"Okay, take a closer look at the battle in front of you and see clearly that this is the real battle." Lin Tian reminded Asakura Lu.

"I understand." Asakura Riku nodded quickly and looked into the distance.

The Dark Ultra Killer couldn't help but reveal a hint of shock when he looked at Asakura Riku.

"How could this guy be so favored by the emperor?"

In the center of the battlefield at this moment, the figures of Ultraman Galaxy and Dark Luchiel are constantly intertwined with each other.

The two of them had already entered the universe from the broken planet.

And the planet that was originally a bit broken, under the terrifying energy collision of the two people,

At this moment, it has already turned into dust in the universe.

And in the void of the universe,

Two streams of light, one silver and one black, approached at an extremely fast speed with endless momentum.

Two fists, one silver and one black, collided with each other, but there was no reaction or sound.

But the several kilometers of void of space centered on the bodies of Ultraman Galaxy and Dark Luge El,

Space cracks of different sizes opened one after another,

It proves how strong the energy burst out from this collision is and how powerful the destructive power is.

The terrifying energy also caused the two figures to retreat quickly.

Then he rushed towards the opponent again,

"Bang!" The two huge figures collided together again,

This time both sides used all their strength and waved their weapons.

In an instant, the tip of the dark spark gun collided with the tip of the galaxy spark gun.

The collision of dark red and silver energy caused the surrounding space to break into tiny cracks again.

At this moment, the energy of light and darkness was continuously transmitted from the bodies of Ultraman Galaxy and Luigi El.

Two different energies merged between the sword tip and the spear tip,

Forming a rapidly rotating black and white ball of light.

With the collision of Galaxy and Luji El's energy, the accumulated energy finally reached its limit.

"Boom!" exploded.

Following the expanding flame ball, the two huge figures flew backwards for hundreds of kilometers at the same time.

Luigi Air was panting violently, and even the dark spark gun in his hand was a little unsteady.

The two have been fighting for such a long time, and Dark Lukiel has also understood the current strength of Ultraman Galaxy at this moment.

Just like when he was born, the two sides were evenly matched, as if they were fighting alone. No one could even think of beating the other.

I can't even gain the slightest advantage.

Dark Lukiel looked at Ultraman Galaxy,

I couldn't help but think of the time when Ultraman Galaxy chased me.

And the previous battle with Ultraman Galaxy,

Just when I thought I could finally suppress Ultraman Galaxy,

If Emperor Kaz hadn't taken action, he would have been defeated by Ultraman Galaxy again.

Dark Lukiel stared at Ultraman Galaxy,

Some gritted their teeth and said: "I don't accept it, why, I have to be suppressed by you all the time,

Why deny darkness?

If the dark world does not exist forever, then why was I born in the first place? "

Ultraman Ginga was suspended opposite Luchiel, looking at the dark Luchiel full of resentment in front of him.

He said in a deep voice: "Where there is light, there is darkness. Light and darkness are opposites and symbiotic.

Luciel, give up your unrealistic world of eternal darkness. Give up your original idea. "

"Haha, give up?" Lukiel looked at Ultraman Galaxy with a sneer on his face: "I have seen too much darkness, the greed of human nature,

Even though what they have is enough for them to survive,

But they still want to seize more resources from others,

What causes this result is death and reincarnation of life. "

As long as all life comes to a standstill, there will be no more death, let alone war.

I want to create an eternal static world. There will be no death, no fighting, only eternity and only peace. This is the ideal world. "

"You are wrong, that kind of world is wrong," Yinhe couldn't help but shook his head firmly: "It is true that compared to the universe, life is very small and short.

But the death of life is the beginning of new life,

Such a world where life continues is the real world. "

Ultraman Galaxy: "I am the embodiment of light, I understand the bright side of life,

They are by no means irredeemable, and your methods will never succeed. "

"But it is still full of wars and conflicts, and it has been for who knows how many thousands of years.

None of us can convince anyone directly.

However, this time Ultraman Galaxy will definitely lose to you. "

Dark Lukiel looked at Ultraman Galaxy, and the dark energy in his body burst out without hesitation.

Injected into the dark spark gun in his hand.

Chapter 154 The Outbreak of Ultraman Galaxy

Ultraman Ginga looked at Dark Lukiel's movements and raised his right arm high.

Then the crystals all over his body immediately glowed with fiery red light,

Then these lights turned into blazing flames,

Several fireballs condensed around Ultraman Galaxy.

The temperature contained in the fireball had already made the surrounding void make a "squeaking" sound.

As Yinghe shouted, several flame balls flew out and flew straight towards Luchiel on the opposite side.

Luchiel shouted angrily and waved the dark spark gun in his hand one after another.

A series of terrifying energy slashes were released from the dark spark gun,

Spread the incoming flame balls one by one,

However, the energy carried in the flame ball also caused Luchiel's body to retreat.

By the time all the flame balls were scattered, Luigi El had already retreated several thousand meters.

"Galaxy Lightning Bolt!"

Ultraman Ginga's whole body shines with golden light. Starting from his head, the crystals on his arms and chest release strong lightning energy in all directions.

Condensed into a huge lightning ball,

Then the lightning clusters condensed into a strong electric light,

With the wave of Galaxy's arm, it attacked Luchiel.

"Do you really want to defeat me? Don't forget that I can do it too, Dark Thunder."

Lujiai raised his right arm high, scarlet thunder and lightning lingered,

It directly collided with the Galaxy Thunder light, splashing violent sparks, and both of them annihilated each other and dissipated.

After Ultraman Galaxy launched this attack, he immediately retracted his arms and crossed them in front of him.

The crystals all over his body shine with intense purple light as the Milky Way moves,

Endless energy gathers at the head of the galaxy,

"Galaxy Flash Slash"

Ultraman Galaxy condensed into a purple light sword and roared towards Luciel.

The dark spark gun in Lukiel's hand thrust forward, and a dark red light flew out.

Two powerful energies collided together, bursting out with a violent flash of light.

Yinhe was not discouraged at all, and immediately changed his attack after failing to succeed.

Raising his arms, the crystals all over his body glowed pink,

Endless energy gathers on the arms of the Milky Way,

He put his hands together to emit a golden, super-powerful galactic cross ray, heading straight towards Luciel.

Luchiel turned around and blocked the dark spark gun in front of him.

The body couldn't help but retreat under the strong light,

But until the power of the light is exhausted,

Even he couldn't break through Lujiel's defense.

It just caused Luchiel to retreat thousands of meters.

After a long period of unscrupulous collision, both of their chests rose and fell to varying degrees.

"Is that all you can do?" Luciel lowered his right arm holding the dark spark gun and sneered.

Even though he said this, Dark Lukiel couldn't help but feel a little frightened at the moment.

Ultraman Ginga is different from me. You must know that the original origin of Ultraman Ginga was almost broken up.

Although they both lost the blessing of plasma galactic power,

But his condition is much better than Ultraman Galaxy.

But now Ultraman Galaxy is almost the same as him again.

Ultraman Ginga was also out of breath, feeling the little energy left in his body.

"No, we can't drag it on like this any longer. This is the territory of the Kaz Empire.

Dark Ultra Killer,

I don't know where I'm going, as well as Atalga.

I want to take Victory away as soon as possible, or find Victory. "

Thinking of this, the golden light on Ultraman Galaxy's wrist shined,

A round bracelet appeared in Ultraman Galaxy's hand, it was the Super Stream Bracelet.

"Lend me your power of light," Ultraman Sui Xin Galaxy finished his words.

Ultraman Galaxy's body exploded with even more powerful power,

The crystals all over his body immediately shone with rainbow-like light.

The dazzling light like a small sun covered the figure of Ultraman Galaxy.

"How is this possible?" Dark Lukiel also looked at this scene with some disbelief,

He couldn't understand why Ultraman Galaxy was able to burst out with such terrifying energy at this moment.

And in the void, Lin Tian couldn't help but frowned as the three people looked at this scene.

At this moment, Ultraman Ginga, although he still has not reached the level of legend, the energy fluctuations that burst out,

Just like his original half-step legend, the energy exploded into legendary level combat power.

Fortunately, Ultraman Ginga couldn't hold on for long at this moment.

Compared to the Strim bracelet,

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