There is only one exception, that is Vice Captain Tachibana, Sayuri Tachibana

Vice Captain Tachibana held the Ultra pistol and walked towards the depths of the parking lot.

Vice Captain Tachibana was very fast because she did not encounter Baig Bazun in this direction.


Vice Captain Tachibana heard a woman's fearful cry from in front of him and quickly ran in the direction of the sound.

When Vice Captain Tachibana arrived, Baigbazun was already ready to use his tubular mouthpart to suck the woman who fell to the ground.

Vice Captain Tachibana hurriedly picked up the Ultra Pistol and fired several laser beams that hit Baig Bazun's back spine.

"Ordinary people found!" Vice Captain Tachibana held a weapon in one hand, pointed at the fallen Baig Bazun, and held a terminal in the other hand and said to everyone in Gio: "I will protect her!"

"Are you okay? Hold on!" Vice Captain Tachibana ran to the woman who fell to the ground and began to quickly conduct a rough check on her to see if she was okay.

Just when Vice Captain Tachibana was about to help the woman up, the ceiling of the underground parking lot collapsed!

A Baig Bazun got into the underground parking lot from the ground. Large and small cement rock blocks,

All fell with its appearance.

This made Vice Captain Tachibana, who was about to shoot and attack, throw the woman to the ground: "Danger!"

The rock wall above the parking lot began to crack and fell one after another, pinning Vice Captain Tachibana and the woman under the cement blocks.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and for a while, the parking lot was filled with a large amount of stone powder and dust.

The small insect-shaped alien beast that fell on the ground - Baigba Zunbrud couldn't tell the direction of the food.

Vice Captain Tachibana's lower body was pinned down by the cement board and he could not move.

But blood was slowly leaching from the head of the woman in her arms.

"How are you? Wake up!" Vice Captain Orange pushed the woman.

But the woman did not wake up and just moaned in pain.

"Can you hear me?"

Vice Captain Tachibana saw that the woman had no reaction, and then looked around.

Fortunately, the Baigba Zun did not notice them.

Vice Captain Tachibana's XIO terminal and Ultra Beam Gun were scattered on the ground.

"Didi! Didi!"

A video call request appeared on the XIO terminal that fell on the ground.

After Vice Captain Tachibana got through, he said directly: "I can't talk now!"

Then, Vice Captain Tachibana was about to hang up the communication.

However, at this time, his daughter's voice came from the XIO terminal.

"Mom! Don't hang up! Otherwise my sister will die!"

I heard the voice of my little daughter Xiaoman,

When Vice Captain Tachibana heard that his eldest daughter's life was in danger, he hurriedly looked at the screen on the XIO terminal.

Xiaoman cried and told Tachibana Sayuri: "It's a monster! A monster suddenly appeared in the lake! The kayak flew over and hit my sister on the head!"

Vice Captain Tachibana clutched the XIO terminal in fear.

That’s right! My own husband!

"Where's dad?"

"He went to get water, but he hasn't come back yet! He didn't answer the phone either!"

"Xiao Xun is injured! Is she bleeding?" Vice Captain Tachibana wanted to calm down, but his tone became more urgent.

Xiaoman looked at his sister Xiaoxun carefully, and then said with certainty: "There is no bleeding!"

"Are you still breathing?"

Xiao Man quickly lay on his sister's body and felt her sister's breath with his ears.


Vice Captain Tachibana took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, and then said to his little daughter: "Xiao Man, listen to mom. My sister is lying on her back now, right?"


"To prevent her from being unable to breathe when she vomits, turn her face to the right now!"

"Well!" Xiaoman immediately gently held his sister's face and slowly turned her sister's face to the right.

While Xiao Man was working hard, Vice Captain Tachibana was also working hard to break away from the oppression of the cement board.


There was a monster's cry from Xiaoman's side!

Xiaoman turned around and saw that it was a monster. The monster's mouth was filled with blue flames, and it suddenly shot out into the lake.

Xiaoman looked at this scene, cried and hugged his sister in fear.

The lake water, green algae, and lake fish all fell on Xiao Man and his sister Xiao Xun,

Fortunately, the monster did not attack them directly.

"Ah! Xiaoman! What's wrong with you? Xiaoman!"

When Vice Captain Tachibana saw that there were only the eaves of the wooden house and the dark blue sky on the screen, and his daughter could not be seen, he panicked.

Chapter 34 Nexus appears. Is this what Atalga sealed? (Please subscribe)

Vice Captain Tachibana's loud call also attracted the attention of the Baigba Zumblud.

But Vice Captain Tachibana still called to his daughter: "Xiao Man, are you okay, Xiao Man?"

At the same time, Vice Captain Tachibana also looked at Baigba Zumbrud running towards this side with some horror.

He hurriedly stretched out his arms to grab the Ultra Ray Gun scattered on the ground in the distance.

But the Ultra Ray Gun was only a few centimeters away from his hand.

"Xiao Man, please speak quickly!"

"The monster is coming this way! Mom, mom, mom!" came the cry of his daughter from the XIO terminal.

Vice Captain Tachibana saw Baigba Zumblud approaching him.

He quickly hit Baig Bazun with the helmet he was wearing.

Baigba Zun, who was only thinking about eating, was staggered by Sayuri Tachibana and took a few steps back.

"Mom! Mom! Mom!"

Sayuri Tachibana bit her lip and tried her best to reach for the Ultra Pistol.

But around the corner came another Baigba Zun, and the two roared at each other,

Then, together with the previous one, they rushed towards Vice Captain Tachibana.

Vice Captain Tachibana stretched his arms toward the Ultra Beam Gun.

The screams of Baig Bazun were getting closer and closer, and the voice of his daughter Xiaoman became more and more frightening.

"Xiaoman! Xiaoxun!"

Vice Captain Tachibana stretched out her hand, trying to reach the Ultra Ray Gun not far ahead. That was her only hope now.

At this time, Vice Captain Tachibana felt something, a light appeared in her eyes,

Then the light turned into a broken blade that looked like a sheath.

If Lin Tian were here, he would definitely say: "Evolution Truster"

Seeing the light in front of him, Vice Captain Tachibana grabbed it without hesitation.

The moment he held the Evolved Truster, Vice Captain Tachibana saw a 2-meter-long alien stone coffin that shone like wings.

He stretched out his hand and touched something. It was very warm. At the same time, a memory came to Vice Captain Tachibana's mind.

The light dissipated, and Vice Captain Tachibana glanced at the Evolved Trust in his hand.

Vice-Captain Tachibana held the Evolutionary Truster tightly, and the Evolutionary Trustee emitted a strange light and made a strange sound.

"Bang-dong! Bang-dong!"

Like the beating of the heart, it is the beating of hope!

Vice Captain Tachibana held the Evolved Truster in his hand and waved it into the air.

The majestic light emanated from Vice Captain Tachibana's body,

It gathered and surged straight into the sky, forming a pillar of light visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Lin Tian, ​​who was collecting Baigba Zumbrud, also felt an extreme excitement of light.

The figure moved and disappeared directly in front of Daichi and Asuna. Even Baigba Zunblud, who had just been captured by the clone of Hypa Jetton, didn't even care.

When Lin Tian felt where the light appeared, Lin Tian found that the figure had disappeared.

At this time, a huge silver fist landed on the place where the Baigba Zun had just drilled out of the earth, crushing the two Baigba Zun into a pulp.

Lin Tian couldn't help but jump when he saw it, and he couldn't help but think of the first time Nexus TV appeared, it was the same,

He killed a huge alien beast with just one punch.

And in this Nexus, Lin Tian felt an extreme light, as if energy purified all darkness,

This made Lin Tian feel a little uncomfortable,

This is a feeling that the Nexus who was sealed by Etarga did not have.

At this moment, Lin Tian felt that his heart was moved,

Action is worse than heartbeat,

At this time, after solving the two small Baigba Zunbrud, Nexus' figure slowly appeared,

Except for the orange lines on his chest and cuffs, most of Nexus's body is made of bright silver and black.

Nexus slowly stood up, opened his right fist, and looked at the unconscious woman in his hand.

After discovering that the woman was not seriously injured, he poured her aside.

Then he jumped into the air and flew into the sky.

He flew towards where his daughter was,

Looking at Nexus leaving, Lin Tian did not hesitate, and his figure instantly turned into a giant Hypajton.

Teleported directly to the front of Nexus, blocking Nexus' path.

Seeing Haupageton blocking the road, Nexus's body rang, and Vice Captain Orange's somewhat anxious voice rang out. Looking at Haupageton, he said: "Lin Tian, ​​get out of the way, my daughter is in danger." ,"

"Vice-captain, I'm afraid this won't work. The Ultra Warrior you turned into has what I need. As for the monster, how about I help you deal with it?" Lin Tian's voice rang out from Hypa Jetton's body.

After transforming into Hyperjackton, the monster Hyperjackton appeared in the distance and also sensed it.

But Nexus didn't listen to Hyperjedon's nonsense at all. His body turned into a stream of light and turned around in mid-air.

Crossed Hyperjetton and flew into the distance,

"If you don't give a toast, you'll have to drink wine as a penalty." As he said this, Hyperjedon's figure instantly disappeared from its original place.

Then Hypageton appeared in front of Nexus again, and at the same time, dark energy condensed in his legs.

He directly attacked Nexus with a whip kick.

The speed was so fast that in the blink of an eye, before Nexus could react,

Pulled Nexus out of the air,

He fell heavily downwards,

But just when he was about to fall to the ground, Nexus turned around.

At the same time, Nexus raised his left arm as his body rotated, and passed through the energy core on his chest. Bright water waves immediately appeared all over his body,

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