Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 47: Lost to death

Chapter 13 Chapter 47

do not move. More than a dozen steel guns hit me at the same time, as long as I moved, I had to become a sieve.

The space passage shook for a while, and a very handsome teenager came out, covering his forehead. "Which **** did it just? Ah ... my head ... bleeds again! Priest, I need a priest! Ah! What can I do? There is more blood! Quick, I want a priest!"

"Master Lan! Are you okay?" Several old men ran up in a panic to help the teenager look up.

The next priest said: "It doesn't matter, just scratched the skin and let me treat it with divine magic." Then the priest started to use divine magic to heal. "How do adults feel? Are you better?"

The boy named Lan touched his forehead and was sure it didn't hurt before he said, "Well, it seems all right!" After turning his eyes, he turned to me who was being pressed to the ground. "You hit me just now?"

"Haha!" I waved at him. "Accident is purely accidental."

"Is it an accident?" The boy came over and pulled away a few guards, then took out a sword and hung over me. "It was also an accident, I slipped my hand." He suddenly uttered such a sentence, while his hand was loose, the sword fell off immediately.

The jewel above my head suddenly flashed, and a red hemisphere quickly swept away from me. The falling sword first hit the light ball, and immediately hit a string of Mars like hitting a rock. At the same time, it was pushed upward by the light curtain Fly up. The light curtain expanded and hit everyone around, everyone felt as if they were hit by something. The young boy responded quite well and landed a few heads in the air. Others were not as lucky as him, all of them fell down, moaning constantly on the ground.

I stood up from the ground with eternity and turned to face the teenager who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old. "No matter who you are. I remember you." After that, I turned and walked towards the space channel. Hurry back to Isinger on the current mission, not to fight the enemy here, I don't plan to fight with him now.

I do n’t know if it ’s my luck today. I actually forgot that this space channel is supported by the mage. If I stepped out earlier, it would be nothing. But it was a step slower, and those mages actually fiddled. My foot was not right after I stepped in. It was too late to retreat. I just felt a suction to **** me in. The space channel suddenly closed behind me. But there is endless darkness ahead, even the darkness that my night vision ability can't see through.

I just felt that my body was falling down all the time, I tried it with my wings spread, and it was completely invalid. Summon the night shadow, but still fall down. Send back the night shadow and get lucky. The result remains. Since I can't control it, I can only wait. Anyway, I can't see the ground for a while, and I have to wait to fall.

After maintaining this state for about a minute, a bright spot suddenly appeared in front. And as the distance approaches, it expands rapidly. The bright spot quickly became a space channel with a light blue light curtain. I was dragged forward by that thing, so I couldn't stop no matter what method I just used.

Although space channels allow objects to pass through, they do not allow light to penetrate. So no matter which side, you can only see a passageway with a faint halo. It is impossible to see the situation on the opposite side. After all, space channels and doors are not a thing. So the characteristics are also very different. I hit the front passage very quickly, and then passed through it without hindrance. There was a sudden light in front of me, and a giant blue planet was in my eyes. Wait, why does this thing look so familiar?

I suddenly noticed a change in the direction of gravity. Relative to the current direction of gravity, I should be lying down. In other words, the sky before me should be. Then this familiar thing should be a certain planet, and it makes me think there is only one familiar planet. That is the earth. I suddenly understood it. Looking back in surprise, it turned out that the ground behind me was the red sandy land, which was the main characteristic of the terrifying red planet.

A bunch of things, though incomprehensible, apparently passed into my ears. My translation system is always on, but the language has not been translated, which shows that this is not a foreign language at all, but an alien language. And on the red planet, only the red star creatures here are talking strange language!

I quickly opened my wings and adjusted my posture, and searched left and right, but now there are a few monsters pointing at me and shouting something. It doesn't matter what they call, a large group of monsters rushed up in the back, and more monsters got out of the nearby burrow. I now know why these monsters have mud-grey skin and huge eyes! The reason is actually very simple, because they are all earth creatures. The skin color of terrestrial creatures that have not seen the sun for a long time will gradually change to gray. In the dark underground world, either the eyes will be completely degraded, or they must evolve into larger and sharper night vision eyes.

Looking at the monsters gathering nearby, I don't think there is any place to escape. The creatures of this planet don't know if they live in a concentrated place, or if they are too large in number, they always appear in groups like ants.

Turn the ring of love on your hand to communicate with Rose. "Wife, call me away quickly."

Wu Gui started calling without saying a word, but she soon heard an anxious voice. "Husband, no! The system reminds that the ring of love cannot be summoned across the planet! Are you in danger?"

"Is it dangerous to be surrounded by millions of monsters?"

"You try to run! I can't summon, I can't help it!"

"Well, I'll figure it out for myself!" Saying that I think of it is actually comforting Rose. Surrounded by millions of monsters, what makes me think of a way?

People can often swing horizontally in critical situations, and my brain suddenly becomes flexible! How stupid! Isn't there a monster charm expert in Fenglong Space! I quickly poured Yeyue and the little princess together, and I asked Yeyue to restore the little princess, and then hurry to her: "

Hurry up and help, it's over! "

The princess looked at the monster beneath her and was startled, and quickly dragged my arm to bite. I was frightened and quickly put her head down. "What are you doing? I let you deal with monsters, when will you let me bite me?"

"Get cheap and sell well! Look at the tooth marks on your arm, don't you know what I'm going to do? Just now you didn't say that order, I could attack the monsters below, but you said it first. According to the law of creation, I Can't obey your orders to help you. Because you are an adventurer. The only way is to be your magic pet. "

The law of creation is said to be a system rule, and of course the adventurer is the player. The translation is that the system limits help players to fight casually, unless it is the relationship between the magic pet and the owner. Even a force like Heaven's Court has a good relationship with me. They only help me in a state of war, and most of them are mission-based rewards. Really, they rarely participate directly in the battle. This is because of system restrictions, which prohibits us, the players who pull relationships, from overusing bsp; collect more magic. Spoil me without losing. There is no reason to refuse such a thing. I don't know if it was intentional or what reason, this girl almost bit a piece of meat with a sip, which was really severe. Get the system's magic pet to join the notification, call her a princess directly, and quickly direct her to participate in the battle.

Join me. The power of the princess will be limited accordingly. The system will not create an invincible existence. Unless he is completely free, the things belonging to the player will be limited in strength. However, the strength of the princess itself is very strong, and my level is very high, and the restrictions on her are actually not great. Thanks to the joining of the princess. Her two pets also automatically became my pets. That little elf's name is Luna. It is actually a level auxiliary creature that can catch up with Ling. Its specialty is to increase all magic properties, which is equivalent to a magic rate amplifier that can move. As for the cat, after looking at the properties, I know that this guy is the offspring of the white tiger group. Although not as powerful as the white tiger in the land of the four holy beasts, at least it is much more powerful than the average dragon. Belongs to the melee class of the wind system. The cat shape that he usually sees is only his camouflage form, and his body should be similar to the white tiger, but it is not as big as the white tiger.

After confirming the addition of the magic pet, the princess immediately put Luna on her shoulders and began to increase her charm ability. Those monsters closest to us suddenly slowed down, and then stopped running. The monsters behind didn't know what the monsters in the front stopped, but they kept pushing them to rush forward.

The princess's eyes flashed suddenly, and the eyes of the stopped monsters followed, and then the innermost circle suddenly turned at the same time and attacked the partner behind her. Despite the huge number of monster groups, after all, it is impossible to attack us together, and the part of the innermost circle that can actually attack has instead betrayed collectively, which has caused a lot of confusion in the Monster Army.

Seeing the monsters around in a mess, I immediately began to think about how to evacuate. The princess's power was not invincible, and controlling these tens of thousands of monsters was already level. In fact, don't look at these monsters' fighting ability, it is really more difficult to control than other creatures, because they are aliens, different in aesthetics, and the princess's charm technique has a discounted effect on them, so it is very laborious.

Surrounded by monsters, the sky does not look like it can fly out safely, the only way out is to punch holes! I don't know how to do it. I used to transmit and fly on the earth, and the world did it for me. I did not expect to have a hole in the underground all day!

The surface of the red planet appears to be a highly powdered metal ore, and it is likely to be iron oxide. Although the material is very hard, it is easier to dig than soil because it is completely gravel. The only trouble is to keep the rose vines supporting the channel protection wall. Otherwise, the trailblazer just dug in the front and the sand will be filled back by himself. .

The princess gave a free attack command to the monster she was deceived, and then jumped into the bunker with us. The trailblazers drove down a vertical well from where we stood, and they went deep into the ground three or four hundred meters at a time before suddenly hitting a very hard structure. The rose vine supported a relatively large space, let me come down and see the situation.

What is blocking us is a black substance. It is obvious that the structure is not artificial, but a special stratum. The red planet cannot be composed entirely of red iron ore, and it is understandable that there is a hard rock layer underground, but this stone is too hard. I took the blade claws and interviewed for a few times, but only a few shallow marks were left on it. No wonder the trailblazers couldn't dig!

Summoned Everett to help look at ~ ~ He is a creation of Shi Jiaha, and knows more about materials than we know. Everett took a brief look and determined that we were digging for pig iron, which means that below this is a large iron plate. Although the pig iron is not too hard, it is definitely impossible to dig a tunnel on it. Fortunately, Everett also told us that this pig iron layer is very thin. With the flame ability of Everett, we finally melted a channel of more than seven meters on this natural iron plate before finally passing through.

Underneath the iron plate is not space, but rocks, but this thing the pioneers can handle. Rocks do n’t flow like sand, so we do n’t need rose vines to support the passage anymore, and our progress has accelerated. It continued to drop for more than 30 meters, and the Blazers suddenly reported that it was through. I took a look at the front after taking back the Blazers. The passage penetrated into a huge underground space, because it was so large that I couldn't see the whole picture at all. In fact, I can't even see the ground below here, and there is a difference of at least a few kilometers. I didn't expect that there would be such a huge underground world under the sandy land of the Red Planet!

The princess also came up and looked up, then asked me, "How can we go down?"

With a bang, I opened the huge wings behind me. "You go back to Fenglong Space first, I can fly down by myself."

"Be careful." The princess cried suddenly, pointing at me.

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