Seeing the attack of Hyperjedon (pseudo), Siao was not idle either.

Aguru flew into the air again, with light surging around his body, and his arms intertwined in front of him.

"Aguru Flow Line"

The same is true for Gaia, energy surges from her body,

"Photon Streamline"

Tiga and Dana also launched their strongest attacks,

"Zaipelliao rays,"

"Soljes Ray"

The attack rays of Gaia and Aguru intersected with each other and merged into a huge streamlined beam that directly attacked Hypajeton (pseudo).

Seeing the attack of the three rays of light, Hyperjetton (pseudo) directly canceled the condensation of the dark fireball, and a huge red vortex appeared on his chest.

He directly absorbed all Heisei Shiao's attacks.

"How is it possible?" Looking at this scene, Gaia and Aguru were shocked.

Before they could finish their shock, a terrifying voice sounded: "Give it back to you."

The red vortex appeared again, and three attacks were directed towards Siao.

Aguru, who was in the air, was directly attacked by Diga's light and fell directly to the ground.

The other San'ao were directly hit by Gaia, Aguru, and Dyna's light, and they also fell to the ground one after another.

The indicator light on his chest began to flash continuously.

Looking at Siao who was lying on the ground dying,

Hypajedon (pseudo) walked forward, and the tentacles behind him wrapped directly around Siao.

Then he started to plunder the light from Siao,

As the light was taken away, Gaia and Aguru slowly turned into stone statues, while the bodies of Dyna and Tiga dissipated directly.

Looking at the disappearing Dyna and Tiga, Hypajeton (pseudo) couldn't help but frown. At this time, Lin Tian also understood that Tiga and Dyna were just lights summoned by the red ball.

As for Gaia and Agul, just when Hypajeton (pseudo) wanted to destroy the stone statue directly, a golden light suddenly flashed,

The stone statues of Aguru and Gaia disappeared directly from Lin Tian's eyes.

"I*, you still play like this," Lin Tian couldn't help but said when looking at this scene,

In Lin Tian's perception, the two secrets disappeared out of thin air. Although there was golden light,

But there is no spatial fluctuation.

But now Lin Tian can't control so much. After absorbing Si'ao's light, the energy crystals in his body have been completely transformed.

At the same time, due to the destruction of the five-headed monster, a large amount of despair and fear were swallowed up by Hypajeton (pseudo) and turned into dark energy.

Lin Tian knew how long it would take to fall asleep this time, so just in case,

After Lin Tian handed over control of the five-headed monster to Xi Ling, he would be able to retreat with him no matter what happened.

As for why the transformation was not carried out in the disc spacecraft, it was because Lin Tian was afraid of destroying the disc spacecraft. Who knows what would happen during the transformation process?

If it were the same as when he devoured leaf rot, I am afraid that the disc spacecraft would be directly destroyed by Lin Tian. By then, Lin Tian would really cry.

Then the huge body of Hypa Jetton (pseudo) fell into a deep sleep. Not only Hypa Jetton (pseudo), but also Lin Tian fell into a deep sleep.

He fell into a complete sleep and began to undergo transformation of his soul and life level.

A layer of hard and transparent carapace appeared on the surface of Hypajedon (pseudo)'s huge body, covering Hypajedon (pseudo).

At the same time, the dark energy stored in Hypa Jetton's (pseudo) body was also released at this time,

At this moment, the entire sky plunged into darkness again, and the terrifying aura exuded by Hyperjedon (pseudo) became heavier and heavier.

All surviving people on the entire planet feel great depression,

The living people are even more fearful and desperate, because they don’t know when these days will end.

At the same time, I don’t know when I will be killed by a monster.

And this kind of fear and despair constantly turned into dark energy and poured into the body of Hyperjedon (pseudo).

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly votes, please give me evaluation votes, please give me everything, please support me).

Chapter 100: Transformation, an invitation from Tartarus (please subscribe)

Thank you "Tiandao Angel" for urging me to update. Thank you.

And Lin Tian of Hypa Jetton (pseudo) also began to undergo earth-shaking changes. Hypa Jetton, who was originally at the core of Hypa Jetton (pseudo), also completely merged with Lin Tian's soul.

The powerful soul oppression that was originally there also disappeared at this moment.

The soul and Hyperjetton are also perfectly integrated.

At the same time, the carapace wrapping Lin Tian was getting smaller and smaller, and now it was less than a hundred meters.

At the same time, dark energy also began to integrate into Hyperjedon's body.

From this moment on, Hypageton (pseudo) began its true transformation.

And a large amount of dark energy continues to fill Haupageton's body, enhancing Haupageton's strength.

Just wait quietly for the moment Lin Tian wakes up.

The destruction of the five-headed monster did not stop just because Lin Tian fell asleep.

Instead, it continued to destroy. King Obermens came to America and continued to destroy everything from north to south.

Even the most advanced weapons were unable to harm King Oubmons at all.

A large number of humans fell into fear and despair when they saw that the monsters could not be eliminated.

King Red and Tailan also completely destroyed the country on the land under Lin Tian's feet.

It's just that the bone-winged super beast Bagilis was wiped out by nuclear bombs from several European countries.

But the whole of Europe is more or less finished.

And at this moment, a golden space-time gate slowly opened, and two golden figures appeared again,

One of the guys with horns on his head, Diavolo looked at the cocoon made of the huge Hypajton (pseudo) in front of him and said: "Tartarus, is this the ultimate life form you mentioned? , doesn’t it seem as powerful as you said?”

Tartarus looked at Diavolo and couldn't help but said: "You have forgotten that he is the really bad guy who destroyed the Kingdom of Light. If we invite him, then the Kingdom of Light will definitely belong to us Absolutes." ,"

"So what should we do now? This guy hasn't completely transformed yet,"

At this time, a huge disc spaceship appeared in the sky above Diavolo and Tartarus.

The projection of Xi Ling appeared in front of Diavolo and Tartarus: "Who are you two and what do you want to do to the master?"

After Xi Ling finished speaking, the figures of four monsters rushed towards this place and appeared in the eyes of Diavolo and Tartarus.

It is King Red, Tailan, King Oubmons and the giant jawed sea beast Scyura,

After hearing what Yuanpan said, Tartarus looked at Xi Ling and said:

"Since you asked the question sincerely... I'm off topic."

"I am the warrior of Absolut, the ultimate life form, Absolut Tartarus,"

"I am the ultimate living being, Absolute Diavolo."

Speaking of which, the terrifying momentum of Tartarus and Diavolo burst out, as well as the life pressure of the ultimate life form.

Feeling the momentum of the two ultimate life forms, the four monsters couldn't help but show fearful eyes.

Xi Ling also saw how powerful Tartarus and Diavolo were.

"What on earth are you going to do? If you want to hurt the master, don't even think about it."

As he spoke, under the control of Xi Ling, the muzzles of the Pedanim light cannon and the Pedanim destroyer cannon on the disc spacecraft appeared,

And gather energy, ready to attack at any time,

Seeing this scene, Diablo was a little impulsive and wanted to destroy the disc spacecraft directly.

But he was stopped by Tartarus.

"Now is not the time to add more enemies to us. Our main target now is the Kingdom of Light. If Xi Ling is really destroyed, we will not feel comfortable,"

Then Tartarus looked at Xi Ling and said: "Xi Ling, we have no ill intentions. The energy of this universe is no longer enough for your master to complete his transformation.

I can take him to another universe and let him absorb more powerful dark energy of despair and fear. "

Hearing this, Xi Ling couldn't help but be startled, her eyes still looking at Tartarus and Diavolo warily.

As for what Tartarus said, Xi Ling didn't believe it at all.

Seeing Xi Ling still looking at him warily, Tartarus didn't want to talk nonsense anymore.

As an ultimate life form, he also has the dignity of an ultimate life form.

I won’t say that much at all. This explanation is also to give face to the ultimate life form Lin Tian.

Otherwise, Tartarus wouldn't have so much nonsense based on a Xiling that has not completely turned into life.

Seeing that Xi Ling disagreed, Tartarus looked at Diavolo and said, "Don't destroy it. Is it still useful?"

After hearing Tartarus' words, Diavolo couldn't help but show some reluctance in his eyes, but he still stopped Tartarus' words.

"The secret of the Space Fantasy Beast Fist, the Strong Power Breaking Ox Fist."

As he spoke, he clenched his fists in front of him, concentrated energy on the golden bull emblem on his chest, expanded the projection forward, and finally pushed his fists forward, but he didn't use too much energy.

He launched the energy emblem directly towards the disc spaceship in the sky and attacked it.

At the same time, the attack of the disc spacecraft also directly attacked Tartarus and Diavolo.

In an instant, the disk spacecraft's attack collided with Diavolo's attack.

At this time, the Tartarus Hands used their own power to create a special space similar to the pocket universe, Narak,

It directly enveloped Lin Tian, ​​who was about to wake up. At this time, Lin Tian, ​​who had been sleeping, woke up, and a terrifying dark energy was released from the cocoon.

At the same time, Lin Tian's shadow also appeared in front of Tartarus,

Looking at Tartarus in front of him, Lin Tian couldn't help but say, "Little Golden Man, cough cough."

Lin Tian's face straightened, he looked at Tartarus and Diavolo and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Tartarus said: "We have no ill intentions, we just want to transform you further and invite you to join our kingdom."

After hearing Tartarus's words, Lin Tian felt the powerful life breath of Tartarus and Diavolo.

Lin Tian also knows that Tartarus travels through different parallel universes and time and space, looking for warriors in each time and space who pose a great threat to the Kingdom of Light, which are the parallel time and space sympathizers mentioned by Zoffi.

Feeling that he was undergoing a critical moment of transformation, Lin Tian agreed.

"Okay, I can promise you, but don't hurt Xi Ling and Kate,"

"This is no problem,"

While talking, Tartarus and Diavolo took the cocoon formed by Lin Tian into the Nalak space, and at the same time, the two of them also entered the Nalak space.

Rushing towards the next time and space,

Looking at the disappearing Lin Tian, ​​Xi Ling was also a little angry. Seeing that the four monsters below did not protect their master from transforming,

At this moment, Xi Ling could not help but want to kill the four monsters directly.

If Kate hadn't stopped him, I'm afraid...

"Don't worry, they probably didn't think of killing Lin Tianxia, ​​they probably wanted to help him, otherwise we wouldn't survive. And Lin Tian woke up before, didn't I tell you?"

Kate also heard what Tartarus and Diablo said just now,

The ultimate life form, and there are two of them. The huge pressure of the ultimate life form can't be resisted by a mere disc spaceship.

Hearing Kate's words, Xi Ling also looked at Kate with a bad face. Since the master had this woman, he didn't talk to her much.

But Xi Ling also knew that what Kate said should be true. According to the previous records of the Baite people, the ultimate life form is very terrifying.

The former ultimate life form, the Lei Brondo people, ruled the entire universe. If it weren't for the unknown reason that the body was destroyed, I'm afraid it would be hard to say now.

"Then do you have any way to find the master? The master's life information has left this universe."

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