Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 55: True dragon

"At least you can avoid all-out war." My son-in-law's words made me slightly disappointed.

I nodded and continued to ask, "What are the best and worst cases?"

"The best case is that our national and ministry personnel are sympathetic to us, and eventually live with us peacefully until we migrate safely. The worst case is total failure, and all humanity treats us as enemies and separates us.

Yeyue said: "Our dragons don't have any sense of belonging to human beings anyway. They will be divided if they are divided. Are they afraid that they will not succeed?"

"What do you mean?" Ling told Yeyue: "Although you and I are completely artificial creatures, both the owner and Miss Rose have lived in this society as human beings for a long time. It's normal to have attachments. You need to take their thoughts into account! "

"I'm sorry for the master, I took the liberty!" Yeyue quickly apologized to us.

I waved my hand: "What you are saying is also an objective fact. Human beings are a complex collective. He includes some bad people and some good people. I don't want to be separated from humans if possible, but now it seems that our dragons must not live if they want to survive. Not separated from humans. "

Xiaochun comforted me: "The host should not be so sad! Separation is not necessarily a bad thing! If we are entangled with human beings, there is a huge gap between the biological characteristics, values, and technological level of both sides, so it is difficult to ensure that nothing is wrong. Coexist together. Although our dragons have perfect self-discipline and will not proactively challenge human beings, the characteristic of human beings is that they try to try everything that has not been tried, so humans must provoke us first. There is no such thing in our dragon land genetic setting Aggressive features. But we have a strong sense of self-defense. Once human beings challenge us, the result will be a war. Although we are relatively weak now, we will grow stronger sooner or later. Such a war is likely to make humans extinct. . Therefore, separation is not necessarily a bad thing. It leaves room for humankind to exhibit, and we can enjoy the ground very comfortably. "

The son-in-law's voice agreed: "-Girl said something very reasonable, and my analysis is also based on this theory. According to the prediction results, the best way is to ensure temporary peace with humanity, and at least maintain Until the beginning of immigration. The universe is huge, and some space separates us from humans. "

Rose walked to the front of the screen and said, "Tell us what we should do?"

"Pay attention to the picture. This is the simulation result. First, try to cover up our existence and let people know as few people as possible."

"But we have been involved in large-scale tasks many times, and there are not many people who know that we exist?" Lucky asked.

The son-in-law replied, "The cover is only for the sake of the exhibition. The seal of God is the throne. I know that the cover must be concealable, but the later the public knows, the safer we will be."

Azana said, "Why can't we do more good things like those philanthropists to increase our sense of identity?"

The son-in-law answered very sternly: "You better not have that idea. Human beings are a race with a high degree of self-esteem. They have always been the absolute peak on the planet, and they can help endangered species with compassion. , But will never allow a race that completely surpasses them to coexist with them. This is a bit like the city people look down on the country people, even if the country people do something good, the city people think they are still country people ... still look down on them. And, once this countryman has shown extraordinary competitiveness, making these city people feel that their living pressure has increased because of the country people, then they will immediately act very radically. This In fact, it is an active defense mechanism of human beings, which belongs to an instinctive reaction. Unfortunately, human bodies are far from evolving as fast as their technology, so modern humans often do something stupid that is completely disproportionate to their intelligence. This is an ancient instinct caused by land errors, not human intellectual problems. Human social civilization was formed the day after tomorrow. In fact, in accordance with sub-human instinct is still in work, more than half of mankind are accustomed to press work, there are few things encountered Think before you do. "

Rose said: "That is to say, there are some inappropriate instincts in human genes, but humans have evolved too slowly. Have these instincts been counterproductive?"

"True. These instincts are very useful when humans are still apes, but as a highly intelligent creature, some instincts are no longer adapted to the needs of humans, but the body that has hardly evolved still retains these instincts. This is human Most of the original factors of fault. We Dragons do not have these defects, but humans have. If we live together, there must be one party to adapt to the other. We cannot let ourselves degenerate to the level of human beings, and human beings are not It may all evolve into dragons. This is an irreconcilable contradiction. "

The son-in-law paused for a while and then said, "I just told you, first of all concealing our existence, then the second part is control. Use the power of Dragon Edge to penetrate into human society. The state is actually a tool of governance, human beings. We can use it to rule our own people, and we can also use it to temporarily control some human beings. The political entity of the state is organized according to human instincts and social relations. Control is more perfect. Before the immigration, I think we can safely control most of the forces in our country. As for the king forces, we must use our own forces to control them. We can start a war when necessary, and look now In this way, even if we do n’t intervene, human beings will soon fight themselves. In addition, God always seems to have planned some arrangements for us long ago, which are all things that can be used. As long as humans explode wars themselves, they ca n’t Focus on us. We are invincible in small battles. "

"Is the disintegration disintegrating?" Rose nodded and said, "With the power in our hands, this should be done. But we still have too few people, and I worry ...!"

"Don't worry about anything," Nuwa said. "All qualified scientific and technological researchers at this base are gradually completing the transformation of the dragon family. Soon, all personnel in this base will be completely replaced by dragon personnel. The base biological cultivation center is also currently Work at full capacity. We can add 1,000 new partners to us every month. According to the general recommendation of God, we should have 15 to 20 million members before we formally emigrate, so as to ensure our land Safety."

Yeyue asked, "Everyone only produces a thousand people. Ten million is not to produce ten thousand months. How urgent is this?"

"We are not entirely in the production of human form." Nuwa said: "Of course, the dragon race must include dragons. There are various biological combatants, and several other bases also have the ability to produce new members, but only slowly. . There are also some humans who are willing to join the Dragon tribe to transform it. In this way, our population growth is still very fast. "

"That said, we still have a lot of hope for security to wait until immigration starts." I said.

The son-in-law said: "It's almost these measures. It sounds like two steps. It's actually quite complicated, but I will split the task and tell each of you separately so that everyone knows what they should do. Oh yes, One last thing I forgot to show you. "

"What the hell?"

"The Chinese have always claimed to be descendants of the Dragon. The main body of our dragon is Chinese. Although everyone is now transformed into the Dragon family, they are still Chinese descendants. So they asked me to come up with this thing."

The picture flashed in front of us, and a five-pronged golden dragon coiled together appeared in the middle of the room. This guy is covered with golden scales all over the body except his eyes. Although it is only a three-dimensional projection, the momentum of that domineering world is unabated.

"Is this a dragon?"

"Of course, what else could it be?" Nuwa said: "The shape of this dragon was determined by referring to a lot of information. Of course, I also made some artistic modifications. How about it? It looks powerful?"

I nodded and said, "The momentum is good. But what do you do to make such a thing? Although Shenlong is the spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation, the physical structure of this thing really does not meet the dynamic standards, and it is useless to create it. ! "

Rose nodded in agreement. "Many Chinese people have a dragon complex. However, the body of the dragon is too long, and the four legs are too short for the body. It is very inconvenient to walk on the ground. And the legend is that the dragon claws are eagle claws, that is not walking Things used. But Shenlong has no wings, there is no magic in the real world, and it can't fly if you want to fly. Launching is feasible, but Shenlong's body is not very suitable for water movement. The head is too big and the resistance is high. Convenient for biochemical dolphins. "

The son-in-law said in a hurry: "What you said makes sense, but did I say it was used on the earth?"

"Don't put the earth? Don't you put another planet? Isn't that the same? Wait ..." I suddenly remembered. "Do you mean space?"

"The answer is correct, but there is no reward. I designed a biological weapon for space."

Said by the son-in-law, we all have a scene of a giant dragon traveling in space in our heads. Not to mention. Although the shape of the Shenlong is not suitable for the global environment, there is really no more suitable appearance in it without gravity. The snake-like body can produce sufficient bending, coupled with the high degree of flexibility, even if you drill in the meteorite belt. A long body can increase its volume without increasing the frontal area. This is very important, because there are also many flying meteorites in space, and the cross-sectional area means that the possibility of collision is lower. Shenlong's short claws are not very useful on earth, but in space, that is the perfect perfect arm. You can use this claw to fix large objects that need to be researched, or dock with other spacecrafts, otherwise it is also good to store small spaceships. As for the faucet, this head seems to be a little embarrassing on the earth, but when it comes to space, it is the natural command center plus the weapon Qingtai, which is just perfect.

Seeing that we all wanted to understand, Nuwa immediately said: "It would have been impossible to build a space dragon, because the propellers of the past needed to spray flames from the tail. Do you think? If you create a dragon, there is one more spray behind Fire mouth, what does that look like? Besides, Shenlong is so long, light sprays flame from the tail, it is difficult to completely transmit power to the head, causing the trunk to be too heavy. It is easy to break. But now we have an electromagnetic engine, this thing There is no need for a jet nozzle, and it can be installed directly inside the spacecraft. My idea is to make a semi-biological and semi-mechanical Shenlong, give him from the beginning to the tail, and install two electromagnetic thrusters every short distance, so It means that the whole dragon body has power in all parts of the body, and can turn and change its posture at will. In addition, the Shenlong has another point that meets the requirements of the space shuttle very much, that is, scales. "

"What's wrong with the scales?"

"There is a lot of dangerous radiation in the universe. And stars like the sun are also very dangerous. They will make the temperature of the spacecraft's sunny side become higher. So spacecraft need a layer of protection, and dragon scales are the best protection layer. Choose. First. These scales can be controlled to grow and can be repaired automatically if they are damaged. Second, the scales themselves are heat-insulating materials that can block the penetration of radiation and excessive thermal energy. Finally, the scales themselves are solar panels. They will be Shenlong provides part of the energy and saves energy consumption. "

"Do you plan to use this as a warship?" I asked my son-in-law.

Son-in-law denied me. "Not a battleship, but a mothership. Isn't the base now transforming me into the core of a battleship? At that time I will be anchored in this dragon's head to become the core of his land. In case this dragon is no longer good We can also get rid of it. Of course, I think this situation will probably not be born. Also, the dragon's body is basically empty, because it is a semi-mechanical organism, so there is no internal organs, and the internal space will be made into various The independent cabin can be used to park space ships or be used as a personnel cabin and a material warehouse. In the future, it will be our dragon landlord base. The 15 million people proposed by Shenlong may live in this dragon. "

"Oh my God! How old are you going to make this guy?"

"Anyway." Nuwa said. "According to the general opinion of God. We will shoot construction equipment from the earth into space, and then complete the construction of Shenlong in space. After that, we will fly up to dock with Shenlong. I estimate this The dragon may be thousands of kilometers long, probably as big as the green dragon you saw in the game. "

"I think I can understand his size."

"After all, this will be our living space in the future. In addition to people's living, necessary supporting facilities will be necessary, and the organism itself will take up a lot of space, so it is not good to make it bigger. Anyway, we have decades to go. The throne of the Seal of God is enough to complete this plan, that is, the defense is more troublesome. It may be impossible to hide such a big thing. We can only hide behind the moon and make it impossible for ordinary people to see it. "

"Good." I confirmed the son-in-law's point of view. "This Shenlong is really a good design, and we have asked you for our future strategy. The task for me and Rose now is to enter the game and continue to mess up the financial market and make wars between countries, the more chaotic the better."

Son-in-law said: "Understand that I will always deal with God outside things, you go ahead and complete this financial bomb!"

We did not go online immediately after the discussion with the son-in-law, but gathered together for a meal and discussed the future exhibition by the way. After dinner, we went to visit the members of the Dragon clan already made. This time there are more people in the Dragon Family than last time. In addition to the 10,000 dragon warriors transformed by my demonic knight, there are now many more tech workers. They were researchers at the base before they were transformed into dragons.

In fact, we say that human beings will oppose us because of jealousy. Really given the opportunity to transform into the Dragon race, more than half of humans will be willing to accept it. It can only keep the youth and beauty forever. This almost side-effect dragon feature is enough to beat all women. In the design process of the Dragons, they did not deliberately consider the appearance, but our body functions are very perfect, and the natural appearance will be improved accordingly. Beautiful Taobao Women Tmall Taobao Mall Women's Winter Jacket m is actually a healthy manifestation of human beings. Men like beautiful Taobao Women Tmall Women's Winter Jacket m women, in fact, is also an instinct. Because in the original state, the beautiful women ’s winter coats are all healthy women, so men will actively seek out the beautiful women ’s winter coats from the out of breeding instincts. Women. But this is exactly how backward human instinct is. As human society continues to progress, human aesthetics has also changed. Health is no longer the beauty of Taobao Women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall Women ’s Winter Jacket m, but human instincts still allow men to pursue the opposite **** as the standard. The result is Not only has the overall quality of humankind not evolved, but even the ape-man cannot match. For all these years, everything except human beings has been degraded.

Although we also know that human beings are willing to accept the transformation of the Dragon race, we cannot do so. The main reason is that many human concepts have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Unless they are like-minded people like these technicians of Long Yuan, we will never let other people enter the Dragon team. Excessive bodies coupled with pathological thinking are the most dangerous people. Rather than mixing these people together into a dragon, it is better to let them and the rest of the humans survive together.

After talking with the newly completed members of the Dragon clan for a while, we let them go to work, and I brought everyone back online. I hope our dragons have a good tomorrow!

As soon as I was online, I was surrounded by a group of people. Almost all the senior members of the Frost arrived, glaring at me one by one, as if I had done something harmful.

"Why are you here?" I grinned and grinned.

Hongyue grabbed my neck and pulled me in front of her and shook her throat with a big throat: "You haven't seen anyone this whole week. What the **** are you doing? Even if you are a shaker, let us know you at least Where is it? Is it true that the guild can run automatically? We still need the chairman to preside over some things! "

"Okay, I know. But doesn't Rose know where I am? Why didn't she tell you?"

The eyes of the crowd turned away, and Rose was standing in the teleportation array behind them. The Xinda 6 floating islands where we are now are all teleportation arrays, and are directly connected to Isinger, and the traffic is very convenient. As soon as Rose came out of the array, she had a bad vote, and quickly returned. "What are you looking at me like this?"

"What? Huh ..." Hongyue smiled and walked towards Rose.

I quickly jumped across from them and stopped them. "What the **** is going on?"

Eagle said: "During this period, the American Seal of the Seal of Thousands of Americans has laid down several cities in Japan and is planning to sell them. We see that the geographical location is good ~ ~ and the prices are reasonable, so I want to buy them. As a result, Rose said that this kind of thing is too important and requires your consent to approve it. But she also said that you don't know where to go and can't contact you, so there is no way to answer whether we give money. "

Hongyue added: "Now it seems that you can always be contacted, but Sister Rose doesn't plan to give money! Hum, don't blame me for explaining it today, don't blame me for using the devil to tickle!" The last sentence was for Rose The meaning of threat is very strong, but I just breathe out loud. Hongyue's trick is a method of teasing between their girls, which is too much action, not suitable for men to watch, otherwise they will die of mad nosebleeds.

In fact, after listening to the explanation of Eagle, I already knew what was going on. As far as games are concerned, those cities should be very cost-effective, otherwise they would not want to buy them. But neither Rose nor I play games just to play games. Our goal is to make Zero more absorb the funds of various countries. If we in turn give Americans the money to buy the cities they knock down, it will be equivalent to the return of funds. The meaning of the rose was obviously that she didn't want to have such a thing, but she could not find a reason to say it, so she had to say that it was because she could not contact me and refused to pay. Her plan was to sell the cities before I returned, so that everyone would not be held accountable. But obviously it's not too long for me to return!

Hongyue stretched out her two magic hands and grabbed at Rose: "Say, you want money?"

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