Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 53: Strong buy

Volume XIII Chapter 53 Buying No wonder the propulsion of the spear is so strange I sigh.

The other side ’s teacher said proudly: "This is the great result of the alchemy technology of our kingdom of the gods, and of course different from ordinary creatures. Usually birds rely on wings to propel, or there are creatures that rely on magic to fly, but their The degrees are very slow. We combined the characteristics of various creatures, and then found a creature shape that is most suitable for high flight, so the shape of the jet dragon was determined. Then we can not rely on the wings of the creature in this shape. Fanning is used to provide power, and no matter how fast the wings are fanned, in fact, the degree can not be improved much, so we thought of using other ways to propel. Then we thought of combustion injection technology, but this was a mechanical technology. It ca n’t be combined with biology, so we started to study how to fuse biology and machinery. In the end, we succeeded. You also saw the current jet flying dragon, which not only has a perfect dynamic shape, but also has the limit of sound. , Arguably the best air ride. "

I snapped my fingers and the bird suddenly appeared on the table among us. The person on the other side was startled, but soon noticed that this thing was very similar to the Jet Wyvern, but it was a lot bigger.

The mage looked at me excitedly and said, "How did you get this?"

"Pick it."

The mage obviously thought that I was lying to him, but he didn't dare to resist, so he had to concentrate on observing the takeoff bird. He walked carefully around the bird, reached out to touch it, and immediately the bird fluttered its wings. Frightened he retracted his hand again.

I said to him: "You tell me you have something similar here?"

The mage nodded and said, "This one looks a lot like a jet dragon, but it's obviously different from a normal jet dragon. I'm really weird, we never made this kind of thing. I really don't know how you got it. Could there be What forces can, like us, think of creating synthetic organisms? "

"I think your technology should be rare. At least I don't know who can reach your level." The mage seemed quite happy after hearing what I said. After all, scientific workers hope that others can agree with their research. Although strictly speaking these guys are not engaged in scientific research, alchemy is actually similar to technology. There is some difference in the basic principles. I continued: "I personally suspect that he may be a mutated form, but I am not sure, I hope you can help check after the negotiation, it is best to find a way to strengthen the spear. My forces also use the spear. If they can all strengthen to this level, it will definitely be a very meaningful thing. "

"Of course, I don't want to say that I would like to study."

I continued to glance at the king, and then asked, "Is there only one flying island in your country?"

"Of course the kingdom of our gods has more than this area." The king said angrily: "This is just my king city. We also have many such floating islands."

The news surprised me. I thought this was the only floating island, and no one can understand it now. But if there are many such things flying around the world, why no one is showing them?

"How many cities do you have?"

"There are nine King City in total."

"Then why haven't I been here? It should be easy to see such a big thing on the ground!"

"That's because we are mostly at sea, and generally we are not close to the 6th place. There are no people on the sea, that is, there are occasional ships passing by. It is no problem as long as you avoid it."

"It's understandable to say so." I nodded. "So tell me if your specialty is alchemy?"

"Yes. This is enough for our research." The mage replied.

"So what's your alchemy achievement other than Jet Dragon?"

As soon as the mage was about to open his mouth, the king immediately replied: "There is also the technology of integrating and refining rocks. We can use no fire. We can use the magic array to extract the necessary parts of the ore directly, without digging the ore out of the ground. Just draw the magic on the ground. The array can be directly extracted, and the purity is much higher than the extraction. "

"Is magic mining?" It seems that there is such a good technology that it is profitable this time. "So what else have you achieved besides this? For example, in terms of weapons?"

"No," the king replied, "if there were any weapons, we would not have been hit so hard before. We have always used alchemy to improve our living standards, and we have not used it as a weapon.

"Oh? Then you guys are really a peace-loving country!" I said, taking back the birds, and then slapping the whole table into pieces. In the shocked eyes of those people, they came across and kicked the king. Those people still wanted to save the king, but were immediately held down by my guards. I walked over and stepped on the king's chest. Press him to the ground. "Remember what I said before?"

"You ...!" The king's breath was not smooth, and I couldn't speak at all.

I didn't wait for him to speak, but said to myself: "I said that the next negotiation requires your cooperation. Is it my ear? If you open your eyes and dare to talk nonsense, it seems that you do not want to negotiate with me "I suddenly glanced at those present, and then said to the king on the ground:" Well, now designate your heir to the throne. "

"You ... what do you want ...?"

"Hurry up, I'm not in the mood to accompany you with the truth game." I stepped up on my feet and immediately sprayed the king's blood. "Come on, point out the heirs."

The king's trembling finger pointed at a 27-year-old man in the crowd, and it looked like a prince. I looked at that person and asked, "He's the heir?" The people around nodded together, and it seemed right. I suddenly lifted my feet and then snorted. The skate bounced. With a kick on the king's neck, his head immediately separated from his body. In those people's shocked eyes, I retracted the ice skate, and then walked back to my seat and sat down. He glanced at the trembling heir.

Alright, don't be stingy. You are now a king. Hold up your father's seat and sit up and negotiate for me. "

Those guys stared at me with a look of a devil, but it was just a stare of fear. Not angry, because they dare not show anger.

When the guy moved his father's body tremblingly and lifted up the chair again to sit up, I continued: "Specify your heir first, I'm afraid I won't be able to control it for a while." Boom, that The chair the guy just raised fell down again. It seemed he was scared and light. I smiled and said, "Don't be scared! I'm still very kind and friendly. Don't bother me, I will be a lovely businessman. But ... if anyone gives me any pleasure, I will let him know the price is what."

The guy immediately pointed at the monster-like princess. "She is the next heir." After that, he raised his chair and sat up again. "I will cooperate with your negotiation!"

"Good." I nodded. "Let ’s continue with the problem just now. I know that your alchemy technology has more than just this achievement, and tell me all, especially in the application of weapons and production. Unless the aspect of life is particularly important, do not say."

"Yes." The prince cooperated more than his dad. "Military, we have developed a magic fusion device. It can convert any energy into magic and then shoot it out. But it is one thing, but there are many different applications. For example, we have a lot of light in our cities. The wish tower can attack anywhere on this earth. "

Woohoo! The goal appears! It seems that this light wishing tower is the Babel tower of our guild. "Come on how it works."

"I have just said that the principle is the same. It is to gather magic power and then direct fire. When the wizard uses magic, he must create various forms of magic power, which is bothersome. Second, it is quite wasteful. If the magic power is gathered into a bunch, then Focusing on the shot, the power will be much greater. And because the magic is directly attacked, the energy loss when converted into a special magic system is saved, so that the power will become greater. And, in order to attack the target opposite to the earth. We also Shot the mirror into space and used it as a transit station. "

"What kind of thing is this mirror?"

"I don't really understand this, let the teacher explain it!" After all, the prince was not a scientific researcher.

The teacher replied: "The mirror is just its function. These things are actually synthetic creatures like the jet cage."

"Do you mean you sent creatures into space?" Damn, for a long time, this place can actually have satellites!

The mage explained: "Ordinary living things can't live on it, we have also studied it for a long time. The basic structure of the mirror is still inanimate matter, and the living thing that is fused with it only plays a controlling role. These creatures are low in intelligence and only know how to adjust the reflection angle according to the shooting requirements of the Light's Wish Tower. Moreover, in order to correspond to the extreme environment of space, the creature's shell is particularly hard. In addition, they do not need to eat because they are actually A semi-vegetative creature whose sunlight is their food. "

It turns out that biological satellites also use solar energy, which is a good idea. I nodded and said, "Okay. I have a general idea. What other weapons do you have besides this tower of light?"

"Like I said, there are some objects with the same principle, but the core is the same. You can imagine that the light tower of light is flattened, and the light beam emitted from the top can actually hurt the enemy in front. This It ’s like a cannon, but it ’s simpler than the Light's Wish Tower, removing the connection system to the space mirror. In addition, we have a small Light's Wish Tower. "

"Small? How small can it be?"

"Three people can carry and run, and if necessary, one can do it, but you must have the muscles of a strong man. But we usually mount it on the back of a large beast, and then ride it up to operate. That thing The power was pretty good when firing, about the same as the magic missile's magic missile. "

"Fuck, magic missiles are zero-level magic. They are terribly terrible without attributes!"

"But our shooter can shoot more than 70 times per minute. Although the power is not great every time. But the continuous attack is very powerful."

I thought about the teacher's explanation. This thing can basically be understood as a machine gun. Although the power is a bit small, the victory is fierce enough and strong. If it were on the back of a large creature like they said. Isn't that the same as an armed chariot? It looks promising.

I said to the teacher: "Are there anything else besides the ground shooter of this principle?"

"This ...!" The division glanced at the prince who had just taken the throne, and nodded before seeing the prince: "In fact, the most advanced application of our country's alchemy is the fusion technology like the jet dragon, not the special production of certain weapons. But if we really want to produce weapons, then we can enchant all kinds of weapons. "

"Very good." I nodded. "Okay, my land is almost the same. Now let's talk about our transaction." I said in a serious way: "I am a buyer, you are a seller."

"What do you want?" The prince asked cautiously.

"Your alchemist and all your alchemy techniques."

"What?" The prince quit before he spoke. "You can't do this. Alchemy is our life. Without it, how can we live?"

"I want all the alchemists and alchemy, you can come to me to study for me. Anyway, you only like to study the technology. As for who uses the results, I don't think it is important to you, right?" Seeing the mage With some hesitation, I threw another big bait. "You don't actually suffer when you come to me. At least I have all kinds of cherished materials, and many of them are rare treasures that you can't get anyway. And there is. My alchemy laboratory is amazingly large and equipped. Much better than you. If you come here, you can definitely use your strengths. How about that? Are you interested? "

That method

With a look of interest on the face of the teacher, I was very interested, but he shrank and refused to agree, his eyes continued to look towards the prince. Apparently signaled to me that the prince needed to nod. It seems that no country will be a complete community, and there will always be various forces within the country. There must be something in this division in the hands of the royal family. That's why I didn't dare to promise it myself.

The prince was clearly unwilling. These alchemists and alchemy techniques are the basic strength of their country. If I am completely run away, he will have no family. However, now being controlled by others, although he did not want to, the prince looked a little bit angry and unspeakable. But after all, he was a king now, and finally he asked daringly. "So what is your bid?"

"Your life." I laughed quite innocently, but the people across were all sweaty. "Do you think the price is acceptable?"

"Yes, you can." Almost without hesitation, everyone on the other side agreed with the proposal.

"Hey, so happy to cooperate. Now take me to your alchemy room, I want to learn more about your technical level."

After completing the agreement, I was taken to one of the largest laboratories, but compared to Isinger, this laboratory can only be considered a small work area. But seriously, the researchers here may be doing more work than the researchers with Isinger's two knives. In fact, Alsinger's alchemy research lab is a hash team. Except for a few top-level figures, most of them are real masters. Most people are recruited from the city. The advantage is that they can do any job, and the disadvantages Career is not good! After bringing everyone here back to Isinger, we estimate that the technical strength of our research department will be able to keep up.

After the visit, I feel that the place is too shabby, I do n’t know if the king is not willing to throw money, the equipment and materials in this place are very few. The only commendable thing is the quality of personnel. Compared to the hardware facilities, the technical background here is much better. The teacher who negotiated with me at the beginning mentioned their biofusion technology, and I immediately asked for a site visit when I came here. It is said that fusion is actually luck, and no one knows what will happen before the experiment. This is probably the biggest difference between magic technology and real technology, and the results are completely unpredictable.

For the sake of safety, several mage decided to show me the most basic fusion. Although this fusion technology is relatively basic, all their technologies have been included, so it is very representative. Several mages first brought me to a stone platform with a complex magic circle, then put a rabbit on the table, and then took a swan up.

The teacher took a crystal stone from the experimental area, and then placed the crystal stone in the center of the magic circle. With the sound of the spell, the crystal slowly melted into a green liquid and flowed onto the table. The lines that make up the array on the table are actually grooves. The melted crystal liquid flows into the grooves, and soon the entire formation is covered by the crystal liquid.

The other mage took out a glass rod and dropped a drop of red liquid from a flask into the array. As soon as the drop of liquid fell, the entire array flashed immediately. When the light disappeared, the rabbits and swans in the array were gone. In its place is a four-footed animal with wings. This little thing is covered with white fur, but its head is not like a rabbit, of course it is not like a swan, but more like a cat. Its wings are no different from the wings of a swan, but it has become a bit larger.

I looked curiously at the little monster asking the teacher. "What is this?"

The mage walked over and took the little animal into his arms. He touched his head and said, "We call this fusion creature a rabbit and goose, because it is a mixed creature of rabbits and swans. Although it does not have any special ability itself , But do n’t underestimate the refining technology just now. We can fuse two harmless little animals into a cute little animal, and we can fuse two large Warcraft into a cruel monster. So, our technology It's easy to want militarization. "

I agree a little bit. The teacher was right. The principle is the same. Of course, small creatures can be fused with large creatures. In fact, the real difficulty here lies in the fusion of souls. Almost all alchemists will do Kimmela, but only the mage here can completely merge the two creatures into a brand new new species, which proves their technological leadership.

The teacher saw that I understood what he meant, and he began to show joyfully: "The difference between our fused creature and Kimeira is the perfect fit of the soul, and we have fused a new species instead of Kimeira. Jimei Most of them do n’t live long, and they must be remade if they die. But we do n’t have to. Just like this rabbit and goose that I just showed you, if we make another one, they can mate with each other, and then give birth to rabbits and geese. ~ ~ In other words, they can inherit their fusion characteristics to the next generation without any rabbit or goose giving birth to a rabbit or swan. So we say this is a completely new species, Rather than simply fused creatures. "

"How is the **** of the fusion organism determined?"

"If the creatures before the fusion are sex-difference creatures, the higher the proportion of males, the higher the probability of males after fusion. For example, with male rabbits and male swans, male rabbits and geese will be 100%, But if there is one male and one female, it is a blind touch. In rare cases, special individuals without gender are also fused, but this situation is very rare. We have only encountered three times in so many years of research. "

"Then I ask you something. If I put a bunch of very powerful creatures in the array and fuse, what will come out in the end?"

"This ...!" Said the mage distressed: "Basically I can tell you for sure that there will be a terrible creature that is invincible, but you will definitely not be able to command it. Because the more powerful the creature, The character after fusion is more strange. Like this rabbit and goose, because it is a low-level fusion, its character will become extremely docile. But if there is a dragon and a phoenix, the result will definitely be more destructive than destructive god. Creature Although the strength of integration is not necessarily one plus one equals two, it is at least greater than one. We can be sure of this. "

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