is to get that guardian beast, and we don't know anything about it. If there is something unexpected, how can we do the task?

Pillball thought for a long time and said, "Well then! I'll tell you the specific situation." He took out the scroll and said, "First of all, I don't know what this country guardian beast looks like. The mission statement only said this. It is the guardian of the country. But there is no specific content. The goal of our mission is to awaken the sleeping guardian underground. According to the instructions, our enemies should be those monsters on the road. Attacked us, so he is not hostile, otherwise we would be in vain even ten times more people. "

"Oh, so, what about the mission route or hint? Is there any explanation for these things?"

"The quest says that the guardian beast sleeps in the source of lava river under the lava ground. The prompt only says that let's find an entrance to the ground vein, and then follow any lava river that we see. It will be fine. This is the sleeping place of the guardian beast. "

Dude, this thing is in the lava river. That said, it is a flame creature. So I should be able to deal with it. After all, I also have many top-level creatures of the flame system. However, considering that the National Guard is a class creature that has been strengthened n times, I am worried that Xiaofeng and Everett may not be able to fix this guy.

After listening to the introduction of the pills, we immediately started thinking. But others are thinking how to find the goal and complete the task. I was thinking about how to destroy the task. The best result is that I can turn this guardian beast into my person, and the next thing is to simply destroy the task so that the Japanese cannot get this guardianship. The worst case is that I fail, and the guardian beast is successfully resurrected.

I'm planning a bad idea. The spring water suddenly said: "I have a way. Isn't it easy to find a lava river? It must be all under the volcano, as long as you first find a volcano and then go in?"

"You said lightly." Master Bai Yun objected: "What temperature is the lava? Do you think it is hot water in the bathhouse?"

"Well? This is unexpected." Spring water spat out his tongue. Continue to think of it.

The blood dragon suddenly said, "Otherwise, we'll look for volcanoes, and let me dig into the tunnel. Anyway, I'm also a dwarf, and I'm quick to burrow."

Hesla asked, "How long will this digging last? Do you know how far the target is from us? Wait for you to finish everything."

The meteor lover helped the blood dragon: "We don't have to dig directly to the destination. As long as the blood dragon makes a vertical well, there must be room for people to walk near the lava river. This should be calculated quickly. Correct."

"This method is good. Pillball also agrees with this opinion."

Hesla looked at me. "Yinyue, what's your opinion?"

"I agree with the blood dragon. This method is the only method that can quickly contact the lava ground veins, and it is relatively safe. If possible, I hope it is best to be as close as possible to the volcano. This way the hole will be more accurate . "

"Since everyone agrees, let's start looking for it right away." Pillball cloth's final decision.

It's really easy to find volcanoes in Japan. It is not as famous as Mount Fuji. There are at least hundreds of unknown volcanoes. We just found one. After groping up the mountain, we first looked at the interior of the mountain pass, and it turned out that the situation was much simpler than expected. This crater has no lava at all, and there is only a large hole at the top of the crater. It seems to be a natural passageway, and even a straight well is saved.

How difficult the pillball said the task, and it turned out that it was not luck or what happened, and we did not encounter any resistance along the way. Lava River was found after going down from that crater. Following this lava river, it came up against the current, and soon encountered a large number of forks, but the main roads are all main roads, which is not wrong at all. This road did not encounter any monsters at all, and the road was very green, unlike the nine dead life written in the mission description.

Hesra first asked, "Is this way a little too peaceful?"

Pillball said: "Maybe it's my luck!"

Master Baiyun disdainfully said: "You are a lucky star? There must be a lot of monsters in this tunnel. If you haven't met these little monsters. The only possibility is that there are more powerful monsters nearby that scare the little monsters away. . "

"But what is so powerful? Isn't that guardian beast?" Quanshui asked, "Isn't he supposed to be still asleep?"

"Is it possible that he has been awakened by others?" Meteor's lover asked: "Since it is a task accepted in the union, it is an open task, which is open to everyone. If you receive it, it does not mean that others cannot. .Maybe another team has completed the task faster than us. "

"That's impossible." Pillball resolutely vetoed: "Even if this is a task assigned by the union, it is impossible to put tasks of this level multiple times."

"How do you know it's impossible?" Meteor's lover asked.


The pill was interrupted by the blood dragon as soon as it was explained. "Don't make a noise, there's movement ahead." The blood dragon began to lie on the wall next to him and listened carefully.

I grabbed him and dragged back: "Don't listen, you can all see."

A flood peak appeared in the upper lava river ahead and rushed down. The lava channel was originally high, the river was flowing in the middle of the channel, and there was a lot of open space on both sides to walk, but the height of Hongfeng had covered the top of the cave, and it was pressed like a wall.

"Not good, run away." Hesla reminded everyone to start running back. Meteor lover quickly released a mount for everyone.

Although the lava thing looks very sticky, it actually flows quite fast. Especially when underground. The lava spraying out of the ground looks sticky because the temperature is relatively low. The lava below is completely different from ordinary water, and it scares people quickly. All the way along the path we just passed.

Our group of people can no longer control others, and each flew with the fastest speed. The fastest is of course me. The red owl is a sky fox, although it is not as fast as a light fox like a dart, but as long as it is a fox, it is not slower. The blood dragon crystal dragon was behind me. Although they do not have convenient limbs and streamlined bodies, they have a lot of power! Runs like a rocket. The unicorn and the red dragon took the remainder behind. The degree is okay, the worst thing is that pill ball, his horse is the horse of the system horse station bought in the city. As long as it can be used as a mount, the magic pet is almost faster than it.

When we rushed to the crater that had come down before, we hurried up and rushed out. The last red dragon rushed out from the crater with spring water, Hesla, and Master Baiyun. Just a few seconds behind was a storm Lava pillars just smothered us all!

Everyone who was still scared when they ran out suddenly heard Hesla's voice. "Where are the pills?"

"It seems to be behind us," said Quan Shui.

The meteor loves her: "The magma is behind you, if it is behind you, it must be ...!"

Obviously, the guy who thought he was lucky was actually an unlucky one. After our analysis, and then waiting for a while, the Seal of the Seal of God finally figured out the situation. There are no monsters in this underground passage. There will be no monsters here, because the lava flood peak that just chased us is an intermittent lava burst. It seemed as though a calm lava channel would pass a lava flood every fifteen minutes. Unless creatures such as Xiaofeng and Everett are completely afraid of fire, they will definitely be turned into lava.

Geysers are often seen, but intermittent lava is the first time. For a while, everyone did n’t know what to do. Hesla asked us: "Do you think this task can still be done? Some of the task holders have already hung up. Is it possible for us people to contact the task?"

"I think I can." I said, "The system task is a completely open task from the time of its release, and it should be able to be completed normally. I have accidentally got involved in other people's tasks before, and I have not received the corresponding one. It can be seen that not accepting a task does not mean that it cannot be completed. "

"But what about Lava River?" Meteor's lover asked, "Lava comes from time to time, who do we suffer?"

I shook my head: "On the surface, this lava river is irresistible. In fact, it is not dangerous at all, because this thing is a simple degree test."

"Degree test?" Xuelong asked me, "Why is it?"

"The Lava River explodes every fifteen minutes. The interval of the Seal of the Seal of Gods cannot be meaningless at such an accurate time. The reason why the Seal of the Seal of Gods is reserved for such an accurate time, I think is to give us a hint The goal is to run through the explosive lava river in fifteen minutes and pass safely. "

As I said, everyone started to think. After all, my statement is too novel. No one had thought of such a level in a mission before. In fact, I would n’t have thought of this level if I had n’t encountered such a level frequently in the tasks I took, but now it seems that I am probably right.

Now that we have decided to complete the task in this way, everyone will not say anything. We waited for another lava explosion. When the explosion was over, we jumped down and rushed forward as fast as possible. The road ahead was smooth, and we have already walked once before, so this time we were very fast. After about eight minutes of running, the fork no longer appeared, and it started to enter the final passage.

After about nine minutes, the spring water anxiously shouted, "Are you sure we are not wrong? If you rush forward, you will run into lava. Although Hong Feng explodes every fifteen minutes, it is closer to the upstream. Hong Feng passed last time It ’s actually been a while since the explosion of the Seal of the Seal of God. The Seal of the Seal of God has been around for a while. So we can actually use the Seal of the Seal of God for less than fifteen minutes? ”

"Don't care so much, just run, the task will not be unsolved. As long as you move forward, there will be no problem."

I was talking, and suddenly a fork appeared. Unlike the previous fork, this branch is surrounded by a layer of energy barrier, which is obviously the place we are looking for. Hesla shouted, "Chong, it's coming."

The hole is indeed approaching. The problem is that lava is coming. As we saw the opening, the lava flood peak in front appeared in our sight. The meteor lover suddenly threw an addition to cover everyone in, and our speed was obviously accelerated, and we rushed into the passage together. The lava flood peak was only a few meters away from the entrance of the channel at this time.

Just when I thought it was safe, a small hand suddenly pressed on my chest, and at the same time an ancient force came from above to push me back. I looked up in surprise, but my hand was actually spring water. There was a weird smile on her face, and everyone around me looked at me with the same expression. Hung Hom responded quickly and chased after him, catching me, and the people inside waved to me to say goodbye. Hong Feng instantly passed my location and engulfed me with Hung Hom.

To be honest, I'm not angry about this at all, because I don't treat them as companions. If I have a chance, I will also kill them, but it is relatively unexpected that they actually beat me before me, and at such a critical moment. All I can say is that!

I put my right hand against my chest. With her eyes closed, she whispered, "In the name of Amorad, the **** of flames-sleep, flames!"

The lava suddenly became quiet as it passed by me. The lava outside was sprinting wildly, but the lava here was no longer deterrent. Fortunately, I still have four divine power rings on my hands, which almost made these children overcast!

When Hong Feng passed, a huge rock dome was left in the center of the passage. Suddenly, with a click, a few cracks appeared in the dome, and then a loud boom, the dome flew out in pieces. Appearing in the center of the bullet, I held up the staff of the sun. "Don't dare to overcast me, and let you know how powerful it is. Hung Hom, let's go."

Riding the red cormorant into the aisle, the few people were gone. The passage is actually only a few meters long in front of which is a stone room with a teleportation array inside, obviously the other party has passed through. I also went to the teleportation array, but nothing was born. Just when I thought it would take some time for the formation of the Seal of the Seal to start again, the ground suddenly shook violently, and then the entire array began to descend. For a long time, this is not a teleportation array, but an elevator.

After a few hundred meters of vertical descent, the ground suddenly stopped and there was a thunder. There was just a hole in front of it. It seems that this is the mission goal. As soon as I entered the back of the cave, the elevator automatically raised, leaving only a deep well. Leave it alone. I move on. Here is a large cave, and it is covered with rubies, so much that the eyes are spent. There were several large black traces on the wall, apparently inlaid with rubies. It was just dug out, and I know who it was.

"Lucky, plague, little three, crystal." I summoned all four dragons in one breath.

"Wow! A lot of gems!" Lucky eyes fluttered at the stars.

I smiled and said, "You are responsible for collecting the gems, and I will leave one third of the part you collected to you, and you will have to hand in the other places.

The four dragons were swept away in excitement. When the dragon saw the gem, he forgot everything about his last name. It seemed that he hadn't heard anything from me, but I didn't care anymore. Now it is not the time to collect gems. They'll do it. There is no cheap outsider anyway.

After crossing the gem channel, I reached a relatively large space, and I heard the sound of fighting here all the time. I leaned over carefully, and it really made me see the **** who yelled at me. Five of them are fighting a large flock of bird creatures. There are almost thousands of these things. Each one is a little bigger than the dove, and its whole body is red, like a miniature fire phoenix. Of course this is not Phoenix, otherwise I would not have seen them fighting. How many thousands of fire phoenixes appear together? Even people like me can't last a minute in the siege of thousands of phoenixes, let alone them?

These things should actually be called fire crows. It looks like a crow is just a fire with its whole body. It is a special creature in the lava river. It has a higher resistance to high temperature than ordinary creatures. Hardly afraid of fire. Of course, they are not Phoenix, after all, it can only be said that the fire performance is better, it is not really not afraid of fire, and the temperature will be finished to a certain degree.

I didn't mean to hide at all, just walked behind them with such a big swing. They soon appeared to me, and there was no reaction at all except for their surprise, because they did not have time to react to the Seal of the Throne. There is no time for the Seal of God to control me.

"Well! Where are you busy?" I smirked and stimulated them.

This sentence did not cause them to make a mistake but attracted a group of fire crows, but instead made them laugh. But they soon couldn't laugh. I raised my right hand quietly and slowly, and the ring of the flame **** on my finger lit up a bright red light. "Charm-spiritual guidance." The Fire Ravens all stunned and stopped flying towards me. I put my hand flat and I was going to watch them lively. "Life, food, delicious."

The Fire Ravens seemed to be all stimulants, and all their brains rushed towards them regardless of the casualties. As the saying goes, man dies for wealth, and birds die for food. Fire crow is also strictly a bird. I have just used thought guidance to link food to these guys, so that Fire Ravens will rush to their food desperately, that is, to these **** who hurt me.

Five people were half-dead due to the attack of Fire Crow. Although these little guys were not strong in combat, they were fast in quantity and took out fire damage. It was not so easy to fight. While they were having fun with these guys, I directly bypassed them and entered the front hole.

Unexpectedly, these guys were still desperately full. Seeing that I was going to enter the hole, the blood dragon suddenly split a few fire crows with an axe, and then threw the axe at me. In their astonished eyes, I caught the axe with my staff, and then turned the axe with my staff like acrobatics, but it didn't fall. "Want to go back to the axe? Return you." As my staff trembled, the axe spun back and flew back immediately.

The blood dragon reached out to catch the axe, and immediately there was a sound like cold water entering a hot oil pan, and then a green smoke burst out. The blood dragon screamed in pain and threw the axe out, but the axe handle also peeled a layer of skin from his hand.

"Ha ha ha ha!" I laughed and leaned back. "Iron bear's paw, isn't it delicious? You play with me, you're still decades away!" I said, turning around with deep laughter all the way into the hole.

My sun stick is always burning with high-temperature flames. His axe was already hot by me. He grabbed it at this time and it was almost like holding a burnt iron bar. It was not strange if it was not hot.

After entering the inner hole, it is now a paradise for flame creatures. The walls of the cave are covered with flame lizards. Such small things can spray high-temperature flames like dragons. And the temperature is higher than the dragon's flame, but it is not corrosive, so it is not as fierce as the fire dragon. But anyway, salamander is still a kind of terrible creature. Be especially careful when these guys appear in groups. Except for salamanders, the fire scorpion on the ground and the flame diamond python coiled on a rock pillar are very strong things. The fire scorpion is extremely venomous. It is really anxious and can explode. Its power is comparable to an aerial bomb. The Flame King Python is even more terrible. The Flame King Python, which is only five meters long, seems to be a relatively small type in Warcraft. Definitely a nasty creature.

I can only carefully move forward with the Vulcan ring. The red light on the ring makes the surrounding creatures do their own thing with awesome eyes, and the creatures in the way know that they have given me a way. It's really good. Previously, I only had this situation when I entered the undead settlement. The undead never dared to stop me because my evil breath was stronger than them. The same is true of the fire creatures here. But they were in awe of the firepower on the ring, not our land.

After carefully crossing this hole, after passing a relatively narrow pass, you entered the back hole. There are not many creatures on this side, but the level turns and jumps up. At the top of the cave is a flame bat king, and a black dragon lies on a reddish stone on the left side of the cave. There is a lava pool next to the cave on the right. A fire phoenix is ​​holding a burning red subway comb to bathe in the lava pool. As soon as I entered, they suddenly reacted, and the Flame Bat King extended his head from his wings and stared at me. The dragon also suddenly raised his head, and the action of the fire phoenix combing was also fixed.

Their eyes looked up and down on me for a long time, then suddenly moved to my ring, and then they ignored me at all. The Flame Batman buried his head back into his wings to sleep, and the dragon also put his head down again. The Fire Phoenix continued to wash him, as if I no longer existed.

They just ignored me, and I didn't want to provoke them anyway. Passing through this big hole, the opposite hole actually has a gate like a road. Seems full of style. This gate is a Chinese style. Japanese culture is heavily influenced by China, so it is difficult to see what is classical. The gate looks more like an archway, Jinqipanlongzhu, Fire Phoenix Chaoyangmen, how does it look like Nantianmen, and this gate is indeed about the same size as Nantianmen, it was designed for the Titan giant.

I walked over and looked around. I was just about to touch the door, and suddenly there was a young man's voice behind. "If I don't touch that thing."

I turned around and now that Fire Phoenix has stood behind me. The voice just now clearly came from this fire phoenix. I didn't expect his voice to sound so young.

"Are you talking to me?"

"Are there anyone else besides you? Or the fox around you is the master, are you just a pet?" Fire Phoenix was not polite, but was not hostile.

"Your vision is good." I looked at him and said, "So can you tell me why this door can't be touched?"

Fire Phoenix's body suddenly shrank, then turned into a handsome young man and stood in front of me. "Don't you know what's in it? Don't sloppy with me. I know your purpose here. Listen to me and go back immediately. Don't even think about it here. You have nothing to do. That's it. "

"No, you don't know my intention."

"No, I know." Phoenix smiled. "You came to prevent the contents from resurrecting. You may even plan to take him as your own and use his power to deal with the Japanese. Am I right? "

"To deal with the Japanese?" I argued. "What do I have to do against ourselves, and I have to deal with Chinese people too!"

Fire Phoenix laughed: "I said, don't bother me with sloppy eyes. Your name is Ziri, you are Chinese, and you are a foreigner in the court of heaven and an honorary lord of the Dark Temple. You have something to do with the forces in Europe. I do n’t know exactly. Anyway, I only know what is in China. As for the reason why you want to lie to me, I understand it, so I do n’t blame you, but do n’t blame me anymore. Lied. I know you are an authentic descendant of Yanhuang. "

I was really taken aback. I didn't expect the other party to know everything. What's more exaggerated is that I am now the trumpet of Yinyue, and he actually knew that I was Ziri.

"How do you know I'm Chinese?"

"You don't need to worry about this, I naturally have my way. By the way. I'm not a Japanese beast, but a good friend of Hong Jun's lord, a 10,000-level flame phoenix god. The gods and buddies in your heavenly court come strictly. They are all my juniors, and you are even more tempted to play tricks in front of me. "

Oh my god! This guy is a friend of the leader of Hong Jun, isn't that generation heavenly? The entire Chinese court of heaven was created by Jiang Ziya, and Jiang Ziya was an apprentice to the original Tianzun, and the original Tianzun was also an apprentice to the leader of Hong Jun. How strong is this guy and his peer? He said he was a 10,000-level fire phoenix, and it looked similar.

I glanced at the sleeping dragon next to it and the ground bat hanging from it. "These two are ...?"

Chi Sun said: "Don't worry about those two lazy worms. They have been here for tens of thousands of years, and the Aura of the Seal of God has been together for only ten years."

I couldn't ask any more, so I asked instead: "Since you're your own. Then I believe you won't hurt me. But I want to know why I can't touch that door?"

Zhiri immediately said: "Do you think the three of us are here for a vacation? We are guards, and the task is to watch those guys in it. If you open the door, we must at least fight for a few days before the throne of God Seal. It's very hard to get them back. You better not mess with us. "

"I don't want to let them out, I just want to see if I can subdue them."

"Conquer? What do you think is in it?"

"Isn't it Japan's national guardian?"

"Then do you know what he is?"

I shook my head. "do not know."

"Do you know another name for Japan?"

"Looks like the kingdom of the sunrise! Their flags are all with the sun." I wasn't sure.

"So do you know why Japan is called the country of sunrise?"

"Because he is in the east of the world. The sun rises from them at the earliest."

"That's right. But do you know what this sun refers to?"

"Isn't the sun the sun? Any clue?"

"No." Fire Phoenix said: "The sun in the kingdom of sunrise does not refer to the sun in the sky, but to these guys closed here. Their real name is Jinwu."

"Jinwu? Demon day?" I almost fell down in surprise. "You mean it's a little sun?"

Jinwu is a kind of bird. They are born of flame elements like phoenix. But Jinwu and Fire Phoenix are a little different. Their flame energy is countless times stronger than that of the Phoenix, and they claim to compete with the sun. People call them the demon day meaning the sun that the goblin turns into. In ancient China, there was a legend of Houyi shooting the sun. In fact, it was not the sun but Jinwu that shot.

Fire Phoenix confirmed my idea. "In ancient times, Jiuyi Sun once shot nine Jinwu, but then it is said that there was a mistake. In fact, Jinwu was shot but not shot. Even our fire phoenixes can rebirth, can Jinwu die so easily? The Jinwu that was shot at that time has been suppressed here, although their injuries have recovered. But there is a huge magic array inside, which can extract their power into the ground, melt the rocks to form magma, so that their power can be dispersed They ca n’t get out without power. But if you open the door, once they fly out, they are not so well controlled. "

"It's difficult ... can it be said that the underground magma in the world was formed because their nine energies were injected into the underground?"

"Of course not so exaggerated." Fire Phoenix's words gave me some peace of mind. "Although Jinwu is known as the demon sun, it is not the true sun after all, and it is not as strong as it is. However, the magma underground in Japan is caused by their power. The flame power of these guys is too strong. If it is not for Japan to rely on the sea, It dissipates heat relatively quickly, and it is estimated that it has long become a lava island. "

"I said why there are so many volcanoes in Japan!"

"This is also no way." Fire Phoenix said: "If the power of Jinwu is not channeled, the seal will soon be melted off."

"Is it really impossible to use their power?" To tell the truth, I do n’t know when it ’s Jinwudi, it ’s insignificant, but now I really want to get the legendary creature. After all, they are too powerful.

Chiri thought about it: "It's not impossible to use it. As far as I know, there are at least three ways to use their power, but it's unlikely for you."

"Then let's talk about it, maybe I can do it?"

"Well, then!" Chi Sun said, "The first method is to use Inner Plane Summoning. As a caregiver here, I have the right to grant you the right to use this guard room, so if you will use Inner Plane Summoning, You can summon Jinwu to your place to fight against your enemies. At this time, Jinwu actually exists in two spaces at the same time. One is the space of this cell, and the other is the virtual inner plane you build with mana. Space. After framing your enemies with Jinwu within this range, they will naturally fight, and Jinwu cannot escape this cage, because his body is still in the cell. What you call is only virtual space, not his body. .As long as you cut off the energy input of this virtual space, the space does not exist, so he only exists in the space where the cell is located, which is equivalent to being captured. Using this method, you can call Jinwu safely and reliably, and Don't worry about problems. It's one of the most reliable ways. "

"That's great." I asked Chiri excitedly. "Will you call this inner plane? Teach me it?"

Chiri shook his head. "I will be there. The problem is that even with my power, I can only use it for more than ten seconds to seal the throne of God. What can the seal of throne do at such a little time? If you use it, it may not even take a second. At all It is tantamount to not calling. "

"Halo, so much consumption?"

"It's not expensive, but this magic itself is not used by us. Its real name is called the Gemini Summoning Array, which must be a close twin, and must be two pure virgins. When using these two casters must also There are a pair of twin unicorns and a pair of twin star gems. In this case, you can open the Twin Star Summoner completely without damage. If the above conditions are met, the consumption will be reduced to a very low level. Complete the magic as described above. I don't think it will be a problem to support it for a few months at a time. The problem is that you are not a woman and you do not have twin sisters. "

"I have twins, but I'm really not a woman, and I don't have twin unicorns. As for the double star gem you said, I have never even heard of it. Tell me the second method."

Blazing Sun pointed at my staff. "This method was originally unusable, but if you have it, it will be easy to handle."

"You say the staff of the sun?" I looked at my staff. "Can it help me get Jinwu?"

"Of course not." A thunderous voice appeared on my side, startling me. I saw a middle-aged Caucasian man standing on my side looking at me, but the black dragon on the stone in the distance was gone. Obviously this person is the human form of that dragon. "Don't trust Chiri to say that he will kill you."

"Ah?" I looked at Chiri in doubt, waiting for his explanation.

Chiri did not explain to me, but stared at the middle-aged man who was on fire. "You sleepy dragon, nothing to sleep with your big head, what troubles you? This is our Chinese civilization, don't interrupt yourself, a foreigner."

The black dragon completely ignored the blazing sun ’s curse and said to me: "Jinwu is a very fierce creature, but he worships power very much. If he can convince them with his own power, he can make them your loyal servants. Command as you like. But the general weapon can't hurt Jinwu at all, so the idiot of Zhiri said that your sun cane can be used. He meant that you go in and fight with Jinwu. But I have to remind you . Don't think that you are an adventurer who can rely on your soul to regenerate. Jin Wu's body is the fire of origin, and even the soul can be incinerated together. If he is burned to death, you are ready to die! "

I was taken aback ~ ~ Of course, the so-called adventurer refers to the player, and even the incineration of the soul means that even the account will be deleted. After that, the task of re-creating will start from the new village. This is more powerful than any other attribute for the player. Who dares to touch the enemy who deletes the number once? This blazing sun really doesn't look good, looking at it seems to get along, is it really a big liar!

Chiri quickly explained to me: "I really didn't mean that." He said he took out something as big as a watermelon and handed it to me. "This thing is called the commandment thunder, which directly modifies the attributes from the rules. As long as you detonate it in the Jinwu group, all Jinwu will lose the ability to incinerate the soul, so if an adventurer like you is killed, it will lose at most There will be no major problems at a level of ten or twenty. "

"What? Drop a dozen or twenty levels? No big problems yet?"

"Of course." Chiri took it for granted: "You think! Jin Wu could have burned the soul directly, even if it was confined, at least he could burn the soul, right? Once the soul is damaged, the level will certainly drop. You In normal death, there is only a small impact on the soul, so only one or two levels are dropped, and 20 levels are killed by Jinwu. "

"Well, I'll just listen to the third method directly." Chiri is just opening me up!

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