Starting human body

Chapter 249 Super Time and Space


I searched for it in my dream, and when I discovered that this was the Yoshii family, I suddenly said, "What is your relationship with Professor Yoshii?"

"I have conducted antimatter research with my teacher before."

Fujimiya still had a cold face. Seeing that no one answered the doorbell, he walked away from Meng even more confused.

He came here after seeing Mr. Yoshii go home.

"Fujimiya!" Imeng called Fujimiya in a hurry, "Come back. If we work together, we will be able to protect the earth!"

"Don't make any mistake!"

Fujinomiya continued to leave without looking back.

However, I was not depressed after being left behind, but my eyes became firmer.

"I believe you, Fujimiya, because we are all children of the earth!"

After watching Fujimiya go away, I dreamed of returning to the Yoshii family villa.

Speaking of which, I haven’t thanked Professor Yoshii properly this time.

If it weren't for Professor Yoshii, he would never have thought of asking Fujimiya for help.

"Ding dong!"

My dream also rang the doorbell, and the next moment a space-time vortex appeared in front of me, sucking him directly into it.

He disappeared from the spot before he could react.


"I can make any wish come true! Any wish is possible..."


the other side.

Natsuki traveled through time and space and once again broke into the red ball's spiritual world.

He didn't know exactly what Yoshii Seiichi did in the first place.

The current situation is that Shizuka has become part of the red ball. If you want to retrieve Shizuka, you must start with the red ball itself.

"I increase energy by absorbing human desires," Red Ball said in a vicissitudes of voice. "When the energy is absorbed, another world will be destroyed. I can only watch it happen, and then continue my endless journey. A journey through time.”

The red ball magnified in front of Natsuki and turned into a world of flames, with a long-haired girl in a black dress floating in the middle.


Natsuki's eyes suddenly tightened.

If there are no accidents, the red ball will disappear in the time and space of "Super Time Battle". There is no endless time and space journey at all.

Will Shizuka Yoshii still exist by then?

"Human desire will never disappear. What do you want? Power?" Red Ball continued.

"I just want to save Shizuka."

Natsuki said calmly.

Although the red ball is a wishing ball, this thing is very evil.

It doesn't seem like it exists to fulfill wishes at all, but rather like a destructive weapon.

In "Super Dimension Battle", the red ball summons Ultraman or monsters, and creates monsters out of thin air.

The only abilities it mainly exhibits are summoning and virtual reality materialization.

Just doing this almost destroyed the world.

Because the desire of the person who makes a wish will become more and more crazy under the influence of the red ball, and he will become the puppet of the red ball until everything is destroyed...

"Why?" Hong Qiu wondered, "The real Yoshii Seiichi is dead. You have nothing to do with her and have no right to interfere with her destiny..."

"We're all human and that's enough."

A giant figure appeared behind Natsuki in a burst of light.

"Shizuka's life must be decided by herself, not by any fate!"


The fire in the red ball world became even brighter, completely surrounding Natsuki.

"If you can save the next world, I will return Shizuka to you."


Light and shadow converge.

Xia Shu gradually saw a space-time city scene in the violent impact of space-time energy.

It is the time and space where the red ball is...


Xia Shu grabbed the palm of his hand and turned into a ball of light that flew forward quickly. After breaking through the obstacle, he rushed out of the time and space channel with bursts of thunder.


Lightning ripped across the calm city, and the scene of the expansion of the space-time channel quickly attracted many attentions.

A policeman looked up nervously, but then his vision blurred, as if he saw a flash of light. When he looked over again, the sky had returned to normal.

Today is really weird.

Something strange happened twice in a row...

City streets.

Natsuki had no mimicry and was walking directly on the street, and no one else noticed anything unusual.

After walking around, Natsuki stopped in front of a toy store.

The store has a dazzling array of Ultraman series toys.

The wall shelves are filled with Ultraman and monster soft glue, as well as some boxed toy guns and fighter planes.

The main part is Heisei style, with a lot of Tiga, Gaia, and Aguru styles, but there are also a lot of Showa monsters.

Natsuki even saw Zaas.

After seeing the "Gaia" poster on the wall, Natsuki turned his attention to the TV playing the DVD.

After the "Gaia" theme song ends, the words "Episode 13 The Devil's Kiss" appear.

It was not the "Gaia" he had in mind, and it was also different from the Gaia time and space he was in...

Natsuki looked around again.

This seems to be an ordinary world without Ultraman and monsters.

Could it be the time and space of "Super Dimension Battle"?

"I dream!"

Suddenly there was a loud shouting of children in the street.

Xia Shu turned around and saw that I Meng was being chased by a lot of children.

"What's going on? How come everyone knows I'm Gaia?!"

I dreamed of running away in despair. In my anxiety, I didn't pay attention to Xia Shu, and hid in the toy store in fear.

He just rang the doorbell of Yoshii's house, and he appeared inexplicably at this place, and a group of elementary school students asked him to transform into Gaia.

too crazy.

It seems that Fujimiya also rang the doorbell. Why is Fujimiya okay?

Is it because he turned into Ultraman Antimatter?


When the children swarmed past Natsuki noisily, I regained my composure and was surprised to see Natsuki.

"Who are you……"

"I am you! You have always been fighting with your own shadow, Gaoshan my dream!" A conversation on the TV nearby interrupted my dream.

Natsuki hasn't responded yet, and my dream eyes are immediately attracted to the TV screen again.

Two of him actually appeared in the image, and one of them turned into a monster he had never seen before.

"What's going on?"

I dreamed of staring, and my heart was in a mess.

This place is a bit sinister.

It seems that this is not the world he is in...


A loud shout interrupted my dream thoughts.

After the owner of the toy store discovered my dream, he was not as crazy as a child, but he still excitedly took out a "sapphire cone" and made transformation movements, which shocked my dream.

"Excuse me for disturbing you!"

I Mengqian stepped aside with a smile, turned to Xia Shu anxiously and asked: "Are you also involved in the time and space channel? This doesn't seem to be a place where we should stay..."

"Do you know me?" Xia Shu was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that this dream of mine came from the same time and space as him.

"Uh, what's the problem?"

I was stunned for a moment.

It suddenly occurred to me that this was not my own world, and Xia Shu might not be the person she knew.


"It's really my dream!"

A little boy carrying a schoolbag found a toy store and cried out in surprise after seeing my dream.

The little boy’s name is Xinxing Mian.

The little boy who saw the whole process with his own eyes was very excited.

The red ball fulfilled his wish!

Seeing my dream and wanting to run away again, Xinxing Mian hurriedly explained: "I called you here!"

My dream thoughts are even more confusing.

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