Looking at Yumeno Naomi, Jakura couldn't help but think: "The opportunity has come,"

The injury directly added to the body, and she fell directly towards Yumeno Naomi,

(Kai: That’s too much, Jagula)

Menno Naomi also directly supported Jakura and said with some worry: "Are you okay?"

Then Yumeno Naomi helped Jakura to the wall,

At this time, Matsuto Mori also called Yumeno Naomi: "Hello, Mori."

"Captain, it's bad, a flying saucer has appeared,"

"UFO, that's really troublesome," after hearing Matsuto Mori's words, Yumeno Naomi looked at Jakura who was seriously injured and woke up, and said, "But now I'm also in trouble."

At this time, Jakura also woke up and knocked the mobile phone in Yumeno Naomi's hand to the ground.

The call was immediately disconnected.

Seeing that Yumeno Naomi's call was cut off, Matsuto Mori felt a little strange: "Captain, hello, this is weird."

As he spoke, he came to his computer and began to locate the location of Yumeno Naomi's mobile phone.

At this time, Zenta also discovered that Yumeno Naomi did not go to work.

"Hey, can Mori find Naomi's location?" Ichitoru Shikawa, who was wearing a police uniform and was Naomi's uncle as a team member, commonly known as "Ultra's Uncle", said to Matsudo Mori.

"Okay," he said, coming to his computer and tapping the keyboard with his fingers. Not long after, a map appeared with several red dots marked on it.

"The phone seems to have been turned off, and the GPS signal has also disappeared in this area." Matsuto Mori watched the computer disappear and said,

Chapter 82 The Injured Jagula (please subscribe)

Ichito Shibukawa looked at this area and thought of something, and said: "This is very close to the place where the flying saucer was witnessed,"

After hearing Shibukawa Ichitetsu's words, Matsuto Mori thought of something and said in disbelief: "Is this...?"

"Hijacked, she was kidnapped," Shanta also thought about it at this time and said with some shock,

Shikawa Ichitetsu: "What's the robbery?"

"That means he was kidnapped,"

Thinking of this, the three people set off directly with the detection device.


At the same time, on the other side, Menno Naomi looked at the injured Jakura, and actually threw her cell phone away and said angrily and distressedly: "What are you doing?"

As she said that, she picked up her phone directly. After all, Yumeno Naomi is just an ordinary person.

SSP was established by her with great efforts, and she worked several jobs to maintain the operation of SSP.

Everything is calculated carefully, and now Jagula actually threw away the mobile phone that he had saved up for several months to buy.

But looking at the injured Jakura, Yumeno Naomi also forgave him and said, "Hey, it's okay,"

With that said, Menno Naomi knelt down next to Jakura and said, "Are you okay?"

"Get out of here"

Menno Naomi looked at Jakura and said, "But I can't leave you alone,"

"Shut up and leave me alone," Jakura said while looking at Yumeno Naomi, but the pain on his arm made Jakura frown.

"Wait a minute." Looking at Jakura in pain and the blood on Jakura's arm, Naomi Yumeno wrapped her handkerchief around Jakura's injury.

Looking at Yumeno Naomi's movements, Jakura couldn't help but be stunned: "Who asked you to bandage me?"

Yumeno Naomi couldn't help but put on the black gula bandage: "Don't move, otherwise it will hurt,"

Looking at the bandage on his arm, Jagula couldn't help but said in his mind: "Have you disinfected this?"

Then Jakura looked at Yumeno Naomi and said, "What are you doing?"

After hearing Jakura's words, Yumeno Naomi said: "I can't leave the injured person alone. By the way, I'm going to find someone to help."

Saying that, Yumeno Naomi was about to stand up, but was held back by Jakura.

At the same time, on the other side,

Shibukawa Ichitetsu, Zenta and Matsudo Mori also came to the area where Yumeno Naomi's GPS signal disappeared.

"Understood, continue to be on alert," Shibukawa Ichitetsu said and hung up the communication message.

Then Matsuto Mori looked at Shibukawa Ichitetsu and asked quickly: "How's it going? Can the Witt team be dispatched?"

After hearing what Matsuto Mori said, Shibukawa Ichitetsu said apologetically: "Because there is too little information about UFOs, we cannot dispatch immediately."

Hearing Shibukawa Ichitetsu's words, Zenta complained a little: "Team Witt has always been so lazy,"

At this time, a voice sounded from behind them: "What are you doing here?"

It was Kai who came back from shopping,

Seeing Kai's arrival, Shibukawa Ichitetsu said: "Kai, you came just in time,"

"The captain was hijacked by a flying saucer,"

Kai was a little surprised when he heard Shanta's words and said: "Jie, tribulation, tribulation, what?"

"Just kidnapped"

"To be precise, the captain is now near the location where the UFO was sighted, but we can't contact her, so we speculate that she was kidnapped."

"In short, if we can find the flying saucer, we may be able to find the captain. That's why we went out to look for the flying saucer."

Shikawa Ichitetsu: "I'm responsible for protecting them. It's too dangerous for you two to go."

Zenta: "Are you planning to take the credit from our SSP?"


Seeing the people talking more and more biased, Kai also felt something and said: "So that's it, is that the one you are looking for?"

As he spoke, he pointed ahead.

Then in the surprised eyes of Zaishantai and the other three, a flying saucer appeared in their eyes.

"The flying saucer is coming, Sen, let's go." Zenta said thinking about the flying saucer and ran over, while Matsuto Mori and Shibukawa Ichitetsu followed closely behind.

"Come out," Kai said nonchalantly.

"Do you think I will kidnap humans?" As he spoke, the figure of Metatronian Tadir,

Appeared in front of Jagula again.

He said to Kai: "My goal is just to defeat Jakula. I have no interest in humans from other planets.

Then the Metronian Tadir threatened him: "But if you dare to get in the way, I won't show mercy to you."

Hearing the threat from Metatronian Tadir, Kai didn't pay attention at all and said: "No matter what the reason is, as long as it threatens the peace of this planet,

I will fight no matter who the opponent is. "

Hearing Kai's words, Metatronian Tadir praised and said: "It's such a noble awareness, but it's a pity, did you really not realize it?

The dusk here is very beautiful, but the dark clouds are trying to engulf the planet. "

Hearing the words of Metatronian Tadir, Kai said with some confusion: "What do you mean?"

"Sorry, I don't have time to chat with you anymore. My spaceship seems to have found Jagula, and there seems to be someone beside him.

Hongkai, I'm warning you, be honest. "

As he spoke, the figure of Metatronian Tadir was transported to a light air battle, turned into a stream of light and entered the search spacecraft,

Then he rushed towards where Jagula was.

Looking at the Metronian Tadir leaving, Kai couldn't help but frown and prepared to follow him and take a look.

However, at this time, Kai felt a huge dark force appearing around him. Kai's body tensed up instantly.

Looking around cautiously,

At this time, a familiar voice sounded behind Kai: "Kai, I didn't expect you to be so vigilant."

Hearing this voice, Kai's tense body relaxed. He turned around and looked at the familiar figure in front of him. Kai said happily: "Yuyan is actually you. I really didn't expect that I could meet you here."

Yes, the person in front of Kai is Yu Yan.

After hearing Kai's words, Yu Yan said: "Kai, why didn't you tell me that Jakula was on this planet?"

Hearing Yu Yan's words, Kai couldn't help but be stunned, thinking of before,

After he sent Jagula into the Galaxy Prison, he was chased and hacked by Yu Yan for nearly a hundred years.

It was a terrifying experience that Kai said he never wanted to go through again.

At this time, looking at Yu Yan, Kai thought of something and said to Yu Yan: "By the way, Yu Yan, Jia Gula is in danger now.

In order to avenge the Mephilan planet Nostra, Tadir from the Metron planet,

We have already injured Jiagu La, and we just seemed to have found Jia Gula’s location.

Am I about to save him? ”.

Chapter 83 Yandere Bilanqi (please subscribe)

After hearing Kai's words, Yuyan couldn't care less about why Kai didn't tell him before about Jia Gula's problem on this planet.

Looking at Kai, he quickly said: "Kai, where is Jagula? Where is he? Is he seriously injured? It doesn't matter. Is there any bleeding? Who is chasing him?"

Looking at Yu Yan's four questions, Kai left and said, "The spaceship that just left was the spaceship that was looking for Jakula.

And the Metronian Tadir above is the one who is chasing Jagula. "

Hearing Kai's words, Yu Yan murmured: "It turns out that it was the spaceship just now. Tadir, the Metatronian, is really looking for death. He dared to touch my master."

As he spoke, a dark black armor appeared on Yu Yan's body, covering his body, and his figure disappeared in front of Kai in a flash.

Looking at this scene, Kai couldn't help but be stunned, and couldn't help but think in his heart: "Yu Yan's dark power has strengthened again. I really don't know if it will be eroded by darkness if this continues."

"But Jagula, I wish you good luck this time, hehehehe." Kai had a lewd smile on his face,

But then Jakura thought of the words of Metatronian Tadir, "There is someone beside Jakura."

Thinking of this, Kai couldn't help but secretly said bad, but thinking of Yu Yan,

Gritting his teeth,

I can't help but think of a sentence, a real warrior dares to face a bleak life,

Then Kai's figure turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the direction the spacecraft left.

At the same time, on the other side, Jakura once again grabbed Yumeno Naomi.

She stared blankly at Yumeno Naomi and said, "The flying saucer is looking for me everywhere. We are about to be discovered."

Hearing Jakura's words, Yumeno Naomi said: "It seems that you were avoiding the flying saucer attack before, that's why you were so seriously injured."

Jakura looked at Yumeno Naomi and said a little lonely: "Well, I didn't expect that one day, I would be reduced to having to be taken care of by you,"

Hearing Jakura's words, for some reason, Yumeno Naomi felt that she had known Jakura a long time ago.

Looking at Jakura, Menno Naomi said: "By the way, can I ask you a question? I've always wanted to ask you,"

"What is the concern between you and Kai?"

Hearing Naomi Yumeno's words, Gagula couldn't help but fall into memories.

Looking at this scene, Naomi Yumeno said: "If you don't want to say it, then..."

At this time, Gagula said directly: "I am stronger than Kai. In the past, Kai and I belonged to the same force. We competed with each other and made progress together.

My strength is obviously stronger than Kai, but the light chose him."

Hearing Gagula's words, Naomi Yumeno said with some doubts: "The light chose him?"

But Gagula didn't mean to explain, but said again: "I was exiled by the light and wandered in the galaxy.

However, I understand one thing, the power of darkness is stronger than light, and I don't need any light at all."

Hearing Gagula's words, Naomi Yumeno said: "Is it really like this? You once said this to me,

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