
Momonosuke, who was trapped under Luffy’s armpit, looked at the disappearing retainers and the aftermath of escaping death. The young boy’s eyes rolled back and he fainted from fright.

Monkey D. Dragon, who rescued him subconsciously, had an extremely ugly expression on his face and was filled with regret.

He didn’t know why he had saved this kid instead of Sabo.

As a result, because of his momentary kindness, he lost his second-in-command and chief of staff. This loss was too great.

Fortunately, he successfully rescued his son, otherwise Monkey D. Dragon would have an emotional breakdown after losing his only biological son and second-in-command at the same time.

“Well done, you are worthy of being the captain’s son.”

On the other side, Shanks, who only had one hand, looked at Ace who stood in front of everyone and was still responsible despite not being able to withstand the explosion just now, and said with admiration.

“Sa… Sabo… Ma… Marco……”

However, Ace, who was rescued by Shanks, looked ahead with a dull face.

Although there was nothing in front, Ace could still see the disappearance of Marco and others.

Witnessing the death of his companions again, Ace was severely hit.

A strong hatred and murderous intent could not help but emerge from his heart.

At this moment, Ace finally understood what Link meant just now.

If you have no hatred and murderous intent in front of your enemies, it is just playing house.

When the enemy takes the life of someone you cherish, it will be too late to regret it.

Now, Ace does regret it, but he has lost Sabo and Marco forever.

As if seeing that Ace’s emotions were on the verge of collapse, Shanks frowned and reminded him:”Cheer up, the enemy is still in front of you, do you want Luffy to follow the retreat of others?”

Hearing this, Ace woke up instantly.

Yes, he still has Luffy!

If he loses even Luffy, then he really has nothing.

Luffy must not be killed!

Thinking of this, Ace’s scattered eyes suddenly became firm, and he looked at Link in the sky with sharp and murderous eyes.

“Nice look, this is in line with the identity of an Avenger~.”

Link’s words of praise made Ace break down again, and he was about to use the power of the fruit to soar into the sky.

At this moment, a hand suddenly appeared in front of Ace and stopped him.

Shanks, wearing a black cloak, looked at Link in the sky with a serious face and said,”Let’s stop here! Link, can you give me a favor and let them all leave here? I can guarantee that what happened today will never happen again, and Wano Country is yours.”

As a rational player, as long as Luffy is not dead and Nika is not in trouble, Shanks will not fall into a rage.

In his eyes, Luffy is the most important.

Even the captain’s son is not as important as Luffy in Shanks’ heart. The fact that both of them are alive is the best news for Shanks.

So now, Shanks’ first thought is not to fight with Link and avenge Luffy’s companions and Kozuki Oden’s son, but to leave here.

Just like the Nine Red Scabbards who were scared into a cold sweat before, Shanks could not feel any breath on Link’s body.

All people will have emotions and life fluctuations, and these cannot escape the perception of Observation Haki.

Even if the weak perceive the strong, they will have a sense of insignificance like an ant facing a mountain. The energy of the strong is as vast as the sea. Han.

But Link didn’t have any of these.

It was as if… Link was not in the same dimension as them!

More importantly, Shanks secretly used the future vision to see what Link’s next answer would be.

But his future vision failed.

Whether it was the observation Haki or the highest level of future vision, it had no effect on this man. Shanks, who thought that Link, the strongest man in the new era, was just hyped up by Morgans, and that the reason he killed those legends was probably because he teamed up with others, couldn’t help but overturn these speculations.

In this world, there really are super strong people who crush another super strong person.

Link, like Teach, is a weirdo that has never existed in this sea!

And this weirdo is even stronger and more dangerous than Teach!

But Shanks, who has never seen the might of a god on earth, and whose Conqueror’s Haki is entangled and who is one of the few who can escape the explosion of the Truth-Seeking Orb, is still not afraid of Link.

Since one super strong man is not a match, what about two, three, or even four? (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

As Shanks’ famous lines fell, Monkey D. Dragon came to Shanks’ side, holding the unconscious Luffy and Momonosuke in each hand.

Behind them, another group of people appeared.

The leader was Ben Beckman, who was holding a cigarette in his mouth.

Shanks, Monkey D. Dragon, Ben Beckman… and Ace, who can barely be considered a super strong man, are exactly four super strong men facing Link.

With such a lineup, in addition to the World Government, even the Navy Headquarters, which also has many super strong men, will need Use all the fighting power to face it.

As for the Four Emperors Pirate Group, unless the Four Emperors in the original work unite, none of them will be the opponent of this lineup.

However, even if they have such a lineup, Shanks and others are serious. Except for Ace and Jesus whose son was killed, Shanks and the other two even hope that Link can allow them to leave.

The stronger the person, the stronger the intuition.

Especially the super strong ones are the pinnacle of the ocean. Shanks and the others feel insignificant in Link.

It is precisely because they can’t perceive anything that they feel insignificant. They had this feeling when they were still weak (Liao Nuo).

Obviously, Link is either cheating or has really reached a realm that they can’t understand.

If it is the latter, how terrifying is it?

When the weak face the strong, even if it is the human wave tactics, it is just cannon fodder that can be easily cleared.

They only hope that Link is the former. Even if he has the power to crush the super strong, he will be afraid that their lineup will never[]

But the worst result still happened.

“.Haha…give you face? Who do you think you are?”

Link sneered, looking down at him:”You’re just in time, I’ll get rid of you all at once, so I don’t have to pick you out one by one later.”

After saying that, Link raised his hand to condense four black sticks, threw them in four directions, and whispered:”Ninja Four Red Yang Formation!” When the black sticks were inserted into the ground, the four red transparent barriers suddenly rose up..

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