The Ampera alien waved the blade in his hand and easily blocked Ultraman Orb's Orb Slasher.

Then the Ampera star turned around and slashed out the Ampera blade.

Suddenly a terrifying energy slash attacked Ultraman Orb.

Facing this sudden attack, Ultraman Orb could only hold the Orb Slayer in front of him.

The powerful energy impact directly knocked Ultraman Orb away.

Then it hit the ground hard.

Seeing this scene, Ultraman Geed couldn't help clenching his fingers, and then murmured to himself:

"I can definitely do it, I can definitely do it."

Then he looked at the two monster capsules floating in front of him.

At the same time, Ultraman Geed also took out the filled capsule,

"Angel Zog"

Fill the Angel Zog capsule into the reloading fist gun,

Then the capsules of the two Fayibu kings were also filled into the reloading fist gun.

However, the next moment, the two capsules bloomed with dazzling purple light.

And in the capsule that originally contained the Five Emperors, the figures of the Five Emperors inside changed at the next moment.

Looking at the changed capsule, Asakura Riku couldn't help but said in surprise: "Lin Tian"

An unspeakable uneasiness suddenly filled Asakura Riku's heart.

The next moment, Asakura Riku found that his Geed sublimation device had flown out of his hand.

At the same time, all Ultra Capsules and Monster Capsules floated in front of Ultraman Geed.

It began to rotate with Asakura Riku as the center.

At the same time, the energy of all capsules is also pulled by a special wave,

The energy in these capsules began to be forcibly stripped out,

Then it was injected into Asakura Riku's body.


Facing the huge energy extracted from all Ultra Capsules and Monster Capsules,

The powerful energy infusion made Riku Asakura feel unprecedented pain.

At the same time, Asakura Lu felt as if something had awakened in his body.

At this time, the two capsules of King Faib and Angel Zog,

Along with the Geed sublimation device and the reloading fist gun, they flew to Asakura Riku's head.

As the reloaded fist gun slowly slid, the mechanically synthesized sound emitted by the Geed sublimator made Asakura Riku completely panicked.



As these two mechanically synthesized voices sounded,

All the monster capsules and Ultra Capsules were stripped of their energy at this moment.

There are some cracks all over.

Incomparably huge powers of light and darkness flowed through Ultraman Geed's body at the same time.

"Whoosh!" Endless light and dark purple thunder and lightning rose into the sky,

At the same time, the momentum brought by the raging flame light dispersed all the dark clouds within tens of thousands of meters around Ultraman Geed.

revealing the bright sky behind.

But the next moment, it was covered again by another special darkness,

The Amperas and Ultraman Orb who were fighting were also attracted by the noise made by Ultraman Geed.

The movements in his hands stopped involuntarily.

The dark purple energy and the evil light slowly merged into Ultraman Geed's body.

The next moment, all the Ultra Capsules surrounding Asakura Riku were directly integrated into Ultraman Geed's body.

However, the next moment, these energies suddenly disappeared from Asakura Lu's body.

As if something had eaten him,


A sound similar to a beast's roar resounded from Ultraman Geed's mouth,

It's like the beast sealed in ancient times has awakened,

The terrifying sound waves completely shattered the waste buildings around Ultraman Geed.

Then wisps of dark red mist filled Ultraman Geed's body,

Shrouded around Ultraman Geed's body,

Condensed into a terrifying beast-shaped Jayton phantom several times larger than Ultraman Geed,

Those majestic yellow eyes looked down at the people in front of them.

Faced with the sudden changes in Ultraman Geed,

The Ampera star couldn't help but show a solemn look on his face.

Chapter 35 Attention from all parties


The next moment, a dark black tail came out of Ultraman Geed's body,

The whole body is glowing with dark purple light,

There are also extremely fine red lightning-like lines in the middle.

The original red color of Ultraman Geed's body faded and turned into mainly dark blue with dark golden stripes all over it.

A pattern like an eye appeared on Ultraman Geed's back.

At the same time, a pair of black wing-like lines appeared around the eye lines.

From the outside, Ultraman Geed doesn't have any of the signs of Zog and King Faib at all.

There are two sharp arm blades close to the outside of both arms.

But it’s not fixed like the Dark Ultra Killer.

It can be rotated forward and backward, and can be turned into an arm blade or a blade.

Both shoulders are covered with thick purple-gray biological scales.

A pair of blue eyes faintly glowing like blood,

Combined with the patterns on the body, it looks even more eerie.

At this moment, Asakura Riku found that he had completely lost the ability to control his body.

There were dark clouds in the sky, and the terrifying atmosphere gave people a feeling of being out of breath.

Black thunder and lightning kept falling around Ultraman Geed.

From time to time, it fell on Ultraman Geed, but was swallowed up by Ultraman Geed.

And thousands of kilometers away,

Seeing the transformation of Ultraman Geed, the excitement that could not be concealed was revealed in the eyes of ‘Fushii Dek’.

"Successful, finally successful,

As expected of my son, you have truly gained this power. "

At this moment, the energy fluctuations emitted by Ultraman Geed,

I have reached the point where I can use the Dark Lugeel and the Ampera Star Capsule.

Belial has been waiting for this moment since he threw the stolen capsule to Ultraman Geed.

All the capsules were tampered with by Beria.

And those two capsules are not King Faib and Angel Zog at all.

King Faib contains the power that belongs to him, Beria,

And Angel Zog contains the power of that guy Kaz,

In other words, it is the energy after the dark energy that Kaz gave him at the beginning was stripped out by himself.

This is also why Belial was able to enter Ultraman Geed's dimension.

At the same time, outside the earth, in the dark space,

Lin Tian's gaze penetrated the dark space and spanned a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers.

"This feeling of connection, Beria, what are you doing,"

Then looking at the disc spacecraft in the dark space, Lin Tian shook his head,

"The battle on Earth needs to end as soon as possible, otherwise, Gilbaris will be in trouble if he runs away."

On the other side, Zero, who had just entered the solar system, also felt this sky-high energy fluctuation.

"What exactly happened on Earth? Why is this energy wave so similar to Kaz?"

At this time, Zero thought of the disappearing dark space and rushed towards the earth even faster.

king star

The original bead on the Ultra King's forehead flashed for a moment,

"This energy, Kaz, what are you doing?"

Immediately, a burst of space fluctuations flashed through, and the figure of the Ultra King disappeared from the place.

In a remote universe, a colorful starry sky suddenly shook.

Then the entire colorful starry sky disappeared into the original universe.

At the same time, in a space filled with gold, golden energy permeated it like an ocean,

And at this moment, a pair of golden eyes suddenly opened their eyes,

As the golden eyes opened,

There was a riot in the golden energy ocean, and the golden space also showed signs of collapse.

Those golden eyes looked at the rioting energy,

Immediately after sighing, a golden light filled the air from the golden space.

"Time is running out"

Then he fell into deep sleep again, and as the golden eyes disappeared,

The rioting energy calmed down again.

At this moment, Beria had no idea what he had done.

Such news has even greater impact than when Kaz was promoted to Legend.

But looking at Ultraman Geed, his eyes were full of excitement.

"Roar" Ultraman Geed roared again, his eyes filled with violence.

At the same time, bursts of tooth-grinding sounds of bone friction came from Ged's body, just like the whispers of giants from ancient times.

At this time, Ultraman Orb also quietly came to the vicinity of Ultraman Geed,

Seeing the transformation of Ultraman Geed, he was full of evil intentions, and his body was filled with huge mixed power of darkness and light.

But Ultraman Orb also knew that something was wrong with Ultraman Geed at this moment.

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