Looking at this scene, Lin Tian couldn't help but shook his head, looked at the X terminal in his hand and said: "Akers, this is how you fought before.

This guy doesn’t know how to fight at all, okay?”

Dadi heard Lin Tian's words and retorted: "How is it possible? We have defeated many monsters together before."

Hearing Dadi's words, I couldn't help but think that if Zero was like this,


Lin Tian shook his head and got rid of this idea.

If Zero fought like this, Leo would probably be beaten to death if he knew about it.

He had poor fighting awareness, poor fighting skills, and even worse psychological quality. It was really bad. At this moment, Lin Tian couldn't help but feel a little sad for Aix, meeting such a human body.

I originally wanted to train well, but now it seems I'd better forget it. After all, I don't have that much time to train Dadi slowly.

It's better to teach Dadi how to use that sword.

Then Lin Tian's mind surged, and the two wooden swords on the side flew over and landed in the hands of Lin Tian and Dadi respectively.

Lin Tian turned around the wooden sword in his hand. Although he had never used it before, the principle should be similar.

I wouldn't say it myself, after all, I learned my strength after being beaten.

For example, the Six Ultra Brothers and Saka.

Looking at this scene, Dadi said nervously: "Are we two going to fight?"

"Don't worry, I'm just teaching you how to use that sword, and I only use human power,"

As he spoke, he swung his sword towards Dadi. Looking at Lin Tian's attack, Dadi also swung his sword to block.

This is really a person who dares to teach and a person who dares to learn.

And Aix also said at this time: "Come on, Dadi, if you just do it, you will definitely succeed."

Hearing what Aix said, Dadi couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Can you stop saying that it's none of your business?"

Just like that, ‘Ping! Ping! Ping! ’ The clear sound of impact resounded in the training room,

Lin Tian and Dadi were slashing at each other with wooden swords.

Not long after, Dadi's chest was heaving violently, breathing heavily, and his face was covered with sweat.

It continued to slide down the face, and the shirt on the back was almost soaked, clinging to the body.

Lin Tian, ​​who was opposite him, had no sweat on his face.

Looking at Dadi fighting with Lin Tian, ​​Aix kept guiding and saying: "Show some energy, no, no, it's not like that,"

"Aix, you are so noisy, can you shut up?"

Holding the hilt of the wooden sword in his right hand, his eyes were fixed on the earth.

He walked in circles with the earth and kept saying: "Concentrate on observing your opponent's actions, see through his movements, and then swing towards his chest."

"It's easy for you to say..." Dadi couldn't help mumbling, and the sweat from his palms soaked the hilt of the sword.

The continuous collisions made his right hand so numb that he could no longer hold the wooden sword tightly.

At this time, Lin Tian suddenly took a step forward and raised the wooden sword in his right hand.

He slashed hard at the ground opposite.

Dadi, who had been watching Lin Tian's movements, hurriedly raised his sword to block.

But Dadi’s hands holding the sword didn’t feel any vibration.

Before he could react, the wooden sword swung by Xiang suddenly changed its trajectory. His wrist flipped from downward slashing to horizontal slashing, and the blunt edge of the wooden sword touched the belly of the earth.

At this time, Dadi's wooden sword was in a posture to block the enemy, but unexpectedly, he felt a hard object against his abdomen, which made him startled.

At the same time, Xiang's firm voice came to Dadi's ears: "Remember,

Never make your attack intentions so obvious at any time, otherwise you will definitely suffer.

And don’t be distracted when fighting,

I told you everything,

You have to concentrate on observing the opponent's actions, see through his movements, and then swing at his chest, there is no way to avoid it,"

As Lin Tian's voice fell, the wooden sword in Lin Tian's hand suddenly used force and swiped across the belly of the earth.

The sudden burst of powerful force caused Dadi to stumble back several steps, and then fell to the ground.

"It hurts!" Dadi grinned and covered his abdomen, feeling the burning pain there, and the pain was excruciating even if he moved even a little.

"Okay, that's it for today,".

Chapter 21 The strange space cat appears, amnesia gas = fart? (Please subscribe)

After hearing Lin Tian's words, Dadi lay on the ground and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He was really tired from fighting.

Looking at the earth like this, Lin Tian shook his head,

Lin Tian certainly knows that it is very difficult to become a qualified warrior. This is not a battle on earth. It only takes a few years to learn combat skills.

I haven’t seen any of the Ultra Warriors from the Kingdom of Light, a qualified Space Guard soldier, who has not undergone strict screening.

Not only do you need to know the identities of various cosmic creatures, but you also need to know the weaknesses and attack methods of different monsters, etc.

And such fighting and training almost require thousands of years of training.

But there are also people who have not learned it well. For example, you cannot use light when playing Zhitong. Many people don’t know whether it is because they are not clear or because they have to use light for some reason.

Of course, it is not just the Kingdom of Light, but almost all other races and cosmic beings in the universe are the same.

Lin Tian looked at Asuna and said, "The earth will be trained by you from now on, so don't worry.

The earth has the light in Aix’s body, and its injuries will recover very quickly, making it impossible to kill.”

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Dadi said in his heart: Damn, are you a devil?

Then Daichi couldn't help but glance at Asuna, hoping that Asuna would refuse,

But the next moment, I heard Asuna's "demon"-like voice,

"Don't worry, I will train Dadi well."

In this way, Daichi and Asuna lived a "happy" life,

Every day the screams of the earth echo throughout Gio,

It was a little uncomfortable at first, but gradually I got used to it, which was just a pity for the earth.

On this day, Lin Tian took Kate and Meiling shopping. The two girls, Meiling, made people on the side very envious.

At this time, suddenly a huge meteorite fell into the sky,

On this meteorite, Lin Tian felt the breath of life energy.

Moreover, a large amount of dark thunderstorm energy appeared behind this "meteorite".

Feeling this dark thunderstorm energy, Lin Tian knew that it would not take long to refuse Griza's complete resurrection.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian also knew that the game was over, and Kate and Meiling left directly through the teleportation device.

At this time, the true identity of the "meteorite" appeared, and then it had a spherical body and one eye - and multiple slender limbs. The eyes resembled cat eyes, and it kept making "meow" sounds from its mouth. sound.

Space monster cat.

Seeing the appearance of the space monster cat, Lin Tian didn't know why, but he felt that this monster was a little strange, as if it was looking for something.

At the same time, the space monster cat also produced strong electromagnetic waves,

This dark thunderstorm energy was induced by the electromagnetic waves of the strange cosmic cat, and the dark thunderstorm energy seemed to be looking for something.

As he spoke, Lin Tian's figure moved, ripples of space appeared around him, and Lin Tian's figure also disappeared from its original place. He walked towards where the space monster cat was.

What Lin Tian didn't know was that this strange space cat was looking for Ax,

The space monster cat itself is not malicious. Its name is Mu.

The space monster cat Mu came to Earth just to find his beloved Ultraman X.

Before X came to Earth, when Mu, the space monster cat, was bullied by the comet monster Doraka somewhere in the universe,

Ultraman X came to the rescue, so Mu fell in love with X at first sight.

However, because the gas released by Mu will cause living creatures other than itself to lose their memory,

So Ax forgot that he had rescued the space monster cat Mu.

The space monster cat Mu came to Earth this time just to find X.

At this time, Dadi also heard the news of the monster's appearance, and couldn't help but reveal a happy smile in his eyes.

I couldn't help but think in my heart: "We can finally suspend training. Asuna was too cruel."

Then Dadi also came directly to the command room, but what surprised Dadi was that Gio's people didn't move out at all.

Moreover, the lights in Gio’s command room were also flashing.

Looking at this situation,

"What happened?" Dadi came over and said.

"Because it is affected by electromagnetic waves, it is useless to switch to the backup power supply now,"

At this time, Qianming tapped on the keyboard and said: "Now bring up the A-form monster screen,"

As he spoke, a picture appeared on the huge monitor in front of him. It was Dr. Vanden Stargerman who was constantly eating steamed buns.

"Sorry." Looking at this screen, Qianming said apologetically, and then adjusted the screen again.

Then a picture of a puppy swimming appeared.

At this time, Li Yi's communication also appeared on the display, and he said strangely: "The power system is really weird,"

As soon as Li Yi finished speaking, the monitor returned to normal again.

Looking at the space monster cat Mu in front of him, Li Yi said: "Meow Meow's electromagnetic waves are really extraordinary,"


"Well, because it keeps meowing,"

Seeing that the display returned to normal, Captain Shenmu looked at the ground and said: "The current Xio Muscadia is not usable yet. So I will get rid of you next."

At this time, Asuna also said: "Dadi, let them see your strength."


Saying that, Asuna and Daichi set off in Xio Bortes,

Looking at Daichi and Asuna leaving, Vice Captain Tachibana also said: "Adu drives Athos, Hayato drives Xio Aramis,

You go meet up with Asuna and Daichi who are driving Bortus,

Surround it from three directions, block its movements,

Help Aix”


With that said, he also drove Xio Aramis and Xio Athos and set off immediately.

At the end of the ground, Dadi looked at the space monster cat Mu in front of him and began to use the X terminal in his hand to investigate the monster in front of him.

However, there were abnormal fluctuations in Monster Cihai, which made Dadi couldn't help but say: "Even Monster Cihai has become strange."

At this time, due to the appearance of the space monster cat Mu, the number of occurrences of dark thunderstorm energy is constantly increasing.

Looking at this scene, Dadi said: "If this continues, the energy of the dark thunderstorm will probably increase more and more. Let's go up to Aix."

As he spoke, the X terminal released an "X" shaped light,

"Aix is ​​fused," an electronically synthesized female voice sounded.

And Aix also made his debut,

Seeing X appear, red hearts appeared in the eyes of the cosmic cat Mu.

When the cat saw X appear, it immediately jumped up and kissed X.

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