Starting human body

Chapter 153 Max Jayton

Geo base.

Dr. Gehrman, Ryui, and Mamoru all went to the Elementary Particle Research Institute, and Natsuki was the only one left in the laboratory.

He cannot be called a scientist now, but his amazing learning ability still allows him to maintain his status as an expert.

At least he has a better understanding of the principle of Ex-Zaladim light,

And telepathy can also interpret the emotions of the Spark Doll here.

Natsuki walked into the underground storage room,

Suddenly, I discovered that there were some miniature landscapes in the storage room. I don’t know who took out the Spark Doll and placed it in the miniature environment.

"Whose prank is this?"

"I think restoring their living environment will make the emotions of these dolls more stable." Da Kong held his hair and walked into the storage room. "Mr. Gao Shu, didn't you say that? Virtual Gomora cannot be materialized. Because we don’t understand each other well enough and can’t communicate spiritually..."

"That's how you understand?" Xia Shu pointed silently at the Gomora Spark Doll in the rockery cave.

"Yeah, look how happy they are."

Dadi turned on the terminal's analysis function, and the screams of monsters immediately rang out from the basement.

Natsuki swallowed the words that came to her mouth and said nothing more.

What's there to be happy about in a half-dead puppet state?

Fortunately, Gomora has always been a doll, but Barton here was forced to turn back into a doll before laying eggs.

Natsuki suddenly thought of the dolls in his hands.

I wonder if his doll can be transformed into a virtual reality.

No consciousness means no emotional problems. You can give it to Gio to try another day. It just so happens that he has a few dolls that he wanted to throw away but never did.

"By the way, Mr. Gao Shu," Dadi said suddenly, "Hui just returned to the Golden Planet."

Natsuki paused for a moment: "Did he say anything?"

"No," Dadi shook his head, "Maybe he is very disappointed with us humans. After all, the higher-ups have considered sending him back."

"The senior officer's consideration was correct,"

Natsuki walked out of the storage room and said,

"Compared with the space refugees, the first consideration is of course our own people. You should also know that even if we win against Gagorgon this time, there will still be casualties, and the economic losses are unknown."

Dadi looked silent, and opened his mouth again when he saw Natsuki walking away.

"Well, Mr. Gao Shu, actually Aix..."

"You were the one who changed Ax, right?" Xia Shu turned around, "The action was so obvious, so your teammates didn't think about it."

"Ah?" Dadi said awkwardly, "Mr. Gao Shu, do you already know?"

"Not only me, but Dr. Herman has also discovered it a long time ago."

Natsuki continued to return to the workbench.

"Your golden terminal is too conspicuous. It's not painted in color at all. It has energy reactions that don't belong to the earth."

Ax, who was hiding in the terminal, noticed Natsuki's gaze flickering slightly.

The ominous atmosphere...

"That's right." Dadi grabbed his hair with a complicated expression.

Proud, secretly happy, a child at a loss.

If other teammates knew about it, they might not treat him as a friend like they do now...

"Don't get carried away just because you are Ultraman now," Natsuki raised his eyelids and glanced at the ground, "You are still far away from being a qualified warrior. You can't keep up with Ike at all now. The battle of Sri Lanka.”


"follow me."

Natsuki left the research room with Daichi in a daze.

His feelings for Daekong Dadi are a bit strange. In his mind, he has both the current Dadi team members, Aix's human body, and the orphan Dadi whose eyes were full of hope when he was a child.

Just think of it as a way to successfully deal with Gliza and Seggu in the future.

We need to promote the growth of the earth.

Daichi's own fighting ability is pitifully weak. If it improves, Ax will also show more strength.

Gio Training Center.

When Natsuki and Daichi came over, there were already people in the dojo doing fighting training.

Asuna, who was wearing a vest and shorts, stood barefoot and faced three strong men alone. Although she was thin, she was not at a disadvantage. She beat the strong men with strong skills and screamed.

The fist is powerful and is good at attacking the opponent's abdomen. It is characterized by flexible legs and feet, complete movements, and the ability to quickly adjust the center of gravity and change positions.

No matter what fighting technique it is, center of gravity and distance are particularly critical.

The reason why actual combat is different from training is that training allows you to perform a complete set of power movements, but the actual combat environment is not so perfect, and opponents generally will not just stand there and accept attacks.

Therefore, people with more actual combat experience have a higher degree of control over the center of gravity and distance.

"Mr. Gao Shu?"

Asuna breathed a sigh of relief after knocking down three strong men, and then noticed Natsuki and Daichi beside them.

"Do you want to train too?"

"Daichi wants to learn fighting from you." Natsuki said after pushing Daichi from behind.

"Daidi?" Asuna looked confused.

It’s not like she hasn’t had fighting training with Dadi before, it’s not interesting at all.

A rookie among rookies is like punching a sandbag, or even easier than punching a sandbag.

At least the sandbag hit back very hard.

"No, I..." Daichi was caught off guard and looked at Natsuki who was pushing him, his face turned pale.

"Then come on," Asuna sighed and took the initiative to hold Daichi, "It's time for you to learn a lesson. How can you go to the front line like this?"


Dadi still wanted to speak, but suddenly an alarm sounded in the base.

"Level 4 alert, a giant monster Jayton appears in the T8 area! Combat team members must gather in the combat command room immediately!"

"problem occurs!"

Daichi left the dojo with Asuna as if he was saved.

Strictly speaking, Dadi belongs to the research team, but I don't know when. Dadi often ran to the front line with the combat team and took over the task of analyzing monsters on the spot.


Natsuki looked outside the base in thought.

"X" Jayton's appearance seems to be a conspiracy against Ultraman Max, but he doesn't know the specific situation.


Several strong men in the dojo helped each other up. Seeing that Xia Shu had not left, they asked: "Are you looking for someone to train too? Let's take a break..."

"No, I just want to be a normal researcher." Natsuki denied.

He doesn't like sparring with ordinary people, especially now that he has become stronger.

"You guys should train slowly."

After waving his hands, Natsuki walked out of the dojo as several strong men looked at each other.

T8 area,

Ax, who was wearing the virtual Gomora armor, was completely crushed by Jayden. There was a huge difference in strength and defense.


As Ax, who was in a defensive posture, was directly bombarded by Jayden's fireball, Asuna and the others hurriedly launched support.

First, the Maskedi attacked from the air, followed by Asuna shooting from the ground with an Ultra pistol.

It's just that these attacks don't seem to hurt Jayden.

After all, the explosion of Vanden's photon cannon caused Jayton to shake slightly.

The Ultra Pistol beam was blocked by Jayden casually. The second Ultra Beam that followed, Jayden didn't even bother to block.

"So, so strong!"

Asuna watched helplessly as Jayden approached Ax, who fell to the ground, and hurriedly switched to the Gio rocket launcher to attack, but just as he was about to take aim, he lost sight of Jayden.

Jayton didn't know why he didn't continue the attack and suddenly disappeared from the battlefield.

"what happened?"

"This Jayden is indeed a bit stronger." Natsuki came from behind Asuna.

The light emitted by Ultra's pistol was not ordinary, and even he did not dare to ignore it completely, but when it fell on Jayton just now, it seemed to be scraping.

The Monster Manual flashed in Natsuki's mind.

Max Jayton, a special individual among Jaytons,

Unlike ordinary Jayton, he does not have the ability to absorb reflected light, nor can he move instantaneously in battle. He only has barrier and fireball skills.

But this kind of Jayton has super defense and is good at hand-to-hand combat. He once defeated Ultraman Max with one hand.

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