Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 17: Constructing the Demon Guard (1)

Did you pack that thing? I was surprised to ask Noreen

Noreen did not know. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't hit me sloppy, you know what I'm talking about! Okay ..." I pointed at her, "Did you pretend to be stupid? Then let me remind you. Artificial cores. Do you have artificial cores for these things?" "

"Don't be excited!" Su Mei held my hand and said, "It's not a big deal!"

"Not a big deal? The two of you don't know that the artificial core is a contraband? For any Protoss, the artificial core is something that must be eliminated. Do you actually say that it is not a big deal?"

Noreen quibbleed: "Am I the first user of the artificial core?"

"Are you the same as them? You are alone and hidden in our guild all day long. We don't say who knows the artificial core you installed? But what about them? They are fighting machines, even if they are strong, there is a possibility of war damage. "Once a protoss now carries an artificial core, you know what the consequences will be."

The biggest difference between the artificial core and the general core is that it is an unlimited core and contains soul energy. It can be said that an artificial core is a seed of life. This life will evolve and grow, and because there is no limit, it will eventually have a more human, more demon, and more all life. Gods and demons are all limited life, but artificial life is unlimited. Once this kind of thing grows up, its harm to the protoss will be unlimited.

Jia Ha Shi was hunted down by the Protoss, and the **** of the dwarven craftsman was forced to seal himself. All because of artificial core technology. Noreen is the perfect artificial core of Jiaha. And since she came to us, we have studied her core, and finally imitated an artificial core with a slightly lower performance. This kind of core growth is unstable, and most of them cannot form a complete soul, which will eventually go out, but this already represents the research direction of artificial souls. We cannot think that a country's nuclear weapons research is harmless because it has not yet produced nuclear weapons. The same is true of the Protoss. We will not consider that we do not pose a threat because our artificial core is not fully qualified.

Su Mei pulled me and said, "Brother Ziri, do you think I am a reckless person?"

"I always think that you are very smart. Even your intelligence is obviously more and more than your peers, and even most adults are not as smart as you. But today you have done stupid things. You said that you want to experiment with new-style monsters, and I started I thought it was just a technical improvement. I did n’t expect you to experiment with artificial cores! I do n’t object to your researching that kind of thing, but before that kind of thing is fully successful and has created enough to resist the existence of any higher god, please do n’t let them appear in the experiment Anywhere outside the room. "

"You still don't believe us!" Su Mei said angrily: "Norim. Show him."

Noreen reached out and passed a strange metal ball. There were many tubes outside this thing, and it looked like an octopus. "what is this?"

"Artificial core."

"Why is this?" I have seen the artificial core, and there is a beautiful purple glow in that stuff, which is particularly recognizable. For this reason, I am very worried about the existence of the artificial core of the Protoss.

Su Mei explained: "In fact, you don't need to worry about it so much. The artificial core is a very planned thing. Most protoss don't know this thing. If you tell them that this is an artificial core, ten of them will work hard with you. But as long as you do n’t say it, even if you put it on your head. They may not recognize it. In addition, the protoss who know the artificial core only know some fur. They do n’t know the true content of this thing at all. Do n’t see the obvious Artificial souls, they do n’t know it. "

Noreen continued: "So we did this. The magic shell with a special magic array combination can wrap the artificial core inside. This thing can isolate the soul characteristics of the artificial soul. Others will think that this is a mechanical core without a soul, and It's not an artificial core. Also. There is actually a blasting device installed in this thing. Once the demon guard is captured or fatal, there will be self-destruction to ensure that no **** is left. "

Su Mei went back and continued, "That's why I said that as long as you don't say it, no one will know."

"Of course I won't go out to find death, but you also control the news for me, forbid anyone to talk about it, and never let anyone know the news. In the future, this thing is only produced by you, and it will be said to be the core of new machinery . "

"Of course." Su Mei pointed to the city wall: "Are we ...?"

"Go and see the effect."

The artificial core can make the protoss anxious to destroy nature for a reason. Just look at these demon guards. A whole hundred of Demon Guards rushed into the city area at a rapid rate. Because our guild and the Rainbow Alliance have now entered a state of war, the guards immediately entered our fighting state when they saw us, and even the defensive weapons on the city walls were activated.

Moved. But these things seem to have no effect at all.

Before the defense weapon was fully activated, the demon guard had rushed under the city wall. The locals in Feihong City had only come to put down the gates on the gate, but the use of this thing was ...!

The demon guard was rushed towards the city wall without any loss, and by the impact, the steps almost reached the top of the wall. Just before the power was about to disappear, the demon guard suddenly raised his right hand neatly, and put his five fingers together into the shape of a hand knife, then slammed it into the city wall. With a sigh, they inserted their hands into the wall, and with a little effort, their bodies rose again, this time directly to the top of the city wall.

"Stop them." A few people in the Rainbow Alliance shouted, and immediately there was a large group of bsp; a few hundred guards and a dozen players appeared in front of a demon guard, but there was no fear of constructing a demon guard. Yes, they only know the order. The seemingly weak Demon Guard attacked and attacked directly. She rushed directly into the crowd, rolled her body on the spot, flashed the oncoming weapon to the front of her opponent, and then stood up and flew the guy up. Out.

A nearby enemy stabbed a shot and was caught. The guy still wanted to draw a gun, but he couldn't move at all. The metal used to construct the demon guards is more important than steel, so the demon guards are actually very heavy. With their strength, it is impossible to pull the weapon out of their hands.

As soon as the demon guard constructed it, she pulled the spear back into her hand, and then she wielded the steel gun and swept it. The spear bent in an instant, but a few dozen people flew out ahead. Throw out the curved long-handed spear, and the demon guard jumps up suddenly, and then falls directly in front of a player. Without waiting for the other party to respond, she grabbed the guy by the shoulders and lifted him, then threw it towards the crowd behind. Like playing bowling, this player smashed a large number of people.

Before the people got together again, the demon guard had jumped off the wall and entered the city. The flying player dared to jump along, others looked at the height of the city wall and ran to the nearby stairs.

As soon as the demon guards were constructed, the city wall fell directly on the roof of a nearby building, but instead of standing on the roof, they fell directly into the room. These guys are like scales one by one, jumping down from such a high place, no matter how strong the house is, they can't hold them back!

The gargoyles that fell into the room completely ignored the walls of the building, and directly put on layers of walls and walked through the city. Their target point was actually the city center. Su Mei and I floated at a high altitude and looked down at the situation below. I felt strange about the performance of the demon guard.

"Sumei. Don't you think the behavior of these demon guards is strange?"

"It's a bit wrong." Su Mei said: "My order was to attack all people and buildings with the Rainbow Alliance logo, but they abandoned the crowded city walls and rushed all the way to the city center. same!"

Noreen said: "I knew what they were doing."

"you know?"

"Well ~ ~ because we all have the same thing in our chests. Well! At least it's similar!"

"Then what are they doing?"

"Intellect." Noreen said only two words.

"I see." Su Mei and I both nodded. I am a dragon, and the more intelligent I am, the more human. Su Mei is a natural child prodigy, and her intelligence is not comparable to that of ordinary people. This suggests that it is certainly not enough for ordinary people, but it is enough for us.

Noreen means that the demon guard has the intelligence to deal with the problem. They knew their strength was not enough to confront the people in this city, so they started to use their brains. The main force in a city is not the player but will be ineffective, so they only need to deal with the player. This method can solve many problems at once, and they do have the ability to implement such a plan. City seals are generally located in the city center and are tightly protected. It is unlikely that they will be directly destroyed in normal wars. However, the personal strength of the Demon Guard is much stronger than the players and the general. It is not a problem for them to penetrate into the enemy, so they are fully capable of directly destroying the letter.

Su Mei said with a smile: "Our experiments are half done. At least their intelligence has been confirmed."

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