Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 44: Undead Guard

Volume XIII Chapter 44 Undead Guard Wow! so beautiful! Emmys sighed. We feel the same way. Under the pure yellow lubricating oil in the box lies a beautifully shaped gemstone, and the periphery of the gemstone is also wrapped with some golden mechanical structures, which looks quite complicated. What surprised us the most was that the machinery outside this thing was ticking around, looking like a beating heart.

Shouldn't this thing have life? Yeyue asked.

Someone should know. I shouted to Fenglong Space: Everett, come out to help look at this thing.

Everett flew out of Fenglong space. Without my instructions, he immediately noticed the mechanical core soaked in oil. Gosh! What a beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m! Everett sighed.

heart? You said it was a heart?

Yes. Everett enviously looked at this thing and said: This is a mechanical core, the heart of the magic puppet, and this thing is more important to the puppet than the human heart. In addition to providing power for the puppet, it is also responsible for the puppet's thinking, that is, it has the function of the brain, which is the real core and more important than the human heart. Another point is that the power source used by this core is actually a holy magic crystal.

What is Sacred Crystal?

Is a kind of magic crystal.

Are there more than two kinds of spar? I heard for the first time that there are other types of magic crystals.

Nodded according to the characteristics of Foley. In fact, the magic spar is far less than expected, and its variety is actually quite large. These magical creatures are actually equivalent to using magic crystal as food, so we know a lot about this. Like my body, there are red spar and magic guide stone.

Fire Magic Stone? Are there other magic stones?

correct. Everett said: "Magic Stone" is a large category that includes all element types. Different magic stones can only absorb this series of energy, like the flame magic stones in my body only absorb the fire element, so the higher the temperature, the stronger I am. Using fire magic to attack me is equivalent to replenishing my energy.

What about the holy magic crystal? What are its characteristics?

Everett lamented: The holy magic crystal is the elixir of immortality for us as magical creatures. It is simply the best of the best. Although the fire magic stone in my body can rely on absorbing the fire element to replenish energy, after all, it can only rely on the fire element to replenish energy. Once it enters the environment without the fire element, it can only be supported by internal energy. Once it is exhausted, I am finished Already. But the holy magic crystal is different, it can absorb everything. No matter it is element or light, sound, temperature, matter, it can absorb everything you want, and everything can be converted into energy by it.

Is n’t that endless?

Theoretically, there is a limit, but the holy magic crystal is strong here. Generally, the output energy of magic crystal is regular. Suppose there is a white magic spar with an energy ceiling of 10,000, then its maximum release is about one per minute, and 10,000 minutes are consumed. If this is a red-striped magic spar, its energy limit should be one million with the same volume, and the maximum release rate is about five per minute. In this way, it will not only output more power, but also support the God of Throne for a longer time. However, the characteristics of the holy magic crystal are that it allows the instant release of all energy. There is no time for the release of the seal of the throne. The release of the seal of the throne is almost an explosion. For the magic puppet, the release rate of its core energy magic spar determines its maximum power output, and for large machinery, a certain output upper limit is a necessary condition. Otherwise, it may not be able to drive at all.

I nodded: Isinger's power core contained white demon spar, and its volume had already caught up with a young dragon. So, the output power of the Holy Magic Crystal is its energy ceiling?

almost. Everett said: But because the sacred crystal ground has a terrible charge, it can drive almost any device. As long as you do n’t use it as a bomb, its supplementary level will generally be more exhausting to the machine, so there is no exhaustion at all. The energy depletion of the so-called holy magic crystal is only a theoretical matter, and it is practically impossible.

Night Moon Road: Strong output, unlimited capacity, fast charging. This thing has almost no shortcomings!

No, this thing has its shortcomings, and the shortcomings are very obvious. According to Everett: The biggest disadvantage of the Holy Magic Crystal is the output. As far as I know, there are only two Holy Magic Crystals in the world. This is the result of counting the one in front of us.

Where is the other piece? I asked excitedly.

In Noreen's chest.

what? Happy for nothing! I was planning to steal it after knowing the location! I did not expect to be in Noreen's chest. This is no longer expected! I can't kill Noryn just to get the Holy Crystal, right? "Yes, Everett. Is the sacred crystal in Norrin's chest as big as this?

No. Noreen was only less than one-twentieth of this one.

What about this ...?

That's right. It is an extremely rare grade energy core. If you need to describe a large magic fortress like Isinger, even if all the equipment is turned on together, you will not need one tenth of the actual energy supplement of this holy magic crystal.

Gosh! What is that concept? I thought about it: It seems that this thing is more important than the entire treasure house. Pack it up first and return it to Noreen to study it. We must make full use of this level of energy core and disassemble it if necessary It can also be used.

Everett said a little distressed: Is that too wasteful? Such a large sacred grain crystal is rare!

I know, but the things we make do n’t use such a large output power. Instead of wasting it there, it ’s better to cut open and build more equipment.

After determining the value of this thing, I was so happy and crazy that I quickly asked everyone to evacuate this treasure house, so we could attack the other warehouse where the equipment was placed. What better things could be done now.

After evacuating the room, the magic pet was withdrawn, and then Everett burned a hole in the door. After I took him back, I crawled out alone. The commander was less than ten meters from the gate. He was trying to leave here, but his hands and feet were petrified. He could only move forward like a worm, and when we evacuated a treasure trove of time, the Seal of the Seal of God, he only advanced less than ten meters.

My puppet was still standing outside the door, but without instructions, they didn't take any notice of the commander. I summoned Yeyue and pointed the commander. Petrify him completely. Packed into Fenglong space. This is our new appearance. Fenglong space originally could not be loaded with creatures other than the magic pet, but the creatures petrified by Yeyue are only stones and can be loaded in.

After throwing him into the Fenglong space, we soon came outside the treasure trove of equipment. There are also guards here, but because it is far from the exit, I am not afraid of any movement from them. Four monster puppets were rushed in directly from both sides. I was taking Yeyue to join the battle, and dozens of soldiers were quickly killed. The door to the treasure house here is exactly the same as before. I simply let Eiffel melt the door and let Frost Snow stand inside and wait for the four drains to drain. But we waited for a long time and it didn't start.

Why don't they start? Frost looked at me in doubt.

I think about it and understand. gosh! I'm confused! Just now the treasure trove was filled with gems and gold. Those things are not afraid of acid, just use an acid substance as an anti-theft organ. The equipment here is all equipment. Once the sour water is down, the equipment in the entire room is completely finished.

That means there is no mechanism here?

of course. A strange voice came in suddenly. In the deep part of the treasure house, the gate was suddenly opened in the same place as the place where the treasure house put the mechanical core. A samurai with a full body armor was sitting on a stone chair behind the door. The voice comes from him. The warrior stood up from his chair, and then pulled out the sword stuck in the ground in front of him. No agency is needed here because I am here. You have illegally entered the Royal Treasury without permission, and I will execute the death penalty on your behalf.

So arrogant guy.

The big tail of Yeyuedi swept past. But unexpectedly, the samurai caught it with one hand.

Little girl, put away your words. I am not something your knowledge can understand. Don't use your standards to measure my strength. The samurai raised his sword as he said. "Now stretch out your neck and wait for my verdict!

I held Eternity in my hand, a flash of light flashed, and the Eternal Sword was completed. Try it out first.

I really do not know the height of the little guy.

The samurai suddenly swept over, and I quickly greeted Eternity. when. A crisp sound.

Yep? The two of us hummed at the same time. I think we should be similar. There were weapons that could block my sword, and it was in a state of no harm. His performance was obviously also surprised that his sword did not cut my weapon. Weapons such as ours generally do not appear against swords when fighting against others, because no weapons can be used, and they will be broken when encountered. Now we suddenly have weapons that can fight against our own weapons, both of us are surprised.

Although we were a little stunned, we are not newbies. The two of us jumped away immediately after a crisp sound. The difference was that my movement was flexible and the landing posture was normal, but the guy fell to the ground like a statue, and the ground banged.

Your weapon is good. The samurai said to me.

Yours is also good.

But you are still not my opponent.

The samurai suddenly started, rushed to me in three steps, and a sword slashed at me. when. Eternity held the other's sword overhead, but

It was suddenly another hand in my body, or a pair of claws. The claws also held weapons, and they stabbed directly at the samurai's abdomen. Who would have thought that he could succeed, who knew he was reading a novel and playing with lights. The reaction was too fast, and it turned out. The soldier's clone came out of my body and stood beside me, and the mage's clone also appeared behind me.

The samurai looked at us. The position of his eyes on his armor flashed a little red. Trinity? interesting!

You are so strong that I even used the avatars. I split the warrior clone and the mage: preparation and physical skills.

ok ... I crouched suddenly, and the mage's wand pointed forward. A large fireball with a blue flame gathering the fireball whistled and flew out. Immediately after the fireball flew over my head, I jumped up and rushed up with the fireball, and the mage and fighter clones also followed me.

The samurai split the fireball with a sword without any tension, but what he saw was me rushing out of the middle of the fireball. Eternity collided with his sword. With the power of jumping, I just slid his sword down, and immediately wiped out a spark on the edge of the two weapons. The samurai yelled, and his arms flew me out of shock, but the soldier's avatar immediately took it. There were no intervals of attacks. The samurai easily caught the soldiers attacking in avatars, tauntingly mockingly: the eagle worm trick.

Just when he was proud, the soldier's clone suddenly jumped back. After the warrior's huge werewolf body jumped away, the samurai was surprised and now he has been blocked behind. The mage's clone doesn't know when it has arrived in front of him, and the tip of the staff is facing a magical flash to the critical state. At this time, it was too late to hide, and the samurai just came across the sword and was blown out by a shining light ball.

The samurai fell from a distance. After landing, I was planning to get up, and now I have fallen towards him from the air. He quickly rolled to the side, trying to avoid my attack range, but he just rolled into the attack range of the soldier. With a squeak, the warrior's sword was inserted into the samurai's belly accurately. I immediately followed up with the mage. The other two weapons were inserted together.

As soon as Eternal entered the body of this guy, I knew it was bad. Damn this guy's belly was empty. It's not living! what! With a scream, the three of us flew out together and fell to Venus. Damn it! be cheated!

The warrior got up and looked at the wound on his stomach, then laughed. Hahahaha! Do you know why you are not my opponents now? Because you can't hurt me at all. What you have been attacking is just my armor, you can't hurt my body at all! Obediently wait to die!

I snorted disdainfully. cut! Wrong attack method! You two come back first. Little dragon girl, sand leaf, king. Help me trap this guy. The little dragon girl is a fairy user, and there are many ways to attack the spirit body. Sha Ziye herself is a big undead. It would be strange if she could not attack the ghost creature. The king is also an undead creature. As a fighting spirit, he has a natural restraint effect on most ghosts. Definitely a type of sadness, not to mention he also brought two little ghosts.

After the split and body, I directly gave the body command to Phantom. Tai Chi Soul Array-off. A white translucent body separated from my body. This is my body now. I used the soul-locking array to strip my soul from the body, so that I am also a spirit body, and using ordinary attacks on the ghost can also take effect, but the weapon cannot be used.

The samurai opposite seemed to realize that all the attackers in front of him were effective at the soul ~ ~ he hesitated to take a step back. Do you want to bully more and less? This guy is very brave. I didn't expect that my brain was good. I actually knew that when the situation was unfavorable, I would get out of the law. If I were really bothered by him and singled out with him, he would win. But I don't do that stupid thing.

Don't make more people bully less people, but our respect for you. If you are a waste, we won't go to so many people! You should feel glorious. Ready to die now. Everyone.

I was going to charge upwards, and the samurai immediately blocked it with a sword. I didn't expect that I rushed to half and stopped suddenly. The biggest advantage of the state of the soul is that there is no inertia. Stop when you stop. Before the warrior responded, she saw the little dragon girl throw a piece of paper over. I do n’t know if it was because the planet did n’t have a rune to say that the other party did n’t hide. The rune paper was lumped into balls, and bounced off immediately after hitting his body. A ball of paper will certainly not hurt someone, but the special amulet paper that draws amulet is another matter. Although the paper group bounced back, a figure flew out of the samurai armor, and the armor suddenly fell apart after that. The little dragon girl actually forced the opponent's soul out with a sign!

When the spirit body left the armor, it realized that the situation was not seconds, and looked at the armor that was scattered, and looked at itself who had no weapons. He didn't know what to do.

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