Once again, a dark space was created, but compared to the previous special dark space, this space was not only small, but also very desolate.

From the next words of the Reblondo star, we can know that creating such a dark space definitely consumes a lot of energy.

"Damn it, my dark energy, which I have worked hard to create for thousands of years, was ruined by this bastard.

I must make you my body, and I must eat your soul. "

The Reblondo star looked at Lin Tian who was looking for him and said angrily.

However, the people from Reblondo also know that they need to repair the dark armor now, and then they can start their last resort.

And without the annoying Ultra Warriors, Dark Armor can finally allow itself to temporarily have a body to move around.

Chapter 59: Chasing Leonix (please subscribe)

The Reblondo star summoned the fragments of the dark armor to the dark space where he was,

And he also brought back the armored Mephiras,

Looking at the broken dark armor, the Rebrando star couldn't help but feel a flash of distress in his eyes.

But the people from Reblondo didn't hesitate. A burst of dark purple dark energy poured into the dark armor. With the influx of dark energy,

The broken pieces of the dark armor flew up, gradually began to merge, and then combined into the original form of the dark armor.

At the same time, in the new base of Planet Pedan,

Commander Haran looked at Dayel who reported the battle situation and said: "He is indeed the strongest Leonix hunter trained by our planet Pedan. He killed five Leonix hunters so quickly, and he only used The injury healed in two days, I’m very happy.”

Hearing what Commander Harlan said, the Pedan Star Dayel half-knelt on the ground and looked at Commander Harlan and said: "Thank you for your praise. This is my mission, Your Excellency Commander Harlan."

After hearing the words of the Pedan Star Dayel, Commander Harlan looked at the Pedan Star Dayel with disgust in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

Commander Haran looked at the Pedan star Dayel and said, "But I am a little dissatisfied."

"Dissatisfied?" Upon hearing Commander Harlan's words, Pedan Star Dayel was stunned for a moment and looked at Commander Harlan in disbelief.

Looking at the disbelieving expression on the Pedan Star Dayel, Commander Haran said: "Earth's Leonix, why don't you just kill that guy? I heard that you failed to kill him twice in a row. He, the prey he is targeting must not let go, this should be your rule,"

"Dail, please leave now. I hope to see you completely wipe out Leonix on Earth with your own hands."



On the other side, Lei also returned to the Panlong,

Captain Hinata looked at the scarred Ray and said, "Ray, are you okay?"

Lei looked at Captain Hinata and hesitated before saying, "BOSS, I'm fine, but I don't understand. Does Lin Tian want to kill Ultraman Seven?"

Hearing the thunderous words, before Captain Hinata could speak, Haruna said directly: "No, Lin Tian will definitely not do this. Is there any misunderstanding between them?"

Hearing Haruna's words, Captain Hinata couldn't help but look at Haruna and said, "Haruna, why did you suddenly start speaking for Lin Tian?"

Hearing Captain Hinata's words, Haruna couldn't help but be stunned, with some blush on her face, and quickly explained: "Isn't this a misunderstanding about Lin Tian before, and he also saved me, otherwise I'm afraid we would all..."

"Yes, Lin Tian has saved us several times without knowing it, and Lin Tian has never had any ill intentions towards me. Even if you misunderstood him, Haruna,

He didn't really make things difficult for us. Even if he attacked Haruna that time, it was probably just to scare Haruna.

Otherwise, if Lin Tian launched such a terrifying attack at that time, even with Ultraman Seven's head dart, we wouldn't be able to survive,"

After hearing Captain Hinata's words, Oki Tsuneichi, who originally wanted to say something, didn't know what to say.

"Then what should we do next? Do we want to leave this planet?" Kumano looked at Captain Hinata and said.

After hearing Kumano's words, Captain Hinata thought for a while, looked at Ray and said, "Ray, I think we should find that guy and ask him to see what he means."

Hearing what Captain Hinata said, Lei nodded, took out his Awakening Combat Instrument and said, "Well, I can show you the way."

"Do you know where Lin Tian is?" Haruna looked at Lei and said in surprise,

"Well, that's right. Ever since I took away this combat instrument, I have a feeling that I can sense the person holding the same combat instrument.

And the only people I have seen with such combat instruments are Lin Tian and Grandi from Qilu Star.

But Grandi had already been knocked down by Lin Tian.

Then the only one left is Lin Tian, ​​and I don’t know if there are others.”

"Okay, in that case, let's find that guy first and see if we can ask anything,"


On the other side, Lin Tian returned to the disc spacecraft,

At this time, Kate appeared again. Looking at Lin Tian, ​​Kate said: "Do you also want to be the heir of the Reblondo people?"

"No, I want to kill that guy," Lin Tian looked at Kate and said directly.

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Kate looked at Lin Tian and smiled and said, "Really? Then why do you want to kill that Ultraman Seven? With his help, you can't destroy Rebu even more." Are you from Langduo Star?"

"No, I think there are some things you'd better not know," he said, taking Kate back into the Awakening Combat Instrument.

Watching Kate disappear, a technological light appeared in front of Lin Tian's eyes. Xi Ling looked at Lin Tian and said in a somewhat discouraged tone: "Master, I still haven't found it. It seems like he has disappeared."

Hearing Xi Ling's words, Lin Tian nodded and said, "Well, I understand. Didn't you expect that the people from the Rebrando planet are quite well hidden?"

"By the way, how many Leonix are there on this planet?"

After hearing Lin Tian's words, Xi Ling said: "Out of the Leonix Rays on Earth, there are still 164 Leonix Rays."

Hearing Xi Ling's words, Lin Tian couldn't help but reveal a cold light in his eyes: "In that case, let's deal with them directly and see if the Rebland people can continue to hide. After all, we don't have much time."

After saying that, Lin Tian stood up, looked at Xi Ling and said again: "Find the nearest Leonix."


Lin Tian directly drove the escort fighter plane of the disc spaceship and left the disc spacecraft under Xi Ling's autopilot.

In less than half an hour, Lin Tian found two Leonixes fighting.

It was the Balkis and the Kemers.

The monster handed over to him is also fighting. It is the underground monster Telestone of the Balki planet.

and Nozoru, the reborn emperor of the Kemul people's space iron-slashing monster.

Watching the battle between the two monsters, Lin Tian didn't waste any time and directly transformed back into the larvae of Jetton.

Directly launched an attack on the two monsters,

At the same time, a dark black fireball directly attacked the Kemers and Balkis.

The powerful attack power directly killed two spacemen who were fighting.

Then the tentacles of the Zeton larvae also wrapped around Telestone and Reborn Emperor Nozolu.

Seeing the huge Zeton larva appear in front of me, it rolled itself up,

Telestong let out a blazing flame from his mouth and burned the tentacles that helped him.

The Reborn Emperor Nozoru continued to emit "cutting rays" from his two heads in an attempt to cut off the tentacles wrapped around him.

But the attacks of the two monsters had no effect at all.

It was directly swallowed by the Zeton larvae.

Chapter 60: Robbery of the Black Golden Ancient Bridge

Lin Tian solved the two Leonixes, and simply did not return to the fighter plane. He directly turned into a Zeton larvae and used his huge body to fly towards the next Leonix.

With the help of Xi Ling's radar detection, Lin Tian found the next location of Leonix.

Lin Tian started killing, one Leonix after another died in Lin Tian's hands, and the monsters were directly devoured by Lin Tian.

At the same time, the dark crystal energy in the body is constantly being transformed and stored in the body, constantly nourishing Hypajton's body, making it more powerful.

"Name: Lin Tian"

"Race: Zeton Clan (Human)"

"Status: Juvenile"

"Level: Pseudo-ultimate (A),"

"Talent, swallowing, teleportation, copying, immortality (pseudo) enhancement"

"Energy point: 543060"

After more than ten days of chasing and killing, Lin Tian solved nearly a hundred Leonix.

At the same time, because of the battle between Leonixes, according to Xi Ling's detection, what Lin Tian did not expect was that there were less than ten Leonixes.

And for some reason, the remaining Leonix seemed to have disappeared, and they all disappeared at the same time.

At the same time, the energy points once again reached more than 500,000, including the energy transformed by the Lin Tianjieton larvae itself.

Although the "+" at the end of the level still did not appear, Lin Tian also felt that his body was undergoing some transformation.

Originally, Lin Tian wanted to continue searching for the whereabouts of Leonix.

But this incident made Lin Tian stop in his tracks.

Xi Ling told Lin Tian that the "Pedanim energy reaction" was detected again.

Hearing what Xi Ling said, Lin Tian couldn't help but said: "Oh, I didn't expect that there were people from Pedan who escaped,"

As he spoke, the larvae of Jayton changed into Lin Tian, ​​and at the same time rushed towards the place where the Pedan people were,

When Lin Tianqian arrived, he found that the Panlong was surrounded by the decomposed form of a black golden ancient bridge.

At this time, a Pedan star Dayel entered the Panlong.

Looking at the black golden ancient bridge suspended in the air, Lin Tian couldn't help but his eyes lit up. "Interesting, it seems like something interesting happened. Xi Ling found an opportunity to directly seize this black golden ancient bridge. I feel that the strength of this golden ancient bridge should be good."


After saying that, Lin Tian also teleported directly towards the Panlong and arrived inside the Panlong.

It's just that I didn't enter the cab.

Then Lin Tian heard the voices of Dayir and Lei from the Pedan star talking,

But when Lin Tian entered the Panlong, Lei felt a special wave. Because it was too close and he was still on the Panlong, Lei thought it was the wave coming from his combat instrument.

Zailei didn't care.

"Long time no see, Lei," said the Pedan star Daier, pointing his weapon at Lei, and said in a bad tone: "Why are you still on this planet?

Didn't you say that you don't want to fight at all, and you just want to go back to Earth with this kid?

But you didn't go back. Not only that, you are still leisurely fighting in Leonix.

You liars want to win the final victory and become the heir of Lei Brondo, and finally dominate the entire universe, and then take my hometown Pedan star..."

Pedan star Daier became more and more excited, and his eyes looking at Lei were full of anger.

"No, the reason I fight is not to become the heir of Lei Brondo," Lei looked at Pedan star Daier and explained.

"You lied," Daier, the Pedan star, said angrily while looking at Lei,

"I didn't lie,"

At this time, Captain Hyuga also said, "Lei wanted to end this battle as soon as possible, so he voluntarily came to this planet,"

Hearing Captain Hyuga's words, Daier, the Pedan star, said in confusion, "What did you say?"

"Lei's wish is not to destroy or mess up, but the peace of this universe. For this reason, Lei is fighting, winning, and then defeating Lei Brondo. This is his ultimate goal," Captain Hyuga looked at Daier, the Pedan star, and explained.

Hearing what Captain Hyuga said, the Pedan star Daier said seriously: "Is what he said true?"


Seeing Lei nodded, the Pedan star Daier couldn't help but sneered and said: "You actually want to defeat Lei Brondo, don't be funny, have you ever considered whether you can do this kind of thing?"

"Of course you can, if it's Lei, it can definitely be done"

"Until now, Lei has been turning the impossible into possible. He is a better magician than me, not a monster controller,"

"Do you also try to believe it? If it's Lei, it can definitely save the future and save your hometown,"

Hearing what Haruna and the other two said, the Pedan star Daier said angrily: "Shut up, if you say so, then prove it to me"

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