Starting human body

Chapter 106 Hero


Frontal battlefield,

Diga hugged Pippa Tank and rushed out of the crater as the flames exploded from the ground.

After putting down the Pippa Tank,

Diga and Golzan immediately started fighting in the mountains.

The composite form takes into account both speed and strength, and is the most balanced fighting posture of Tiga. It can use Tiga's strongest light skill, Pelliao Ray.

But facing Golzan, who had been strengthened by absorbing magma energy, Composite Tiga's attack was not painful at all.

Not to mention that I couldn't move, my strength was completely crushed...

"Bang bang!"

Fu Tiga punched several times in succession, but Golzan grabbed his fist directly as if looking down upon, and then easily threw it away.

In addition to being relatively reckless, this super ancient monster is also quite intelligent.

At the beginning, he ran away from Diga when he saw that the situation was not going well, leaving Melba alone to be killed.

Now that he has been strengthened, he seems to be able to withstand Diga's attack with confidence, and only slaps Diga when he is tired.


Diga rolled and stabilized his body,

After the light-emitting technique was also absorbed by Golzan, he finally chose to switch to a powerful red form.

The fighting situation is getting better.

The powerful Tiga finally gained the upper hand, but after some beatings and attacks, Golzan continued to get up as if nothing was wrong.

"Step aside!"


The gray giant suddenly flashed past Diga and kicked Golzan away, who was about to launch a supersonic attack.

"Destroy the absorption organ in Gorzan's chest!"

"Mr. Gao Shu?!"

Diga was shocked and turned to the gray giant standing in front of him in surprise.

The dark wave was so strong just now,

Can you really control it?

There is no abnormality at all from the calm figure of the gray giant...


The powerful Tiga gathered energy in his right hand and faced Golzan who stood up again with the gray giant.

The two giant fists worked together to bombard the energy-absorbing organ in Golzan's chest.


Gorzan screamed and flew backwards, fire burst out from his chest, and his body was almost penetrated directly by the terrifying force.

This time I finally felt fear and realized that I was no match for the two giants.

"hold head high!"

Golzan let out a low roar and planned to repeat his same trick and escape underground.

But the tail was grabbed by the two giants, pulled up forcefully, and slammed against the mountain nearby.


"Have the two giants joined forces?"

Munakata looked directly at the battlefield with wide eyes.

"What's going on with this Agur? One of our own?"

"Not sure yet." Hui Jian said conservatively.

The gray giant's performance was really confusing;

It looked very dangerous, and he had a conflict with Diga, but what he did seemed to be protecting human beings.

What kind of existence is the Dark Giant?

Hui Jian looked confused.

The only thing that is certain is that Aguru is very aggressive and can be frightening when looked directly at, amplifying negative emotions...


There was another violent earthquake on the ground of Wumen Mountain.

The powerful Tiga returned to the composite form, Zaipelliao fired light, and the red and black beams of the gray giant hit Gorzan on the left and right.

The snow-capped mountains are shrouded in strong light, and light and darkness coexist.

Along with the powerful energy impact, Golzan crashed into the volcano,

Together with the erupting volcano, it tore apart and exploded in two rays of light, sending up clouds of fire all over the sky.


In the thick smoke and fire, the Golzan doll shone like a star, and was finally caught by the gray giant's reaching hand.

"Mr. Gao Shu!"

Great Gudika stepped forward and wanted to shake hands;

But the gray giant didn't seem to notice it, walking past it without any notice, and disappeared without a trace.


The flashing red light on Diga's chest broke the short-term calm after the war and brought Dagu back to his thoughts. He quickly jumped up and flew away from the battlefield.


Outside the Kuwata Town shelter,

Kibi Gosuke cried bitterly and sent his friend Washizu into the ambulance. His tall figure seemed to be much shorter.

"I hurt you, Jiujin..."

"He's not dead yet," Natsuki came from behind, "He's just unconscious."


Kibi Gosuke hurriedly put on his sunglasses.

"Why are you here?"

“I volunteer at a shelter.”

Natsuki glanced at the messy shelter,

It looked like a very desolate scene, but after the disaster, the faces of the remaining people finally looked more happy.

Gorzan is actually just a B-level monster.

But to humans, even B-class monsters are so terrifying.

Many B-level monsters in the Ultra Universe can destroy planetary civilizations, let alone A-level and above.

In the new generation, it is not uncommon for the universe dimension to be destroyed, and even the Ultra King has to repair the universe dimension himself.

Living in such a dangerous world, how can there be real peace?

It's just someone carrying a heavy burden forward.


Natsuki picked up the camera and took a photo of the shelter before turning and leaving.

Kibi Gosuke doesn't need him to comfort him,

As for whether Xibi will learn a lesson in the future and whether he will become the captain of the Super Victory Team...

These have nothing to do with him.

He wanted to save Jiujin, so he did.

"Mr. Gao Shu!" Dagu rushed to the shelter and chased after Xia Shu excitedly after seeing Xia Shu, "Are you okay..."

"I told you, Dagu."

Natsuki glanced at Dagu.

"I'm different from you, don't get too close to me..."

"What are you enduring, Mr. Gao Shu?" Dagu looked at Xia Shu's retreating back and couldn't help shouting, "Why do you seem to have no sense of security? As long as the two of us..."

"Don't think too much!" Natsuki interrupted, "I didn't just do it to help you, just continue to be your own hero!"


He is safe.

So what if we really can't beat Gatanje in the end?

You can totally walk away.

He doesn't have to evolve in this time and space.


The fine snow on the roof of the tree was blowing in the wind, and a small rubber ball rolled and fell into the puddle at Dagu's feet.

Looking at Xia Shu's retreating figure, Da Gu opened his mouth.

"Am I a hero? And what are you?"

Midorikawa's house in Tokyo.

In order to make up for the bad vacation in Nagano, Takano asked for a few days off from the magazine and took little Mai to a hot spring in Hokkaido.

Natsuki is the only one left in the family again.

It’s 2008 in Tiga time and space.

There are only more than two years until Gatanje's awakening, that is, in 2010, when the world will face a critical moment of life and death...

Natsuki took out the Golzan doll.

This monster is difficult to rank in the all-Ultra universe, but it is relatively good among B-level monsters. Later, it seems that there are still individuals that have reached A-level combat power.


After a pause, Natsuki did not put Golzan on the bookshelf, but tried to absorb it.

As the divine light mirror magnifies,

Circles of water ripples spread out, and the Golzan doll was sucked in without any resistance.

The evolution materials remain unchanged;

But his "Ultra Barrier" seems to have been strengthened, adding the characteristics of "absorbing energy" and "rebounding energy".

It seems a bit wasteful...

But compared to getting a powerful monster, of course it is more important to directly improve yourself.

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