Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 7: monster

The melting was completed in an instant, and a brand new creature appeared very smoothly in the central experimental area.

"It looks good!" Harper gave a preliminary review of the thing.

This newly synthesized creature is a bit like a crocodile in general, with a large head, a short neck, a strong body, and a not too long tail, but has a barbed osteoma at the tip, which looks very powerful. His four legs are not too long for his body. I think it should not be too fast. After all, the dragon and the iron beast before the synthesis are not running creatures. However, this guy seems to have inherited a lot from the iron beast. His back is completely covered by a huge piece of plate armor, and its thickness is very exaggerated. Looking at it from the claws, it should have the habit of claw attacks, because its claws are large and sharp. As for his mouth, that thing can swallow an elephant, and that mouth teeth, I have no doubt that he can bite the stone into stone powder like chewing broad beans.

On the whole, this thing seems to have a strong practicality. He is strong enough, very powerful, has high defenses, and his offensive ability is not a problem. He should be a good fighting creature.

When we were all very satisfied with the appearance of this thing, a young wizard assistant suddenly whispered. "Why doesn't this thing have eyes?"

"Well? No eyes?"

Hurrah, all our attention moved to the head of this thing. There are many crystal monitors installed in the experimental area at different angles. We can observe the experimental organisms from different angles in the operating room. Although this monster body factory is nearly forty meters, we looked at his triangular head with huge bone processes left and right and did not find any organs that might be eyes.

"Impossible! How could he have no eyes?" Haber almost jumped up. It was so hard to make such a perfect creature. No eyes. Although visionless creatures are not necessarily useless, they will definitely suffer. If this guy had no eyes, that would be a huge flaw!

After a long search of unbelief, we finally had to make sure that this thing was indeed eyeless and had no ears or eyes. We found the nostrils, and there were actually six nostrils, all above his head, below the bony process of the head flying wings. Well protected.

We looked for the guy's eyes here, but the guy walked around in the experimental area. He seemed strange to the space he was in. He made a few laps on the spot, then walked to the wall to stand and then turned back to the middle area.

After finally confirming that this guy really has no eyes, we started to test whether he can move normally without eyes. Old rules, let's put a few herbivores in to see if this guy is an active attacking creature.

A crack was opened in the ground of the experimental area, and a war elephant was raised. War elephants are herbivores with attack capabilities. They are about five meters tall, but only over eight meters long. Not as big as this synthetic creature. We were afraid that the prey was too small and he was too lazy to move, so he sent a big guy in.

This guy's response excited us, because he responded as soon as the ground was opened. The guy slammed back to the other corner of the experimental area, and then headed towards this side, apparently noticing the open cracks on the ground. Whether he relies on sound or vibration, anyway he can respond to changes in the surroundings, which shows that he has hope.

The war elephant was also very nervous after being sent up. It faced the synthetic creature and kept backing. But our synthetic creatures only paused for a few seconds, then suddenly opened their mouths and yelled a loud roar towards this side. The war-like war-like elephant's legs softly kneeled on the ground. Immediately after the roar, the synthetic creature growled and rushed up. With just one sip, the war elephant was half missing.

One mage who participated in the experiment shouted excitedly: "It seems that the desire to attack is very strong, and the biting force is amazing!"

Another mage regretted: "I should just put a pressure stick in the body of the war elephant, so that his bite and strength can be measured!"

Haber said: "It can bite down all the bones of the war elephant. The bite and force of this guy will not be less than fifteen tons."

I was surprised: "Fifteen tons? The bite and force of an adult dragon is only about 17 tons!"

"This guy has a bigger head, and it's normal to have a bite and force."

A mage asked: "Did you put some combat creatures into this guy's combat effectiveness?"

The other mages discussed immediately.

"This guy is so big, what do you put in to fight him?"

"How about using a monster of war?"

"The beast of war has a dragon-like melee ability, won't he kill this synthetic creature?"

"It's a big deal to make another one, test it first!"

As soon as Haber patted the table, he said, "I use the war beast. I can't bear the child's immobility. He must try his extreme strength."

With Harper's clapper, the war beast was sent to the experimental area. The synthetic beast is fighting the corpse of an elephant. Suddenly a door was opened behind him, and he immediately turned around, with a half of the body still in his mouth. This guy is really violent enough.

Although the war monsters have the general physical combat power of dragons, they are actually quite meek herbivores. The war monsters on the battlefield are all possessed by the owner's magic pet, or specially trained. Otherwise they won't fight with others. But now there is a clear threat. Although war monsters are docile, their defense instincts are still there. He immediately stared at the synthetic creature here.

This synthetic creature is smaller than the war monster. His body length is less than forty meters, but this war monster is 57 meters long. Moreover, the war monster is a mammal and does not include its tail. Therefore, the war monster is actually larger than this synthetic creature. a lot of.

The two giant creatures locked the target tightly, without any movement at all, as if two statues. Just when we thought they were afraid to speak because of the strength of each other. Our synthetic creature actually launched the attack first. This guy really inherited the brutal personality of the Iron Armor.

The war elephant corpse was thrown aside, and the whole body swiftly stunned at the war beast. This guy's short legs have a strong explosive power, and the start speed is very amazing. If the war monster on the opposite side has been on alert, it must have failed to respond.

The war beast bowed his head, and the synthetic beast bit his T-shaped horn. With it. As soon as the war beast shook his head, the synthetic beast was thrown out, crashing against the wall and slipping down. I looked at Hubble in surprise. "Is this war monster on the battlefield?"

Hubble shook his head: "I don't know. This is the person in charge you sent to help me find it, I don't know his origin. But looking at it like this, he often fought, and he has learned to use various fighting techniques But this is better, and it will test the power of our synthetic beast. "

In the experimental area, the war beast threw out the synthetic beast and rushed up immediately. It seemed that he was going to crush the synthetic beast against the wall. The synthetic beast responded quickly and his body receded. The war beast banged on the wall, and almost sat on the ground. The synthetic beast let off the attack and rushed forward again, biting on the side of the stomach of the war beast. Those of us who looked at the experiment shook their heads together. This synthetic beast shows no combat skills. Large carnivores know that attacking enemies should find their necks, but this guy catches them.

The beasts of war have a layer of white fur on their bodies, and their defense is not much worse than that of dragon skins. That's why they say that they have dragon-like physical combat capabilities. However, the mouth of this synthetic beast is too powerful, and this stubble caused him to tear off a large piece of meat. The behemoth of the war beast turned around, one jumped up, and then pressed on the synthetic beast. He desperately used his claws and teeth to bite the synthetic beast, but only pulled out Mars on the synthetic beast. This guy's defense really is abnormal. Even the dragon could not hold back the bite of the war beast, he was unharmed.

The synthetic beast rolled on the spot, turned the war beast down, and then turned around. A huge tail swept across. We all heard the sound of a torn muscle, and the war monster was hit by a bone tumor on the tail of the synthetic beast and flung out and fell into the corner. However, instead of catching up with the continuous tool, he arched his back in place.

"What is he going to do?" I instinctively discovered that the situation was wrong.

Before we could react, the four plate armors in the middle of the back of the synthetic animal suddenly bounced against each other, and a structure wrapped in muscles stretched out. There is a crystal channel in the middle of this thing, and there are two honeycomb-like structures on both sides. I saw a lot of purple light spots suddenly appear around the crystal channel after the object rose.

"It's a magic crystal cannon! He's about to fire!" Harber screamed in panic: "Open the protective cover!"

A protective hood was instantly raised in the experimental area to protect the wall. Almost at the same time, a purple light bomb was fired from the launcher of the synthetic beast. There was a loud noise. The entire experimental area shook, and several of us were shaken to the ground from our seats, and research materials and various drawing tools rolled over. There was a command in the experimental area, and nothing could be seen. The huge shock wave made the whole island shake.

The vibration lasted for more than ten seconds before quieting down. There were pink clouds everywhere in the experimental area. We activated the air extraction device and changed it for half a day before the air inside was clear. I saw that the stuff on the back of the synthetic beast had been collected, and that war beast had nothing but rotten ground that could not be rotten anymore. Just thinking about the fighting characteristics of this guy. When I forgot to synthesize, a magic crystal cannon and two rocket launchers were synthesized. It seems that the thing on his back is the integration of these three pieces of equipment, the middle one has been confirmed to be a magic crystal cannon, and the honeycomb structure on the two sides of the thing is not good enough to be a rocket launcher.

Hubble said while picking up documents on the ground: "It seems that this thing is not just waste, it is also very powerful! It is very offensive and strong in defense, and it has a slightly poorer sense of combat, but this can be trained. The most important thing is It is because he has no vision, but it does not seem to affect his actions. "

Another mage said: "Maybe it's just because he felt the shock. Just now the two experimental objects are too big. If it is a small creature, he may not respond."

I have to say that this mage is very reasonable. We made a decision quickly. Put a few small creatures in and test them. For efficiency, we decided to put a rabbit in. Rabbits are not honest and they are very sensitive. If this guy can accurately capture the rabbit's movements, it means that he has the ability to sense most situations.

The rabbit was quickly sent to the experimental area, but soon our hearts fell into the valley. The rabbit just looked at the synthetic beast and didn't dump him at all, jumping around in the room. The synthetic beast walked to the side to lick the blood and the rotten meat as if he didn't know anything.

"Can't find it?" I asked in surprise.

Hubble shook his head: "Not necessarily. Maybe it was found. But I'm too lazy to care."

"How can I confirm that?"

Hubble thought for a while, then started some magic circles, and said as he operated. "Thank you for your investment. This equipment is very well built. There is a super protective layer and a perfect delivery system, and ... there is also an automatic cleaner." With Hubble's words, the top of the experimental area suddenly began to spray water, Several drains were opened at the bottom of the experimental area. The bodies of the war elephant and the war beast were blown up just now, and all the meat dregs were flushed into the cave and washed away. The room was cleaned very quickly, then the water stopped, and several fans sent the heated wind from the flame magic array into the room. Even the moisture on the ground has dried up. The experimental area quickly re-closed.

Without something to eat, the synthetic beast has nothing to distract. The meaning of Habodi is to let the synthetic beast show whether he really can't find the rabbit. The effect of Harper's approach is obvious. This guy was obviously not full, and the ground was full of meat, so he wasn't interested in rabbits that hadn't had his teeth, but now the meat was gone. When he was hungry, he couldn't control how much meat he had, and immediately turned to face the rabbit, and quickly crawled over.

After all, the rabbit was too small for him, and this little thing jumped all over the place. It took a lot of time for the synthetic beast to catch him. However, this process just shows that the synthetic animal can accurately position the rabbit, and the accuracy is quite high. It seemed that no eyes had any effect on him.

This expensive experimental machine is indeed well-equipped. After confirming that the synthetic beast has the ability to sense, we did several tests one after another. First, an optical projection was made in the room with a projector, but the synthetic beast did not respond at all. This experiment proved that he did not have eyesight. Then the magic circle on the roof started a few more, and the synthetic beast quickly responded. This experiment proved that he had a strong reaction to the magic wave, and even the magic wave with an extreme smile could be found.

In the third test, we drew a small ball with a thin wire and moved around the test area. The guy responded quickly. According to the ground signal captured by the instrument, this guy has the ability to locate by ultrasound, just like a bat. And the huge plate armor on his back is actually a vibration sensor, because of its huge area, it is particularly sensitive. In addition, these plate armor actually replaced the function of the ear. Although he had no ears and eyes, these plate armor was more sensitive than the ear.

After testing for a whole afternoon, we finally got this guy's data. He has great strength, and we can't control him with luck for a long time. The plague must go up to help. And as soon as he came out of the experimental area, he planned to use the magic light cannon to attack the luck I summoned long ago, but it was stopped. Fortunately, he had a high intelligence, and went directly to press the launcher back into his body, making him unable to launch. The intelligence of this synthetic beast basically stays at the level of beasts, at most it is the intelligence level of general Warcraft. We tested his defense. Even stronger than the dragon, the dragon claws and dragon teeth can hardly hurt him. However, we found that the plate armor was fully covered only at the tail and head. His body has only plate armor on his back and scales on his stomach. Although his defense is not low, he is less than half of the plate armor, which can be said to be a great weakness.

His running speed is not as fast as we expected, and his endurance is not very good, but his explosive power is very fast, within a kilometer, it is quite fast, and out of this range immediately slows down. In addition to his sensing ability, in addition to ultrasound and hearing, he also seems to be very impressed with heat. As long as the temperature exceeds 20 degrees, he has a clear reaction, especially with temperature and moving things. As soon as he found him, he wanted to pounce and attack. This guy's desire to prey is very strong. Even if he is not hungry, he can't help but feel impulse. He will involuntarily attack everything that feels like food.

After our analysis, it is probably impossible to popularize this thing in the guild. At best, it is sent to powerful players as a magic pet. His aggressiveness is too strong, and it will cause trouble if the average player is not well controlled. Too strong is also troublesome! Especially this kind of powerful creatures that have no brain at all.

The big guy was temporarily anesthetized and sent to Isinger to deal with Hongyue, and I and the Hubble went on to the next experiment. It's getting dark now, but I don't have to sleep anyway, and they are also getting up on Habor, and there is no meaning to stop. There is still plenty of time before the next guild competition, which is enough for us to have another synthetic creature.

I pulled Habo and said, "Have you used any of your previous experiments?"

"You mean human synthesis?" Hubble looked at me in surprise.

I explained: "This is also what I thought of. Like this one, his body has actually surpassed the dragon. But if it really hits, a dragon can handle more than a dozen things. Where is the problem?"

"Intelligence." Haber did research, and thought of it. Just now, this synthetic beast has higher attack defense than the dragon. Although the agility is slightly lower, he has super weapons, so he can even out, and the perfect attack system at home, he should actually be more powerful than the dragon. Correct. But just because he had no brain, many of his fighting methods were not suitable, and so was the weapon on his back. Fortunately, when he wanted to use a weapon, pressing his weapon back forcibly was the best proof. Fortunately, he defeated him with his brain. In fact, as long as his super weapon is deployed, luck can't beat him at all. Such a good combat creature, because its brain is not good, reduces its power, which is really a pity.

A mage said: "We don't think about experimenting with people. We are not hypocritical people, and we don't think there is any moral problem with experimenting with prisoners. But we always have a worry, that is in case What will happen to prisoners who still have the memories of their lives and resist us? "

"So have you considered using volunteers?"

"Even if there are volunteers, there will not be too many. And no product that can't be mass-produced, no matter how good it is ~ ~ Habo said.

I nodded: "Yes. But why do we use volunteers to mass produce synthetic organisms?"

"What do you mean?"

"Volunteers are only used for experimental success or failure. If the synthesis result is perfect, then others will actively accept the transformation. By then, it is a proven technology, not an experiment, and the recipient is the beneficiary of the technology. , Of course, no one will oppose it. Everyone is really worried about the risk of failure, so only volunteers are needed at this time. "

My volunteer concept confuses these people, they have never thought of such usage before. But soon Hubble reacted. "According to you, there must be a focus when synthesizing, can't you mess up?"

"Of course. Your current synthesis method is completely lucky. It is not clear which part of each synthesis product will be used. This is not possible. It is necessary to ensure that the human brain becomes a brain of a synthesized organism during synthesis. Memories are transplanted together and there can be no problems. In terms of appearance, it is best not to change the appearance of human beings, and at least to ensure that they look beautiful, and they must not be made into disgusting monsters, otherwise no one will be willing even after the synthesis is very powerful Using this technology. "

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